Enter my email address. Email mail - registration, choosing an email address, how to enter your mailbox and how to view incoming letters on your page


Select one or more email services on which you will create your email. There are many of these services both in Russia and abroad. For example,

- http://www.yandex.ru/
- http://www.rambler.ru/
- http://www.km.ru/
- http://www.rbk.ru/
- http://www.gmail.com/
- http://www.yahoo.com/.

This is not a complete list. In your choice, be guided by the fact that after registration you will, in most cases, also receive access to various additional services: an electronic wallet, a personal page on a local social network, a personal ISQ number, the opportunity to create your own website and much more - everyone has a specific list your service.

Begin the process of registering your account. To do this, on the main page of the selected mail service, click on the link “Registration”, “Create a mailbox”, “Create mail” - the specific name depends on the resource. On the page that opens, fill out the registration form following the system prompts.

When registering, please provide your real information: full name, mobile phone, date of birth, etc. This will help you when regaining access to your account if you forget your password, and when searching for old acquaintances in local . If you wish, you can always hide your personal data from strangers - this is regulated in your account settings, which will become available to you after completing the registration process. You will find detailed instructions in the help system of the selected postal service.

It is especially important to provide accurate information if you plan to use the electronic wallet provided by your mail service in the future - you will not be identified under a fictitious name, and as a result, you may have problems transferring money.

Keep in mind when registering an e-mail that you will not be able to change your name (login) in the future - if you don’t like something, you will have to register a new mailbox under a new name. Also note that many email services allow you to register an account on different domains (the domain is indicated in your address after the “@” sign). If the login you have chosen is occupied on the main domain, it may be free on the additional one. Available domains can be checked by opening the drop-down list in the registration form.

Set a password and a combination of “security question and answer” in such a way that your account cannot be used. Do not enter information that is too obvious and known to everyone, such as the name of your favorite dog, which all your friends probably know. Or make a couple of spelling and/or grammatical errors on purpose. Use illogical combinations of lowercase and uppercase letters, special characters (for example, “@” instead of the letter “a”, zero instead of the letter “o”, etc.)

Please note that it is possible to create an e-mail on a corporate mail account, if your company has one and your position allows it. To create your mailbox, you will need to contact the network administrator - that is, the person who directly oversees all “computer issues” in your organization. But keep in mind that if you are fired, you will lose access. And even while you work at the enterprise, it is possible that the same network administrator will be able to view your correspondence.

Please also keep in mind that it is practically possible to register your own domain, and therefore create your own completely unique e-mail. Like vanya @ pupkin.net. For example here: http://www.general-domain.ru/. However, you will have to pay to register a custom domain. However, in most cases, this is inexpensive, and if you intend to run your own business online, such an address will look more respectable.

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On the Internet, everything starts with email. Without an electronic mailbox, it is impossible to register on any website, it is impossible to receive or transmit information. Your success on the Internet depends on the performance of your mail server.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - active Internet connection.


Before you email, think about doing this. There are many options for mail servers, such as yandex.ru, mail.ru, rambler. ru, etc. Large ones (for example, Spark) also have their own mail servers. Advanced Internet users often register mailboxes on several servers at once. This is very convenient, because if one drawer gets blocked for any reason, you can use a spare one. If you are just going to create an email account, then use the reliable and proven international system "Gmail".

In the newly opened window, fill out each column in turn. To fill in the fields “first name”, “last name” and “login name”, use the Latin alphabet. Once you have completed these three fields, click "check availability". If, as in this case, the login you have chosen is already taken, you can choose one of those offered by the system, or add additional letters or numbers to the existing one. For example, to the already existing “IPetrov” we add a second v and the date of birth “1990”. The resulting login "IPetrovv1990" is free.

Now create a password for your future mailbox. When choosing a combination of numbers, do not choose easy combinations like “777”; such a box will be easy to hack. But don’t choose variations that are too complex. Remember that unlike a computer, you may forget your password! Write it down in a safe place. It's better if your password is not a spontaneous combination of letters and numbers, but something that is valuable to your memory (for example, the license plate of your first car, your date of birth and your child's initials).

