What is splicing rtrs multiplex. TV broadcasting methods in the dvb-t2 standard with the insertion of regional content

Regional programs (news, thematic programs) are available in digital quality on the channels of the first multiplex Channel One, Russia 1, Match TV, NTV, Channel Five, Russia K, Russia 24 and TV Center”, as well as on the radio station “Radio Russia” 99.72% of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Insertion of regional content in digital signal produced using distributed program modification (TRM) technology. General principle TPM consists in the fact that the signal of the federal multiplex is divided into independent transport streams. In one stream, TV channels are transmitted that do not require regional modification. In others, TV and radio channels are subject to modification. In the regional branch of RTRS, a local tie-in is made into the necessary TV and radio channels, and only they are sent to the satellite for the second time to be delivered to the repeaters of the region. Repeaters equipped with a special device - a repeater, re-stitch the multiplex, including TV channels with regional content.

To meet the needs of broadcasters in local advertising, RTRS has developed a technical solution for seamless insertion of advertising into the multiplex stream. Advertising is inserted in St. Petersburg using a special device - a splicer at the time agreed with the broadcaster.

Providing the country's population with regional digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting is one of the tasks of the federal target program (FTP) "Development of television and radio broadcasting in Russian Federation for 2009-2018".



annotation scientific article on electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information technology, author of scientific work - Karyakin Vladimir Leonidovich, Karyakin Dmitry Vladimirovich, Morozova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

An analysis of the methods for organizing broadcasting of the First Multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard with an insert regional content in various options for building single-frequency SFN networks for digital terrestrial broadcasting in the Russian Federation. The problems of import substitution of technology for distributed modification of programs using a repeater are noted, since Enensys Technologies owns a Russian patent for the DVB-T2 broadcasting method with an insert regional content and the device used in this method. The disadvantage of those used in the Russian Federation technical solutions to implement the task of delivering the regional version of the First Multiplex is the need to broadcast combined T2-MI streams in different regions with common parameters set in the federal multiplexing center (FTsFM). The uniform parameters set in the FTsFM lead to a number of problems associated with different broadcasting conditions in terms of the territorial location of transmitters, in terms of the type and intensity of interference, as well as due to various climatic and geographical conditions of broadcasting in the territory of the Russian Federation. The DVB-T2 broadcasting standard allows for a wide range of options networks being created SFN for their adaptation to working conditions. Need a choice guard interval for a specific topology of placement of transmitters. To ensure the synchronous operation of single-frequency network transmitters, a time stamp is set based on the resulting time delays of the information signal. The choice of a template of carriers distributed in the frame, the type of modulation coding rate depends on the type and intensity of interference, geographical broadcasting conditions. The lack of opportunities to choose the optimal parameters in each of the regions leads, in aggregate, to the problems of ensuring the necessary margins for the stability of the operation of SFN networks, estimated by the bit error rate, which can lead to disruption of the normal operation of networks (technical stops and technical defects) and underutilization of the capabilities of the created networks in terms of transmission speed information.

Related Topics scientific papers on electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information technology, author of scientific work - Karyakin Vladimir Leonidovich, Karyakin Dmitry Vladimirovich, Morozova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

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The text of the scientific work on the topic "Methods of TV broadcasting in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content"


Karyakin Vladimir Leonidovich,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Radio Communications, Broadcasting and Television, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PSUTI), Samara, Russia, [email protected]

Karyakin Dmitry Vladimirovich,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior System Engineer of the Russian Representative Office of Juniper Networks, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]

Morozova Ludmila Alexandrovna,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production, PSUTI, Samara, Russia, [email protected]

Key words: DVB-T2 standard, multiplex, federal target program, regional content, backbone network, regional network, repeater, SFN network, synchronization, guard interval, modulation, coding.

An analysis of the methods for organizing the broadcasting of the First Multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content in various options for building single-frequency SFN digital terrestrial broadcasting networks of the Russian Federation is presented. The problems of import substitution of the technology of distributed modification of programs using a repeater are noted, since Enensys Technologies owns the Russian patent for the DVB-T2 broadcasting method with the insertion of regional content and the device used in this method. The disadvantage of the technical solutions used in the Russian Federation for the implementation of the task of delivering the regional version of the First Multiplex is the need to broadcast combined T2-MI streams in different regions with uniform parameters set in the federal multiplexing center (FTsFM). The uniform parameters set in the FTsFM lead to a number of problems associated with different broadcasting conditions in terms of the territorial location of transmitters, in terms of the type and intensity of interference, as well as due to various climatic and geographical conditions of broadcasting in the territory of the Russian Federation. The DVB-T2 broadcasting standard makes it possible to provide a wide choice of parameters for the created SFN networks for their adaptation to working conditions. It is necessary to choose a guard interval for a specific transmitter placement topology. To ensure the synchronous operation of single-frequency network transmitters, a time stamp is set based on the resulting time delays of the information signal. The choice of the pattern of carriers distributed in the frame, the type of modulation and the coding rate depend on the type and intensity of interference, geographical broadcasting conditions. The lack of opportunities to choose the optimal parameters in each of the regions leads, in aggregate, to the problems of ensuring the necessary margins for the stability of the operation of SFN networks, estimated by the bit error rate, which can lead to disruption of the normal operation of networks (technical shutdowns and technical defects) and underutilization of the capabilities of the created networks in terms of transmission speed information.

