Domain name in tk zone. Tokelau Islands domain zone

125 rubles each. Ask how? After all, the price there is 590 rubles? Very simple, enter the promo code SAPE-125 and from now on, registration and renewal of all domains will cost only 125 rubles, and not 590 like everyone else.

For those who do not know the word "sape" - link to the site: Well, I started with free TK domains. True, I no longer have a single site on these domains and I have not earned anything from them. I wouldn’t recommend investing money in such domains; it’s better to buy the same thing and live in peace than to use a free one and wait for your mousetrap, as is usually the case. But for experimentation, these domain names will do as well.

Domains in the .tk zone- these are the only second-level domains that can be register for free. For those who do not know what a 2nd level domain is, a little explanation. Let's take for example the domain The first level domain will be .tk, the second level domain will be and the 3rd level domain will be Here's a link for those who don't know what a domain is.

On free hosting sites, for example, on, long and awkward third-level names are given. For example, This can be easily fixed and free of charge. You need to register a domain in the .tk zone and attach it to your website. An example of attachment will be shown for uCoz sites.

So what does it take to register and attach a second-level domain to the site in the .TK zone:

1. Go to the website and enter the desired name 4 characters long or more (short names are paid) in this window, click “GO”:

2. In the next window, select “Use DNS”, then “Your own DNS”, in the first field enter “”, and in the second “” (this is for ucoz sites, for other hosting you need find out the required DNS). Select the registration duration of 12 months and enter the characters from the picture (captcha) and click “Registration”:

Then in the line Don"t have one of these accounts? Use your email address to signup! click "email address" and insert your email address. Click "Next".

3. After you have registered, you need confirm registration by mail. The code and the address of the page on which you need to enter it will be sent there. Enter the code, confirm and you're done.

4. That’s it, you can log into your account on and in the “My domains” menu item look at the “List of my domains”

6. Everything is ready to attach the domain to the uCoz website. All that remains is to go to the site control panel on and attach this domain to the site. To do this, select “Domain Transfer”, the second method, park the domain and after a few minutes attach it.

7. Congratulations! Your site is now running on a new domain!

Today I will tell you how to make a website with a beautiful domain in the .tk zone

So let's get started:

1) Go to the site
2) Login using Google ( the best option, IMHO).

3) Go to the Domain Panel, then click Add Domain

4) Enter the desired domain name, click Add Domain

5) If you saw this inscription, you can rejoice - half the work has already been done.

6) Select Free Domain, click Next
7) Here we make sure to select what is indicated in the picture

8) Click "Use my own DNS Services"
9) Enter the DNS server data

Select the maximum domain term. (link to Google is needed to renew the domain for free)
Enter the captcha.

10) Click Next

Let's draw the line - the domain is ready. Now we need hosting.
1) Let's go here ->
In my opinion, this is the most normal free hosting.
2) Go through registration and confirm your account by mail (nothing difficult here)
3) Go to the control panel
4) Create a new hosting account

5) Choose a free plan with what I think are good conditions for your mini-site.

6) Select the domain type “domain”, below we write the address we registered at the beginning.

7) Click continue and enter the captcha. Sometimes an error appears, try again.
8) The domain is connected to hosting and now you can get to work.
9) Go to the site control panel

10) Most likely, you will see this text

Your domain is not pointing to our server names on this moment, that's why services like FTP, File manager, Mail and others will not work correctly. You can find our server names in the Accounts -> Details area. Remember that the delegation process DNS zones may take up to 24 hours after changes are made.

This is fine. After registering a domain, some time must pass for the DNS zones to propagate. This takes from 10 hours to a day.
We wait.
11) Scroll down, look for the FTP Access button
Let's go there.
From here you need 3 lines:

Write them down.
12) Download FTP client. As for me, FileZilla is the most normal.

13) Go to the FTP client. Enter the data that you wrote down earlier in the appropriate fields.

14) Click “Quick connection” and voila - we are on the server. We delete all files from the root directory.
Now all you have to do is create your website.
The most relevant engine for a blog is DLE.

