Draw an image map with the mouse. Image maps in HTML Why image maps are needed

In an html document.

Now let's find out what an image map is.
With an image map, you can make it so that when you click on different areas of the same image, you are taken to different pages. An image map is also called a navigation map by some.
I understand that this is difficult to understand in words, so I suggest looking at an example of what an image map looks like in real life.
Just pay attention: the picture is the same, but the areas and transition path are different.

Don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all. The most important thing is to understand the theory and consolidate it with practice.

Well, let's get down to theory.

Image maps (navigation maps) are specified by the tag .
Tag - this is a box inside which tags are placed .
Tag is intended to define a geometric region with a reference attached to each region.

Area attributes

1. shape attribute
shape – defines the shape of the area ( rectangle, circle, polygon).
Rectangle - "rect". Example: shape=" rect";
circle - "circle". Example: shape=" circle";
polygon - "poly". Example: shape=" poly"

2. coords attribute
coords is the arrangement of a geometric shape.

Let's look at an example using the geometric shape of a rectangle.

You already know that if you need a rectangle shape, then you need to set the value in the shape attribute « rect ».

The reference point starts from the upper left corner of the picture, the coordinates of which are (0;0)

This means that you need to specify the coordinates of the work area of ​​the rectangle, the upper-left and lower-right corners.

For the example with rectangle No. 1, take the following coordinates:

x1=25, y1=36, x2=114, y2=98

This is what the code will look like:

So far so good. But now we need to associate the picture with the map.
To do this, come up with any name for the map, for example, “karta1" and write it in the tag via the name attribute.

Now let's connect the card with the picture. To do this, we use the usemap attribute.
Writing example:
usemap=" #map_name"

In our case it will look like this:

Now let's put everything together and write down the coordinates for another rectangle No. 2 with the same data (x1=153, y1=11, x2=219, y2=127).

Now look at the result. Click on rectangle #1 and on rectangle #2

First you need to specify the area type. To do this, set the value “circle” in the shape attribute.

Now let's move on to the coordinates.
To create coordinates for a circular area, you need to enter data to the center (xy) and specify the length of the radius (R).
The order of recording coordinates for the coords attribute will be as follows:

For circle No. 1, take the following coordinates:

x=46, y=48; and the radius length is R=35

Now let's put everything together and write down the coordinates for circle No. 2 with the following data x=158, y=75, R=53.

HTML image map (navigation maps). Lesson #11

Now look at the result. Click on circle #1 and circle #2:

The polygonal area is the most complex area in the navigation map.

First you need to specify the area type. To do this, set the value “poly” in the shape attribute

Now let's move on to the coordinates.

The order of recording coordinates for the coords attribute will be as follows:

x1 ,y1 - coordinates of the first corner;
x2 ,y2 - coordinates of the second corner;
xN,yN - last corner coordinates

That is, for polygon No. 2 it looks like this:

Now let’s give the map a name and link the map to the picture:

Now let's put everything together and write down the coordinates for hexagon No. 1 with the following data: x1=54, y1=20, x2=109, y2=20, x3=147, y3=58, x4=109, y4=96, x5= 54, y5=96, x6=16, y6=58.

HTML image map (navigation maps). Lesson #11

Now look at the result. Click on polygon #1 and on polygon #2:

Possibility of combination

There are cases when you need to use different areas at the same time in one picture, for example, a circle and a rectangle:

Addition using TITLE

For each area, you can add tooltips using the title attribute.

HTML image map (navigation maps). Lesson #11

Now look at the result. Hover your mouse over the circle and then over the rectangle:

That's all. We figured out the image map in HTML (navigation map).


Hi all!
Let's continue learning the basics of HTML. . An image map is also called a navigation map, but this is not that important.
Let's find out what an image map (navigation map) is and where it can be used in practice.

Image Map (navigation map) is a picture on which one or more specified areas for links are placed.

If you don’t understand much, I’ll say this: there is one picture on which a selected area can be placed (circle, rectangle, square, etc.) and addresses to other sites or to your pages are linked to this area.

The example used one picture, where the area and transition path are different

Now let's learn how to create something similar.

In order to create an image map, you will need to remember and a web page.
Let's move on to practice.

