How to temporarily close a group in contact. How to make a group on VK closed? How to close a group

You have the opportunity to make your group closed. Thus, entry into it will be limited, and published materials will be available only to subscribers of this community.

How to make a closed group on VK

To create a community, find and go to the “Groups” section.

Here we click on the button "Create a community". A form opens in which you need to specify a name. new group, and select its type (see). We put a switch next to the item "Group".

To complete the operation, click the button "Create a community".

We will go to the settings editing menu. Fill out everything here as you wish. We are only interested in the “Group Type” item. Here in the drop-down menu, select the “Closed” option.

After that, save the settings - you need to click the “Save” button. Great, we now have a new closed group.

How to make an existing group private

If we already have a group and we want to close it, we need to do the following.

Go to the community, and under the avatar click the “Menu” icon. In the drop-down menu, click "Community Management".

Here is a section already familiar to us. In the “Group Type” item, select “Closed”. Save the settings.

Hello friends!

Today I have a very short article for you, but it will definitely be useful for beginners. Now many users social network VKontakte decides to create public pages. Everyone pursues their own individual goal. Some promote an idea, lifestyle, other branded products, accessories, etc. Each of them has the opportunity to choose the type of public that he can create - open or closed. Today I will tell you how to create closed group In contact with.

Do you want to control the flow of subscribers?

By creating a public page on VKontakte closed type, you can keep the influx of subscribing users under control. You will have the option to allow or block people from being added to your group. Such publics create groups of people who do not want to share their confidential information with outside users.

For example, student groups. They can conduct joint correspondence, exchange photos from past parties, etc. Have you heard about corporate communities? – In them, employees exchange thoughts, joke, discuss internal company affairs, etc.

But with the emergence of special programs that can easily bypass this scheme, I do not recommend exchanging extremely important information on social networks, if you don’t want to one day find out that your personal data has become publicly known. This kind of trickery is not considered illegal. There are simply loopholes that skilled hackers successfully exploit.

What is the process of creating a closed public?

Where to begin? Going to the “My Groups” tab, click on the “Create Community” button, select the “Group” section and enter its name. Next, enter all the requested information one by one: Description, Subject, Website Address, etc. After this, you will be given the opportunity to limit or open the rights of community members to add posts to the public wall, audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, documents and materials.

And at the very end, you can choose the type of community: closed or open.
By choosing the closed public option, you will keep the entire flow of signatories under your leadership. To help you, you can select additional community managers who will have an almost identical set of rights.

Some administrators use this feature to promote pornographic materials. But in any case, this activity comes out, as a result of which their communities are frozen. Closed publics are intended for hidden correspondence and exchange of information, use them wisely.

Subscribe to my blog updates. Share your knowledge with friends, repost articles on your walls, like, comment, write reviews. I would be grateful for your assistance! In the following articles you will learn not only the intricacies of promoting VKontakte public pages, but also a lot of information about making money online on the Internet.

Bye everyone, friends!

Today, a lot of people, especially the younger generation, prefer real communication to virtual communication. In most cases, a huge part of the country's population uses the power of social networks. The most popular in this case is VKontakte. We invite you to find out how to create a closed group Naturally, social network users are well aware that the groups created can be varied. Because if you wish, some groups are waiting for you with open arms and will always be happy to see you in their ranks. But there are also those that are not so easy to get into. Here you need to submit an appropriate application to join the group, after which the leaders will consider this proposal and make their verdict. It is the latter that are considered closed groups. But how to make a VK group interesting.

Instructions for closing a VKontakte group

In order to answer the question of how to create a closed group “VKontakte”, you should follow these instructions step by step.
1. Go to home page social network "VKontakte".
2. After a few registration lines, go to your page.
3. In the list of links on the left, find "My Groups".
4. In the corner, click "Create a community."
5. Configure the group settings as you wish. In other words, fill out the Community Description topic.
6. In order to select a group type, you need to pay attention to the end of the list of basic settings. Now it’s time to select the “closed” position from the list. In this case, only those who have been previously sent an invitation or have received a positive response to the application to join will be able to join the group.
7. After completing all the above procedures, you should definitely save the changes by clicking on the “Save” position.

Thus, you can easily and simply learn how to close a VKontakte group.

How to switch from open group type to closed mode?

It happens that the group administrator expressed a desire to protect his brainchild from prying eyes. This is often done to prevent spammers or other pests from joining the group, or maybe you just want to reduce the number of participants a little to create a tight circle of selected people.

First of all, it is worth noting that only the administrator, not the moderator or editor, is authorized to perform such actions. The latter can edit pictures (as well as other materials located on the group page) and leave comments on behalf of the entire community. But! They will not be able to solve the question of how to create a closed group “VKontakte”. To do this, you just need to go to your group and slightly change the permissions in the settings. After all, the group has been created, and everything is already clear. You just need to select “closed” in the “Community Management” menu at the very bottom under the group type column.


