Workstation and what's in it. Workstation features

automated workplace(ARM)

Automated workplace (AWS) is a workplace of a specialist in the subject area, equipped with a computer and special software that helps to solve problems within the framework of the activity of this specialist, or in other words, it is a software and hardware complex designed to automate activities a certain kind(for example, an accountant's workstation, a designer's workstation, a technologist's workstation, etc.).

Principles of the Workstation

Exist general principles creation of any automated workplaces

· Consistency- according to this principle, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose.

· Flexibility - this principle means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring, due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements .

· Sustainability - lies in the fact that the workstation system must perform functions regardless of the impact on it of internal or external factors. This also means that in case of malfunctions in individual parts of the system, they should be easily eliminated, and operability easily restored. .

· Efficiency - according to this principle, the effectiveness of the use of automated workplaces should be considered as an integral indicator of all levels of implementation of the above principles, in relation to the costs of creating and operating the system .

The functioning of an automated workplace gives the desired effect, provided that the functions and workload are correctly distributed between a person and machine information processing tools

ARMs can be: individual, group, collective. With regard to group and collective workstations, in order to effectively operate the computer system, specialists (teams) need to tighten the requirements for organizing the work of the workstation and clearly define the administration functions in such a system. The AWP system, which is a man-machine, must be open, flexible, adapted to continuous development and improvement. Such a system should provide:

Tasks solved at automated workstations are divided into:

Informational- such tasks include coding, classification, collection, structural organization, correction, storage, search and issuance of information. Often, information tasks include simple computational and logical procedures of an arithmetic and textual nature and relationships (connections). 1Information tasks are, as a rule, the most time-consuming and occupy most of the working time of specialists.

Computing- these tasks are both formalizable and not fully formalizable. Formalizable problems are solved on the basis of formal algorithms and are divided into two groups: problems of direct counting and problems based on mathematical models. Direct counting problems are solved using simple algorithms. More complex problems require the use of different mathematical models.

Structure of a typical workstation

An automated workplace is a place of a user-specialist of any profession, equipped with automation tools to perform certain functions, therefore, the structure of an automated workplace is a software and hardware complex.

At the same time, the main role of the complex is played by the software component, which will impose certain requirements on technical specifications(mainly in terms of performance) to hardware components.

Software consists of system software and application software. basis system support is the operating system. System programs provide rational information processing technology. The so-called service programs, which the workstation is equipped with depending on the need for them, expand the capabilities of the operating system.

Applied software make up user programs and packages of application programs for various purposes. Standard programs users are software solutions certain tasks. Almost all application software is made on a modular basis and is focused on solving a certain class of tasks. Application software is the main type of user software. It basically allows you to automate the activities of a particular specialist.

In this case, the application software can be both purchased, i.e. third-party software vendors, or may be created by our own developments. It should be noted that software development is a very complex, expensive and accessible process for highly qualified specialists.

Technical support is a complex of technical hardware, the basis of which is a professional personal computer, which provides for the work of a specialist without intermediaries (programmers, operators, etc.). At group workstations, several people can use such a computer. A typical personal computer kit includes: system unit(consisting of motherboard, processor, random access memory, hard drive, video controller, audio controller and network controller), monitor, keyboard, mouse, and, if necessary, peripheral devices (scanners, printers).

To the complex technical means It should also include means of communication, a local computer information network (Intranet is an internal private network of an enterprise) for connecting various workstations to each other, as well as means of telephone communication.

Since workstations are designed to automate the places of user-specialists of all design and office professions, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to choose the basic application software for each of the most significant professions.

Programs are designed to take on tasks that a person does more slowly or that require special knowledge.

Information Systems

Information system(IS) is a set of technical, software and organizational support, as well as personnel, designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner.

Figure 4. Enterprise information systems

Currently, the domestic market is dominated by two main trends in the development and implementation of automated control systems.

First lies in the fact that the company is trying to gradually introduce automation systems only in certain areas of its activities, intending to further combine them into common system or content with "piecewise" ("patchwork") automation. Despite the fact that this path at first glance seems less costly, the experience of implementing such systems shows that the minimum costs in such projects most often turn into their minimum return, or even do not bring the desired result at all. In addition, the maintenance and development of such systems is extremely difficult and costly.

Second trend- integrated implementation of automation systems, which allows covering all parts of the management system - from the lower level of production units to the top management level. In this case, such a system includes:

· automation of many activities of the enterprise (accounting, personnel management, sales, supply, etc.);

automation of the main technological processes of the enterprise;

· Automation of management processes, processes of analysis and strategic planning.

Currently, in world practice, the following names are used to designate fully-functional integrated automated control systems used by enterprises (Table 2.)

Table 2.

Creation principles

Abbreviation (eng)

Name (rus)

Abbreviation (rus)


Manufacturing Resource Planning

Manufacturing Resource Planning

material requirements planning system, one of the most popular logistics concepts in the world, on the basis of which a large number of micrologistics systems have been developed and operate.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise resource planning

Customer Synchronized Relationship Planning

Resource planning synchronized with the customer

Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing

computer-aided design/manufacturing systems

automated system that implements information technology performing design functions, is an organizational and technical system designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a set of technical, software and other means of automating its activities.

