Reins search php start. Ob_start - Enable output buffering

PHP provides several functions that search for one string within another. Some return the location of the found string (strpos , strrpos and related), and return part of the original string (strstr and strrchr). The search functions return false if the string you are searching for is not found within the original.

If your goal is simply to determine whether one string exists within another, the most efficient option is strpos .


The strpos function searches its first string argument for its second and returns the zero-based index location of the first match within the string, or false if it is not found. The following example demonstrates:

$str = ; // search for the first occurrence of "need" within $str$pos = strpos($str, "need"); // display type and value of $pos var_dump ($pos) ; // int(3)

Although we demonstrated the result using var_dump above, a typical examination of the return value for strpos is performed as follows:

// how to inspect strpos return value ($pos) if ( $pos !== false ) ( // if search string found echo "found it at location $pos" ; ) else ( echo "not found." ; )

Be sure to use the === or !== operators to compare the strpos function"s return value to false . If the substring is found at the start of the string, strpos will return 0 , which the == or != operators would convert to false .

You can specify an offset to begin the search a specified number of characters from the start of the string, as this example demonstrates:

/* strpos arguments: * subject string (aka haystack), search string (needle), offset (optional) */ // start search for "need" from character 10 in $str$pos = strpos ($str , "need" , 10 ) ; // 20

When starting the search from character 10 , the result is 20 , the index location of the start of the word needle .


The strrpos function finds the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string:

// example string to use for searches$str = "We need to find the needle in the haystack."; // find location of last occurrence of "need" in $str$pos = strrpos ($str , "need" ) ; // 20

The strrpos function also provides an optional offset parameter which can be either positive or negative. If the offset is positive, that number of characters at the beginning of the string will be excluded from the search. Consider the following example:

// search from right for "We" excluding first 3 characters$pos = strrpos ($str , "We" , 3 ) ; var_dump ($pos) ; //bool(false)

The result is false since "We" is not found when the search excludes the first three characters.

If the offset is negative, that many characters at the end of the string are excluded from the search. We demonstrate with two searches specifying a negative offset:

// search from right for "hay" excluding last 5 characters$pos = strrpos ($str , "hay" , - 5 ) ; // int(34) // search from right excluding last 10 characters$pos = strrpos ($str , "hay" , - 10 ) ; //bool(false)

The last result above is false since "hay" is not found when the search excludes the last 10 characters.

Notice that the return value of the strrpos function gives the location from the start of the string, even though the search commences from the right.

stripos and stripos

The strpos and strrpos functions perform case-sensitive searches. PHP provides stripos and strripos functions to perform case-insensitive searches. They work just like their case-sensitive equivalents:

// example string to use for searches$str = "We need to find the needle in the haystack."; // do case-insensitive search for "we"$pos = stripos($str, "we"); // int(0) // do case-insensitive search from right for "Need"$pos = strripos($str, "Need"); // int(20)

The case-insensitive search for "we" results in 0 , indicating it was found at the beginning of the string we are searching in. The case-insensitive search for "Need" from the right (using strripos), finds it at location 20 .


The strstr function searches the first string argument for the second. If the second is found within the first, strstr returns the portion of the original string starting from the first found occurrence to the end of the string.

// example string $str = "We need to find the needle in the haystack."; // search for "the" in $str $newstr = strstr ($str , "the" ) ; var_dump ($newstr) ; // string(27) "the needle in the haystack."

The strstr function returns the first "the" it finds, along with the rest of the original string.

If you pass true as the third argument to strstr , the portion of the original string before the found string is returned:

// pass true to return the part of $str before "the"$newstr = strstr ($str , "the" , true ) ; var_dump ($newstr) ; // string(16) "We need to find "

This time the strstr function returns everything before the first "the" in the string.

PHP also provides the stristr function which works exactly the same as strstr except that it performs a case-insensitive search.


The strrchr function searches the first string argument from the right for the character we specify in the second argument. The function returns the portion of the string from the location of the found instance of that character to the end of the string:

// example string $str = "We need to find the needle in the haystack."; // search from right for "s" in $str$newstr = strstr ($str , "s" ) ; var_dump ($newstr) ; // string(6) "stack."

Notice that unlike strstr , if the second argument consists of multiple characters, only the first is used:

// test with multi-character second argument$newstr = strrchr ($str , "the" ) ; var_dump ($newstr) ; // string(5) "tack."

