HTML5 and its attributes for form validation. How to make the required attribute for input work in older versions of IE? Enable username verification

When building web applications, it is important to take security seriously, especially when you have to deal with obtaining data from users.

A general security rule is to trust no one, so you can't rely on users to always enter the correct values ​​into forms. For example, instead of entering the correct email address in the field, the user may enter an incorrect address, or even some malicious data.

When it comes to validating user data, it can be done either on the client side (in the web browser) or on the server side.

Previously, client-side validation could only be done with using JavaScript. But everything has changed (or almost changed), since with the help of HTML5, validation can be done in the browser, without the need to write complex validation scripts in JavaScript.

Form Validation Using HTML5

HTML5 provides a fairly robust mechanism based on the following tag attributes : type , pattern and require . With these new attributes, you can offload some of the data validation functionality to the browser.

Let's look at these attributes to understand how they can help with form validation.

type attribute

This attribute tells which input field to display for data processing, for example the familiar field like

Some input fields already provide standard methods validation without having to write additional code. For example, checks the field to ensure that the entered value matches the template of a valid email address. If an incorrect character is entered into a field, the form cannot be submitted until the value is corrected.

Try playing around with the email field values ​​in the demo below.

There are also other standard field types, like , And for validating numbers, URLs and phone numbers, respectively.

Note: Phone number formats vary from country to country due to differences in number of digits in phone numbers and differences in formats. As a result, the specification does not define an algorithm for checking phone numbers, so at the time of writing this feature is poorly supported by browsers.

Luckily for us, phone number validation can be done using the pattern attribute, which takes a regular expression as an argument, which we'll look at next.

pattern attribute

The pattern attribute will likely make many front-end developers jump for joy. This attribute accepts a regular expression (similar to the regular expression format JavaScript expressions), which will be used to check the correctness of the data entered in the field.

Regular expressions are a language used to parse and manipulate text. They are often used for complex find and replace operations, as well as for checking the correctness of entered data.

Today, regular expressions are included in most popular programming languages, as well as in many scripting languages, editors, applications, databases, and command line utilities.

Regular expressions (RegEX) are a powerful, concise and flexible tool for matching a string of text, like individual characters, words or character patterns.

By passing a regular expression as the value of the pattern attribute, you can specify what values ​​are acceptable for a given input field, as well as inform the user about errors.

Let's look at a couple of examples of using regular expressions to validate the value of input fields.

Phone numbers

As mentioned earlier, the tel field type is not fully supported by browsers due to inconsistencies in phone number formats in different countries.

For example, in some countries the format of telephone numbers is represented as xxxx-xxx-xxxx , and the phone number it will be something like this: 0803-555-8205 .

The regular expression that this pattern matches is: ^\d(4)-\d(3)-\d(4)$ . In code this can be written like this:

Alphanumeric values

required attribute

This is a Boolean attribute used to indicate that the value of a given field must be filled in in order to submit the form. When you add this attribute to a field, the browser will require the user to fill out this field before submitting the form.

This saves us from implementing field validation using JavaScript, which can save developers some time.

For example: or (for XHTML compatibility)

All the demos you've seen above use the required attribute, so you can try it out by trying to submit the form without filling out any fields.


Browser support for form validation is pretty good, and for older browsers you can use polyfills.

It's worth noting that relying on browser-side validation alone is dangerous, as these checks can be easily bypassed by attackers or bots.

Not all browsers support HTML5, and not all data sent to your script will come from your form. This means that before finally accepting data from the user, it is necessary to check its correctness on the server side.

We will need the following pages:

  • Registration page with registration form
  • Account activation page
  • Password recovery page
  • Password reset page

The site login form will be placed on all pages of the site (for example, in the header).

This is the registration page we want to get:

Here's the type account will determine which group we will register the user into. Also, the identification field (username) will be email.

Add a snippet call to the page Register:

[[!Register? &submitVar=`register-btn` &activationResourceId=`27` &activationEmailTpl=`Email.Activation` &activationEmailSubject=`You are registered on` &placeholderPrefix=`reg.` &successMsg=`

Thank you for registering. To your email [[!]] An email has been sent with a link to activate your account. Follow this link to complete your registration.
` &usernameField=`email` &usergroupsField=`reg_type` &customValidators=`valueIn` &validate=`username:blank, reg_type:valueIn=^Readers;Writers;Idlers ^, fullname:required:minLength=^6^, password:required:minLength =^6^, password_confirm:password_confirm=^password^, email:required:email` ]] [[!+error.message:default=`[[!$Register.Form]]`]]

Please note that all tags related to registration are required Necessarily call uncached. The same rules apply when processing forms with the FormIt snippet.

