In the Rivne region, someone howls terribly and attacks people. Mystery of the Ocean: Unknown creatures attack people

16-year-old teenager from Melbourne, Australia, Sam Kanizai decided to swim in the ocean, however, when he went to the beach, there were dozens of small bruises on his legs. The young man was taken to the hospital. Doctors and biologists are arguing over who could have bitten a schoolboy so hard.

After 30 minutes of being in the water, Kanizai felt pain in his legs. He returned home, and the father immediately took the young man to the hospital. The next day, Sam took the net, pieces of meat and went to the beach to catch the "offender". Soon he pulled a few dozen insects ashore, similar to bedbugs, clinging to the bait.

The doctors at the hospital where Sam was examined said they had no idea what kind of creatures they were.

Dolphin Research Institute executive director Jeff Weir suggested the teenager was attacked by amphipods, ocean-dwelling crustaceans that feed on decaying plant and animal waste.

Meanwhile, marine expert Michael Brown believes the teenager may have been attacked by jellyfish larvae.

The victim is in the hospital, but he has already been allowed not to take antibiotics.

Residents of New Zealand have found an unknown monster on the beach, thrown out by the sea. In an attempt to identify the creature, people put forward incredible theories.

According to the British tabloid The Sun, last week New Zealanders walking along the beach saw a strange sight: part of a huge carcass was sticking out of the sand.

Coming closer, people examined the skull of a huge creature and its jaw, studded with sharp fangs.

Further examination of the dead inhabitant of the deep sea showed that someone or something had pulled out a significant part of its insides from the body of the monster.

A more thorough study of the monster was prevented by curious onlookers from the sand, which covered the remains with a dense layer.

Since Pukehina Beach, located southeast of Auckland, is a fairly popular stretch of coast, it is not surprising that the news of the mysterious monster quickly spread among the townspeople.

Most of the beach visitors tried to capture the amazing beast on cameras. Elizabeth Ann was no exception, posting her video on YouTube in order to hear theories about the origin of this creature.

The 30-foot (10 meters) mutilated carcass of a sea monster has an enormous head, teeth and vestigial flippers, according to Elizabeth. She also noted that the monster's insides were likely damaged by the attack.

“Please help identify what it is,” the author of the video asked YouTube users with such a request.

The video and photos that appeared in the media gave rise to a guessing game: local residents and interested viewers began to offer a wide variety of theories.

Some suggested that the toothy monster was a killer whale or a dolphin, others were inclined to think that the remains resemble either a crocodile or a giant moray eel, and others even stated that the pictures were of a prehistoric dinosaur.

Experts also did not ignore the strange find. True, their opinion differed from the point of view of dinosaur lovers.

“The structure of the animal's fin suggests that it is a killer whale. Mammals of the dolphin family can often be seen in the waters of the Bay of Plenty,” commented expert Anton van Helden.

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Incredible Facts

These photos of strange and sometimes creepy creatures have made many people shudder and wonder: "What the hell is this?".

Their images have spread all over the Internet, which has given many people the opportunity to express their incredible assumptions about the origin of these creatures.

Read also:

Here are some of the most amazing creatures that have been discovered and who they actually turned out to be.

strange creatures

1 Montauk Monster

The story began when an unknown creature washed ashore in the Montauk area of ​​New York in 2008. Local youth photographed the carcass and sold the pictures to newspapers.

Since the Montauk monster was discovered, other carcasses have been found in the same area. There have been speculations that this is a turtle without a shell, a dog, a large rodent, or a scientific experiment that was carried out at a government animal testing center.

In fact:

Experts concluded that the creature was a raccoon corpse, which matched the shape of the teeth and paws, but which was missing the front jaw. The strange appearance is due to the fact that his body began to decompose.

2 Louisiana Monster

In December 2010, a deer-hunting camera caught something frightening.

The picture shows a thin, clumsy, fast-moving and, apparently, nocturnal creature that seemed to want to swallow your soul.

In fact:

The mystery of this creature has not been solved, although many believe that the picture was processed using Photoshop. Two companies attempted to use the image for viral advertising.

For example, the Playstation company stated that the creature was in the game Resistance 3.

There were also those who claimed that this is a "fallen angel" captured on video in the forest, appearing at 45 seconds.

3. Alien child from Mexico

In May 2007, a Mexican farmer Mario Moreno Lopez(Mario Moreno Lopez) discovered a strange creature in a rat trap. He tried to drown him, killing him only the third time.

The creature was small - about 70 cm long with an elongated head, which led to speculation that it was the child of an alien with high level intellect.

