iPhone 5 battery calibration w3bsit3-dns.com. How to properly calibrate the battery on an android and iOs device

A gigahertz processor, megapixels of a camera and other products of the high-tech world are of little use if there is no energy for them in the batteries of a smartphone. Extending the battery life of the gadget is perhaps the most important task set today.

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And, despite the fact that Apple engineers more or less successfully solved it, we, too, can and must make our contribution to the common cause.

No, of course, no one forces you to gnaw at the granite of applied science and acquire new skills. There was enough money to buy a flagship one - it will not be difficult to save up and, fortunately, an extra 100-200 grams in your pocket is not a hindrance. Moreover, in iOS 7 a lot has appeared to optimize energy consumption, a good half of which is able to work in automatic mode.

However, the unfortunate truth is that battery efficiency is not constant and depends heavily on the mode in which the device is used. Simply put, the batteries need to be calibrated periodically - a kind of analogue of a factory reset, which will only benefit the energy system of the i-gadget.

How to improve your iPad or iPhone battery life

1 . Run any application on your iPhone or iPad, preferably the most resource-intensive one. And go to drink tea, to a restaurant on the other side of the city, and take a walk on foot - during this time the device will be completely discharged and turn off by itself.

2 . Charge level 0% - connect Charger and charge your iPhone or iPad up to 100%.

3 . The cherished numbers appeared on the display, but do not turn off the charger for at least another hour.

4 . Again, do your best to drain your battery quickly. An important point - while the energy flows away to nowhere, you need to stay away from outlets. No contact with charging, even for a second, otherwise the "magic" will be destroyed.

5 . Repeat steps 2 and 3 again, charge the battery of your iOS device and let it “set”.

6 . The calibration is verified, you can use the tablet in the usual way.

The harsh truth of life is that the batteries of even advanced devices like the iPhone or iPad Air have a very limited lifespan. For compact size and affordable price you have to pay something, right? Over time, they degrade and the time between recharges will become shorter, the battery will tend to discharge spontaneously and in the end it will just have to be replaced. But before that, by regularly carrying out a simple calibration, it will be possible to squeeze the maximum possible out of its working module.

A short time battery life smartphone is one of the most common problems and disadvantages of most models. WITH iPhone problem occurs over time, or when the phone is used for an extended period. Sometimes all that is required to solve the problem is to calibrate the battery, which will improve its performance.

First, why is this process necessary? Battery calibration (sometimes called "reboot") is an important part of phone support. Without this procedure, the phone may begin to incorrectly read the remaining charging data, as well as not optimize power consumption well enough and record a sudden failure with the available charge, which until recently seemed quite optimal.

Factors such as errors in software, updates and simple regular use, require this calibration. The process is not difficult, but takes a little time. However, it's worth it at least once a month, especially if you use your phone a lot.


Before you begin calibration, you need to take a few preliminary steps. This is an exclusion of certain features and services, which can then be reactivated.

Turn off location services

Go to settings > privacy > location services, move the slider to the "off" position.

Disable background refresh

Go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh, then select the same option from the new menu and tap Off.

Decrease display brightness

Go to Settings > Display & Brightness again > move the slider all the way to the left.

Disable automatic update

To do this, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store» > move the slider to the off position in the Ypdates row. In the menu "Settings" > "Battery" we can check if the power saving mode is enabled. It must be turned off.

How to calibrate the battery on iPhone?

Now the actual calibration process begins. The whole procedure consists of several steps and requires patience.

Step 1: Battery drain.

The phone battery must be completely discharged. This can be done with the most active use of Eden, Play Videos, Play Games and more.

Step 2. Wait 3 hours.

Once the phone turns off, you need to wait at least three hours.

Step 3: Charge your phone.

Now you need to do a quality recharge of the battery. This means using the charger from the wall outlet, not from the cable in the computer. It is also important to use an individual charger and cable. You need to allow your phone to restart at least two hours after it indicates that it is fully charged.

Step 4. Repeat discharging.

Now repeat the procedure. Fully discharge your phone again with normal use or with movies and games.

Step 5. We are waiting for another three hours.

Preferably, leave your phone switched off at night.

We repeat the same charging process and the phone is ready. Now you can activate the features that you turned off at the beginning and use your iPhone as usual.

Very often, users of modern smartphones and tablets complain about too fast discharge of their device or sudden shutdowns, it would seem, with the remaining charge. If you are one of them - you are here. In this article, we will figure out how to calibrate the battery on the iPhone.

In order not to delve too deeply into chemistry and electronics, we only note that lithium-ion batteries, which are included in Apple devices, change their ability to hold a charge for the worse over time. The internal controller does not agree with the changes and counts the remaining energy in the old way, so every two to three months each apple user must calibrate the battery.

Periodic calibration improves the battery's ability to hold a charge. The charge indicator also returns to normal and shows adequate indications of the remaining energy in the battery, corresponding to reality.

How to understand that it's time?

Consider the signs by which you can understand that iPhone battery calibration is necessary:

  • fast discharge;

Calibration must be done if the iPhone is quickly discharged

  • sudden shutdowns at 10-15% charge;
  • frozen charge indicator;
  • sharp jerks of the indicator;
  • you have not discharged your smartphone for more than 3 months.

What to do?

The algorithm for calibrating the iPhone battery is very simple, but not the fastest, we need to carry out two complete discharge and charge cycles, let's look at each step in order.

