Open source which. Open SoftwareOpen Source

The software market offers a large selection of software. Along with applications that can be purchased for a fee, there is the opportunity to use free programs.

Free software

The term “freeware” first appeared in 1982, it was registered as a trademark by American programmer Andrew Flegleman for a communication program he developed.

You can download it for free:

  • beta versions of programs
  • simplified analogues of full-fledged packages
  • drivers
  • programs, the use of which will encourage the acquisition of additional resources.

Freeware has one advantage - you don’t have to pay money, but there are a few more disadvantages:

  • no automatic program update
  • no technical support
  • errors during operation are possible.

Almost any commercial program for Windows has its free analogues:

  • Archivers (7-Zip)
  • Software for working with FTP (FileZilla)
  • Antiviruses (CureIt, Avast!, AVZ)
  • Text editors (Notepad++)
  • Browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, GoogleChrome)
  • Audio players (WinAmp)
  • Video players (VLC, Miro, Media Player Classic)
  • Transcoders (MediaCoder)
  • Graphic editors (GIMPshop)
  • Office software (Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice)

Free Windows applications are available on the Internet at developer sites. After downloading the archive and installing the software, all the directories and files in them necessary for normal operation of the application are automatically created on the computer. Free applications for Android and iOS can be downloaded using the PlayStore and AppStore marketplaces.

When downloading free programs, you run the risk of encountering a “Trojan horse” effect: the developer includes other programs in the freely distributed package, which are automatically placed on the computer when the package is installed. This software is not always safe!

Open source projects occupy a special place in the category of free software. Some of the above software (Mozilla Firefox, 7-Zip, FileZilla, Notepad++, Miro, VLC, Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Media Player Classic, GIMPshop, Google Chrome) belong specifically to this category.

Open Source software

The software can be distributed as closed source (Microsoft Windows, MS Office - proprietary software) or open source. Coined in 1984, the term “free software” refers to software that can be obtained for free, modified using available source code, and redistributed.

Programs are distributed under the GNU GPL license and must meet the following requirements:

  1. There are no restrictions on the use of software in certain areas of activity.
  2. The source code is distributed with the executable module or can be obtained from an accessible source for free/at a reasonable cost. The code must be readable.
  3. The modified version is distributed under general conditions. The name or version number may be changed.
  4. The program is available to everyone.

In 1998, the concept of “open source software” was introduced. Formally, all free software can be considered open source software. It is customary to classify open source programs as free, although it is not prohibited to use them for commercial purposes. Typically, it is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. But there are other options (for more information about licenses in the open source world, see).

Advantages of working with open source projects:

  • this is a good educational material
  • the functions described in the project are not prohibited from being built into your applications
  • detected errors can be corrected and the correct code placed in the appropriate repository
  • When compiling a program, it is allowed to make changes to the text and modernize it to suit specific conditions of use.


  • compilation may require additional libraries that you will have to search on the Internet
  • If you have questions when using this software, you will need to look for the answer on forums on the Internet.

The Open Source concept is based on increasing the reliability and quality of software by detecting and correcting errors by many users. The open source project is constantly tested by a huge number of programmers.

Google has been widely implementing open source technology for a long time. All of its projects of this type, about 200 of them (Kubernetes was originally developed here and then transferred to the management of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation), are available on the company's GOOGLE OPEN SOURCE portal. The resource contains not only program codes, but also documentation on their use and support. How widely you can use openly provided code is indicated in the license, usually directly placed in the text of the program.

Apple, by opening the source codes of the Swift language, is trying to increase the number of available applications for Apple. The current version of the language currently has limitations: in order to upload your development to the AppStore, you will have to purchase licensed Swift. All information necessary for the language is posted on the website and in the GitHub cloud storage. Swift has been released for Linux.


Some programs distributed free of charge have restrictions:

  • according to work period
  • by number of launches
  • by functionality

To limit the period of operation and the number of starts, trial protection is used - special counters. As limited functionality software, a demo version or a version with limited service is provided. Sometimes the developer inserts advertising into the program code, making it difficult to work with the package. To get rid of an advertising banner, you will have to pay.

Examples of programs with a shareware license:

  • WinRAR archiver (30 days)
  • Antivirus Nod32 (30 days)

AcrobatReader is an example of a program with limited functionality. This program, the lower end of the AdobeAcrobat suite, only allows viewing of PDF files. To fully work with these types of files, you need to buy a more complete version of Acrobat.

