The procedure for the provision of services within the framework of archival tariff plans with a subscription fee. Full list of USSD requests for A1 (velcom) subscribers Tariff plan Light

USSD requests are simple and fast way receive from the operator mobile communications necessary information. All you have to do is enter the required request on your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember all of them. So save and use the HF directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the state of the balance at the time of the request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in subscription fee

Information about the amount of the monthly payment, the balance of the amount for paying for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions

Remaining included minutes velcom services international 100/250, the rest of the Internet traffic of the "ITV velcom" service package

Information about the amount payable on the last issued invoice, for clients working without prepayment

Information about the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within the Closed Subscriber Group (CAG)

The total number of minutes used when calling the "favorite" number (tariff plans "Pair", "It's time for couples")

Ability to quickly disconnect communication services in case of debt

Registration of an unconfirmed payment

Checking the balance of a subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers whose number is assigned as "favorite" by the subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan)

*101*Subscriber number Hello#

"Waiting for a call": the subscriber whose number was specified will receive an SMS-notification with a request to call you back with your number.

*131*Company subscriber number#

Replenishment of the account with an express payment card

Change the postal address for delivery of invoices to e-mail

Repeat invoice for the closed period by e-mail

Refusal to receive invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about subscriber's connected services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Phone number and plan information

Tariff plan change

Information about your number in international format

Setting / canceling the ban on listening to ACCA news

Receiving USSD messages in transliteration

Receiving USSD messages in Russian

Setting / canceling the prohibition of use conditional forwarding in roaming

Connecting minute packages to all networks

"Reconnected": all velcom subscribers who called you when you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are back in touch

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Activation / deactivation of the service "Stopitsot" (available to subscribers of tariff plans "Kedy", "Polukedy")

Activation / deactivation of the service "Anti-detector"

Activation/deactivation of the Melofon service

Connection/change of "favorite" number (not available on the tariff plans "Own network", "BUSINESS.PRO", "BUSINESS.PRO.WEB")

Activation/deactivation of the "Pause" service

Connecting / disconnecting CCIS

Obtaining an ISSA password

Connection/disconnection/change of the package within the framework of the "Director's package" service for the tariff plan Manager+

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Receiving settings for the Mobile Internet service, MMS, streaming video(“Mobile TV”), all available

Receiving test MMS

Activating/deactivating the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing/deleting an application for changing the Mobile Internet service package

Enable/Disable MMS

Information about the connected "Mobile Internet" service package and access point

Information about the activated package of the Mobile Internet service, the cost of the package and the date of the next debit of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Enabling/disabling the Anti-Virus service

Enable/disable Firewall service

Activation/deactivation of the "Children's Internet" service

Connecting additional traffic to WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Activation of "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business" services

Deactivation of "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business" services

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of Roaming.Vacation, Roaming.Business services

The following terms and their definitions are used in this Procedure:

Corporate tariff plans- tariff plans for legal entities and individuals - participants of the company's individual corporate program (hereinafter referred to as ICP).

"Closed subscriber group" (hereinafter - CAG)– a service that allows making calls at a special cost within a separate group of subscribers. Provided to subscribers of corporate tariff plans and users of the "Team" service. Outgoing calls within ZAG are provided in accordance with the Rules for the Fair Use of Voice Traffic on Corporate Tariff Plans.

Individual corporate program (ICP)- a special offer of the company that allows individuals - employees of a legal entity to be served according to corporate tariff plans. The Company independently determines the conditions and tariff plans offered under the ICP.

Corporate client– a legal entity and/or individuals– participants of the ICP, united in a separate CAG. The following corporate tariff plans are described in order:

Tariff plans of the "Telemetry" line;

Tariff plan"Agrocorporation";

Tariff plan "Business plan";

Tariff plans "Business plan 1.0", "Business plan 2.0", "Business plan 3.0", "Business plan 4.0";

Tariff plan " Mobile cabinet»;

Tariff plans "Business Unlim 1.0", "Business Unlim 2.0", "Business Unlim 3.0", "Business Unlim 4.0";

Tariff plan "Business Unlim VIP";

Tariff plan "Telemetry NBIOT".

"Gateway"– a software and hardware tool that can be used to convert data exchange protocols when passing and (or) terminating telephony traffic over the IP protocol.

and Additional services:

"Team"- a service for subscribers - individuals, served according to tariff plans other than corporate ones, which allows making calls at a special cost within the framework of the CAG corporate client. The service is provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of the "Team" service.

