Stretching the background of an image while maintaining the proportions of a specific object. How to stretch an image to full screen using css and other proven methods CSS image to full screen

I remember rummaging through a lot of information and trying quite a few methods until I found the exact solution that was needed at that moment.

Below I will show 3 methods that stretch the background to the full width of the screen.

Method No. 1

The first method uses pure CSS3. Everything works thanks to the background-size property. In my case, I will stretch the image to the entire width of the screen, that is, I will assign properties to the body tag. You can apply it to a block as needed, for example.

We will stretch this picture with a cute girl to fill the entire screen :)

In general, we define a block to which we assign styles and add them in the styles file this block, following code:

Body( background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center top fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; )

As you can see, in the background parameter we add the path to the image and set the position of the image relative to the screen. In our cases these are center and top. This means that the picture will be in the center of the screen, and its top will be pressed against the top of the screen. This is so that the girl’s face is always visible. If, for example, you have an abstract background or nature, where you can see the sky, field, horizon, then you can set the values ​​center and center. In general, if you are familiar with CSS, then I think you will understand. It is also set to fixed , which freezes the image.

The method is very simple, I always use it and it suits me 100%. There is only one thing. Old browsers are not familiar with CSS3, so those using ancient versions will not see the desired result.

Method No. 2

This method uses regular CSS. In essence it is also simple. We display an image in the body of the site by assigning id - bg :

And we write the styles:

#bg ( position:fixed; z-index: -1; top:0; left:0; min-width:100%; min-height:100%; )

The positioning is fixed and stretches across the entire screen. It’s as simple as that :).

Method No. 3

jQuery is used here. Therefore, you first need to connect the library if it is not connected previously.

After the library, we connect the script, which will scale our background

$(window).load(function() ( var theWindow = $(window), $bg = $("#bg"), aspectRatio = $bg.width() / $bg.height(); function resizeBg() ( if ((theWindow.width() / theWindow.height())< aspectRatio) { $bg .removeClass() .addClass("bgheight"); } else { $bg .removeClass() .addClass("bgwidth"); } } theWindow.resize(function() { resizeBg(); }).trigger("resize"); });

And at the end we add styles to make everything work. Open the style file and add the following code to it:

#bg ( position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1; ) .bgwidth ( width: 100%; ) .bgheight ( height: 100%; )

You can see from the styles that we have added positioning. In this case it is fixed . The image will remain a fixed background when scrolling, but if you change the positioning to absolute , the background can be scrolled. By the way, the same can be done with the first two methods.

The parameter is also specified - z-index: -1, so that the image is behind the text. If you don't have text that should be in front, you can remove this option.

Which method to use is up to you. As I wrote above, the first method is closer to me. It is the simplest and no worse than others.

That's all, thanks for your attention. 🙂

Web technologies, like various design trends, do not stand still, so every time some original features and nuances for websites appear. One of these “directions” is the use of a background (backgorund), which stretches across the entire screen in width and height. Something like about a year or more ago I told - the image was placed in the blog header and smoothly “transitioned” into the main background color of the web page. If you wish, you can even add .

Placing a large scalable image as a background is something new and more complex, the solution to which I found in this article.

The purpose of this lesson is to post on the website background picture, which would permanently cover the entire background of the browser window. What exactly needs to be done:

  • fill the entire page with one image without spaces;
  • resizing the image if necessary (reducing the browser window);
  • maintaining image proportions;
  • positioning the image in the center of the page;
  • lack of scroll bars on the page;
  • cross-browser solution suitable for different browsers;
  • implementation without any third-party technologies such as flash.

So, there are several suitable solutions for a full-screen website background.

A wonderful, simple and progressive solution using CSS3

To accomplish this task, we can use the background-size property in CSS3. We will use an html element that is better than body. Let's set the background to be fixed and centered, and then use the value cover in the background-size.

html ( background : url (images/bg.jpg ) no-repeat center center fixed ; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size : cover; )

html ( background: url(images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; )

The solution is supported by almost all popular ones on the network:

  • Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version)
  • Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supports background-size but without the cover value)
  • Chrome Whatever+
  • IE 9+
  • Safari 3+

A certain Goltzman found a solution that allows the hack to work in IE

filter : progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft .AlphaImageLoader(src= ".myBackground.jpg" , sizingMethod= "scale" ) ; -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="myBackground.jpg", sizingMethod="scale")" ;

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=".myBackground.jpg", sizingMethod="scale"); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="myBackground.jpg", sizingMethod="scale"");

But attention!!! this may cause some problems with the links on the page. By the way, a little later Matt Litherland added that the code, in principle, can be used but cannot be used for this html elements or body, but you need to implement everything through a div with 100% height and width.