Major developers provide their products free of charge for personal use for study purposes. If you plan to use their software for commercial purposes, you must purchase a license.

For example, Oracle allows you to download the DBMS distribution kit and utilities for working with it for free. In this case, restrictions are imposed on the volume of the processed data array. But for learning the principles of working with a database and practicing the skill of writing procedures, this option for working with software is suitable.

Actually, when downloading the “source code” of open source software, you must be prepared to incur certain costs in order to use it. There is no need to purchase a license, but you will need to pay for the work of programmers who will create software products based on it for a specific task.


By purchasing licensed paid software, you automatically get the opportunity to seek technical support from the developer and regularly update your product as necessary. To install it on your computer, you do not need to have deep knowledge in the field of IT.

When installing free software, pay attention to the date it was created/updated and be sure to check the software for viruses. Such programs are used by both IT specialists and PC users of various levels.

Open source projects are of interest to people who are interested in programming and professionals. Usually the texts of these programs can be downloaded for free. Compiling an executable module and creating the necessary working environment for it requires certain skills of an IT specialist.

The undoubted advantage of open source projects is their independence from the vendor; large companies prefer to create corporate software based on them. This becomes especially relevant for state corporations due to possible difficulties in purchasing proprietary products due to economic sanctions. A limiting factor in the implementation of open source is some uncertainty associated with information security: problems may arise when obtaining certification from the FSTEC.

The success of open source software is quite remarkable. It has not spared even large commercial software producers. IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle and Microsoft have recognized his influence and, in some cases, adopted his methods. It seems that most companies with an IT function are already quite familiar with open source products, and often actively use them.

However, the ubiquity of open source software still raises more questions than answers. So let's try to answer the most popular ones.

What is open source software?

Let's go back to 1997. Talented Linux operating system developer Bruce Perens is putting together a document related to the preparation and distribution of a distribution version of Debian Linux. He later removed all references to Debian and introduced the concept known today as The Open Source Definition. Among other things, the Definition document stated that open source software should be distributed without any royalties to developers, distributors must provide everyone with free access to the source code of the programs, and all further improvements and upgrades of the programs should also be provided under the same conditions.

In essence, the open source software movement is a close relative of the Free Software Movement, proposed in 1983 by Richard Stallman. Its main goal was the free distribution of software, freeing it from the standard restrictions of commercial programs. The rules for distributing free software are regulated by the General Public License (GPL), which was approved in its third edition in October 2006.

There are dozens of different Open Source Initiative licenses in use around the world today, each with its own specific rules that require study by companies considering using open source software. Typically, these rules do not impose strict restrictions on those who wish to access open source programs. As for distribution requirements, they need to be given more serious attention to avoid potential problems associated with violating licensing rules.

Why open source software?

The first reason why companies look at open source software is very simple - price. And the ROI of an open source model clearly demonstrates this. Open source software is completely free to download, install and use. At first, low costs attracted developers who wanted to try new tools or design new applications without investing any money. The new freedom has led many of them to support the open source software movement. As a result, industry-grade open source software such as the Linux operating system, the Apache Web server, the Java application server JBoss, and the Eclipse development environment began to appear around the world, along with thousands of other projects.

In the late 1990s, enterprise management finally began to pay attention to open source software. With IT budgets constantly shrinking, developers boasted about the quality and savings achieved by using open source software, and many companies began to seriously consider using open source software components in enterprise projects. The first large enterprises to implement open source software were The Weather Channel, Cendant Travel, Employease and Saber.

At a time of global Internet growth, open source software allows companies to quickly expand their electronic operations without constantly purchasing new licenses for commercial software. The benefits also extend to development and testing. This way, companies can try new things without the additional costs associated with commercial software and the budget-breaking process that is required in such cases.

It's probably no secret that few people take advantage of the availability of source code in open source products. It would seem that the right to freely modify and correct software code should be considered a serious plus, but in reality, instead of maintaining the software themselves, it is much easier for companies to rely on a community of developers who promptly update and debug the program code of all popular products.

Reasons for rejecting open source software

The arguments against open source software are usually easy to count on one hand.