"Separate account"- this is an opportunity for subscribers of a corporate client to independently connect and pay bills for a number of additional services.

1. Corporate tariff plans

General provisions:

ZAG is provided subject to service under tariff plans of at least 2 subscribers.

The subscription fee for corporate tariff plans is charged daily in equal installments depending on the number of days in a calendar month.

The included traffic provided for by the tariff plan is provided in accordance with the "Procedure for the provision of traffic" and the "Procedure for the provision of the Mobile Internet service" in the presence of the relevant connected services.

Assignment/change of "favorite" numbers is carried out in accordance with the "Procedure for the provision of the "Favorite number" service.

Subscribers of a corporate client can be served according to non-corporate tariff plans on terms that do not contradict this Procedure.

A corporate client has the right to refuse service under the corporate tariff plan. In this case, the change of tariff plans of subscribers of a corporate client is made on the basis of the client's application. In this case, the ZAG and "Team" services are disabled.

Changing the tariff plan is regulated by the "Procedure for changing the tariff plan".

In the event that an ICP participant terminates labor relations with a legal entity whose employees were made a special offer, the ICP participant must, within 5 days, submit an application to change the corporate tariff plan to any other tariff plan provided by the company. After the expiration of this period, the company has the right to unilaterally change the corporate tariff plan of the ICP participant to the "Starting" tariff plan.

Tariff plans of the "Telemetry" line

When connecting, the subscriber can choose one of the options for configuring the tariff plan:

  • internet only
  • internet, SMS
  • internet, SMS, voice service
  • Internet, SMS, "Data transfer"
  • Internet, SMS, voice service, "Data transmission".

The "Data Transfer" service is provided without charging a subscription fee.

The tariff plan does not provide for MMS services, SMS-roaming, "Conference call", "Favorite number", "Mobile TV", the possibility of changing the "Mobile Internet" service package.

Subscribers of Telemetry-R tariff plans are not included in the client's DAG.

Telemetry-R tariff plans provide for special tariffs for the "International Internet roaming" service.

Tariff plan "Agrocorporation"

Provided to corporate clients with a legal address in rural areas.

Tariff plan "Business plan"

Subscribers of the tariff plan can connect to a one-time package " Unlimited Internet per day” and “Unlimited Internet up to 512 Kbps”, “Unlimited Internet at 1 Mbps” package. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

Subscribers of the tariff plan can use the package "300 minutes to other networks" for connection. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for providing traffic.

Tariff plans "Business plan 1.0", "Business plan 2.0", "Business plan 3.0", "Business plan 4.0"

The subscription fee of tariff plans includes Internet traffic through public access points, as well as Internet traffic through corporate access points.

Subscribers of tariff plans can connect the packages "Unlimited Internet for a day", "Unlimited Internet up to 512 Kbps", "Unlimited Internet at a speed of 1 Mbps", "Doubling Internet traffic". The conditions for the provision of packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

For subscribers of tariff plans, the package "300 minutes to other networks" is available for connection. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for providing traffic.

The company has the right to suspend the provision of services on a personal account by disconnecting the subscriber from the company's communication network, as well as unilaterally refuse to execute the contract if the use of the SIM card in the gateway or in devices equivalent to it is detected.

Tariff plan "Mobile Cabinet"

The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes Internet traffic through public and corporate access points.

When 100 GB is used up through a public hotspot, the access speed is reduced to 512 Kbps.

The subscribers of the tariff plan are not included in the client's DAG.

Change to the tariff plan "Mobile Cabinet" is not performed.

Change from the tariff plan "Mobile cabinet" is not performed.

The possibility of data transfer via the bittorrent protocol is excluded.

When connecting the tariff plan, the client, if necessary, is given a 3G / 4G modem for use.

Tariff plans "Business Unlim 1.0", "Business Unlim 2.0", "Business Unlim 3.0", "Business Unlim 4.0".

The subscription fee of tariff plans includes Internet traffic through public and corporate access points.

After using the traffic included in the subscription fee, the possibility of data transfer via the bittorrent protocol is not provided, the speed of Internet access is reduced:

  • on the tariff plan "Business Unlim 1.0" - up to 512 Kbps.
  • on the tariff plan "Business Unlim 2.0" - up to 512 Kbps.
  • on the tariff plan "Business Unlim 3.0" - up to 1 Mbps.
  • on the tariff plan "Business Unlim 4.0" - up to 2 Mbps.