Enterprise Resource Planning

integrated automated enterprise management system

an organizational strategy for integrating production and operations, human resource management, financial management and asset management, focused on the continuous balancing and optimization of enterprise resources through a specialized integrated application software package that provides a common data and process model for all areas of activity


graphical representation of the flow of work in a process and its associated sub-processes, including specific activities, informational dependencies, and sequence of decisions and activities

Customer Relationship Management

customer relationship management

application software for organizations designed to automate strategies for interacting with customers (customers), in particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service by storing information about customers and the history of relationships with them, establishing and improving business procedures and subsequent analysis of results.


adoption support management decisions

computerized automated system, the purpose of which is to help decision makers in difficult conditions for a complete and objective analysis of subject activity.

manager Information system, (workstation) of the head


supply chain management

designed to automate and manage all stages of the supply of the enterprise and to control the entire movement of goods in the enterprise

"Personnel Management"; can be considered both as an independent task and as part of the ERP (which is shown in the figure as two links)

a set of specialized structural units in the field of enterprise management, together with the officials employed in them

local computer networks

a computer network that usually covers a relatively small area or group of buildings

global (external) networks and telecommunications

a computer network that covers a large area and includes a large number of computers

Figure 5. Generalized structure of enterprise information technology

There is no unambiguous and generally accepted general classification of IT enterprises. A possible variant of the generalized structure of modern information technologies introduced in industrial production various types, shown in fig. 5.

The activities of various categories of workers in the field of organizational and economic management are based in modern conditions on the widespread use of automated workplaces as basic tools to increase the efficiency of their work.

Automated workstation (AWP) defined as a set of information, software and technical resources that provide the user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area. The workstation always has a problem-professional orientation and allows the user to transfer to the computer the execution of typical repetitive operations related to the accumulation, systematization, storage, search, processing, protection and transmission of data.

The set of workstations, united by a single technology, is called EIS.

The purpose of the automated workplace is to provide information support for the formation and decision-making.

If we take the organizational structure of management as a criterion, then it is conditionally possible to single out the workstations of the head, the workstations of the managerial worker of the middle and operational levels.

These individuals need different information support.

The manager needs generalized, reliable and complete information to make the right decisions. He needs a means of analyzing and planning various areas of the organization.

These tools include EMM, statistical methods, modeling methods, analysis of various areas of the organization's activities, forecasting methods. Of the supporting technologies, tabular, graphic, word processors, e-mail, DBMS are needed.

The workstations of managerial employees of the middle and operational levels are used to make decisions and perform professional activities in a specific subject area, for example, the workstation of an accountant, the workstation of an appraiser, the workstation of a credit department.

The range of workstations and the choice of IT are influenced by:

The management structure that has developed in the organization;

Technology of subject areas;

Distribution of duties and goals among employees. In other words: the nomenclature of the workstation is a function of the management structure of the organization. The content of the workstation is a function of realizable goals.

The technological support of the workstation includes the following types of support: organizational, technical, informational, mathematical, software, linguistic, legal and ergonomic.

Organizational support is formed by a set of documents regulating the activities of specialists when using automated workplaces in accordance with their official duties.

Technical support The workstation is designed to directly perform all operations within the IT used, while guaranteeing the processing of given amounts of data by the required point in time. In addition, technical support is the basis for the implementation of reliable data exchange both in local and global CSs. The main part of the technical support of the workstation is made up of universal-purpose PCs with the status of a "thick" client, which have a significant computing power. In a PC, the use of processors of the Pentium 4 family ( clock frequency processors approached 4 MHz). The specialization of buses has been strengthened, the dominant interfaces are: PCI Express- for communication of all key components of the system located on the system board; USB 2.0 - for connection external devices; SATA - for data exchange with hard drives. The practice of using laptops, including by mobile users, is expanding. A steady trend in the development of workstations as part of corporate IS is a gradual transition from the implementation of the workplace in the form of a "thick" client to more simple solution in the form of a "thin" client with a minimally sufficient amount of functionality (based on Windows terminals, X terminals, various Java devices).

Information Support AWS is focused on supporting user-familiar features of structuring the data used, allowing for quick search, making the necessary changes, preparing documents and reports. Standard solution is to provide access for users from different workstations to the information and reference system, for example, "ConsultantPlus".

Linguistic support combines a set of language tools for formalizing a natural language, building and combining information units, generally focused on the effective implementation of the user interface.

Mathematical support is a set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms that provide data processing with obtaining the required results. Mathematical software includes tools for modeling control processes, methods for optimizing the processes under study and making decisions (methods of multicriteria optimization, mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, queuing theory, etc.). It serves as the basis for the development of specialized software.

Software (software) is formed by a set of programs that allow you to organize the solution of problems on a computer. In interaction with technical means, it directly provides a solution to problems of a particular class, while using both system and special (application) software. The basis of system software for workstations for various purposes is usually the OS of the Windows family (clone). In most cases, a specific specialization of the workstation is given by functionally oriented application software packages. Reprofiling of workstations for another subject area is carried out, as a rule, by changing the composition of the application software. Traditionally, the use of an integrated MS Office software package as a general-purpose application software, usually as part of word editor, electronic Excel tables, Access DBMS, Power Point presentation systems, mail program outlook express.

The composition of the specialized applied software of the automated workplace is determined by its subject orientation. So, an accountant's workstation is necessarily equipped with an accounting automation program; in recent years, this area has been dominated by the network version of the 1C:Enterprise family of programs. To work in real time (in on-line mode) in the financial markets, the MetaStock technical analysis package is widely used. In banking practice, automated workplaces are implemented, as a rule, as part of an automated banking system, for example, 5NTe BANK; the workstation of communications included in it supports the exchange of data with branches, the interbank settlement system, customers (through the "Client-Bank" system), etc.

In many ways, the composition of specialized application software depends on the position of the user in the control hierarchy. Thus, the level of performers usually involves the use of an automated workplace as part of a specific information system with the possibility of entering primary data into it, checking and structuring it (based on the database), as well as solving typical regularly occurring tasks. Workstation of managers top level(directors, deputies, chief specialists) are largely focused on supporting the solution of strategic planning problems, the search for financial resources, the formation of investment policy, the organization of new areas of activity that involve the formation of operational analytical reports comrade - forecasting the behavior of economic indicators, conducting multivariate simulation modeling .

Of relevance in determining the composition of the software is ensuring the information security of the workstation (regulation of access to resources, antivirus protection, backup, encryption, digital signature, etc.).

Legal support is a set of legal norms governing legal relations in the creation and operation of IS and IT.