Having figured out the password, check the box next to “Enable the Web History service.” This function will unobtrusively help you find what you have been looking for. It works constantly, looking for information for you that you were interested in earlier.

Next, select a secret question and write the answer to it using the Russian layout. This will help you log in if you ever forget your password. If you already have an email address, enter it in the appropriate field. This will also help you establish control over your account in case you lose your password. Now carefully enter the combination of letters so that the system makes sure that you are not a robot.
Read the user agreement and confirm your agreement by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the page.

Not everyone thinks about the fact that a username replaces our own name in online communication. And the success of your business or authority among forum users sometimes depends on the correctly chosen name, not to mention possible problems with the site administration.


Remember the most important rule: you need to choose a username that is as expressive and memorable as possible, if you don’t want to blend in with the crowd consisting of Alexandr2010, Olenka11-11-11, Angelochek, Alyosha’s Mom and the like with very difficult to remember and unremarkable names . For the same reason, do not choose names that are too short or too long, or names that consist of numbers that have no meaning to other people.

Check the list of existing users for similar names before . Otherwise, you risk being very upset that your original nickname sounds like a copy of the nickname of an already famous user. In this case, it is better to come up with a new option. If a duplicate nickname is already registered and you find out about the duplicate too late, contact the moderators to request a change to your username.

Think about the purpose for which you are creating this account. If it is created for communication on various forums, emphasize your knowledge of the issues discussed. For example, on a forum for moms, you will immediately attract attention if your username sounds like Pediatrician or Mary Poppins. If you do not set commercial goals for yourself, you can think of an even more original name.

Evaluate whether you will be using the account you are creating for business communications. If it is being created or will probably be used for serious purposes and business correspondence, it is best to use the name of the company (if you want to pass yourself off as a representative of one) or surname and initials in the username.

Read the list of prohibited uses according to the site rules. If the option you want is listed there, think carefully not only about changing your nickname, but also about the advisability of choosing a username in this vein.

Video on the topic

The term "mail" has Latin origins. Previously, this word was used to describe a station for the exchange of couriers and horses. Now this concept means a post office and a collection of various correspondence. Most people communicate using email, sending messages to each other over the Internet.


What is mail called? In Rus', the first postal services arose in the 10th century. Already at that time, there was a duty among the people to display carts with horses for noble persons. In the 13th century, a special service was created for sending written messages on replaceable horses along the tracks, the so-called Yamskaya chasing. The population was required to maintain a certain number of horses and coachmen. Special messengers sent government decrees to the troops and. Since the 16th century, the number of roads and coachmen began to increase.

The first mailbox appeared in Russia in 1848. And in 1857, the first postage stamp was issued in denominations of 10 kopecks. Moreover, the subjects of the images of stamps practically did not change until the October 1917: they were painted by reigning persons or the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. Zemskaya was established in 1865. It served the population, and soon special postage stamps appeared.

Pigeon mail was also used. Delivery of written messages was carried out by carrier pigeons. The basis for the use of these birds for communication was their ability to fly back to their nest site. In Russia, this type of mail was intended for sending messages to fortresses surrounded by enemies in wartime.

The Internet has changed the way people communicate. Entire companies and individual users use e-mail (electronic mail) to contact relatives, friends, and business partners. This type of mail is convenient for transferring files and text messages. At some companies, e-mail is a powerful tool that can replace a whole stack of papers. In addition, by taking advantage of the Internet, any user can have fast and constant communication. And thus, without e-mail, this would not be feasible.

The e-mail address looks like this, for example, [email protected]. Here iradmitriva is the user name, @ is the symbol that separates the recipient's name from the domain name (mail). This sign is also called “dog” on the Internet; ru is the name of the place or zone of the Internet where the domain is located. As usual, the “usernames” in the mail are either real names or pseudonyms. They are called logins or nicknames. You can just use nicknames.

