Do-it-yourself laptop case: making a useful accessory using different techniques.

Case for laptop knitted and crocheted

Size: 26 x 36 cm

You will need:
Adelia Katty yarn (100% wool, 150 m / 50 g) - 250 g pink and 100 g white, knitting needles No. 3, hook No. 3, 3 buttons.

Facial surface: persons. rows - persons. loops, out. rows - out. loops.

Knitting density: 32 p. x 48 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

The cover consists of an outer part (two sides with images - front and back,
2 side pieces and 1 trim with buttonholes); as well as from the inside - the lining (two sides are internal and 2 side parts (see pattern).

Front and back side: for the front side, dial 114 p., knit faces. satin stitch with pink and white threads according to schemes 1 and 2 in a checkerboard pattern. Knit to the 125th row, cast off. Similarly, tie the back side according to scheme 3.
For the inner parts, cast on 114 stitches and knit 2 pieces with pink thread until the 125th row.

Side pieces for outside and inside: cast on 15 sts with pink thread and knit faces. stitch to the 125th row. Similarly, knit three more side pieces for the outside and inside.

Button hole trim: cast on 90 sts with pink thread, knit 11 rows with front stitch. In the 12th row, knit 12 sts, then bind off 6 sts and knit 24 sts, then close 6 sts and knit 24 sts again, close 6 sts again, knit 12 sts. Next, knit 13 rows of faces. satin stitch. In the 14th row for the scalloped edge, knit 1 person. p., * yarn over, 2 p. together faces. *, repeat * - * to the end of the row.
In the purl row, knit yarn over with purl or purl crossed loops. Then knit 13 rows of faces. stitch and repeat the same procedure as in the 12th row, then knit 11 rows again. Close the buttonholes, sew the trim around the edges, overcast the buttonholes.

Assembly: from all the details we should get an "envelope" with a lining. Sew the front and inner parts to each other with the back sides, sew the back side and the second inner part in the same way. Then, in the same way (back sides), sew the inner and front parts of the side parts to each other. Sew a buttonhole trim to one of the side pieces, then sew this piece to the back of the cover. Blind stitch the back and front sides along the side edges (36 cm = 36 cm). Sew the side piece to the back and front (26 cm = 26 cm). Sew buttons opposite buttonholes. Crochet all connecting seams with a white thread "crustacean step".

Laptop sleeve pattern

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When 3 years ago, going on vacation, I was looking for a bag for my laptop, I ran around all the shops. Only in two shops it was possible to buy them. In one they said that there were no women's laptop bags at all (they only had men's, black, scary ones). In another store, thank God, they found exactly a women's bag (one and only!), But its disadvantage was its bulkiness. Well, just a real suitcase:

You can’t even hang such a bag on your shoulder (with such a width, the handles are too short).

Inside the bag, of course, there was also a case (and a long strap to it to carry it on the shoulder):

But as I was told in the store, in the resort town it is better not to wear it. Since the whole street will see that I am carrying a laptop and they will definitely steal it from me. So I had to drag the entire holiday month with a trunk under my arm.

And just recently, in the NTV program "Housing Problem" dated March 12, 2011, I accidentally saw an elegant and stylish thing - a knitted bag for a laptop (the authors of "Housing Problem" called it a cover, it really can serve as both a cover and a bag ):

(photo from

You can take such a handbag to the resort town (no one will guess what you have inside there). And compactly put it in a suitcase. In general, she is very feminine.

More and more women are buying laptops today, so these handbags will be very good to take (especially after the release of this TV show).

Here is an activity for needlewomen who do not know where to apply their skills today.

Such a bag can be knitted in one day. Any size (for any size laptop, netbook).

If you search the Internet for knitted bags (cases) for laptops, you will see that there are very few of them in the pictures, and on the forums a lot of people are interested in these models.

Basically, everyone cites pictures from

And if a knitted laptop bag appeared in a popular TV show, then it’s not in vain. It either reflects the current trend in demand for knitted laptop bags, or will create this demand.

To the question: will such bags be bought and at what price, I have one answer. I found on the site (a Western site for selling/buying needlework) a page of a Turkish woman who sells exclusively laptop bags (

Prices are 25-35 dollars. During the year, the Turkish woman "dudush" sold 117 of her products.

On the Russian analogue of - - there are practically no knitted bags for laptops (and those that are are clearly inferior to Turkish ones both in design and in price).

I suggest needlewomen to master the new kind needlework and please us with new models of bags for laptops.

Hey, what an autumn, what are you talking about? In your soul, in your soul, after all, birds sing, and flowers rage with different colors and aromas, and the sun's rays make you smile and rejoice at what surrounds you - yes, yes, those gloomy clouds (they, harmless, are still so funny in their attempts to appear formidable!), gusty wind (oh, how much strength, power, energy it has!), huge puddles underfoot (have you seen, seen how beautiful the reflected sky looks in them?!). And since spring-summer is inside, happiness and other joyful vinaigrette, everything external loses its meaning and is automatically covered with a touch of positive. In this state, it is especially great to do two things - to walk along calm park paths, listening to the rustle of leaves and the sounds of autumn, and to create. Don't want to tie up quickly laptop case? To insulate, so to speak, your faithful assistant and reliable comrade on the eve of winter? It is clear that such things have little to do with functionality, however, they are so cute and cozy that it is impossible to resist! Special plus - knitted laptop sleeve can be created in one or two evenings. This is a project for fun and enjoyment - so is there any reason not to implement it today?

