Search group angel in contact. Photo: Search and rescue squad "Angel"

Today, January 11, a new trolleybus route has appeared in Grodno. The expansion of the "non-contact" part of the machines in the depot made it possible to connect Devyatovka and Kolbasino. Or rather, almost: this moment the terminal of the 23rd trolleybus will be located near Grodnozhilstroy. The return point will be Devyatovka-5. Here, hitherto, there were also no trolleybuses, only buses and fixed-route taxis. Thus, now in Grodno there are 15 cars with autonomous running: 5 of them communicate...

Winter is postponed to other dates, Belhydromet said that they will be announced additionally or not. For the entire period of time available for forecasting today, there is some kind of continuous March. Precipitation is planned in the form of snow and rain, but the snow that still falls will not reach the ground, but will all fall down your collar. Okay, in fact, snow porridge will be provided in some areas, difficulties are possible on the roads, especially in the northeast ....

This is no longer funny, but we are forced to report that from tomorrow, fuel prices will rise again. Again for 1 penny. Belneftekhim informs about this. “The price of gasoline AI-92-K5-Euro will be 1.66 rubles, AI-95-K5-Euro - 1.76 rubles, AI-98-K5-Euro - 1.98 rubles, diesel fuel - 1.76 rub. The change in prices for petroleum products is due to the continuing rise in the price of oil,” experts explain. The last time the price of fuel rose on January 5, and, as you can see, to miss the changes ...

The sad side of the visa agreements between Minsk and Brussels is not even that they will not have time to enter into force before the summer, and Belarusians will still have to pay 80 euros for the Schengen from February. The catch is that we are forced to rejoice at a document that is completely passable by the standards of our region as, without irony, the main and hardly repeatable achievement in Belarusian-European relations. We should have simplified the visa regime with the European Union a long time ago. For political reasons...

Replenishment in the Grodno Zoo. Increasingly, animals unusual for our latitudes appear here. Heat-loving camels have long adapted to life in Grodno. Now the period of habituation has begun in meerkats and lemurs. It was they who registered in the oldest zoo in the country. A porcupine also joined them. Is it difficult to take care of exotic animals in our realities? They live under the eternal sun, empty...

Yesterday we reported that at one of Lida's enterprises, a cow was tied by the leg and dragged along the asphalt. Today it became known that the Lida District Department of Internal Affairs is conducting an investigation on the fact of animal cruelty. As the head of the internal affairs department of the Lida district executive committee, Dmitry Ulyashko, told the editorial office of Lida Newspaper, during the monitoring of the Internet, the fact of illegal actions was established on the territory of one of the enterprises located in the indus...

Employees of the clinic reported the suspicious box to the police. Fortunately, no explosive items were found during the inspection. On January 11, a message was received that in the polyclinic No. 2, located at the address: Grodno, Transportnaya Street, 3, there is a box, the contents of which are unknown. In order to ensure safety, 20 employees of the institution and healthcare, as well as 20 visitors, were evacuated from the building. - At the scene...

The search and rescue squad "Angel" is always happy to receive any help: from working on the Internet to posting orientations and going to the site.

Six years ago, Sergei Kovgan, a Minsk resident, the future commander of the Angel rescue squad, saw a woman on TV asking volunteers to help find her missing father. Without hesitation for a long time, Sergei took a friend and went to the Borisov region. I arrived and there was no one there. It turned out that no one else answered the call.

Together with professional rescue services, we spent the whole day looking for the missing person, - Sergey recalls. - Alas, to no avail. A week later, the man was found dead. I thought: what if more people came, maybe he could be saved. Then the idea came up to create an "Angel" - a detachment that will unite dozens of volunteers.

To begin with, Sergey registered the group in in social networks, added a few friends. And almost immediately the first request for help was received - to find a missing girl in Minsk. The guy was confused, counted on a forest search, he did not have information about working in urban conditions. And even then the detachment had neither experience nor equipment. Activists threw a cry for help on the Internet, put up ads. Unfortunately, the girl could not be saved - she was found dead a month later.