Thus, the development of mail, including electronic mail, does not stand still. Perhaps in the future they will come up with a new type of postal service for messaging.

Video on the topic

Usually the name of the mailbox is its login. Login is the name or name of the account. Coming up with a new login is quite easy and simple if you use your imagination or use special name generation services.

You will need

  • Any internet browser.


Before you start choosing a login for your email account, you need to determine the purpose of its creation. If you are going to get a new one for business purposes (for work purposes), it is recommended

Mail.ru Mail

Mail.ru Mail(in common parlance simply Mile) is a free Russian email system. It is also called Mail.ru or Mail.ru. Mail on Mail.ru can be used from any computer that has Internet access and a program for viewing websites (Internet browser), as well as from a phone or smartphone. It was launched in 1998 and has always been free. Now it is the largest post office on the Russian Internet. You can get an address like [email protected], to correspond with friends, as well as to register on social networks and other sites.

If you already have an address on Mail.ru, click on the button to log into your email via “Site Login” - a convenient start page:

How to log in to Mail?

Maybe you already have an email address (that is, you have already registered on the site), but for some reason you cannot access the Mail.ru website. Maybe you just forgot the exact address and don’t know how to enter your mail or the Mail.ru login page. Another option is if you want to access your mail from someone else’s computer, but there are different settings and in general everything is wrong. Don’t rush to search the Internet for “mail site” or “mail login.” There is a way to log in to your mail that is much easier.

Login to Mail.ru website

To quickly log into Mail.ru, a “Site Login” has been created. This is a very simple site from which you can go with one click not only to Mail, but also to social networking sites and dating - to all the main sites that are popular in Russia and the former CIS countries. You can set it as your starting (home) page so that you can quickly access any site next time.

To enter Mail.ru you will need to click "Entrance" in the appropriate block, then enter your name and password. Our website will also ask for access permission to show you if you have new emails. Only you will see this.

Mail.ru won't open?

If Mail.ru does not open for you and it seems to you that it is not working at all, use the check function to find out for sure whether this is true: What happened to Mail.ru? Is it not opening for everyone or is it just me? On this page you will immediately see whether Mile is working now or not, that is, everyone has this problem or just you.

Check this, if it does not enter Mail.ru and an error is displayed "The username or password you entered is incorrect. Check that the entered data is correct":

  • Are you entering your username correctly?
  • Is the correct domain (address ending) selected - @mail.ru, @bk.ru, @list.ru, @inbox.ru?
  • How do you enter the password? Is it in the right language, and are you confusing small letters with big ones?
  • Is Caps Lock enabled on your keyboard (capital letters)?

Nowadays, email is needed everywhere: making an appointment with a doctor, buying tickets online, registering on social networks. Therefore, I will tell you how to quickly and freely create a new mailbox on Mail.ru

Registering a mailbox on Mail.ru

To register, go to the website mail.ru(enter into your browser's address bar). A page will open with a special form in the upper left corner.

Start of registration in mail ru mail

Registering a new mailbox on mail.ru

The page opens Registration. There is nothing difficult about filling out the registration form. First name 1, last name 2, date of birth 3 are required, but no one will check whether you wrote honestly or not. You select your gender by switching button 4.

How to choose a mailbox name (mail address)

In the line Desired mailing address 5, options for email names will appear, compiled automatically, taking into account your first name, last name, and date of birth. You can choose from the list provided, or you can choose a good name yourself.

The name must be 4-31 characters. In addition to Latin (English) letters, you can use numbers, underscores (_), a period, or a hyphen (-), but the name of the mailbox cannot begin with these characters. Be prepared for the fact that the simple name you want to use is already taken and you will receive a response that “A mailbox with the same name already exists.”

