A notary is an authorized specialist in the field of jurisprudence. Authorized Certification Center of the Federal Treasury for the Tomsk Region Authorized EDS Specialist

Notary- an authorized specialist in the field of jurisprudence, dealing with notarial affairs. the main task employee - certification of the authenticity of documents passing through his hands. Since notarial transactions are the most frequent “victims” of scammers, the work is very responsible and requires the utmost care from a specialist.

A notary in Moscow, just like a notary in any other city, must have a law degree. In this profession, the basis is knowledge of the features of paperwork and the necessary list of papers for concluding various kinds of transactions. A notary may operate in a public or private notary's office, as well as in court.

In what cases is it necessary to do without a notary?

The notary protects the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities. All actions are performed by him on behalf of the state and have absolute force. Usually, a specialist is contacted when selling / buying an apartment, registering an enterprise, drawing up a power of attorney, entering into an inheritance, etc. Particularly prudent citizens resort to the help of a professional, even in cases where this is not mandatory - in order to secure the transaction from possible risks.

Notary services include:

  • · Certification of transactions (contracts);
  • · Drafting wills and issuing relevant certificates;
  • · Registration of consents (a child's trip abroad, etc.);
  • · Authentication of translation, signature, copies of documents;
  • · Commitment of executive inscriptions (for the recovery of a sum of money);
  • Reception of documents for storage, etc.

Many Moscow notaries are qualified specialists who know their business. The best indicators of the reputation of the office, of course, are the presence of many positive feedback and long existence. You can also ask the employee to show a license for the right to conduct notarial activities - he has no right to refuse.

The cost of notary services depends on the applicant (natural or legal), on the prestige of the office and its location in a particular city.

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4.1. To register on the official website, the authorized person of the organization, after receiving the certificate of the verification key of the ES EP, fills out the registration form on the official website.

When registering on the official website, an authorized person of the organization uses the received certificate of the ES EP verification key.

4.2. Registration of organizations and authorized persons of organizations on the official website is carried out in the following order.

4.2.1. To register an organization on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "administrator of the organization" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator of the organization) on the registration form indicates the contact information of the organization and the registration data of the Administrator of the organization that are not in the certificate of the verification key of the ES ES.

After filling out the registration form, the registration of the organization and the Administrator of the organization on the official website is automatically performed.

4.2.2. To register the Administrator of the organization on the official website, the Administrator of the organization on the registration form indicates the registration data of the Administrator of the organization that are not in the certificate of the verification key of the ES EP.

After filling out the registration form, the registration of the Administrator of the organization on the official website is automatically performed.

4.2.3. After registering on the official website, the Administrator of the organization gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to perform the following operations:

entering the details of accounts opened with credit institutions for the transfer of funds by procurement participants;

input of information and documents within the authority of the organization established by Federal Law N 44-FZ;

consideration and confirmation of applications for registration of authorized persons of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist", "official with the right to sign a contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil law contract) budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant" (for the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", "authorized body", "authorized institution", "organization exercising the authority of the customer to carry out procurement on the basis of a contract (agreement) in accordance with part 6 article 15 federal law N 44-FZ"), "an official with the right to sign a copy of the contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)" (for the Administrator of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution", "organization exercising the powers of the customer for procurement on the basis of a contract (agreement) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law N 44-FZ"), "specialist with the right to approve procurement)" (for the Administrator of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", "authorized body ", "authorized institution");

formation of a request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) (for the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", "authorized body", "authorized institution", "organization exercising the authority of the customer to carry out procurement on the basis of the contract (agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ");

confirmation of the right of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", "authorized body", "authorized institution", "organization exercising the powers of the customer to make purchases on the basis of a contract (agreement) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law N 44- FZ" to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" (for the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer");

confirmation of the right of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution", "organization exercising the powers of customers to make purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Law N 44-FZ" to make purchases from name of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" (for the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer").

4.2.4. To register an authorized person of an organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist", "specialist with the right to approve the purchase", "an official with the right to sign a contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "an official with the right to sign a copy of the contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant" the appropriate authorized person of the organization on the registration form indicates the registration data that is not in the certificate of the key of verification of the ES ES .

After filling out the registration form, an application for registration is automatically generated and sent to the Administrator of the organization.

