Richard Hammond: films, photos and personal life of the actor. Richard Hammond - about the presenter, biography, facts Presenter of scientific nonsense

A person who can evoke not only admiration, but also a smile of tenderness. A favorite of the public and colleagues on the set. A reckless driver, an auto mechanic and just a guy capable of thinking deeply and conveying his conclusions to society. It is unlikely that modern television could exist without this shot - after all, few people already imagine “Top Gear” without the most charming presenter on BBC Channel 2.

Little Richie from Birmingham

Richard Hammond was born on a not so frosty winter day in the late 1960s (namely December 19, 1969) into a large British family, becoming the next son of a young couple - Alan and Ailey. This happy event took place in Birmingham, UK. In addition to the boy, the couple also had two sons - Nicholas and Andrew.

Like a true Briton, Richard Hammond, whose age is now known to all his fans, grew up as a reserved and conservative boy - he didn’t break his knees, didn’t get into trouble, but on the contrary - he was inquisitive and discovered something new in the world of science and technology.

When the guy turned 16, the family decided to leave their hometown and move to the small market town of Ripon, which is located in Yorkshire. For some time, young Richie attended grammar school, but after that the craving for technology still prevailed, and he entered the College of Art and Technology. There the guy struck up a close friendship with one of the academicians (Jonathan Baldwin). Among other things, Hammond also took photography courses.

Lucky Artist Star

Richie’s path to universal recognition was not easy and very thorny. The young hero began his stellar career as a radio host. This work was easy for him, so he had to combine work at several stations at the same time. Thus, he was remembered by listeners of Radio Newcastle, Lancashire, Cumbria, Cleveland and York.

The beginning of the 2000s turned out to be very successful for Hammond. Firstly, he entered into a legal marriage with the woman he loved (over time, his wife gave birth to two daughters). Well, and secondly, the hero was finally able to break through to the television screens of American residents.

As they say, if your finest hour has come, then you just need to grab luck by the tail and take everything you need from the opportunities provided. And so it happened. Richard Hammond got into Top Gear soon after he came as the host of thematic programs on the Mens and Motors channel. It was 2002.

But... not without falls

Thanks to his participation as a key character in the legendary show, Richard Hammond (whose program was eagerly awaited every week not only by every self-respecting American, but also by any other inhabitant of this planet) still achieved that vaunted popularity and universal recognition. Several years passed like this - issue after issue, plot after plot, funny story after dangerous one, and vice versa. Our hero received the funny nickname “hamster” and constantly lived up to it in practice - he would eat a cardboard box, or even use up a tube of teeth whitening paste in one sitting. He became a favorite not only of the public, but also of his faithful comrades on the set.

In September 2006, Richard became a test driver for the legendary Vampire, attempting to break the world record. Testing took place at the former Royal Air Force racing track. It just so happened that Hammond lost control and became involved in a terrible accident. At that time, no one could give guarantees whether the presenter would survive. But despite fate, Richie still pulled out and showed his snow-white smile after a tube of paste again.

Life beyond the scenes

Undoubtedly, he was created for the film set - Richard Hammond (films with whose participation you are unlikely to see, since he is a showman to the core), a favorite of women, teenagers and the most ordinary car enthusiasts. Together with his wife and two daughters (Willow and Isabella), he lives in a decent house on the outskirts of Payford (Gloucestershire, which is located near Cheltenham).

Outside of filming, the famous TV presenter is a wonderful amateur farmer who keeps a small pen of chickens and sheep. In addition, the Hammond family managed to acquire several dogs and even horses. Overall, Richie is a wonderful husband and father, and he lives a calm and measured life off screen.

Richard Hammond: scientific nonsense

By the time the audience had already become accustomed to the presenter’s various antics and even got a little tired of them, the hero’s shocking ideas did not take long to arrive. Richard Hammond presented to the world his new development - an expensive bicycle, which was based on the model of the legendary car - Ferrari. He named his brainchild very intricately - Fahrradi Farfall FFX.

As the developer himself stated, the discovery will not travel at the speed of its prototype and will not imitate the roar of an engine, for example. But, in return for all this, the bike exactly repeats the shape of the car, and besides, it costs fabulous money - several times more expensive than the original version.

In general, as you already understood, you still have to turn the pedals. The invention weighs about a hundredweight, which indicates its simple filling, but at the same time an original box, like for a bicycle. “Engineering Ideas” with Richard Hammond never ceases to amaze - this man will probably show himself in the world of science.

Ritchie on modern discoveries

The developer of the shocking velomobile himself has a very positive attitude towards various kinds of innovations in science and technology that in any way relate to the humble world of the motorist. Richie enjoys using it satellite navigation, delayed engine warm-up and many other pleasant little things that are designed to make our lives more comfortable.

But Hammond has an unfulfilled dream. As he himself admits, he would really like to develop (well, or wait for the moment when some other researcher does it) a system that would warn motorists about impending danger: be it a truck rushing around a bend or wild animals running across the road is a few hundred meters away.

