Zhorik Revazov aka TheWikihow is a successful model of making money on YouTube. A person who knows about cars: Zhorik Revazov in Contact Zhorik Revazov all episodes

Zhorik Revazov aka TheWikihow - a successful model of making money on YouTube

Hi all! This post will be slightly unusual, but it will show one more time interesting fact- that if you shout the loudest 100 times in a row that you are successful and the best, sooner or later others will believe it too. Today we will take a closer look at the channel of Zhorik Revazov, known under the nickname “TheWikihow” and positioning himself as the best car reviewer in RuNet.

So that you immediately understand what we are talking about, I will give a link to this channel:


In fact, there were initially 2 of them, since the second one was the main one, but by coincidence it became secondary. Here is a link to it -


But first things first.

Like many car enthusiasts, in my free time from work, I like to watch car reviews, test drives, etc., but since one of the main areas of my activity is making money online, everywhere I already see a catch and a hidden desire to make money for you and me. It's like paranoia :)

From the first issues it became clear to me that the author’s main goal was to get money and for the sake of this he was ready to adapt to the public mood in Russia.

Business model concept.

1. Zhorik Revazov positions himself as a seasoned TAZovod. It is enough to look out the window of your yard (unless, of course, you live on Rublyovka) to understand that the VAZ is the most common car in Russia and, whatever one may say, the majority of the population drives our death capsules, therefore the target audience is huge.

2. We figured out the target audience. Now it is necessary to capture the “public mood”. Everyone who drives TAZs for the most part can be divided into several categories:

  • Hopelessness. A person understands that he cannot earn money for a foreign car and therefore drives products from the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. He has long come to terms with the idea that he will not have another car other than the 7 and he loves it in his own way. He treats foreign cars with envy, but quite adequately.
  • People with TAZophilia syndrome. They are ready to prove, foaming at the mouth, that the VAZ is an excellent car, and that with direct hands it is possible to turn it into a sports car. But again, these “people” do not understand that when tuning a VAZ, only the nameplate and body remain in the car from the original car. Especially for this category of people, videos are produced with a review of the “charged” Prior and 14s.
  • And of course, those who switched to a foreign car and from whom you can now only hear the phrase: “The basin is crap. I will never sit down for him.”
  • Subsequently, when all the TAZs were filmed, then, like the drom.ru portal in the past, TheWikihow changed the concept and began to review foreign cars.

3. Personality. Although Zhorik Revazov can be classified in the category of “an actor who does not have an Oscar,” he is distinguished from other reviewers by his charisma and pronounced work “for the brand.” Here again, everything is built on the details. Firstly it's a hat, secondly a large number of mat, and thirdly, this is some kind of acting, and it’s much more interesting to look at a dynamic picture than at a banal review of a car in the “interior, exterior” style.

4. Viral content. Remember how many likes and reposts the article “TOP - so TOP...” got, here the story is similar. The ability to, as they say, take a crap is also a kind of talent. Have you ever thought about how many artists tried to swear on stage, but for some reason only Sergei Shnurov and the Leningrad group are on everyone’s lips. There is a similar principle here. It’s enough to read a review of a car on Lurkomorye + add a little of your own and make a high-quality video, and then everything will go like a snowball. Again, “stuffing” on social networks will work well. This is what happened with Zhorik Revazov. His first anti-test drives with the help of hired people on advego or WMMAIL were literally in every VK and classmates group and the result was a habreffect...

5. Professionalism. From the first issues, Zhorik positions himself as a professional, although he often makes mistakes in details or simply says what he read on the forums, but does not understand in principle. But since most car enthusiasts get their car repaired at a service center and only change the water in the washer barrel themselves, they take everything at face value, especially if the “best reviewer on the RuNet” tells them about it, then that means it is so. For clarity, watch this video -

6. Srach in the comments. Who doesn't like to defend their point of view on the Internet? This is where the competent presentation of the material comes in. What could be easier to pit fans of right-hand drive Japanese cars against haters of “rules” or say the magic phrase “Tazs are falling” - after which an Internet battle begins everywhere :).

7. Cheat. There's nowhere without her. What is a popular channel without hundreds of thousands of subscribers, tens of thousands of likes and millions of views.

8. Stories from life. Separately, it is worth mentioning the so-called “life stories”. I’ll ask a question for those who have never watched his channel. Would you believe that a person without money in his pocket would throw away his salary? Or what would trade a car for ice cream? I can’t confirm this, but I have to remove the noodles from my ears quite often...

What do we end up with? The main character is LKN, riding on a TAZ, always crying that our cars are crap and that there is no money, but at the same time, he is distinguished by his cunning mind and ingenuity and understands that this can build an audience and make money.

That's all. Willy-nilly, a typical Russian begins to trust him. They say that in front of him is the same as him - an ordinary guy, that his car is a 12-wheeler, not a Maserati, and that he openly and simply expresses their own thoughts in the video. That's all… Ideal model leading for Russia. Plus, no “cool” video processing, etc. The main motto is “Keep it simple and people will reach out to you.”

