How to enable temporary profile in windows 7. Temp account or Logged in with temporary profile

Some innovations in operating systems Windows latest generations (meaning "Windows 7" and higher) are able to shock the most sophisticated and ready for anything user. They are the cause of numerous bugs and malfunctions of the system, which radically change the idea of ​​its quality.

One of these bugs is the well-known problem of logging into Windows with a temporary profile, which occurs during a system reboot immediately after an incorrect shutdown. What does it mean? So this is something like this: when you start the computer, you receive a message from the OS that you are logged into Windows under a temporary profile. And also that you do not have access to many own files and folders.

Moreover, you are warned that all elements file system created during the session will be destroyed immediately after the next restart of the computer. The situation is, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

Is it possible to somehow get rid of the temporary profile assigned to you by the enraged axis? Of course, everyone understands that this can be done. Do not reinstall the same axis because of such a trifle. But the specific technique for dealing with the problem is the subject of our short note. Be patient, be careful and strictly follow our recommendations.

Incidentally, a similar problem occurs not only in the "seven". But also in older versions operating system. It is solved in much the same way, with minor differences determined by the architecture features and the structure of the OS data registry.

In addition to the aforementioned trouble with deleting files and folders, there are a few more:

  • Firstly, loading with a temporary profile is much slower than with a regular one.
  • Secondly, instead of the usual work environment and cozy shortcuts on the desktop, you will be greeted by an ascetic emptiness of the screen, exactly the same as that that occurs immediately after installing Windows.
  • Thirdly, all browser settings will be inaccessible: passwords to sites memorized by the browser, bookmarks of favorite pages and Internet browsing history.

Let's figure out together how we can return everything to familiar look. So, to business!

Causes of the problem and the easiest way to fix it

  • The current working profile of the user, assigned to him by the OS, may fail due to a virus attack, a malfunction of the hard drive, system failures of the OS itself, and some other circumstances of the same kind. They can be classified as software and hardware.
  • The user could independently delete critical important files from the \Users folder on the system partition.
  • Some program and process has blocked access to resources in the \Users folder. And if such a process intercepts resource management at the start of the computer, then obviously it will not work to boot in the usual way.

There are several simple ways resolve the difficulty. However, their simplicity does not mean effectiveness. In many cases, their effectiveness is negligible, and the problem remains the same. For example, you can try to simply restart your PC. Sometimes it helps. You can view the contents of the desktop with your eyes.

If a suspicious file is found on the desktop, then it may well turn out to be the “beast” that blocks access to the standard profile.

A striking example of such a program is ammyy.exe. Such files should simply be deleted. Suppose this did not help us, what should we do next? Try to work with Windows registry or the Users folder.

Working with the registry: method one

We treat the profile like this:

In theory, everything should work out. But if this does not help, then we will try an alternative method.

Working with the Users folder: method two

As in the previous case, we will need to activate the administrator account in the same way as above, and then go to the \Users directory of the system disk partition. Next, go to the subdirectory with the temporary profile and copy everything important from there somewhere to disk.

After that, using the keyboard shortcut "Win" + "Break", open the window system settings and click on the "Advanced Options" link. The image below will guide you in this:

Click on the "Settings" button, and in the window that opens, delete the malicious profile. We offer another picture explaining the process:

We restart the PC and admire the result. You must not forget to move the previously saved files and folders back to the \Users folder, but only to the subdirectory with the name of the standard profile. As you can see, there is nothing easier. Now you know what a temporary Windows 7 profile is and how to fix it.

Having started the system, any user can find a strange notification on the screen saying that you are logged in with a temporary profile. It appears on Windows 7, 10 and 8. In the seventh version of the system, the message will be supplemented with the following line: "You cannot access your files ...". When the computer is turned off, data may be deleted. Scary message isn't it? The problem is quite simple to fix and now we will figure out what's what.

The main reason for the appearance of a temporary Windows profile is that the user account directory has been deleted, or due to a change in its name. There may be other reasons that we may not be aware of. But we hope that the tips from this article will help you.

Fix "You are signed in with a temporary Windows 10 profile"

Until we deal with the ten. Surprisingly, it is replete with various bugs, but with each update they become less and less. Tips from this article will be explained plain language, and for each system separately.

When you turn on your computer on Windows 10, at the bottom right, you will see a notification that I mentioned above and about resetting standard application. What should be done in this case?

If your computer is not an office computer and you are an administrator, then read the option below to correct the error. Otherwise, you will have to create another administrator account. If it is impossible to do this, go to and do everything there.