How to make an image map in HTML

To create an image map in HTML, paste this wireframe:

○ tag map

Tag is the main container for creating an image map, inside which contains other tags such as .
The closing tag is required.

* tag attributes map

card name
The map must be given a name and for this use the “name” attribute:

○ tag area

Tag - this tag is intended to indicate a geometric area with a link.

* tag attributes area

how to determine the shape of an area

To define the shape of an area (rectangle, circle, polygon) use a tag attribute "shape" with the following values:

  • rect - Rectangle. Example: shape="rect" ;
  • circle - Circle. Example: shape="circle" ;
  • poly - Polygon. Example: shape="poly"

how to specify the location of a geometric shape

To indicate the location of a geometric shape (rectangle, circle, polygon) use for tag "coords" attribute.

The “coords” attribute specifies all the parameters for placing a geometric figure according to the following scheme:


Notice the vertical "y" axis and the horizontal "x" axis. It is along these axes that the parameters are set.




For example, I have this picture of rectangles:

Let's insert the image into the html document:

Now we create a block for the image map and give it any name through the “name” attribute, for example “karta1”

The card name must be separated by a hash “#”:

Now in the tag We indicate the coordinates, geometric shape and link to go to.

Here are the coordinates of the first rectangle:

x1=25, y1=36, x2=114, y2=98

and these will be for the second:

x1=153, y1=11, x2=219, y2=127

Here is the finished code:

View the finished code. Everything is clear to you, if not, look at the tags from the very beginning to create a navigation map. If this doesn't help, write in the comments.

And we look at the result, what happened to me. Try pointing at rectangle No. 1, and then at rectangle No. 2 (you can click, they are clickable):


For example, I have this picture of a circle:

Here are the coordinates of the first circle:

x=46, y=48; and the radius length is R=35

and here they will be for the second round:

Before looking at the finished code, try to write the HTML code yourself and compare it with mine.

The finished code will look like this:

I will repeat once again in the explanations what I did in the code:

Line No. 1
I inserted the image into the HTML file and linked the image to the map using the “usemap” attribute:

Line No. 2
I created a block for an image map and gave the map a name to link to the image using the “name” attribute:

Please note the name of the card ( name="name") must match the image anchor ( usemap="#name"). This is important because the image map will not work.

Line No. 3 and No. 4
Specified the figure and its coordinates, and also attached a link to the figure

So, if you did everything correctly, the result will be like this:

Try pointing at circle No. 1, and then at circle No. 2 (you can click, they are clickable)!!!


For example, I have this picture of a figure with several angles:

Here are the coordinates of the first polygon:

x1=168, y1=9, x2=232, y2=29, x3=200, y3=97, x4=223, y4=129, x5=153, y5=119

and here they will be for the second polygon:

x1=54, y1=20, x2=109, y2=20, x3=147, y3=58, x4=109, y4=96, x5=54, y5=96, x6=16, y6=58

The finished code will look like this:

The result will be like this:

I would like to add that there can be as many angles as you want and as many as you specify:


x1, y1- coordinates of the first corner;
x2, y2- coordinates of the second corner;
xN, yN- last corner coordinates


Combined image map

The image map can be combined with different shapes at once. What I mean? In one picture, different areas of different figures can be indicated.
For example, like this:

In the example, I specified the area for the circle and for the rectangle.

For each selected area, you can specify tooltips that will appear when you hover the mouse cursor. For a hint, use the “title” attribute to the “area” tag:

Here's the result:

Hover your mouse over the circle and then over the rectangle. You will see tooltips appear, with “wordpress” in the circle and “Blog Author” in the rectangle.

So we've mastered it HTML image map. The most difficult thing in an image map is to calculate the correct coordinates of the figure. There is no special formula and you have to select coordinates several times.

I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson. Subscribe to my blog updates.

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We have already talked about how to make a drawing a link... in this chapter we will talk about how to make a fragment, an area of ​​a drawing, a link to a particular document, as well as how to make different areas of the same drawing links to different documents .

To accomplish this task, we cannot do without so-called navigation maps.

Let's say we have a picture like this:

And we need to do it so that the user, by clicking on one of these “buttons,” follows a link to this or that document.. what do we need for this?

