How to completely remove posts from a VK wall? How to quickly and completely clean a wall on VK: Three working methods Greasemonkey script for cleaning a wall on VKontakte.

How to clean a VKontakte wall completely? I would like to say right away that using standard methods This can be done, but it will take a very long time.

The fact is that you can only delete one entry at a time.

The developers intentionally took this step to prevent attackers who gained control of your profile or not very sober friends from destroying in one fell swoop the history of 3-5 thousand entries that you have stored for several years.

Note! I would like to warn the reader of one thing: all further actions with the wall may be regarded by the VK administration as fraudulent actions. We kindly ask you to save the password for accessing the page, your reference phone number and other important data, since such a drastic “cleaning” is perceived ambiguously - the page may simply be blocked until the circumstances are clarified.

Cleaning methods

Let's consider the most common method and try to clean the wall in VK in chrome.

The same method is suitable for Opera and Yandex Browser, since they are based on the same engine, but with a different graphical shell.

Cleaning in Chrome

There is nothing complicated about this, despite the relatively incomprehensible actions for the vast majority of users.

All you need to do is go to your page and right-click on the “wall”, selecting “view code...”.

A window with commands for developers will open on the right (bottom). You do not need to have any knowledge of PHP, HTML and Java Script, you don't have to worry.

You just need to click on the “Console” item.

If you don’t see this menu, click the arrow that opens all available options.

A console will open with a blinking cursor where you need to paste the text.

Copy the JS code that you see and paste it where the cursor looms. After that, press Enter and observe the result.

var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div")onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);

Important! This script will allow completelyclear the wall in VK in Yandex, Chrome and Opera without the possibility of data recovery. Take this step only if you are confident in your actions.

Removal is carried out without any intervention from you in 1 second increments.

By and large, the script is a modified version of manual cleaning, but you don’t have to sit for hours and sadly click on the “cross” that confirms your intentions.

I would like to note that absolutely all records will be deleted, and not just those visible in this moment, But that is not all.

After the operation is completed, the console will be full of errors - don’t be alarmed. Close it, reboot and that's it.

No one will steal your data, passwords and other confidential details.

Cleaning in Firefox

The vast majority of instructions for FF look like this: download Firebug or Greasemonkey.

For beginners, these extensions will not say anything, but understanding their functionality will take a long time and diligently, which will only complicate the task.

Let's try the console method, which helped clear the wall in VK in Opera and other browsers.

Open your page on the main page and also right-click on the “wall”. We are looking for an item called “examine element”.

Do not rush to despair if, when inserting a script, a warning window appears, which will suspect you of fraud.

If you are confident in your actions, write “allow insertion” in the line (only without quotes) so that the system allows you to perform further actions. It is not necessary to press Enter.

We insert the script, press “enter” and watch how the wall begins to “clean” on its own at an interval of 1 post per second.

After completing the procedure, close the console, reload the page and enjoy.

Using extensions

Another convenient, but not the most secure method is extensions used for certain purposes. In our case, for cleaning the VK wall.

Some developers may include in their product not only useful, but also quite dangerous fraudulent activities.

Based on this, you should look only for proven programs from a reputable developer.

The most popular product is VkOpt.

Firstly, the store lets him through Chrome extensions, and secondly, they have their own website where you can download a version for any desired browser, including Safari and Maxthon.

To clear the page, install VkOpt from the store or website, launch it and click on your long-suffering entries.

On the right top corner There will be an “action” button, pressing which calls 2 functions.

You wait until the wall is cleaned and that’s it. The extension also has many more interesting features, but this is a topic for a separate article.

The main thing is that we helped you deal with the main problem.

Why do you need to clean the wall?

Some people think that their posts from 2-3 years ago seem quite stupid.

Others don’t like the kind of “mess” caused by the abundance of posts from various applications, in which someone “appreciated” them. Still others try to change something in their own lives in this way.

As you can see, the process is very simple, and the time it all depends on the number of publications. The more, the longer the script/extension will work until complete victory.

How to clean a VKontakte wall quickly

How to quickly clear a wall on VK using a script and browser extensions

After registering in contact and performing certain operations, users are faced with the pressing question of how to clean the wall in contact, located on the main plan of the page.

