Correct layout of tables. Registration and defense of research work

In the old days, a table was a special board for recording information or numbers. It was drawn with lines called counts or counts. Later, the space between two lines was called graphs.

Now tables are actively used for visual and systematic presentation of information in documents.

By the nature of the design with rulers / borders, tables are closed, half-closed and open. In addition, the separator lines in the table can be replaced by spaces, such tables are called outputs. The conclusion can be included in the text as a continuation of the phrase or its ending (Example 1). In this case, you can use the tab stop to place text in columns in MS Word.

Example 1

Collapse Show

Name of table elements shown in Example 2. It consists of headings, head, sidebar and prografka. Anything below the head is called the tail of the table. The tail, in turn, is divided into a lateral and prografka. The sidebar, like the head, is more of a head part (see the gray fill in Examples 2 and 12). But in the prograph they place the information for which the table was compiled. Before typing it, you need to carefully consider the structure of the head and sidewall in order to optimally systematize the information presented by the table.

And two more definitions that will help us in the future:

  • table column- a series of data located vertically;
  • table row- horizontally.

All these definitions are given in GOST R 7.32-2001 “SIBID. Research report. Structure and rules of registration.

Example 2

The structure of the table with the names of its elements (the head of the table is highlighted in gray, which is colloquially called the “header”)

Collapse Show

table starts from numbered heading. It consists of the word "Table" and a serial number, while the sign number is not put. Usually the numbered heading is typed in italics and placed at the right edge.

Even if one table appears in the document, it should still be numbered: "Table 1".

Thematic heading the table that defines its content is centered, you can highlight it in bold. Less commonly used is writing only in capital letters, because. such text is less “readable”, this is acceptable only for very short headings.

A period is not placed at the end of either numbering or thematic headings. Both headers are above the table. But a table without headings is also quite possible (for example, if the title of a document or part of it completely defines the content of a single table). In addition, if you want to make the document as compact as possible, then you can combine the numbering and thematic headings in one line, then a period and a space are placed between them. Compare Examples 3 and 4.

Example 3

Collapse Show

Example 4

Collapse Show

If the table is large (in height) and does not fit on one page, then on the next it is customary to indicate this, which will allow the reader of the document to quickly navigate in it. Word table at the same time, you can write in the title (and when linking in the text) both in full and in abbreviated form: "table. 5", the main thing is to maintain uniformity throughout the document.

On subsequent pages, you can repeat the head of the table completely with all the headings of the columns, or you can only give the numbers of the columns (which is less convenient for the reader, but saves space with a large "head") - compare Examples 5 and 6.

Example 5

Collapse Show

Example 6

Collapse Show

If the table does not fit in width, then first try to reduce the font size and indents on the left and right of the text to the borders of the cells. If this does not help (after all, the text in it should remain readable), then part of the table will have to be moved, i.e. its left side will go separately from the right. You can divide the table not only into two parts, but also more (how to do this is shown in Example 12). The headings to the table will help you navigate, the numbering of the columns that highlight the outer border of the line, you can also repeat the sidebar in each part of the table.

You can number not only columns, but also lines. It will help later make text address links to specific table cells, For example: "( see indications in line 5 column 4)". To do this, the number is usually included in the content of the sidebar (Example 7). If it is not a simple list of equal elements (for example, 1, 2, 3, etc.), but a complex multi-tiered one (for example, paragraph 1 includes subparagraphs "a" and "b" and only then follows paragraph 2), then the standard rules for numbering multilevel lists are applied to the numbering of the sidebar.

If at the same time the item has summary information in the prograph, summarizing the data of all its sub-items, then for such an item it is worth highlighting a separate row in the table. IN otherwise in a sidebar in a single cell, you can combine this item with its first sub-item.

But not every table has a sidebar with row headers.