For subscribers of tariff plans, a one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day", a package "Internet traffic doubling" is available for connection. The conditions for the provision of packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

Tariff plan "Business Unlim VIP".

The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes unlimited traffic through a public and corporate access point with no speed limit.

Connection additional packages is not provided.

Tariff plan "Telemetry NBIOT".

The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes data transfer using NB-IoT technology.

Tariff plan subscribers are assigned an identification number, which is not a subscriber number.

Additional services, as well as the Detailing service, are not provided.

Sale of equipment is not available.

Access to the Personal Account to view information on subscribers with the NBIOT Telemetry tariff plan is available only for subscribers with Administrator and Supervisor access rights.

2. Additional services

General provisions:

The service period is 30 days, followed by automatic renewal.

The cost of services is deducted at a time in full upon connection / change and in the future - every 30 days.

If at the time of the next write-off of the cost of the service, the subscriber is disconnected from outgoing and incoming communications due to untimely payment for the services of the company or the use of the Pause service, the cost of the service will be written off after the restoration of service in a single amount in full. The service provision period is not extended for the period of disconnection from the communication network. Traffic, if it is provided by the service, will be provided in full within 24 hours and is available until the end of the service provision period.

The included traffic of additional services is provided in accordance with the Procedure for providing traffic.

Service "Team"

The "Team" service allows you to make calls at a special cost within the CAG of a corporate client and includes 1000 minutes of outgoing calls to the CAG of a corporate client.

The service can be used by individuals - employees of a corporate client, served according to tariff plans other than corporate ones.

The service is connected at the request of a corporate client (it is possible to provide a list of the client’s employees for connecting the service), or at the request of an individual (with a mark of a corporate client in the absence of a list, or upon presentation by an individual of a document confirming labor relations with a legal entity: pass, service certificate , reference from the place of work).

The cost of outgoing calls in excess of those included in the service is paid according to the current tariff plan of the subscriber, as calls within the network.

A subscriber with the "Team" service can be included in the CAG of only one corporate client.

The service is disabled:

  • at the request of an individual or by an access code;
  • when changing the tariff plan of an individual subscriber to a tariff plan on which the service is not provided;
  • based on the list of employees with whom the employment relationship was terminated, provided by the corporate client;
  • on the basis of a corporate client's application to terminate the use of the "Team" service;
  • in case of refusal of a corporate client from servicing under corporate tariff plans or termination of the contract with the company.

The Company has the right to refuse to connect the service to employees of a corporate client if the number of service users exceeds by more than 15% of the number of employees of a corporate client.

"Separate account" service

A separate account is an opportunity for corporate client subscribers to independently connect and pay for mobile Internet (Internet packages and Internet traffic, including roaming), services based on mobile Internet (Anti-Virus, Block List, Children's Internet, Smart School, voka , Roaming.Online, etc.), equipment purchased at a discount, by installments for 6 or 11 or 18 or 24 or 30 months, at a special price, as well as communication services in excess of the limits set by the client - a legal entity. The possibility of self-payment for mobile Internet is not provided if the subscriber uses a corporate access point.

Legal entity client has the right to limit the possibility of connecting its subscribers to the "Separate account" service.

For the use of the "Separate account" service, a fee is charged according to the company's tariffs. The cost of the service is debited from the account of an individual.

Connection of the "Separate account" service is made when a subscriber of a legal entity applies to the company's sales and service center (hereinafter referred to as the CPS) and concludes an agreement with him, as with an individual, for the provision of communication services.

When transferring services from an individual’s account to a legal entity’s account, the subscriber’s mobile Internet is replaced with “Internet for the tariff plan” and is paid from the legal entity’s account, unless this contradicts the set of services ordered for subscribers by the legal entity.

Disabling the "Separate Account" service is carried out in the Center for Payment and Education by terminating the contract with the subscriber as with an individual. In this case, the subscriber must pay off the debt, as well as other financial obligations under the terminated agreement. The subscriber's mobile Internet after the termination of the contract is replaced by "Internet for the tariff plan" and is paid from the account of the legal entity, if this does not contradict the set of services ordered for subscribers by the legal entity.

In case of termination (re-issuance) of the contract by a legal entity in relation to a subscriber having the "Separate Account" service, the provision of services under the contract concluded with an individual is terminated. In the absence of financial obligations, the contract is terminated automatically. Otherwise, the agreement is considered valid until the subscriber applies to the Center for Termination of the Agreement.