    Getting free software is like "giving away free puppies." You can download and install it completely free, but training and user support end up costing more than the total cost of commercial software, or a comparable amount. This argument, which Microsoft especially likes to make, operates on a subconscious level. Whether this is fair or not depends on the specific situation and which analytical report you are reading at the moment.

    Organizing technical support is difficult. In the early days of the open source movement, when development and support was largely done by groups of volunteers or “communities,” this was indeed a pressing issue. But while many organizations have found community support to be sufficient to meet their needs, today there are many other opportunities open to them, including support for large open source projects by Hewlett-Packard and IBM. As a result, the statement that “to suffocate, it is enough to block one throat” loses its relevance.

    Developing new functionality takes longer compared to commercial software. It really depends a lot on the specific type of software you're using. The Firefox web browser is the best example of how quickly open source software can be tailored to users' needs. You can also recall how quickly Linux developers organized support for new technologies, in particular USB ports. In this regard, Linux practically did not lag behind Windows. But when it comes to enterprise software, building in mechanisms to support the latest video card or audio chip plays a much less important role here compared to ensuring high stability and performance.

    Uncertainty of further development and branching. The wide variety of open source software licenses, as well as the possibility of active end-user intervention in the program code, deters corporate customers from implementing such programs. But close examination of open source application licenses by lawyers alleviates most of these fears. Some open source software providers and third-party companies even offer damages, so the open source applications you use may well be the subject of a lawsuit.

Where to begin?

Today, almost every type of business software is available as open source products, from email servers to VoIP systems. Many companies first of all pay attention to Web applications, where there are products that have existed for quite a long time and have already managed to prove their worth. A common reference is to the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, Perl or Python depending on the specific situation). The Unix-like Linux operating system has become widespread. One of the most popular Web servers today is Apache. The MySQL database management system successfully competes with expensive commercial products. And the programming and scripting languages ​​PHP, Perl and Python are widely used as tools for developing open source Web applications. Open source Java-based Web sites often rely on the JBoss application server. As you become more familiar with open source tools and discover the similarities and differences between them and commercial products, you will discover other possibilities. It may also be surprising to learn that your developers occasionally turn to certain open source products at their own risk.

Application servers are great, sure, but what about open source desktop software?

It is quite common for end users to use various open source desktop tools. A striking example of such a solution is the Mozilla Firefox Web browser. Some government and commercial organizations prefer the Sun OpenOffice office suite over Microsoft Office. But while some players are venturing into the unknown by installing the Linux operating system on their desktop computers, Windows remains by far the dominant player. End-user friendly versions of Linux (such as LinSpire) cannot break the status quo because user training takes time and money. Additionally, most commercial software packages—on which many companies depend—are developed for Windows first and Linux second (if a Linux version is ever released at all).

Can open source products be sold?

Yes, of course, but the rules of the Open Source Initiative prohibit obstructing the sale of your code to others. And yet, many companies are finding ways to make money from open source products. Many, in addition to the actual code, offer corporate support services, which are very readily purchased by companies. Others provide two versions of the software code: one in an open and free form, and another that includes additional useful functions, contains proprietary components and must be paid for by customers. This mixed model is becoming increasingly popular. It is actively used by companies such as SourceFire, SugarCRM, Alfresco and a number of others.

Other open source resources

Many open source programs can be found on the Internet:

    FreshMeat. Huge database of downloadable software, much of it in open source form.

    SourceForge. A giant site for open source software developers, bringing together thousands of open source projects. Some of them continue to develop, while others have already ceased to exist.

Open source resources - official and unofficial

    Open Source Initiative. A non-profit organization that considers its main task to be the further development of open source software and is funded by a number of players who have been operating in this field for a long time.

    Open Source Technology Group. Arguably the world's leading promoter of open source technologies. It is this association that owns the news site Slashdot, as well as the resources SourceForge and FreshMeat.

    Open Source Risk Management. Offers mechanisms to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

    Open Source Development Labs. An organization whose main goal is to promote the Linux operating system among corporate clients.

One of the conditions of an open source program is continuous improvement so that it can meet all necessary requirements in the future. This requirement prevents its commercialization and protects the rights of the original author. Distributed software may also have additional conditions imposed by the author, for example, it must not be reprogrammed for purposes other than the original ones.

