How to withdraw bitcoins from coinbase com. How to create a Bitcoin wallet on the Coinbase exchange? Coinbase Wallet

Hybrid online wallets for working with bitcoin. Now let's talk about the online wallet in more detail.

, introductory

When using the system you need to remember that your funds are not under your 100% control, but with 3 persons (the company ). But despite these circumstances, the convenience of its use (instant on-net transfers in the system ) and the very speed of transfers in the bitcoin network (dynamic commission depending on the network load) make it one of the best online wallets.

A bit of history

Founded in June 2012 and proclaimed its main mission in creating an open financial system for the world, is a digital currency wallet and platform where merchants and consumers can transact with new digital currencies such as Bicoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. The headquarters is located in San Francisco, California.

offers to start working with it by registering an account in the system:


You can enter a postal address (to which you have access) in the white field Enter your email address and press the button get started, and you can click on the prisoners in white frame the words sign up the result will be the same - you will be redirected to the account registration page (if you went through Get Started, the line with the postal address will already be filled in).

You can enter any name in the First Name and Last Name fields - in the future it can be changed, in the email field, respectively, the current mail, enter the password (the scale below will tell you the complexity of the password, you need to achieve the inscription excellent). We put two checkmarks (on the captcha and when confirming terms of use) and create an account.

An email from [email protected] with a request to verify your account - click Verify email address and you will be redirected to the wallet settings page:

Choose Individual, press Next:


O Be sure to enter a valid phone number! Codes for authorization in the system will be sent to it in the future! SMS comes - confirm the phone with a code from SMS. Next, go directly to the main page of the system (click on your avatar in the right upper cornerdashboard).

*TabsUpload ID, Paymentsandbuydesigned for buying/selling cryptocurrencies and trading in the systemCoinbase, and these actions are available only to residents of the United States.

Before proceeding directly to operations with bitcoins, litecoins and ether, we will secure our account and enable two-factor authorization to enter the system - by password and code from SMS or from the application.

— Two-factor authorization

Opening a tab settings. Go to the section Security choose a method Two Factor Authentication. H press the button Enable Authenticator and choose a method: either a code from SMS (for this we confirmed the phone earlier), or entering a token through a special application Google Authenticator. We scan the QR code through the application and necessarily save Authenticator Secret Code in a safe place!. P about it, you can restore authentication in the application Google Authenticator) - enter the code and thereby enable protection.

Now you can change the avatar in the profile and change the nickname on the tab My profile.T also change password and email new mail will need to be confirmed). Personal Details may not be entered.

- Receiving and sending cryptocurrencies.

To get bitcoins (or litecoins and ethereum) you need on the page Accounts find BTC Wallet and press the button on it Receive:

Read the warning and click show address:

The address to which you need to make a transfer from the exchanger, exchange or other NOT wallet.

When transferring within the system bitcoins (litecoins and ethereum) can be sent to instantly and without commission. To do this, click on send

and select tab Email address:

We enter the address of the person to whom we want to make a transfer in the corresponding email field (naturally, he must have an account in coinbase and you must know the mail associated with his account). Enter the amount (either in USD or BTC). Optionally, we write a comment and send bitcoins (litecoins or ether) without any commission and instantly.

If we send to NOT address, then select the tab Wallet Address and fill in the fields:

The wallet is the main competitor of blockchain. Both systems are about equally popular, but lately Coinbase has even begun to overtake. Unfortunately, there is no Russian language in the interface. Therefore, you can choose the most popular English language.

Create Wallet

Registering with Coinbase

To register, go to the wallet's official website Next, you need to click on the inscription "Sign UP" which is located in the upper corner of the screen. After clicking, a page will appear for entering your data. You must enter your first and last name, your address Email, as well as create a password to enter the wallet. After entering the necessary data, put a tick next to "I agree ....." and click on the inscription "Create Account".

You should receive an email confirming your registration. Find the link in it and follow it. After you have confirmed your registration by going through, you will be taken to your Personal Area. The resource will automatically determine your location and display a report on the global value of bitcoin in your currency.

Any settings can be changed by clicking on the inscription "Settings". You can add an avatar to your personal account. And also enable two-step authentication.

How to use Coinbase

Finished with registration. How to use the site?

You can set up working tools by clicking on the inscription "Tools". What kind of tools can be configured:

  • Create account address
  • Repetitive transactions (will help with automatic buying and selling of bitcoins)
  • Reports that store all the work in an account
  • Purchase history.

After that, it is worth studying the work of the Accounts tab.

Everything is simple here. The right side will display all transactions in your account. On the left are the accounts assigned to each cryptocurrency. Each has its own buttons:

Send (send) - after the movement of the cryptocurrency, you can use the transfer. Transfer is possible both inside the wallet and to other wallets.

Receive (receive) - a button for receiving coins.

«…» - this button is designed to rename the account.

The next tab is "Buy/Sell". This functionality is not yet available in Russia. Therefore, it is only possible to subscribe to news.

To buy or sell cryptocurrencies, you must go through a full verification of documents. Without this, the easy way for Russia and several other countries does not work.

Dashboard tab. This is a scoreboard that shows all the information: cryptocurrency rates, recent transactions and accounts.

