Aligning the title to the center in html. How to center text in CSS

This lesson is devoted to attributes and headers in HTML, which are indispensable elements of any HTML document. This is why it is so important to master this issue. This lesson explains what an attribute is and provides examples of working with attributes. The lesson also discusses headers used in HTML and provides examples of headers.

Attributes in HTML

What is an attribute? An attribute is a parameter that gives tags specific information. There can be a lot of these parameters. For example, using attributes we can align the text of a paragraph, set the font style and size, set the required indents, etc. Attributes are written inside tags, followed by an equal sign, then in double quotes attribute values ​​are specified. Attributes are separated from each other by a semicolon.

Examples of working with attributes

Let's look at working with attributes using examples. The simplest example is let's take a paragraph tag

With the "align" attribute. Let's write:

Example of paragraph left alignment

The "align" attribute tells the browser to align the given paragraph to the left edge of the screen.

The following attributes can also be applied to the paragraph tag:

  • align="center" – alignment to the center of the screen;
  • align="right" – right alignment;
  • align="justify" - aligns text to the width of the screen.

Now let's complicate the task - let's create HTML page using several different attributes. An example of such a page would have following code:

Example of a page with attributes in HTML

Attributes in HTML

The "bgcolor" color attribute allows us to set the background color of the page. The “center” and “justify” attributes align the text within itself, centered and justified, respectively.

Headings in HTML

with index. There are only six such indices - from 1 to 6, they indicate the size of the header (

is the biggest headline,

- the smallest). For example, let's create a web page that has several headers. The code for this page will look like:

Example of a page with attributes and headings in HTML

Attributes in HTML

What is an attribute? An attribute is a parameter that gives tags specific information. There can be an unlimited number of these parameters.

Headings in HTML

In order to create a title on a page, a special tag is used with index. There are only six such indexes - from 1 to 6, they indicate the size of the title...

In this example, we have two headings - the first level heading has no attributes, the second level heading has a center alignment attribute. After the headings there are paragraphs, which also have their own attributes.

This is the principle used to work with attributes and headers in HTML. There is nothing complicated here. You should definitely practice with your own examples in order to consolidate the information received in this lesson.

Let's continue learning HTML. In this lesson we will look at HTML page headers, what headers there are, how to use them correctly and when they can be used. We will also analyze the paragraphs so that you can already fill your page with text, but, most importantly, do it correctly.

If you haven't read the first article, you can find it here:

  • Lesson 1. What is HTML?

Theory and practice - Paragraphs and headings of HTML pages

Today we'll talk about paragraphs and headings. Let's start with something simple - with paragraphs and where they are used.

Paragraphs per page

I will now give an example of code in which the paragraph tag will be present.

You already remember the basic structure from the first lesson. There they looked at the basics and looked at what HTML is. Therefore, let's focus our attention on what is between the tags .

When you write any text on a page, be it just a paragraph or a small explanatory line under an image, you need to place this text inside a tag.

In subsequent lessons you will see the process of formatting these paragraphs. What you should understand by now is that you cannot place a tag on a page without any tag. Because in the future it will be difficult to apply any individual styles specifically for this section of text.

Try writing a few paragraphs. Put some paragraphs in the tag, and leave others without it. And you will immediately see the difference. Because if you write a paragraph inside this tag, it will immediately have indents. Now let's move on to the HTML page headers.

HTML headers on the page

There is semantics in an HTML document. I'm not talking about HTML5 technology and its new tags. Here we will only look at the most basic ones so that you can quickly master the basics of HTML. Semantics means that you don’t need to create headings, paragraphs, tables, and so on using the same tag. This can be done, but HTML technology is more varied and appropriate tags are provided for different situations. And you just need to master the basic tags in order to freely work with HTML code.

I wrote this short introduction to the fact that for paragraphs you need to use the tag you already know. But for headings, tags that begin with the English letter “H” are used.

