1c hardware key to the server. Types of software licenses

In this article, we will consider the licensing policy of 1C for the 1C product line: what are the license keys, how to install the keys, how much do 1C licenses cost, how and where.

According to the method of delivery, the keys can be divided into:

  • hardware;
  • software.

Let's take a closer look at each key type.

Software keys 1C

Now 1C is slowly but surely switching to new security keys - software ones. Software keys are physically an A4 sheet with a certain number of pin codes written on it. These pin codes must be tied to each computer or to the network as a whole. The keys are tied to the hardware of the system - to the hardware of the computer, and often when replacing or modifying some part of the computer, the keys stop working.

Hardware keys 1C

Hardware is divided into 3 categories:

blue (or purple)- a single-user security key that comes with standard configurations. Marked as H4 M1 ORGL8.


  • Hardware protection - 8200 rubles.
  • Software key (pin code) - 6300 rubles.

red— network version of the key, installed on 1 machine in the network and visible to other users. They differ in the number of users by 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500. Marking - H4 NET XX ORGL8, where XX is the number of users and NET250+ ORG8A, NET250+ ORG8B for versions for 300 and 500 users, respectively.

The cost of hardware security keys 1C:

  • 5 jobs - 28 100 rubles.
  • 10 jobs - 51,900 rubles.
  • 20 jobs - 97,600 rubles.
  • 50 jobs - 227,400 rubles.
  • 100 jobs - 432,000 rubles.
  • 300 jobs - 1,281,600 rubles.
  • 500 jobs - 2,131,200 rubles.

The price of software keys in the form of 1C pin codes:

  • 5 jobs - 21,600 rubles.
  • 10 jobs - 41,500 rubles.
  • 20 jobs - 78,000 rubles.
  • 50 jobs - 187,200 rubles.
  • 100 jobs - 360,000 rubles.
  • 300 jobs - 1,068,000 rubles.
  • 500 jobs - 1,776,000 rubles.

blue and green - keys for server applications, 32-bit - blue, 64-bit - green. Blue can be distinguished from single-user markings. Marking - H4 M1 ENSR8 and Max EN8SA .

If after installation such keys do not work immediately, you need to install drivers for the 1C hardware key.

Prices for 1C server license keys

Software keys for 1C server:

  • Server 1C enterprise 8.3 32 bits- 50,400 rubles.
  • Server 1C enterprise 8.3 64 bits- 86,400 rubles.

Hardware versions (USB):

  • Server 1C enterprise 8.3 32 bits- 60,500 rubles.
  • Server 1C enterprise 8.3 64 bits- 103,700 rubles.

When ordering 1C license keys from us, you will receive:

  • free delivery and installation in Moscow and regions;
  • the best price (we sell 1C products at the lowest allowable price)

Depending on factors such as the location of the license key (network/local), and the type of client, several options for accounting for licenses can be used. Distinguish between software and hardware security keys.

Software protection keys

The software licensing system ensures that a number of users can work together. Moreover, they should not use special additional physical devices. Requires only special file. A platform license is required. It is on it that everything necessary for the functioning of the system is stored.

To get a software license, you need a pincode. You will also need serial number kit you have. In it, users receive several pincodes. They are being activated. The license option fixes both the number of pincodes and their number, which can be activated together.

Types of software licenses

  • Single user licenses allow you to run any number of applications.
  • Multi-user licenses allow you to run no more than a certain number of applications. An arbitrary number of computers can be used. The nominal value determines the number of client applications that run simultaneously.
  • Combined (a combination of a group of single and multi-user) - if a single-user license is activated first, then only it can be used. If the multi-user was activated first, then the single-user version is no longer used.
  • A 32-bit server license allows you to use an arbitrary number of worker processes (32-bit).
  • A 64-bit server license allows you to use an arbitrary number of 32 and 64-bit processes.

Multi-user type licenses can be hosted on a server PC, terminal server, or expansion module. The client PC hosts only single-user licenses.

The main feature of the recently released security key is that it is important to choose the appropriate option before licensing.