However, skeptics have stated that it could be a skinless reptile or squirrel monkey, which explains the presence of a tail and spine, as well as a large head and eyes.

The farmer himself mysteriously died in the car at an abnormally high temperature some time after drowning the creature, which many ufologists considered the revenge of the aliens for the child.

In fact:

Scientists have argued that the teeth of the creature are not located like human teeth, and it itself has a unique tissue that has not been changed, which refutes the theory of a monkey.

Later, after all, the farmer's nephew and part-time taxidermist admitted that the creature was the corpse of a monkey, which was skinned and ears removed and placed in the fluids of various animals.

4. Blue Hill Horror

In September 2009, four teenagers playing in the village of Cerro Azul in Panama discovered a strange creature that ran out of a cave. According to them, the monster began to pursue them, and the teenagers began to throw stones at him until they killed him, and then threw the body into the water.

In the newspapers, the creature was nicknamed Gollum (the hero from The Lord of the Rings), as it lived in a cave, and also the Blue Hill Horror.

In fact:

Scientists have discovered that the teenagers' story was a fiction, and the creature turned out to be the body of a sloth, which began to decompose. Due to his long stay in the water, his vegetation disappeared, giving him a bloated, rubbery appearance.

5. Alien corpse at a ceremony in Thailand

In 2010 in in social networks appeared a series of photographs taken in 2007 at the funeral ceremony of a strange creature that looks like an alien in Thailand. It had a large round head, gray skin covered with white powder, resembling a satyr with tiny hooves and a tail.

Some claim that the ceremony was held to get rid of the evil spirit associated with the creature, while others considered that the inhabitants worshiped the creature as a deity.

In fact:

There were suggestions that the creature was a disfigured cow, although it looked very much like a humanoid. Many point to a large number of anomalous animals appearing around the world, and believe that the aliens are experimenting on animals, creating strange hybrids that will take over the world one day.

Mysterious Creatures

6 Humanoid From Chile

In October 2002, during a trip with his family to Chile Julio Carreno(Julio Carreno) discovered a tiny humanoid 7.2 cm long in the bushes.

The creature had a large humanoid head, nails and opened its eyes, and died 8 days after discovery. When he was alive, he had pink skin that darkened and his body remained warm before rapidly mummifying on its own.

In fact:

The body of the humanoid was examined by veterinarians in Santiago, who were divided as to who the creature was. They confirmed that it was not a human fetus or the remains of a feline, and its physical characteristics were more suitable for a mouse opossum. However, the creature did not have small sharp teeth or a possum tail, and the head was twice as large.

7. Chupacabra from Texas

The creature known as the "Yeti" of Latin America has been seen several times in Puerto Rico and the US, specifically in Texas. According to legend, the Chupacabra (which translates from Spanish as "goat bloodsucker") kills livestock and drinks their blood.

According to the descriptions, this creature had no hair, its skin had a bluish-gray tint.

These creatures have been seen and shot several times in Texas for suffocating dozens of chickens.

In fact:

DNA tests showed that the animal belonged to a hybrid of a wolf and a coyote, bald due to scabies. Although the ability to suck blood from chickens and goats has remained unclear.

8. Huge boar from A labamas

In May 2007, 11-year-old Jemison Stone from Alabama, USA, shot a huge wild boar weighing almost 480 kg and 2.80 meters long. A boy who hunted with his father shot the animal eight times and chased it for three hours. When the boar was shot, trees had to be cut down to get it. The head of the animal was left as a trophy, and about 200-300 kg of sausages were made from meat.

In fact:

Many people signed the petition accusing the boy of animal cruelty. Skeptics, on the other hand, consider the whole story to be fiction, and the boar was, in fact, raised on a farm and fattened in order to make a sensation out of history. Also, many thought that this one was just the result of Photoshop processing.

9. Eastern Yeti caught in China

In April 2010, hunters caught a bald bear-like mammal with a kangaroo tail making cat noises. The creature became a real sensation and was called the "Eastern Yeti". According to legend, the yeti had the figure of a bear, which towered far above the man. This creature was no more than 60 cm long.

In fact:

Experts came to the conclusion that it was an ordinary musang, which had scabies. The animal was sent to Beijing for examination, but the results were never made public.

10. "Alien" from Chelyabinsk

This creature was discovered in an abandoned pit in Chelyabinsk, Russia. He had a hard shell, several limbs located one above the other and a tail. Some have suggested that this monster is a huge shield, horseshoe crab, or trilobite that died out before the dinosaurs.

