Science Library. Scientific library Doing practical work

Sections: Computer science

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce the capabilities of a text editor when creating a document.
  2. Development of cognitive interest and creative activity of students.
  3. Monitor the level of students’ assimilation of program material.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Educational– development of cognitive interest, logical thinking, awareness of one’s importance in the educational process.
  2. Educational– introduce students to various possibilities for formatting a text document in text editor Microsoft Word(For example).
  3. Developmental– development of skills and abilities to work with the Microsoft Word text editor.

Equipment: a computer class equipped with licensed technology and licensed equipment. Computers must have Microsoft Office 2000 and above. Presentation created in PowerPoint ( Annex 1).

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Updating knowledge.
  3. Explanation of new material.
  4. Consolidation of the studied material (Practical work ( Appendix 2)).
  5. Summing up the lesson.
  6. Grading.
  7. Homework assignment.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

2. Updating knowledge.


In today's lesson, using the Microsoft Word text editor, we will learn not just to type text, but to take advantage of the rich capabilities of this program to make a Document beautiful and attractive. For example, here is a gift calendar.

What features of the Microsoft Word text editor were used to create this CALENDAR?

Student answers: ...

But before we start getting acquainted with these possibilities, let's remember the material from the lesson and solve the crossword puzzle ( Appendix 3).

(Divide students into 2 options. The first option answers the questions vertically, the second option – horizontally. Working time is 5 minutes. Then the options are changed sheets and the answers are checked with the answers that are displayed on the screen and grades are assigned)

3. Explanation of new material.

So what are these possibilities? Let's start in order.

Page design

Each page of the calendar is decorated with a frame. To do this you need to use the following command Format→Borders and Fill… Borders and shading... In the window that opens Borders and fill select tab Page. On this tab, select the picture you like to design the document. Then you need to press the button OK and the selected design will be inserted into the document.

Inserting curly text

To present text in a more attractive form for document design, the built-in function is used WordArt, designed specifically for creating curly text. To run this function use the command Insert→Drawing→WordArt or use the special button on the panel Drawing. In the window that opens WordArt you can choose the one you like or the one more suitable for you of this document type of curly text, select it and click on the button OK. In the window that opens, enter required text and press the button OK. Once an object is embedded in a Document, it can be edited using panel elements WordArt.

Changing font settings

To change font parameters you need to use the command Format→Font. After which a window will open Font, in which you can select the desired font size, type, and style (italics, bold, underlined) or use the panel Formatting.


Sometimes there are times when you need to structure some data in a text document; a built-in function is used for this Lists. In this editor, you can create numbered lists (each next paragraph will be numbered with another number, and all the text will be shifted to the right) or bulleted lists (each next paragraph will be marked with some symbol, and the text will also be shifted to the right). To create a list, you need to select the desired paragraph or place the cursor in the place where the list will begin. Then call the command Format→List or by clicking the right mouse button, select List. This command will bring up the List dialog box.

To create a list with symbols (markers), you need to select the tab Marked, select the symbol you like. If this is not the case, then you can use the button Change …

To create numbered lists you need to use the insert Numbered dialog box List. In order to create your own numbering option, you must also click the button Change …

To create a list from a hierarchical list, use the tab Multi-level in the dialog box List.

Inserting a graphic created in graphic editor or obtained using a scanner or camera

Objects created in a graphic editor or obtained using a scanner or camera are stored as graphic files in folder My Documents or a folder specially created for this purpose. To include one of them in a text document, you need to use the command Insert→Drawing→From File. A window will open in which you need to select the picture you like or a more suitable one for this document, select it (the file should be highlighted in a different color), then you need to click the button Insert and the picture will fit into the insertion location.

Using the Image Adjustment panel you can:

  1. Change the brightness and contrast of the picture;
  2. Trim unnecessary elements;
  3. Rotate the drawing by a certain angle;
  4. Compress the drawing;
  5. Make the drawing with streamlined text;
  6. Set the outline of the drawing;
  7. Restore the original drawing parameters.

After inserting the picture into a text document, it will be framed with a black frame with squares. If you point at one of the squares, a double-sided arrow will appear, with which you can change its size.

In order for the drawing not only to be placed in Right place document, but also to make it wrap around text, it needs to be set to the desired wrapping parameter: along the contour, behind the text, and so on. After setting these parameters, the drawing can be moved as required by the design of this document, and the text will smoothly flow around the given drawing. To move it, you need to move the mouse pointer over the picture so that it looks like a cross, after which you can click on the left mouse button to move it.