Well, now the most interesting part. Earning money. The main profit comes from the YouTube affiliate program. Those. all the advertising that you see while watching a video is youtube PP. For good earnings millions of views are needed, but since the content is viral, they accumulate very quickly + cheating most likely took place, at least in early videos.

The second point is “pressure on sympathizers” and a change of opinion. Anyone who follows the channel knows that at first Zhorik told everyone that he was not going to tune his VAZ 2112 and that he did not accept handouts from outside, but then a whole series of videos came out where he “cryed” that he was cheated out of paying money and that there was nothing to shoot a video with, in the end there were quite a lot of offers to chip in and a good moment turned up. Suddenly PR manager Ruslan appeared, who began selling car stickers for 300 rubles apiece, and of course the money goes to a good cause - previously unplanned car tuning...

According to Zhorik himself, in the fall, when a large number of advertisements for winter tires were airing, earnings on his channel were about 100,000 rubles, plus the sale of stickers, and in the future I think other symbols will be used - mugs, caps, T-shirts, etc. . And of course, placement of direct advertising. Considering the established audience, you can safely ask for 1k$ for 1 commercial.

I'm not saying that it's all that simple. Finding an operator, a car, negotiating with the owner, filming and editing video - all this also costs money, time and effort. But, you see, in such a short period of time reaching an income of over 100k rubles is quite good, plus in the future the situation will become 100% better.

So if you are creative, perhaps you should think about creating your own channel and promoting it.

Have a nice day, everyone!

The genre of amateur car reviews has conquered the Russian-language Internet. One of its brightest representatives is Zhorik Revazov. His biography and the story of his success are of interest to everyone who is partial to cars.

Car video blogging in RuNet

Video blogging is a type of broadcasting on the Internet, when the user is essentially “his own director.” It is a tape of videos structured in reverse chronological order. Although the technological ability to shoot video yourself appeared relatively long ago, it is only now, thanks to the colossal reduction in the cost of video recording equipment and the spread of broadband Internet connections, that everyone can make themselves known to the whole world.

Among the most famous automobile video bloggers of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet:

  • Anton Vorotnikov tries to make his reviews primarily informative and visual. Not much attention is paid to the “beautiful picture”. Releases with premium brands are common;
  • Sergey Stillavin and Rustam Vakhidov run a channel called “Big Test Drive”. The professional journalists themselves, Sergey and Rustam, do everything to make the content high-quality and interesting. However, their program often suffers from excessive subjectivity of the presenters;
  • Zhorik Revazov is a columnist from the North Caucasus who conquered RuNet in just a year and a half of broadcasting thanks to a very unusual show format.

History of success

Zhorik Revazov (real name Georgy Borisovich Revazov) was born in 1984 in the northern suburbs of the capital of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz. Father, Boris Revazov, director of OJSC Rosset. Georgy is the only son in the family.

He did not serve by conscription (there were rumors that his father allegedly had to pay a considerable bribe for that time). He entered the North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute, but never completed his studies.

Zhorik Revazov recorded his first car review in 2011. He called the project TheWikihow, which he deciphered into Russian as “find out how”: an obvious incorrect translation of the word wiki, which should actually be translated as “fast, nimble.” He began working in tandem with cameraman Zhan Narimanovich Kasparov, who put a lot of effort into ensuring that the reviews conquered the RuNet.

Initially, Zhorik made reviews of mainly domestic cars, as aimed at ordinary people. Subsequently, he began to pay attention to foreign cars.

There are two channels within TheWikihow project:

  • Tuning-Time - a review of cars modified to the state of a racing car;
  • AntiTestDrive - car reviews without censorship (there is a restriction of 18+).

The number of views on his blog reaches one hundred thousand per day. Considering the traffic data, the video blog could not help but become a source of serious income for Zhorik. Related products also bring money (T-shirts, caps, stickers, etc.)

Manner of presentation of material

Zhorik makes his videos in a deliberately simple manner, trying to pass as “one of his own” and erase the boundary between journalist and viewer. This makes it easier to obtain feedback from video channel subscribers.

The vocabulary contains a lot of obscene language, thrown into place and out of place, which, however, appeals to the specific audience of the channel. The manner of presentation is expressive and emotional, with a characteristic North Caucasian flavor. Revazov puts his own opinion about the car at the forefront, not skimping on pretentious expressions.

Not uncommon lyrical digressions in the form of conversations “for life”: true stories from Zhorik’s own life experience, to one degree or another related to cars. For example, a story about how a man exchanged his “iron horse” for ice cream or how one guy threw away his entire salary.

This style finds both loyal supporters and ardent haters. However, his releases definitely do not leave anyone indifferent.

Obvious shortcomings include the low quality of sound and editing.

Where does Zhorik Revazov live?

Unlike many popular video bloggers who moved to Moscow in the wake of popularity (as, for example, EeOneGuy did), Zhorik Revazov did not leave his small homeland.