Instead of returning "the haystack" , the strrchr function returns "tack" , applying only the first letter of the second argument to the search.

Start Search is a browser hijacker, which is promoted via other free downloads, and once installed it will change your browser homepage to

The homepage will display advertisements and sponsored links in your search results, and may collect search terms from your search queries. The hijack is used to boost advertising revenue, as in the use of blackhat SEO, to inflate a site’s page ranking in search results.

Start Search it’s technically not a virus, but it does exhibit plenty of malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and in general just interfering with the user experience. The industry generally refers to it as a “PUP,” or potentially unwanted program.
Start Search is an ad-supported (users may see additional banner, search, pop-up, pop-under, interstitial and in-text link advertisements) cross web browser plugin for Internet Explorer (BHO) and Firefox/Chrome (plugin) and distributed through various monetization platforms during installation. The browser extension includes various features that will modify the default or custom settings of the browser including the home page, search settings and in some cases will modify Internet Explorer's load time threshold, place a lock file within Firefox to prevent competing software from changing its settings as well as disable the browser's Content Security Policy in order to allow for cross site scripting of the plugin.

Start Search homepage got on your computer after you have installed a freeware software (video recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators) that had bundled into their installation this browser hijacker.
For example, when you install VPlay, you will also agree to change your browser homepage to and default search engine to

However when you uninstall VPlay from your computer, your web browser’s default settings will not be restored. This means that you’ll have to remove homepage from your favorite web browser manually.

You should always pay attention when installing software because often, a software installer includes optional installs, such as this browser hijacker. Be very careful what you agree to install.
Always opt for the custom installation and deselect anything that is not familiar, especially optional software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place. It goes without saying that you should not install software that you don’t trust.

How to remove (Virus Removal Guide)

This page is a comprehensive guide, which will remove from your Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome.
Please perform all the steps in the correct order. If you have any questions or doubt at any point, STOP and ask for our assistance.

STEP 1: Uninstall malicious programs from your computer

In this first step, we will try to identify and remove any malicious program that might be installed on your computer.

If you are having issues while trying to uninstall the program, you can use to completely remove this unwanted program from your machine.

STEP 2: Remove virus from Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome

Remove virus from Internet Explorer

You can reset Internet Explorer settings to return them to the state they were in when Internet Explorer was first installed on your PC.

Remove virus from Mozilla Firefox

If you're having problems with Firefox, resetting it can help. The reset fix features many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information like bookmarks, passwords, web form auto-fill information, browsing history and open tabs.

Note: Your old Firefox profile will be placed on your desktop in a folder named “ Old Firefox Data“. If the reset didn’t fix your problem you can restore some of the information not saved by copying files to the new profile that was created. If you don’t need this folder any longer, you should delete it as it contains sensitive information.

Remove virus from Google Chrome

STEP 3: Remove browser hijacker with AdwCleaner

The AdwCleaner utility will scan your computer and web browser for the “” malicious files, browser extensions and registry keys, that may have been installed on your computer without your knowledge.

STEP 4: Remove virus from your computer with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free uses industry-leading technology to detect and remove all traces of malware, including worms, Trojans, rootkits, rogues, dialers, spyware, and more.
It is important to note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware works well and should run alongside antivirus software without conflicts.

  1. You can download download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the below link.
    (This link will open a new web page from where you can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free)
  2. Once downloaded, close all programs, then double-click on the icon on your desktop named “ mbam-setup-consumer-2.00.xx” to start the installation of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

    You may be presented with a User Account Control dialog asking you if you want to run this file. If this happens, you should click “ Yes” to continue with the installation.
  3. When the installation begins, you will see the which will guide you through the installation process.

    To install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on your machine, keep following the prompts by clicking the “ Next” button.

  4. Once installed, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program, and that a scan has never been run on your system. To start a system scan you can click on the “ Fix Now” button.

    Alternatively, you can click on the “ Scan"tab and select" Threat Scan“, then click on the "Scan Now" button.

  5. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now check for updates, and if there are any, you will need to click on the “ Update Now” button.

  6. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start scanning your computer for the virus. When Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is scanning it will look like the image below.

