Pay for How and what is the best way to pay for WOW? Terms of purchase and delivery

Creator: Frey

Those days have come again. Many expect them with a shudder, despite the fact that for others they pass unnoticed. And how this time passes depends only on you.

Time to pay for WoW.

How do players pay for their favorite online drug? Steam methods, and each of them is ergonomic in its own way. I bring to your attention, in a non-specialized way, all the cheap methods.

Credit / debit plastic card

In my opinion, the most ergonomic method. AT personal account you link your mother’s plastic card to your own account, and don’t worry about anything, except for the presence of money in the account. Subscription fee will be debited by itself at the end of each prepaid month.

No worries, no hassle. The card can be both credit and debit (cumulative), there is no difference. Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and American Express cards are accepted for payment.

The rest of the cards - and by and large do they exist? - not supported, but it does not matter, due to the fact that banks issue, in most cases, Visa and MasterCard. At least in Russian Federation, in the United States also has the movement mentioned American Express.

Virtual Visa Card

Yes, yes, one of those that are sold in batches on one resource known among fans of digital goods. You have the opportunity to order a virtual Visa of any denomination from one of the hucksters from, of course, try your luck with Qiwi's virtual plastic. Personally, I did not like the service of these entrepreneurs - I'm talking about Kiwi - at one time.

I needed to easily put money on WebMoney, but the terminal forcibly suggested that I register an account in that place, link my mobile phone number to it and “everything will be very comfortable!”. And later I pinched the amount on the account of the created account, which I put into the terminal and did not want to withdraw it either to webmoney or to mobile. So my personal conclusion is to line them. Despite the fact that the experience of application, obviously, everyone is different.

If it exists.

Prepaid timecards (60 days)

A good and ergonomic method of paying for your own account. It is possible to buy a timecard for both real and electronic money. Well, real timecards can get in trouble if you don't live in a big city, or if you live but are too lazy to get off your chair. Under such conditions, the way out will be to purchase a scan of this very time card. For electronic money, in most cases.

The difference is negligible, you just don't have to go anywhere and you don't get a nice box with a digital code on a cardboard card. Merchandise lovers love these boxes.


Another very popular account payment method in the Russian Federation. There is nothing simpler: put the amount through the terminal to your own wallet in the aggregate of webmoney, come to your place and pay for the game. From time to time, in addition, you won’t have to go anywhere, provided that you replenish webmoney from a plastic card through online banking.

But why then is webmoney. It should be emphasized that the replenishment of the account through the terminal and the subsequent payment of the account will cut you off at the initial stage from 2 to 10% of the deposited amount, of course 0.8% at the stage of paying for the account. It's internal working group Webmoney for every transfer operation.

Officially more ways no. In the United States, I think PayPal and other systems are still cheap, despite the fact that I can’t say anything due to the lack of an American WoW account. But, it is possible to pay for the game in a couple more ways, but for this you need to apply some hardening.

Safety is paramount. addons for wow. items.

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Everyone knows that Blizzard does not allow paying for an account directly from a Yandex.Money account. But, there is a small loophole that will allow everyone who prefers this payment system to give their own electric rubles in exchange for playing time.

In order to pay for WoW through Yandex, you need to order their plastic card. Its maintenance and release is free of charge during the entire period of application, and you only need to pay 99 rubles. for card delivery. Personally, the card came to me in 8-10 days from Moscow to Barnaul.

The main advantage of the card for us is its “relinking” with an account in Yandex.Money. This means that at the time when you replenish your own Yandex account, the amount is automatically made cheap on the card. How can this be used for domestic purposes? Very easy. You have your own Yandex account, link these plastic cards that came to you by mail to your WoW account... And that's it.

See point one, the subscription fee is removed immediately, when it is necessary, your Yandex account is promptly.

Gold payment

But what to do if you are an in-game multimillionaire with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of gold on your guildbank receipts? Obviously, an idea may come to mind - why not pay for your favorite game with this most ringing gold? And this is a completely feasible idea.

I just want to prevent you: it's probably scary.

Authenticator - Forums - Diablo III -

29 Sep 2011 . Most likely he will work, but why do I need some kind of pet from WoW,

but at a time when I did not play it and do not plan to. not very comfortable anytime

it goes without saying to stick it in, but safety is paramount. #eighteen.

Blizzard is not in vain to stop the gold trade and do not allow you to pay gold for WoW, on the contrary, they are trying to take it out of the game as possible large quantity in-game currency, such as the Dark Market in Pandaria. What is the risk of paying WoW with gold? Loss of an account.

And it doesn't matter what method: through a goldseller who was a scammer or through the long hands of Blizzard's banhammer owners.

Always remember that you should not take risks, and that any merchant can be a scammer who wants to touch your cute shaman draenei with his own unclean hands. Touch and resell while you, cursing, try to get your account back.