Currently, there are many open source programs of excellent quality: Linux LibreOffice, Firefox, Audacity, WordPress, Emule and others, which give an idea of ​​the level of development and demand for this idea in the world. In each program, hundreds of people around the world work selflessly to improve and update the software.

Chronology of the process:

  1. On January 22, 1998, Netscape announces that it will release source code for Netscape Navigator.
  2. On February 3, 1998, the term "open source" was coined at a meeting in Palo Alto, and the following week Bruce Perens and Eric Raymond launched the project "".
  3. On March 31, 1998, the Netscape Navigator code was opened and within a few hours the first software improvements went online.
  4. On May 7, 1998, Corel announced the Netwinder, a cost-effective computer running GNU/Linux.
  5. May 11, 1998 Corel announces its plans to adapt WordPerfect and the rest of its office software to GNU/Linux.
  6. On May 28, 1998, Sun Microsystems and Adaptec joined Linux International, the first major providers of open source hardware and operating systems.
  7. July 13-17, 1998, Oracle and Informix announce that they are connecting their databases to GNU/Linux.
  8. On August 10, 1998, Sun Microsystems offers Solaris, an operating system aimed at individual users and educational or non-profit organizations.
  9. On November 1, 1998, Microsoft's plans against GNU/Linux and other open source projects were published.
  10. December 16, 1998 IDG announces that GNU/Linux market share increased by 212% in 1998.
  11. 1-5 in March 1999, the first Linux World Conference Expo.
  12. Hewlett-Packard, IBM and SAP are beginning to support commercial firms.
  13. March 15, 1999 Apple launches Darwin under an open source license.
  14. On June 4, 1999, Microsoft agreed that Linux overall sold more licenses than Windows 98.

Between 1998 and 2019, GNU/Linux has grown significantly in popularity and many OS companies have emerged. This movement has attracted the attention of the software industry, bringing in the offerings of consolidated software companies such as Sun Microsystems with StarOffice and IBM with OpenAFS.

The term Open Source

The term "open source" continues to be ambivalent because it is currently used by programmers who do not offer free software, but source the programs for revision or modification.

With this in mind, the use of the term "Open Source Software" is preferred to designate programs offered with complete freedom of modification, use and distribution, subject to the implicit rule not to change said freedoms in the future. The computer concept in English "Open Source Software" refers to software that is freely available with permissions for modification and improvement.

"Open Source Software" follows the philosophy of a community that strives to democratize knowledge through the collaboration of developers from around the world. This initiative aims to drive innovative technology solutions through collaboration, information sharing, process flexibility and cost reduction.

It should be noted that while many OS programs may be available for free, as an inherent characteristic it does not necessarily mean that all of them are distributed this way. The term "freedom" makes more allusions to the philosophy of which the community is a part and less to the cost.

More and more users and companies are integrating OS software into their activities, and it is the many benefits that make it a very attractive work tool.

The free term, or freedom, is associated with the following functions:

  1. Usage. You can use a program regardless of whether it was designed for a specific task or not.
  2. Study. The availability of the source code allows you to analyze it in more depth, adapting it to the user's needs and assessing possible improvements that need to be made.
  3. Spreading. Usually found in free download places and shared without restrictions.
  4. Open to improvement and innovation. By providing access to source code, users and programmers from around the world can contribute to collective knowledge and observations, discuss bugs and improve the product.

The business world has seen an increase in software openness as organizations have realized the benefits it has in addition to profitability.

For companies, these benefits include low cost, flexibility, freedom, security, responsibility and the support of a collaborative work community. The software has been shown to be viable in the long term and continuously updated.

Many users have heard of free software and open source software, but not everyone knows the difference between these terms. In computing environments, these concepts are present in everyday life as they influence the programming of all electronic devices such as a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Proprietary software only protects the interests of the company that sells it, and this cannot be modified by outsiders to suit specific needs. On the contrary, open source software is available to every user and can be modified according to their own requirements.

According to Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Movement, “These freedoms are vital not only to the user, but to society as a whole, because they promote solidarity. Its relevance is increasing as culture and daily activities become increasingly connected to the digital world.”

For educational organizations, the availability of free software is an invaluable advantage because it allows them to save on using proprietary software. Such programs are vital for those who want to learn to code, as reading other people's code will help in gaining new knowledge, problem solving and the learning process.

