Sizes of sheet formats A0 - A7. Formats and sizes of paper, application in printing industry, international standards How the A3 format is calculated

Almost every day we use paper for various purposes: when applying for a job, filling out a questionnaire, or simply signing a postcard to relatives. But not every one of us knows or even just thinks about what are the dimensions of the A6 format in centimeters, bytes or inches.

There are several systems for calculating the European ISO standards:

    A. The area of ​​the main sheet is almost 1m 2 .

    B. The main page differs from A0 in that the width of paper B0 is 1m 2 .

    C. The page area C0 is derived as the arithmetic mean of the parameters A0 and B0.

When compiling a leaflet in electronic or paper form, you need not only to know what size is A6, but also how much you need to step back from the edges of the page so as not to spoil the postcard when printed.

Almost all text editors set the borders of the sheet automatic mode, but if you need to change the original settings of the document or image, then specify the desired values ​​in the printer settings before starting printing.

AT latest versions Microsoft office North American standards are used, which almost completely correspond to European ISO parameters.

popular name

ANSI classification

Aspect Ratio

Corresponding European format

There are also Japanese standards. To calculate the size, a special system for calculations called JIS is used. To find out the A6 format and what is the size of the Japanese standard, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following table:

European format

Japanese format

From this table you can find out what dimensions an A6 sheet has in mm in the Japanese standard system.

Japanese standards for A-series sheets are single to European sizes. As for series B, they will be a little more, 1.5 times.

How the A3 format is calculated

The calculation is based on the division of the main format A0 into several smaller parts. Thus, the following page dimensions can be calculated (all data are in millimeters):

    A0 has parameters 841×1189.

    A1. The length/width of the sides is 594×841.

    A2. The length/width of the sides is 420×594.

    A3. The length/width of the sides is 297×420.

    A4. The length / width of the sides - 210 × 297.

    A5. The length/width of the sides is 148×210.

    A6. The length/width of the sides is 105×148.

    A7. The length/width of the sides is 74×105.

    A8. The length / width of the sides - 52 × 74.

    A9. Side length/width 37×52.

The A6 page is obtained as a result of the waste-free division of the A5 sheet into two parts without residues. This technique allows you to save the aspect ratio of a document or image in different formats without distortion.

The size A6 paper is used in printing to create flyers, business cards, books, notepads and organizers etc. Programmers also use these parameters, only for them the size of the page is not as important as its size in bytes, megabytes or terabytes.

To determine the paper size A6 in electronic format you can use this table:

Format name

Size (mm)

grayscale 300dpi

When working with an image, an important role is played by the number of pixels that correspond to the necessary parameters, and which A6 size in cm has when printed. Dimension table for A4, A5, A6 and A9:

Size in pixels

Print at 200 dpi

Photo at 300 dpi

16.3 x 12.2 cm

8.7 x 6.5 cm A9(5.20 x 3.70 cm)

20.3 x 15.2 cm

13.5 x 10.2 cm A6(14.80 x 10.50 cm)

22.9 x 15.2 cm

15.2 x 10.2 cm A6(14.80 x 10.50 cm)

26.0 x 19.5 cm

17.3 x 13 cm A5 (21 x 14.80 cm)

29.1 x 21.7 cm

19.4 x 14.5 cm A5 (21 x 14.80 cm)

32.9 x 24.7 cm

21.9 x 16.5 cm A5 (21 x 14.80 cm)

35.8 x 26.8 cm

23.8 x 17.9 cm A5 (21 x 14.80 cm)

40.6 x 30.5 cm A3(42 x 29.7)

27.1 x 20.3 cm A4 (29.70 x 21 cm)

46.3 x 34.7 cm A3(42 x 29.7)

30.9 x 23.2 cm A4 (29.70 x 21 cm)

50.8 x 38.1 cm A3(42 x 29.7)

33.9 x 25.4 cm A4 (29.70 x 21 cm)

International Standards

The dimensions of the frame for drawing A6 according to GOST are determined by the dimensions of the outer contour A0. As a basis for calculations, paper with parameters 1189x841 is used, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is approximately 1m 2. According to the regulations, these data comply with the A0 standards.

GOST 2.301-68 establishes all acceptable standards for all kinds of drawings and documents in paper / electronic form, which are allowed by the rules for compiling and maintaining documentation in international formats. For example, the A6 format in cm will always have a dimension of 10.5 × 14.8.

We are all familiar with the A4 format. printed documents and electronic versions also adhere to this size. There are situations when it is necessary to know the exact dimensions of an A4 sheet in centimeters. This will help when building patterns, sending to print, in solving other everyday tasks for training or work.

Basic Paper Size Measurements

Currently, in various countries of the world and its individual regions, several systems are used that use different paper sizes. But the leading positions are occupied by: international, which takes the A4 format as a standard, and North American.