To create a background image, you can use the right mouse button and select Figure format, a window will open in which go to the tab Drawing. In chapter Image opposite the window Color, in which it stands Auto, click on the inverted triangle and select Substrate.

Creating and formatting a table

To create a table, you can use the button on the toolbar, or the command Table →Insert Table or draw a table using the button, which is also located on the toolbar.

In the first case, a picture will appear in which you need to select the required number of rows and columns and click on them with the left mouse button.

In the second case, a dialog box will open in which you can set not only the number of rows and columns, but also specify the width of the columns (by the width of the window, constant or by content), and you can also set the table style (design).

In the third case, the table is depicted using a “pencil” and an “eraser”.

Filling table cells is done in the usual way.

Formatting a table

Formatting a table means resizing cells, inserting and deleting table rows and columns, merging and splitting cells. You can change the width of columns and rows using the separator between them, by first selecting the desired rows or columns, or using the submenu Table→AutoFormat, or submenu Table→Height and width of cells. You can merge cells by doing Table→Merge Cells.

You can decorate the table very brightly, highlighting the headings, the most important rows and columns, etc.

This can be done in the submenu Format →Borders and Fill… or using the right mouse button and the command Borders and shading...

4. Practical work.

(Before the lesson starts, place a folder on the computer desktops Files for practical work (Appendix 4 ))

Students work in groups (4 groups). Each group chooses a season (summer, autumn, spring, winter) and creates a calendar for three months. The group that completed the task first is given an additional task: to create a cover for the calendar.

5. Behavior of results.

  1. What objects can you work with in a text editor?
  2. What is the difference between a numbered list and bulleted list?
  3. How to insert a table into a text document?
  4. How to insert a frame into a document?

6. Homework assignment.

  1. At home, repeat the material studied using the lecture notes.
  2. Prepare the publication of this excerpt using the studied capabilities of a text editor ( Appendix 5)

Wish you luck! Goodbye!


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of creating, editing and formatting documents containing tables.
Tools. PC IBM PC, MS Word program.


1. Information technologies in professional activities: tutorial/ Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva. – M.: Educational and Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004.
2. Workshop on information technology in professional activities: training manual / Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva. – M.: Educational and Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004.


Exercise 1. Create a table with auto-format, calculate the sum of the column.

Operating procedure.

1. Open the Microsoft Word text editor.

2. Create a table (number of columns – 8, number of rows – 7) with auto-format, using the commands Table/ Insert/ Table(columns – 8, number of rows – 7)/ Autoformat/ Table-List1(Fig. 3.1).

Fig.1. AutoFormat Table Dialog Box

3. Design the table according to the sample (Fig. 2) and enter arbitrary data.

Fig.2. Table form to fill out

4. Place the cursor in a cell Income-Total and calculate the column sum Income using the command Table/Formula(using the formula =SUM(ABOVE) (Fig. 3.3).

Fig.3. Set a formula to calculate the sum of a column

Task 2. Create a table using tabs.

Operating procedure.

Type the table below in column form (Fig. 4) using tabs.

Fig.4. Example of table design using tabs

Before typing tabular data, place tabs certain type on a horizontal ruler.
The type of tabulator and its position on the ruler are shown below:

For the 1st column – (left aligned) 2 cm;
Left aligned tab view:

For the 2nd column – (center aligned) 7.5 cm;
View of the tab stop with center alignment:

For the 3rd column – (aligned to the separator) 10.5 cm.
View of the tabulator with delimiter alignment:

Select tabulators in the left corner of the ruler and install them on the ruler with a single mouse click (Fig. 5) or set them with the command Format/Tabulation(Fig. 6).

Fig.5. Ruler with installed tabulators

Fig.6. Setting tab stops in a window Tabulation

When typing tabular data, move along the installed tab stops using the [Tab] key.

Task 3. Create a table based on the sample using merging cells.

Operating procedure.

1. Type a table of changes in the growth of supplies of technological equipment for 2001-2005. according to the given example (Fig. 7), using the union of cells ( Table/ Merge Cells).

To align text inside table cells, use the alignment buttons on the “Tables and Borders” toolbar (Fig. 8).