  1. Single user mode allows you to run an unlimited number of instances of 1C Enterprise. This solution is convenient for accounting. The specialist in this case launches Accounting, Human Resources, Trade, Payroll.
  2. Multi-user mode allows you to run client applications among the purchased licenses.

Hardware security keys

Appearance Name of the software product Marking Peculiarities
Single user versions of the main deliveries and client keys
USB HASP HL ​​Basic 1C: Accounting 8 PROF
1C: Accounting 8 PROF. Supply for retail distribution
1C: Accounting 8 CORP
1c accounting budget institution 8
1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8 PROF
1C: Accounting department of an autonomous institution 8 KORP
1C: Trade management 8
1C: Payroll and Human Resources 8
1C: Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution 8
1C: Small business management 8
1C: Complex automation 8
1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing enterprise management
1C: Document management 8
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 1 workplace
  1. No personal ID.
  2. There is no built-in memory.
  3. The key does not store parameters and settings.
  4. Comes with 1 seat license products.
Network versions of the main supplies and multi-user keys
USB HASP HL ​​Net 1C: Accounting 8. Set for 5 users
1C: Accounting 8 PROF for 5 users. Supply for retail distribution
1C:Enterprise 8. A set of applied solutions for 5 users
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 5 workplaces
1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workplaces

The XX parameter indicates the number of licenses

  1. There are varieties of keys for 5, 10, 20, 50,100 users.
  2. Provides quick launch an arbitrary number of instances in 2 modes: "Configurator" and "Enterprise".
  3. The number of licenses is limited by the total number of licenses available from all network computers on which the HAST License Manager is installed and configured.
  4. There is a unique ID.
  5. There is an internal memory that stores the number of licenses.
  6. There are keys for 300 and 500 users. Supplied separately, as well as with various products (5 places).
Keys to the server 1C:Enterprise 8.*
USB HASP HL ​​Pro 1C:Enterprise 8.* Server license (x32) H4 M1 ENSR8
  1. There are only local ones.
  2. There is an internal memory.
  3. There is a unique ID.
  4. Supplied with a license for the 1C:Enterprise server.
USB HASP HL ​​Max 1C:Enterprise 8.2. Server license (x86-64) MAX EN8SA
  1. Supports 32-bit server.
  2. There is an internal memory.
  3. There is a unique ID.

The marking on the USB key can be seen in the areas marked in the figure, the rest of the characters do not have much meaning for users.

How to install keys correctly

It is forbidden to place more than 1 key of a single series on 1 computer.

2 or more network keys are not enough just to distribute them to individual computers. It is important to fine tune the license managers. Any of the keys used must have a unique name.

  1. On the computer where the key is installed, you need to find the nhsrv.ini file in the license manager folder (C:\Program Files\Aladdin\HASP LM\).
  2. The NHS_SERVERNAMES parameter is responsible for the name of the license server, it consists of letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet, and contains no more than 7 characters.


    Do not forget to uncomment this parameter, i.e. remove the ";" before the start of the line!

    Then you need to edit the nethasp.ini file (C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv82\conf): specifying the addresses and names of license managers:




It is often enough to just uncomment the NH_SERVER_ADDR = parameter in this file and set the NETBIOS or IP address of the computer on which the key is located.

Using the Aladdin Monitor program, you can see which keys are being used and how many licenses have been used.

If the 1C:Enterprise server is responsible for counting client licenses, then client licenses that have a Timeout column value of 0 in Aladdin Monitor will be considered busy. In this regard, it is not recommended to use the same multi-user HASP keys to simultaneously obtain client licenses using the HASP License Manager and the 1C:Enterprise server.

What kind of errors can occur?

If Aladdin Monitor is busy more licenses than network users, this error is caused by the client crashing. A busy license hangs. In such cases, the HLServer service is restarted.

The output "The program protection key was not found" instead of typical information about errors. Under this message, several types of failures can be hidden at once.