For citation:

Karyakin V.L., Karyakin D.V., Morozova L.A. TV broadcasting methods in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content // T-Comm: Telecommunications and transport. - 2016. - Volume 10. - No. 4. - S. 41-46.

Karyakin V.L., Karyakin D.V., Morozova L.A. Methods of TV broadcasting in the standard DVB-T2 with inserts regional content. T-Comm. 2016. Vol. 10. No.4, pp. 41-46. (in English)

1. Introduction

The digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting network of the Russian Federation in the DVB-T2 standard is intended to cover the population of the Russian Federation with digital broadcasting of the television broadcast package of the programs of the first multiplex in accordance with the Federal Target Program.

The list and sequence of TV and radio programs included in the first multiplex is determined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the mandatory public TV programs included in the first multiplex in each of the regions are subject to modification in accordance with the requirements of broadcasting organizations.

The issue of choosing the architecture of the digital broadcasting distribution network is of particular importance. importance, since the choice of a variant of this architecture directly affects the scheme for building single-frequency networks SFN (Single Frequency Network) of digital broadcasting in each of the regions, the quality and cost of communication services provided by FGU11 Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS) to broadcasters.

One of the important criteria for the quality of communication services is the probability of technical defects and technical stops, i.e. the probability of disruption of the normal operation of the digital television broadcasting network. Necessary condition The high quality of digital radio and television broadcasting services is to ensure a certain margin of stability for SFN networks in terms of the number of bit errors when receiving programs from the First Multiplex in the service area.

Unlike DVB-T standard DVB-T2 broadcasting has greater flexibility of the created single-frequency SFN networks and incorporates a number of features that allow more efficient regional modification of television and radio programs, especially when using satellite signal delivery to transmitting stations.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the methods for organizing the broadcasting of the First Multiplex in the DVB-T2 standard with the insertion of regional content in various options for building a digital terrestrial broadcasting network in the Russian Federation.

The digital terrestrial broadcasting network of the Russian Federation consists of 82 regional networks, in the center of each of which there is a regional center for the formation of multiplexes (RCFM).

The federal version of the first multiplex and its temporary duplicates for broadcasting in 5 broadcasting zones of the Russian Federation L, B, C, G and M should be delivered to all RCFM via satellite communication lines. The transmission of the signal of the First Multiplex via satellite communication lines is carried out in encrypted form.

To compare the various options for building a network, it is assumed that in each region, with the exception of Moscow, the Moscow region, Sapkg-Petersburg and the Leningrad region, three television and radio channels will be modified: "Russia 1", "Radio Russia" and "Russia 24".

2. Composition of the network program substitution system

digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting of the Russian

DVB-T2 Federations

The program substitution system of the digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting network of the DVB-T2 standard has a structure.

consisting of federal complex program substitution (FCPS) and the regional complex of program substitution (RCPS).

The structure of the FKPZ (Fig. 1) includes not only the equipment of the federal center for the formation of multiplexes (FTsFM), but also part of the equipment of federal broadcasting companies, in particular, the equipment of the hardware-studio complex (ASC), in which the generation of control signals for the replacement system is carried out.

Dec ■ y l-* FTsFM

; f Channels \ deliveries)

Federal broadcaster 1 i Federal broadcaster 2 \ Federal broadcaster N:

Rice. I. Scheme of the federal complex of program substitution

The structure of the regional software substitution complex includes the equipment of the regional center for the formation of the RCFM multiplex and the equipment of the ASC of regional broadcasting companies. In addition, the RCPZ may include additional equipment placed directly at radio and television transmitting stations (RTPS) of a given region, in particular, equipment for inserting regional content - a repeater (Fig. 2).


G Channels \

Regional broadcaster i | fc-ni dmtvvki)

: Regional mailer 2

| Repin "al broadcaster NО

Rice. 2. Scheme of the regional program substitution complex

3. Schemes for building a network of digital terrestrial broadcasting

The generalized scheme of the distribution network of the first multiplex is shown in fig. 3.

The following abbreviations are introduced here: FTsFM - federal center multiplex formation; RCFM - regional center of multiplex formation; FASK - federal hardware-studio complex; PACK - regional hardware and studio complex; FNMS - federal terrestrial backbone network; RNRS - regional ground distribution network; PZSSS - peripheral earth station satellite communications; Remote control DVB-S2 - transmitting device of the DVB-S2 standard; Remote control DVB-T2 - transmitting device of the DVB-T2 standard; PrU is a DVB-T2 standard receiving device.

Various options for the formation of the regional version of the First Broadcasting Multiplex are considered below and a comparative analysis of these options is carried out in terms of the technical and financial resources that the implementation of each of them will require.

T-Comm Volume 10. #4-2016

T-Sott Volume 10. #4-2016

The use of this option was not provided for by system projects for the digital terrestrial broadcasting network in the Russian Federation, however, it is currently recommended)
