What will happen to Rainbow TV? Satellite operator Raduga TV closed due to a conflict with the authorities

12/02/2014, Tue, 15:12, Moscow time , Text: Sergey Popsulin

The Swedish holding MTG has decided to terminate the work of the Russian satellite operator Raduga TV. The reason was the refusal of the Russian authorities to issue the license required by law.

The satellite operator Dalgeocom (trademark Raduga TV) will cease operations on December 5, 2014. This is stated in a statement from the operator’s co-owner, the Swedish holding MTG. Previously, MTG had already written off the value of the holding's 50% stake in the operator in the amount of SEK 147 million (about RUB 800 million).

Over the past year, Dalgeocom has been experiencing problems with the authorities. A year ago, Roskomnadzor was operating without the required license and filed a statement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to initiate a criminal case on the grounds of illegal business. The case was initiated in the summer of 2014. The department also asked TV channels not to cooperate with the operator.

In 2011 Russian legislation changes were made to require satellite operators to obtain licenses. Since we are talking about a limited radio frequency resource, such licenses must be issued on a competitive basis. Large operators were able to solve licensing problems, but small players were not.

Roskomnadzor, while requiring Dalgeocom to have a license, simultaneously refused to issue it to the operator. Dalgeocom tried to solve the problem by obtaining a universal broadcast license for its own TV channels, but this was also refused.

After this, negotiations began on the sale of Dalgeocom with DTV, a subsidiary of AFK Sistema, which just received a license for satellite broadcasting in the summer. The FAS even approved the corresponding petition; the transaction was planned to be carried out in the interests of the MTS operator owned by AFK Sistema. But in the end, MTS decided to develop the satellite project independently.

The decision to close Raduga TV was difficult, admits MTG Vice President Irina Gofman. According to her, the company was actively working to resolve the licensing problem, but a solution to the situation was never found. Now Dalgeokom is negotiating with other satellite operators about transferring its subscriber base to them.

The number of Dalgeocom subscribers was less than 500 thousand. According to this indicator, Dalgeocom was the last four satellite operators: Tricolor TV, Orion-Express and NTV-Plus. Previously, another satellite operator, Rikor-TV (trademark Active-TV), found itself in a similar situation. Roskomnadzor punished the operator for working without a license and at the same time refused to obtain one. As a result, Rikor-TV also stopped broadcasting, and its subscribers were transferred to Orion-Express.

Opinion. Epitaph on "Rainbow TV" or Laughter and Sin



Among all the comments on the Rainbow TV project, which is fading into history, I remember a short but rather poignant anecdote “about”. It sounds like this: "NAMKROSH!" — said “Rainbow TV”…. But seriously, the situation with this operator has nothing to do with the current political situation.

Lately, the surest sign to find out which operator is preparing to “go out” is to look at the list of participants at the CSTV exhibition. The first to leave us was Platform HD, which ignored CSTB-2012 with its participation, then ran for six months and quietly closed, leaving several tens of thousands of subscribers high and dry. And at the last CSTB-2014 there was no longer “Rainbow” or “Rikor”. True, in the latter case, the Rikorovites tried to “save face” by inviting dealers to dinner in the building where the company is located, but the scenario for their way out of the crisis did not work out. Mr. Margaryan was on “his wavelength” and after six months he agreed to stop broadcasting on 60 degrees. To be fair, it should be said that Rikor subscribers who managed to switch to 85 degrees actually won more than they lost. After all, now almost all interactive functions on their IVR receivers have begun to work again (for this you need to update the software of the receivers).