In the headings, the graph first comes with a verbal definition, then after the comma - the designation of the used units(for example, “sq. m.”, “%”, “°С”, “rubles” or “thousand rubles”, etc.), which allows you to avoid repeating the indication of the unit of measurement in each cell of the table content ( Example 7). You can also include in the column heading existing restrictions(for example, “from ... to ...”, “no more than ...”, “no less than ...”, etc., see the last column of the table in Example 7).

The headings of the column and the sidebar are put in the nominative case, they begin with a capital letter, and a dot is not put at the end (as in Example 7). But if the table head is multi-tiered and the headings of the lower tiers are subordinate to the upper ones, then (Example 8):

  • from the 2nd tier and below, a lowercase letter is allowed at the beginning of the heading of the column,
  • and the wording of the lower tiers in the "header" of the table can be consistent with the higher ones.

Example 8

Collapse Show

To visually highlight the “header” of the table, you can apply a fill (see two options in Examples 2 and 12), bold font is rarely used for this. Centering in height and width looks nice.

Now let's get started to the rules for filling in the prograph - the so-called "content" of the table. Just like in other cells of the table, dots at the end are here not put. But inside the cell text, punctuation marks are placed according to modern punctuation rules.

Cell text can start with a small letter if it is a snippet. If this is a full sentence or several sentences, then it is worth starting with a capital letter. If some cells are filled with short phrases, and some with sentences, then it is better to start all cells of the prograph with a capital letter.

Some difficulty is number arrangement rules. Numerical values ​​of the same value are best arranged so that units are under units, tens under tens, hundreds under hundreds, etc. (Example 9). To do this, it is convenient to align the contents of the cells to the right, in addition, you can set the indent to the right.

If indicators of unequal values ​​are collected in one column, then they are simply centered (Example 10).

How to arrange a table according to the guest? The table is an important tool for carrying out scientific research. By means of tables, it is possible to systematize and structure all the data obtained in the thesis.

The table is an important tool for scientific research. By means of tables, it is possible to systematize and structure all the data obtained during the study. It is important to note that when visually viewing the graduation project, first of all, attention is drawn to the tabular material. That is why it is worth taking the design of tables seriously.

Many modern educational establishments have their own methodology for preparing diploma papers and other similar scientific works. Design aids can be obtained from the academic department or from the supervisor. However, if you don’t know about them, or they don’t exist at all, when writing thesis you can always be guided by existing state standards, in particular GOST 7.32-2001.

Mandatory conditions for the design of tabular material in accordance with GOST:

1st condition- The table should not exist separately, there should always be a binding to the text. In the text it is necessary to insert appropriate references to the tabular material (see table 7). If tabular material is located directly in the text, it should immediately follow the end of the paragraph where there is a corresponding link. It is not recommended to break the table, it is better to place a table that does not fit on a new sheet.

2nd condition– It is necessary to assign a title and a serial number to each article. Any numbering of tables is allowed only in Arabic numerals. Separate the following types of numbering:

  • Sequential numbering of all tabular material (Table 1, Table 2, etc.);
  • Numbering of tabular material according to the relevant sections, where two digits are indicated, the number of the section to which the table belongs and the number of the table itself (Table 1.2, Table 1.3, etc.).

If your scientific work involves large amounts of tabular material, it is better to choose the second type of table numbering. If you use tabular material as an attachment to a project, you must provide information about the corresponding application.

The title of the table should clearly reflect the essence of the information given in the table, as well as be concise and short (from 2 to 5 words). It is not recommended to use long and bulky headings.

3rd condition- It is important to correctly position and format the number and title of each table. The abbreviation of the word Table is unacceptable, it is always written in full, and a dot is not put down after the serial number. For correct display electronic version text on paper, use in text editor right alignment.

The table heading is placed without indenting a paragraph directly above the table itself. The title is written starting with a capital letter, and the font size and font size are the same as in the rest of the work.

An example of writing a table header:

Table 7

Sample Table Header

4th condition– Placement of material inside the table should have an aesthetic and competent appearance. Headings and subheadings should be as concise and informative as possible. Headings in the table are written with a capital letter, in contrast to them, subheadings are drawn up with a lowercase letter. Column names and headings are always written in the singular and do not end with a dot.