4.2.5. The application for registration is considered by the Administrator of the organization and:

in case of confirmation of registration by the administrator of the organization, an authorized person of the organization with the appropriate authority is automatically registered on the official website;

in case of refusal to register, the application for registration is rejected by the Administrator of the organization with an indication of the reason for the rejection and brought to the authorized person of the organization who filled out the registration form.

4.2.6. The administrator of the organization determines the operations to be performed by a registered authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" on the official website and electronic platforms.

After registration on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to carry out operations determined by the Administrator of the organization.

4.2.7. After registration on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "an official with the right to sign a contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to sign a state or municipal contract (civil legal contract of a budgetary institution, contract) based on the results of the auction in electronic form.

After registration on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "an official with the right to sign a copy of the contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to sign a copy of the state or municipal contract ( civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract).

4.2.8. After registration on the official website, an authorized person of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant" gets access to the official website and electronic platforms with the right to send a draft contract (civil legal contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the procurement participant.

4.2.9. An authorized person of the organization who does not have a certificate of the ES EP verification key and registered on the official website before January 1, 2014 with the authority of the user of the official website "specialist" has the ability to access the official website and electronic platforms until March 31, 2014 inclusive. From April 1, 2014, the access of an authorized person of an organization who does not have a certificate of the ES EP verification key to the official website and electronic platforms is terminated.

An authorized person of the organization who does not have a certificate of the ES EP verification key is not available to perform legally significant actions related to the publication of information on the official website and electronic platforms.

In order for an authorized person of an organization who does not have a certificate of the verification key of the EP EP to access the official website and electronic platforms from April 1, 2014, an authorized person of the organization applies to the Federal Treasury to obtain a certificate of the EP EP verification key in the manner established by the Federal Treasury.

4.3. An organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization" and authorized persons of this organization are registered on the official website, taking into account the following features.

4.3.1. An organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", authorized persons of this organization with the authority of the user of the official website "administrator of the organization", "authorized specialist" are registered on the official website in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of this Procedure.

4.3.2. After registration on the official website, the Administrator of the organization with the procurement authority "specialized organization" generates a request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on the official website on behalf of the organization with the procurement authority "customer" indicating:

organizations with authority in the field of procurement "customer", on behalf of which the supplier (contractor, performer) will be determined;

validity period of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer);

authorized persons of the organization with authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization" who can determine the supplier (contractor, performer);

the rights of authorized persons to perform operations to determine the supplier (contractor, performer);

a document that is the basis for registering the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer).

The formed request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization" is sent for consideration to the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer".

If the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" confirms the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer), the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) is automatically registered on the official website.

After registering the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) for authorized persons of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization", such persons get access to the official website and electronic platforms to work on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" or with the right to carry out the operations specified in the request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer".

At the same time, the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization" has the right to clarify the list of operations to be performed by authorized persons of the organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" when determining the supplier (contractor, performer) on the official website on behalf of the organization with authority in the field purchases "customer".

In case of refusal to register the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer), the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" rejects the request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" indicating reasons for rejection. The corresponding rejected request for confirmation of the right to determine the supplier (contractor, performer) on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection, is brought to the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "specialized organization".

4.4. An organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution" and authorized persons of this organization are registered on the official website, taking into account the following features.

4.4.1. Organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution", authorized persons of this organization with the authority of the user of the official website "administrator of the organization", "authorized specialist", "specialist with the right to approve the purchase", "official with the right to sign the contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "an official with the right to sign a copy of the contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to the participant purchases" are registered on the official website in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of this Procedure.

4.4.2. The administrator of an organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution" generates a request for confirmation of the right to make purchases on the official website for organizations with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" indicating:

organizations with procurement authority "customer" for which the procurement will be carried out;

a document that is the basis for registration of the right to make purchases.

The formed request for confirmation of the right to make purchases for organizations with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" is sent to the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "financial authority" for consideration and confirmation by an authorized person of this organization with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" (hereinafter referred to as the authorized person of the financial authority with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist").

4.4.3. In case of confirmation of the right to make purchases by an authorized person of the financial body with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist", authorized persons of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution" get access to the official website and electronic platforms for the organization's procurement with purchasing authority "customer".

In case of refusal to register the right to make purchases, the authorized person of the financial body with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist" rejects the request for confirmation of the right to make purchases for organizations with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection. The corresponding rejected request for confirmation of the right to conduct procurement for organizations with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection, is brought to the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "authorized body", "authorized institution".