Open Source Basics

Companies, users and programmers are involved in continuous study of how the program works with the clear goal of improving it. In this way, an efficient process for detecting errors, fixing and introducing new features can be carried out. One of the features of the process is the lack of capital investment, since it does not require spending money on purchasing licenses.

Basic principles of the platform:

In order to understand whether the user is dealing with open source software, one should check whether the software meets the following requirements:

  1. Use the program for any purpose and without restrictions.
  2. Opportunity to study how it works.
  3. Free distribution of the program.
  4. Free software change.

The OS software development model is based on knowledge sharing. This is the traditional framework of scientific fields and is why it was the original model on which the Internet was developed, as well as TCP/IP, Unix, C tools.

In the development model, a person or organization coordinates a large community of independent developers distributed throughout the planet. The software can be seen, tested and modified even before the first full version is released.

As users and developers move through different economic, social and legal contexts, the result becomes more flexible, adaptable and versatile.

Today there are many “Open Source Software” programs with an excellent reputation and characteristics on the Internet in the public domain.

List of OS software:

  1. Linux is open source. It is a multi-tasking, multi-user system that provides a command and graphical interface. It is also the most famous example of open source.
  2. Apache Openoffice. It is a powerful word processor, computing and graphics processor, ideal for the education sector. Can enrich both teachers and students.
  3. Android. Because it is an OS software, many developers can use it to create applications that will be used by this system.
  4. Firefox. Many users are very familiar with this Mozilla web browser, and much of its code is contributed by a large community of volunteers.

Providing security systems

Many users are concerned about whether free software is more secure than proprietary software. It is well known that OS software users, such as those who typically work with computers running Linux systems, tend to take pride in the security that these programs provide with respect to the most closed systems, say, Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac.

However, experts today, after many years of discussion, still do not agree with this. The truth is that both sides have their reasons for defending their arguments. Users of applications and OS systems protect the model, since the source code is available to everyone, it is much easier to detect possible security holes and vulnerabilities.

On the other hand, many believe that closed systems are more secure due to the fact that a limited number of experts have access to the source code of such applications, making it more difficult to leak or insert malicious software of this type.

Security is of paramount importance in both cases and in either case, it has been proven that security is not guaranteed in any program. But it is also true that developers strive to ensure that the risks of attack are minimized as much as possible.

For example, Linux systems have long been considered a secure operating system, due in large part to the advantages offered by its design. Because its code is open, there are many people who implement improvements and benefit the rest of Linux users.

This is in contrast to what is offered on Windows or MacOS, where these fixes are typically limited to those found by Microsoft and Apple.

This is why Windows dominates the desktop environment, while Linux is widely used on servers and other elements that are critical to fundamental security.

Benefits of Open Source

Software with OS (Open Source) differs from software with closed source code by a special license. To ensure the rights of users of the OS Software, all copies must be distributed with the copyright notice, a copy of the license, and the source code.

Software advantages:

  1. The user does not pay for a license to use the program.
  2. The supplier only charges for the services it provides.
  3. Independence from the provider and improvement of services.
  4. The client does not depend on the provider, since, having the source code, any provider can continue working where the previous one left off.
  5. Since the supplier only pays for its services and the client has no connections, the former concentrates its efforts on providing good customer service.
  6. With all the code available, any new development can use customer data and processes by integrating different programs.
  7. The generated data will always be available without forcing the client to invest in a license.
  8. The user is not subject to sanctions for using the program.
  9. Has periodic updates with a high frequency of release to the network.
  10. The product is 100% virus-free.
  11. Has a large support community.
  12. Technological independence.
  13. Flexible computing solutions.
  14. Economical option, with low or zero cost of products.
  15. Free use and distribution.
  16. Has standard formats that provide higher compatibility between systems.

Companies that dedicate themselves to OS do not charge fees for software licenses, but for the services they provide to their customers. In particular, they concentrate their income on activities such as training, consulting, consulting, certification and custom development.

This way, customers do not pay to use the program, but invest in having a service provider, optimizing their investment, and remain independent from the provider. On the other hand, one of the services that a provider can provide is the development of functionality that is not available in open source applications.

In fact, with closed source, through the sale of licenses, customers fund further development of the system and typically continue to pay for its use once development has been fully funded.