The showman does not deny: perhaps someone will not like this idea, but still he does not want to stop believing in his bright dream.

Motorists - who are they for Richie?

Perhaps the host of the Top Gear show should respect what he represents. That is how it is. Despite the fact that Richard Hammond is a notorious biker who prefers to go out on the highway at reckless speed and risk his own life every time for the next dose of adrenaline, he still respects motorists, young and old. For him, this category of people is like a separate nation, with its own laws, law enforcement officers and even violators - well, where would we be without them?

In one of the programs, by the way, the presenter complained about truck drivers. As he himself stated, with all his respect for them (and it seems to him that this feeling is mutual), sometimes it happens that representatives of this profession often consider themselves to be the most right on the road. This opinion often arises due to their habit of blocking the highway, supposedly for the safety of everyone behind them. Here is an interesting observation from our hero. Richie himself is indignant about this, although he has great respect for truck drivers - after all, they often give him a place to ride on his bike.

A couple of lessons about life values ​​from the Top Gear star

Every fan of this legendary program probably knows that Richard Hammond is not only an excellent test driver, auto mechanic and racer, but also a storehouse of folk wisdom. In his words you can often hear a deep subtext about our life values ​​and what worries each of us somewhere in our souls.

I wonder what our hero would say if he were next to us now or had the opportunity to give some parting words for the coming day, so to speak? Perhaps, now we would hear from him something like: do not give up what you love, under any life circumstances, and if you have set any goal for yourself, then be kind, do not turn aside on the path to yours dream, because by betraying it, you, first of all, are betraying yourself.

Personal life facts

Richard Mark Hammond's birthday is December 19, 1969. He was born in Shirley (Birmingham, England), from where he moved to Ripon in North Yorkshire with his mother, father, brothers Nicholas and Andrew in the mid-1980s. The city was famous for its constant fairs, and Richard’s father kept his own notary’s shop in one of the fairgrounds.

After moving to Ripon, Hammond studied at Ripon Grammar School, and in 1987-1989 additionally attended the College of Art and Technologies in the areas of photography and television. He began his professional career working on radio, such as Radio Cumbria, Radio Cleveland, Newcastle Radio and Radio Lancashire (where he auditioned for Top Gear).

In 2012, Richard got married and soon had two daughters, Isabella and Willow. A married couple with children settled in Herefordshire, but she has her own apartment in London. The Hammond family are famous for their love of animals, they have several horses, cats and dogs, as well as rabbits, sheep and ducks.

Hammond has always been an ardent supporter of Porsche cars, and in particular the Porshe 911, which appeared several times on the set of the TV show Top Gear. Richard has 6 personal cars, including the infamous Morgan AeroMax, which he crashed on August 9, 2009 (but not fatally).

Radio and television career

Hammond is now widely known for Braniac: Science Abuse and Top Gear, from which he left in March 2015 along with Jeremy Clarkson and James May due to Clarkson's scandal with the program's technical producer. In addition to appearing on television shows, Richard writes several regular columns for well-known publications, including The Daily Mirror.

After many years of working on radio stations, Richard appeared in updated version Top Gear in 2002. Soon, other presenters and fans of the show gave him the nickname Hamster, which Hammond confirmed more than once by skillfully copying the facial expressions of a hamster when eating paper signs.

On September 20, 2006, while filming the latest episode of Top Gear, Hammond was involved in a serious accident while testing the Rolls-Royce-powered Vampire at an RAF airfield. Richard suffered a severe brain injury at a speed of 464 km/h when the car's tire punctured and he was lifted into the air by oncoming traffic.

The presenter continued filming at the beginning of the 9th season of Top Gear on January 28, 2007. He was greeted with a huge “Welcome” sign with half-naked women dancing. Richard himself descended the stairs into the hall to the light of fireworks and applause from the public. The show showed a video of the accident and presented newspaper reports, but Hammond asked his comrades not to talk about this incident on air in the future.

Richard is now the co-host of a new project from Amazon - the grandiose car show The Grand Tour, along with his longtime friends Clarkson and May.

Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. Photo:

, 54, worth £30 million

This month, the BBC, despite controversy, renewed Jeremy's contract, keeping him at the helm of the program until 2018: the contract was worth £12 million. Clarkson's £2 million estate is located in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, and is surrounded by a large plot of land. Jeremy is a keen chicken breeder and says each egg he gets from his hens is worth around £1 million as their coop is surrounded by an expensive electrified fence to protect against fox attacks. His wife Frances takes care of the horses and his beloved Labradoodle (a breed of dog created by crossing a Labrador retriever and a poodle). Jeremy often hangs out at the local pub with other regulars, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, ex-Blur bassist Alex James and TV boss Elizabeth Murdoch (daughter of Rupert Murdoch). In addition, the TV presenter purchased a lighthouse on the Isle of Man, developing the surrounding area into a country residence, where he loves to spend his holidays. This construction cost him 1.5 million pounds.