Deposit and withdrawal in Coinbase

This wallet allows you to carry out replenishment operations only in cryptocurrency. To replenish the wallet from a bank card, you will first have to exchange currency. The best exchanger can be called Bestchange.

If you decide to withdraw funds from Coinbase, you will also have to use exchange operations.

Coinbase Fees

No commission is charged for internal transactions. When working with third-party wallets, you will have to pay a commission. This is approximately 2 to 4% of the amount. That is, from 1000 dollars you will have to pay up to 40 units of currency.

Supported currencies in Coinbase:

  • bitcoin;
  • Bitcoin Cash;
  • Ethereum;
  • Litecoin.

Coinbase Features

This exchange has a modern platform that helps not only to make a profit, but also makes it possible to analyze the situation. To help with this, there are many internal tools in the form of charts and indicators.

You can switch between different quotes.

Users conduct transactions without any commissions.

Coinbase Apps

There is an application for smartphones based on android Bitcoin Wallet - Coinbase. There are about 2 million users. The first recommended bitcoin wallet. The most complete bitcoin service transfer on smartphones. With which you can simply buy bitcoin-currency.

Coinbase is an OIS-based Bitcoin Wallet app for smartphones. Safe purchase, storage of bitcoins. Designed from the ground up to deliver the best experience.

Conclusions: Pros and Cons of Coinbase

Each service has positive and negative sides.

The advantages of Coinbase include:

  • The crypto wallet is convenient to use and is safe
  • The referral program allows you to earn by attracting new members. Due to this, bonuses will be awarded to the participant and his invitee (in the case when transactions are above $100)
  • Deposits are insured. This service is valid only for US citizens in the event that they store and conduct transactions in their own currency.
  • Coinbase maintains legitimacy in relation to the 32 countries it works with. Not everyone likes this fact. Fans of hiding their income oppose this. Not everyone likes that their data can be transferred to the tax office. But it gives more security to Coinbase customers. The exchange tries to work only with those countries that meet their requirements. That is, whose policy is consistent with the interests of business development.

The disadvantages of Coinbase include:

  • The main clients of the exchange are the USA and the European Union. They are not going to expand their site yet or are not interested in it. Therefore, the platform does not yet have a Russian-language interface. After all, Coinbase does not conduct their work within Russia and countries that belong to the Customs Union.
  • Site identification is not so simple, plus it reveals all the personal data of the client. To work under the terms of the exchange, you must enter data from your place of work to your address of residence. Someone will attribute this to the minuses, and who to the pluses.
  • Transactions hang in the system due to long work technical support. When accessing services, a simple ignore can occur. And it doesn't always lead to a solution.
Create Wallet

Servers sometimes go offline. Since during rush hour the site is formed immediately big flow participants, the system is not always able to withstand such an influx. But it is worth defending Coinbase. This problem relevant for all exchanges that work with cryptocurrency.

I don’t know about you, but when I cash out Bitcoin or any other currency, I pay attention to 2 parameters: the security of the transaction and the best exchange rate. But, the fact is that many beginners think only about the best course, forgetting about the risks.

In this article I will talk about how to change Bitcoins by the best exchange rate and even compare courses different services. In addition, I will explain what you should be afraid of when cashing out cryptocurrency and what risks lie in wait for users.

Important! If you do not plan to cash out large amounts of Bitcoin and are not afraid of card and tax blocking, then you can skip the security section. Click and go directly to the withdrawal methods.

Do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Watch me multiply my bitcoins. First goal: 10 BTC on the exchange!


Exchange security. How to cash out Bitcoins in Russia without risk?

Usually, when they talk about the security of exchanging Bitcoins for rubles, they mean the risks that the exchanger or exchange will steal your money. But, in fact, the exchangers work very professionally, and your money is more likely to be blocked by a regular bank.

Blocking of funds by the bank.

Russian banks are forced to block suspicious transactions due to Federal Law 115 (“On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”), otherwise they risk losing their license.

Thus, if your receipt seems suspicious, the bank will block your funds and require proof that the money was earned honestly.

AT this moment Cryptocurrency is not regulated by law, so banks are reinsured and often do not side with the client. They can permanently block your card, account, and sometimes money. There is also a chance that they will ask you to pay taxes on the withdrawn amount.

By itself, the withdrawal of cryptocurrency from your wallet does not contradict the law, but if you withdraw money by exchange (through an exchanger or a private money changer), then think in advance what story you will tell the bank employee and what evidence you can provide.

If you withdraw cryptocurrency from the exchange, then, at first glance, you are acting according to the law. But some banks may consider that trading on a cryptocurrency exchange is a type of entrepreneurship. Even if you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, it is better to clarify in advance whether the bank allows customers to use their personal plastic cards for business activities. If not, then the card will be blocked for you, but the money will be returned through the cashier.

Thus, according to the banks, you should withdraw bitcoins through the exchange to the current account of the individual entrepreneur. In this case, there will be no questions for you.

How to protect receipts from blocking?