CSS hack number 1

An alternative version is presented by Doug Neiner. In this case, an element embedded in the page is used , which can be resized in any browser. We set the min-height value, which fills the browser window vertically, and set the width to 100%, which fills the page horizontally. We also set min-width so that the image is never smaller than it actually is. ( /* Set rules to fill background */ min-height : 100% ; min-width : 1024px ; /* Set up proportionate scaling */ width : 100% ; height : auto ; /* Set up positioning */ position : fixed ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; ) @media screen and (max-width : 1024px ) ( /* Specific to this particular image */ ( left : 50% ; margin-left : -512px ; /* 50% */ ) ) ( /* Set rules to fill background */ min-height: 100%; min-width: 1024px; /* Set up proportionate scaling */ width: 100%; height: auto; /* Set up positioning */ position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; ) @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) ( /* Specific to this particular image */ ( left: 50%; margin-left: -512px; /* 50% */ ) )

Works in any version of high-quality browsers - Safari / Opera / Firefox and Chrome. As always, IE has its own nuances:

  • IE 9 - works;
  • IE 7/8 - most often functions correctly, but does not center images smaller than the browser window;
  • IE 6 - can be customized, but who needs this browser anyway.
CSS hack option 2

Another option for solving the problem using CSS styles This is to place the embedded image on the page with a fixed position in the upper left corner, and then set the min-width and min-height to 100% while maintaining the proportions.

#bg ( position : fixed ; top : -50% ; left : -50% ; width : 200% ; height : 200% ; ) #bg img ( position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; right : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; margin : auto ; min-width : 50% ; min-height : 50% ; )

#bg ( position:fixed; top:-50%; left:-50%; width:200%; height:200%; ) #bg img ( position:absolute; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0; margin:auto; min-width:50%; min-height:50%; )

The hack works in:

  • Safari / Chrome / Firefox (early versions not tested, but works well in the latest ones)
  • IE 8+
  • Opera (any version) and together with IE both both are buggy in the same way with a positioning error.
Method with jQuery

This option is much easier (from a CSS point of view) if we know that the aspect ratio of the image (img used as a background) is larger or smaller than the current aspect ratio of the browser window. If it is less, then we can only use width = 100% and the window will be equally filled in width and height. If more, you can only specify height = 100% to fill the entire window.

All data is accessed through JavaScript, the codes used are as follows:

#bg ( position : fixed ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; ) .bgwidth ( width : 100% ; ) .bgheight ( height : 100% ; )

#bg ( position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; ) .bgwidth ( width: 100%; ) .bgheight ( height: 100%; )

< aspectRatio) { $bg .removeClass() .addClass("bgheight"); } else { $bg .removeClass() .addClass("bgwidth"); } } theWindow.resize(function() { resizeBg(); }).trigger("resize"); });

$(window).load(function() ( var theWindow = $(window), $bg = $("#bg"), aspectRatio = $bg.width() / $bg.height(); function resizeBg() ( if ((theWindow.width() / theWindow.height())< aspectRatio) { $bg .removeClass() .addClass("bgheight"); } else { $bg .removeClass() .addClass("bgwidth"); } } theWindow.resize(function() { resizeBg(); }).trigger("resize"); });

In my opinion, centering is not performed in this case (as far as I understand), but it can be done. Most desktop browsers are supported, including IE7+. Finally, the author of the article about hacks has prepared a set of example files in which all this is implemented - you can download it. The comments to the original article also contain some information and discussion, although the author added most of the important details in the form of uprights to the post and I have them also translated and indicated. Of course, examples will help you understand all this. In general, if it were not for the constant “gags” from IE7, all the mentioned hacks would be ideal.

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Found this lesson on one youtube channel. A very useful feature for a web designer in my opinion.

Sometimes the width of the original image is not enough for any design idea, and stretching it across the width distorts the desired objects. To keep these objects intact while still stretching the background of the image, PhotoShop provides us with certain tools. And so, in the end we have from the original image:

It should look like this:

Let's get started. Open our image in PhotoShop and select the object we need:

Next, go to the Selection tab >> Save selected area

And set some arbitrary name for this selection:

Thus, we have created an area that will subsequently be protected from changes. The next step is to go to Edit >> Content-Based Scale:

And be sure to indicate the protected object:

All. All that remains is to change the width of the image using standard tools (either in the top panel by changing the width percentage, or simply drag the image). It is important before this (or at the very initial stage) to change the size of the canvas so that the boundaries of the image do not go beyond its visibility area.