  • We completely discharge our gadget, it should turn itself off due to a lack of energy. To speed up the process, actively use all the features of the device: play games, listen to music and watch videos.
  • Connect your iPhone to a charger, preferably connected to the mains, and not to a computer, to ensure a constant powerful flow of energy.
  • Wait until the device is fully charged up to 100%.

We put the smartphone on charge, and wait for the battery to be fully charged

  • This is not enough for us, because the controller is not synchronized with the battery and it is not known how charged it is, we leave the smartphone to charge for another hour.
  • Disconnect the gadget from the charger.
  • We completely discharge the iPhoneuntil it turns off, like the first time. Under no circumstances should you connect it to the charger at this time, otherwise the hocus pocus will not work.
  • Like last time, leave for another hour.
  • We use it as usual.

This battery calibration is suitable not only for iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, 6, but also for any other Apple devices. Let's say an iPad or iPod also needs such a procedure and their batteries will last longer without turning off your smartphone earlier than necessary.


Apple devices perform very well, and, unlike cheap gadgets, keep the charge level very well. Due to some physical and chemical features of batteries, even the iPhone 6 is not able to charge infinitely well and adequately show the battery status, so it is simply necessary to calibrate every 2-3 months. In some sources, especially "advanced" users are trying to challenge the need to calibrate its existence in principle, without even understanding the types of batteries for smartphones. It will be enough for you to try to calibrate the battery on your iPhone 5s or other gadget once to feel the usefulness and necessity of this procedure.

If you have any questions or wishes - write them in the comments!

Hi all! Installed on iPhone lithium ion battery, and such batteries are known to have no memory effect. Then why do you need to calibrate them at all? The fact is that the battery capacity decreases over time () and if you have a phone for a long time, then in the absence of battery calibration, oddities begin ....

It happens that the iPhone “does not understand” what the current battery capacity is and cannot correctly display information about the battery charge level. As a result, various non-standard situations occur: an unexpected shutdown by 20-30%, the charging indicator freezes (long display of one value), incorrect data is shown about how charged the iPhone is and other outrages.

By the way, although in this article I write about the iPhone everywhere, this way Battery Calibration is also great for other Apple devices: iPad and iPod.

Let's summarize the signs that clearly indicate that it's time to calibrate the iPhone battery:

  1. iPhone turns off when charging percentage is still there. It would seem that he still has to work and work, but he bang and turned off.
  2. In some cases, calibration will help those users whose battery runs out very quickly. True, this is just one of the methods of the smartphone.
  3. If the iPhone freezes for a long time at one percent charge, and then the indicator jumps sharply by several tens of percent.
  4. Once every 2-3 months, it is advisable to perform calibration for absolutely everyone iPhone users and iPad. If you've never done it, now is the time!

At least one of the described cases is your situation? Then read on and learn how to properly calibrate an iPhone battery!

5 easy steps:

  1. Wait until the device is completely discharged. It is entirely and completely (absolutely, "to zero", so that it does not turn on at all).
  2. We put it on charge (preferably from the network) and do not touch it (of course, you can answer an urgent call, but you don’t need to play and use it). We wait until it is charged up to 100%.
  3. Leave connected for another hour or two. For what? For reliability! After all, our iPhone incorrectly shows charging? Wrong! Which means you can't trust him. And despite the fact that the screen shows 100% charge, the battery may not be fully charged! Therefore, to be sure, after reaching 100% we do not turn it off immediately, but wait at least another hour.
  4. Disconnect from the network and do a hard reboot. To do this, press and hold two keys - Home and Power, until the apple icon lights up on the screen. Updated! This button combination does not work for all devices. How to be?
  5. We use the device until it is completely discharged.
  6. We repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated. And the only "narrow" moment is time. But there's nothing to be done here - calibration is not a fast thing.

Important! When you start doing the second circle, you do not need to briefly recharge the iPhone! The circuit should be exactly like this - from 100% to 0%, then to full charge without interruption, charged, hard reset and discharge to 0% without recharging.

Only in this case, the calibration will be done really correctly and will benefit the battery of your iPhone.

P.S. Write about the results in the comments, be sure to ask questions and put "likes". After all, every "+1" increases battery life. Worth a try!:)

Smartphones and tablets are very convenient inventions, but sometimes it seems that their batteries do not last long enough. Despite the most modern technological developments, the battery is always discharged inappropriately, at the most inopportune moment. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the iPhone and iPad have a non-removable battery, and a backup power source is not always at hand.

Gradually, as the number of charge-discharge cycles increases (especially if the cycles are short), the actual battery charge mobile device at odds with the digital battery monitoring circuit in operating system. That is, the user receives distorted data on the charge level. By regularly calibrating your iPhone and iPad battery, you will maximize its life and get the opportunity to always have accurate information about its charge, focusing on the indicator readings in the OS.

Most users do not calibrate the batteries in their smartphones and tablets, despite manufacturers' recommendations computer technology. Next instruction details how to manually calibrate the battery for iPhone and iPad.

How to calibrate iPhone and iPad battery

Step 1: Fully drain your gadget's battery. The device should turn itself off due to the complete exhaustion of the charge.

Step 2: Charge iPhone battery and iPad 100%. Do this by connecting the device to a standard power supply.

Step 3: When the charge indicator shows 100%, leave the machine plugged in for another hour.

Step 4: Disconnect your iPhone or iPad from the adapter and use it normally. But now again you need to discharge the device until it turns off completely (during the discharge process, you should not connect it to the power adapter).

Step 5: Repeat step 2 and step 3 - fully charge the battery and keep your smartphone/tablet plugged in for another hour.

Step 6: That's it, you have calibrated the battery of your iDevice!