Thus, it is absolutely clear that you can figure out how to create a closed group “VKontakte” easily and simply by following the above-mentioned recommendations.

When creating a group with a limited number of people, for example, only for classmates or colleagues, it will need to be closed after we create it. Therefore, entry into it will be limited, and only people subscribed to this community will be able to view publications. Let's take a practical look at how to make a group on VK closed.

The social network VK is divided into different types communities. The most popular is the group. This type communities are suitable for posting various materials on a specific topic or uniting a specific audience, and so on.

This article will show you how to close a VKontakte group or how to configure an already created group so that it is closed.

In reality, all this is very simple to do, although there are a few features that everyone should know.

It’s important to remember that you can close your group, but you can’t close a public page! And if you plan to create public page convert it into a closed one, then first you need to make a group out of it. This process is not difficult at all.

  • You need to go to the public. At the top right of the screen there is a menu in which you need to select the “Transfer to group” section.
  • A small window will pop up. Read all the conditions for changing the public to a group and, if you agree with them, click “Transfer”.
  • A confirmation code will be sent to your mobile phone, which must be confirmed accordingly.

If you created a group, then everything that is written above does not need to be done. We begin to close the group immediately.

You need to go to your group and click on “Community Management” in one of the sections.

The “Information” page opens, on this tab you need to go down, where there will be a “Group Type” section. Here you select the type of group:

  • Private (joined at the invitation of the administrator).
  • Open (where anyone who wishes can join).
  • Closed (where only those who are invited or when submitting an application join).

How to accept an application for a closed VKontakte group

You can find out how to accept an application for a closed VKontakte group in the same “Information” tab. You need to go to the “Participants” section and if someone has submitted a request to join, the “Requests” tab will appear, where you can accept or reject them.

It’s up to you to decide whether to make a group open or closed. As you noticed, this is very easy to do.

Gated communities are very popular. They are used to publish thematic posts, to communicate between people on specific issues, so that only members of this group can see it.

  • Many people wonder how to view a closed VKontakte group, the answer is simple - you just need to submit an application to this group and wait until the administrator approves it. There is no other way.

At any time, you can return everything to its original place, that is, make the group open again. You just need to go to the editing tab and return the previous settings.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to make a VK group private from a computer, phone or through a mobile application.

In fact, there are many reasons to close the community from prying eyes:

Now let's begin.

How to make an open VKontakte group closed

So, it’s time to find out how to close a VKontakte group by changing its type. Below I have provided several instructions: for computer, phone and mobile application. The latter, who doesn’t know, serves specifically for administrators, so that they can manage the public and receive all the necessary information from anywhere, even abroad.

If the group is closed, then those who are not a member of the community will see it as follows:

As you can see, all the information that is inside is inaccessible. Only the name, avatar and number of participants are visible.

From computer

In order to close a group from a PC or laptop, you must be an administrator or owner of the community. Unfortunately, editors and moderators this function not available.

The first thing you need to do is go inside and select “Management”.

In the settings, look for the group type:

  • Open – users can freely view material, join, leave;
  • Closed – users will have access to information only after the administrator approves the application to join. The community is searchable and anyone can find it. Reposts are not available;
  • Private – you can join only by invitation. The group does not appear in the search. Reposts are not available;

Only groups can be closed. If you have a community, you first need to transfer it to a group, and only then make it private.

From a mobile phone

In order to open group make it closed in mobile version On VKontakte, you need to go to the public page and find the “Edit” icon, which is located directly under the avatar and the “Message” button.

Let me remind you that you must be an admin or owner! IN otherwise not enough powers.

Once in the settings, scroll to the very bottom until we find “Group Type”. We select the appropriate option (as in the case of a PC, there are only three), and then click “Save”.

Everyone who has already signed up will remain. Only new people will have to apply.

From the application

The principle is the same as in the mobile version. Go to settings, change the type to private, click the “Save” button. Everything is done simply and quickly.

How to make a group public again

What to do if there is an urgent need to open your own group? Don't worry, everything here is also very simple. You just need to go to the settings, change the community type from “Private” to “Open” and don’t forget to click “Save”. In other words, follow all the same steps that I described above.


Now you know how to make a group on VK closed and why it can be used. Finally, I can give an example of one popular method promotion: make an intriguing post and close the community. It turns out to be a good way to intrigue a potential subscriber. In the end, interest coupled with mystery provokes a person to subscribe in order to find out the continuation of the story. But, be extremely careful. Getting subscribers is half the battle - you also need to keep them. How to do it? Interesting, and most importantly unique content. And now creating it is much more difficult.

That's all for me. Subscribe, tell your friends and see you in the next articles. Bye bye!

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