Clean the wall in contact

It is impossible to completely remove the wall, since its function is a distinctive feature in the contact. You can block the functionality of the wall and limit the delivery of unnecessary messages. This is done from the account menu by editing “My Settings”. Find “Privacy”, enter “who is allowed to leave a message” and select the desired category. There is an opportunity to leave yourself, or you can allow several trusted friends. Then click “Save” to confirm the settings.

First, you need to pause receiving new inscriptions. You need to log into your account, then in the menu, select the “My Settings” option. Next, open “Privacy”. Hover over: “Who is allowed to post on the wall”, click “Only me” and “Save”. We received protection against spam and new messages. This method is good to use at the very beginning of using the network. To delete entries, you can use one of two main methods.

The easiest way to clean

This is the most faithful and popular way manual removal. This option is suitable when you need to delete individual wall posts:

  • the mouse cursor selects a specific wall recording;
  • Click on the cross that appears at the top right.

After this, the entry is deleted. This way you can delete all records, especially if there are only a few of them. Otherwise, it will waste precious time.

In case of an error, the opportunity to restore the recording is provided. To do this, click on the “Restore” message that appears (it appears after deletion). Restoration can only be performed immediately, before the page was updated (any transition), then the inscription is permanently deleted.
When you need to clean a contact wall quickly and immediately, this option is not suitable.

Method using scripts

There are scripts for different types of cleaning. You need to find the right script: different scripts perform different degrees of cleaning. There are scripts that remove everything or remove something specific. In a search engine you need to type something like: “scripts for cleaning a wall.”

Whatever degree of cleaning is needed, the sequence of actions is the same: you need to open Mozilla. Next, go to “Tools”. Activate "Greasemonkey" through "Manage Plugins". Select the desired script and run it.

Is used for quick removal all wall entries. This feature is not provided on the social network. To do this, you need to know how to clean a wall in contact using the add-on Firefox browser-Greasemonkey. To clean the wall, you need to launch the browser. This application Firefox can be downloaded.

Or install “Greasemonkey” by selecting “Tools” from the menu and opening “Add-ons”. At the top of the page that opens, enter the name “greasemonkey” and click on “Execute”. Select the desired option from the search results and click “Install Now.” Restart your browser by clicking Restart Now. Next, select “Toolbar”, click the program logo, launch it and select “Manage scripts” from the menu.

Enter the required script into the search window and add it to yours. Next, go to the desired page in contact and the process will take place on its own: cleaning the wall begins. As long as Greasemonkey is enabled and the post deletion script is installed, the cleanup operation is always performed when the page is visited. The process is automatic and to stop, you need to disable, or better yet, delete the script after cleaning is complete.

For several years, you have been scrolling through your favorite communities and reposting interesting posts from there. One day, when their number exceeded a thousand, I wanted to delete it all. You can't imagine a worse nightmare than removing each post one by one - you'll have to use something that does it automatically. And there are such ways.

Video - deleting all posts from the VK wall using a script

This is a piece of code that is entered into the address bar or console. It will remove posts currently downloaded on your computer. To remove entries, scroll to the end of the wall. If you can’t download all the posts at once, you can scroll through gradually.

The piece of code we need looks like this:

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item");for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

Now do the following:

  1. Call the console. To do this in Google Chrome, Opera or Firefox, you need to hold down the Ctrl, Shift and C buttons ( Ctrl + Shift + J works too).
  2. Select the Console tab.
  3. Below, in the input field, paste the code and press Enter.

Cleaning the VK wall - method 1

After this, the posts will begin to be cleared. The only thing left to do next is wait. The time it takes to delete records depends on their number. There will be no posts in a few minutes.

There is a simpler option. You don't have to look for the console in it - the code is entered in the field at the top.

You need to enter this script there:

javascript:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str. split("(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval( del_wall,500)

The principle is the same as the previous script. Don't forget to wrap the wall all the way through.

Method 2: programs

There are many programs that make life easier on social media. networks: allow you to download music, remove unnecessary functionality and many other interesting things. Some of them may scrape the page. Let's look at how to work with programs using AutoVk as an example.

IN third party programs, intended for computers, always require login information. Enter them at your own risk. Often such programs do not collect passwords, but no one is immune from this.

Cleaning the wall VK method 2. Software method.

As soon as the "Clean Wall" button is pressed, the program will start working. When the work is completed, a notification will pop up.

