What is the code 919 on the phone number. Codes of mobile operators in Russia

    I got robbed.

    Posted an ad on Avito. They call - everything suits. We arrange a meeting at 19:00. Non-cash payments. Sberbank, VTB - absent. Several others are offered. Choose Tinkoff. At the appointed time at 19:00 no calls and actually money transfers. I call, they say “Yes, yes, now ...

    They write a message allegedly that the pedigreed husky puppies have an owner in the castle and they want to put them to sleep. They offer to contact this number and pick up the puppies, whoever wants. And they take a lot of money for the call.

    He asks to provide the card number in order to transfer money for the goods and that the courier will later pick it up, and tell him the code in SMS. Don't say anything, send.

    They are bred for money, they order delivery of something, they also ask to put money on any number, promising to give it back when they bring delivery.

    Instead of me, someone corresponded with him on the topic of sex (he is an asset, and I am supposedly a liability). Then he writes that he will post the correspondence on the social. network and requires 500 rubles. Where does he get my data from?

    They write that I got to the distribution and I have to transfer 2500 thousand rubles to the card, if I add the number to the emergency situation or block it, the golden eagle’s squad will come and take many times more.

    Suspicious call.

    I understand that this is the phone of some bank that illegally took over my phone number. Called several times in March 2020 and hung up. Then I called them myself, listened to the loan offer, pressed the incorrect button 9, the answering machine promised not to bother me again. I think this is...

    They hang up, and when you call back to this number, they inform you that this number does not exist.

    Silent call.

    Allegedly, they are conducting a survey, tortured with calls.

    Annoying and silent calls, 10 times a day, daily.

    scammers by bank cards!!

    They are scammers, don't see me. They introduced themselves from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We urgently need an apartment - we transfer money, and you go to an ATM and print out a check.

    They call several times a day almost every day. Once answered - silence. They are very annoying, they do not have the right to call and distract from business in this way.

    They sell tickets for Avito.

    Calls, tries to breed for a car loan, then says that they are trying to withdraw funds from my card and asks to call it CVV.

    Scammers. Sell ​​any product. They ask for money in advance, because with delivery. Then the ad disappears, the number is unavailable.

    Threats, insults. For some debt of a friend.

    100% scammer. Sells non-existent goods through Avito.

    Through Avito, they find ads, call and ask to go to an ATM to issue a login to their personal account.

    Blackmail, extort money.

    Came: "Hello! We found your resume interesting. In connection with the expansion of the office, management and office staff are required. If the job search is still relevant for you, we invite you to an interview. Mail is checked out of time, please call us at 89251110545…

    It is reported that the phone number has won a certificate for English language. They offer to come to school and pick up a gift. He replied that he was not interested and hung up.

    Dialing from another region.


    Call, reset.

    They ask you to take a survey to find out my personal data, scammers!

    Suspicious short calls from this phone.

(9154 people)

Codes mobile operators Russia

02 September 2013

Mobile communications have become so firmly and organically integrated into our lives that it is already difficult to imagine your day without cell phone. There are several operators in each country.
As a rule, these are a number of large companies operating at the federal level, and many small, regional ones.
Somewhere there are very few such operators, in developed countries there are about 20-30, and in the USA - more than 100!

Variety is wonderful. We have the opportunity to choose a company whose quality of service and tariffs are the most suitable. It’s just that it’s sometimes very difficult to figure out who owns a particular phone number. But this important information. Knowing the operator, we can at least approximately determine how much the conversation will cost. A simple example: if you call your mobile operator, the cost will be X, and if another operator, then 2X, 3X, and so on. About the amount that you have to pay for a conversation with a subscriber of a foreign operator cellular communication and it's not worth talking about. Obviously it will be very large. Therefore, it is important to know the codes of Russian mobile operators in order not to get into a mess.