4.5. An organization with the authority in the field of procurement "an organization exercising the powers of customers to make purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Law N 44-FZ" and authorized persons of this organization are registered on the official website, taking into account the following features.

4.5.1. An organization with authority in the field of procurement "an organization exercising the authority of customers to make purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Law N 44-FZ", authorized persons of this organization with the authority of the user of the official website "administrator of the organization", " authorized specialist", "an official with the right to sign a contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "an official with the right to sign a copy of a contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract)", "a specialist with the right to send a draft contract (civil law contract of a budgetary institution, contract) to a procurement participant" are registered on the official website in the manner prescribed by clauses 4.1 and After registration of the right to make purchases, authorized persons of the organization with authority in the field of procurement "an organization exercising the powers of customers to make purchases on the basis of contracts (With agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Law N 44-FZ, get access to the official website and electronic platforms to work on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer" with the right to carry out the operations specified in the request for confirmation of the right to carry out procurement on behalf of an organization with procurement authority "customer".

In case of refusal to register the right to purchase, the Administrator of the organization with purchasing authority "customer" denies the request to confirm the right to purchase on behalf of the organization with purchasing authority "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection. The corresponding rejected request for confirmation of the right to purchase on behalf of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "customer", indicating the reason for the rejection, is brought to the Administrator of the organization with the authority in the field of procurement "organization exercising the authority of customers to carry out purchases on the basis of contracts (agreements) in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Law N 44-FZ".

4.6. After posting on the official website information about the details of the accounts to which the funds of procurement participants should be received (for participants in the budget process of the budget of the subject Russian Federation(local budget, budget of the state off-budget fund)), budget institutions subject of the Russian Federation (municipal budgetary institutions, budgetary institutions of the state non-budgetary fund), the correctness of information on the relevant account details is confirmed by an authorized person of the financial authority with the authority of the user of the official website "authorized specialist".

Consider in the article the possibilities of a contract service specialist in the EIS, in open access and after registration on the portal of the unified information system.

Now it is difficult to imagine the existence of public procurement without a unified information system (hereinafter referred to as UIS). EIS is the successor to the all-Russian official website. Both resources are aimed primarily at automating public procurement. The new improved system was launched in early 2016 at the same address as the official procurement website, zakupki.gov.ru.

The purpose of the changes was to simplify the work of all those involved in public procurement. And this manifested itself already during the transition - registered users of the OOS switched to a new information system imperceptibly for them - the operators transferred all the registration data of users to the EIS without the participation of the latter.

What is available without registration in the EIS

Not logging in account, you can use many useful resources.

First of all, all laws, orders, clarifications of regulatory authorities, etc. can be found in the public domain. in the area of ​​procurement. .

There are also any lists necessary for the contract manager, for example, a register of unscrupulous suppliers, a list of financial institutions, etc.

And of course, all the information about the stages of past and current purchases has been collected, as well. In particular, information about the following procedures is available to everyone:

  • register of customer organizations,
  • direct purchases,
  • public discussions of large purchases,
  • complaints,
  • scheduled and unscheduled inspections,
  • test results,
  • vendor identification protocols,
  • contracts,
  • customer reports.

Using the system's open data, contract service specialists can draw up their orders after analyzing such purchases. In addition, customers use information about concluded contracts when calculating the initial (maximum) purchase price in a costly way.

After registering with the EIS

In order not only to use the data, but also to carry out the procurement procedure, customers need to register their institution in the system.

According to the UIS user manual, the customer has several categories of users, and each user has his own list of powers:

  • the administrator of the organization, who, in particular, can block or add new customer users and assign them rights to perform certain operations;
  • an authorized specialist has the right to act within the framework of the access that the administrator has opened to him;
  • specialist with the right to approve the purchase;
  • an official with the right to sign a contract;
  • a specialist who has the right to send the contract to the procurement participant.

It is worth considering in detail the list of opportunities for authorized contract service specialists. In the UIS, they can perform the following actions in the system:

  • place purchases on the site;
  • place information in the register of contracts (on amendment, execution or termination);
  • coordinate the placement of information;
  • study Additional information on procurement (data on the failure of participants to provide information on beneficiaries, subcontractors and on unilateral decisions to terminate);
  • generate reports and view the reports of others.

Read the latest comments on hot topics in the field of public procurement in magazine "Goszakupki.ru"
