Whatsapp messages take a long time to arrive. How to delete messages

Normally, the messenger after exiting it continues to work in the background: the application is minimized, you do not use it, but calls are coming, and notifications about incoming messages are working. If they don't come whatsapp notifications- it means that some kind of device failure has occurred or its settings have been changed. We will tell you how to fix the problem on iPhone, Android, and Windows phone, and also give separate instructions for Xiaomi and Meizu.

Checking and setting up the Internet

These instructions will work for most popular platforms. You may encounter slight differences in wording, but this will not affect the understanding of the process. A separate case if WhatsApp notifications on Windows Phone stopped coming: pay special attention to the quality of the Internet and to the item regarding the battery saver mode.

For owners of Xiaomi and Meizu smartphones

The devices of these companies are positioned as the most "long-playing", able to work for a long time without recharging. In fact, manufacturers are a little cunning: this advantage is not achieved due to the increased battery capacity. Task Manager blocks work by default third party applications in the background. As soon as you close the messenger, it is completely disabled and is offline. Accordingly, WhatsApp does not show message or incoming call notifications.

How to fix:

  • Section "Settings", then "Advanced settings".
  • Button "Battery", then "Manage applications".

  • We are looking for WhatsApp in the list and click the "No restrictions" button.

Sep 25, 2017 18:27

WhatsApp is a convenient web communication tool with many features. Any activity of contacts, if the settings have not been changed, is accompanied by a notification on the smartphone. But sometimes WhatsApp notifications do not come.

Possible reasons

Most often, this problem is associated with three reasons: incorrect application settings, turning off notifications in the mobile device settings, and a lack of random access memory for the application to work. Let's deal with each of them.

Reason 1: Whatsapp settings

There is a special item in the Watsap settings menu that is responsible for managing notifications. That's what it's called. To get started, go to it.

All notifications are divided by the messenger into 3 types: chats, groups and calls. Check the settings for each one. The notification sound must be at least set, vibration and diode - optional. There is also a pop-up window. If you activate it, then a message will appear on top of the applications stating that your contacts have made any activity in Votsap.

Sometimes notifications don't come from a specific user or group. In this case, go to the desired dialog, call context menu and click on their activation.

Reason 2: Device settings

In the device settings, check the alert status. If a given function disabled, then return it. Also set some ringtone, in case of its absence.

Reason 3: Lack of RAM

This problem is faced mainly by outdated models of smartphones or tablets. They don't have enough storage space to keep WhatsApp minimized. And if the application is completely deactivated, then notifications do not come.

There is only one solution in this situation. Permanently close any processes except the messenger. In this case, activity messages will come stably.

How to make text italic, bold or strikethrough in whatsapp

I have been using this feature in WhatsApp for a long time, and I know that most people do not know about it.

If you want to make a word bold, simply put an asterisk (*) at the beginning and end of the word. For example, if you want to make the word bold bold, write this * fatty*. Same with in italics, only instead of asterisks we put an underscore (_). To get strikethrough text, you need to put a tilde sign (~) at the beginning and end of the required fragment. There is also the option to create monospaced text by adding three quotes to either side of the text.

Is it too difficult for you? Then just highlight the desired word or part of the text, click "more" and choose to bold, italic, strikethrough or monospace. I want to warn you that this is not available on all devices, so it's better to use the first method.

How to quote a message on whatsapp

If the chat or group is active and new messages are constantly coming in, quoting is the best way Do not get confused, who, to whom and what answers.

To quote someone, you need to click on the message for a few seconds, and then select the arrow pointing to the left (this is the first arrow). Thus, the quoted message is attached, all that remains is to type the answer and send it.

How to turn off automatic uploading of photos and videos in WhatsApp

One of the most WhatsApp tricks that you should definitely know will help you save your mobile internet data.

There are several ways to save WhatsApp internet traffic while still receiving notifications and messages. First, disable the app's ability to download media over the mobile network. This can be done in the settings for this click on three dots in the right in upper corner, Further " Settings» — « Data and storage» — ««.

In this section, you need to uncheck the media content that does not need to be downloaded using mobile internet. After that, in order to view the sent photo or video in the chat, you just need to click on the file, and the download will begin. I especially recommend turning off videos, as they have a lot of weight and eat up traffic the most.

Whatsapp calls eat traffic? Turn on Data Saver

WhatsApp calls are very convenient, after their launch I abandoned Skype. But they can use a lot of traffic, especially for users with limited tariff plan. Fortunately, WhatsApp also has the ability to lower the bandwidth on calls, thereby saving traffic. To enable the data saving feature, go to " *** » — « Settings» — « Data and storage» — « Call settings' and check the box next to ' Saving Data.

How to view WhatsApp traffic usage statistics

All Android phones released in the last five years have traffic usage statistics, Google even released . WhatsApp also has statistics on traffic consumption, the statistics are conveniently divided into categories.

To get into the WhatsApp traffic usage log, you need to go to " Settings» — « Data and storage» — « data usage". Here you can view all application statistics, such as how much Internet traffic was spent on calls, messages, the number of messages sent, etc. The biggest downside to this statistic is that there is no breakdown of traffic used by Wi-Fi and cellular.