So, in the process of work, we need a registry. Before editing it, be sure to do . Now for the detailed instructions:

  • We start the registry as follows: press the combination Win + R and enter regedit;
  • In the window that opens on the left, open the indicated sections one by one until we are in the last one: .
  • Open the destination and select the subsection where it is assigned ".bak". In the right window we find the ProfileImagePath parameter. Its value is the username, or rather the path to the profile directory.
  • Make sure the account name matches the one you specified. If there is a difference, then double-click on the parameter and indicate the right way and the name of the account directory.
  • We restart the PC.

Other articles:

What if the path to the account directory in the registry turned out to be correct?

  • If there is a section on the left side of the window with the same name, but without the .bak extension, delete it.
  • Delete the section and with the .bak extension.
  • We restart the PC.

If the methods do not help, try doing a system restore.

Temporary profile windows 7 how to fix

The message “You are logged in with a temporary profile” is displayed on Windows 7. It is possible to use the instructions from the first method for the tenth Windows. But let's break it down again:

  • We go into the system under the administrator profile, or in safe mode;
  • Open the registry and go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList(the same);
  • We find the subsection with the .bak extension and simply delete as they did in the beginning. Before doing this, do not forget to backup the registry or this section;
  • We restart the PC and see what the result of logging into the account is.

After restarting the computer, Windows will create a folder with the correct user profile and path, the message that you are logged in with a temporary profile should disappear.

Other options for deleting a temporary profile

If the problem still appears, think about why it could have arisen, perhaps you recently installed some kind of program or made some changes in the system that caused such a problem. If so, uninstall the program and fix the changes.

Log in as an administrator and move all important files to a non-system drive. Then we go to the "Computer". Choose "Properties of the system".


On the left side of the window, select "Advanced system settings".

What is the point? You delete the profile, but the account is not going anywhere. After a reboot, everything should be back to normal.

Finally, as I said at the beginning of the article, you can go back to a restore point, that is, return the system to the moment when everything was fine, or you can create a new user.

After logging in under your account to a computer running the Windows operating system, a window with the words "Logged in with a temporary profile" is displayed in the lower left corner. This is what this window looks like:

And if you look under which user you logged in, you can see the proudly standing Temp inscription there. Are you facing exactly this problem? What to do?

What is a temporary profile (Temp account)?

First, let's look at the definitions. Account Temp is a temporary account. Yes, you log in, work, everything seems to be fine, but once you log out, all your settings, all your documents that were created or changed during the session will be deleted. The temp account is somewhat similar to the Default account. The only difference is that using the second of them you can not go to the computer. Let me remind you that the Default account represents the default template from which all new users of the computer begin their journey. There are default settings, such as the desktop screen saver, time zone, and other user nonsense. And our Temp account becomes exactly the same as Default after the user logs out. Well, this is not to mention that the Temp account has rather modest powers, which makes it completely useless. This is what the explanation that follows after the words “Logged in with a temporary profile” is trying to bring to us. Here is such an unpleasant situation. Why is this happening? I'll try to explain.

Reasons for logging in with a temporary account

When creating each account, a section is formed in the registry, which stores basic information about this user. And what do we do when we want to remove some user from the computer? That's right, we demolish his folder in Users. After all, why is it needed if this user does not work anymore on this computer. Moreover, his folder takes up space on your hard drive. This is how the user folder is deleted. But the record about it remains in the register.

And let's say that after the n-th amount of time this user appeared and decided to log in under his account. What will he see? That's right, the Temp account. After all, there is a record about the user, but there are no folders, settings and any heresy. So they let him in under a temporary account so that he can somehow use the computer. Deleted Files we will not return it (although it is possible, but in this case it is not advisable), but we can work a miracle so that the user can log back in normally under his account again.

Getting rid of a temporary account

To get rid of the temporary account you need to open Registry Editor, follow the branch

hklm/software/microsoft/windowsnt/current version/profilelist

In this branch, select the node of the corresponding user (you will understand this by what name is displayed in one of the parameters on the right) and delete this node. After that, you need to exit the temporary profile and log in again under the required account. The lost account will be recreated.

Such a problem is mainly a privilege of the Windows XP operating system. Why? Because only she, again, mostly, is subject to this problem. Windows 7 already knows how to re-create the user folder in such cases. Although sometimes such errors still occur on later versions of Windows.

P.S. By the way, working under a temporary profile can be usefully used in some situations. For example, if a lot of different people work on the same computer, and saving their profiles is not particularly important for them. For example, in classrooms.

Another fairly common and spontaneously appearing error when turning on the computer is a message with the text "Logged in with a temporary profile." At the same time, almost all documents and files available there disappear on the desktop, there are no bookmarks in browsers. After a reboot, the situation repeats.

In this article, we will explain what given message, for what reasons it appears, and most importantly, how to fix it using the Windows 7 operating system as an example. Although this also works with its other versions.

What does this message mean?

The message "Logged in with a temporary profile" appears due to the inability to load your main profile. This is due to damage or the absence of some important system files.