  7. When the scan has completed, you will now be presented with a screen showing you the malware infections that Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware has detected. To remove the malicious programs that Malwarebytes Anti-malware has found, click on the “ Quarantine All” button, and then click on the “ Apply Now” button.

    Please note that the infections found may be different than what is shown in the image.
  8. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now quarantine all the malicious files and registry keys that it has found. When removing the files, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware may require a reboot in order to remove some of them. If it displays a message stating that it needs to reboot your computer, please allow it to do so.

    After your computer will restart, you should open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and perform another “Threat Scan” scan to verify that there are no remaining threats

STEP 5: Double check for the infection with HitmanPro

HitmanPro is a second opinion scanner, designed to rescue your computer from malware (viruses, trojans, rootkits, etc.) that have infected your computer despite all the security measures you have taken (such as anti virus software, firewalls, etc.). HitmanPro is designed to work alongside existing security programs without any conflicts. It scans the computer quickly (less than 5 minutes) and does not slow down the computer.

Hello, Habr!

Today I'd like to introduce newbie webmasters to a variety of neat ways to use output buffering in PHP. Experienced webmasters are unlikely to find anything useful here. Although - who knows?

As you all know, output buffering in php is controlled by a set of functions starting with “ob_”. The most important of them is ob_start. When launched, it collects subsequent output, that is, all kinds of print(), echo, etc., which is then given to the visitor in the form of an html page. And if we started buffering before outputting, then we can finally do something with this almost ready page.

For example, we want to filter out all links to external sites.

On our forum, as old as the ax of Australopithecus, a great many spammers swarm, luring visitors to places filled with debauchery, one-armed bandits and political agitation. We could use js with tracking, but we want to change all these links like this instead:

"" => ""

The method may not be the most effective, but it is effective. We wrote redirect.php with a filter and a blacklist, and now we need to convert all the links on thousands of forum pages. Using ob_start and a couple of regular expressions, we can do this in just a few lines:

Function f_callback($buffer)( $buffer = preg_replace("#http://(www.)?myoldforum\.ru/#","/",$buffer); $buffer = preg_replace("#href="http ://([^"]*)"#","#href="/redirect\.php\?url=$1",$buffer); return $buffer; ) ob_start(f_callback);

Now, by including this code at the beginning of index.php, or another file that the server accesses when viewing pages, we will get what we need.

By changing the content in this way, we are not limited by the engine's methods. This can be very valuable. For example, you can add a plugin:

Function generate_plugin() ( /*generate something*/ ) function f_callback($buffer)( /*...*/ $buffer = str_replace ("",generate_plugin(),$buffer); /*...*/ return $buffer; ) ob_start("f_callback");

Now, where we added to the content, what we wanted will appear. One of the applications is inserting a js widget onto a website page. For example, Yandex maps. Usually this is not difficult, but sometimes a poorly written website page editor escapes quotes and curly braces, breaking the widget. As you can see, this problem is easily solved.

The set of PHP tools for working with the output buffer is rich, and is not limited to just ob_start. The methods described above are in some cases overly resource-intensive and cumbersome, since they operate on the entire page. We can process only part of it by creating a wrapper in the template around the generation of something that we don’t want to get into, but that definitely needs to be fixed:


You must have already noticed all these phrases: “I don’t want to get into it,” “as ancient as a tyrannosaurus chair,” “a crookedly written editor”... In an ideal world, shells around the output buffer are not needed. Everything that can be done with ob_start could theoretically be done without it. This technique sometimes introduces confusion into the project code; many see its meaning only in sending the output to ob_gzhandler for compression, and consider its use in other cases dangerous. But often you simply cannot do without output control.

Especially if you don’t want to dig deep.

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

ob_start — Enable output buffering


Bool ob_start ([ callable$output_callback = NULL [, int $chunk_size = 0 [, int $flags = PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_STDFLAGS ]]])

This function enables output buffering. If output buffering is active, script output is not sent (except for headers), but is stored in an internal buffer.

The contents of this internal buffer can be copied to a string variable using ob_get_contents(). To output the contents of the internal buffer you should use ob_end_flush(). Alternatively you can use ob_end_clean() to destroy the contents of the buffer.


Some web servers (for example Apache) change the working directory of the script when the callback function is called. You can get it back using chdir(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])) in the callback function.