The paper size is set by the generally accepted standard for ISO formats - 216. It takes its roots in the metric system of measures and involves a number of series: A, B, C. For the A series, the A0 format, with an area of ​​1 m², is taken as the initial one. Further, to obtain the next A1 format, the outgoing A0 sheet is divided in half. And so on in that order. To get the next format, you need to divide the previous one by two.

A4 paper format is especially popular today. It is used for documents, teaching schoolchildren in the lessons of physics, drawing, geometry, as well as for other specialized subjects in colleges and universities. In addition, this format is used in industry and printing for specialized printing: catalogs, promotional items, letterheads and magazines. It is also convenient for beginner little artists, and is also useful for home use.

Knowing the dimensions of an A4 sheet in centimeters, you can quickly measure the required item without a ruler, build a graph or table. For technical documentation (drawings, diagrams or diagrams) can be used additional formats where the length or width is significantly larger than the original format. Format type B is used mainly in printing: posters, signs, posters, booklets, postcards. Format type C - these are envelopes intended for inserting a letter in A4 format.

In addition to these three main ones, there are other formats that are not described in the ISO - 216 standard. They are successfully used in other countries, for example, in Germany and the USA. They can be found when setting print options on the printer, for example: A4 Long, Extra, A3 Super, A4 Extra, F4, SO B5 and many others.

How many centimeters in an A4 sheet

The size of the A4 album sheet in centimeters is 21 x 29.7. Diagonally we get 36.4 centimeters. If we take other sheet formats for comparison, then A3 will be exactly twice as large as A4. Accordingly, if you fold an A4 sheet in half, we get an A5 sheet. A4 sheet sizes in centimeters can be useful for building patterns for sewing or charts.

How many pixels in an A4 sheet

We already know the dimensions of the A4 sheet in centimeters. Also, to work in the graphic editors Paint, CorelDraw or Photoshop, you may need to know the size of the A4 sheet in pixels. An image file represented in pixels will give you an idea of ​​its height and width. At the used DPI resolution of 72, we get 845 x 595 pixels. Accordingly, 1754 x 1240 - at DPI 150, 3510 x 2480 - at DPI 300.

How many MB in an A4 sheet

It is important to know what the size of an A4 sheet is in centimeters, but it is equally useful to have an idea about the size of A4 in megabytes. So it’s immediately clear what size the picture is about. Such information is convenient for designers, illustrators and layout designers.

An A4 image using the CMYK color space at a DPI resolution of 300 weighs 33.2 MB. Accordingly, in the RGB or Lab color space at DPI 300 - 24.9 MB, in the Grayscale color space at DPI 300 it will be 8.3 MB.

In production, when producing paper for writing and printing, the ISO standard - 216 allows slight deviations in size according to the format:

  • For sheets of paper with sides less than 150 mm, 1.5 mm is allowed.
  • If the sides of the sheet are from 150 to 600 mm in size, an error of 2 mm is allowed.
  • If the sides of the sheet are more than 600 mm, 3 mm is allowed.

As we can see, the larger the sheet size, the greater the error in paper release.

We are often asked: - "Can you print A4 photos?".

Of course, we can print photos in almost any size, but this question needs clarification.

Photo paper formats differ from international ISO formats, but most often in everyday life we ​​operate with terms and sizes that are familiar to us, such as A4, drawing paper, etc. Although photo paper sizes and conventional sizes are quite close, they are still different from each other.

The main photo formats have an aspect ratio similar to the matrices of modern digital cameras 1:1.5 (2/3) or 1:1.33 (3/4). Standard international paper sizes have an aspect ratio of 1:1.4142, meaning they do not match in proportion. When printing on Noritsu minilabs, photo standards are used. Also, such familiar photo frames and photo albums for storing photos correspond to photo standards.

This table shows the ratio of photo formats that we print to standard paper.

Photo format we print Photo size in px Photo size in mm Aspect Ratio ISO standard ISO size in mm
10x15 1217x1807 103x153 2:3 ≈A6 105x148
15x21 1807x2492 153x211 3:4 ≈А5 148x210
20x30 2409x3614 204x306 2:3 ≈A4 210x297
30x40 3614x4972 306x421 3:4 ≈А3 297x420
30x45 3614x5410 306x458 2:3 ≈А3 297x420
30x60 3614x7217 306x611 1:2 ≈А2 420x594

Now let's look at each of the photo formats in detail. The popular 10x15 format is 2 mm smaller on one side than the standard A6, and 5 mm larger on the other. Therefore, if you need exactly A6, you should order a photo 15x21 and cut off the excess manually.

Below you can see how the 10x15 format compares with the well-known A4.

A 15x21 photo will be slightly larger than an A5 sheet. On one side by 5 mm, on the other - by 1 mm. Therefore, if you need exactly A5, feel free to order a photo 15x21, cut off the excess.

Below you see the ratio of 15x21 to A4.

The 20x30 format is almost A4, but the photo is 6 mm smaller on one side and 9 mm larger on the other side than A4. 20x30 and A4 are disproportionate.