You can choose a mailbox name in four domains: mail.ru, inbox.ru, list.ru, bk.ru. Your email, depending on this, might look like this: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

If a beautiful name is taken in one domain, then check in other domains. To do this, click on the domain that is visible in window 6 (in my example - bk.ru), a list of four domains will open, and you select the one you like from the list. When you finish choosing the name of the mailbox, proceed to entering the password.

How to choose a strong password for your mailbox

If you are going to use e-mail for a long time and for serious purposes, then password 7 should be strong. Russian letters are not allowed. And while we love to use meaningful words, it's best not to. If your password is hacked, you will not only lose your emails, but it will also be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

The password must consist of at least 6 characters, but it should not consist of only numbers. It must contain English letters, numbers, and symbols (for example: $, %, #). Letters must be used, both lowercase and uppercase. As you type, hints will change to the right of the password: weak password, average password , strong password . Make sure your password is strong - then you can sleep peacefully!

To make sure that you entered the password correctly, in the next field 8, enter the same password again. After this, immediately write down your email account name and password in your notebook before you forget!

Enter your mobile phone number

Field Phone 9 must be filled in in case you forget your password and cannot access your mailbox. Anticipate such a nuisance!

To do this, select your country from the drop-down list and enter your mobile phone number. Within a minute you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

Enter the confirmation code

Enter the Code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click Continue.

How to register a mailbox without a mobile phone?

If you do not want to indicate your mobile phone number, then click the link I don’t have a mobile phone 10. An additional field will open. In this field, enter an additional e-mail, if you have one, and click the Continue button. . In principle, you don’t have to specify anything, but keep in mind that if your password is hacked or lost, it will be difficult for you to get your mailbox back.

When you register mail without a phone number, a window will appear in which you need to enter the code from the picture. For such cases, I keep a magnifying glass on hand. And, anyway, you have to click the link 2-3 times. I don’t see the code to update the picture to a more legible one!

Registration without a mobile phone

Have you entered the code? Now click the Continue button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. There you will receive 3 letters from the Mail.ru Team with congratulations and recommendations for working with email.

Although no! You'll see the contents of your new mailbox, but a setup window will appear in front of it.

Setting up your new mailbox on mail ru in 3 steps

So, I’m showing you how to quickly complete your mail setup.

Step 1. Upload a photo and create a signature

In the first step, a window will appear allowing you to upload your photo and create a signature that will be inserted into every email you send. After these steps, click the Save button. However, if you don’t have the photo at hand, and you haven’t decided on the signature yet, then click on the Skip button and you will find yourself on the next step.

Step 2. Select a theme for your mailbox

The second step is to choose a theme that will decorate your mailbox while you work with letters. Having selected the theme you like, click the Save button. You can click the Skip button - then the Classic theme will remain. As I see, for most users, this is exactly what remains.

Step 3. Install the mail ru mobile application

The third step suggests installing a mobile application from Mail.ru. If you register on a smartphone, you can immediately click the App Store or Google play button (depending on the model of your smartphone) and install the application on your phone.

If you create a mailbox on a PC or laptop, then it’s okay! As soon as you have a smartphone, you can install the mail ru application and, using your login and password, link your email to this application.

Now click the Finish button, and you will find yourself in your new mailbox. Write and send your letters, receive and re-read letters from friends!

Mail mail registration - video tutorial on registering and setting up a mailbox

The video tutorial shows how to register an e-mail on the popular Mail ru mail server, Video 2017 from the Virtual Computer Academy

  1. Find the registration page in mail
  2. How to choose an email address name?
  3. Enter a strong password!
  4. We receive a confirmation code via SMS.
  5. We go to our mailbox.

Mail.ru– the most popular Internet postal service in the CIS. The resource also includes thematic news sections, social networks, a messenger and a search engine. The mailbox's pleasant interface and simple setup allow it to bypass similar services from Google and Yandex.

Mail.ru service portal - Home page


When registering, we indicate personal data, a phone number to restore access, if the password is lost or forgotten, we select which of the service domains your mailbox will be located on -

  • mail.ru;
  • list.ru;
  • bk.ru;
  • inbox.ru.