But what happened to “Rainbow” was much worse. The operator announced yesterday that it would stop broadcasting on December 6, but it is not known where subscribers will go or what to do with in cash etc. and so on. But even in this case, the management of "Rainbow" continues to behave in the same way - to play a silent game. Why did what happened to Rainbow? If we do not take into account the accident of the Express AM4 satellite, which automatically put an end to all the operator’s plans to deploy HD broadcasting, then in all other cases the management of DalGeoCom apparently forgot in which country they are doing business and what is in this country there is such a very interesting organization as Roskomnadzor, whose employees also want... How can I put this more correctly... In general, I will give one detached example that all people “in the know” should understand - suppose you want to open an on-air radio station, you even agree to pay a fee for running competition, submitted an application, paid for all approvals and begin to wait for it (frequency competition) to take place. You wait and wait... But there is still no competition. Knowledgeable people recently told me that one honest company from the **** region has been waiting for this competition for nine years. Really, naive people? And the solution is actually very simple. And the management of DalGeocom probably knew the solution to this problem, but... But its shareholders are Swedes, who are probably slightly out of touch with the realities of Russian satellite DTH broadcasting. And if the Swedes had not been nervous, there would have been no problems. At least the Pegasus-4 satellite would certainly not have been at the position of 65 degrees east longitude)

Everything I just suggested is nothing more than speculation and perhaps even slander. In fact, Roskomnadzor is the most honest and “transparent” organization in Russia and it is headed by real and most honest specialists in their field. God bless them all! And Raduga subscribers have strong nerves. They may still need them.

The opinions expressed in this note do not necessarily coincide with the opinions of the editors of the site

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Dear readers of NskTarelka.ru, based on the title of this article - What should Raduga TV subscribers do? - I think it’s clear what it will be about. The operator has ceased to exist, where to go?

I have previously written a publication on this topic -. Today we will consider all possible options for switching from an operator that has closed against its own will.

What should Raduga TV subscribers do after the cessation of broadcasting or where will Raduga TV subscribers go?

In Novosibirsk, the snow has not yet melted, and many of the “lucky ones” who have chosen the well-known brand of DalGeoKoma LLC as a summer cottage option do not even suspect anything. I'm talking about those who never set foot in the countryside in winter. In a week or two, calls will begin from the hacienda - Where did Rainbow TV go? I will talk about the fact that she is no longer beloved. And offer all existing options. Which? Let me tell you.

Rainbow TV channel update

We leave everything as is. A significant advantage of this option is that it is free if you do everything yourself. We update the channel list using scanning, and look at the available FTA channels. These are the ones that are not encoded and are freely available.

The list of FTA channels available for viewing from the ABC-2 satellite, and their parameters can be viewed on special services:
lyngsat frocus.net If you don’t know what to do about it, then read the article about.
We update the data in the receiver using automatic scanning or blind search, and watch the available channels without subscription fee.

The downside to this option is that there's not much to see. Then again, maybe this is enough for some.

If desired, you can purchase a multifeed (mount for several converters), two converters and a disc. Free channels from neighboring satellites can be added to FTA channels from ABC-2 for viewing.
Doing this yourself, without an installer, is not so easy. And if you resort to the services of a specialist, it is easier to switch to Telecard for the same money that you will spend on additional equipment and payment for the installer’s work.

Who will replace Rainbow TV or switch to Telecard

Sometimes they ask me on the phone, exactly like this - Who will replace Rainbow TV? The answer is simple - Nobody. How are you former user Rainbow TV you decide for yourself which option to switch to another satellite TV is more acceptable for you. Either you leave everything as it is and watch FTA channels from ABC-2, which I already wrote about above, or choose another option that is more acceptable to you.

To make the channel list that opens more readable (larger), press and hold on your keyboard Ctrl key and click on the + key.

Tricolor TV - people's operator

Thank God, they have already stopped “shouting” that they are people’s people.

Tricolor TV broadcasts TV channels from two satellites, from 36 and 56 degrees. One satellite covers the European part of the country, the other Siberia and the Far East. In some regions in between, both satellites are available.

You can view the list of channels on the official website tricolor.tv.

To switch from Rainbow TV to Tricolor, you will need to purchase a recommended operator receiver with an access card, replace the converter, reconfigure the antenna yourself, or call a specialist and pay for his work.