First of all, let’s designate our drawing not as an ordinary graphic image, but as a navigation map, giving this drawing our own individual name. This is done using the attribute usemap tag (I think you don’t need to be reminded that the tag has a required attribute src which indicates the path to a particular picture )

Let's name our drawing/map panel. It will look like this:


Do not forget to put the sign according to the rules of syntax # hash marks in front of the name..

Well, now, let’s actually create a navigation map. It is specified by the tag which has an attribute name- name.. do you see where I’m going with this? Well, as you probably already guessed, we will indicate on the basis of which drawing we will build our navigation map by indicating its name..

Now let’s start by indicating to the browser the areas of the picture that will serve as links, and at the same time we’ll write down the transition paths for these links. This task is taken over by the tag , it does not require a closing tag, and has the following attributes that we will work with:

href- indicates the path to the document to be opened (just like in the tag )
shape- the shape of the drawing area that will serve as a reference. Can have one of three meanings:
  • rect- rectangular area
  • poly- the area is a kind of polygon
  • circle- area defined by a circle
coords- shape coordinates

Rectangular area

Now our map looks like this:

In fact, now the “green” square button has become working.

As you can see by clicking on it in this example:

Navigation map


I was a little hasty with the example without really explaining the essence of what was written... Let’s focus on the tag attributes .

href="primer1.html"- here I think it’s clear, this is the path to the document that should open when you click on the “green button”.

Since our button is square, and a square, as we know, is a “regular” rectangle, we assign the shape of the drawing area to rectangular shape="rect" .

And now the fun part coords="15,15,82,82"- coordinates.. For a rectangle, they are specified by two points according to the principle “X1, Y1, X2, Y2” Where X1, Y1 is the first point and, accordingly, X2, Y2 the second. Coordinates are indicated in pixels. Our drawing/map has dimensions of 300 by 100 pixels, its uppermost left pixel has coordinates X=0,Y=0, and the lowest right pixel X=300,Y=100. If it’s not clear, let’s dive into fifth grade geometry..

Take a look at the picture:

So, choosing a rectangular shape shape="rect" For our area in the form of a square button, we indicated the coordinates of its upper left and lower right pixels... which are quite enough to designate the “working” area of ​​the entire button.

Polygon (polygon).

Let's deal with the “yellow button”, it is represented in the form of a triangle. In order to select its “working” area from our drawing, we assign the attribute shape meaning poly- a polygon that will define this area as a kind of polygon, where the coordinates separated by commas will be its vertices, there can be as many of them as you like “X1,U1,X2,U2,X3,U3,X4,U4... X124,U124” the figure formed by these the points and vertices of the corners can look like any polygon, both regular and irregular. In our case, there are only three angles, that’s why it’s a triangle, therefore its coordinates will be given by three pairs of values ​​“X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3”

So we write everything together like this:

shape="poly" coords="148,15,185,82,110,82">

And here is a picture that clearly shows where the coordinates of the points come from..

Navigation map

shape="poly" coords="148,15,185,82,110,82">


Well, the last “red button” is round... which means the shape of the area will be round shape="circle". This time the situation with coordinates is a little different. We will need three values ​​X, Y, R. X and Y are the coordinates of the center of our circle, and R is the length of the radius in pixels.

Here is the drawing:

Here's an example:

Navigation map

shape="circle" coords="250,50,33">

Let's bring it to mind..

Now a little about what else it would be advisable to do with our map before “mounting” it into any page.

Let us define the fixed dimensions of the picture-map with attributes width And height

Let's write alternative text both for the entire map image and for its individual areas using the attribute alt, as well as a description of elements with the attribute title .

Let's get rid of the border frame... let's do it border="0"..(well, if you like it better with a border, you don’t have to do it.. I don’t insist..)

In the end it should look something like this:

Navigation map

width="300" height="100" border="0" alt="Control Panel" title="Control Panel"> !}

alt="Green button" title="Green button"> !}
alt="Yellow button" title="Yellow button"> !}
alt="Red button" title="Red button"> !}

Intersection of regions

Sometimes it is convenient to form the “working” area of ​​an image by “mixing” different shapes.

Let's say our next button looks like this:

Of course, you can define the shape as a polygon, but you will have to specify a lot of coordinates for the round part of such a button (well, if you need special accuracy in the navigation map).