  • Do not transfer large amounts at a time. Do not immediately withdraw 500 tr., stretch the withdrawal for a week or two. Make better 10 transactions of 50 tr.
  • Use multiple cards. Get cards in several banks and distribute transactions between them. You can also connect cards of friends and relatives.
  • Don't cash out. If you transferred money to a card and immediately withdrawn it, this is a signal for the bank that you are cashing out. Let the funds lie down for a couple of weeks, transfer them to a deposit, pay with this card in stores.
  • Become a good client for the bank. As practice shows, if a client has credit card bank, loan, deposit, certain status (preferred client), etc., then the risk of card blocking is reduced significantly.

In general, if you make several withdrawals per month for amounts not exceeding 50 tr., then the risk of blocking is very low. With an increase in the one-time amount and the monthly amount of withdrawn funds, the risks also increase.

Is it legal to cash out Bitcoin in Russia in 2019?

As you know, our country is not particularly fond of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, before cashing out Bitcoin in Russia, you need to find out how safe it is. Will you fall under any article?

If you have heard the joke about Schroedenger's cat (who is both alive and dead at the same time), then you can easily understand the status of cryptocurrency in Russia. It is neither prohibited nor permitted.

That is, there are no laws governing Bitcoin. The legislation is still under development.

Therefore, even if you cash out Bitcoin immediately into cash rubles or dollars, you have nothing to fear. You are not breaking any law.

But how is it? We heard about criminal cases for cashing out cryptocurrency! For example, this is a resonant case.

Yes, there have been several high-profile news about the arrest for cashing out Bitcoin. But always the reason for the arrest was not the fact of the exchange itself, but another crime. For example, the sale of drugs for cryptocurrency.

As for the case described above, people were accused of illegal banking activities. This article is definitely not for you.

Therefore, if you are an ordinary person (not entity) and want to withdraw Bitcoin by exchanging it for fiat currency, then you have nothing to fear.

Do I have to pay taxes when cashing out Bitcoin?

Let's start off with. that the state really wants you to pay more taxes. Therefore, it is understood that you must pay tax on any income.

Let's say you bought 1 Bitcoin for $5,000, sold it for $10,000, and made a profit of $5,000. With this money you have to pay income tax, that is, 13%.

Accordingly, this income must be indicated in the declaration. And the declaration itself was filed with the tax office.

But, firstly, cryptocurrencies are anonymous. Therefore, it is almost impossible to trace where the money came from and what is the basis for the transfer. And if you withdraw Bitcoins immediately into cash, then government bodies they don't know anything about your income.

Secondly, it is impossible to prove that this is income (of course, if you yourself do not tell the tax office about it). You can always say it's a loan or a tax-free gift.

Thirdly, it is not clear how to calculate income. For example, you cashed out Bitcoin and received $5,000 for it. Sounds like you have to pay income tax, right?

What if you bought it for 10,000? So, you are at a loss and do not have to pay anything. But it is not clear how you can prove this to the tax. And it is even less clear how the tax authorities can prove otherwise.

While the legislation is not yet ready, the tax authorities show little interest in cryptocurrency income.

Pay taxes on cashing out Bitcoin or not? Everyone decides for himself. Do I pay taxes on cryptocurrencies? Yes, I'm crying.

offshore card.

Many users think that if they use an offshore card, they are 100% tax protected. Actually, it is not.

Indeed, a bank in Panama will not transfer information about your account to Russian tax authorities. But payment systems Visa and Master Card will be transferred.

In general, as far as I know, there is no private tax police in Russia that would track your transactions. But if they are interested in you, then they will easily receive information about transactions on your offshore card.

1. How to withdraw Bitcoins from a wallet to a bank card?

There are 2 popular services with which you can withdraw Bitcoin to your bank card: BestChange and LocalBitcoins. Let's immediately compare where the exchange is more profitable.

At the time of this writing, the Bitcoin exchange rate was 670,941 rubles according to the exchange.

Course according to

On BestChange, when trying to exchange Bitcoins for a Sberbank card, the maximum rate was 675,659 rubles.

Monitoring of exchangers.

At the same time, rates on LocalBitcoins turned out to be more profitable. More than 700 tr were offered for one Bitcoin.

Localbitcoins exchange rates.

Keep in mind that the exchange rate is constantly changing. Moreover, it is influenced not only by the exchange rate of the cryptocurrency, but also by the difference in supply and demand for a particular service. For example, if a surge of activity has begun at the moment and people began to intensively buy Bitcoins through exchangers, but at the same time they began to sell less, then the exchange services will make the Bitcoin purchase rate much higher than the exchange rate, but the selling rate will also be raised above the exchange rate, that is, it will be very beneficial to those who want to exchange this cryptocurrency for rubles.

1.1. Withdrawing Bitcoin to a Sberbank card through BestChange exchanger monitoring.

This service combines the best online exchangers. An exchanger is a service where you can exchange one currency for another by paying a small fee. For example, you translate Ivanova I.I. Bitcoins to his wallet, and he transfers rubles from his card to yours.

All exchange services are sorted here by the best exchange rate. It also shows the current amount that each exchanger has and reviews about it.

How to exchange Bitcoins for rubles using BestChange?