Paying with Wallet

Some time ago, Blizzard added a new feature to a wallet. Until then, it is not used to its full potential, but with the introduction of the real money auction (RMAH) in Diablo III, the wallet should reveal its potential. After you successfully sell a dozen or two things from Diablo, you may have enough money saved up to pay for WoW game time or buy yourself two past Diablos or every other Blizzard game.

No one doubts that the local rich will appear in the army of fans of Metelitsa games due to PMAX - and everyone has a chance to become so rich, you just need to know what to sell at the Diablo III auction.

I think that this feature has a great future, especially it will show itself at a time when it will be possible to take goods from the BlizzStore for money from the wallet.


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to pay for WoW or purchase a timecard for a comfortable use of the service. It is easy to remember that security is above all and do not apply for payment services to unverified and highly questionable individuals. And services.

And by and large, it's better to pay for WoW yourself, but you will be calmer.

This token is a very interesting little thing. For some players, such a thing allows you to pay for a WoW subscription in gold. Other players, completely officially and super-legally, can buy gold without fear of any bans.

How much does a wow token cost

The price of the token for paying for World of Warcraft on ru-european servers:
from 219.000 to 232.000 gold.

WoW Token is useful both for those players who buy gold for real, and for those who do not want to spend real money on a WoW subscription.

Payment for playing time

The WoW Token adds 30 days of game time. Bought for gold at the auction in the game.

To farm this amount is actually not difficult. It will take 15-20 hours. To do this, you just need to be patient and know.

You can immediately farm all the necessary gold for a coin, or you can farm for a maximum of half an hour a day for thirty days, or even 15 minutes a day.

Buying gold with a token

To get gold in World of Warcraft, you need to buy a WoW Token for real money in your battlenet account. It costs like 1 month subscription. After that, you will need to go into the game and put the purchased token up for auction. You cannot set your own price, as the price is set automatically.

Everything is done absolutely officially through Blizzard.

Those days have come again. Many are waiting for them with a shudder, although for others they pass unnoticed. And how this time passes depends only on you. Time to pay for WoW.

How do players pay for their favorite online drug? There are several ways, and each of them is convenient in its own way. I bring to your attention, in general, all available ways.

Credit / debit plastic card

In my opinion, the most convenient way. In your personal account, you link your mother's plastic card to your account, and do not care about anything except the availability of money in the account. The subscription fee will be charged by itself at the end of each prepaid month. No worries, no hassle. The card can be both credit and debit (cumulative), there is no difference. Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and American Express cards are accepted for payment. The rest of the cards - do they even exist? - are not supported, but it does not matter, because banks usually issue Visa and MasterCard. At least in Russia, in the USA, the mentioned American Express also has a course.

Virtual Visa Card

Yes, yes, one of those that are sold in packs on a resource well-known among lovers of digital goods. You can order a virtual Visa of any denomination from one of the hucksters from, as well as try your luck with Qiwi's virtual plastic. Personally, I did not like the service of these businessmen - I'm talking about Qiwi - at one time. I just needed to put money on WebMoney, but the terminal forcibly offered me to register an account there, link my mobile phone number to it and “everything will be very convenient!”. And then I pressed the amount on the account of the created account, which I put into the terminal and did not want to withdraw it either to webmoney or to mobile. So my personal opinion is to hell with them. Although the experience of using, of course, is different for everyone. If he is.

Prepaid timecards (60 days)

An excellent and convenient way to pay for your account. Timecard can be purchased for both real and electronic money. Well, real timecards can be a problem if you don't live in a major city, or if you do, but are too lazy to get off your chair. In this case, the way out will be to buy a scan of this very time card. For electronic money, as a rule. The difference is insignificant, you just don't have to go anywhere and you don't get a nice box with a digital code on a cardboard card inside. Merchandise lovers love these boxes.


Another very popular way to pay for an account in Russia. There is nothing easier: put the amount through the terminal to your wallet in the WebMoney system, come home and pay for the game. Sometimes you don’t even have to go anywhere, provided that you replenish webmoney from a plastic card through online banking. But then why is webmoney here? .. It is worth noting that replenishment of the account through the terminal and the subsequent payment of the account will cut you off at the first stage from 2 to 10% of the deposited amount, as well as 0.8% at the stage of account payment. This is an internal Webmoney commission for any transfer operations.

Officially, there is no other way. In the US, it seems that PayPal and other systems are also available, although I can’t say anything due to the lack of an American WoW account. However, the game can be paid for with a couple more methods, but this will require some effort.


Everyone knows that Blizzard does not allow you to pay for an account directly from your Yandex.Money account. However, there is a small loophole that will allow anyone who prefers this payment system, to give their hard-earned electric rubles in exchange for playing time.

To pay for WoW through Yandex, you need to order their plastic card. Its release and maintenance is free for the entire period of use, and you only have to pay 99 rubles. for card delivery. Personally, the card came to me in 8-10 days from Moscow to Barnaul.

The main advantage of the card for us is its “relinking” with an account in Yandex.Money. This means that when you top up your Yandex account, the amount automatically becomes available on the card. How can we use this for our purposes? Very simple. You simply replenish your Yandex account, link the data of the plastic card that came to you by mail to your WoW account... And that's it. See point one, the subscription fee is charged immediately, as soon as it becomes necessary, just replenish your Yandex account on time.