Here is the entire list of headers you can use:

Some of these tags are used much more often. These are tags such as h1, h2 or h3. If anyone is already familiar with CSS, then they understand that the HTML header of an h3 page can be styled in such a way that it looks similar to an h1 or h2. But the meanings they carry, at least for SEO optimization, are radically different. As a rule, these numbers, inside tags, should be understood as the level of importance of a particular HTML header. Therefore, it is necessary to work through these elements very carefully and then search engines will begin to notice your articles.

Before we get to the CSS, you'll see the default header styles in browsers. If you insert these tags one by one and write some text inside, you will see the following:

The use of headings on the page is also important for search robots. There are certain rules that you can read in our book - PDF book on website promotion.

After we have studied everything, we immediately go into the code and try to write everything ourselves. This is the fastest way to master any programming language. But HTML technology is much easier than any programming language, so anyone can figure it out. This way you will remember the tags better.

Video lesson - HTML page title? (practice)

A visual video showing an example of working with these tags:


D/Z: As an example, write a short text that will consist of 5-7 paragraphs and 2-3 different headings.

Practice more paragraphs and HTML page titles!

How to make a table in HTML

Any table contains rows and columns. They, in turn, can contain text and an image.

To add a table to a page, use the tag

. This is the main and main container in which the table elements (rows and columns) are placed. And this container needs to be closed -

Rows and columns are specified using tags And , while instead of you can safely use . Difference from is that the browser displays the text in the cell as bold, and also aligns it to the center of the cell - i.e. can be used in table headings without resorting to additional formatting. Otherwise, there is no difference between them; you can use either one.

Table rows ( ) must be placed strictly between

. And the table columns ( ) in turn are placed strictly between the tags .

Let's create a practical table that will consist of one row and four columns. We need to mark the beginning of the table (

), start of line ( ), four cells ( ), end of table (
), end of line (


Now let's use the tag so as not to return to this again.


I set the table width to 400 and as you can see, the first and third cells are bold and center aligned. The rest are on the left edge. I recommend that you always spend enough time formatting your code to avoid getting confused. In a small table this may not play a big role, but in a large one...

Let's talk a little more about width since I mentioned it. The width of the table is specified by the width attribute, the height - height. In this way, you can change not only the width and height of the table, but also the sizes of the cells (they all must fit into the table, otherwise the browser will not understand what you want from it).

These values ​​(width and height) are specified in pixels, percentage. You can leave it like that, not write anything, the browser will think that you were too lazy to write “px” and will consider the number to be pixels.

Well, if you want to align the contents of one or more table cells, use the align attribute with the values ​​left, center, right. This is horizontal alignment, but there is also vertical alignment and it has its own separate attribute - valign, which can take the following values: baseline (vertical alignment exactly along the baseline), bottom (along the bottom edge), middle (cell values ​​will be aligned vertically in the middle), top (along the top edge). By default, browsers align cells centered (middle).

Enlarge the frame (borders) of the table and change its color

You probably noticed that I have already shown you how you can work with the frame and width of the table. In general, by default, tables are always displayed in the browser without a frame, and this is not always convenient. That's why:

Agree, somehow not very good. But this is not a problem for those who are already familiar with the HTML border attribute, which I used in the examples at the beginning of the post.

We add just 1 attribute and things get better:

It's like Excel! Imagine if there were no lines (grid) between cells? Well, it's terrible. But what happens if you set border to 10.

As you can see, border only affects the outer border and border of the table, changing the width of the outer border, but leaving the borders between table cells the same.

Let's change the color of this frame, because there is also an attribute for this - bordercolor. Let's set its value to “d3d3d3”. Result:

How to indent a table

Indents in the table are also needed to increase readability, as are cell borders. To create indents we need the “cellspacing” attribute. I'll continue to work with our 4x4 table and apply this attribute to it. I’ll update the code for you (I’m providing only one line so as not to clutter the post):


These were the indentations on the outside of the cells. But there is a similar attribute for setting padding inside cells - cellpadding. Now I will also make it equal to 10 and you will see how the distance from the contents of the cell to its borders has increased (I had to make the number of cells smaller so that the table does not grow excessively). Code:


Now let’s remove “cellspacing” and leave only “cellpadding”. Result:

So we figured out how to create indents in the table and manage them. Great! If you are interested in how to do a line break, then it is written here.