1.2. Withdrawal of Bitcoins to rubles through LocalBitcoins.

This is a service that, by its principle of operation, resembles an exchange. He acts as an intermediary between 2 people, one of whom wants to sell Bitcoins, and the other to buy. On LocalBitcoins you will find not only offers from professional exchangers, but also from ordinary people.

First, let's talk a little about security. If you are selling Bitcoins, then you do not need to worry about security at all. The fact is that the exchange of Bitcoins occurs through the service: first, the seller transfers them to the wallet in LocalBitcoins, then after the exchange begins, the cryptocurrency is blocked, and after the payment is confirmed, it is automatically transferred to the buyer's account.

That is, your Bitcoins will not be transferred to another person until you see the money on your card and click on the “Confirm receipt” button.

In addition, each service member has reviews, rating, percentage of successful transactions, etc. People spend a lot of time and effort to improve their reputation and will not cheat anyone for the sake of a few thousand rubles. If you are a beginner, then you will have limited exchange amounts available until you gain enough reputation.

How to exchange Bitcoin for rubles using LocalBitcoins?

Step 1. Go to the website, go through the registration procedure and confirm your E-mail. It is advisable to verify your phone and identity, as well as set up two-factor authentication.

Step 2. We replenish the internal wallet. To do this, click on "Wallet", then on "Get Bitcoins". After that, transfer the required amount to the address displayed below. After the transfer, the money will appear in your internal wallet.

We replenish the internal wallet.

Step 3. Go to the “Sell Bitcoins” tab, click on “Show more” and select “Transfers through a specific bank”.

Go to the "Sell bitcoins" tab

Then choose the user you like (pay attention to the reputation, the percentage of successful transactions, the amount of exchange) and click on the "Sell" button.

Step 4: Submit a trade request. Enter the amount you want to change and click on the big green button. It is advisable to write a message to the seller, greet and indicate the card for transfer. But this can be found out in the process of communication.

Step 5. After the seller transfers the money to your card, you need to confirm the receipt of the money and the frozen Bitcoins will be transferred to his account. After the operation, rate the seller and leave a review.

1.3. Withdrawing money from a Bitcoin wallet via a Telegram bot.

These bots work on the same principle as the LocalBitcoins website. Only all operations take place in the interface of the Telegram messenger. The rate here is more profitable than on BestChange and about the same as on LocalBitcoins.

The exchange takes place in the same way as in the previous service:

  • We register in Telegram (if not registered) and add the BTC_CHANGE_BOT bot (BTC banker). Choose the Russian language and agree to the terms.
  • We go to the wallet and transfer Bitcoins to your internal address.
  • After the cryptocurrency is displayed in the wallet, click on the "Sell Bitcoins" button and select the desired bank.

We sell bitcoins through a bot.

  • Now you will see a list of people who are ready to buy your Bitcoins for rubles. By clicking on each of them, you can see information about each seller.
  • After we have chosen the seller, we begin the transaction. To do this, follow the requirements of the bot: indicate the amount of exchange, details.
  • After the seller transfers the money to your card, you will need to confirm the receipt of money and the Bitcoins will be sent to the seller's wallet.

1.4. Withdrawal of Bitcoins to the card via Webmoney.

This method has several advantages. Firstly, this is a more profitable exchange rate (read more about this below). And, secondly, withdrawal by bank transfer is available. This withdrawal method is considered official by Webmoney, so you can withdraw relatively large amounts without fear of blocking your account.

Keep in mind that for a transfer to a card you will have to pay a commission of 2-3%: 1-2% for the operation, plus the standard WebMoney commission - 0.8%. For a bank transfer - 15 rubles plus 0.8%, the transfer period is from 1 to 5 days.

How to withdraw Bitcoins in rubles to a Sberbank card using Webmoney?

  • To transfer a small amount, it will be enough to get a formal certificate. But, if you plan to often withdraw money through WebMoney, then it is recommended to get an initial certificate. By the way, this can be done through the website of the State Service.
  • We start a WMX wallet - this will be your Bitcoin wallet in Webmoney service. Click on the top up button and see the address to which you need to transfer Bitcoins.

We transfer Bitcoins to WebMoney.

  • After the transfer of Bitcoins, they will be displayed on your balance. Click on the "Exchange Funds" button. In the window that appears, change WMX to WMR. Now you have rubles on WebMoney and you need to withdraw them.

Choose the output method.

  • Now you can withdraw money to any card by paying a 2% commission. But such an exchange will be carried out through the internal WebMoney exchange, so this method is not so reliable. The second option is to link the card to the WebMoney service.

Withdrawal conditions.

  • In order to make a withdrawal by bank transfer, go to your WMR wallet and click on the "Withdraw funds" button and select "Bank transfer". Then you will need to enter your account details: BIC, Corr. account, current account number, bank TIN and payment amount. After that, check and pay this account.

1.5. How to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet through exchanges?

There are not many exchanges that allow you to withdraw rubles to a plastic card or bank transfer, and in general, not all cryptocurrency exchanges work with fiat money.

There is one exchange that is often used to withdraw rubles to a card. It's called EXMO.

Using EXMO as an example, you can see what conditions await those who decide to cash out Bitcoin in this way. The commission is not particularly large - 3% + 50 rubles. But the limits make it difficult to work with really large amounts: 15,000 rubles for one withdrawal and 600,000 rubles per month.

