How to view private Instagram. How to view a private account on Instagram: without subscription, program

Almost everyone who has an Instagram account is interested in knowing how to view a private Instagram.

The fact is that many users specifically make it so that other users cannot see photos and personal information unless they subscribe to them. The closed profile looks as shown in Figure 1.

However, there is no official way to “open” such a profile.

Attention! On the Internet you can find offers to download programs that supposedly allow you to view closed accounts. But they are all viruses in disguise. Don't download them.

There are several ways that make it possible to see the data of a private post without subscribing from your Instagram.

Method number 1. "Fake" account

This method is that you create an entry on Instagram and view the desired one, without subscribing from your account, but subscribing from a “fake” one. This can be done both from a computer and from a smartphone/tablet.

Let's say right away that it will not be possible to complete the task on the same day; you will have to try a little.

The process looks like this step by step:

  • Register on Instagram. Add to it some photographs with topics that are interesting to your “victim”. That is, if the person whose profile you want to look at, but it is closed, is interested in, for example, football, make a purely football account.
  • Add as many subscribers as possible. Of course, ordinary people will not sign up. But there are pages on this social network with the tag “mutual subscription”. That is, if you add them, they add you. To find them, go to the search page (magnifying glass icon at the bottom), go to the “Tags” group and enter the above query in the line. Add as many of these people as possible.

  • When you have enough subscribers, you can try adding a “victim”. Most likely, she will kindly agree to your proposal and you will be able to view the page that is closed to others.

Method number 2. Other social networks

Most often, an Instagram profile is connected to other social networks, 90% likely to be with Facebook.

Therefore, if a person posts his photos with a link to Instagram in other social networks. networks, you can easily follow this very link and see the closed page. Of course, you won’t be able to view all the data from it anyway, but at least some of it will become open, and that’s already something.

For example, on Twitter a person can make a post with a link to a photo on Instagram. It looks like what is shown in Figure 3. You can visit the link.

The main thing is to find accounts on other networks.

Method No. 3. Likes

This method is to subscribe not to the “victim” himself, but to his friends. After that, when they like that person, you will see it.

The important thing here is to find a subscriber who likes and comments on almost everything. It could be some young person, most likely a girl.

Usually such people behave this way, because they spend most of their time on social networks. In addition, they happily accept requests from any users, which is why they have hundreds of subscribers.

And to see likes, you need to go to the “Subscriptions” tab.

So you can’t completely hide your Instagram account; experienced users can still get access to your photos, albeit partially.

How to view photos and videos from a private profile on Instagram? This question very often arises from people from whom these publications were hidden. Maybe you don't need them? Okay, just kidding. But think about it anyway :)

Well, let's get down to business. I want to upset you right away. If the user’s Instagram profile is closed, then look at the photos, videos and stories that the author posts, it is forbidden. And there's nothing you can do about it! We need to ask him subscription request, and if he allows you to read it, then you can read his publications.

How to find out who a person with a private Instagram profile likes

Yes, you can’t view posts from a private profile on Instagram, but you can find out who a person with a private account likes! The Instaspy service will help you with this. Just enter any person's Instagram handle and find out what posts they like, as well as who likes them! This way you can easily and quickly keep track of your significant other, your friend, or simply the person you are interested in. Try it! 😉

Check your accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Vkontakte!

One way comes to mind. It's very simple!

Often people close their publications, but continue to post to others social media straight from Instagram. Such photos and videos can be viewed on relevant social networks (on Twitter and Facebook feeds or a person’s wall on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki).

When you create an account on Instagram, it is by default open to all users of this social network: this means that everyone can see the photo or video on your profile, view Stories or watch you live.

Also, anyone can subscribe to account updates - if you don’t want this person to see publications, you will have to block him.

Not everyone likes such publicity - that is why Instagram has publicity settings: you can close your account from unauthorized persons.

How to make a private profile on Instagram?

How to close your Instagram profile via computer? You won’t be able to hide your Instagram profile from a computer online - there is no such function in the browser version yet. But we will tell you how to close your Instagram profile from your phone.

You can close your Instagram profile as follows:

1. Go to your profile

2. Click on the right top corner(suitable for both iPhone and Android) settings icon (gear)

3. In the “Account” section, enable the “Private account” setting - you’re done!

So, now only your friends will be able to see your publications, and you will need to approve or ignore all new users who want to subscribe to your account. These users appear at the top of the activity tab.

How is a closed profile different from an open one?

After we learned how to make a hidden profile on Instagram, let’s take a closer look at what its features are.

In a private account, only your approved subscribers will be able to comment and like photos.
If there is a hashtag under a private photo, then users who are not your subscribers will not see this photo in a search for this hashtag. The same goes for geolocation searches. If you like a photo on a private profile, it will not be displayed to your subscribers on the “Actions” tab.

If you are actively promoting your account, then making your profile private is a risky step: after all, if a person lands on your page, without photos he may not understand whether he is interested in the account or not. There is a high risk that a potential subscriber will simply close the page.

What to do with old subscribers?