P.S. If you are impatient and can’t wait for the DNS servers to spread, don’t put a minus and don’t shout that it doesn’t work! Thank you!

In this article we will tell you where to register your first domain for free. top level for your website on free hosting. The first level is the domain zone, so there is no “first” as such, you can buy, sell and register only a second-level domain. The domain zones themselves are introduced by the international organization ICANN.

Free domains are not ranked well by search engines.

For a small project, a presentation site or a business card site, free options are quite suitable, or, so to speak, temporarily.

It also happens that the top level domain you you receive upon registration hosting is free, we do not consider this option. Each hosting has its own privileges in this sense.


The most affordable For us, a free domain is a domain in the .tk zone

Previously, the system was such that it was impossible to fully attach a name to a site by specifying the DNS server, you were only given a page with a redirect, now everything is different.

How do they treat search engines to the TK zone? It has already been written above that it is not the best way. I can’t say for sure whether Google and Yandex accept them at all; I myself have not seen sites with such addresses in search engines. If you have an answer to this question or opinion, write it in the comments.


Are there any other free domain zones besides TK? Yes, we found Freenom. Here, in addition to .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq are available for free registration

Names in these zones can also be registered here:

CF –

GA –

ML –

Unfortunately, three of these services are in English, but you can handle it

There used to be other projects for registering free names, but today many of them have ceased to exist. And we are afraid that those indicated in this material will sink into oblivion.

Free third level domains

The picture would not be complete if we did not tell you where to register a third-level name.

uCoz initially allows you to choose domains at this level, but some, let’s say from experience, are not satisfied and change their minds to soap or even worse. For some reason, some people choose exactly this path, creating a website in the uCoz constructor, hiding hosting, although in fact it is necessary just make a good website.

Here is a fairly large list of services where you can register the name you need for free. Basically, it’s clear from the names which domain is being offered to you:


As you understand, I am skeptical about free domains, and the saying about free cheese This is just the place. I advise you to study this issue more widely, because... I did not thoroughly examine this topic and much remained unsaid. Including registration is not shown, but since the services are in Russian, and with home page and registration begins, I think you can handle it, follow the instructions on the site.

Hello, interesting people who have something to convey!

It all started when you decided to start making money on the Internet, sharing ideas and doing something new and useful: you decided to create your first website.

And now you have decided on the theme of the site, moreover, you have registered on hosting (let me remind you that here you will find an article about registration, on such a convenient thing as), you have been given a third-level name,
for example, but you would like something more beautiful, and most importantly more compact.

You can register yourself a paid and beautiful domain in the com, org, ru, by zone, but all this requires financial investment. And for starters, you want free.

And this is where the website comes to the rescue , which registers your site in the domain zone tk.

I will list the advantages of this resource:
+ Registration on the site, second level domain (unlimited number), absolutely for free;
+ Renaming links to more convenient short ones;
+ Registration on the site is so simple that it will go quickly and smoothly.
— In 3 months, at least 25 visitors should come to your website (you must agree, this is not enough relative to the number of your friends on social networks).

Note: I think you might be interested to know whose domain is tk? What country is the tk domain? I answer, tk is the domain of the Tokelau island( T o k elau), a small country in the South Pacific Ocean. Its landscape can be seen in the picture below, and you can tell your friends what a wonderful site you have, which is located on the ocean shore.

Domain registration:

2. The following window appears:

3. Click “Add new domain”;

4. Enter the desired domain name:

Note: this window will appear to you if the domain is available. By the way, the domain was available at the time of publication of the post;

6. We are faced with a choice:

1. choosing 1 We enter our “ugly” domain in the “Your URL” field. Now everyone who visits an ugly name will be redirected to a beautiful one;
2. I advise you to choose exactly 2 . And go to point 7.

And here we use our own DNS. If you registered, then we take the dns that are indicated in the figure. You can view them in the “View Account Details” tab, as shown in the figure below:

Your first free domain registration is complete, congratulations!
You can repeat the procedure and register several more domains, but remember, 25 people should visit your site in three months.