Let's look at the call parameters:

&submitVar=`register-btn`- specifies the name attribute of the tag input. That is, the snippet will only work if the form is submitted with a button with a specific name.

&activationResourceId=`42`- looking ahead, 42 is the identifier of the page on which we will activate the user.

&activationEmailTpl=`Email.Activation`- a chunk with an activation letter, more on that later.

&placeholderPrefix=`reg.`- indicates that all placeholders, with rare exceptions (more on this later), that are created in this snippet must begin with “reg.”

&successMsg– a message that will be displayed upon successful submission of the form. Note that it can contain values ​​from the form and any other tags. This message sign up for placeholder [[!+error.message]]. Quite a strange name, and in the documentation for this moment error. It is written there [[!+reg.error.message]], but from the component code it follows that this is not the case.

&usernameField=`email`- specifies that the email field will be used as the username.

&usergroupsField=`reg_type`- defines a field that specifies the group to which the new user will be added.

&customValidators=`valueIn`- specifies additional validators that need to be created manually.

&validate– validators are specified separated by commas for each field, and if several validators are required for one field, they are also separated by a colon. Let's look at them separately:

username:blank– a simple spam trap, it means that the username field should be left empty.

reg_type:valueIn=^Readers;Writers;Idlers^- we limit the possible groups to the three indicated. There is no such thing in the initial distribution and evil hackers can register, for example, under the Administrator group (if you have not renamed it).

fullname:required:minLength=^6^- the fullname field must not be empty and contain at least 6 characters.

password:required:minLength=^6^- similar for the password.

password_confirm:password_confirm=^password^- passwords must match.

email:required:email– the email must not be empty and be an actual mail.

Design [[!+error.message:default=`[[!$Register.Form]]`]] displays a message about the successful submission of the form or chunk of the form if you have just visited the page or filled it out incorrectly.

Let's create the above validator valueIn. To do this, create a snippet with the name valueIn And with the following code:

$valueIn = explode(";", $param); return in_array($value, $valueIn);

Now you need to create a chunk Register.Form . In this case it will be as follows (Bootstrap 3 is used):


All fields are required

In this form I will note a few things regarding MODX:

– the form is processed on the same page on which it is displayed.

Setting the value from those received from the form so that in case of failure the user does not have to enter everything again.

[[!`[[!]]`]]– again, in case of failure, an error message will be displayed under the field.

– be sure to indicate the name of the button if you have previously set the property &submitVar.

Now all that remains is to create a chunk Email.Activation with the letter that the site sends to the user:

Thank you for registering! To activate your account, please visit the following link:

Activate your account on Example.Com

After activation, you will be able to log in using your email and password:



Here you can use placeholders with form field names. Please note that they are written without “reg.” A placeholder is also added [[+confirmUrl]], in which the activation link has already been generated, you don’t even need to do anything.

The finishing touch to the art of registering a new account using the component Login an activation page will be created. We use an empty template for this page, and in the page content you only need to specify a tag call:

[[!ConfirmRegister? &redirectTo=`1`]]

where 1 is the identifier of the page to which the user will be redirected if activation is successful. In this case, he will already be logged in.

Let's start setting up the login to the user profile. The authorization form will be simple:

Let's add it by calling it in the right place:

[[!Login? &loginTpl=`Auth.Login` &logoutTpl=`Auth.Logout` &errTpl=`Auth.Login.Error` &actionKey=`action` &loginKey=`login` &redirectToPrior=`1` &logoutResourceId=`1`]]

Here we specify a chunk with the login form drawn above ( &loginTpl=`Auth.Login`), a chunk with a code shown to authorized users ( &logoutTpl=`Auth.Logout`), a small chunk with login error output ( &errTpl=`Auth.Login.Error`). The following are the parameters:

&actionKey=`action` And &loginKey=`login`- main identifiers for request processing. The first one means the name of the parameter in the POST request, and the second one means its value. That is, the form must pass the value $_POST["action"]="login" so that the snippet Login processed it.