Your Instagram profile is private, but there are still unwanted users on your account? You can block them. Log into such an account, click on the three dots in the upper right corner (on iPhone and Android) and tap “Block”. Now the user will not be able to see your publications, his likes and comments will be automatically deleted.

We tried to talk about all the nuances regarding the publicity of an account: how to close a profile on Instagram, how to change privacy settings from an iPhone or Android, and also how to block a specific user.

If you are just starting Instagram and are planning to make it public, then we have good news for you. You don’t have to think about how to open Instagram to all users at all. It will be open by default.

When registering a profile on Instagram, you generally do not have the option of whether to make the profile public or private. All your photos are shared automatically. Therefore, to make your Instagram public initially, you don’t need to do anything at all.

After registration, you can change access rights to your page. You can go to your profile settings and set the page to private. Then subscribers will have to wait until you approve their application. And if you don’t approve, then they won’t be able to watch your news even anonymously.

How to change the status of a page from closed to open

Have you previously blocked access to your page, but now want to make it open to everyone? The instructions on how to open Instagram for all users will be extremely brief.

  • Go to your profile (far right tab)
  • Open the settings menu (column of squares at the top right)
  • Scroll to the “Closed Account” item in the “Account” section
  • Set the switch to the "Off" position
  • Confirm action

That's it, now your Instagram account is fully open. If there were any photos and discussions that you would not like to “shine” to everyone, then delete them before opening an account.

How to make your photos even more open

If you want to reach the maximum audience for your photos, then there are several ways to do this with minimal effort.

Broadcast photos to other social networks. Your friends and visitors on these networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Tumblr, Foursquare, etc.), having seen the photo, will be able to follow you on Instagram. This is especially important if you are active on different social networks.

Use more hashtags. This will make it easier for you to find your photos based on thematic queries. You can read how to choose hashtags and how to use them in our special material.

Participate in SFS promotions and flash mobs. They will provide you with a noticeable increase in subscribers.

I use SMMplanner and Flume - in it I respond to comments and personal messages.

2. Post as part of a big picture

Subscribers look at photos not only in the feed, but also in accounts. To stand out from others, some users use the large picture technique. They take a large image, which is cut into small ones. It turns out to be such a joke, like this Micah404.

3. Links in account description

Now I’ll say a banality, but in publications, even if you insert a link, it will not be clickable. And if your PR person requires you to insert links, change your place of work or PR person. These are sick people, they can come up with something else wild.

Work with a webmaster, have him register a short domain for your site, and set up a redirect to the main site through the short domain. Let’s say you have a flower shop with the address, short domain cvet.ok. Now on Instagram you can post a shortened page for some bouquet, for example, cvet.ok/rose.

4. Your own list of filters

Now there are over 40 filters on Instagram! I use 2. To clear the workspace, I can hide the filters, or change the order of the filters to a more convenient one.

Pinch the filter and drag it to a more convenient location or delete...

or scroll to the bottom of the list of filters and select Edit.

5.Filter intensity

You can get amazing results by clicking on the filter and changing the filter intensity. In addition, in this mode you can add a frame.

6. Edit your photo

If you don't like any filter, you can use fine editing. In filter selection mode, click "Edit".

7. Draft on Instagram

When you apply a filter to an image and want to go back, Instagram will offer to save the post to drafts. I made two drafts in the evening, and published them in the morning and at lunchtime.

8. Disable comments

Before posting, scroll down and click "Advanced Settings". Turn off the comment. Now your photo only gets likes. Convenient if you are constantly bombarded with spam comments.

9. Monitor posts from your favorite users

First, subscribe to the desired account, then click on the settings button, and select “Enable post notifications.” If you have 2000 - 3000 subscriptions, such a button will help you not to miss really important publications. Also, this function can be used to monitor competitors or guard their comments and steal leads.

10. History of likes

You can always find a list of those posts that have been liked. This is how I check the quality of the mass liking service.

Go to your account settings, swipe down to “Posts you liked.”


When I first learned photography, I would take hundreds of screenshots to capture an impressive shot. Now Instagram has bookmarks, and taking screenshots is not necessary.

12. Clear search history

By default, Instagram stores your search queries. If you were looking for a gift for your wife, and are afraid that your surprise will be revealed through the search, you can clear your search history and no one will find anything =)

Click on your account settings and scroll down to Clear Search History.

13. Subscription activity

Since ancient times, it has been possible to find out what your followers have liked, commented on, or followed. But few people use this to analyze their target audience. This way you can understand what your target audience likes, what’s trending now, and adapt your content plan.

In the notifications tab, click on “Subscriptions” and analyze the activity of subscriptions. This way you can find subscriptions that use mass following.

14. Multiacc

This is my favorite Instagram update of 2016. Now I can sit and monitor notifications, comments and messages from five accounts at the same time. Unfortunately, when you have five accounts connected, the application sometimes glitches and resets an account's password or displays private messages and notifications in one account from another.

In your account settings, find the “Add account” item, enter the login and password for the new account, and switch between accounts by clicking the avatar icon in the lower right corner of the application.

15. Share a link to an interesting publication with friends

16. Photo preview

When you're looking at someone's account, long-pressing on a post brings up the "preview" mode.

