How to find out who left an anonymous opinion on vkontakte? How to find out the author of a post in a VKontakte group.

They are interested in how to find a post in a group in VK. This problem is solved in many ways, familiarization with which takes a minimum of time. So, open the community of interest to us and get started!


The first and one of the easiest ways - text search . To implement it, you must click on the "Community Posts" tab at the top of the wall. When you click on it, it will open new page with a search bar, to the right of which we find the tab "Search by records". After pressing it, it remains to write a word or phrase in the search, and all possible comments and posts in . To limit the search to posts only, activate the "Search only in posts" function on the right.

If you need to change the menu and search settings, but you don’t know how to restore its initial form, then just return to the community wall and repeat all the steps again.

The second way is search by date. To implement it, you need to do all the steps from previous paragraph, after which a calendar icon will appear to the right of the search bar, clicking on which allows you to set the search limit to a specific publication date. Thus, knowing at least roughly when the desired post was published, you can quickly restore the publications of that day and easily find it. Search by date works with both a text query and an empty search field.

The third way is hashtag search. It is suitable only if at least some of the posts in the group are signed with hashtags. In this case, it is enough to search by analogy with the first or second paragraph, but only by writing the hashtag of interest to us in the line instead of the text, which will allow us to look at records from specific headings. The request will immediately give us all the suitable options.

By using correct use hashtags, you can easily restore the chronology of certain events, or simply create a beautiful functional news feed.

By the way, to figure out how to find records with hashtags from a specific group in the global search, you need to drive in a hashtag of the format #searchword@link_to_group, take note 🙂

And a few more benefits

  1. If there is a need for a particular community, it is as easy as shelling pears to do so. You need to return yourself to the already familiar wall of the group of interest again and simply go to the “Community Posts” tab. At the top of the page that opens, above the search bar, we see a number, which is the number of posts published here.

To count the number of posts until a certain date, you need to go to the “Search by posts” tab in the results found and select the number we need in the calendar near the search line so that the system finds all the posts up to that day.

Want to know who left an anonymous opinion about you in social network vkontakte? No problem!

This will take about 15 minutes of your time and a little imagination.

1. To get started, go to any mail service (yandex, google, and register 5-6 mailboxes there.

2. Next, go in and register 5-6 accounts (pages) there with false names, only so that they look like existing ones (for example: Petr Tolochkin, Olesya Pakhomova, etc.), put an avatar on each page for greater reliability and, of course, don't forget to hide them.

3. From one of these fake accounts, create new group think of her beautiful description, so that people are interested in joining it, put an avatar on the group and, most importantly, make it private so that you can only join with your permission.

4. Enroll in the group the remaining 5-6 false accounts and YOUR REAL account (page) also do not forget to enroll there, so that there are 6-7 people in the group. All this will give greater credibility to the group.

5. And now the most important part! An anonymous opinion was sent to you, respond to such a text, for example, "And I know who you are! Gee gee gee))) Here's a link Favorite contact, it says how you can find out who left an opinion!", or something like that. The main thing is that the anonymous person buys and clicks on this link! By the way, pay attention to the numbers at the end of the link. This is the id (identification number) of the group. You need them replace with the id of your group! Finding out the ID is very simple. Go to the group and in your browser (where the site address is) there will be something like this address, where the last digits are your group number. In principle, you can even send a link specifically to your group.

Attention! Now let's explain how it works! The fact is that when you follow a link like (instead of 666, insert your group number), the victim gets to your closed group and automatically apply for membership! Next, you will just need to log in from a false account (from which you created the group, because it is an admin account), click "Edit information" -> "Participants" -> "Applications" and the same person who wrote about you!

And when you click on a link like (instead of "491" your group number), he may not want to join another group if he already has a lot of them. However, some believe that it is better to use this particular link, because when clicking on another link, the victim may see that the application for joining the group is sent automatically, but when clicking on this link, this will not happen. So it's up to you.

By the way: write the answer to an anonymous opinion yourself, as you see fit. The main thing here is to intrigue the victim so that he / she is led and clicked on the link. Also, you need to write the answer as soon as possible, and not a year after the opinion was sent to you.

Calculating the messenger of an anonymous opinion about you is now not too difficult a task, although it was almost impossible to do before. In practice, you should only provoke this author to follow a certain link.

The first way to calculate an anonymous

We propose the following method. The menu on the left contains the "My Settings" item, in which you need to launch the "Offers" function. If you have already launched it before, and you have answers to suggestions, then delete them immediately. After that, create any question, for example: “Do you want to take a walk with me?”. Next, go back to the settings and turn off the "Offers" option.