To be honest, I trust exchangers and Webmoney more than such exchanges.

How is the withdrawal?

  • Transfer Bitcoins to the exchange. To do this, you need to send the currency to your internal exchange wallet.

We transfer Bitcoin to the exchange.

  • Exchange them for rubles. This can be done either with the help of the exchange itself or with the help of an internal exchanger.

We exchange for rubles.

  • Withdraw rubles to the card. There are several withdrawal methods. In our case, this is a bank transfer and withdrawal to the card. As you can see, withdrawal to the card is more profitable on EXMO.

We order a withdrawal.

Do not forget that in order to fully use all the tools of the exchange, you must pass verification.

The two most popular ways to withdraw BTC. Where are the best courses?

Yes, now you know a sufficient number of tools with which you can withdraw Bitcoin to rubles or dollars online. But which one is the best? Where is the best exchange rate?

Now you do not need to go to all these services and compare courses. I did it for you.

I compared all the conditions for the most popular exchange directions: BTC - Sberbank and BTC - Qiwi. Let's see what I got.

How to withdraw Bitcoins to a Sberbank card at the best rate?

Let's see in practice how it is most profitable to withdraw Bitcoins to a Sberbank card? To do this, we compare the courses of the most popular instruments and choose the best one.

Sberbank is the most popular Russian bank. Most citizens have a card from this bank, so this withdrawal method can be considered the most convenient and popular.

It's February 2019 now. According to, the dollar exchange rate is 4190 dollars.

Rate according to

The dollar exchange rate is 65.51. So 1 BTC costs about 274,500 rubles.

The dollar to the ruble.

Let's say I want to exchange 0.1 BTC for a Sberbank card at the best rate (I took this amount for a more convenient account). How can I make it the most profitable and not lose extra money on the course and commission?

To do this, compare all the conditions and choose the best:

  • BestChange.

BTC to Sberbank exchange rates on Bestchange.

This service shows that you can withdraw money from Bitcoin to a Sberbank card at the rate of 272,065. That is, for 0.1 BTC I will receive 27,206 rubles per card.

  • localbitcoins

BTC exchange rates for Sberbank on Localbitcoin.

The exchange rate for LocalBitcoins is 274,000. So, when I withdraw 0.1 Bitcoin, I will receive 27,400 rubles for Sberbank.

  • Telegram bot.

Conditions for exchanging BTC for Sberbank in Telegram bot.

BTC_CHANGE_BOT offers to change 0.1 BTC for 26,548 rubles.

  • Exchange EXMO.

The exchange rate of BTC to Sberbank on the stock exchange.

The exchange rate is 270,000 rubles for 1 Bitcoin. You also need to take into account the commission of 3% for the withdrawal. That is, when exchanging 0.1 BTC for a card, I will receive 26,190 rubles.

Results for Sberbank:

So what is the most profitable way to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet to a Sberbank card?

Comparison of BTC rates - Sberbank for February 2019.

As you can see, the best rates are offered by BestChange and Localbitcoins. The worst exchange rate on the exchange.

How to withdraw Bitcoins to Qiwi at the best rate?

The second most popular way to withdraw BTC is the Qiwi wallet.

A large number of people use this payment system. Internal transfers here can be made without commission. There are Qiwi terminals all over the country where you can replenish your account.

I myself actively use this payment system. I even have their plastic card.

Let's see what is the most profitable way to withdraw Bitcoins to Qiwi wallet?

To do this, compare exchange rates. Let me remind you that the current exchange rate for today (February 2019) is 4190 dollars or 274,500 rubles for 1 BTC.

  • BestChange.

BTC to Qiwi exchange rates on Bestchange.

According to the results of sorting, the best rate for withdrawing Bitcoin to Qiwi turned out to be 271,280. That is, when exchanging 0.1 BTC, 27,138 rubles will come to my wallet.

  • local bitcoin.

BTC exchange rates for Qiwi on Localbitcoins.

Here the rate is 274,500 rubles for Bitcoin. So you can exchange 0.1 BTC for Qiwi for 27,450 rubles.

  • Telegram bot

Conditions for exchanging BTC for Qiwi in Telegram bot.

BTC_CHANGE_BOT offers to change 0.1 BTC for 26,403 rubles.

  • Exchange EXMO.

BTC to Qiwi exchange rate on the exchange.

As I wrote above, the exchange rate is 270,000 rubles for 1 Bitcoin. And if we take into account the commission of 3% for the withdrawal, then when exchanging 0.1 BTC for a wallet, I will receive 26,190 rubles.

Qiwi results:

In this exchange direction, we also managed to find out the best exchange rate.

Comparison of BTC rates - Qiwi for February 2019.

As you can see, the best Bitcoin withdrawal rate on Qiwi is offered by Localbitcoins. And the course here is equal to the official one. The most unfavorable rate is again on the EXMO exchange.

2. Anonymous debit cards.

Now each payment system is trying to issue its own plastic card linked to an internal account. Usually they make it possible to pay for purchases in regular stores or online without a commission, which is very convenient - you can not cash out at all. It's so convenient that my wallet is already bloated with different cards.