Ergonomic support is formed by a set of methods and tools designed to create optimal conditions for high-quality, highly efficient and error-free user activity. The focus on compliance with ergonomic requirements in the design of workstations and compliance with sanitary standards when working with them is due to prolonged work of users at computers, potentially leading to eye diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, increased allergic reactions, stressful situations, etc. .

Sold computers and displays must have a hygiene certificate, which is issued by checking a number of parameters: x-ray power, magnetic and electric fields, surface electrostatic potential, sound level. The most stringent standards for the safety of computer equipment include international standards TCO 95 and TCO 99 (previously used standards for displays TCO 92 and MPR-II), which determine the maximum permissible standards for the intensity of X-ray and electromagnetic radiation, the level of electrostatic potential and noise, the frequency of image regeneration , energy saving, materials used, screen position adjustment options, etc.

Reduced user fatigue is facilitated by: the use of a flat screen display with anti-reflective coating (preferably liquid crystal displays), the correct location of light sources with rated power, maintaining the distance between the screen and the eyes at 40-50 cm; breaks for 15-20 minutes after two hours of work, regular wiping of the screen, wet cleaning of the room and its periodic ventilation (air conditioners are effective). Of great importance is the use of ergonomic keyboards with an optimized shape; they not only increase user productivity, but also reduce overall fatigue during the working day.

A huge role in improving the comfort of users and, accordingly, reducing their fatigue is played by the effective use of multimedia capabilities modern computer technologies that contribute to the development of an intuitive user interface both when interacting with the OS and with application software, the further development of visualization tools that facilitate the perception of information from the display screen, as well as the psychological relief of users.

Distinctive features of AWP at the present stage are:

Using a PC as a universal device for decentralized data processing and storage;

Ability to work within local and, if necessary, global computer networks;

Flexible adaptive capabilities that allow you to customize the workstation for the specific features of a particular organization;

Use of integrated application packages;

The use of a friendly user interface with advanced data visualization capabilities and processing results (WIMP- and Web-interface, see clause 4.2), expanding the possibilities of using the terminology of user areas of activity in an interactive mode, using an effective help system for working with software;

Sharing information resources(DB) taking into account the policy of differentiation of access rights, the joint work of many users on a common task;

Ability to upload / download data based on widely used data presentation formats;

Strengthening support for the analytical component in the activities of various categories of users.

In general, automated workplaces, realizing the wide possibilities of modern IT, can dramatically increase the efficiency of various categories of users by expanding the amount of data used, increasing the speed of their processing, improving the quality of prepared management decisions, the efficiency of exchanging data and the results of their processing.

Automated workplace - a complex of information resources, software, hardware and organizational and technological tools for individual and collective use, combined to perform certain functions of a professional management worker.

AWP is traditionally understood as a professionally oriented software and hardware complex that provides a solution to the user's tasks at his workplace. AWP can be defined as a complex of information resources, software, hardware and organizational and technological tools for individual and collective use, combined to perform certain functions of a professional management worker.

According to their purpose, workstations are computer systems located at the workplaces of specialists, serving to automate their work.

The role of workstations is determined by the nature of their participation in the management process of a particular area of ​​production activity.

The function of the workstation is to implement the subject technology (PT) - the sequence of stages of modification of primary information into the result, by means of information technology (IT) - a system of methods and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching and processing information, and supporting technology (OT) - hardware- technological complex of information processing.

In terms of composition, the workstation represents a complex of technical means (PC, communication, printing, duplicating and other equipment), software tools, software (system - Windows, OS / 2, Unix, application and auxiliary programs), information and methodological support.

AWS contains a fully functional information technology (FIT) or part of it.

Here, FIT is understood as a modification of a specific enabling technology, in which any of the subject technologies is implemented. Which part of the FIT to assign to one or another workstation is determined by the nature of the tasks in the facility management structure.

Such a distribution of FIT on workstations should not violate the requirements of the subject technology itself. The distribution between the PCs of the FIT participants may concern either the stored data or the processes of processing this data. The imposition of FIT on the management structure allows you to create a distributed system for solving subject areas.

AWP can be classified according to its functional purpose, according to the types of tasks to be solved, according to the mode of operation.

Workstation software

AWS software is a set of programs and documentation for them designed to achieve the goals and objectives of a computer.

Software (SW) is conditioned by the inclusion of such constituent parts as methods, algorithms and algorithmic languages.6

In the context of use as part of an automated workplace, the software can be divided into two parts:

  • * general (system, technical), designed to organize and control the computing process on a computer, to automate the development of programs;
  • * functional software (FPO) designed to solve specific problems in various fields of computer application, management and scientific tasks, tasks in the sphere of mass service.

General or system software ensures the functioning of computer technology, the development and connection of new programs.

Among all system programs operating systems (OS) occupy a special place. The operating system controls the computer, peripheral equipment, runs programs, provides data protection, performs various service functions at the request of the user and programs.

Currently, the operating systems developed by Microsoft are most widely used on computers such as the IBM PC.

Other modern less common operating systems used on computers are OS / 2, UNIX, NetWare, MacOS.

The modern concept of the workstation imposes strict requirements on the OS, aimed at maintaining safety and comfort (ergonomics) in working on the workstation, at increasing the productivity of the workstation as a whole, at expanding the fleet of serviced peripheral equipment, at the possibility of synchronizing operations and procedures.

Application programs represent the largest group of programs in terms of number and purpose.

Their distinguishing feature is not a service, auxiliary nature of use, but a targeted, functional one.

Hardware complex as part of an automated workplace

The direct executor of practical tasks in the composition of the workstation, as already noted, is a hardware complex, the main element of which is a computer.

In accordance with the modern concept of the workstation, it will be legitimate to impose requirements on the computer regarding speed, safety, reliability, versatility and wide hardware compatibility with peripheral equipment.