It is generally accepted that headings and subheadings are arranged horizontally in tables, however, depending on the position, vertical arrangement can also be used, but only in extreme cases.

5th condition- The tables used should harmoniously fit into the text content of the graduation project. For example, if the table used is large and does not fit on one sheet, you can assign a serial number for each column, so you will facilitate navigation. Columns are numbered in the second line with Arabic numerals.

Column numbering example:

Business name Quantitative indicators Qualitative indicators
1 2 3

If there is a need to transfer the table to the next page, then you no longer have to duplicate the heading of the corresponding table column, it is enough to number them. It is important that a paragraph or section cannot end with tabular material. Each table should be followed by a textual conclusion or summary of the information presented in the table.

6th condition- the internal content of the table should have a harmonious and structured look. There are several effective methods to ensure this. Make sure that all horizontal cells are single-line, and set the size of the cells taking into account the text content. Individual column headings can be placed in the middle, while inline headings are best aligned to the left. If the table contains numbers, it is better to center the alignment.

And most importantly, after finishing work on the table, carefully study the received materials, and if possible, print it out and see how it will look on paper. Do not forget that a beautifully and well-designed project is already half the way to success.

The name of the table, with its name, should reflect its content, be accurate, concise. The name of the table should be placed above the table on the left, without paragraph indent in one line with its number separated by a dash (hyphen).

The table should be placed immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals through numbering.

It is allowed to number the tables within the section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the table, separated by a dot, for example, Table 4.2.

The tables of each application are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the application designation before the number.

If there is only one table in the note, then it should be indicated "Table 1" or "Table B.1" if it is given in Annex B.

table with big amount lines can be transferred to another sheet (page). When transferring a part of a table to another sheet (page), the word "Table" its number and name are indicated once to the left above the first part of the table, the word "Continuation" is written above the other parts and the number of the table is indicated, for example: "Continuation of table 1". When transferring a table to another sheet (page), the heading is placed only above its first part.

If at the end of the page the table is interrupted and its continuation will be on the next page, in the first part of the table the lower horizontal line bounding table is not carried out.

A table with a large number of columns can be divided into parts and placed one part under the other within one page. If the rows of the table column go beyond the page format, then in the first case, the head is repeated in each part of the table, in the second case, the sidebar.

When dividing a table into parts, it is allowed to replace its head or head with the number of columns and lines. In this case, the columns and (or) rows of the first part of the table are numbered with Arabic numerals.

If the text repeated in different rows of the column of the table consists of one word, then after the first writing it is allowed to replace it with quotes; if from two or more words, then at the first repetition it is replaced by the words "The same", and then - quotes. It is not allowed to put quotation marks instead of repeated numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols. If numerical or other data in any line of the table is not given, then a dash is put in it.

Digital material is usually presented in the form of tables.

An example of table design is shown in Figure 3.1.

Table ______ - ___________________

number hyphen table name

Figure 3.1 - An example of table design

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the columns should be written with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with the heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. Do not put dots at the end of headings and subheadings of tables.

Tables on the left, right and bottom, as a rule, are limited by lines. It is allowed to use the font size in the table less than in the text.

Separate sidebar headings and subheadings and columns diagonal lines not allowed.

Horizontal and vertical lines, delimiting the rows of the table, it is allowed not to carry out if their absence does not complicate the use of the table.

Column headings, as a rule, are written parallel to the rows of the table. If necessary, a perpendicular arrangement of column headings is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table. Registration in accordance with GOST 7.32 - 2001.

The results of the statistical summary and grouping of material for economic specialties are usually given in the form of statistical tables.

The main requirement for the table is the presentation of the material being studied in a convenient form that is visible to the reader. One of the features of the tabular presentation of statistical material is that the indicators characterized in the table can be combined under a single common heading.

Components of a table. Most statistical tables can be represented as a diagram (figure 3.2).

Table formatting.