Satellite TV NTV Plus

The oldest satellite television operator. Broadcasting also comes from two satellites, from 36 and 56 degrees. NTV equipment will cost from 8,000 rubles. Next, we either reconfigure the antenna ourselves to the desired satellite or pay for the services of an adjuster.

In addition about the transition from Rainbow TV

When choosing the most suitable option for you to switch from Rainbow TV, I first recommend focusing on the list of channels offered by operators for viewing.
It is quite a common situation that even on official websites, information on the channels offered for viewing is outdated. If you are interested in a specific channel(s), do not be lazy and check whether it is available by calling the operator’s technical support.

It's no secret that the operator Raduga TV stops broadcasting on 05/31/2015 (from 12/05/2014 a limited package is broadcast, in fairness we note that it is absolutely free). Our company offers special conditions for the speedy transition of Rainbow subscribers to the new satellite operator Telekart!


1.Practically all receivers who worked with Rainbow TV, also support And TELECART TV.

2.Difference between these two satellites - only 10 degrees, so it's quite simple turn a little antenna, although this must be done competently and carefully.

3. When purchasing a TELECART access card, pay attention to its encoding - cards are available in both IRDETO and CONAX encoding. You need to choose Irdeto, although in most cases both cards will work.

4.If you have a DVB-S receiver (for example GI 1025), you can
watch about 30 channels, to view the full package you it is advisable to buy DVB-S2/ MPEG4 receiver, it’s inexpensive, but expands the list of channels 7 (seven!!!) times.

What is needed for the transition?

To make the transition, you will need to reconfigure your satellite dish to a new satellite of Telekarta, Continent - Intelsat 15 (85.2°E), or Express AM5 (140.0°E). Search for channels on your receiver, activate the card and watch up to 100 channels on the Standard package for only 1,200 rubles. per year, or up to 200 channels on the Unlimited package. Including up to 20 HD**. Up to 40 channels free***. For fans of local news, the channel packages also include the popular Novosibirsk channel 49.

And now in a little more detail: If the card and its subsequent activation on site does not cause any difficulties, then minor difficulties may arise with reconfiguring the satellite dish and receiver.

I’ll make a reservation right away if you don’t know why it’s needed satellite dish, you don’t want to hear about transponders, frequencies, polarizations, you have absolutely no time, you don’t have to read the rest of the text, but , which in a minimum amount of time will reconfigure your receiving equipment. For those who want and can go further, we continue. Information on the Rainbow and Telecard satellites can be found on the Internet, for example, You can use special. computer programs. I liked the program for Android OS, for smartphones and . The program is called SatFinder, it is absolutely free and very easy to download from Google Play. This is what it gives out regarding the satellites we need.

As can be seen from the numbers and pictures the difference in the position of the plate is only 10 degrees in the horizontal plane. We move on to the important stage - rotating the antenna. If you need to set up the antenna from scratch, then perhaps this one will help you. So, carefully loosen the nuts securing the rotation of our antenna; you don’t need to loosen it too much, just so that the antenna can rotate.

Keep the antenna, but change the converter on it to a linear one. Be sure to redirect the antenna to the MTS satellite. Install a set-top box or cam module from MTS on your TV. If the antenna has a diameter of 0.55 m, change the antenna; MTS requires a minimum of 0.6 m.

From NTV Plus to MTS

From Telecard to MTS

If your previous operator is Telekarta (Continent, Orion-Express), then you can leave the entire antenna as before, along with the converter, since it is also suitable for receiving the MTS signal. Just connect the MTS set-top box/cam module to your TV, point the antenna at the desired satellite and enjoy watching.

From Raduga TV to MTS

Since the end of December 2014, the satellite operator RADUGA TV has stopped broadcasting.

The platform’s channels were broadcast from the ABS satellite (75° east longitude) - the same position also operates satellite television MTS, therefore, in order to continue watching satellite TV, former Rainbow subscribers do not need a complete replacement and reconfiguration of equipment - it is enough to purchase only an MTS set-top box/cam module. There is no need to change or configure the antenna and converter in a new way.