When using the “Separate account” service, payment for communication services consumed by the subscriber is made both from the account of a legal entity and from an account of an individual (hereinafter referred to as a personal account), while the cost of services is determined by the tariff plan of a subscriber of a legal entity.

From the account of a legal entity are paid:

− subscription fee of the tariff plan;

− additional services (except for services transferred to the account of an individual);

− SMS, video calls;

− roaming traffic (except for Internet traffic, if it is paid from the account of an individual).

From a personal account are paid:

− Internet traffic in excess of that included in the tariff plan;

− Internet packages and Internet traffic in excess of those included in the packages;

− services based on mobile Internet;

− roaming Internet traffic;

− payments for equipment and an Internet package connected in accordance with the obligations assumed by the client-individual when purchasing equipment by installments, at a discount or at a special price;

− communication services consumed in excess of the limits set by the client - legal entity.

Services based on mobile Internet (subscription fee and cost of Internet traffic) and MMS are transferred to a personal account automatically when transferring mobile Internet. When mobile Internet is disabled on a personal account, the MMS service is also disabled.

The user of the "Separate account" service - an individual, when purchasing equipment by installments, at a discount or at a special price with payment of its cost from a personal account, if necessary, can replace the SIM card by presenting an identity document. In other cases, the replacement of a SIM card is carried out at the request of a client - a legal entity.

The ability to pay from a personal account for communication services consumed by a subscriber in excess of the limits established by a legal entity is provided:

− from the next month, if the "Separate account" service is activated after exceeding the limits (for roaming traffic

– after receipt of billing data from roaming partners);

− in the current month, if the "Separate account" service is activated before the restrictions (for roaming traffic

– before receipt of billing data from roaming partners).

Charges for communication services and volumes of consumed traffic are displayed in the invoices and details of the client who pays for these services.

The user of the “Separate account” service has the opportunity to receive regular invoices for email address and there is no charge for the service.

The user of the "Separate Account" service - an individual is provided with access to the Personal Account and call details (with the ability to view in the Personal Account).

Payment for communication services by an individual is made to the balance of a personal personal account. Information about the personal account number is available via USSD *147# call, in the Personal Account, when contacting the reference and information service or the company's CPS.

A subscriber with the "Separate Account" service, when using the company's self-service systems (Personal Account, USSD, ACCA), needs to make a choice: which of the personal accounts (legal entity account or personal account) will change the set of services or inform.

3. The company has the right to unilaterally change this Procedure by publishing the changes on the official website of the company

4. In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

Let's talk about such an important detail for many events as the Welcome Zone. As they say: “the theater begins with a hanger”, and an event is an event with a welcome zone. Its importance is difficult to overestimate. You can consider options for event events that require such a zone, sometimes it is also called a buffet zone. So, events - weddings, corporate events, presentations, birthdays, etc. It can be said that most event events need a welcome zone.

What is it for? This zone is not only spatial, but also temporal. Although this is a short period of time relative to the entire event, some 1-2 hours, but, nevertheless, it is very important to arrange this zone correctly.

Consider the classic version of a corporate or other event:

  • Arrival of guests;
  • Banquet + concert program;
  • Completion of the event (disco or something else).

Some variations and deviations from the classic version are possible, but this is either in the case of some special events or from the desire of the organizers and their customers to be original. Originality during the event is certainly important, but should not go beyond the reasonable and cause discomfort.

And so, Welcom zone, what is it for?

First of all, this is the place where people can gather before the start of the official part of the event and spend time in an informal atmosphere while waiting for the rest of the guests. And accordingly, this zone should be comfortable and create a good mood before the holiday. Typically, this area offers a light buffet and a small amount of seating. In fact, all this is quite obvious and it is difficult to come up with something new in the design of the welcome zone, different options for menus or drinks are possible, but this is not important. What requires more imagination is the decoration of the welcome zone, here there is already a place to turn around.


In general, what is the design of the welcome zone: firstly, this is the decoration of the room, if necessary, and secondly, this is some minimal program for the performance of artists. The performance program should be organically woven into the free communication of guests. It is fundamentally different from the stage program. There are quite a few types of art that seem to be designed for welcome zones.