How to correctly merge cells in a table

There are also special attributes for merging cells in your table. These are "colspan" and "rowspan". The first (colspan) combines cells by columns (horizontal), the second (rowspan) - by rows or vertically. Let's combine something in our table.

Be careful here! When merging cells, you need to reduce their number by the number (minus one) that you specify in the attribute parameters. If you create a table in HTML, merging cells without deleting unnecessary ones, then the site will work. We combine two - we delete one. We combine three - we remove two. And so on.

When merging cells in columns or columns, one cell must be deleted! And do this as many times as you combine cells. Now I’ll show you with an example.

When merging cells in columns or columns, one cell must be deleted! And do this as many times as you combine cells.

Now I’ll show you with an example. Here is our current table:

Let's combine cells numbered "1 and 2", "5 and 9", "4, 8, 12", "6 and 7". Look how cool it turned out, I didn’t expect it myself!

The principle of unification is this.

When horizontally merging cells number 1 and 2, you need to write “colspan=”2″” in the first one, place the contents of the second in the first (we are merging) and delete the second cell (or hide it from HTML as I did - I’ll show you later.)

When vertically merging cells number 4, 8, 12, you need to write “rowspan=”2″” in the first cell (number 4), and delete the contents of the rest, first placing them in the merged cell.

This is the code I ended up with. I've hidden the cells for clarity (to make it easier for you), but you can delete them.

I hope I explained it clearly and gave a good example.

How to make a table title

To give a table a title, use tags after the beginning of the table (

), but before the start of the tag . Here's what happens:

Well, a small HTML hack for those who need to place the table title under the table itself. Use the align attribute with the value bottom like this:

And then the table header will move below the table.

So, we've covered almost everything, except... The background!

How to make a beautiful background for a cell or entire table

HTML allows you to set the color not only for the entire background of the table, but also for each individual cell (if there is such a need). Sets the background color of a table or cell to the "bgcolor" attribute.

Let me first set the background for the entire table. This will be the color “”lightgreen”” (in general, you can set it like this - “”#90EE90″”). This is how my table now starts:


Wow, the background color of the cells has become very “lightgreen”. Now I’ll paint one of the table cells back white, assigning it the same attribute, only with a different color:

Tada! Result:

I think it's cool! If I participated in a competition for creative tables (or teaching HTML to preschoolers), I would definitely win.

I also wanted to write how to insert a picture as a table background in HTML, but I already mentioned this in my other article at the link above.

Good luck and success in learning HTML.

Layout and center alignment of website pages is a creative endeavor and often causes difficulties for beginners. So let's see how to do it. Let's say we want to make a page with the following structure:

Our page consists of four blocks: header, menu, content and footer. To align to the center of the page, we will place these four blocks in one main block: Using this structure as an example, we will consider several options.

Layout and centering of a rubber site

When laying out a rubber website, the main unit of measurement used is %, because the site should stretch across the width and occupy all the free space.

Therefore, the width of the header and footer blocks will be 100% of the screen width. Let the width of the “menu” block be 30%, and the “content” block should be located next to the “menu” block, i.e. it must have a left margin (margin-left) with a width equal to the width of the “menu” block, i.e. thirty%.

In order for the “menu” and “content” blocks to be located side by side, let’s make the “menu” block floating and push it to the left edge. We will also set the background colors for our blocks. Now let's write all this in the style sheet (on the style.css page)

The height of the blocks was set conditionally so that the result was visible. Look at our page in your browser:

If you change the size of the browser window, the width of all blocks will change. This is not always convenient, because... When the menu block is stretched, empty space appears. Therefore, the width of the “menu” block is often fixed, so let’s do the same. To do this, we replace the values ​​of the corresponding properties in the style sheet: Now our page stretches more naturally. With fluid layout, pages occupy the entire width of the screen, so page alignment is not required.