In fact:

Apparently, these creatures are shield crustaceans, which are one of the oldest animals, a species that is more than 200 million years old. Usually its size does not exceed 6-7 cm, while the discovered animal reached about 60 cm.

It is believed that in the untouched forests of our planet can live a large number of creatures about which we know almost nothing. Some of these animals can be large and pose a real threat to humans.

In Russia, ecological systems with trees make up almost seventy percent of the country's territory, and there are thousands of square kilometers of forest where no human has ever set foot in the history of our civilization. We can safely assume that our vast homeland hides many cryptids and real monsters that live and breed in the wild.

From time to time, documentary evidence of this appears, and one such evidence has recently appeared on the Internet. At the end of last month, an amazing video made by two Russian schoolchildren and depicting a large shaggy creature moving at high speed between the trees in the forest got on the well-known video hosting "YouTube".

Surprisingly, this video bypassed domestic sites, but quickly spread to foreign ones. The video attracted the attention of foreign netizens, who were simply amazed by the appearance of a mysterious monster in the frame. The original post has already garnered over 200,000 views and nearly 3,000 comments. Regulars on YouTube put forward numerous theories as to who the creature captured in the video may be.

Presumably, schoolchildren filmed a monster in the Republic of Karelia

Two Russian boys, animatedly discussing what is happening, are watching a tall creature with thick black hair, which, jumping over deadwood, quickly runs through the forest on its hind limbs. Judging by the comments of eyewitnesses, they are both frightened and interested in the appearance of a monster, and most of all in this situation they want to post the resulting video on YouTube as soon as possible. “Again, they hit us,” the young cameraman says at the beginning of the video, from which we can conclude that the cryptid managed to approach the schoolchildren at least twice.

Some users of the World Wide Web believe that this is a werewolf who mistakenly turned into an animal during the daytime. Others are convinced that this is a great ape, who for some reason ended up in the north of Russia. Still others suggest that we are talking about a rare animal, unknown to official science, since, according to the statistics of the same scientists, science has information about only twenty percent of everything that lives on Earth.

Many of these commentators, among other things, noted the courage of the schoolchildren, which, for sure, could turn into a misfortune for Russian children. But this is just for the current younger generation of lovers of risky selfies in order to later put it on the Web, it’s quite normal.

Skeptics, however, argue that this is either an adult in a suit, or an ordinary digital video editing. Doubters (obviously lovers of outdoor recreation) can also be understood - who wants to believe that such terrible monsters can live next to a person?

In the Rivne region, an unidentified howl keeps the residents of the village of Pyatigory, Zdolbunovsky district, awake.

“I was terrified when I heard that howl in the middle of the night. I went out on the threshold and I can’t move. Something is howling so long and plaintively, as if they are killing it. The sounds are so piercing and dreary. And then it began to sob and fell silent. in the village they whined like puppies in fright," said the 65-year-old Dmitry Tsitsyura. His house stands on the outskirts of the village along Sadovaya Street.

The man was awakened at midnight by the terrible howl of an unknown animal. He dared to leave the house on the threshold and turned on the light. The howl was heard by other residents of the village. It went on for fifteen minutes. The peasants say it was a Chupacabra.

"I think it was a chupacabra vila. A few days before this, in a strange way, my neighbor Anatoly Prisyazhnyuk she put in four turkeys. I remember that in March 2010, this creature killed all the rabbits in his house. She strangled some, and gnawed the throats of several and drank the blood. Tolik saw her. He said that he looked like a wolf and a kangaroo," the pensioner recalls.

After this incident, Tsitsyura put solar-powered lanterns in the courtyard. In his opinion, they will scare away the Chupacabra at night.

“We will somehow defend ourselves from the beast. Two years ago, a Chupacabra attacked a fellow villager Raisa Seredyuk. She also saw the animal and described it in detail. There were even drawings of the Chupacabra in the papers. Then an armed police squad was on duty around the clock in the village, and the hunters organized a large-scale hunt. However, all in vain, the beast flashed his heels. And now she made herself felt - she curled in such a voice, as if from the other world, "added the peasant.

Tsitsyura worked all his life as an engineer in the regional center. After retiring, he returned with his wife to live in his native village.

A month ago, an unknown creature attacked a man

On the morning of August 1 21 year old Veronica Sugak went to a bus stop in the village of Berezovka, Novoushitsky district, Khmelnytsky region. Came to a friend from the regional center. Was returning home. The bus went to the village and picked up all the passengers. I had to go to Novaya Ushitsa in 10 minutes. Veronika stood by herself.

I milked the cow and went outside, - says Lyubov Kushnir, 46 years old. - I look - some creature is running. On high legs. Thin, grey. From a distance it looks like a wolf. When I hear someone scream. I run out, and it tears the girl.