In this example, you can define two rectangle shapes rect and circle circle as it shown on the picture:

And in the code indicate the path to the same document:

Navigation map

"Not an area"

Let's look at an example... suppose you need to make a button like this:

What about the hole in it?

Tag besides the attribute href has an attribute opposite in value nohref- an inactive area, that is, if the user clicks on such an area, then absolutely nothing will happen, which is what we actually need to achieve when making a “hole” in our map.

The map will be defined by two areas, an inactive circle circle and active rectangular area rect and as shown in the drawing, have the following coordinates:

As mentioned earlier, when areas intersect, the highest priority will be given to the area that is inside the tag in the code listed first

Therefore, the example will look like this:

Navigation map

nohref shape="circle" coords="76,74,35" title="hole"> !}

Map on the server.

Excerpt from directory (tag attributes ):

usemap- the image is a client-side navigation map.
ismap- the image is a navigation map on the server.

Unclear? Then let's read...

With attribute usemap we seem to have figured it out.. Look, the user (client), having opened your page, simultaneously with all the other content, loads “on his side” both the drawing itself and navigation map to him and the whole thing is processed by his browser.

And here is the attribute ismap tag tells the browser that there is a navigation map for this image on the server, well, where you have posted or are going to post your website (read the article:). And now, when a visitor (client) clicks on any area of ​​the picture with such an attribute, the browser will remember the coordinates of this click and send them to the server, where a special program will process this data and redirect the user to the address indicated in the map on the server, in accordance with the coordinates of the point received from the client browser.

It is written like this:

Where address of the navigation map on any website.. hosted on one server or another..

Still not clear? If yes, then don’t bother about it.. use usemap, in my opinion, this solution will be the best in most cases when using navigation maps.

    To easily determine the coordinates of a particular point on your navigation map, open the drawing with a graphic editor like Paint, for example... there, when you move the pointer over the drawing, you will see two changing numbers, these are the X and Y pixel coordinates in this drawing . In Paint, this panel is located at the bottom of the screen.

    When creating a page with a navigation map, the tag must always be higher than the card itself That is, write like this:

    You can, but it’s not necessary.. because problems may arise when loading the page, since the map with the markings has already loaded, but the drawing itself has not yet..

    And as for loading...

    This place in the code can contain anything long text, tables, graphics... but it’s still better not to write anything here

    And write here, because while the page is loading, the user, without waiting for it to finish, may try to click on the buttons indicated in the navigation map, which by this time has not yet loaded..

HTML - Lesson 15. Navigation maps - map

Many HTML pages use so-called image maps to organize links. With this approach, you take an image and attach links to different areas of it. The most common example is tourist maps of the world; you click on a part of it with a country and you are taken to a page dedicated to that country.

Such image maps can be client-side or server-side. Client map links are stored in the document itself, and by clicking the mouse, the browser itself determines which area the coordinates of this point belong to and navigates to the desired link.

With the server version, these coordinates are first transmitted to the server, processed there by a special program, and only after that the link is followed. Obviously, client navigation maps are preferable. We will consider them.

For example, let’s imagine that we are a household appliances store and in the header of our website we have the following picture:

Let's make a navigation map out of it, i.e. when you click on the refrigerator, you will be redirected to a page dedicated to refrigerators (with models, descriptions and prices), when you click on the vacuum cleaner and washing machine, you will be taken to their corresponding pages.

To do this, we need to describe the areas in this picture that will be links. Tags are used to describe such areas with only one parameter name, which specifies the name of the link map and is then used to link to this map.

Our map needs to be connected to our picture, for this in the tag need to add a parameter usemap, the value of which is the name of our card after the # (hash) icon:
To describe specific areas within tags tags are used . This tag has the following parameters:
  • shape- defines the shape of the area, can take the following values:
    • rect- area in the form of a rectangle,
    • circle- area in the form of a circle,
    • poly- area in the form of a polygon,
    • default- the whole region.
  • cootds- sets the coordinates of a separate area:
    • For rect the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners of the rectangle are specified,
    • For circle the coordinates of the circle center and radius are specified,
    • For poly the coordinates of the polygon vertices are specified in the required order.
  • href- defines the link address.
  • target- used when using frames and indicates the frame into which the page should be loaded.
  • alt- sets alternative text for the area.
We have three areas, which means there will be three tags : the first is a rectangular area around the vacuum cleaner, the second is a rectangular area around the washing machine, the third is around the refrigerator.
Now we need to decide on the coordinates of these areas. In fact, this is the most time-consuming process. In our example, we decided that the areas would be rectangular and made our task much easier, but imagine how many points you need to set, for example, to outline a country on a map. However, we need to specify the coordinates of the top left and bottom right corners of the three rectangles.