A kind of standard for compliance with modern technical requirements for computer technology is the standard specification PC (xx), developed by leading manufacturers of computer equipment and software in order to coordinate production activities and development directions.

The latest specification - PC99 - appeared at the end of 1998 and covers the current period, up to 2000.

The requirements of safety and comfort in working with computer equipment come to the fore along with the requirements for performance. Particularly significant in this regard should be the gradual abandonment of cathode ray tube monitors and the introduction of liquid crystal monitors that are completely safe for humans.

Also important is the desire of manufacturers to produce ergonomic equipment (keyboards, mouse, various holders, etc.).

In the field of application, for the purpose of optimal configuration, and, consequently, cost, computers are divided into office (Basic Office PC) and home (Basic Consumer PC), entertainment centers (Entertainment PC), workstations (Workstation PC).

One of the most important directions in the concept of labor automation is the development and use of network technologies.

Constant expansion of the range of manufactured network equipment and lower prices make it affordable to implement local area networks in enterprises of all sizes.

The performance of network equipment is also growing rapidly. A local network in an ordinary enterprise with a bandwidth of 100 Mbit / s (IEEE standard) is far from uncommon.

Mobile data exchange (e-mail, conferences), quick search and access to information of interest, obtaining new software and many other opportunities are provided by integration into global computer networks. The most popular such computer network is the Internet.

Technically connecting a computer to the global computer network is carried out either through a local network with appropriate access, or using a modem device through a telephone line.

Printing and duplicating equipment is one of the main (along with service and communication equipment) hardware groups that make up the workstation. This type of media includes printers, plotters, risographs.

Printers carry out fast printing on paper of the necessary information. Modern printing technologies are laser color and black and white printing, inkjet color and black and white printing, thermal sublimation color and black and white printing.

There are two types of plotters: cutting and drawing. Cutting plotters cut the source material (usually a thin colored elastic film) along a given contour of the image. Drawing plotters draw a given image in stages onto a large-sized media.

Risographs are printers with a special technology for forming an image for printing and applying paint.

Thus, in the hardware complex of the workstation, in accordance with the functional purpose, it is advisable to single out the computer as a central, control device, information input-output devices (keyboard, digitizer, scanner, monitor, video camera, printer, plotter, etc.), additional auxiliary equipment (manipulators , source uninterruptible power supply etc.), communication equipment (modem, network hub, etc.).

Purpose hardware complex as part of the AWS lies in the direct technical implementation of practical production tasks.

The increasing pace of informatization of society contributes to the increasing role of computer technology in management processes. The possibilities of modern computer technology for automating the process of information processing make it possible to increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of working with documents and speed up the exchange of management information.

At present, the concept of distributed automated control systems aimed at local processing of information has become widespread. This allows you to organize the division of labor of management personnel and automate the performance of their functions. To implement this idea, it is necessary to create for each level of management and each subject area automated workstations based on personal computers.

Automated workplace(AWP) is a complex of computer equipment and software, located directly at the employee's workplace and designed to automate his work within the specialty.

Automated workplaces must be created strictly in accordance with their intended functional purpose. However general principles for creating workstations remain unchanged:

  • consistency;
  • flexibility;
  • stability;
  • efficiency.

Under the principle of consistency the following is understood: an automated workplace should be a system of interconnected components. At the same time, the structure of the workstation must clearly correspond to the functions for which this workstation is created.

Principle of Flexibility is of great importance in creating modern and efficient workstations. This principle means the possibility of adapting the workstation to the proposed modernization of both software and hardware. At present, when the rate of obsolescence of software and hardware is constantly growing, compliance with this principle is becoming one of the most important conditions for creating workstations.

To ensure the principle of flexibility in real working automated workplaces, all subsystems of a single workstation are implemented as separate, easily replaceable modules. To avoid incompatibility problems when replacing, all elements must be standardized.

Of great importance sustainability principle. It consists in performing the functions inherent in the workstation, regardless of the impact of both internal and external factors. In the event of failures, the performance of the system should be quickly restored, the malfunctions of individual elements should be easily eliminated.

The Principle of Efficiency implies that the costs of creating and operating the system should not exceed the economic benefits from its implementation. In addition, when creating an automated workplace, it should be taken into account that its effectiveness will be largely determined by the correct distribution of functions and workload between the employee and the machine information processing tools, the core of which is a personal computer. Only if these conditions are met, the workstation becomes a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

The practical experience of using AWS as one of the elements of distributed control systems allows us to highlight the following requirements for an efficient and fully functioning workstation:

  • timely satisfaction information needs user;
  • minimum response time to user requests;
  • adaptation to the level of user training and the specifics of the functions performed by him;
  • the ability to quickly train the user in the basic methods of work;
  • reliability and ease of maintenance;
  • friendly interface;
  • the ability to work as part of a computer network.

Consider the structure of the workstation and the relationship between its constituent parts. Usually, the workstation consists of hardware and software of computer technology, as well as the necessary methodological documentation that allows the user to effectively interact with these tools.

Information support means constant information support for each individual workstation. The functioning of modern workstations is impossible without the supply of timely, reliable and high-quality information.

Methodical documentation is a set of documents relating to the operation of this workstation and, as a rule, includes input and output documents, instruction cards, job descriptions, etc.

The creation of a well-thought-out, easy-to-learn set of methodological documentation is especially important when a system of automated workstations is being introduced in an organization for the first time. In this case, it is necessary to explain in detail to employees the procedure for working with new equipment for them, as well as all the positive aspects of its use.

If necessary, attendance of advanced training courses on working with computer equipment should be organized for employees. It is necessary to do everything possible so that when introducing modern information processing technologies in an organization, employees do not consider the emerging technical means as an obstacle to their normal work, but understand all the benefits and all the advantages of their use.