Lyubov Kushnir was holding a stick with which she drove the cow. Rushed to help.

I beat him, but he does not growl, does not whine. A piece of her leg was torn out and eaten. It leaned on her. She wanted to cover herself with her hand. So the creature bit off two fingers. And she ate too. Then he gets up on his hind legs - it is 2 meters high - and bites her in the face. He bit off his lip, and a scalp was torn off his head.

Lyubov Kushnir ran home for her husband. He came running with a hunting rifle.

Shot and it ran into the sunflowers, - says Alexander Kushnir, 47 years old. - A herd was grazing on the field. There he bit several cows. I hear the shepherds shouting that it is running at me. I then had it from two trunks. Then more and more. I was shaking so much. It may have already been dead, but I went up and - a control shot in the head. How much I live and hunt, I have not seen this. A wolf is not a wolf, a dog is not a dog. Fangs more than 3 centimeters. A dog has several of them, and here is a whole mouth. I went to the store, took a bottle of vodka, and drank in one gulp.

People called an ambulance.

What was going on here, - continues Lyubov Kushnir. - On the pavement pieces of meat. The ambulance arrived, but they don't have that, and they don't have that either. "Give me sheets, give me the owner's soap, make a soapy solution."

Veronika was taken to the district hospital.

It is immediately on the operating table, - says the head of the surgical department, Nikolai Tomchuk. - I saw different things. But this... It was a swamp with blood. The scalp was removed, the face was bitten, on the right hand the middle finger and little finger were bitten off. The body is bitten. Legs too. Traumatic shock, large blood loss. They operated on her for two hours, and immediately to the region. The condition was severe.

Before attacking Veronica Sugak, an unknown animal attacked two women in the village.

I go out into the yard early, and a cow runs out of the barn, and it follows her, - recalls Elena Volokhovskaya, 61 years old. - It bit me on the leg when I fell. I got scared. She grabbed a pitchfork near the barn. And it, as if nothing had happened, ran on.

I drove out the cow, took a sieve, crushed the corn, - says Galina Semenchuk, who was also bitten by an unknown creature. - The creature ran up to me and - grab my leg. And I have nothing to fight back. You can’t run into the house, it just closed. Let me throw pitchforks at him. It ran towards them. That is how I was saved. This is not a dog. No.

That morning, the creature also attacked the guard who guards the agricultural machinery.

There is a horse tied, - says Valentin Dikal, 25 years old. - I see, rushes to the horse. I go there, and it turns around and runs at me. My partner and I hid in the booth. It rushed at our dog. We grabbed some pieces of iron and let's throw. It ran away.

During the day, the creature attacked three women, bit four cows, a horse, bit a dog in the field, and bit several more dogs in the village.

Veterinarians arrived in Berezovka. They cut off the head of the monster and sent it to the veterinary laboratory for examination. The body was burned. Specialists cannot answer what kind of animal it is.

He was diagnosed with rabies, - says the head of the rabies control department of the Khmelnitsky Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Alexander Solonin, 33 years old. The head was brought to their institution. - I have never seen such an animal.

People call her the Chupacabra.

The village of Berezovka, Novoushitsky District, is located near the Dniester River. 30 km to the regional center. More than 500 people live in the village. 54 students go to school, more than 20 children go to kindergarten.

The locals are afraid to go outside. Children without adults are not allowed out even during the day.

My daughter is 3 years old, says Valentina Zaremskaya, 24 years old. - Previously, they calmly let go to the store. And now I myself am afraid to go out into the village.

Adults don't walk alone. Armed with pitchforks, sticks.

I go to the store with a gun, - says Alexander Kushnir. - It is always ready in the porch under the bed. My wife gets up at night to go to the toilet, I go outside with her. And grandson Dimka is 6 years old. He does not go outside without adults.

Doctors carried out vaccinations against rabies in the village. Three bitten and four who had contact with a rabid animal were admitted to the hospital.

Veronica Sugak - in the regional department of thermal lesions and plastic surgery.

The injury is severe, - says Alexander Grinchuk, head of the department. - Lots of losses. Need plastic. Will stay in the hospital for up to three months.

Veronica was conscious during and after the attack. Even her family refuses to talk about what happened to her.

Residents of Berezovka are afraid that the creature was not alone.

It bit Lena, then me, then - cows, horses, dogs gnawed. And this, in a couple of minutes, ran around different parts of the village. One animal could not have done so quickly. Maybe there is a whole brood of them, - suggests Galina Semenchuk.

A computer