The idea is simple and understandable. You receive money on Qiwi - you pay with a Qiwi card, you receive money on Yandex Money - you pay with a Yandex Money card, you receive on AdvCash - you pay with an AdvCash card (which will soon be blocked for everyone who does not live in the EU).

Well, Bitcoin wallets did not lag behind other payment systems and issued plastic cards tied to the balance of these wallets. You can pay with these cards in online and brick-and-mortar stores, as well as withdraw money from ATMs. Bitcoins are converted into card currency at the current rate. But the problem is that almost all such cards are available only to residents of the European Union.

There remains the option of transferring Bitcoins to one of their anonymous payment systems, converting into dollars and withdrawing through a card of this payment system through an ATM. But here, too, the same problems await us as in the case of Bitcoin cards. For Russians, most of these cards have already become unavailable for ordering, and the issued cards will stop working in January 2018.

Most likely, in the near future, all anonymous bank cards will be banned for residents of Russia. But for now, the possibility of withdrawing Bitcoins in this way remains. For example, at the moment, Russians still have access to the Money Polo card, which works with the OKPay payment system.

Withdrawing via an anonymous card will require you to pay a relatively high fee. A commission is usually paid for transferring money to a payment system wallet, transferring money to a card, and for withdrawing money from an ATM. If you plan to withdraw money in rubles, then get ready to pay more for currency conversion.

As you already understood, money is withdrawn as follows: transfer money to payment system(officially or through exchangers), put them on the card and withdraw them at an ATM in the currency of the card or rubles.

3. Withdrawal of Bitcoin from the wallet to cash rubles.

There is another way to cash out cryptocurrency. The exchange is carried out without the participation of banks, that is, immediately into cash through an exchanger.

On the one hand, this is convenient, since the bank will not be able to block the transaction, and the tax office will not receive information about your income. On the other hand, high commissions and high risks await you.

3.1. How to withdraw Bitcoin from a wallet through an exchanger.

There are exchangers that are ready to exchange your cryptocurrency for cash. Almost all of them are concentrated in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg. But if you are going to change a really large amount, then this is not a problem. For the sake of this, you can go to another city, and for a fee, the courier will come to yours.

Some exchangers offer an anonymous exchange service. That is, you transfer Bitcoins and get information about the place where the bookmark with your money is located. But I think you understand how risky such an undertaking is. There may not be any money in the specified place and then you will not prove anything to anyone.

How to safely cash out Bitcoin in Russia?

  • Go to the site of the exchanger, which offers a cash exchange service. Say how much you want to exchange, or leave a standard request.
  • After some time (from several hours to a day, depending on whether the cash desk has the required amount), you arrive at the office of the exchanger and transfer Bitcoins to the specified address in the presence of the operator.
  • After several confirmations of the transaction, you take your money.

Commission for such services starts from 3-4%. The exchanger can be found, for example, on the BestChange website. Just indicate the appropriate exchange direction: Bitcoin - Cash.

Please note that the rate may be less favorable than when exchanging for bank card.

Withdrawal rate to a bank card.

Cash out rate.

Is this exchange legal?

At the moment, according to our legislation, Bitcoins are incomprehensible candy wrappers from the Internet. And the exchange of candy wrappers for money between the two individuals quite legal.

Above, I already talked about the resonant detention in Russia of a group of people involved in cashing out Bitcoins. But these people are detained for illegal banking transactions, which does not threaten you. The exchange of bitcoins itself does not entail punishment.

3.2. Through WebMoney.

Above, I already wrote about how to transfer Bitcoins to WebMoney wallet. Only in this case, we withdraw money not by a card, but through the official exchangers of this payment system.

Benefits of official WebMoney exchangers:

  • There are more of them. If ordinary exchangers are located only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, then there are WebMoney exchangers in almost all million-plus cities.
  • More trust. Such exchangers are opened only with the permission of the WebMoney payment system and are controlled by it. In the case of the provision of low-quality services, WebMoney may deprive the exchanger of a license.
  • Contract for services. An agreement is concluded with clients even before the exchange. Accordingly, in this case, you will be protected from potential fraud.

How to make an exchange?

  • We go to the WebMoney website, find a page with information about official exchangers and enter the city you are interested in. If there is no exchanger in your city, then check the cities closest to you.

Check if there are exchangers in your city.

  • We leave a request for an exchange on the exchanger's website.
  • We receive a contract for the provision of services signed by the exchanger.
  • We transfer money to the specified details.
  • At the specified time, we come to the office and pick up cash.

Instructions for one of the exchangers.

3.3. Withdrawal through private changers.

On the LocalBitcoins website, on cryptocurrency forums, in the corresponding Telegram bots, etc. you can find people who exchange bitcoins for cash. Here you will again encounter the fact that most of them will be concentrated in large cities. I hope you do not need to tell anyone that in advance money cannot be transferred. It is best to make an exchange directly on the spot, for example, by meeting in a cafe.

4. Withdrawing money from Bitcoin wallets through ATMs.

Another way to cash out Bitcoins, which cannot be ignored, is ATMs. Again, this method is still available only to those who live in large cities.