2. Save the file in your group folder.

Additional tasks

Task 4. Draw up a table for analyzing the volume of production by product (Fig. 9).
Calculate the sum by columns.

Brief information.
To change the direction of text, select a group of cells and use the command Format/Text Direction.

Calculate the sum by columns using the command

Task 5. Create a table (Fig. 10) using tabulation.

Brief information.
Use tabulators of the following type:
for the 1st column – (left aligned) 1 cm;
for the 2nd column – (center aligned) 8 cm;
for the 3rd column – (aligned with the separator) 12 cm.

Task 6. Draw up a document containing a table according to the sample (Fig. 11).
Calculate the staffing level for each wage group.

Brief information.
Upper part format the document using a table (line type - no border). Calculate the sum by columns ( Table/Formula/ =SUM(ABOVE)).
Insert a date into a document using the command Insert/Date and time.

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Equipment: computer class, multimedia projector, Microsoft programs Office Word, assignments for the lesson in in electronic format archive – Addendum (see Appendix 1-4, presentation – 1).

Forms of work: visual perception, tested survey, individual on a computer.

Annotation: Lesson time 2 hours: Organizational moment - 2 minutes, Setting the plan, lesson objectives, topic. Interdisciplinary connections - 3 min, Repetition of the covered material - 11 min, Summarizing homework - 2 min, Studying new educational material - 20 min, Getting acquainted with the instructions for performing practical work - 10 min, Doing practical work - 35 min, Summing up for practical work – 4 minutes, homework – 3 minutes.

Lesson objectives:

Educational Assess preparedness for the lesson. Identify the level of knowledge gained when working with Microsoft program Word. Develop additional skills and abilities when working with Microsoft Word. Learn how to set up an interface for working with tables. Apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities. Continue studying the program in the 3rd and 4th year of study. Educational Bring to the conclusion, understanding and importance of working with tables in educational and professional activities. Assess performance. Develop independence, hard work and attentiveness. Promote the development of business qualities.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Identify the level of knowledge gained when working with Microsoft Word.
  2. Develop additional skills and abilities when working with Microsoft Word.
  3. Learn how to set up an interface for working with tables.
  4. Bring to the conclusion, understanding and importance of working with tables in educational and professional activities.
  5. Apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities.
  6. Develop independence, hard work and attentiveness. To promote the development of business qualities necessary in professional activities.

Interdisciplinary connections:

Providing: Logic, Computer Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics.

Provided: Information Technology, Information Systems, Accounting, professional activities.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment

1.1. Checking readiness for the lesson.

1.2. Marking absentees.

2. Setting the plan, lesson objectives, topic. Interdisciplinary connections.

3. Repetition of the material covered.

3.1. Joint repetition of educational material.

3.2. Taking a tested survey via text Microsoft editor Word.

4. Summarizing homework.

5. Studying new educational material.

5.1. Setting up the interface for working with tables (Tables and Borders toolbar).

5.2. Creating a table.

5.3. Adding rows and columns.

5.4. Deleting rows and columns.

5.5. Merging and splitting table cells.

5.6. Changing table boundaries.

5.7. Change the width and height of rows and columns.

5.8. Auto table format. Deleting a table.

6. Familiarization with the instructions for performing practical work (show on a multimedia projector the creation of a table for performing practical work).

7. Doing practical work.

8. Summing up the practical work(show results through a multimedia projector).

9. Homework.

Literature, eor:

  1. V.M. Uvarov, L.A. Silakova, N.E. Krasnikova. Workshop on the basics of computer science and computer technology: textbook guide for beginners prof. education. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006.
  2. E.V. Mikheeva. Workshop on information technology in professional activities. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2005.

Applications: Archive of materials for the lesson "Decor text documents containing tables" volume 479 KB (

  1. Lesson summary in .docx format
  2. Presentation (21 slides) in .pptx format
  3. Practical work in .docx format
  4. Homework in .docx format
Target: formation in students of basic concepts and skills of creating a table, converting text into a table.

The content of the work:

Most quick way add a table - select a table of the required sizes in the gridTable .

    Open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and select the required number of rows and columns of the table.

    Click and the table appears in the document.

A section will also appear.Working with tables with tabLayout , containing selection tools different colors, styles and table borders.

Other ways to add a table

When using a grid, a simple table is inserted. If you need a different result, you can use one of three ways to create a table.