&redirectToPrior=`1`- means that after logging in we will be moved to the same page from which we entered.

&logoutResourceId=`1`- when leaving the profile we will go to the page with ID 1.

Chunk Auth.Login :


The form is processed on the same page. If an error occurs, it will be displayed below the form in the placeholder [[!+errors]]. You also need to remember links to resources with Registration and password recovery. Please note that in the email field name = “username” - it is in this field that the snippet duplicated the email Register, and it is unique to users.

Chunk Auth.Logout:

[]` &tpl=`User.HeaderBadge` &innerJoin=`("modUserGroupMember":("alias":"modUserGroupMember","on":" = modUserGroupMember.member"), "modUserGroup":("alias" :"modUserGroup", "on":"modUserGroupMember.user_group ="))` &select=`("modUserGroup":("group_name": ""))` ]]

Exit profile

This part is not necessary if all users are in the same group. But to display the user group, the standard snippets included in the Login component are not enough. You can write a simple snippet to get the name of the group on xPDO, or you can use a ready-made snippet pdoUsers included in the package pdoTools. Parameters specified in this snippet:

&users=`[[]]`- select only the current authorized user.

&tpl=`User.HeaderBadge`- a chunk in which we will display brief information about the user.

&innerJoin– JSON with joins of user group tables, the description is beyond the scope of the article. The main thing is that it works J.

&select– JSON that adds the field with the alias group_name to the selection.

Chunk with user badge User.HeaderBadge :

You are logged in as [[+group_name]][[+fullname]] Personal account

If we didn’t need the user group, then the contents of this chunk could be inserted directly into the chunk Auth.Logout . Here you can display placeholders with any modUser and modUserProfile fields plus using pdoUsers field added group_name.

In the chunk Auth.Login.Error simple error output:


We're done with the login. At this point, the user can register and log in successfully. But what if he forgot his password? In this case, he clicks on the link “Forgot your password?” and goes to the password recovery page, which we first create and place a call there:

[[!ForgotPassword? &tpl=`Auth.ForgotPass.Form` &submitVar=`forgotpass` &errTpl=`Auth.Login.Error` &sentTpl=`Auth.ForgotPass.Sent` &emailTpl=`Email.ForgotPass` &emailSubject=`Restoring access to your account on the Example website. Com` &resetResourceId=`29`]]

Let's look at the parameters of this call:

&tpl=`Auth.ForgotPass.Form`- a chunk of the form in which the user will enter his email.

&submitVar=`forgotpass`- in the case of the ForgotPassword snippet, it is enough that a parameter with the same name is passed to the server and no matter with what non-empty value.

&errTpl=`Auth.Login.Error` - error output similar to the Login snippet

&sentTpl=`Auth.ForgotPass.Sent`- this chunk contains the content that will be displayed if the email to change the password is successfully sent.

&emailTpl=`Email.ForgotPass`- the letter itself is contained here.

&emailSubject=`Restoring access to your account on the Example.Com website` - the title of the letter.

&resetResourceId=`29`- identifier of the resource on which the password will be reset to a new one.

Chunk Auth.ForgotPass.Form:


The only new thing here is a different way to display errors in the placeholder [[+loginfp.errors]] and passing the parameter that this particular form resets the password: .


Account recovery information has been sent to the specified email: [[+email]].

You can use the data from the form above here.



To activate your new password, please visit the following link:

I want a new password

If everything went well, you will be able to log into your profile using the following data:



Thank you,
Administration of the site Example.Com

Everything is very similar to the activation letter chunk, only the password here is generated in the snippet.

The final step is to create a resource that the user will go to from the email to update the password. In this resource we need a call:


You did not order a password reset. Perhaps you have the wrong address. You can go to the main page of the site or use the menu above.

`? &tpl=`Auth.ForgotPass.Reset`]]

This code will display a message if someone suddenly visits this page again or just by accident. And if the password is successfully reset, a message will be displayed from the chunk Auth.ForgotPass.Reset:

Your password has been successfully reset to the one specified in the email. You can now log in with this password. Don't forget to change it in your profile.

Now we have a fully working user authorization and registration system. Changing the profile of authorized users will be left outside the scope of this article.