The TV presenter has several very expensive supercars in his fleet, but in order for his daughter Emily to learn to drive, he bought her a modest white Ford Fiesta.

Stylists have described the TV presenter's clothing style as "a gardener who has taken up farming", as his favorite combinations are jeans with a leather jacket or jeans with a tweed jacket.

Richard Hammond, 44, worth £15 million

Hammond earns £500,000 per Top Gear programme, is the author of numerous books and, until 2012, hosted two popular children's game shows with fees of up to £150,000 per episode. Coming up with advertising slogans for Morrisons supermarkets and being the author of a newspaper motoring column, the presenter earned £750,000.

In 2008, Richard Hammond bought a six-bedroom 18th-century castle in Herdfordshire, which is now valued at £2.5 million. Popularly nicknamed "Camelot", the castle is surrounded by 20 acres and has a reputation for being haunted. The TV presenter often gets to him in his own helicopter, which displeases his neighbors who suffer from the noise of the winged car. The castle grounds are home to two peacocks, a pig, ten ponies, four horses, six cats, five dogs, ducks and goats. Richard's garage contains ten cars, 28 motorcycles, a travel van and a helicopter.

Richard Hammond runs (five times a week), enjoys horse riding, and denies the use of Botox, hair dye, or teeth whiteners. In addition, in order to improve his health, he completely gave up smoking and alcohol. When it comes to clothes, Richard prefers Diesel jeans, expensive leather jackets, cowboy boots costing up to £1,000 a pair, of which he has half a dozen, and always wears a wooden necklace with the names of all his family members carved into the beads.

James May, 51, worth £10 million

In addition to his official salary of £500,000 per episode of Top Gear, James May receives a salary as the presenter of two other popular shows, and in addition has royalties from a dozen successful books. He was the face of the British beer brand Pride, for which he received 250,000 pounds. Lives in West London in a spacious brick house with a garage worth about two million pounds. The car show host has a bicycle in his garage, which he uses for trips around the neighborhood, five cars and six motorcycles. Since childhood, James had been interested in airplanes, but never thought that he would be able to sit at the controls of an airplane. But he still decided to test his capabilities at a flight school and eventually received a pilot’s license. He now has a light aircraft, the Super Decathlon, which sits on an airfield in Berkshire.

James plays the piano beautifully and is a big fan of English ale. He loves technical innovations, be it a pocket knife or construction tools, plays darts and cooks. He recently lost 12 kilograms and shortened his famous voluminous hair, which he never dyed, not being embarrassed by gray hair. In clothes, he prefers designer shirts and jackets, which he sews on the famous London street of elite tailors Savile Row. “I spend a lot of money on clothes, but I have a fantastic ability to turn them into trash,” May laughs.

On 12-19-1969 Richard Hammond (nickname: Richard) was born in Solihull, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom. He made his 25 million dollar fortune with Crufts, Richard Hammond's Secret Service, Wild Weather with Richard Hammond. The tv-personality & writer is married to Mindy Etheridge, his starsign is Sagittarius and he is now 50 years of age.

Richard Hammond Facts & Wiki

Where does Richard Hammond live? And how much money does Richard Hammond earn?
Birth Date19-12-1969
Religion - believes in God?Roman Catholic
ResidenceHe lives together in a house in Marylebone, London, england United Kingdom.

Richard Hammond Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth25 million dollars
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Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsTop Gear
ColleaguesChris Evans, Andy Wilman & Barry Berman


  • Photo: house/residence of friendly fun talented 25 million earning Marylebone, London, england United Kingdom-resident

  • house ($3.5 million) (Swimming Pool Jacuzzi Sauna Home Office)


MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Richard Hammond: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Richard Hammond with beautiful, Wife Mindy Etheridge
Who is Richard Hammond dating in 2020?
Relationship statusMarried (Since 2002)
Current Wife of Richard HammondMindy Etheridge
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives
Has any kids?Yes, father of: Isabella, Willow
Will the marriage of British TV-personality & writer Richard Hammond and current Wife, Mindy Etheridge survive 2020?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.

    Alan Hammond (Father)Eileen Hammond (Mother)Nicholas Hammond (Brother)Andrew Hammond (Brother)Willow Hammond (Daughter)Isabella Hammond (Daughter)


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This friendly fun talented tv-personality & writer originating from Solihull, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom has a thin body & square face type.

Hair colorDark brown
Hair typeStraight
Hair Lengthnear-shaved hair
Distinct featureeyes
Skin Tone/ComplexionType I: Light skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeardless
Eye colorDark Brown
Does Richard Hammond smoke?No, never
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Richard Hammond - 2020 Dark brown hair & alternative hair style.

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Height170 cm
Weight66 kiloClothing stylealternative
Favorite colorsblack
Feet sizeN/A
Does Richard Hammond have a tattoo?No

Official websites/fansites:

Does Richard Hammond have official Social Media profiles?