When specifying the mailbox name, you can view which name options the service has generated for you as a hint. You can choose one of the proposed options or enter your own.

Registration form: Be sure to indicate your phone number by first selecting your country of residence.

You can have several mailboxes at once and connect them to one, not even necessarily just mail.ru. This way you can view all your mail from one account. To do this, go to the top panel “More => Settings => Mail from other mailboxes” and add already registered email accounts:

  • Yahoo
  • Gmail
  • Yandex
  • Outlook, etc.

Just click the “Add Mailbox” button and enter your email address


To make your mailbox unique, you can select a ready-made theme in the tab on the top panel, which is called “Themes”. Choose and install, try and reinstall as much as your heart desires.

You can choose any theme or color as the background.

There is one more aspect of the letter design that it is advisable to customize - this is your signature at the bottom of the letter. This is what the recipient usually sees at the end like “Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov.” This can be written in “More => Settings =>Name and signature” and the signature will be automatically added to every letter.

You can use your original signature if you are not conducting official correspondence.

You can also configure how the response will be sent - with or without the contents of the received letter - “More => Settings => Working with emails”. Just leave or uncheck the “Sending emails” section. There are many more useful parameters that make working with the box easier:

  1. Adding new contacts to the Address Book.
  2. Displaying incoming emails in a folder.
  3. Grouping of letters.

As you can see, in this tab you can create, delete, edit and clean folders.

Working with folders

To better organize your mail, you sometimes need additional folders. You can create a new one by right-clicking on the list of folders. It can become an archive, a subfolder of an existing folder, store important information and be password protected, or serve for separate correspondence.

Can be used to create a blacklist.

Mail.ru mail settings are not at all complicated. You may also be interested in the Notifications and Autoresponder tabs. You can configure them yourself.

In this lesson I will tell you how to log into your email on Mail.ru, Yandex or Google. And what should I do if my mail does not open?

What is email

Email or e-mail is a personal email box. Through it, letters are received and sent over the Internet. This can be either plain text or files from a computer: documents, photographs, videos.

Each box has its own unique address. This address is assigned to only one user - it cannot belong to several people at once.

The address consists of English characters without spaces and consists of three parts:

1) Login - a unique set of English letters/numbers.

2) @ - separator between login and mail site. This sign is called a dog. To type it on the keyboard, you need to hold down the Shift key and the number 2 on the English layout

3) Mail site address- Internet address where the box is located.

Example of an email address

Every mailbox on the Internet is located on some mail site. For example, on the Yandex or Mail.ru website. And it turns out that in order to access your mailbox, you must first open the mail site.

The most common email sites are mail.ru, yandex.ru and gmail.com.

There are other, slightly less popular sites: rambler.ru, tut.by, ukr.net, i.ua. This doesn't mean they are worse, just that fewer people use them.

You can find out which site the box belongs to by its address. The mail site is written immediately after the @ sign.

★ If mail.ru, list.ru, inbox.ru or bk.ru is written after the @ icon, then this means that the mailbox is located on the mail.ru website

★ If there is gmail.com after the dog, then the mailbox is located on the gmail.com website

★ If yandex.ru, yandex.by, yandex.ua, yandex.kz, yandex.com, ya.ru, then on the website yandex.ru

How to log in to mail

How to log into mail on Mail.ru. Instructions for those who have @mail.ru, @list.ru, @inbox.ru or @bk.ru in their mailbox address

1 . Open the mail.ru website in a new tab

2. In the upper left square, in the “Mailbox name” field, type your email login - the inscription that appears before the @ sign.

For example, if the box is called [email protected], you need to type ivan.ivanov35

3. If the name of your mailbox does not end with mail.ru, then in the adjacent field, select your ending from the list.

4 . In the “Password” field, type the password for your mailbox. It will be typed in dots - that’s how it should be. Then click on the “Login” button.