At the moment, this method of withdrawal is not very popular. Firstly, they ask for a large commission for cashing out: up to 11%. Secondly, it takes a lot of time, as you have to wait for the confirmation of the transaction.

Comparison of withdrawal rates.

In order to check the most profitable way to cash out Bitcoin into rubles, I decided to compare exchange rates on several services at the same time.

At the time of the experiment, Yandex showed the Bitcoin rate of 967,650 rubles for 1 BTC (according to

The exchange rate of Bitcoin to the ruble.

Step 1 Now, let's say that we will withdraw this cryptocurrency through exchangers. Then let's look at the rate for BestChange.

Courses on Bestchange.

As you can see, the most profitable exchangers offer from 920 to 926 thousand rubles for 1 BTC. The best rate at that time was 926,960 rubles.

Step 2 Let's see what LocalBitcoins has to offer. The rate here is usually higher.

Courses on Localbitcoins.

As expected, the course pleased. You can change Bitcoins at a price of 980 - 991 thousand rubles for 1 BTC. The best rate is 992,003 rubles.

Step 3. Now let's try to make an exchange through the EXMO exchange. For example, let's use the standard exchanger of this service.

The exchange rate on the EXMO exchange.

The exchange rate is 987,948 rubles for 1 BTC. A decent rate, but do not forget that you will have to pay 2% for the withdrawal. It turns out: 978,948 - 2% = 959,369 rubles - that's how much you get on the card by paying a commission. This will be the real course.

Step 4. Let's see what WebMoney offers. Bitcoins are exchanged for rubles on the internal exchange of the payment system.

Exchange rates for WebMoney.

Here we see rates from 1021 to 1034 thousand rubles for 1 BTC. Let's take for example the rate of 1,030,000 rubles. For withdrawal by bank transfer, you will pay a commission of 0.8%, that is, 1,030,000 - 0.8% = 1,021,760 rubles. When withdrawing to a card, the commission will be 2.3%: 1,030,000 - 2.3% = 1,006,310 rubles. When withdrawing through an exchanger, the commission will be from 3.8%. Let's calculate: 1,030,000 - 3.8% = 990,860 rubles.


As you can see, the best exchange rate at the moment is offered by WebMoney. Even cash withdrawal through official exchangers is more profitable here than cashing out to a card. But, you need to keep in mind that for full-fledged work with this payment system, you need to pass verification.


In this section, I decided to collect questions on the topic of withdrawing Bitcoin, which are asked most often.

1. What is the best way to withdraw money from WebMoney if a bank transfer is not available?

The rules for withdrawing money from WebMoney change very often. Those methods that work now may not be available in the near future. At the same time, at the moment, WebMoney has the best exchange rate for Bitcoins for rubles (of the methods that we considered above), so using this payment system is beneficial.

Firstly, if you withdraw money through official exchangers, you will pay a commission of 3.8-4.8%. But still, it will be one of the most profitable ways to withdraw Bitcoin. There is another convenient way to withdraw money from WebMoney in Russia: bank cards of telecom operators.

For example, Megafon or Beeline cards. You simply top up your phone balance and the money automatically appears on the card linked to the number. You can get such a card at the offices mobile operators. It is not named, so you will spend no more than 5 minutes to receive it.

The downside is the restrictions on replenishment. Only 6,500 rubles per day (this is about 200,000 rubles per month). At the same time, the commission for replenishment is only 0.8% (standard WebMoney commission). Not suitable for large amounts, but for general use it is quite suitable. ATM withdrawal fees start at 3%. You can pay with this card without commission.

2. Which Bitcoin withdrawal method do I use myself?

I used to withdraw Bitcoin through exchangers. Obviously, there was not the best course, but, nevertheless, this is the most convenient way. And the Bitcoin exchange rate is growing so fast that you can not pay attention to their commission.

So the search for another withdrawal method was not due to the exchange rate, but more as an insurance against blocking receipts by banks. Therefore, now I have settled on WebMoney and received the necessary certificate for working with large amounts.

I got myself a Megafon card and withdraw money to it. This is very convenient for me, because I always pay with a bank card anyway. Replenishment of the card is limited to 200,000 rubles per month - this amount is enough. If I need to cash out a larger amount, then I will use the official exchange office, since they are available in almost every major city.

3. How to withdraw Bitcoins to Qiwi wallet?

The withdrawal of Bitcoins to Qiwi (Qiwi) is not much different from. You can use the same tools.

  • Bitcoin withdrawal to Qiwi using BestChange . Specify the direction of the exchange "Bitcoin - Qiwi" in the table. Exchangers will be sorted by the best rate and you will only have to go to one of them and make an exchange. You will transfer Bitcoins to the specified Qiwi wallet, and in return you will receive rubles or dollars to your wallet.
  • Withdrawing Bitcoins to Qiwi using LocalBitcoins . Immediately on home page site, you will see offers to buy your Bitcoins for rubles or dollars of the Qiwi payment system. So you will need to choose the best offer for you and make an exchange.
  • Withdrawing money from a Bitcoin wallet to Qiwi using a Telegram bot. The exchange here is carried out in the same way as for a bank card. The process itself is similar to working with LocalBitcoins.