To more accurately set table dimensions, open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and selectInsert table . You can then specify the exact number of rows and columns and adjust the table dimensions using the auto-fit options.

If you have text that would look better as a table, you can convert it to a table.

If your data is too complex to fit into a simple grid, you can use the table drawing tool to draw exactly the table you want.

Convert text to table

To insert a table from a collection of preformatted tables into your document, you can use table templates. Table templates contain sample data to help you evaluate how the table will look after you've added data to it.

    In the text you want to convert, insert a tab or semicolon at each place where you want to start a new column.

    Insert a paragraph mark at each place where you want to start a new line.

    Select the text.

    Open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and selectConvert to table .

    In the dialog boxConvert to table in areaDelimiter set the switch to positionTab character orSemicolon .

Drawing a table

If you need to create a table with rows and columns different sizes, you can draw it. To do this, follow the steps below.

    Click the location in the document where you want to create the table.

    Open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and selectDraw a table .

The mouse pointer will change to a pencil shape.

    To define the boundaries of the table, draw a rectangle. Then, inside this rectangle, draw column and row lines.

    To erase a line, in the sectionWorking with tables click the buttonEraser and click the line you want to erase.

Progress and order of work:

    Create tables according to the example:

INVOICE – INVOICE No. ________ FROM “___” _______________ (1)

Seller ________________________________________________(2)

Address ___________________________________________________(2a)

Seller's INN ________________________________________________(2b)

Shipper and his address ______________________________(3)

Consignee and his address________________________________(4)

To payment and settlement document No. ________ dated_____________(5)

Buyer ______________________________________________(6)

Address ___________________________________________________(6a)

Buyer's INN ________________________________________(6b)

Name of product (description of work performed, services provided)



Price (tariff) per unit of measurement

Cost of goods (works, services), total without tax

Including excise tax

Tax rate

Tax amount

Cost of goods (works, services), total including tax

Country of origin

Cargo customs declaration number

Total payable

Head of the organization: ________ Chief accountant ___________

(individual entrepreneur)

(details of the certificate of state registration individual entrepreneur)


GAVE OUT _______________________________


NOTE: The first copy is for the buyer, the second copy is for the seller.

    Enter text, converting it to a table:

First 14 25 rub. Second 15 12 rub. Third 11 3r.

Control questions:

    List ways to create tables in a text editor?

    How to merge cells in a table?

    Is it possible to delete rows (columns) in a table after it has been created?


    teach students to create and format tables in the Microsoft Word word processor.

    develop students' interest in the subject; develop students' powers of observation.
    develop aesthetic perception of the surrounding world; intensify the cognitive activity of students.
    teach how to create tables in a text document; develop practical skills in table formatting; deepen students' understanding of the practical use of the Microsoft Word word processor; contribute to the development of students’ interest in the subject “Informatics”.
Knowledge and skills:
    Know the algorithm for constructing tables; Know and be able to use the table formatting algorithm in a standard way.
Lesson equipment:
    Test assignments. Cards for filling out answers to the test. Additional cards. Plan for performing practical work. PC, projector, screen. Ready table.
Lesson Plan I. Declaration of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

During the classes

I. Hello! Sit down!

Today we will continue working with the Microsoft Word word processor. By the end of the lesson you should be able to build tables and also format them, i.e. decorate, make them more attractive, colorful. I will try to teach you how to do this today.

What will we do today in the lesson, how will it be built?1. Let's review the material that we studied in previous lessons.2. Then I'll tell you how to build the table and how to format it.

3. To consolidate the material, you will be offered practical work on new topic, for which everyone will receive a grade.

4. At the end of the lesson, let's summarize.

II. Everyone has a card on their table to fill out. In it you will enter the results of your answers to the test. Each question has three possible answers, and only one of them is correct. You need to determine which of the proposed answers is correct, in your opinion, and write the result in a table. Don't forget to write your first and last name, as well as your class.

The test results will show how each of you has mastered the material covered.

So, let's start running the test ( Annex 1 ), results must be submitted in 7 minutes. (Students complete a test on a topic covered in previous lessons.)

Answer card

Last name, first name________________________________ class________________ Question

The time is up, we hand over the cards with the answers to the test. I will announce the grades at the next lesson.