The main requirement for tables is visibility and clarity, which is achieved by a carefully designed system of indicators, their logical placement, and beautiful design.

Each statistical table should have a general heading, which should reflect the content of the table, be concise and expressive:

The headings cite data sources as appropriate (eg from survey, census, etc.);

Unit of measurement (if it is the same for all indicators).

If the table is an organic part of the text, from which its content is clear, and it fits well into it (as a rule, these are small, compact tables), then the heading can be omitted.

All lines and columns must be clearly titled, if they are sufficient in large numbers they are denoted by letters and numbers. All words in the headings of the subject and predicate of the tables must be written in full or with generally accepted abbreviations.

Column totals are placed either above the rows of terms, when some part of the population is allocated, or below the rows of terms, when the entire population is summed up. And if the results are meaningless, they, of course, are not given, and the cell is blocked.

An example of a table layout on several sheets of an explanatory note is shown in Figure 3.3.

Additional information on the design of tables.

The significance of numbers in tables should be minimal. For example, instead of 3487231, it is better to write 3.49 million or 3.5 million. Rounding in the tables should be uniform, i.e. or up to tenths, or hundredths, or thousandths, inconsistency is not allowed. In this case, the following characters are ignored. So, when rounded to tenths, the value 0.0345 will be written as 0.0, and the value 0.1535 as 0.2. If the indicator is absent, then a dash is put in the corresponding column.

If there is no information about the indicator, then an ellipsis is put down or "no information" is written.

If there is an indicator, but its size is below the minimum record according to the accepted rounding system, then zeros are put down.

In the case when the intersection of a line and a column has no meaningful content, then the cell is blocked (crossed out).

A few more notes on the design of tables.

The statistical table will be irreproachable if it is provided with notes that indicate:

Sources of statistical data;

Methods of statistical observation;

Complete or incomplete, direct or indirect, primary or calculated data;

Methods and procedure for calculating indicators.

Tables should be placed in the text after paragraphs containing a link to them. It is allowed to print tables on the next page after the link. The horizontal and vertical columns in the table must be typed or drawn.

Numbers with more than four digits in the tables must be divided by one-digit intervals into classes of three digits each.

Numbering of tables is allowed both end-to-end and within sections.

Quite often, when writing term papers and graduation theses, students make many mistakes in such a difficult matter as the design of tables in accordance with GOST (2017 requirements are no less stringent than in the past). Therefore, one must be vigilant and anticipate possible inaccuracies, because the assessment depends on their number. In this article, we look at how to correctly draw up this important detail of the work. If you do not have the time or desire to deal with this difficult task on your own, our experienced authors will cope with it quickly and accurately - according to GOST!

Table design in accordance with GOST 2017 - numbering and font

Each table in the work should be accompanied by appropriate references in the main text (Example: see Table 3). It is located immediately after the text fragment where it is first mentioned. Must have a number. Tables are consecutively numbered throughout the work or within section boundaries; if tables are numbered within a section, they have a double digit separated by a dot. Example: Table 2.1 (second section, first table).

The font used for tables is Times New Roman. For titles - size 14, for the "internal content" of tables - size 12, line spacing- single. Each table takes up space across the width of the window.

Application tables have a separate numbering, including the letter of the application name and the table serial number (Arabic numeral). Example: Table A.3

As you may have noticed from the examples, the word "Table" is given without abbreviations, with capital letter. Each table, in addition, must have its own name without fail.

Design of tables in accordance with GOST 2017 - name

The "table" name includes the following required elements:

  • the word "Table";
  • required sequence number;
  • followed by a separating dash and the name itself.

Where is all this good to be located? Above the table itself, on the left side, paragraph indentation does not need to be observed. All are placed in one line, at the end without a dot (!). Example:

Table 2 - Name

What is considered an error?