17. Enlarging a photo

Previously, it was impossible to see small details on the screen? Expand the post with two fingers.

18. Save photos

Sometimes you need to quickly pull out a photo that you recently posted on Instagram. Enable the “Save photos” and “Save videos” settings in your account settings.

19. Save other people's photos

SMMers should use user-generated content to improve their brand reputation. There are three ways to use a subscriber photo.

  1. Repost application.
  2. Paste the link to the publication in Telegram and you can download the picture.
  3. Download the image via the page code. Right-click on the page with the publication → select “View page code” → press “Ctrl+F” → start typing “jpg” → copy the first line that is highlighted. This will be a direct link to the high quality image.

20. More than one filter per photo

Sometimes, the desired visual effect can only be achieved by applying several filters. To do this, first apply one of the filters. Then turn on Airplane mode and post a photo. You won’t be able to publish it, but the photo you want will be saved in the gallery; you need to apply a new filter to it.

21. Business account

Business accounts on Instagram were introduced recently, not everyone is still used to them, but there are already various myths:

  • The coverage of publications is decreasing.
  • The likelihood of getting into the Top by geo and hashtag is reduced.
  • People are afraid of business accounts and leave them for normal accounts.

Transfer regular account to a business account or not, the SMM specialist must decide, I made my choice.

22. Clean up spam comments

The number of comments increases ER and, hypothetically, this is good for the account in the era of algorithmic feeds. Only spam comments with a job offer can spoil the entire impression of your account. It is better to delete such comments.

You can delete any comment on any post. I don't recommend deleting negativity. A properly processed negative comment sells like 4-5 good reviews.

23. Automatically control comments

If you're fed up with fake accounts spamming your account, or you don't allow swearing on your account, you can set up automatic checking of comments by keys.

Every time I get a flood of spam comments, I choose keywords and add them to the list of prohibited comments.

24. Remove or hide tags on photos

Sometimes you need to remove some photos from your “self photo”, this is especially true for large brands that are constantly tagged in photos.

Go to “Photos of me” → select an unwanted photo → click on the tag → “Remove tag” you remove the tag from the photo; if you move the slider, the photo will not be displayed in “Photos of me” but the tag will remain.

25. Paragraphs or how to indent texts

Everything you write on Instagram can be held against you! Therefore, instead of readable text, you can get a sheet of letters.

To prevent this from happening, there should be no sign after the dot. Emoticons, spaces, letters, dashes, brackets are signs. Helps you compose text in notes or a notepad, and then paste it into Instagram. But it’s easier and faster to use our service. It doesn't break up lines and paragraphs don't slip.

26. Video with different scenes

You can create real sketches and meaningful videos using just the video camera app inside Instagram. It’s not as professional as inviting a videographer and shooting a video in six months, but it’s quick.

We pressed the shooting key, captured the desired scene, and pressed the key. You can continue filming further.

27. Video without sound

By default, videos on Instagram are broadcast without sound. If you were filming in natural conditions where there was a lot of unnecessary noise, better sound disable.

28. Change video cover

Click on the invisible “Cover” button in the filter selection mode and select the appropriate cover for the video. You can upload your own video cover to SMMplanner.

29. Selection of hashtags

As long as there is a myth that hashtags help promote a brand, any tools for searching and selecting hashtags will be relevant. In the Instagram search, enter one hashtag, and Instagram itself will suggest others with which this hashtag is often used.

30. Photos from archives in Instagram stories

Instagram stories were conceived as an alternative to Snapchat, so that only mobile content could be uploaded to Instagram here and now. Luckily, you can download cool photos to your phone and then use them in stories.

To do this, take old photograph and edit it in any graphic editor. After this, the photo's creation date will be updated.

Go to stories and swipe up from the bottom of the screen, photos and videos taken within 24 hours will appear.

31. Built-in Boomerang

Boomerang is an app that helps you create looping GIFs. In one of the recent Instagram updates, the developers integrated a boomerang into stories. Now you can remove Boomerang from your phone and use Instagram.

We went into history and selected the Boomerang button.

32. Stories for the elite

Post Instagram stories to your favorite people.

33. Hide stories from favorites

You can not only show stories only to selected accounts, but also hide them from other prying eyes. To do this, you need to go to your account settings and stories settings, in the story settings select those people to whom you do not need to show stories.

34. Additional colors in stories

Select text or brush. A palette will appear at the bottom of the screen. By holding down one of the colors, the expanded palette panel will open.

35. As many stickers and text as you like in Instagram stories

Press the sticker or text key. Insert, increase the size, change the position, and press the sticker or text key again. This way you can build various wonderful structures.

36. Tags in Instagram stories

Just start entering the target account login via @

37. Save stories to the gallery

If you use boomerangs, then stickers, then brushes, you can get a cool story that you'll want to save to your phone.

38. Skip boring and uninteresting stories

If you end up on a line of 25 identical photos, feel free to skip. Double-clicking on a story will skip one scene from the account's history, and swiping will take you to the next story.

Let's summarize

We looked at 38 tricks for working with Instagram and the features of working with them. Let's remember all the tricks voiced in this article.