In OS, the client finances, if he wishes, the functionality he needs. Thus, it also contributes to the development of the system, benefiting other firms to the same extent that it benefited the development financed by other companies.

Software always has an owner. This is indicated in the copyright notice. This is why it is so important that each copy distributes the specified note.

Development prospects

Open source is a concept that has changed the world. It refers to something that "can be changed and shared because, according to Open Source, its design is available to the entire public." Most use OS software not because it is free, but because it is secure and usually the best available on the market, with community support.

One of the latest open source news concerns Google's artificial intelligence system. The search titan has released internal software in this area. It's called TensorFlow, and its training libraries have been shared with the community to speed up the development process.

Not only have the code libraries been made available to the public, but also tutorials and examples that run under the Apache 2.0 license have been made available to the public, so any institution can take advantage of the offering.

Some note that IBM is promoting the use of Linux in companies so that they are later tied to their applications. This is why it is not an open source system like Linux that is important, but rather the use of licenses.

The future of this system is very promising, experts say that by 2020, computer hardware will receive more than 80% of its components through voluntary Open Source communities.

How computer programs are created

A computer program is a list of instructions given to a computer to cause it to perform a specific task or series of tasks. Computers do not understand English, so programmers must communicate these instructions to the computer in a language that the computer understands. Computers, however, can only work with numbers, which makes computer language very difficult for humans to understand.

The solution to this problem is to create an intermediate language that can be understood by both humans and computers. These are the so-called programming languages. Programmers create a list of instructions for a computer in a programming language such as C, Pascal, or Fortran. This list of instructions is known as source code. It is textual in nature and is readable by people - those who speak the language. Programmers do all their work in this source code, changing instructions to fix bugs, add features, or change the appearance of the program.

When a programmer believes that he has perfected the instructions for his program, he uses a special program called a compiler to translate his human-readable texts into machine-readable numbers that correspond to the same instructions. The resulting file is usable on computers, but incomprehensible to humans. This is called object code. The resulting executable file is often called binary, after the number system used by the computer. This translation from source code to binary object code is a one-way process. It is not possible to translate a binary executable back to source code.

Executable file- what you need if you want to launch and use the program. This is usually what you will get when you purchase shrink-wrapped software from a retail store. Source code is what you need if you want to understand how the program works internally, or if you want to change, add, or improve the program. If you have the source code and the appropriate compiler, you can create a binary executable, but the reverse is not true.

What is Open Source?

Software that is only available in binary executable format is proprietary.

Open source software is copyrighted software that is distributed in source code form under a license agreement that grants special rights to users of the software, rights that are usually reserved by the author. This license allows all users to make and distribute copies of the software's binary files and source code without specific permission from the author. Additionally, it allows users to modify the source code and distribute modified copies.

What does this mean

You are wondering why Open Source is important. The importance lies in the fact that any programmer anywhere in the world can view the source code, fix bugs, add new features and customize the system without restrictions. This is how Linux was designed from the very beginning, and this is why Linux is a very stable system with few bugs, wide hardware support, and a feature set that is growing so fast that proprietary operating system vendors are jealous. The fact that the source code is open for review by experts around the world ensures that any problems are found and resolved quickly, and fixes can be distributed without restrictions. This is much more efficient and effective than relying on a corporation to squeeze a "update package" somewhere into their busy release schedule. After all, they don't get paid for the upgrade packages.

What really matters is that open source software belongs to the community. It is software that is maintained by a community of people (or companies) who use it. It is freely available on the Internet and anyone can use it. More importantly, users are encouraged to improve it. By sharing our improvements and ideas, connecting our resources with thousands and even millions of people around the world via the Internet, the open source community can create powerful, stable and reliable software at very little cost.

But the open source community is much more than just people who write software. Everyone who uses the software participates in a real community and has a voice. You don't need to be a programmer. By simply reporting a bug to the program's author or writing a simple how-to article, you are contributing to the community and helping to improve the software. Open source software is written, documented, distributed, and maintained by the people who use it. This means that it is sensitive to your needs, not the needs of the corporation trying to sell it to you.

Of course, many companies also contribute to open source software, making their work available to the entire community because they know the benefits of Open Source. Software that is supported by an entire community is inherently better and more stable, and more and more companies are starting to appreciate this fact.