Of course, most entertainment is selected individually for each event. Depending on the theme and type of holiday, you can come up with the most daring and interesting entertainment for guests. The following are the most common activities:

  • wish book - let all guests write wishes, they will talk less during toasts. As an option, you can still make leaflets on which wishes will be written and beautifully folded into a decorated bottle. Further, this bottle can be saved and opened at the heroes of the occasion in a few years. This option is especially interesting for newlyweds, who will open this bottle on their wedding anniversary.
  • a newspaper of wishes or fabric - we hang it on the wall / pull it into a frame - we give out paints, felt-tip pens, aprons and armlets to the guests who come - be sure not to get dirty. Let them be creative.
  • a separate room for congratulations with the invited videographer. While everyone is waiting for the start of the holiday, you can say wishes to the camera.
  • tantamareski (such large photos with holes for the face). You can make tantamareski from a banner, then it is easier to fold and transport them. And in the hall they can be suspended or put on a prefabricated structure.
  • Press-wall or Brand-wall is a banner, individual for each event. This is a canvas against which your guests will be happy to be photographed. You can also lay a red carpet in front of the press ox and put paparizz photographers. After all, you all probably saw the presentation of various awards, where the stars walk along the path and take pictures against the backdrop of the press wall. Also, your guests will be photographed against the backdrop of your individually press wall.
  • A fun lottery - a win-win lottery is held between the guests, everyone receives some kind of prize, or there may be a ridiculous distribution of guests' responsibilities at the celebration.
  • Glory album - draw with finger paints in the wish album.
  • Chocolate fountain and fruits
  • lady buffet
  • Slide show
  • Saxophonist or violinist, jazz band, string group - as musical accompaniment of the welcome zone
  • ice sculptures
  • “Living dolls” or “living statues” are guest actors with whom guests can take pictures and watch their unobtrusive show.
  • A caricaturist is an artist who will merrily draw guests.
  • Magician
  • Programs or newspapers - what awaits guests at the evening.
  • Hearts or interestingly designed leaves. On one side there may be a phrase, for example: “Love is ...” or “I am waiting for this holiday ...” The name is signed on top. The guests answer and in the middle of the evening the presenters read out the most interesting statements and give prizes. It can be arranged as a table competition, so that there is also a jury.
  • bartender show
  • Animators in the image corresponding to the party.
  • Funny fortune-telling - wedding, New Year's, etc.
  • "Guess the melody"
  • Crosswords
  • Playing cards, roulette, monopoly - perfect for a gangster theme
  • Throwing a hat on a stick (for cowboys) or throwing snowballs (artificial) at a hat - for the New Year.

It is possible to come up with other fun games - the main thing is desire. And remember, the design of the welcome zone, as practice shows, is of great importance within the framework of the entire holiday. After all, a good, proper start of the event is a guarantee Have a good mood guests and therefore a successful event.

Archived tariff plans- these are tariff plans, connection to which is not performed.
List of archived tariff plans:

Tariff plan Grant period Included in subscription fee Number of favorite numbers
Summer is calling calendar month 500 minutes of outgoing calls to "favorite" numbers 5
Word for word calendar month Free calls within the network after the first minute Not
About everything at once calendar month 250 minutes within the A1 network
250 SMS
250 MB traffic
Everybody's talking calendar month 100 minutes to all networks for existing subscribers (except for international calls and calls to "favorite" numbers),
Business + calendar month 1000 minutes within the A1 network
300 MB traffic
BUSINESS PRO calendar month 2000 minutes within the A1 network
500 MB traffic
20 MMS
BUSINESS PRO. Platinum calendar month 500 minutes to all networks (except international),
200 minutes international,
1000 MB
BUSINESS.PRO.WEB calendar month 500 minutes on A1 network,
20 MMS,
1500 MB
Smart Premiere calendar month 300 minutes within the A1 network
500 MB traffic
unlimited to "favorite" numbers
smart 1 calendar month 600 minutes to all networks (except international)
1 GB traffic
unlimited to "favorite" numbers
Smart 2 calendar month 1500 minutes to all networks (except international)
2 GB traffic
unlimited to "favorite" numbers
Smart 3 calendar month 600 minutes within the A1 network
3 GB traffic
unlimited to "favorite" numbers
WEB Start 30 days internet traffic Not
WEB 4 30 days internet traffic Not
WEB 8 30 days internet traffic Not
WEB 16 30 days internet traffic Not
WEB 900 30 days 900 MB Not
WEB 1800 30 days 1800 MB Not
WEB 3600 30 days 3600 MB Not
WEB 2.5 30 days 2.5 GB Not
WEB 4.5 30 days 4.5 GB Not
Non-stop 30 days 1 GB day traffic and 2 GB night traffic Not
Non-stop 2.0 30 days 2 GB day traffic and 4 GB night traffic Not
Non-stop 7.5 30 days 2.5 GB day traffic and 5 GB night traffic Not
WEB 250 calendar month 250 MB Not
WEB 500 calendar month 500 MB Not
Annual subscription calendar month No traffic, no monthly fee 2
Semi-annual subscription calendar month 250 minutes within the A1 network,
250 MB,
250 SMS
"In Your Rhythm" 30 days internet traffic,
Corporate 5 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
150 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Corporate 15 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
150 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Corporate 30 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
150 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Corporate 50 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
150 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Employee 180 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
180 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Employee 240 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
240 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Employee 480 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
480 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Employee 600 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
600 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Employee 1200 calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
1200 minutes within the network,
5 MMS,
250 MB
Manager calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
150 minutes within the network,
250 MB
Manager+ calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
150 minutes within the network,
250 MB
"Corporate Smart Premiere" calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
300 minutes within the A1 network
500 MB traffic
unlimited to "favorite" numbers
"Corporate Smart 1" calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
500 minutes within the A1 network
1 GB traffic
"Corporate Smart 2" calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
500 minutes to all A1 networks
2 GB traffic
"Corporate Smart 3" calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
600 minutes within the A1 network
3 GB traffic
unlimited to "favorite" numbers
Plan A calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG
500 minutes within the A1 network
25 minutes to other networks
25 SMS
25 MMS to numbers of Belarusian operators
500 MB traffic
Plan B calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG
900 minutes within the A1 network
90 minutes to other networks
90 SMS
90 MMS to numbers of Belarusian operators
900 MB traffic
Plan C calendar month Unlimited inside ZAG,
1500 minutes within the A1 network
150 minutes to other networks
150 SMS
150 MMS to numbers of Belarusian operators
1500 MB traffic
"Comfortable" calendar month minutes on A1 within the network,
internet traffic
light calendar month minutes to all networks*
minutes on A1 within A1 3G network,
internet traffic
Light+ calendar month minutes to all networks*,
unlimited minutes to all networks from A1* 3G network,
internet traffic.
Comfort+ calendar month
internet traffic.
Comfort 2+ calendar month unlimited minutes to all networks*,
internet traffic.
Comfort 4+ calendar month unlimited minutes to all networks*,
internet traffic.
Comfort 8+ calendar month unlimited minutes to all networks*,
internet traffic.
Comfort calendar month
unlimited minutes on A1,
internet traffic.
Comfort 2 calendar month minutes to other networks of the Republic of Belarus *,
unlimited minutes on A1,
internet traffic.
Comfort 4 calendar month minutes to other networks of the Republic of Belarus *,
unlimited minutes on A1,
internet traffic.
Comfort 8 calendar month minutes to other networks of the Republic of Belarus *,
unlimited minutes on A1,
internet traffic.
Comfort 16 calendar month unlimited minutes to all networks of Belarus in the A1 network,
unlimited minutes on A1,
internet traffic.
Comfort+ for business calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes to all networks from the A1 network 1 GB of traffic Not
Comfort 2+ for business calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes to all networks from the A1 network 2 GB of traffic Not
Comfort 4+ for business calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes to all networks from the A1 network 4 GB of traffic Not
Comfort 8+ for business calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes to all networks from the A1 network 8 GB of traffic Not
Comfort 16+ for business calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes to all networks from the A1 network 16 GB of traffic Not
Corporate unlim 3G calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes in 3G network A1 250 free minutes within 2G network A1 250 MB of traffic Not
Light+ for business calendar month unlimited minutes for calls between employees unlimited minutes to all networks from the A1 network 500 MB of traffic Not
Super WEB 5 calendar month internet traffic Not
Super WEB 10 calendar month internet traffic Not
Super WEB 30 calendar month internet traffic Not
WEB 10 + VOKA calendar month internet traffic Not
WEB Tankers calendar month internet traffic Not
lemon calendar month internet traffic
minutes to all networks*
Unlim L calendar month internet traffic Not

1. General Provisions:
1.1. The included traffic of the tariff plans is provided in accordance with the "Procedure for the provision of traffic" in the presence of the corresponding connected services.
1.2. The conditions for the provision of the Mobile Internet service are governed by the Procedure for the provision of the Mobile Internet service.
1.3. Assignment/change of "favorite" numbers is carried out in accordance with the "Procedure for the provision of the "Favorite number" service.
1.4. Connection and change to archival tariff plans is not performed.
1.5. Change to the current tariff plans is made in accordance with the "Procedure for changing tariff plans".
1.6. The included voice traffic of tariff plans is charged per minute.
1.7. Gateway is a software and hardware tool that can be used to convert data exchange protocols when passing and (or) terminating telephony traffic over the IP protocol.