III. Now open the workbooks. Write in the notebooks: cool work, in the margins the number and topic of today's lesson “Tables in a text document. Formatting tables"

We told you that before such application program, as a word processor, people used mechanical and later electronic typewriters. Very often in our lives there is a need to format a text or document in the form of a table. These include tables in a geography textbook and calendars. Can you give me examples of tables in the text? (Give examples of various tables.)

As you can imagine, designing tables on a typewriter is quite difficult. The Microsoft Word word processor greatly simplifies the creation of tables by taking on the problem of calculating column widths.

You can create a table in the following way: Use menu item "Table". From the drop-down menu you can select

    Paragraph Draw a table. Paragraph Insert
Let's write down in our notebooks the algorithm for constructing the table for the second point. Table construction algorithm
    Select from the menu bar Table . Click on an item Insert . Click on the item Table In the dialog box " Inserting a table » set the required number of columns and rows. Click the button OK

Immediately after Word inserts a table into the text, all columns will have the same width. You can change the width of the columns using the mouse. See how this is done. (The teacher shows through the projector.) Or you can use AutoFit when the “Insert Table” dialog box is open.

Today we will create a table where the width of the columns will be the same. Our table will be called: “ Lesson schedule for 7th grade"

The table will consist of 6 columns and 8 rows. On the first line you write down the school days of the week, and on the next 7 lines - your schedule for the week.

I’ll now show you a few examples of what kind of tables you can get. - We look carefully at the screen. - If you looked carefully, then, of course, you noticed that the tables are designed and have a more attractive appearance. - How to design a table? - We write in notebooks, table design algorithms. Table design algorithm

    Select the table. Run commands: Table - Autoformat. Select the appropriate format. Click on OK.
IV. Before we move on to working on the computer, let’s write down our homework. We opened our diaries and wrote down:

    Learn notes.

    Build a table in your notebooks: “7th grade textbooks” (Title, author, year of publication, number of pages)

    Find examples of tables in the text in newspapers and magazines. Cut it out, stick it on an A4 cardboard sheet and bring it to the next lesson.

- Did you write everything down? We close the diaries. We continue our work. So, we have discussed with you the algorithms for constructing and designing tables. In order to consolidate the new material, we will perform practical work.V. Let's create a table: Lesson schedule for 7th grade.

Lesson schedule for 7th grade


Everyone has a practical work plan on their desk. If you have any questions, raise your hand and I'll come to you. So, let's take our seats. Those who do not remember their schedule by heart can take a diary with them and look. We launch the Microsoft Word word processor and work according to the plan.

Practical work plan " Building a table"

    Launch the Microsoft Word word processor. Set the layout of the sheet horizontally; to do this, run the commands: File – Page Settings… - Paper Size – Landscape. Write the name of the table in the center: Lesson schedule for 7th grade. Move to a new line by selecting left aligned text. Build a table using the algorithm, selecting 6 columns and 8 rows. On the first line, type the school days of the week using bold and center alignment. Complete the following cells. Save the document to your folder. Show the result to the teacher.
So, let's finish the job. Evaluate each work.Sign in the diaries.If there is time left: repeat the studied algorithms for constructing and designing a table. This concludes our lesson. Thank you for the lesson.

Annex 1

1. WORD is... a) word processor; b) text editor; c) a program designed for editing a text document.
2. What alignment method is not available? WORDe: a) left alignment; b) right alignment; c) height alignment.
3. How to delete a piece of text? a) place the cursor in the desired place in the text and press the ENTER key; b) select a fragment of text and press the DELETE key; c) select a fragment of text and press the INSERT key.
4. Font formatting is... a) the process of designing a symbol; b) the process of designing a page; c) changing the parameters of the entered symbols.
5. Which of the following parameters is not a paragraph parameter: a) width; b) indentation in the first line; c) size.
6. Text formatting is... a) correcting text in preparation for printing; b) changing the parameters of entered characters; c) the process of designing a page, paragraph, line, symbol.
7. In a word processor, when setting page parameters, the following are set: a) typeface, size, style; b) indentation, spacing; c) margins, orientation.
8. The minimum object used in a text editor is: a) word; b) paragraph; c) symbol.
9. During the text editing process, the following changes: a) font size; b) paragraph parameters; c) sequence of characters, lines, paragraphs.
10. A paragraph in a word processor is... a) a selected fragment of a document; b) a string of characters; c) a fragment of text ending by pressing the ENTER key.