How to see how much memory a chat has taken

If you go to " Settings» — « Data storage» — « storage“, you will see impressive statistics.

In this section, you can see how much space a chat with a contact or a group took up on the device. After you select a contact or group, you can view detailed statistics such as how much space is taken up by photos, videos, audio, documents, and the number of text messages. Here you can delete certain media content.

How to remove certain content from a chat

You can do more than just see how long it takes to chat with a particular contact. You can remove specific media content from a specific chat.

All you have to do is visit the vault again (" Settings» — « Data storage» — « storage"). Here, select a contact or group and click the "Manage Community" button. Now you can mark which categories of content you need to clear. Therefore, if there are 80 350 MB videos in the group and you need to delete them, just check it and click the "delete messages" button.

Request information about your account

On WhatsApp, like Facebook and Twitter, you can request a ZIP archive containing your information and settings. account. But I want to note that there will be no messages in the archive.

If you decide to get such an archive, go to " Settings» — « Account» — « Request account information", and then click "request report". It takes two to three days to receive a report. Also, the request will be canceled if you decide to delete or change your account number.

You cannot view this file in WhatsApp, you can try to open it with another program directly on your phone or transfer the file to your computer and open it there.

How to send chat history by e-mail

Whatsapp can do more than just backup chats in the cloud, and send all chat correspondence to e-mail.

If you need to send a chat to the mail, go to " Settings» — « Chats» — « Chat history» — « Send chat by email mail“, after which the entire list of available chats will open.

Once you have selected the desired chat, WhatsApp will ask if you want to include media or send only text and emotes. Once selected, it will open standard application Email, with the attached chat log will be in .txt format, all that remains is to enter the addressee and press the send button.

How to enable 2-Step Verification

By default, when you change devices, WhatsApp asks for a phone number and a one-time password. But turning on two-step verification means attackers can access your account even if they have a SIM card.

To enable it, you need to go to " Settings» — « Account» — « Two step verification". Here you will need to create a 6-digit PIN, which will need to be entered when registering new devices. You can also add your e-mail here if you suddenly forget your PIN.

There is one drawback, it is that disable two-step authentication from the source device, without entering passwords and PINs. Very strange.

How to add a shortcut to a contact on the desktop

WhatsApp also lets you add contact shortcuts to your Android desktop - perfect for popular and favorite contacts.

To add a chat shortcut to your phone desktop, open a chat or group, and then tap three dots in the upper right corner. From here click " More» — « Add an icon to the screen". Then just click Confirm to confirm the decision.

How to turn off read receipts on WhatsApp

x, the infamous blue tick. For the uninitiated, it means that the message has been read. If you need to hide from your contacts and turn off the read receipt (blue checkmark), go to " Settings» — « Account» — « privacy" and uncheck the " Read reports«.

Remember that this works both ways, i.e. your contacts can't see when you're reading their messages, and you can't see when they're reading yours.

How to see who read a message in a whatsapp group

One WhatsApp hack you probably didn't know about is the ability to see who read your message in a group. All you have to do to see the Reader List is hold down on your message to highlight it, then tap the three-dot menu and select " Info". Here you will see the full list of people who read the message, and at what time it was read.

How to turn on invisible mode in whatsapp

WhatsApp has a feature that shows when you were last online, or rather, when you last opened WhatsApp.

If you decide to turn it off, go to " Settings» — « Account» — « privacy". Then click " Visit time” and choose who can see your last online visit time. There are three categories to choose from: All«, « My contacts" and " Nobody«.

You can also change the visibility of your profile photo and contact details in the same way. They can also be viewable by everyone, only by your contact, or by no one at all.

How to view the list of blocked contacts

Feel free to block unwanted contacts on WhatsApp. Look full list blocked contacts, go to " Settings» — « Account» — « privacy". Next you need to scroll to the section " Messages» and press « Blocked: X«.

Here you can also add to the blocked list by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner. The "Contacts" page will open, where it remains only to select a contact to block.

How to turn on real-time location tracking

Sending your location to a WhatsApp chat is very simple, just press the paperclip icon and click on the "Location" icon. But what if you want someone to see your real-time location, like a friend or parent? It turns out that WhatsApp has such a function, and it will be a real find, first of all, for parents.

You can activate the feature by clicking on the paperclip icon again. Now click " Place» — « Share location data” and enter the time, from 15 minutes to 8 hours. If you change your mind about sharing your location, end tracking manually by clicking the " stop sharing«.

How to set the original sound to a contact

At regular user whatsapp in address book a lot of contacts, and if they write a lot to you, then it is not clear when the expected message arrived. Fortunately, there is one way to sort incoming messages by notification sound.

To create an individual notification, you need to go to the chat with the desired contact. Here, click on its name at the top of the window and select "Individual Notifications".

After you get to this section, check the box next to "Use". Here you can change the chat notification sound, call notification, vibration, indicator light, etc.

How to temporarily mute a chat or group

You probably have a group that constantly posts memes and viral videos. You can set up notifications, following the previous tip, or just turn off the group or contact.