Currently, there is a huge selection of different software products that meet almost all the requirements imposed on them by representatives of various professions. However, there are situations when there is a need for some other programs. In such cases, special workstations for professional purposes are developed. When creating such programs, it is necessary to take into account such points as:

  • tasks to be solved;
  • interaction with other specialists;
  • professional habits and inclinations of the employee;
  • development of not only functional software (FPO), but also special technical means (mouse, network, automatic dialing phone numbers etc.).

The creation of efficient professional workstations allows to increase the productivity of specialists and reduce the number of staff. This increases the speed of information processing and its reliability, which is necessary for effective planning and management.

For effective use of the workstation complex, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly define for which specialists (managers, economists, statisticians, accountants) automated workplaces will be created. The composition and number of workstations depend on the profile of the organization, its structure, scale and other parameters.

In practice, the development of specific workstations most often represents the automation of the most typical functions performed by an employee at a given workplace. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the employee's workstation should draw up only those programs that are really necessary for the specialist to work. An excessive amount of software in the workplace takes up PC resources and can distract an employee from performing their duties.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to clearly define the information needs of each specialist - the intended user of the workstation. Generally speaking, each user should formulate such needs independently. The optimal implementation of the system being created is possible only if users can define their goals and indicate the nature of the information they need to achieve these goals. In addition, such an approach to solving the problem of creating automated workplace software eliminates the psychological barrier in the relationship between man and machine. In this case, the user himself determines the operations that he constantly performs, and clearly knows which programs were installed for their automated execution.

However, in practice, it is not always easy for employees of an organization to clearly define their needs for the information necessary for their work. In this case, you can get information about the operations performed by the employee and the data used for this in two different ways: by asking the employee a direct question or by obtaining information indirectly.

In the first case, employees draw up special certificates in writing containing:

  • a list of their main responsibilities;
  • specific information necessary to fulfill the above responsibilities.

The information needs are determined by the employee based on the composition of the main duties and the decisions made in the process of their implementation.

In a different approach, the responsibilities and information needs are obtained indirectly. The developer of the workstation asks employees - users of future workstations - to describe what happens in the process of performing their job duties. After that, the developer must formulate specific questions that need to be answered, assuming that the workstation is already functioning. This approach also allows the employee to gain a greater understanding of their activities and, in particular, the process of making complex decisions.

The result of applying any of the above approaches should be a clearly articulated list of functions performed by the employee and his information needs. The next steps on the way to creating an automated workplace are the definition of those functions from this list that can be automated, and the choice of programs with which this can be done.

An employee of any specialty using the AWP can perform the following operations:

  • enter written information from the keyboard and visually control this process using a monitor;
  • edit data;
  • move, copy, delete information;
  • display information on the screen, printer, record it on media;
  • transfer data from one PC to others using storage media;
  • exchange data via communication channels within a local area network or the Internet;
  • collect and store data;
  • search and collect the necessary information, update data;
  • receive information from databases;
  • protect information.

Let's determine the composition of the software required to create standard workstations. Recall that the composition of specific workstations largely depends on the specific organization and job duties performed by employees.

Let's consider the main approaches to completing the manager's workstation. Under the head we mean not only the head of the organization, but also his deputies, chief accountant, chief engineer, heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, i.e. managers at various levels. For these categories of employees, the functions performed by them are largely similar, so the composition of the functional software of the workstation will be approximately the same.

Most often, the manager needs information in connection with the implementation of the management process. The nature of information needs depends mainly on two factors: the personal qualities of the leader (knowledge of information systems, management style, understanding of information needs) and the organizational structure of management within which decisions are made.

The higher the competence of the manager in the field of information systems, the more complex and precise his information needs will be. A realistic understanding of the possibilities and costs involved puts him in a much better position to help develop an effective system.

The manager's technical background, leadership style, and decision-making ability all influence the nature and amount of information they require. Some managers prefer to make decisions on the basis of detailed information, while others - on the basis of information of a more general nature, using personal consultations with subordinates.

Own representations of the manager about the needs for information are also of great importance on the composition of the AWP software. Leaders often vacillate between wanting to know only the data they need or wanting to know all the information. Many managers do not realize what information they need.

There are several points of view of managers regarding their responsibilities regarding the dissemination of information to their subordinates. A manager who is unable or unwilling to distribute authority usually seeks to withhold information.

The problems of management information support depend on the scale of the enterprise and the complexity of its organizational structure. Larger enterprises with more complex organizational structures require more formal information systems, and information needs become even more important to operations.

At every level of management, different type information and usually in a different form. At the planning level, a one-time message, conclusions, or a single request is required; at the scheduling management level, reporting of deviations, findings, and various reports of periodic evaluations. At the level of operational control, a formal communication of established procedures and a daily communication of the implementation of the operation are necessary to ensure operational control of activities.

The more complex the structure of an organization, the easier it is to identify information needs. Where rights and responsibilities are clearly defined, relationships are understood, and decision-making areas are limited, information needs are easier to identify. The responsibilities of the leader include:

  • making managerial decisions within their range of responsibilities;
  • analysis and generalization of the information necessary for making these decisions;
  • determination of necessary actions for implementation decisions taken and determination of the circle of persons who should ensure their implementation;
  • formulating tasks for specific employees involved in the process of implementing a management decision, and bringing these tasks to them;
  • control over the execution of tasks.

Obviously, most modern workstations cannot take on the function of making managerial decisions, but they can significantly facilitate and speed up the performance of this function by the manager. It is advisable to include at least the following software tools in the functional software of the manager's workstation:

  • word processor;
  • spreadsheet processor;
  • DBMS (for working with databases on all aspects of the organization's activities, as well as for obtaining the necessary archival and operational information);
  • applied expert system (if necessary);
  • web browser;
  • program Email.

When developing the workstations of specialists, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the nature of their duties. The information needs of ordinary employees, as well as those of the managerial apparatus, depend on such factors as the personal qualities of the employee and the structure of the organization. With regard to personal qualities, knowledge of information systems and technologies, as well as an understanding of the need for information, is of great importance.