After that, you send an anonymous response containing a link, accompanied by such a comment that will make the recipient click on it. For example: “Is this your message????”
The link must contain the following address:, in which you replace the numbers 123456 with your VKontakte id number. In the event that the recipient follows the link and gets to the profile with your offer, you will immediately receive information about it. In this case, only the author of an anonymous opinion will be able to answer it.

Find out the author of an anonymous opinion, method two

This method is more complex and limited in application, because it is suitable only for those who have few friends. The method involves removing all users from the friends list. The bottom line is that VKontakte can respond to an opinion received exclusively from a friend, otherwise you will not be able to answer it. So, you delete one of your friends in turn and try to respond to the opinion. When, with the next attempt, you fail, you will find out the name of the anonymous person.

Third way

The third way is to use special applications, especially Pathfinder. The software is designed to track user actions on your page. By comparing the time a person spent on your account and the time the opinion was created, you can easily draw conclusions about the author of an anonymous message.

What are "opinions"? Opinions is a service on the VKontakte website, which is designed to allow people from your friends list to leave an anonymous opinion or recognition about you. You, in turn, can leave anonymous messages, opinions and wishes to your friends.

In order to enable or disable the "Opinions" function, you need to go to "My Settings" and check or uncheck the box next to the "Opinions" item.

Any friend of yours can write you an opinion, and it is not necessary that the “Opinions” service be enabled for him.

The opinions that you leave can be seen directly by the person to whom you sent this opinion, you yourself and all friends from the list of friends of your addressee.

It happens that in a fit of unbridled fun, or anger, you write to a person an opinion that you want to delete after a while. How to do it? You need to go to the “Opinions” section, select the “Your opinions” tab and click on the “delete” button next to the opinion you want to delete. But, there is a subtlety here. You will only remove the opinion from your page. That is, the friend to whom you sent it your opinion will remain. The thing is that the principle of operation of the “Opinion” service is similar to the work Email. You send a letter - an opinion, it leaves you and comes to your friend. From now on, the submitted opinion is in the “Your opinions” list on your page, and in the “Opinions about you” list on your friend's page. Only your friend can remove an opinion from their page. Or you yourself can honestly admit that you are the author of this opinion and ask a friend not to be angry with you and remove this opinion from his page.

Any user can send a response to the opinion that came to him. To do this, click on the “Reply” link, which is located next to the opinion sent to you. But keep in mind that the response is not anonymous - it comes from the user who sent you an opinion in private messages on your behalf.

The maximum message length varies from 2500 to 4096 characters. It all depends on the number of punctuation marks and spaces in the sent text.

If you are not satisfied given function just turn it off. Go to the “My Settings” menu and uncheck the box to the left of the “Opinions” item.

Many users are wondering if it is possible to make it so that only the owner of this page can read opinions about the owner of the page. Unfortunately, there is no such feature. Opinions about you can be viewed by those friends who have already left their opinion about you.

In the same way, you can view the opinions that are left on your friend. To do this, you need to send at least one opinion to this friend and then click on the "View" link on his page, to the right of the inscription "Opinion about ...".

Opinions are anonymous service, according to the rules of the VKontakte site, users cannot know who exactly sends them opinions.

If they write threats, insults or other unwanted opinions to you, note that this is done by people from the “My friends” list, you can block unwanted opinions. To do this, next to any opinion there are two links: “Delete” and “Blacklisted”. If you don't want to see an opinion on your page, delete it. If you do not want the anonymous malicious user to send you opinions in the future, click the “Blacklist” button. After that, the link will automatically change to “In White list” and you can always return the anonymous opportunity to continue to send you nasty things and send “Opinions about you”.

Please note that the secrets of VKontakte are replete with a wide variety of solutions on how to expose an anonymous sender of an opinion. The proposed option is not illegal, but works on the principle of “Live-bait fishing”.

In the "Offers" section, you need to create a new offer. But it's important to come up with something interesting. After that, turn on the “Suggestions” function in the “My Settings” section and, using the “reply” to an opinion service, send the following link to the author of the opinion:***&dec= 1, where *** is your VKontakte ID. The link should be provided with interesting text to make the person who received it click on the link. As soon as a person clicks on the link, you receive confirmation of agreement to the offer. In such a not tricky way, you can figure out who sent you an anonymous message. Keep in mind that only one person can confirm your offer.

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