Which YouTube traffic sources to choose: search, related, recommended. NewPipe is a free alternative to YouTube with the option to download music and videos on Android YouTube-like program

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YouTube analogs

YouTube-like projects sprang up both before and after YouTube: Vimeo, Dailymotion, Smotri, Corbina.tv, Music.ivi, Ruhd.ru and many others.

Some services copied the YouTube interface (Revver at the beginning of its creation; Clipshack; in Russia - Rutube).

Sites based on video content have a similar structure, video hosting and distribution services, etc. Their main difference is in business models (paid / free service, use of advertising), technical details and the prevalence of one or another content (music videos / movies / TV shows / videos in high quality etc.).

Foreign video hosting

Consider the largest and most popular foreign video hosting sites.

Free video hosting to download and watch HD videos with social network elements. Opened in California (USA) in 2004.

Vimeo has two types of account: paid and free. Free allows you to:

1. Upload videos of any format. For a week, each user is given 500 MB to store videos. All files are stored on hosting services so that anyone can view or download them at any time.

2. A distinctive feature of hosting is the ability to watch videos in HD quality.

3. On Vimeo, you can share videos (or even entire albums with videos) with any user with one click. In the settings, you can specify the category of users to whom you want to send the video, for example, registered users, friends, etc. It is possible to publish videos on social networks: Facebook, Flickr, MySpace and others. You can also embed hosting player code into blogs and any other sites.

4. Ability to communicate. You can subscribe to updates from other users, chat with friends, comment on their videos, join communities of interest.

5. Select videos from a directory where videos are categorized. The hosting also has channels and groups that any user can subscribe to.

6. Make privacy settings.

Dailymotion is a popular video hosting service in the USA. The average monthly audience of hosting in January 2013 was about 116 million users. Provides access to a large collection of videos, including in Russian. There is a Russian-language interface. Supports HD video format. Not all videos are available around the world - hosting has restrictions for some cities.

There are no restrictions on uploading videos on the hosting: you can upload any number, videos are almost never deleted (except for videos that promote violence, pornography, etc.).

Video hosting has the following features:

  • Video,
  • channels,
  • movies and TV,
  • community,
  • subscriptions, etc.

Russian-language video hosting

Consider the largest and most popular video hosting sites on the Runet.

Smotri.com is one of the most popular hosting in Runet. The peculiarity is that the site offers the possibility of online broadcasts. These are live broadcasts of users, through which everyone can go online and communicate with other users, show themselves, look at others, comment on everything that happens live. To do this, you need to create your own channel. You can create regular broadcasts like discussions on the topic of the day, or simply talk about everything that interests the author of the broadcast.

The technology of the site provides the organization of up to 500 live broadcasts at the same time, each of which can be attended by up to 5000 users.

Users can view, download, and also comment on videos. The database contains both amateur and professional videos.

The hosting has paid services, which make it possible to promote your video (raise it in new videos, use the Video Leader service, etc.), as well as use hosting as a storage for the originals of your video files.

Russian-language video hosting, created in 2006. As close as possible in interface and functionality to YouTube. With it, users can create their own channels and vlogs, broadcast live, and more.

Advantages: no time limit for uploading videos; You can download videos via URL.

The uploaded file is processed from a few seconds to 15 minutes, depending on the weight and format. For example, an FLV video will appear on the site immediately, without any processing.

A video service that allows you to download and view videos on various topics. The advantages are that on Yandex. Video does not need to be registered separately for those who have an account in Yandex.

Hosting makes it possible to download videos from a PC, from a webcam, from the Internet (in this case, the video will only be added to the album without the possibility of downloading: when viewing, the player of another hosting will be displayed). Video upload limit - up to 750 MB.

At Yandex. Video” has its own club in which users communicate: they discuss video and hosting options, offer ideas for improving it, and also ask questions. Video hosting sites that are focused on watching movies and TV shows include: ivi.ru, Myvi.ru, ZoomBy.Ru and others.

In the future, all services will give their creators the opportunity to earn in the same way that YouTube provides. And today we will talk about what services already now provide such an opportunity, and also help to make your videos even more popular.

YouTube is the best, super, mega video hosting, which cannot be compared with any other site of this direction. And if you add the audience of all video hosting sites on the Internet, it will be about half of the current YouTube audience.

But, like any service, YouTube has its drawbacks. One of which - a large number of advertising. Agree, this is very distracting, especially when watching feature films. And the quality of these films is even worse. When loading long youtube video compresses them significantly, this degrades the image quality. This is due to the fact that YouTube has its own codec, under which all videos are adjusted, so if you store long videos on YouTube, their quality will inevitably be lost. For such formats, there are other video hosting sites, which we will discuss further.