For these purposes, some program is usually used, for example, Image Ready, which has a special tool for outlining areas and automatically builds descriptions of these areas. Consideration of the operation of these programs is not included in the HTML course, so here we will set the coordinates “by eye”. Take a look at our image again:

The width of our image is 738 pixels and the height is 192 pixels. Let's draw lines along the borders of our regions and roughly determine the coordinates. Now we are ready to add these parameters to our tags .


Now our areas have become links (if you move the mouse cursor, it turns into a palm). There are no pages on this site dedicated to refrigerators, so the links will take you to the same page, but if you create the pages you want, clicking on the area will take you to the page.

This concludes our lessons. You have become familiar with all the capabilities of the HTML language. To consolidate your skills, check out the two lessons Making a website - tabular layout.

Finally, I must say that there are two more wonderful elements in HTML - tags

And . In fact, these are very important tags, but I consider managing them without CSS simply a “perversion”, so they are described in detail in

Let's look at an example of what an image map looks like in html:

When you hover your mouse over the area of ​​the green rectangle, you can see that it is a link to “#green_link” (the label was chosen as an example; you can make a link to any page on the Internet). The red square has "#red_link", and the blue circle has the corresponding "#blue_link".

Code for this example:

img/primer-kartu-izobrazheniy-1.jpg"> !}

As you can see from the example, the code is not that complicated. Let's look at the tags to create an image link map.

Description of the example

1. You need to create an image link and maps . The image must reference the map using the usemap="#primer1" attribute. And below you need to describe the card code.

When creating a link map, the usemap attribute is required for the img tag.

2. Description of the map consists of a required name attribute, which will be used to bind to the image.

3. Each map element is described using a tag , which specifies the type of object using the shape attribute (rectangle, circle, or polygon) and its coordinates.


Areas may overlap each other. In this case, the link will lead to the object that was described last.

Tag attributes

1. Shape="object_type" attribute - specifies the object type. Can take the following values:

  • circle - circle;
  • rect - rectangle;
  • poly - polygon;

2. Attribute coords="coordinate_values"- determines the geometric location of the object and its dimensions.

The reporting point of the image is the upper left corner. Those. if you specified a height offset of 10, then this means 10 pixels down.

Depending on the type of object, you need to specify coordinate values ​​in different formats. All values ​​are indicated in pixels (there is no need to write the px mark).

  • For the circle type: coords = (x,y,r) , where x,y are the coordinates of the center of the circle, and r is the radius of the circle;
  • For the rect type: coords = (x1,y1,x2,y2) , where x1,y1 are the coordinates of the upper left point of the rectangle, x2,y2 are the coordinates of the lower right point of the rectangle;
  • For poly type: coords = (x1,y1,x2,y2,...,xn,yn), the x,y coordinates of each point of the polygon are sequentially indicated;

3. Attribute href="referral_address"- sets the link to go to (similarly). In addition to the jump address, you can use JavaScript functions to perform some action.

4. Target="value" attribute - similar to a tag defines the action of following a link. Can take values:

  • _blank - opens the page in a new window
  • _self - loads the page into the current window
  • _parent - loads the page into the parent frame
  • _top - cancels all frames and loads the page in the full browser window

5. Attribute title="hint" - выводит всплывающую подсказку. можно также сделать более красивую всплывающую подсказку: как сделать красивую всплывающую подсказку для ссылки »!}

6. Nohref attribute - makes the area inactive. Used when overlapping objects. It is used quite rarely, but sometimes it can become an indispensable solution. For example, you can make a small circle inside a large circle inactive.

The nohref area must come first.

Example code:

The use of a link map in an image occurs only in a narrow range of tasks. For example, when creating some kind of diagram or travel map. In other cases, the use of a map when creating menus and other graphic elements seems unreasonable.