Ways that don't work

Before the design change, the following programs were popular:

  • Computer program VKBot;
  • Browser extension VkOpt.

VKBot no longer functions, and many options in VkOpt stopped working immediately after major innovations in social media. networks. Now this extension is gradually returning old functions, but today it cannot delete posts from the wall.


Use it by automatic means Be careful: the VKontakte administration may take such manipulations with distrust and freeze the page. In this case, always remember your password and phone number.

For more than 3-4 years now. During this time, your wall could have accumulated a lot of posts that you reposted or published yourself. One day you will want to delete them all and clear your wall of old posts. Now we will tell you how to do this in 10 seconds, even if you have a lot of posts on your wall.

How to clear a wall on VKontakte via Google browser Chrome?

For this method You don’t need any programs, and you won’t need any additional programming knowledge either. As usual, we simply use the login "View code". And so we open the VK page on which you want to delete all posts on the wall. Right-click on the wall itself from above and select "View code".

IN open window go to the tab "Console", and place the cursor at the very bottom of all codes.

Then copy this code and paste it there. Then click Enter:

var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div")onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);

The script will automatically start deleting entries, then just restart your computer and everything will be deleted, and your wall will be empty. If the script does not run on , try on .

There is also another way to clear posts from the wall on a VK page. Via plugin VkOpt. It is very easy to download the plugin by simply typing it into the search.

After installing the plugin, restart the browser and go to your wall. Enter the tab "All entries" and at point "Actions" choose "Clear the wall"

Cleaning will occur within 20-30 seconds depending on your number of records.

I immediately warn those people who have not yet fallen into social media(and oddly enough, there are still many of them - mostly people of the older generation) - this article is not about repairs! Look elsewhere for ways to remove wallpaper from a wall.

Now let's get serious. The VKontakte wall is your face, or, if you like, the facade of your monument to yourself, not made by hands. And, continuing the analogy with the monument, compare unwanted information (various invitations, unpleasant messages, something outdated, etc.) with pigeon droppings covering your facade. Although this whitens your building, it does not decorate it at all.

And now it’s definitely serious! So, how to clean a VKontakte wall?

I think everyone knows this method. In order to clear the VKontakte wall, we simply move the cursor over the entry. A cross appears, click on it - and you're done. By the way, deleted content can be restored. Unfortunately, the method is not suitable for those who have hundreds or even thousands of records.
In addition to the first one. If you consistently delete messages from one person, you will be asked to erase all of his posts and blacklist him. You can click on OK, and if you still need the person, “whitewash” them back.

The most radical method. Disable the wall in the settings. No wall - no problem! Disadvantages: it will be impossible to return it back. It's like circumcision - not for everyone.

It’s sad, but local developers did not provide such a button as “clear the VKontakte wall in one fell swoop.” But there are third-party solutions, they are also scripts. For example, there is a useful program VkBot, which can be found on the Internet in paid or free form. One thing: the program is ugly - the network owners don’t like it and you can be banned. If you are a fearless person, then download, install, log in, select “profile”, “cleaning”, “clean the wall”, confirm, watch the process. All. You can remove a VKontakte wall using this program very quickly.

Greasemonkey will help you - a program that is built into the browser and allows you to select the necessary scripts. Disadvantage: work exclusively with Mozilla Firefox. Absolutely not suitable for foxphobes. Our actions: go to the “Murzila” website, find addons, download, install, restart “fire-red”, find in the browser, click Greasemonkey, select manage plugins, a search window opens, find the required script by searching, add. All. Warning: the program will then automatically clean the wall every time you visit the page. Therefore, after cleaning, delete the script.

If you are allergic to “Red Fox” and use other browsers, you can do this: put on dark glasses, install “Fox”, follow step 5, delete “Red Fox”.

For Opera lovers there is Opera script Portable and Clicker program. We install these applications, in Opera Portable we find “settings”, “additional”, “content”, “JS settings”, “folder with unpacked script”, go to the same wall page, launch Clicker, click “write script”, delete 20 messages, load the next batch, the Clicker learns - after clearing, go to the next page. You can do without the Clicker, but you will have to turn the pages manually.

Hit your head against the wall. This method is not suitable for those who are sick of tired Internet humor.

Here we have looked at 8 ways to clean your VKontakte wall.

Choose any, but remember: The best way- this is prevention. Don't let your wall go!