Alternatives to YouTube

Why alternatives? Because on them you can not only view and post videos, but also make money on it. There is nothing bigger than YouTube, as we know, but I will try to offer you a couple of worthy services.


Pluses it has (which we expect) is good video quality. Here you can also have your account, use various functions. There is a paid and free version, in which the functionality is limited. Firstly, Full HD videos can only be downloaded and viewed in paid version, secondly, downloading video content in free version limited. Just like on YouTube in the free version, you will see ads, but you will be able to show the video to an additional mass of viewers and monetize your content.


This video hosting was created a year later than YouTube, but it deserved special attention, thanks to a significant advantage - the Russian-language interface, so at one time Rutube was actively used in the CIS. YouTube, of course, understood this, and quickly adapted to all countries.


The same analogue of YouTube, with a much smaller audience and a small number of views. But there are no restrictions on uploading content and file sizes, you can upload videos up to 1 GB in size.

Yandex. Disk

Yandex eliminated the video feature and integrated it into Yandex.Disk. Here you can store documents, video files, as well as view and download them. Yes, the video quality is bad, but you can go to the link and download the video, which is very convenient if you need to transfer video files.

All these services have a Russian-speaking audience and are needed by those who have unique author's content that sell videos and want to show them to a larger audience to promote their business or promote their channel. They are also needed as a storage for fairly large files.


If you are also interested in an English-speaking audience, then you can use the BuzzFeed service. Placing your videos on this video hosting will undoubtedly help the promotion of your videos. You can see more about the service in my video tutorial:

I hope you enjoyed my video tutorial with an overview of the BuzzFeed service, so I'll be waiting for your comments. Look for other video tutorials on my YouTube channel, and you can learn more about Russian-language video hosting sites in this video.

Hello site readers! Anyone who follows the articles on my blog knows that in addition to creating websites, I am also fond of creating and promoting YouTube channels, which, as you know, can bring decent profits.

If you are far from this topic and do not understand how and how much I get known, please read the articles below, where I told in as much detail as possible what YouTube pays for and how to roughly calculate the income per 1000 views.

But let's not digress from the topic, today I want to talk about the main sources of traffic within YouTube in order to understand where your videos can get views from and which of the methods is the most promising.

How viewers find videos on YouTube:

  • Search string.
  • Related videos.
  • Recommended content.

Search. Everything is clear here, the user enters a query into the search bar and YouTube displays videos in the search results that will be relevant to the key.

This ranking principle is somewhat similar to search engines, etc., since video hosting borrowed their work algorithm + created their own, for example, the total time the video was watched by all users(audience retention).

To break into the TOP and collect the most traffic, you will have to take into account, if not all the factors that affect the position of the video in SERP YT, but the main ones for sure.

Video optimization rules:

  • Metadata: title, description, tags, preview.
  • Internal factors: annotations, tips, comments, likes, audience retention.
  • External factors: social networks, sites, comments.

So, initially, I tried to get views from YouTube search (it can be seen that when creating sites, I got used to the fact that search engines bring the lion's share of visitors).

But in practice, this method does not give much effect, because all requests from YouTube's TOP search are, firstly, limited by the popularity of the request, and secondly, the audience that uses it goes to watch other videos through recommended content and similar videos.

A simple example, when you type “fun with kittens” in the search for UT, after watching one video, few people go back to the search, then the column with similar and recommended videos comes into play.

See what happens if you optimize all videos exclusively for search queries.

As a result, the picture of traffic distribution, which looks like this for a year.

And the saddest thing is that there is no need to talk about millions of views here, since it is precisely viral videos with some crazy name.

Related videos. Here things are much better than with search, since the channel can receive large quantity views, by getting the video in the "Related" column to other traffic videos.

If we assume that 1,000 people watch a video about pizza on the screen every day, then it is more likely that videos from the “Related” column will receive similar traffic, since the user will probably want to know several pizza recipes.

But who he will give preference to will depend on the title and preview.

Those channels that I promote exclusively due to similar videos have the following ratio of views.

But do not forget that YouTube is constantly changing its algorithms, and if one day a video flies into traffic-like ones and pulls others from your channel, then in a couple of days the picture can change radically and everything collapses. 🙁

It's no surprise that most SEOs are racking their brains trying to figure out how to get featured on YouTube related videos.

I will say right away that no one will give an unambiguous answer to this question, because YouTube is aimed at creating relevant results, and if the algorithm is known to everyone, then what quality can we talk about.

Therefore, on all sites and forums only guesses and personal observations are given.