  1. "Key not found." This error occurs when a key is missing, as well as an attempt to use a key from another product is common. In the case of using a network key, an error occurs for a number of reasons. It provokes the absence of a network, errors in installing a non-network key. In some cases it is important to check if the manager is running.
  2. "The key does not contain a license." This error occurs when 2 keys of the same series are installed on one PC. Moreover, the program is visible to the one on which the license is not installed.
  3. "Exceeded number of licenses." This error occurs when the number of active sessions exceeds the number of licenses specified in the key. 2 managers can work in the network at this moment. Moreover, they have the same service keys, as well as similar names.

Installation restrictions

Several keys of a single series on one PC will not work! Network or single user ORGL8 keys are not used together.

Keys, for example, 8 and 8A, can work on one PC.

If the manager is launched, the keys are available over the network. One computer can therefore serve 900 licenses (ORGL8: 100, in 8A: 30 and in 8B: 500).

On one PC, you can install the keys of the 1C server and user licenses.

The search for licenses is carried out in a specific order.

  1. ORGL8.
  2. ORGL8A.
  3. ORGL8B.

Server-type keys are placed on the computer where the 1C:Enterprise server is located. They will not work over the network.

Today I want to talk about the protection system that 1C uses using keys HASP. After that, we need to install security keys in order to run 1C:Enterprise. Since 2011, the main protection option standard solutions firm 1C is, but on this moment most users use hardware protection.

For educational versions system security keys are not required.

Security keys for 1C:Enterprise are divided into:

1. Local Single User blue key marked H4 M1 ORGL8. The local key must be physically connected to the computer on which we run 1C. For the local key to work, the Hasp Device Driver protection driver must be installed. Hasp Device Driver installed during the platform installation, or later in the Start menu from the 1C:Enterprise program group. The key is installed in the computer's USB port after the platform installation is completed. Using a local key, you can run any number of typical configurations on one computer. The main requirement is that the configurations must be officially purchased.

An indicator that the key is working is the glow of the red LED in the key head.

2. Network keys are red and have internal memory, which contains the number of licenses and ID. The network key has NET XX ORGL8 marking, where XX is the number of licenses — 5, 10, 20, 50, 100. There are also keys for 300 and 500 licenses. For the network key to work, a special application is required - Hasp License Manager, it is included in the dongle's delivery package, it can also be downloaded from the Internet.

32-bit servers use keys HASP HL ​​Pro marked ENSR8 they are purple.

64-bit servers use keys HASP HL ​​Max with EN8SA marking they are green.

The EN8SA key for a 64-bit server is also supported by a 32-bit one, but not vice versa.

It is best to take the instructions for installing and operating security keys from the manufacturer, I decided to provide a link to the key manufacturer's instructions so as not to be repeated "Aladdin R.D."

You can view the number of issued hardware licenses and the number of available licenses using Aladdin Monitor Utilities, it centrally administers the HASP License Manager (HASP LM) application and HASP4 Net keys.

Aladdin Monitor is better to download from the developer's site!

There are the following restrictions on installing hardware keys:

1. Two keys of the same series cannot be installed in one computer. In such a situation, only one of the keys will work!

2. Computer with installed key should not be heavily loaded, otherwise there will be problems connecting users.

3. The local security key will not be visible in the terminal session. The restriction can be bypassed by starting a terminal session with the Admin key.

If you have any questions or comments on this topic, feel free to ask

P.S.2. My video installation of 1C and security keys

Almost the entire line of 1C products is equipped with security keys (LPT or USB) in order to protect them from copying.

Enterprise 8 provides its customers with great opportunities in dealing with an unlimited number of employees and the constant growth of the organization.

Therefore, users have several security keys (from different versions and 1C licenses), and due to the external similarity of the keys, problems arise in their assignment.

To differentiate keys, there is special marking, denoted by the following symbols:
for example:

  • H4 M1-(picture on the left)
  • ACCNT or URGLB (picture on the right)

Consider types of markings and purpose keys for 1C programs:

H4 M1/ORGL8- HASP HL ​​Basic security software key (purple/blue, without ID and internal memory).

Supplied for single-user versions (client keys): Accounting 8 PROF, KORP, ZiUP, UT, Workflow 8, Accounting of a budgetary and autonomous institution (PROF, KORP), Integrated automation;

- USB HASP HL ​​Net security key (red, contains internal memory and a unique identifier that determines the number of licenses).