How to withdraw Bitcoins to Yandex Money?

Yandex Money is a popular payment system in Runet. The process of withdrawing Bitcoins to Yandex Wallet is similar to the process of withdrawing to the Qiwi payment system.

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The price of Bitcoin is steadily rising, and more and more inhabitants of the planet Earth are looking for ways to buy this digital gold. In this article you will read detailed overview how to quickly buy bitcoin using the popular site Coinbase, which has a whopping 44 million monthly visitors.

How to register on

The Coinbase website is presented in 7 languages, but unfortunately there is no Russian among them. To register, go to the site and click on the Sign Up button:

After that, you will need to fill out a registration form. You must provide your real first and last name, the email address to which the account will be linked, and a strong password. Be sure to check the box that confirms that you are over 18 years old. After that, click on the Create Account button.

Congratulations, you have registered on one of the largest cryptocurrency storage sites! Don't forget to confirm your registration with the email you provided. After clicking on the link, you will be taken to your Coinbase personal account.

How do I deposit bitcoins into my Coinbase account?

After registration, three wallets become available to you, on which you can store three popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. In order to get into wallets, you need to click on the Accounts button, as shown in the screenshot:

To receive cryptocurrency on any of the wallets, you must click the “Receive” button (translated from English as “Receive”). We press the button, and the system generates for you a unique name of the wallet to which the sender will send money to you. It looks like this:

You can buy bitcoin for rubles, hryvnias, dollars and other currencies on the website To do this, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Go to the bestchange website and select the exchange direction you need.
  2. Choose an exchange office, while paying attention to the reputation of the exchanger, as well as the size of the commission.
  3. Make an exchange on the site of the exchange office, following the instructions that are written there.
  4. Be sure to enter your wallet into the coinbase correctly. After that, the cryptocurrency will be credited to your account for some time (depending on the network load).

How to withdraw funds from Coinbase?

To withdraw Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from the Coinbase wallet, you need to do the same 4 steps as in the previous menu, only in the opposite direction. To send cryptocurrency to the account of the exchange office, you need to click on the Send button. After that, a field will appear for entering the wallet number, which will be given to you by the exchange office. It is very important not to make a mistake when copying the wallet, because in otherwise- the money will disappear forever.

Hello friends, today we decided to dedicate an article to the Coinbase cryptocurrency wallet. In this article, you will learn how to register a Coinbase wallet and its main functions, we will not delay too long with an introductory word and get started.

Coinbase wallet is one of the main competitors of the native Bitcoin wallet - . Coinbase is headquartered in San Francisco, California. At the moment, these two wallets have a roughly equal number of fans. The official website of Coinbase has Domain name , and multiple language interfaces. But there is no Russian among them, so we choose the easiest English language for the Russian-speaking population to understand. Let's get registered.

Coinbase wallet. Registration

To register for coinbase, you need to go to the official website, it looks like this.

On the main page of the Coinbase website, find the inscription "Sign UP", it is located in the upper right corner. In the picture, we pointed to it with a red arrow. After that, you will be taken to the data entry page. You must enter your first and last name, enter your email address and create a password. Check the box next to “I agree…..” and click on the big blue “Create Account” button.

After that, you mail will come a letter in which you will need to find a link and follow it. This is a letter that verifies your email address. By the way, after sending the letter, check not only the Inbox folder, but also the Spam folder, because it came to us there.

After confirmation, you will be taken to your Coinbase wallet account. It is worth noting that Coinbase determines your location and on the main page gives you a report on the cost and change in the rate of the world's main cryptocurrency, in your national currency. If you wish, you can view changes in rates and other currencies that the Coinbase wallet supports - and.

In the "Settings" section of the Coibase wallet, you can configure, change, add and make any settings. It is possible to set an avatar of your account and enable two-step authentication.

In the "Accounts" section of the coinbase exchange, you can see the balance of your accounts. Since we use a demo account for the review, we have zeros in the section. In order to see the address of your cryptocurrency wallet, we remind you that you have 3 types of BTC, ETH and LTC cryptocurrencies stored inside your wallet. You need to click on the "Receive" button and your address will be shown to you.

Coinbase wallet. Coinbase Wallet Affiliate Program

Coinbase is a type of cryptocurrency exchange. A significant advantage this service is a "cold" storage of funds, 98% of them are stored on servers that are not connected to the network, which ensures high level security. The rest of the crypto on Coinbase is covered by insurance. Also, for security purposes, a two-level authentication structure has been added, the confirmation of which is carried out using a mobile phone.

As for transactions with the currency itself, there are very low commissions on the coinbase wallet (2.5%), and when performing a transaction between two Coinbese users, there is no commission at all. In the software system, the exchange of cryptocurrency for fiat is done instantly, but this option is available only if you are a US citizen.

In fact, all the shortcomings of the Coinbase wallet in question are related to the rules for using the system itself. Since all the advantages (high-speed transactions, meager commissions, lightning-fast exchange of cryptocurrencies) can only be used by residents of the United States. This creates an ambiguous opinion about this service. And somewhat discriminates against all other users who do not have US citizenship.

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