The point is that open source software is written by people who use it every day, people who have a vested interest in making it work and working well. They're not trying to add buzzword features, they're trying to add quality. They don't spend time and money trying to convince people that their software is great, they spend it trying to make their software great.


"Open Source" is a trademarked phrase describing software licenses that meet the Open Source definition. The brand is managed by the Open Source Initiative, the collaborative organization that launched Linux and the free software movement. Only software that meets the criteria described in the open source definition can call itself open source.

Long before the term "open source" came into use, there was a community of people committed to the idea of ​​"Free Software", a phrase that refers not to cost but to the freedom to use and modify it (think of freedom as in " freedom of speech" and not "free beer"). This community continues to actively promote the ideals of free software. To find out more about this, you can visit The Free Software Foundation

For an in-depth look at how and why open source software is developed, read Eric S. Raymond's excellent essay "The Cathedral and the Bazaar".

If you're considering open source software for your business, you should visit The Open Source Initiative to learn more. Take a look anyway and see how the open source community can improve the stability, scalability, and power of your business while actually cutting costs.

Open source software (OSS) is computer software distributed with its source code available for modification. Typically the software includes a license for programmers to change the software in any way. They can fix bugs, improve features, or adapt the software to suit their needs. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is the leading body in the field of OSS; their definition of open source software meets the rules according to 10 criteria.

These include:

  • Software distribution
  • Source code availability
  • License Distribution
  • License properties
  • Anti-discrimination


Different licenses allow programmers to change the software under different conditions. OSI approves licenses that meet their definition of open source software. 5 of the most popular licenses according to the Black Duck knowledge base:

  1. MIT License
  2. GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0
  3. Apache License 2.0
  4. GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0
  5. BSD License 2.0 (3-clause, new or revised)

When you change source code, one of the requirements of OSS is to include what you changed as well as your methods. The software created after modifying the code may be freeware or freeware.

Difference between open source and commercial software

Commercially available software or proprietary software does not provide access to its source code because the software is someone else's intellectual property.

As a result, users often pay for it.

OSS, on the other hand, is a collaborative effort—the software is shared intellectual property among everyone who helped develop or modify it.

Open Source Software Vs. Free software

Contrary to popular belief, none of them focus on the cost or disadvantage of these programs.

Open Source entails the free availability of source code and distribution. Free software, in the same way, involves code modification, but emphasizes that users who like free software like to do what they like. The Free Software Foundation sets out 4 conditions for software to be considered completely free.

Additionally, the software can be classified as freeware. This means that users download the software for free, but cannot make any changes to its source code.

Benefits of Open Source Software

While cost is the driving force, OSS has several additional benefits:

  • High quality results when source code is shared, tested and fixed.
  • This is a valuable training opportunity for programmers. They can learn and apply skills to the most popular programs available today.
  • Many people consider open source software to be more secure than proprietary software because bugs are identified and fixed quickly.
  • Since open source software is in the public domain, there is little chance that it could become unavailable. This is important for long-term projects that rely on these tools for the duration of the project.
  • Most software is free. However, costs may arise later, such as subscriptions or support fees.

Popular Types of Open Source Software

Open source technologies helped create much of the Internet.

Additionally, many of the programs you and I use every day are based on open source technologies. For example, Android OS and Apple OS X are based on the kernel and Unix/BSD open source, respectively.

Other popular open source software:

  • Web browser Mozilla Firefox
  • Thunderbird email client
  • PHP scripting language
  • Python programming language
  • Apache Web Server
  • > Open Source and developers

OSS projects are collaboration opportunities that improve skills and create connections in the field. Developers must be proficient in standard open source development tools.

Communication means

  • - email, real-time messaging, forums and wikis help developers find solutions or bounce ideas off each other. Distributed version control systems
  • - When multiple developers in different geographic locations change data and files, these systems manage different versions and updates. Bug tracking and task lists
  • - Allow large-scale projects to monitor problems and track their fixes. Testing and Debugging Tools
  • - Automation of testing during system integration and debugging of other programs. Conclusion

Thousands of open source projects provide an alternative to proprietary software. Working on an OSS project as a path to a career in software development. Additionally, programmers can hone their skills by working on some of the largest software products in the world. Facebook, Google and LinkedIn as Open Source so developers can share knowledge, implement solutions and contribute to stable, functional products.