If everything is entered correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

The next time you visit the Mail.ru website, instead of the data entry window there will be another window:

This means your mailbox is already open. There is no need to enter a username and password - just click on the “Mail” inscription.

If you don’t want it to open on its own every time, inside the drawer, in the upper right corner, click on “exit”. And the next time you enter the box, remove the bird from the “Remember” item.

How to log into mail on Yandex. For those whose email address is @yandex.ru, @yandex.by, @yandex.ua, @yandex.kz, @yandex.com or @ya.ru

1 . In a new tab, open the website yandex.ru

2. In the upper right rectangle, in the “Login” field, type the name of your mailbox. In the field just below, enter the password for the mailbox and click on the “Login” button.

If you entered everything correctly, the mail will open. She looks like this:

The next time you log into Yandex, there will be a different window in the upper right corner of the site. In it you just need to click on the “Mail” inscription and the mailbox will open without entering your login and password.

If you are not satisfied with this automatic login, then inside the box, in the upper right corner, click on your login. Then select "Exit" from the list. Next time when you log in to your email. email, don’t forget to check the “Someone else’s computer” checkbox. Then the login and password will not be remembered.

Login to Google mail (Gmail). Instructions for those whose mailbox ends at @gmail.com

Often, immediately after this, your box opens on its own. But if this does not happen, a login window will appear.

Sometimes the Gmail home page opens instead. In this case, click on “Login” in the upper right corner.

Google prompts you to enter a phone number or email address. The phone will only work if you previously attached it to the box. And so you need to enter your login in this field.

If the data was entered correctly, the mail will open.

Why isn't my mail opening?

There are three reasons why a person cannot get into his box:

  • Incorrect login
  • Wrong password
  • The mailbox has been deleted or blocked

I will now tell you about each case. And I’ll also tell you what to do. The advice is banal to the point of disgrace, but this is the only sure way to open your email.

Incorrect login. Each mailbox has a login. This is his unique identifier on the mail site. Using it, the site can identify you and open your mailbox, and not someone else’s.

The login always consists of English letters and/or numbers. May contain a period as well as a hyphen. And from this login the name of the box is formed.

To enter your mailbox, you need to correctly type the login from it. You can't make a mistake with a single letter, number or symbol!

For example, my login is ivan.petrov-35. And if I instead typed ivan.petrov35, then my email will not open - an error will be displayed.

In addition, on some email sites, it is important not to make a mistake not only in the login, but also in the ending - the part that comes after the @ sign.

This applies to everyone’s favorite site Mail.ru. There the ending of the mailbox can be either the standard mail.ru or another: bk.ru, list.ru or inbox.ru.

For example, I have a mailbox on Maila [email protected]. This means that in addition to writing the login correctly, you also need to choose the correct ending. Otherwise, I won’t be able to get into my mailbox - the site will throw an error.

Wrong password. The password is the key to the box. A set of letters and/or numbers that open the box. If you make a mistake in even one character, the password will not work. The site will throw an error.

If the password contains letters, they are typed only in English.

Additionally, the password is case sensitive. This means that if it contains a capital letter, and you typed it in small (lowercase), then such a password will not work.

The mailbox has been deleted or blocked. It happens that you can’t get into the mailbox because it has been removed from the mail site. That is, it was simply erased along with all the letters.

This usually happens when the box has not been used for a long time. For example, if the mailbox was on the Mail.ru website and you haven’t visited it for six months, according to mail.ru rules it can be deleted.

What to do if mail does not open

1 . Open Notepad, type the password for the mailbox there, copy it and paste it into the website.

To do this, go to “Start”, type Notepad in the search bar and open the program.

A window for printing text will open. This is where we type the password.

Select it and copy it. To do this, move the cursor to the end of the password, hold down the left mouse button and circle it. Then right-click inside and select “Copy.”