Damage to the files and data responsible for loading your profile can cause a virus effect, downloading and installing programs of dubious content, and unsuccessful system updates.

How to fix the error and return the profile along with the data?

To do this, you need to correct some data in the system registry.

But first you need to find out the correct name of your profile. To do this, go to C:\\Users.

All users on the computer

This will display a complete list of all available users. To find yours, you need to go into each folder, in it go to the "Desktop" folder. Where everything that was on your desktop before the temporary profile appeared will be your profile folder. You need to remember her name, but it’s better to write it down, because it will come in handy later.

Your username as determined by desktop content

Other folder names are also better to write down.

The combination of the "Win" + "R" buttons on the keyboard

In the input line, write "regedit" without quotes and press "Enter".

Registry Editor Login

In the registry editor that appears, go to the following path:

\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Here find a folder with a long name relative to others. It is also possible to have the same folder with the .bak extension. If you click on the one without .bak, then the temp profile or something with the word temp should be specified in the ProfileImagePath variable.

The word temp in the value of the ProfileImagePath variable

Double-click on the ProfileImagePath variable with the left mouse button and enter the name of your profile instead of the profile name with the word "Temp".

Specifying your username instead of temp

By double-clicking on the variables “RefCount” and “State”, assign the values ​​0 (zero).

Assigning the value 0 to the variable State

Restart the computer, after which it should boot with your profile and all its contents that were in it before the message “Logged in with a temporary profile” appeared.

Desktop with your profile content

When, after logging into Windows with your User account, you notice that a temporary profile is loaded instead of the profile that corresponds to the current user. Therefore, any changes made to the current desktop are lost after exit. In addition, the following error message may appear in the notification area:
You are already signed in with a temporary profile. You cannot access your files, and files created on this profile will be deleted when you sign out. To fix this, log out and try logging in later. See event log for additional information or contact your system administrator.

This issue usually occurs if the account's user profile has been accidentally corrupted or deleted from the system. A user profile contains user settings and settings such as desktop background, audio settings, logon screen saver, color schemes and several other similar options. This article is for those when, after logging into a User account in Windows 7/8/8.1/10, and you get a message that a temporary profile is being loaded instead of a profile that actually matches the current user. Consequently, any settings that are made on the desktop will eventually be lost as soon as you log out. In addition, an error message may be displayed in the notification area.
This usually happens if the User account has become corrupted or has been accidentally deleted from the system itself. In this case, you must create a completely new profile, and then copy the necessary files from the existing full profile.

On Windows 10, the error message looks like this:

These messages will unfortunately acknowledge that you are logged in with a temporary profile. Also, the files you created under this temporary profile disappear when you log out of your computer.

To go into the depth of the error, you can see the event log to collect further information after logging in. As a victim of a bug on your computer, you can contact your system administrator. This question often arises if the user profile of an account created in your name has been accidentally deleted or corrupted on your system. The next few lines should be enough to give you an idea of ​​how to log in to Windows system 10 to fix such an error that you are logged in with a temporary profile, and first of all you should strive to create an account on the computer.

The gist of the fix is ​​that you have the option to remove a user profile from a user account previously registered in your name, which causes an error that you are already logged in with a temporary profile. After deleting the old profile, you need to reset and re-register the user profile with your name.

So I did a quick google search and it seems that this is a common problem. This issue usually occurs if the user's profile has been accidentally moved or deleted from the system. Any changes made to the current desktop are lost after you log out. In this tutorial, we will explain step by step procedures to fix temporary profile issues in Windows 10, 8 and 7.

How to fix the error “You are already signed in with a temporary profile”?

Before you begin, you need to find the SID (Security Identifier) ​​of the User account with which the temporary profile issue has occurred. To do this, simply press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R to open the Run window. Enter cmd command and press enter.

When the command prompt starts, enter the following command, replacing the volume with your account name. Press Enter and you will see the ID that will be used in the steps below.

wmic useraccount where name='Tom' get sid

After finding the seed, close command line. Now we start fixing the registry settings. Click windows keys+ R to open the execute window. Type regedit and press enter.

When Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following registry subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Expand the ProfileList subsection and you will see the seed keys for all users on this machine. Once you find your account seed, just click the button on the SID key (without .bak), you will see the “ProfileImagePath” parameter in the right pane, which points to the temporary profile.

Double-click the parameter on the ProfileImagePath entry to edit the data values. Enter the correct profile path and click OK. If you don't know the correct profile, open windows explorer and navigate to C:\Users. In my example, I want to set an account to use a profile in a folder named Tom, so I set the ProfileImagePath to C:\Users\Tom. If the profile in your folder has already been corrupted or deleted, just delete the SID key.

Log out or restart your computer. Windows will sign in to your account with a local profile instead of a temporary profile, and you will no longer receive the temporary profile error.

A computer