But if you want, you can make your page have equal padding on the left and right of the screen. To do this, we need to add a style to the “main” block, which is a container for all other blocks: Now our page looks like this:

Layout and centering of the site, fixed width

In this case, we will have to set fixed sizes for our blocks: Currently our page is pressed to the left edge of the screen.

In this case, center alignment of site pages can be done as follows. Let's remember that our page has a “body” tag, which can also be given a width and some padding.

Let’s do this: give the “body” tag a width of 800 pixels (like the “main” block) and a padding-left of 50%. Then the entire contents of the “main” block will be displayed on the right side of the screen (i.e. from the middle to the right):

In order for our “main” block to be located in the middle of the screen, its middle must coincide with the middle of the “body” tag. Those. you need to move the “main” block to the left by half its size. The width of the “main” block is 800 pixels, which means you need to set its property “margin-left:-400px”. Yes, this property can take negative values, then the left margin is reduced (i.e. shifted to the left). And this is exactly what we need.

Now the style sheet looks like this: And our page in the browser is located exactly in the middle:

We looked at two options for centering site pages; in fact, they are not dogma. You can experiment and come up with your own version, just check how it works in different browsers. Unfortunately, what displays well in FireFox or Opera may display completely incomprehensibly in IE and vice versa. And we must remember this.

Good luck to you in your creative quest!

How to center text in html?

There are two options in HTML that do not involve the use of CSS.

  1. 1.Tag

    A very easy to use tag that centers all the inline elements it contains, namely:
    • text,
    • Pictures,
    • links,
    • and also tags , , ,
1 .before(content, )

Second variation:

1 .before(function)

jQuery. attr() method. How to get or add an attribute to an element

jQuery makes it very easy to access the attributes of the desired element, retrieving its value or, conversely, setting and changing it. For such manipulations, the attr() method is used.

The .appendTo() method in jQuery. Adding Content to the End of Elements

The appendTo() method essentially performs the same task as the append() method. The difference, by and large, is only in the syntax. If for append() we specify the desired selector, adding this method to it, where in brackets we indicate what exactly needs to be added to the end of the contents of the specified object, then for appendTo() what needs to be added is no longer in brackets as a method parameter, and immediately before the method itself as the object on which appendTo() is called. The difference will be better understood with the following example.

jQuery .animate() Method: Animate Images, Text, and Anything

The .animate() method allows you to create animation effects using the CSS properties of the objects themselves. The method has two variations with different numbers of passed parameters

Converting videos using Movavi

Lately, in order to make good use of the time spent traveling to and from work, I’ve been trying to download more useful videos to my phone in advance. The phone is on Android, and most recently I encountered a problem when the smartphone for some reason refused to play video in AVI format. Whether the player is weak, or the specifics of the operating system, I don’t know. However, it didn’t take long to solve the problem: I found a fairly functional video converter on the Internet that can not only convert it from one format to another, but also prepare a file taking into account the characteristics of your device. Here is a brief description of how to use this wonderful program.

Many text elements on a web page need to be centered. Mostly headlines. Let's see how to center text in CSS.

text-align property

The text-align property is responsible for this and has four values:

  • Left – align text to the left edge of the element in which it is located
  • Right – aligned to the right, but the direction of the text remains unchanged
  • Center – in the center. That is what we need. There is no need to specify any additional parameters - the browser itself will place the text exactly in the center on different screen resolutions
  • Justify – justification, where the words in each line are stretched to take up the entire width of the line

For example, we have a custom text with a title:


To center our heading (h1), we need to write this:

Text-align: center

The property aligns not only regular text, but also all inline elements. For example, an image is an inline element by default, so it will also be affected by this rule.

Text-align does not act like a float property. If text-align is applied to a block element with text, the block will not lose its behavior. It is the text in it that will be pressed, and not the block itself. Note that this is different from the float property, which sends the entire element to the right or left.