This simple procedure will help you avoid making mistakes when entering your password. After all, on the site it is typed in dots, so it is difficult to notice the error.

2. Try different login options.

As I already said, a login is a unique identifier of a mailbox on a mail site. If you enter just one wrong letter, the system will not be able to identify the box, and therefore will not be able to open it.

Often people not only make mistakes in writing their login, but rather they are being described. For example, a person has a box called [email protected]. And he prints the login yan.ivanov. This is mistake. Even if the password is entered correctly, the mailbox will not open.

By the way, the login, unlike the password, is not case sensitive. That is, you can type it in letters of any size. Big, small, big and small - whatever, it doesn't matter.

3. Use the password recovery feature.

Mail sites allow you to restore access to your mailbox. The system will ask several questions about your email and if you answer correctly, it will ask you to provide a new password. Immediately after this, the box will open. From now on it will be accessible using a new password.

In Mail.ru, to restore access, click on the inscription “Forgot your password?”.

In Yandex, click on the question mark at the end of the password field.

In Gmail.com, click "Forgot your email address?"

If you remember your address, then enter it and click “Next”. In the next window, click on “Forgot your password?”.

On a note

  • There are no spaces in the login or password
  • Both login and password are typed only in English letters
  • The password is sensitive to letter size. If you type a small letter instead of a capital letter, this password will not work.

If you can't remember your login

It happens that you remember the password, but you forgot the mailbox address. But the address, that is, the login on the mail site, is the main thing. Without it, it will not be possible to restore access to the mailbox.

You can try to find out your login using a browser - the program through which you access the Internet. To do this, simply click on the field to enter the name of the box twice with the left mouse button. If you're lucky, a list will appear where, among other things, your login can be written.

Another way to find out the name of a forgotten mailbox is to contact the person to whom you sent letters from it. If he still has at least one letter from you, ask him to say what is written there in the address line. To do this, you need to open the letter and look at the line under the header of the letter (at the top of it).

If the site says that the mailbox does not exist

It happens that when you try to recover a password, the mail site writes that the mailbox does not exist or there is no such account.

There are two reasons why this happens:

  1. You made a mistake when printing your login.
  2. The box has been deleted.

The first reason is clear. The mailbox address is printed incorrectly and there really is no such login in the system. You just need to enter it correctly.

But if you are sure that the login is correct, but the site still shows that such mail does not exist, then the mailbox has been deleted. You can delete the mailbox yourself in your mail settings. Or it may happen automatically.

On some email sites this happens if the mailbox is not used for a long time. For example, if you have not accessed your mail on mail.ru for more than six months, it may be deleted.

The box is deleted along with all its contents. You can return it, but without letters. To do this, you need to re-register your mail with the same login.

Answers on questions

Can someone other than me access my mailbox?

Anyone who has a password can access your mailbox. Therefore, it is important to keep it in a safe place and not show it to anyone.

Is it possible to change the address of my mailbox?

No, you cannot change the mailbox address, that is, its login on the mail site. You can only register a new one.

Is it possible to change the password for the mailbox?

You can change your password at any time. This is done in the mailbox settings.

Mail.ru: click on your mailbox address in the upper right corner and select “Password and Security”.

Yandex: Click on the gear icon in the top right and select “Security”.

Google (Gmail): Click on your icon in the upper right corner, select “My Account”. A new tab will open where you need to go to “Security and Login” and select “Password”.

How to log into your mailbox if another mail is open on your computer?

First you need to log out of someone else’s mailbox, and then enter your username and password.

In Mail.ru, you need to click on the door icon. Or you can do this through the “exit” sign in the upper right corner of the site.

In Yandex, click on your avatar (icon on the right) and select “Log Out”.

In Gmail, click on your avatar (icon) in the upper right corner of the site and select “Sign Out.”

I didn't find an answer to my question.

You can try to find the answer yourself through the mail site help (support service):

Or you can ask your question in the comments to this article. The form for submitting a comment is located just below the page.