In the field of the structure of the organization, the profile of its activities plays a significant role. For example, although in a large industrial enterprise and in a small trading company The functions of the accounting department are essentially the same, but the specific tasks performed by the accounting staff, as well as the types of documents that they have to work with, can vary greatly. Therefore, the correct selection and configuration of software products for the work of a particular organization is extremely important.

Consider the composition of the software workstations of the most common specialties. The following programs constitute the minimum set of software tools for the average specialist.

The current stage of the economic development of society has a significant impact on the composition and content of the functions performed by an accountant. It requires not only knowledge of traditional accounting, but also the ability to work with securities, justify investments Money, to have an objective idea of ​​the economic and financial condition of the organization, etc. In this, the use of modern computer technologies can provide significant assistance.

The use of computer technology allows you to automate many of the functions performed by an accountant. The main functions of accounting are:

  • accounting:
    • - cash in the central cash desk and on the settlement account (accounts) of the organization in banks;
    • - Settlements with personnel for remuneration of employees;
    • – commodity transactions (for trade organizations);
    • - materials and fixed assets available in the organization (of greater importance for industrial enterprises);
    • – taxation;
  • maintenance:
  • – Settlements with suppliers, customers, subcontractors, etc.;
  • - consolidated financial statements.

This list of accounting functions is far from complete, it gives only a general idea of ​​the minimum range of tasks that the accountant's workstation software should provide. A separate range of tasks is to provide information links between accounting and external organizations. This means that it is necessary to organize the timely receipt of regulatory and methodological materials by accounting staff, as well as the transfer of consolidated reporting to relevant external organizations. Such organizations include higher authorities and administrations, tax inspectorates, statistical bodies, etc.

It is desirable to organize machine-to-machine exchange of information with banks within the "client-bank" system. This service is offered by the bank that services the settlement account of this organization. It consists in providing the ability to manage this account directly from the office of the organization. Programs of the "client-bank" system allow implementing many useful functions: creating payment orders and sending them to the bank via modem, receiving statements from the current account, etc. To ensure the protection of transmitted data, it is mandatory to use special information security tools (encryption, electronic signature) . Using such a system has many positive aspects. It allows you to save time, speed up customer service (due to prompt receipt of information about the receipt of funds to the account). Also, the use of this technology eliminates the need for employees to constantly travel to the bank to make payments.

Thus, the functional software of the accountant's workstation should include the following programs:

  • word processor;
  • financial and economic information processing system;
  • personal information system (organizer);
  • DBMS;
  • email program;
  • programs that implement the "client-bank" technology.

On modern Russian market computer programs represented by a large number of complexes for the automation of accounting. The main difference between software products is their focus on a large, medium or small enterprise. The programs are also available in local and network versions. Network options are somewhat more complicated and more expensive. They require special equipment operating systems and others. In addition, the organization needs a staff of qualified specialists to maintain the network. However, network options are convenient in that they include functions for computer processing of management information of the entire organization.

For small organizations, it is convenient to use the so-called mini-accounting packages. They are designed to automate the work of a small staff of accounting staff who do not have a pronounced specialization in specific areas of accounting.

These packages are designed for inexperienced users, they are easy to learn and work with. The main features provided by such programs include the formation of a number of primary accounting documents, keeping a journal of business transactions, compiling consolidated financial statements, etc. The most famous such software products are "1C: Accounting", "Turbo-Accountant", etc.

For larger small and medium-sized businesses, it is advisable to use packages such as "Integrated Accounting System". These packages allow you to keep automated records for some areas in offline with their subsequent consolidation into a single consolidated reporting. Software products of this type, which have received the greatest distribution, are a logical continuation of the development of mini-accounting packages. good quality have such packages as "Sail", "Compech +", "Bambi +", etc.

For medium and large businesses, packages like " Integrated system accounting". Main Feature similar software products is their modular construction. In addition, each module is responsible for performing the functions of a specific area of ​​accounting. All modules are interconnected, which makes it possible to compile consolidated reporting documents. Typically, such complexes include the following modules: "posting - general ledger - balance", accounting for wages, accounting for fixed assets, accounting for fixed assets, finished products, accounting for production costs, analysis of the financial condition of the organization, etc. Such systems allow connect new modules and thus expand the complex and its functionality. In this case, it is necessary to observe the condition of interconnectedness of all components of the system. This is best achieved by purchasing separate software products (modules) from the same company.

In the market of accounting programs, packages such as "Complex accounting system" of such firms as "Infosoft", "Intellect-service", "Omega", etc. have proven themselves well.

The organization of automated workplaces for a manager and an accountant is the most developed direction in the development and implementation of computer technologies in the process of enterprise management. However, the functions of other specialists can also be performed more efficiently with the introduction of computer technology. Let's consider some of them.

Workstation of a specialist in personnel. The main functions of the Human Resources Specialist include the following:

  • determination of the personnel of the organization, drawing up the staffing table;
  • selection and placement of personnel;
  • current work with personnel;
  • storage of information about the employees of the enterprise (personal data, information about promotion, rewards and punishments, hours worked, etc.).

To solve these problems, the AWP of a personnel specialist should include the following software tools:

  • word processor;
  • DBMS;
  • e-mail program;
  • applied expert system for the selection and placement of personnel.

Secretary's workstation

The main functions of the secretary are:

  • providing the head with operational information about the activities of the enterprise;
  • keeping a calendar of business meetings, meetings, etc.;
  • ensuring communications between managers of various levels;
  • preparation of necessary documents.

To perform these functions, the following set of programs is required:

  • word processor;
  • spreadsheet processor;
  • DBMS;
  • web browser;
  • e-mail program;
  • document management system.

Workstation of a lawyer

The main functions of a lawyer are:

  • preparation of templates for the main documents of the organization (samples of contracts, external reports, certificates transferred to third parties, etc.);
  • legal support of transactions.