It is unacceptable when drawing up tables in accordance with GOST 2017:

  • replace repeating elements of the table with quotation marks or similar characters;
  • disregard the absence of any data (in this case, there should be a dash (the “dash” symbol), and not a void);
  • leave the title at the end of the previous page, and transfer the table to the next. The table can be transferred, leaving the first 2-3 lines of the table itself with the title on one page and the continuation of the table (already without a title) is transferred to the next. In this case, the beginning of the table with the name is not limited to the bottom horizontal line. Above the transferred part of the table, they write on the left side without paragraph indentation: “Continuation of the table” indicating the table number. Example:

Table 3 continued

  • Headings should not be written exclusively in lowercase letters. The names of table columns and rows are written with a capital letter, using the singular form; subheadings - in lowercase letters (if they continue the title in meaning) or with capital letters (if it is an independent semantic component). There are no dots at the end. Column names can be placed both vertically and horizontally;
  • the table should not be without a grid. Rows with data may not be delimited by lines, but the main part of the table (header with names) should be delimited by lines;
  • use a borrowed table without reference to the source. Under the table from the paragraph, it should be indicated where the data was taken from. Example:

While working with MS Word documents, it may be necessary not only to type text, but also to insert a picture, make a table, diagram or graph in Word. On our site you can find detailed articles on how to make a table in Word, and how to build a graph in Word. We also wrote about how to merge or split a table in Word.

In this article, we will again touch on this topic. Suppose you have a table in your document that does not fit on one sheet, but occupies two, three or more sheets. According to the design rules and requirements written in GOST, on the second sheet and all subsequent ones, at the top you need to write: "Table continuation…".

Therefore, let's figure out how to insert the inscription Continuation of the table in the Word. I will show you two ways in which this can be done. I have Word 2010 installed, all recommendations will work if you use Word 2007, 2013 or 2016. If you have Word 2003 installed, then everything is done in the same way, only the name of the items and their location may differ slightly.

To begin with, I advise you to turn on the display of non-printable characters, so that it is clear where the break will be added and where the line ending is. If you are not used to using them, then after you make the desired inscription, these signs can be turned off.

To do this, on the "Home" tab in the "Paragraph" group, click the button "Show all characters". After that, in the document, you can see the signs of the beginning / end of a paragraph, spaces, markers for filling the cell with text, and so on.

We sign the continuation of the table: 1 way

Open the desired document and scroll through it to the page where the desired table is located.

Then, on the top sheet, place the cursor at the end of the text in the last right cell and press "Ctrl + Enter".

A page break will be added and it will be divided into 2 parts. Place the cursor after the phrase that appears, near the black vertical marker, and type the desired text.

The added text will automatically be transferred to the second sheet, and the required inscription will be exactly above the line that begins on the second page.

This method is best used if each new data takes one or two lines. If you have one line in the table divided into several cells, and each has a lot of text that occupies not 1, but 5-6 lines, then use the second method.

We make an inscription above the table: 2 way

Now let's consider this option: you have a large table in the document and a lot of text is written in the cells, as in the example. If you just use the first method, then after inserting a break, the last line will automatically be transferred to the second sheet. As a result, there will be a lot of empty space on the first sheet, and this cannot be done, especially in official documents that are drawn up in accordance with GOST.

Click at the end of the text in the lower right cell. Then go to the tab "Working with tables"- "Layout" and in the group "Rows and Columns" click on the button "Insert from below".

Another row will be added to the table. Select it completely by clicking on the left field with the mouse in front of it once. Then on the tab "Home" in the field for the font, type the number "2" - this is the font size, and press "Enter".

The line from the second sheet will move to the end of the first. Click on the lower right cell (the blinking stick will be almost invisible, since the font size is "2" there) and press "Ctrl + Enter".

After that, the table will break into 2 parts. Place the cursor after the phrase that appears where the vertical black stick stands - the end of the paragraph, and type the desired text.

As a result, what we need will be written on the second sheet. Now we need to remove the extra line. Select it and press "Ctrl + X".

This is how it turned out to do everything without transferring the last cells with data from the first sheet to the second.

I hope everything worked out for you, and now you can write the phrase Continuation of the table in just a couple of minutes.

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