To temporarily mute a chat or group, press and hold a contact's chat. Several icons will appear at the top of the screen. Tap the mute icon (crossed out speaker). Specify the mute period (eight hours, week, year) and choose whether to show notifications for new recordings.

How to use whatsapp on computer

If you prefer a full size keyboard or just convenience big screen, use WhatsApp for computer or whatsapp web.

To continue you must download WhatsApp for Windows or Mac (download) or go to WEB version client (web.whatsapp.com). Now you need to scan the QR code, using mobile application Whatsapp. On your phone, tap on the three-dot menu in the top right corner, now select WhatsApp Web to launch the QR code reader feature. Now scan the QR code from a website or a detoscope program with your phone and that's it.

The biggest disadvantage of computer and web whatsapp versions is that it is completely tied to the phone. You cannot use WhatsApp on a computer if the phone is turned off or if there is no internet on the phone. However, it's better than nothing.

How to transfer files from phone to computer (and vice versa)

Whatsapp for desktop allows you to share files between your computer and phone.

All you have to do is create a group with any of your contacts, remove the selected contact and the group will remain. Thus, you will have your own private hub for file sharing. All that remains is to send files from the phone to the group, and then download them to the computer (or vice versa).

Participate in beta testing

To be the first to learn and try new features, you need to join the beta testing program. This means that sometimes there will be errors and other shortcomings, so it's worth thinking about.

To become a beta tester, go to the WhatsApp page on the Google Playa Store and scroll down until you see the "become a beta tester" section. Click the "I..." button and you will be enrolled in the beta testing program. The beta version update works the same as the stable version update, just click the "Update" button to get new version applications.

Did you know about these WhatsApp features?

Do you have your own WhatsApp hacks? Be sure to share them in the comments below! Thank you!

It happens like this: a person sent a message on WhatsApp and for a long time observes a gray tick next to it. This indicates that the message has been sent, but not yet delivered to the interlocutor. Why are WhatsApp messages not getting through? Actually, this happens quite rarely, because WhatsApp is quite a stable application. However, message problems can sometimes be observed. There may be several reasons.

But all of them can be divided into two groups:

  • Problems with the host;
  • Problems at the transmitting side.

Problems with the host

With this, everything is simple. Perhaps the interlocutor simply turned off the phone or he has problems with the Internet. It is also possible to add you to the Black List. Although, perhaps, the subscriber is just sleeping. The solution here, of course, can be only one: be patient and just wait. But for starters, it will be useful to make sure that the problems are on that side. To do this, you need to at least check the quality of your own Internet connection.

Problems at the transmitting side

It is not at all necessary that the root of the problem may be hidden in the level of the Internet signal. It is possible that the restriction on the transfer of background data is enabled in the settings of the messenger itself. To exclude this option, you need to go through the menu items: Settings - Data usage - WhatsApp data usage - check the function Limit background data. The second solution to the problem is related to the fact that you need to check the Notifications function. This is done through the menu items: Menu - Settings - Notifications. Third way: just reboot your mobile device. It's amazing how many problems can be solved with a simple reboot...

You can also try resetting all WhatsApp settings to default. Sometimes this helps too. As a last resort, it remains to reinstall the messenger again, deleting not only the application itself, but also all its service files.

As for iOS devices, the solution may lie in the following:

  • Settings - Data usage - - Menu. Next, make sure that the auto-data synchronization function is enabled;
  • Check if all permissions are enabled for whatsapp apps in the phone settings;
  • Disable the power saving feature. It is possible that the phone is blocking the work of the messenger precisely because this function is enabled.

Allows people from all over the world to communicate for free using the Internet. In the messenger available not only text messages, but also calls, even with video calls. Also, users of the application can exchange pictures, send emoticons, gifs and voice notes.

Unfortunately, in any programs, failures happen. And this messenger is no exception. Sometimes users try to understand why messages are not being sent to WhatsApp.

The reasons

Any causes of problems can be divided into two groups: those related to the Internet connection and those related to the application itself. In the first case, everything is obvious. Mobile network it does not always catch, and without it, the work of WhatsApp, as well as correspondence, is impossible. The second one is not so easy. This may be a messenger failure or a smartphone problem. It also happens that the user blocks you. In this case, communication with him becomes impossible.

Solving shipping problems

When messages are not sent to WhatsApp, first of all, you need to check the operability of the connection to the Network. Launch the browser on your smartphone or tablet and open any page. If it doesn't load, it's a problem with the Internet.

Then check if messages are getting through in other conversations. If so, then the fact is that a particular user has blocked you intentionally or by mistake. In such a situation, nothing can be done.

Since the problem is not with the network, and the reboot did not help, the final method remains - uninstalling and reinstalling WhatsApp. You must first activate the backup from the tab "Chats", which is located in the application settings. This feature will allow you to restore user data if they are lost as a result of a reinstallation.

Media files or voice recordings are not sent

If everything is in order with the messages, but images, videos and voice messages cannot be sent, then there can be two problems: low Internet connection speed and insufficient memory on the iPhone or Android. In the first case, you need to connect to WiFi networks or walk to a place with better network reception. In the second, you should clean the device's memory, as well as close all unnecessary applications.