How to promote a video to similar YouTube:

  1. metadata. Choose a name (title) with a key, preferably one like those videos (competitor analysis rules) that already bring traffic. In the description and tags, it is also desirable to have a key.
  2. Preview . An attractive picture (not a fake) that reflects the content of the video, which should make you click on it.
  3. Audience retention. The video should be interesting so that it can attract the attention of the audience, forcing them to watch it to the end.
  4. Similar view dynamics. It means that the videos should intersect for key queries, be of the same topic.
  5. Behavior. How users behave after watching the video: how many comments were written, likes, subscriptions, etc.
  6. Views. How quickly the video gains views in the first hours, days after publication.

By the way, it was noticed that the video can turn out to be similar, both after a short period of time (a couple of days), and after a few months, the latter happens to me most often.

For example, if you periodically watch a video about how to fix a car, then in the feed similar to home page videos will be skipped about auto repair.

As you can see, these videos are located both on the main YouTube page and in the column with similar videos mixed up, which cannot be affected.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you today, I will be glad if you write in the comments about your own observations of the ranking of videos on YouTube.

Everyone who has never even uploaded anything there is already talking about. Teenagers joke about him in stupid american pie comedies, having removed the transformer, the young guy says that he will definitely send this “exactly” to YouTube. But did you know that YouTube is one of the worst choices when it comes to sharing your video? As the WebWare blog puts it, “I wish online video looked less Webby.” it looked like a real video, like in a DVD player, or at least the notorious DVD-Rip.

Another problem for a video producer is the size of the video. As a rule, video files are large, and video hosting sites limit you to the size of the video available online. It also turns out that you yourself spoil your video even before uploading it to the web, compressing it up and down. But everything suffers from this.

Webware Magazine did some interesting video testing on respect for your content, as well as generosity in giving away disk space and ease of uploading videos. The comparison was made with the standard on the market - Google YouTube video hosting.

The initial data is as follows: a VGA resolution video was taken less than 2 minutes long with a change rate of 30 frames per second. The video was shot with a Canon camera and recorded in a file of about 200 MB in AVI format.

Below are the test results:

Real download speed

Testing was done on Comcast 8Mbps cable with no active downloads. Results are divided into groups slow, medium and fast.


vimeo(1 hour 19 minutes). The video didn't load very quickly. But a beautiful and convenient loader will sensitively show the progress of the download.

Veoh(1 hour 21 minutes). This is the lowest score in the test. Put on the appload and go for a walk - it's useful;)


YouTube(42 minutes). A good average result, which is compensated by the fact that several videos can be uploaded to YouTube at once.


Viddler(29 minutes). This is the best result in testing.

Facebook(36 minutes). The video “sucked in” quickly, and a convenient uploader constantly showed how much time was left.

Output video quality

A picture will be more valuable than many words. Below are screenshots from video services. Be sure to view them in full size by clicking on the picture.

This article will focus on Russian free video hosting. This resource is a fairly good analogue of Youtube.

"YouTube" and analogue "YouTube"

Today, the most popular on the global Internet is the foreign video hosting Youtube, which belongs to Millions of users from all over the world who download thousands of copyrighted or third-party videos, and also view millions of already downloaded videos themselves. Of course, given the multinational audience of the site, it was translated into many languages, including Russian. Nevertheless, YouTube is far from being the only video hosting site, and Russian companies also have their own prototype.

Analogue "YouTube"

There is a free Russian site on the Runet, which belongs to one large media company. This video hosting is called Rutube. This network resource allows its visitors to download, that is, store their own videos, as well as view videos uploaded by other users. It should be noted that Rutube is a direct analogue of YouTube, since in terms of its functionality and visual design it is in many ways similar to it. Owners this service enter into various partnership agreements on cooperation with some content distribution systems. Many of them have already earned their own recognizable name on Russian market. Thus, Rutube occupies a leading position in the Russian market for the distribution of video content.

general description

The YouTube analogue we are considering has in many ways the same functions as the famous original. For example, users who own the videos they upload will be able to "monetize" them and earn money in this way. This happens due to the display inside the video of various promotional materials from various partner projects that distribute their products and services. However, few channel owners use this opportunity, since the audience of this site is not large enough.

Considering in more detail the issue of earnings on this site, you should pay attention to earnings from affiliate programs. If a user who has his own account is also the copyright holder of his content, then he can apply for connection affiliate program. However, in order to be approved, the account must meet a number of minimum requirements.

In addition to the affiliate program, you can enter into cooperation with some advertising exchange and receive income from someone else's advertising posted on your site, that is, your account.

In addition, it should be noted that the YouTube analogue often crashes and is characterized by unstable operation of its servers. This factor has an extremely negative effect on the overall impression of users who express their angry emotions in reviews, and sometimes even leave this resource.

In general, this is a fairly good project where people can create and maintain their own video blogs and channels, create live broadcasts and engage in other media activities. Rutube is by far the best free video hosting in Russia.

A computer