1. Create a registration page and add a snippet call to it Register.

2. Create chunks with the registration form Register.Form and activation letter Email.Activation.

3. Create a registration confirmation page and place a snippet call on it ConfirmRegister.

4. Add a snippet call Login where we want to place the login form and the authorized user badge.

5. Create a chunk with the login form Auth.Login , chunk with information about the authorized user Auth.Logout , chunk with error message Auth.Login.Error .

6. Create a password recovery page and place a snippet call on it ForgotPassword.

7. Create a chunk Auth.ForgotPass.Form with password recovery form, chunk Auth.ForgotPass.Sent with a message about the successful sending of the letter, chunk Email.ForgotPass with a password reset email.

8. Create a resource with a final password reset and place a snippet call in it ResetPassword.

9. Create a chunk Auth.ForgotPass.Reset with a message indicating that the password was reset successfully.

That's all. I will be glad to any additions and comments.

Posted October 23rd at 11:15pm.

Using Username Verification to Increase Account Security

As an additional security measure, we provide you with a username verification system to enhance account security on certain EA pages, including your EA Account page.

  • Attention FIFA players: This feature is required to access FIFA Ultimate Team servers and partner applications.

This security measure is designed to prevent people from logging into your EA Account from unknown devices without a password and verification of your username. Notifications will be sent to your mobile phone or email of your choice. The username verification process creates temporary digital passcodes for each individual user that are required to log into an account from an unknown device.

Enable username verification

1. Go to and sign in.

2. Click on your username, then select "My Account".

3. Select the Security tab, where you can find the Username Verification section.

4. Click Enable to enable username verification, enter your security question, and select one of the options: email, identity app, or SMS to receive a verification code.

  • If you select the "Email" option rather than SMS, please ensure that the email address provided for your account is a valid and working address that you regularly check for new messages.
  • An identification app for tablets and mobile phones allows you to generate verification codes on those devices to log into your account.
  • Select your device type from the drop-down list and download Google Authenticator for Apple and Android devices or Authenticator for Windows devices.
  • Players of FIFA 15 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will not need to take additional security measures when verifying their username with the authentication app.

5. You will now receive a verification code when you try to log in from an unknown device. Every 90 days, you will receive a verification code when you sign in to your account from trusted devices. This way, only you can access your EA Account using a unique code.

If necessary, you can disable username verification by returning to your account management page and selecting Disable.*


  • *Do not disable username verification if you are playing FIFA Ultimate Team, otherwise you will be denied access.
  • Make sure you also create and confirm a security question and answer for FIFA Ultimate Team.

Set up your identification app

An identification app is the fastest way to securely verify your identity. Set up an authentication app on your mobile device to sign in using a code it generates for two-step authentication.

1. Open the Security tab on the My Account page and find the Username Verification section.

2. Click Enable to enable Username Verification, answer the security question, select Identity Application, and click Continue.

3. Select the phone operating system you need from the drop-down list and scan the QR code using a barcode reader application or search the app store for your phone for authenticator for the appropriate application: Google Authenticator on Android and iOS or Authenticator on Windows Phone.

4. Open the identification application and select the option to add an account manually.

5. Scan the QR code or enter your passcode to link your identity app to your EA Account.

6. Finish setting up the identification application by entering the code it generated for your Electronic Arts account and clicking “Enable username verification.”

When you need to verify your username in the future:

1. Open the identification application.

2. Enter the six-digit code for your Electronic Arts account.

The generated code is valid for a limited time. If your current code is already about to expire, wait for the app to generate a new code so you have enough time to enter it.

What should I do if I don't have access to my cell phone or email when I need a code? Is it possible to generate help codes?

If your phone, ID, or email is not accessible to you, the only way to log into your EA Account from an unknown computer is by using assistance codes. Make sure to store them in a place that is safe and accessible to you. You can view and update these codes in your EA Account under Privacy Settings in the Origin client or online.

  • Click on “Security”, then “View” and “Help Codes”.*
  • You can also use the "Request a new code after logging into FIFA Ultimate Team" feature.

*If you run out of support codes, you can generate new ones on the Account Management page.

Confirm your contact information to ensure the code is correct.

If you are having difficulty with your username verification code, please ensure that your email address or phone number is entered correctly. When using an identifier, make sure the program is installed correctly.