The composition of the corresponding workstation includes:

  • word processor;
  • personal information system (organizer);
  • DBMS;
  • web browser;
  • e-mail program;
  • specialized reference and legal systems ("Garant", "ConsultantPlus", etc.).

In addition, the automated control system may include an workstation of a sales department employee, an workstation of a warehouse employee, an workstation of a security officer, a workstation of a marketer, a workstation of a cashier, etc. (depending on the area of ​​activity of the organization).

For each of these specialists, the corresponding software packages that make up the automated workplace are also developed.

When creating a complex of automated workplaces in an organization, it is necessary to ensure mutual exchange of information between them. This is necessary due to the fact that many tasks require the participation of various specialists in their solution and fixing data in various reporting documents.

So, for example, when accounting for the consumption of materials, it is necessary to use automated workstations of various specialists: the workstation of a warehouse worker, the workstation of an accountant for material accounting, the workstation of the marketing department, the workstation of an employee of the financial department, and, finally, the workstation of accounting for summary accounting.

When calculating the wages of employees, the corresponding workstation of the accounting department exchanges information with the workstation of an employee of the personnel department.

Thus, the introduction of automated workplaces in an organization should be carried out inseparably from the entire process of informatization of the organization and as part of the creation of an integrated automated management system for this organization.

It should be noted that at the moment there are a large number of companies offering ready-made automated workplaces of individual specialists or workstation complexes. In the event that the set of functions they offer meets the needs of a particular organization, then the use of these software packages will optimal solution. Otherwise, it is necessary to attract specialists to develop specialized software systems.

12.1 Automated workplace of a specialist: purpose and specifics of the tasks to be solved

Automated workstation (AWP) is a set of methodological, linguistic, technical and software tools that allow organizing the work of end users in a certain subject area. The specifics of the workstation - if earlier computer users were people with special programming and engineering training, now PC users are people of a wide variety of professions, as a rule, who do not have such special training.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide each PC user with the opportunity to work in terms familiar to him, to operate with the concepts and rules that make up the essence of his profession.
AWS has a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area. The localization of the workstation allows for the rapid processing of information immediately upon its receipt, and the results of processing can be stored for an arbitrarily long time at the request of the user.

In the context of the implementation of the management process, the purpose of introducing an automated workplace is to strengthen the integration of management functions, and each more or less "intelligent" workplace should provide work in a multifunctional mode.

In the most complex systems, workstations can be connected through special equipment not only to the resources of the main computer of the network, but also to various information services and systems. general purpose(news services, national information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge library systems).

The capabilities of the created workstations depend on the technical and operational characteristics of the computers on which they are based. Any configuration of the workstation must meet the general requirements for the organization of information, technical, software.

An automated workplace (AWP) can be defined as a set of information, software and technical resources that provide the end user with data processing and automation of management functions in a specific subject area.

The creation of an automated workplace assumes that the main operations for the accumulation, storage and processing of information are assigned to computers, and the economist performs some of the manual operations and operations that require a creative approach in preparing management decisions. Personal equipment is used by the user to control production and economic activities, changes, the values ​​of individual parameters during problem solving,

as well as input of initial data into AIS for solving current problems and analysis of management functions.

Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work.

For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles for creating workstations should be:

- systematic;

– flexibility;

- stability;

- efficiency;

– maximum focus on the end user;

- problem orientation to the solution of a certain class of problems;

– ergonomics;

- the principle of matching the information needs of the user to the technical


– the principle of creative contact between workstations and their potential users.

According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose.

The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWS system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts should be easily fixed, and the system's performance should be quickly restored.

The efficiency of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system.

The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

AWS as a tool for rationalization and intensification of managerial

activity is created to ensure the performance of a certain group of functions. The simplest function of the workstation is information and reference services. Although this function is inherent in any workstation to one degree or another, the features of its implementation significantly depend on the user category.

Workstations have a problem-professional orientation to a specific subject area. Professional workstations are the main tool for communication between a person and computer systems, playing the role of autonomous workplaces. Workstations perform decentralized simultaneous processing of information at the workplaces of performers as part of a distributed database. At the same time, they have access through the system device and communication channels to the PC and database of other users, thus ensuring the joint functioning of the PC in the process of collective processing.

AWS created on the basis of personal computers is the simplest and most

a common version of the workstation for workers in the field of organizational management. Such a workstation is considered as a system that, in an interactive mode of operation, provides a specific employee (user) with all types of support exclusively for the entire session of work. This corresponds to the approach to designing such an AWS component as an internal Information Support, according to which the information fund on magnetic media of a particular workstation should be at the exclusive disposal of the user of the workstation. The user himself performs all the functional duties of converting information.

The creation of a PC-based workstation provides:

Simplicity, convenience and user friendliness;

Ease of adaptation to specific user functions;

Compact placement and low requirements for operating conditions;

High reliability and survivability;

Relatively simple maintenance organization.

An effective mode of operation of the workstation is its functioning within the local area network as workstation. This option is especially expedient when it is required to “distribute” information and computing resources among several users.

Typical structure of the workstation

The creation of an automated workplace for organizational management systems involves their structuring and parameterization at the design stage. The structuring of the workstation includes a description of the operating environment: supporting and functional subsystems and the links between them, interfaces with the user and hardware, information and software tools

Parameterization involves the selection and study of parameters selection and study of the parameters of hardware, software and information tools that meet the requirements and restrictions formed during structuring

Structurally, AWS includes functional and supporting parts. The functional part defines the content of a specific workstation and includes a description of a set of interrelated tasks that reflect the features of the automated functions of the user's activity. The development of functional support is based on the user's requirements for the workstation and its functional specification, which includes a description of the input and output information, means and methods for achieving the reliability and quality of information, the carriers used, and communication interfaces.

Usually, this also includes descriptions of means of protection against unauthorized access, system recovery in failure situations, management in non-standard cases. The supporting part includes traditional types of support: information, software, technical, technological, and others.