To gain experience, Sergei got acquainted with Russian search teams, attended exercises, and learned the basics of working in different areas. He shared his knowledge with volunteers from Belarus.

Inform within hours

Today, Angel has its own office, high-quality equipment and a large volunteer staff. If earlier it was required to comb the area a large number of people, now the problem can be solved with the help of modern technology.

In order to buy the necessary equipment, I look for sponsors every day, communicate with various commercial structures, which, seeing the significance of our work, provide assistance, - says Sergey. - If six years ago no one knew about Angela, now we have hundreds of thousands of subscribers in social networks. We can inform a multi-million audience in a matter of hours. Efficiency is also achieved through interaction with the media, taxi services, accident registration offices and law enforcement agencies. With the help of orientations, the missing are found in hot pursuit. For example, recently the location of an eight-year-old boy who left school after school in an unknown direction was established in 20 minutes. Agree, it's not bad.

Emotional burnout

Today "Angel" unites about 100 permanent volunteers. Also in the team there is a climber, a cynologist, a diver, a psychologist, a signalman. Once a year, republican exercises are held for volunteers, where they learn how to use the equipment, navigate the forest, talk to people and provide them with psychological assistance.

The activities of the detachment are built on a voluntary basis. To participate in the search and rescue operation, we do not call anyone, but announce a general collection. I never know how many people will take part in the search. New volunteers constantly come to the detachment, but only a small part stays with us for a long time. I'm not mad at people who burn out quickly. They will not receive a salary, and they have no other motivation, except for the desire to help, - says Sergey.

You can ask for help from the detachment at any time of the day. It happens that up to ten calls are received per day. They try to respond to all requests, but resources are not always enough. At the same time, the detachment develops, creates regional units and minimally provides them with the necessary equipment.

Any activity, including volunteering, depends on funding, Sergey explains. - Purchase of equipment, repair and maintenance of equipment, rent of an office and a warehouse, parking for special vehicles require large monthly costs. We work together with my wife: I am engaged in search operations and organization of fees, she communicates with the media. We do not pursue a commercial goal: assistance is provided free of charge.

In winter, "Angel" is involved in the search for missing fishermen. The bodies of those who have fallen through the ice have to be retrieved with the help of divers.

The initial information makes it clear who we are looking for: dead or alive. Depending on this, the algorithm of work changes. The deceased is harder to find. This is hard work, often without results. Relatives until the last believe in the best, but we, based on experience, roughly understand what the final will be. Emotions in our business are not the best helpers. The main task of the detachment is to find a person. And whether he will be alive or not, unfortunately, is a thing that is no longer dependent on us.

Why am I searching and not cross stitching?

Forest search coordinator (one of the Angel squads) Christina Kruk was brought to the group by her own misfortune - the loss of a loved one. Six years ago, the detachment was looking for a man for information, by identifying witnesses. The body of the missing man was found three months later in the forest by hunters. After the incident, Christina continued to follow the "Angel". Soon she decided to take part in the search and rescue operation herself and ... stayed in the detachment.

Over time, I gained experience and now I independently draw up a plan for search activities, - says the girl. - "Angel" works 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, so the burden on volunteers is serious. And despite the fact that everyone has a family and the main job. Some morally do not stand up, leave. Of those who started working with us, only a few remained. My relatives say to me: “Why do you need this?” And I don’t know myself, probably I just can’t do it any other way. When I run in the rain through the forest, I often think: why am I searching, and not, for example, embroidering with a cross?

Christina says that, despite the preparedness of the detachment, not all stories have a happy ending. Fragments of the brutal murder of Tatyana Slonimskaya, the unsuccessful search for the schoolgirl Nastya Kot, and the largest operation to search for the underage Maxim Markhaliuk, which she led, emerge in the girl’s memory.

Tragic stories make us constantly improve our work, - Christina emphasized. - Unfortunately, we are not omnipotent, but we always give our best. Our team has saved hundreds of lives.


It is not necessary to have search and rescue experience to become a volunteer. PSO is always glad to any help: from working on the Internet to posting orientations and going to the site.

Anna Khaldeeva

Photo: Search and rescue squad "Angel"

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