Greetings. In this article, I want to share three ways to place an image as the background of an entire page using just HTML + CSS (no JS).

So, our requirements for the background image are as follows:

  • Covers 100% of page width and height
  • The background is scaled if necessary (the background is stretched or compressed depending on the screen size)
  • The aspect ratio of the picture is preserved
  • The image is centered on the page
  • The background does not cause scrolling
  • The solution is as cross-browser compatible as possible
  • No other technologies other than CSS are used
Method 1

In my opinion this is The best way, because it is the simplest, most concise and modern. It uses the CSS3 background-size property, which we apply to html tag. It is html, and not body, because its height is greater than or equal to the height of the browser window.

Set the background to be fixed and centered, then adjust its size using background-size: cover .

Html ( background-image: url(images/background.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-attachment: fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background- size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; )

This method works in

Chrome (any version) Opera 10+ Firefox 3.6+ Safari 3+ IE 9+

To ensure images load quickly, host your sites only with trusted hosting providers, such as Users and search engines love fast sites. Method 2 This method involves using an img element, the size of which will change depending on the size of the browser window. To stretch an image to fill the entire screen, it needs to set its min-height and width to 100%. And so that the image is not compressed to a size smaller than the original, set the min-width with a value equal to the width of the image.

If the window width is less than the image width, a media query will be used to center the background.

img.background ( min-height: 100%; min-width: 640px; width: 100%; height: auto; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; /* Depends on image size */ @media screen and (max-width: 640px)( ( left: 50%; margin-left: -320px; ) ) )

This method works in:

  • Any version of good browsers (Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari)
  • IE 9+
Method 3

Another way is as follows: fix the image to the left top corner page and stretch it using the min-width and min-height properties of 100%, while maintaining the aspect ratio.

True, with this approach the image is not centered. But this problem is solved by wrapping the picture in , which we make 2 times the size of the window. And we stretch the image itself and place it in the center.

div.background ( position: fixed; top: -50%; left: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; ) img ( position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom : 0; margin: auto; min-width: 50%; min-height: 50%; )

This method works in good browsers and IE 8+.

I hope this information will be useful to you. Personally, I often use these methods, especially the first one. There are probably other ways to put an image in the background using CSS. If you know about them, please share them in the comments.

Here we will analyze it in as much detail as possible. How can you implement a background for an Internet resource that should cover the entire workspace? Basically, everything is done in CSS3, you can also connect jQuery and even PHP, but let’s consider one option, which is pure CSS. First you need to understand or determine what should happen. This is, of course, a full fill of the window with a background or image, so that there are no gaps.

Where will we stretch the picture so that it looks correct, since if the background is under one shade of color, it is easier to work with it. Don't forget about matching the picture to its proportions. And it should definitely turn out that the image is centered. The main thing is that everything should be as cross-browser compatible as possible and understandable, without various shenanigans with flash.

CSS3 background method This is the most common method that can stretch the background on pure CSS, and all thanks to one property called background-size, which will only be present in CSS3.

Here we will initially create a fixed background and set it in the center, so that all that remains is to stretch it, where we connect the background-size properties, this all goes under the background reference.

In general, we focus on the block to which we assign styles and add the following code to the style file for this block:

background: url(http://site/Aben/ABGDA/artunsa.png) no-repeat center top fixed;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;

As you can see, the background parameter, where we initially add the path to the picture, where the position of the image is set to match the screen window. If you look at it, the values ​​of center and top are responsible for the center and pressing on all sides so that there are no spaces. To make it clear, the value fixed is responsible for the fixation function.

The method is quite ordinary, which I use all the time and it suits me 100% percent.

Another way:

Another common method is to insert a picture onto the page. It will have a fixed position and will be placed in the upper left corner. We'll give it a min-width and min-height of 100%. It is also necessary to prepare the picture in advance, in order to ensure the proportionality of the sides.

#website (

Here you can see that this code does not center the background image, that you can quickly do everything as needed, or rather, fix the image by taking it into a div.

.jpg" alt="">


#website (
#site img (

That's all, not all methods are presented here, but those that make the most difference.

Also a short video where everything is clearly explained on how to stretch the background to fill the entire screen using CSS.

PS - if you have your own experience, although everything should be the same here. then please share with them in the comments.