Knitted laptop sleeve - 5 cute ideas:

1. Laptop case with "pimples"

However, the statement about the complete lack of functionality of knitted laptop cases, of course, is somewhat untrue - if you wish, you can also be puzzled by the issue of ensuring the safety of equipment. If you decide on a colorful crocheted bouclé case, you can be sure that in case of a possible fall, this thing will soften the blow and, quite possibly, even completely protect the laptop.

2. Knitted case with handles

Agree - it's convenient: I hid the laptop in a case and, grabbing the handles, carried it in a given direction. The cover-bag is knitted quite quickly, and it depends on you how joyful and cheerful the product will be: choose the colors that you personally like and match your mood, and the thing will bring maximum pleasure.

3. Simple laptop pocket

And simplicity is sometimes so beautiful and elegant! Such a model can be decorated with an original and well-chosen thread color or a single, but catchy detail - for example, a large decorative button. Don't underestimate this knitted laptop sleeve option - it's actually great!

4. Laptop sleeve with pocket

A very tempting idea! The simplest knitted laptop sleeve with a cute handy pocket is mischievous but cute! In the pocket you can hide a small pencil, a note with some kind of memo, or just your favorite delicious candy. Agree, simple, but so cool! Joy should be both small and insignificant, so urgently knit a pocket for your laptop sleeve.

A laptop case is not only a stylish decoration for equipment, but also additional protection from unwanted mechanical damage and scratches. It is especially necessary if you have to use a laptop not only at home, but also often take it with you. Such an accessory can be purchased in specialized stores, but it is far from always possible to find a model of a suitable size or design. In this case, you can sew or knit a laptop case quickly and step by step with your own hands using the needlework technique that is closest.

How to sew a laptop case with your own hands in a step-by-step master class

For those who know at least a little how to handle a sewing machine, it will not be difficult to sew a cover for your laptop with your own hands.

For sewing, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • fabric for the cover - about one meter;
  • moisture resistant fabric for lining - 1 meter;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • magnetic clasp;
  • oblique inlay;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • safety pins;
  • sewing machine.

As the main fabric for the front side of the cover, you can choose any dense material of your favorite color. Instead of a magnetic fastener, you can use rivets, Velcro, buttons, etc.

  1. We do not need a separate pattern, we will work immediately with the fabric. We measure the width and length of the laptop, set aside its width + 5 centimeters for processing in the upper part of the cut. Down lay two lengths + 5 centimeters for processing + a piece of fabric for fastening. You can not take measurements, but simply attach the laptop to the fabric and cut out the part of the desired size on it.
  2. According to the resulting sample, we cut out the details from the synthetic winterizer and lining material.
  3. We apply the patterns exactly to each other (synthetic winterizer between the main fabric and the lining), mark the place of the future fastener.
  4. We fix the fastener by first stitching a small piece of strong lining fabric in this place.
  5. We chop off the details with pins. We quilt three layers of fabric with machine stitching over the entire surface.
  6. We apply the laptop to the resulting workpiece, if necessary, cut off the excess, leaving a couple of centimeters for seam allowances.
  7. We process the edge opposite the valve with an oblique trim. Then, with its help, we sew the sidewalls and process the edges of the valve.
    The work is finished, the cover is ready.

How to knit a simple laptop case with knitting needles

Knitting lovers can use their favorite needlework to create a beautiful and useful accessory for their laptop. This model is quite simple, so even a novice craftswoman can easily cope with it. At the same time, the resulting knitted cover looks quite stylish and unusual.

Necessary materials:

  • thick yarn - 200 g;
  • knitting needles No. 5;
  • button.

The bag can be knitted with yarn of the same color, sectional dyeing or from balls of different shades, there are no rules in this matter, it all depends on personal preferences.

  1. To calculate the required number of loops, knit a small sample. Measure the width of the laptop and use the sample to calculate how many loops you need to dial for the product.
  2. We collect the required number of loops, we knit an even fabric with the front surface (another pattern can be chosen if desired). The length of the work should be equal to two lengths of the laptop + an increase in the clasp (adjustable as desired). Two rows before the end of work in the center of the row, we knit two loops together and make a crochet, this will be a hole for the button. After the canvas of the desired size is ready, close all the loops.
  3. We fold the product, we carry out side seams from the wrong side. We twist, sew on a button. The cover is ready.

We offer another master class on making a laptop case, this time we will crochet it with our own hands. The model is also quite simple, but it looks impressive.

We will need:

  • yarn (300m / 100g) - 100g;
  • hook number 2;
  • button.
  1. We collect a chain of air loops equal to the length of the laptop + 2 centimeters.
  2. We knit the fabric with a double crochet. Its length should be equal to the width of the laptop, multiplied by two, plus 2-3 centimeters in thickness.
  3. After the canvas of the desired length is ready, fold it in half, connect the sidewalls with a single crochet, turn it inside out.
  4. We sew on a button, we knit a loop for it on the other part of the product.
  5. The cover is ready, if desired, it can be decorated, for example, with flowers in a contrasting color, crocheted, beads, etc.

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch the video detailed instructions on the topic of creating various covers for a laptop.
