How to make the server name colored. How to write with colored letters in Minecraft

As always, our specialists have prepared a video tutorial for you to make the setup process as simple as possible and accessible to absolutely any player. Enjoy watching!

Dmitry Sotov - server properties minecraft

So let's get started, to complete the task we will need:
  • Codes that we will use to set the desired color.
  • Ability to edit the main config via the control panel. We discussed how to edit in the article
For example, the server name is TESTOVIY. Let's make TEST dark red, OVIY gold. The name should be written as follows: \u00A74TEST\u00A76OVIY

Color code Color name

\u00A71 dark blue
\u00A72 dark green
\u00A74 dark red
\u00A75 dark purple
\u00A76 gold
\u00A77 dark gray
\u00A78 gray
\u00A7a light green
\u00A7b blue
\u00A7c light red
\u00A7d light purple
\u00A7f yellow
\u00A7e white

You need to write the name basically config -, string motd (server name):

Sooner or later, all Minecraft administrators are faced with the question: " how to make a colored server name? ". In this article you will learn how to make colored server names. It will turn out to be much easier than it might seem from the outside.

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple, didn’t it? This is how you learned how to make a colored minecraft server name (motd).

Do you want to open your own Minecraft server? - click on the link - HOW TO ORDER A MINECRAFT SERVER

A gift for those who want to open their minecraft server - DHGY-NN7V-UCV7-BVEB
Detailed instructions for using the promo code are located -

In Minecraft, users have the ability to format text. This can be useful in many gaming situations, both for ordinary players and server administrators.

To perform formatting, use special codes. They allow you to change many text parameters, including allowing you to solve the question of how to write in colored font in Minecraft.

Access for colored letters

Before considering the question of how to write with multi-colored letters in Minecraft, you should understand what is required for this and who has access to it. To write colored text in Minecraft, the “color” plugin must be installed and connected on the server.

As a rule, the ability to write in colored letters is available when purchasing a donation.

How to write in colored letters in Minecraft

Codes are used to change the text color.

To perform color formatting, you will need to specify special commands. They begin with the introduction of the symbol §; to enter directly, you will need to use the combination alt+21.

Also, to write in colored letters in Minecraft, you will need to enter the color number. For example, 0 is black and 9 is blue. A complete table for color formatting can be found on your server’s website or on the community portal.

This is the main solution to the question of how to write in different colors in Minecraft.

Changing the color of the server name

Sooner or later, any administrator wonders how to make a colored Minecraft server name. To cope with the task, you will need the ability to edit a config such as

This can only be done using a control panel, for example, on hosting.

  1. Log in to your hosting.
  2. Go to the server control panel.
  3. Next, go to the section with configs and select the above mentioned one.

This opens the main config and you can start editing it.

To change the color of the server name, you will need to edit the motd line. It is responsible not only for the name, but also for the description, which consists of no more than 64 characters. In the special field opposite this line, you should enter commands that look like, for example, /u00A71, which will make the name dark blue.

After editing, all settings and changes are saved, and the server must be restarted.

This fairly simple method allows you to change the color of not only the entire name, but even part of it or individual letters.


We examined an important question for avid players - how to write different colors in Minecraft. Using such a function can be useful in many game moments and situations.

Video: How to write in colored letters in Minecraft.

As always, our specialists have prepared a video tutorial for you to make the setup process as simple as possible and accessible to absolutely any player. Enjoy watching!

Dmitry Sotov - server properties minecraft

So let's get started, to complete the task we will need:
  • Codes that we will use to set the desired color.
  • Ability to edit the main config via the control panel. We discussed how to edit in the article
For example, the server name is TESTOVIY. Let's make TEST dark red, OVIY gold. The name should be written as follows: \u00A74TEST\u00A76OVIY

Color code Color name

\u00A71 dark blue
\u00A72 dark green
\u00A74 dark red
\u00A75 dark purple
\u00A76 gold
\u00A77 dark gray
\u00A78 gray
\u00A7a light green
\u00A7b blue
\u00A7c light red
\u00A7d light purple
\u00A7f yellow
\u00A7e white

You need to write the name basically config -, string motd (server name):

Sooner or later, all Minecraft administrators are faced with the question: " how to make a colored server name? ". In this article you will learn how to make colored server names. It will turn out to be much easier than it might seem from the outside.

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple, didn’t it? This is how you learned how to make a colored minecraft server name (motd).

Do you want to open your own Minecraft server? - click on the link - HOW TO ORDER A MINECRAFT SERVER

A gift for those who want to open their own minecraft server - DHGY-NN7V-UCV7-BVEB
Detailed instructions for using the promo code are located -