  • If you chose to send a code to your email when you activated your username verification, you can check and update your email address in the About Me section of your Account Management page or through the Origin client.
  • If you select Identity App, you can use a barcode or QR code to scan and search for the code between ?secret= and &.
  • If you selected the option to send a code via SMS when activating your username verification, you can check and update your phone number in the Security section of your account management page or through the Origin client.
  • Create or confirm a security question and answer.

Once you confirm your contact information, you will have the option to enable username verification to receive a new code.

“Fool protection” is a set of measures to prevent the entry of incorrect information into a form. For example, if a field requires entering a positive number from 0 to 10, then you should check that the user does not enter text or a number that does not lie in the specified range, i.e. the number should not be less than zero and more than ten.

Why is incorrect information being entered? This is mainly done for three reasons.

  1. The user accidentally made a mistake, for example, he inattentively read what he was required to indicate.
  2. The web page asks for data in an ambiguous manner, leaving the user guessing and guessing what they really want. However, the opinions of the developer and the user do not always coincide.
  3. There are a number of people who perceive instructions as a challenge and try to do the opposite. Such users reason something like this: “Yeah, they’re asking me to enter a number. What will happen if I indicate the letters?” Then they ask obviously incorrect information and see what it leads to.

It should be understood that precise and correct wording, although it reduces the likelihood of errors, does not in any way save you from them. Only technical means on the server side allow you to obtain the required result and avoid entering incorrect information. However, revision or, as it is also called, client-side validation allows you to quickly check the data entered by the user for correctness, without sending the form to the server. This saves user time and reduces the load on the server. From a usability standpoint, there are also advantages - the user immediately receives a message about what information he entered incorrectly and can correct his mistake.

Obligatory field

Some form fields must be completed before they are sent to the server. This, for example, applies to the registration form, where you are required to enter a login and password. To specify required fields, use the required attribute, as shown in Example 1.

Example 1. The required attribute

HTML5 IE 10+ Cr Op Sa Fx

Obligatory field



Required fields must be filled in before submitting the form, otherwise the form will not be sent to the server and the browser will issue a warning about this. The type of message depends on the browser, for example Chrome displays a tooltip as shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Required field is not filled in

Data correctness

Initially, there are two fields in which user input is checked automatically. This is a web address and an email address. Chrome also checks the calendar field for validity, but only because it doesn't have a click-to-calendar interface. The following rules apply to these elements.

  • Web address ( ) must contain the protocol (http://, https://, ftp://).
  • E-mail address ( ) must contain letters or numbers before the @ symbol, after it, then a period and a first-level domain.

Browsers have slightly different policies for verifying user data. For example, Opera automatically inserts the http:// protocol in front of the entered text, while other browsers wait for it from the user. Chrome and Opera require a period in the email address; Firefox does not require it.

Example 2 shows a form with required fields in which two fields are validated by the browser.

Example 2: Data Correctness

HTML5 IE 10+ Cr Op Sa Fx

Data correctness

Fill out the form (all fields are required)




Opera only checks a form element if it has a name attribute.

What happens in Opera when you enter incorrect data is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Warning about incorrect data

Input template

Some data cannot be classified into one of the form element types, so you must use a text field for it. At the same time, they are entered according to a certain standard. Thus, an IP address contains four numbers separated by a dot (, the postal code of Russia is limited to six digits (124007), a telephone number contains an area code and a specific number of digits, often separated by a hyphen (391 555-341-42), etc. The browser needs specify an input template so that it checks the data entered by the user according to it. To do this, the pattern attribute is used, and its value is a regular expression. Some typical values ​​are listed in table. 1.

Example 3 asks you to enter a hexadecimal color value (#ffcc00) and if it is not in this range, the browser displays an error message.

Example 3. Input template

HTML5 IE 10+ Cr Op Sa Fx

Color input

Enter the hexadecimal color value (must start with #)

In Fig. Figure 3 shows a warning in the Chrome browser.

Rice. 3. The entered data does not match the template


Validation is not always required for a form; for example, a developer will want to use a universal JavaScript solution and will no longer need a duplicate check by the browser. In such cases, you need to disable built-in validation. To do this, use the novalidate attribute of the tag

. Example 4 shows the use of this attribute.

Example 4: Unvalidation

HTML5 IE 10+ Cr Op Sa Fx

novalidate attribute

For a similar purpose, the formnovalidate attribute is used, which is added to the button for submitting the form, in this case to the tag . In this case, the form from example 4 will look like this.