The question arises: how to determine which mobile operator the phone number belongs to? There are several ways. The first is to memorize the codes of the operators of your country. Not the easiest option, you see. The second is to look for data on the Internet. Here, too, difficulties may arise, especially if the operator is foreign. How will you study the operator's website in Arabic, for example, the language? Therefore, we suggest that you use the third method - the base of operator codes. Especially for you, we have created the section "Codes of mobile operators of the world". It contains useful and up-to-date information about codes and tips for deciphering a phone number. From this section, you will learn that each mobile operator has its own special code, after which comes the actual phone number. This code can consist of three or more digits, and is called a prefix (or def-code). It is the def-code that allows you to determine the mobile operator. When examining a phone number, do not forget that the country code may appear before the prefix. Thus, the telephone number of any mobile operator consists of three parts: Country code + Operator code + Phone number


In our country, the most popular telephone numbers are the so-called " big three”: MegaFon, MTS and Beeline. Due to the wide distribution of the numbers of these operators, most people remember without serious problems which codes belong to which operator. If there are difficulties, use our hint. So, how to identify the code of a mobile operator in Russia?


The MTS mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 910-919 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. In new numbers, it is no longer uncommon for the MTS telephone code, which is in the range from 980 to 989.
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989


The Beeline mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 903-909 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. The new numbers will most likely use the Beeline phone code, which ranges from 960 to 976.
903 905 906 909 960 961 962
963 964 965 966 967 968 976


The MegaFon mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 920-926 belong to long-registered subscribers. New numbers often contain the MegaFon phone code, which ranges from 927 to 937. Our website contains all the codes of mobile operators in Russia, as well as other countries. Using the reference book "Operator codes mobile communications”, you can always determine who owns the phone number you are interested in. In addition, we invite you to take advantage of a special offer and for a very attractive price buy easy-to-remember numbers. For example,

Our visitors leave comments and reviews about the phone numbers from which they received calls - this is how we help each other protect ourselves from unwanted or inconvenient calls. The opinion of the authors of the review does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the site administration.


Actually this former MTS. Now they are Tele-2. That is why I filmed 5.5 r per minute. But that's not what the review is about.
I found the option to "raise money" on the promotion of the account. I transferred the minimum amount of 500 rubles to this qiwi wallet number. They promised 100 rubles of dividends per day. But they explained that the amount was small and began to pay 300 a week. Three payments have arrived. Then in the correspondence they offered to increase the rate to 1000. I did it and, oh, a miracle! I won a large amount - more than 20 thousand rubles. But to get them I have to pay a commission of 1500 rubles. I hesitated, but translated them. It turned out that I did it late and I have to pay another 800 rubles. Then some more bureaucratic delays and excuses. In the end, "I have accumulated 50 thousand on my account" and they cannot be transferred to qiwi, but only to a card. A few more days of squabbling with them on the Internet and by phone.
In total, he transferred more than 10 thousand to them. I weighed everything and realized that it was a scam.


At first everything was fine. I work as an electrician. A certain Bogdan called. Offered cooperation. He has a website from which he offers to promote your phone number. Drops you Applications for some time, for free. After the free period, ask to pay 2000 rubles and he puts your number on his website. Everything is honest. But as soon as you pay and he puts your number, everything .... calls and Applications stop .. I, in turn, asked to return at least part of the funds and immediately got into an emergency


This is the number of Dmitry, a native of Kazakhstan. Came to work in St. Petersburg. Borrows everyone's money for accommodation and food. If he finds a job, then he only holds on for two or three weeks. Then he decides that he deserves better and quits. In general, he lives at the expense of others. It is easy to gain trust. Tells how noble and honest he is. And then he throws. Now it seems to be already in Moscow. But not sure. Beware of this gigolo, swindler and scoundrel.


Someone wrote to Loveplenet and offered to continue the dialogue in Viber from this number. Allegedly, a girl with a very convincing legend suggests going to the theater. On the face of it, it has already become a classic wiring for money, where you pay online and the person successfully disappears. Wiring appeared at about the same time as hookah wiring. Meet in real life guys.


Sypchenko Eduard, Rostov region, 06/07/1999 Renting housing, not going to pay further, starts organizing a circus with "rights", apparently he is cheating for the first time, he ran to shoot with his bag, apparently he was already kicked out, he is engaged in slander and misrepresentation of facts, stay away from this character(

A computer