Information support includes a description of the organization of the information base, regulates information communications, predetermines the composition and content of the entire information display system.

AWP software is divided into general and functional. General software is supplied with a PC and includes operating systems, application programs that extend the capabilities of operating systems, dialog software, and others.

General software is designed to control the operation of the processor, organize access to memory, peripheral devices, launch and control the processor, execute application programs, and ensure the execution of programs in high-level languages.

Functional software is designed to automate the solution of functional tasks, includes universal programs and functional packages. When designing these software tools, it is necessary to follow the principles of user-centric development.

The set of requirements for software and hardware is displayed on a variety of user functions, and this allows solving the problem of professional user orientation. AWS hardware is a complex of technical means of information processing based on a PC, designed to automate the functions of a specialist in the subject and problem areas of his professional interests. The workstation of a specialist in the field of organizational management is usually based on a PC for individual or collective use.

The technological support of the workstation is designed to organize the technological process of using the workstation in relation to the complex of tasks to be solved, corresponding to the functions of a specialist. Technological process is a set of functional works, including the provision of input, control, editing and manipulation of data, accumulation, storage, search, protection, receipt of output documents. Due to the fact that the user is, as a rule, a member of a certain team and performs certain work in it, it is necessary to provide for the technological interaction of performers in solving problems, to ensure the conditions for the joint work of specialists. These provisions should be reflected in
qualification requirements and job descriptions of AWS users.

AWP classification

A number of classification features can be used as the basis for the classification of AWS. Taking into account the areas of application, it is possible to classify the workstation according to the functional feature:

1. AWP of administrative and managerial personnel;

2. Workstation of a designer of radio-electronic equipment, automated control systems, etc.

3. Workstation of a specialist in the field of economics, mathematics, physics, etc.
4. Workstation for production and technological purposes.

An important classification feature of the workstation is the mode of its operation, according to which single, group and network modes of operation are distinguished. In the first case, the workstation is implemented on a separate PC, all the resources of which are at the exclusive disposal of the user. Such a workplace is focused on solving non-standard, specific tasks, and low-power computers are used for its implementation. In the group mode of operation on the basis of one computer, several workplaces are implemented, united according to the principle of administrative or functional community. In this case, more powerful computers and rather complex software are required.

The group mode of operation is usually used to organize distributed data processing within a separate department or organization to serve stable groups of specialists and managers. The network mode of operation of the workstation combines the advantages of the first and second. In this case, each workstation is built on the basis of one computer, but at the same time it is possible to use some common computer network resources. One of the approaches to the classification of workstations is their systematization by types of tasks to be solved.

The following groups of workstations are possible:

1. For solving information and computing problems;

2. To solve the problems of preparing and entering data;

3. To solve information and reference problems;

4. To solve accounting problems;

5. To solve the problems of statistical data processing;

6. For solving problems of analytical calculations.

Reasonable attribution of workstations to a certain group will contribute to a deeper and more thorough analysis, the possibility of a comparative assessment of various similar workstations in order to select the most preferable.

A more complex form is an AWP using a PC as

smart terminal, and remote access to the resources of the central (main) computer or external network.

In this case, several PCs are connected via communication channels to the main computer, while each PC can also work as an independent terminal.


In the most complex systems, workstations can, through special equipment,

connect not only to the resources of the main computer of the network, but also to various information services and general-purpose systems (news services, national information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge, library systems, etc.).

The capabilities of the created workstations largely depend on the technical

operating characteristics of the computer on which they are based. In this regard, at the design stage of an automated workplace, requirements are clearly formulated for the basic parameters of technical means for processing and issuing information, a set of component modules, network interfaces, ergonomic parameters of devices, etc.

A prerequisite for the functioning of the workstation is technical support. This is a reasonably chosen set of technical means for equipping them.

Information processing tools - computers of different capacities and types - form the basis of technical support computer networks. A characteristic feature of the practical use of technical means in organizational and economic management at present is the transition to decentralized and network processing based on a PC.

If a PC is used as an workstation of a small local network, on which all the information necessary for work is centrally stored, the amount of information processed is small. The speed of work is determined not by the speed of the computer, but by the speed of the dialogue between the operator and the machine. It follows from this that in this case a PC with low speed and a minimum amount of RAM is quite acceptable.

In another case, if the computer is intended for the regular preparation of voluminous documents and uses large amounts of information for this, it is necessary to install powerful machines with a large amount of external and internal memory.

The information content of the automated workplace in determining the range of users and clarifying the essence of the tasks they solve is carried out by the information support of the automated workplace. In the field of organizational management, users can be roughly divided into three categories:

managers, management staff and maintenance staff. Developed workstations for different categories of users differ in the types of data presentation. For example, service personnel usually deal with the organization's internal data, solve repetitive tasks, and usually use structured information.

Managers require both internal and external data to implement a management goal or decision.

The use of workstations should not disrupt the rhythm of work familiar to the user. Workstations concentrate the user's attention on the logical structure of the tasks being solved, and not on the characteristics of the one that implements them. software system. However, if the action specified by the system is not performed, the user must know the reason, and information about this must be displayed on the screen.

The Orion system is an object-oriented system designed for

organizing the workplace of the duty operator of the security service and managing the operation of the following subsystems: security and fire alarms, access control, video surveillance, fire automation control, management of engineering subsystems

The operator of the 'Orion' system works directly with the 'Operational task of the system' and must use the following commands and functions of this program:

1) program launch and operator identification;

2) change of duty;

3) arming and disarming zones and sections;

4) handling of alarms;

5) running control scripts;

6) management of access control elements;

7) display of statistics and regulation of smoke and dust thresholds;

8) start the screen saver;

9) disabling the alarm sound notification;

10) viewing the list of connected devices;

12) viewing the status of the program;

13) switching between floor plans;

14) receipt of a report for the shift;

15) regular shutdown of the program.

Also observe the 'Procedure in the event of an operating system failure'.