Supplied for network versions (multi-user keys): A set of application solutions for 5 users, Client license (for 5 users), Accounting PROF and Accounting 8 (for 5 workplaces).

H4NET10/ORGL8- supplied in a Client license for 10 users;

H4 NET50/ORGL8- for 50 users;

H4 NET100/ORGL8- per 100 users;

NET250+/ORG8A- for 300 users;

NET250+ /ORG8B- for 500 users.

H4 M1/ENSR8- in purple, USB HASP HL ​​Pro.

Contains a unique identifier and internal memory (but it is not actually used). Supplied in the product Server License (32-bit).

Max/ EN8SA- in green, USB HASP HL ​​Max.

Features are the same as USB HASP HL ​​Pro. Supplied with Server license (86-64-bit system).

Finally, consider the last program product - Kits:

H4 NET10 ORGL8/ H4 M1 ENSR8- red key USB HASP HL ​​Net.

Supplied in UPP 8 (10 workstations plus client-server). The kit contains 2 security keys at once:

multi-user (for 10 users) and 32-bit server.

H4 NET10 ORGL8/ H4 M1 ENSR8- USB HASP HL ​​Pro purple security key.

Supplied in Integrated Automation 8 (10 workstations plus client-server). Contains 2 keys similar to the previous ones.

H4 NET20 ORGL8/ H4 M1 ENSR8. Supplied in a kit for training in universities and secondary schools. Contains 2 security keys (for 32-bit server and multi-user (20 workstations).

Security Keys after 2009, they began to be produced by 1C with shorter lengths, but the marking and color scheme of the keys remained the same to this day.

When installing protection, the following factors should be considered:

  • Several USB dongles of the same series will not be able to work on one PC at once (only one dongle will be active). For example, keys marked ORGL8 (network or single-user) will not get along together, but those marked ORGL8 A and ORGL8 will be able to work on the same PC.
  • If the HASP License Manager is installed and running, the user keys will also be available over the network. Summing up, we can say that one computer is able to serve 900 licenses at once.
  • You can install a USB key and a server key on one computer at once (but only on the workplace where the 1C server is running).
  • Licenses can be found in the security keys, following the order: ORGL 8, ORGL8 A and ORGL8 B. To clarify free (or occupied) licenses, you need to install special program Aladdin Monitor.
    1C:Enterprise 8 programs use HASP4 hardware keys as one of the types of protection system, which are divided into single-user and multi-user. In addition to how many users the keys are intended for, they also differ in color and connection method. Single-user HASP is local and must be directly connected directly to the computer on which 1C is running. The multi-user key is intended for network connection and can be run from any computer located in local network or domain.
    Each HASP is labeled based on its purpose and number of client licenses.
    Single-user local keys of the main supplies software products 1C are marked H4 M1 ORGL8 and are blue or purple. In fact, it is a client license for 1C:Enterprise 8 for one workplace.

    Figure 2. - Single user local HASP ( USB HASP HL ​​Pro).

    Multi-user network keys in red, intended for the main supply of 1C solutions, have the following markings depending on the number of client licenses provided:
    H4 NET10 ORGL8— 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 10 workplaces
    H4 NET20 ORGL8— 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 20 workplaces
    H4 NET50 ORGL8— 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 50 workplaces
    H4 NET100 ORGL8— 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 100 workplaces
    NET250+ORG8A— 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 300 jobs
    NET250+ORG8B— 1C:Enterprise 8. Client license for 500 jobs

    Figure 3. - Multi-user local HASP ( USB HASP HL ​​Net).

    The key, which is a license for a 32-bit server 1C: Enterprise 8, is purple and marked H4 M1 ENSR8.

    Figure 4. - Server key 1C: Enterprise 8 (32x) ( USB HASP HL ​​Pro).

    The license for a 64-bit server uses a green hardware key marked Max EN8SA.

    Figure 5. - Server key 1C: Enterprise 8 (64x) ( USB HASP HL ​​Max).