Output buffers are pushed onto the stack, meaning calls are allowed ob_start() after calling another active ob_start(). In this case it is necessary to call ob_end_flush() the appropriate number of times. If multiple callback functions are active, the output is filtered sequentially for each of them in nesting order.

List of parameters

An optional output_callback parameter can be specified. This function takes a string as an argument and must also return a string. It is called when a reset (send) or cleanup (using ob_flush(), ob_clean() or similar functions) or if the output buffer is flushed to the browser at the end of the request. When the output_callback function is called, it receives the contents of the buffer and must return the updated contents for the output buffer to be sent to the browser. If output_callback is not a valid function, then the documented function will return FALSE. Function description for this parameter:

String handler (string $buffer [, int $phase ])

Buffer Contents of the output buffer. phase Bit mask of constants PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_*.

If output_callback returns FALSE, then the original information will be sent to the browser without changes.

The output_callback parameter can be ignored by passing the value NULL.

ob_end_clean(), ob_end_flush(), ob_clean(), ob_flush() And ob_start() cannot be called from callback functions, since their behavior is unpredictable. If you want to delete the contents of the buffer, then return "" (an empty string) from the callback function. You also can't call functions print_r($expression, true) or highlight_file($filename, true) from output buffering callback functions.


In PHP 4.0.4 the function ob_gzhandler() was introduced to make it easier to send gz-encoded data to web browsers that support compressed web pages. ob_gzhandler() determines the content encoding type accepted by the browser and returns output accordingly.


If the optional chunk_size parameter is passed, the buffer will be flushed after any output greater than or equal to chunk_size in size. Default value 0 means that the output function will be called when the buffer is closed.

Before PHP 5.4.0, value 1 was a special value that set the parameter chunk_size at 4096.

The flags parameter is a bitmask that controls the operations that can be performed on the output buffer. By default, it allows the output buffer to be flushed, flushed, and deleted, which is the same as | | , or PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_STDFLAGS as an abbreviation for this combination.

Each flag controls access to a set of functions, as described below:

Constant Functions
PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CLEANABLE ob_clean(), ob_end_clean(), And ob_get_clean().
PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_FLUSHABLE ob_end_flush(), ob_flush(), And ob_get_flush().
PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_REMOVABLE ob_end_clean(), ob_end_flush(), And ob_get_flush().

Return values

Returns TRUE upon successful completion or FALSE in case of an error.

List of changes

Version Description
7.0.0 If ob_start() used inside the output buffer callback function, this function will no longer generate an error E_ERROR, but will instead call E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, allowing third party error handlers to catch it.
5.4.0 Third parameter ob_start() changed from boolean ( boolean) of the erase parameter (which, when set to FALSE prevented the buffer from being deleted until the script completed) to an integer ( integer) flags parameter. Unfortunately, this means API incompatibility for code that used the third parameter prior to PHP 5.4.0. See the flags example to understand how to work with the code so that it is compatible with both versions.
5.4.0 Parameter chunk_size, installed in 1 , now results in 1 byte being output to the output buffer.
4.3.2 The function will return FALSE in case output_callback cannot be executed.


Example #1 Example of a user-defined callback function

Function callback ($buffer)
// replace all apples with oranges
return (str_replace("apples", "oranges", $buffer));



It's like comparing apples and oranges.



The Balsa system, based on Xubuntu 10.04 (lucid) version of Linux, is available for use as beta software. This page tells you what you need to download and run Balsa and then points to instructions how to do that.

Balsa uses an SD card to run on a computer. The SD card needs to have a Balsa system put onto it before it can be used to run Balsa.

You can produce a Balsa SD card on one computer and run it on a different computer. The computer you produce it on doesn't have to run Balsa itself.

What You Need to Run Balsa

In order to run Balsa, you will need the following:

To produce the Balsa SD card, the computer that you produce it on will need 5 or 9 gigabytes of space while the card is being built.

A Note About SD Card Readers

On some older laptops, the SD reader can"t handle a 4 or 8 gigabyte SD card. Other SD card readers used by some Dell Computers don"t work with the Balsa system. In either of these cases, Balsa can be run on a separate USB SD card reader.

Balsa SD cards come in either 4 or 8 gigabyte versions. Either version can be made on either a Windows or Linux machine. Both Windows and Linux use the same downloaded file for the card, and the card that is built will be identical to one on the other system. Choose one of these.