Gold payment

But what to do if you are an in-game multimillionaire with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of gold in the guildbank accounts? Of course, the thought may come to mind - why not pay for your favorite game with this very ringing gold? And this is a perfectly feasible idea. I just want to warn you: it can be dangerous.

Blizzard is not in vain to stop gold trading and not allow you to pay with gold for WoW, on the contrary, they are trying to remove as much in-game currency from the game as possible, introducing, for example, the Black Market in Pandaria. What can be fraught with the payment of WoW gold? Loss of an account. And it doesn't matter which way: through a goldseller who turned out to be a scammer or through the long hands of Blizzard's banhammer owners.

Always remember that it's not worth the risk, and that any merchant can be a scammer who wants to touch your cute shaman draenei with his dirty hands. Touch and resell while you curse and try to recover your account.

Paying with Wallet

Some time ago, Blizzard added a new feature to a wallet. While it is not used to the full, but with the introduction of the auction real money(RMAH) in Diablo III, the wallet must reach its potential. After you've successfully sold a dozen or two Diablo items, you might have enough cash to pay for WoW playtime or buy yourself two previous Diablos or any other Blizzard games. No one doubts that due to PMAX, local rich people will appear in the army of fans of Metelitsa games - and everyone has a chance to become so rich, you just need to know what to sell at the Diablo III auction.

I think this feature has a great future, especially when it will be possible to buy goods in the BlizzStore with money from the wallet.


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to pay for WoW or buy a timecard for comfortable use of the service. Just remember that security is above all and do not apply for payment services to unverified and dubious personalities. And services. And in general, it is better to pay for WoW yourself, you will be calmer.

Not only is the world of Warcraft subject to constant change, the cost of a subscription is also undergoing annual changes. Any information about that needs to be updated with the release of each add-on, since the rise in price of the latter is more often due to the exchange rate, and they have recently not been very stable for residents of Ukraine and Russia.

Of course, the most efficient method of paying for game time, which you once and for all chose two years ago, may no longer be as profitable as before. Let's figure out how and what is the best way to pay for WOW.

Ways to pay for playing time in WOW

In total, we have three payment methods at our disposal: subscription, purchase of game time without a subscription and a time card. At the same time, the first two payment methods are made through the official website of the game, while you can buy a time card only on a third-party Internet resource or in a disc store.

As you can see, paying for time monthly is extremely unprofitable. In general, you can say this, pay - as you want, if only not monthly. Cheaper by 50-100 rubles will pay immediately for several months. However, the discount was made for a reason, but more on that later.

The prices are the same for a subscription (placement of an order for automatic withdrawal of money from your card) and purchase of game time through a special page, so you do not have to be torn between the desire to save money and the unwillingness to share your banking data with strangers. Just replenish the game time after it expires.

How many months to pay at a time?

An equally important question. And the best option here is the timecard. Agree, not every person can be confident in the future, and it is extremely problematic to guess this three months in advance. Also, if you've just started playing World of Warcraft or feel like you're losing interest in the game, don't chase the price and pay 6 months in advance right away. In fact, it often happens that even one out of two months can be lost, but this is the least risk and with a benefit, even more than when paying for three months through the official website.

But here the following question arises: “Where is it better to buy a timecard? After all, this is a risk, and the prices for them are different.”

AT this moment one of the most advantageous offers provides the site (999 rubles for 60 days). But, I recommend that you make purchases either from trusted sellers, by you or your friends, or at trading floors, and at the moment we do not have so many of them - and So you will minimize the risks and get game time, although not at the best price, but you will be sure that you will not lose a single month of it.

However, if you are absolutely sure that in 5 months you will still be playing World of Warcraft, then you can safely pay for it for half a year. Since the money saved will already pay you back for the month that has fallen.

A pre-Battle for Azeroth update has been released. In it, players will find a number of changes related to the availability of various additions to World of Warcraft. Starting today, new players will receive all World of Warcraft expansions up to and including Legion by simply paying for a subscription - you no longer need to purchase the game itself. In addition, all players who have already paid for a subscription received free updated version World of Warcraft, including Legion.

Starting today, new subscribers will also be able to purchase the remastered edition of World of Warcraft: complete collection, which includes all 7 expansions, including the Battle for Azeroth Digital Pre-Order Edition, 30 days of game time*, and the Character Level 110 Boost.

Battle for Azeroth™ - When the battle starts in your region

You should mark August 14 in your calendar! For the first time in World of Warcraft® history, a new expansion, Battle for Azeroth, will be released simultaneously in the Americas, Europe, Taiwan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Wherever you live and whatever faction you fight for, you can join the battle for Azeroth with other players around the world. A detailed release schedule can be found.

Defenders of the Alliance and Horde, it's time to prepare for war!

*30 days of in-game time will only be given to new subscribers.

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