The village of Mikhailovskoye, where he now lives, is a tiny (population of only about ten thousand people) northern satellite of Vladikavkaz. Zhorik lives two steps from his parents’ house.

Despite the fact that Zhorik lives virtually in the wilderness, the possibilities of the Internet give him the opportunity to do what he loves wherever his heart desires.

Thanks to his work, he traveled literally all over Russia. In particular, he visited the following cities:

  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Ryazan;
  • Stavropol;
  • Orenburg.

What kind of car does Zhorik Revazov have?

Zhorik positions himself as a simple guy who is unlikely to ever be lucky enough to buy an expensive foreign car. That's why for a long time he was the owner of cars produced by the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, although he was not wildly delighted with their quality.

The following cars passed through the hands of Zhorik Revazov:

  1. VAZ 2112 coupe, which was seriously modified (power increased 5 times). In 2015, Zhorik gave it to a guy suffering from cerebral palsy;
  2. VAZ 2113 (nicknamed “Silva”);
  3. VAZ 21123 (“Chernysh”);
  4. VAZ-2101 “kopek”;
  5. VAZ-2114 (“Sleeper”);
  6. VAZ-1111 “Oka”;
  7. BMW E34 (nicknamed “Wolf”) in a two-door version, which he purchased second-hand in the summer of 2014. After the purchase, Zhorik turbocharged the car's engine;
  8. Lada Vesta is white. I bought it in 2015, fully equipped, for 609 thousand rubles. He also intended to modify it, but subsequently sold it;
  9. BMW E335i coupe;
  10. Mercedes-Benz W220, purchased for 180 thousand rubles;

Each acquisition is accompanied by detailed coverage in the video blog and on the personal VKontakte page. And Zhorik made a whole show out of the purchase of the Lada Vesta.

Where is Zhorik Revazov now?

At the beginning of 2015, Zhorik announced that from now on all videos in the “Antitestdrive” section will be available using a subscription model: 33 rubles for access to content. This practice is quite popular in the West, where it has already proven its effectiveness. The YouTube service even has a whole YouTube Red subsection, where exclusive content is provided for a fee.

However, the Russian-speaking audience was hostile to the innovation. A hail of criticism rained down on Zhorik, and the popularity of the channel began to fall sharply. As a result, he was forced to reduce the fee for his video to 11 rubles, but even this step met with nothing but criticism.

Currently, Zhorik continues to develop his channel "JoRick Revazov". In June 2016, he announced the launch of a new show, “Auto Challenge,” in which viewers will send him any challenges regarding his new car, the Daewoo Matiz (purchased to replace the Mercedes-Benz W220). Examples of challenges are to accelerate in this car to 100 km/h in 5 seconds, drive 10 km using sunflower oil instead of gasoline, etc. The shows promise to be interesting, but we’ll see if the implementation will be as interesting as his idea.

If you try to name people who made themselves, one of them would be a man named Zhorik Revazov. His biography is an example to follow for a huge number of people. A native of a small Caucasian village, who made a name for himself by reviewing cars, will definitely go down in the history of the RuNet.

Video about Zhorik's new show

In this video, Zhora Revazov himself will tell you a little about himself and how exactly he plans to conduct a new show called “Auto-Challenge”:

Today we will talk about who Zhorik Revazov is, what he is known for on VKontakte, and why he has so many subscribers on the most popular Russian-language site. social network. But we will not only tell you who he is, but also provide a link to his real page, which is searched by many people all over the Internet.

Why is this person popular?

Zhorik on social network

The young and advanced Zhorik, just like you and me, is, of course, registered on the VKontakte social network. And as we have already said, it enjoys quite good popularity. “Where can we find his page?” a curious reader will ask. The link to the page is attached!

Real Zhorik Revazov - https://vk.com/id1456214

Now that you have a link to the real Zhorik, you can become a subscriber to his page and always be aware of new releases on YouTube. Of course, he is unlikely to convert you into friends, since he has them on his this moment maximum permissible quantity. However, Zhorik’s wall for commenting on his posts is open to everyone, so you can leave your comment or even a question in the hope of getting an answer.

VKontakte community

Here in this community: https://vk.com/official_public_thewikihow

You can find fans of Zhorik Revazov’s work who communicate on a variety of topics. Although Zhorik himself is not among the admins, which is strange, nevertheless, this is the largest VKontakte group that is dedicated to him. There is even an album where people upload photos of their “iron horses” with the show’s branded stickers.

That's it, friends, now you not only know that the real Zhorik Revazov is registered in VKontakte personally, but you also know how to find him, his official community, and also where his channel with many videos is located on YouTube.

By the way, many of Zhorik’s fans are complaining that he has practically stopped running the anti-test drive column. And indeed, it was thanks to such non-standard car reviews that Zhorik became popular. If he doesn’t release anti test drives, I’m afraid his popularity will decrease. So, we wish Zhorik to listen to the opinions of his fans.