Below is the ratio of photo 20x30 to A4.

If you need A3, then choose a photo 30x40. 30x40 by 9 mm on one side and 1 mm on the other side more than A3. Calmly order and cut yourself =).

Below you see the ratio of 30x40 and A3.

Photo 30x45 is larger than A3. This can be seen in the picture below.

Photo 30x60 is difficult to compare with plain paper. 30x60 is much smaller than A2 (whatman paper) and much larger than A3. But this does not prevent 30x60 images from being popular among photo artists.

Below you see the ratio of the photo 30x60 to A3.

Below is the ratio of photo formats to each other.

Format A size, mm Format B size, mm Format C size, mm
A0 841х1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 1297x917
A1 594x841 IN 1 707х1000 C1 917x648
A2 420x594 IN 2 500x707 C2 648x458
A3 297x420 AT 3 353х500 C3 458x324
A4 210x297 AT 4 250x353 C4 324x229
A5 148x210 AT 5 176x250 C5 229x162
A6 105x148 AT 6 125x176 C6 162x114
A7 74x105 AT 7 88x125 C7 114х81
A8 52x74 AT 8 62x88 C8 57х81
A9 37х52 AT 9 44x62 C9 40x57
A10 26x37 AT 10 O'CLOCK 31х44 C10 28x40

Paper size - a standardized size of a paper sheet. Different countries adopted different formats as standard at different times. Currently, two systems dominate: the international standard (A4 and related) and the North American.

The international standard for paper sizes, ISO 216, is based on the metric system and is based on a paper sheet size of 1 m² (Dimension A0). All ISO paper sizes have the same aspect ratio, equal to the square root of two, this ratio is approximately 1:1.4142. The standard has been adopted by all countries except the United States and Canada. In Mexico and the Philippines, despite the adoption of an international standard, the American "Letter" format is still widely used.
It consists of three series of formats (with similar sizes for the same numbers):

  • A - an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 m² is taken as the base for the maximum sheet of the series.
  • B - a length of 1 m is taken as the base for the short side of the maximum sheet of the series.
  • C - formats of envelopes for sheets of series A (sizes are larger by about 9%).

The area and dimensions of the sides of the B format is the geometric mean between the corresponding parameters of the adjacent formats A, and the area and dimensions of the sides of the C format are the geometric mean between the corresponding adjacent formats B and A.

The most widely known ISO format is the A4 format. In Russia, for technical documentation (drawings, diagrams, texts, diagrams), formats from A4 to A1 (with folding rules up to A4 for storage) are standardized. The A3 format is the second most used, after A2, standard newspaper size.

In addition, for technical documents, formats with a large aspect ratio are used, formed by repeatedly applying one of the standard formats along the long side of the sheet. For example, for series A, the following additional formats can be formed:

841х1189 mm
1682x1189 mm
2523х1189 mm
3364х1189 mm
4204х1189 mm
5045x1189 mm
594х841 mm
1784x841 mm
2378х841 mm
2973х841 mm
3568х841 mm
420x594 mm
1261x594 mm
1682x594 mm
2523х594 mm
297х420 mm
892х420 mm
1189x420 mm
1487х420 mm
1784x420 mm
210x297 mm
631х297 mm
841х297 mm
1051x297 mm
1261x297 mm
148x210 mm
446x210 mm
595x210 mm
743x210 mm
892х210 mm

Most of the standard printing products are printed in standard formats: A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, DL "Euroformat" - 99x210 mm (1/3 A4) or in sizes that fit comfortably on the sheet format.

This is understandable, the minimum amount of paper "waste" during printing is beneficial to everyone: manufacturers of printing equipment, paper manufacturers, printing houses and printing centers. Therefore, when developing a layout, this moment must be taken into account.

If you offer a printing house to print a non-formatted product, most likely you will have to overpay for paper that ends up in the trash, and at best for recycling. This mainly applies to papers that are designed for digital and offset printing. But, for example, designer cardboards and papers in most cases have a size of 700x1000 mm (approximately B1 format 707x1000mm). When printing on such papers, you need to be more careful about the size of the product, since the cost of such materials is orders of magnitude higher.
I will try to be as brief but informative as possible. print sheet format Serie A, as one of the main in the world. Understanding the difference in sizes will make it much easier for you to communicate with printer managers.

Paper size table (dimensions in mm), ISO 216

A6- 105x148 A2- 420x594
A5- 148x210 A1- 594x841
A4- 210x297 A0- 841x1189
A3- 297x420

Paper size table (dimensions in cm)

A6- 10.5x14.8 A2- 42x59.4
A5- 14.8x21 A1- 59.4x84.1
A4- 21x29.7 A0- 84.1x118.9
A3- 29.7x42

SRA3 sheet format

Mostly, digital printing presses have the main print sheet size SRA3- 320x450 mm. Maximum and optimally, this size will include such products (taking into account the bleed 2mm per side)