2. Features of the provision of services on some tariff plans:

Tariff plan Light

  • The minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of the Light tariff plan to all networks are not consumed when calling to A1 in the 3G network until the minutes to A1 within the 3G network of A1 are used up.
  • For subscribers of the tariff plan, a one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day" is available for connection. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

Tariff plan "About everything at once"

  • Minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan are spent when calling to "favorite" numbers.


  • The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes SMS2E-MAIL/E-MAIL2SMS service. The tariff plan provides for special tariffs for additional services: Caller ID, Fax Transmission, Data Transmission, for international calls in all directions, for incoming roaming calls in the networks of individual roaming partner operators, for the service "International Internet roaming. Without charging one-time fees, SMS-roaming service is provided, all types of detailing.
  • When servicing clients - individuals, it is allowed negative balance up to 8.00 rubles (credit limit), however, in case of disconnection of communication services due to partial or complete blocking, the restoration of communication services is carried out on a general basis.

Tariff plan BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum

  • includes the following additional services: "Caller ID", "Anti-virus", connection of a Twin-card; re-registration of a subscriber, replacement of a SIM-card, all kinds of details.
  • The BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum tariff plan provides for special tariffs for international calls in all directions, for incoming roaming calls in the networks of individual roaming partner operators, as well as for the "International Internet roaming" service.
  • Subscribers of the BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum tariff plan are not provided with A1 international 100 and A1 international 250 services.
  • When servicing individual customers under the BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum tariff plan, a negative balance of up to 20.00 rubles (credit limit) is allowed, however, in case of disconnection of communication services due to partial or complete blocking, communication services are restored on a general basis.
  • The company reserves the right to refuse the client the opportunity to receive credit limit and reserves the right not to inform the client of the reasons for the refusal.
  • Minutes of voice traffic within the A1 network, included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan, are spent on calls to ZAG.

Tariff plan "Annual subscription"

  • The tariff plan is provided without a subscription fee, without traffic included in the subscription fee.
  • Connection is available until December 31, 2016.

Tariff plan "Semi-annual subscription"

  • The subscribers of the tariff plan can connect the one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day", as well as the service "3G unlimited to all networks".
  • The tariff plan does not include: the package "250 minutes in A1 3G network", internet packages 250, 350, 750, 1000, 1500, 3000, 3000 + voka TV, 5000 + voka TV and package "Easy". It is not possible to connect / disconnect mobile Internet.
  • Connection is available until January 2, 2018.

Tariff plan "In your rhythm"

  • Available only to individual clients.
  • When connecting a Zvooq premium subscription, subscribers of the tariff plan receive a discount on the subscription fee of the tariff plan.
  • The 10 GB package of the "My Archive" service is provided to subscribers of the tariff plan free of charge. When changing the tariff plan "In your rhythm" to another, the "My Archive" 10 GB package is disabled.
  • The subscription fee of the tariff plan is charged daily in equal installments.
  • Traffic is provided in full after connection/change to the tariff plan and every 30 days.
  • Enabled traffic is reset:
- 23:59 of the last day of the current tariff plan provision period;
- when changing the tariff plan.
  • Subscribers of the tariff plan "In your rhythm" have the opportunity to purchase one-time packages of additional traffic with a volume of 500 MB or 1 GB for use within the current period of the tariff plans. Features of providing packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
  • The possibility of unlimited calls to 5 "favorite" numbers is provided optionally when activating the "Package of 5 "favorite" numbers" service.
  • Service provision period is 30 days with subsequent automatic renewal.
  • The cost of the service is debited at a time in full upon connection and in the future - every 30 days.
  • If at the time of the next write-off of the cost of the service, the subscriber is disconnected from outgoing and incoming communications due to untimely payment for the services of the company or the use of the Pause service, the cost of the service will be written off after the restoration of service in a single amount in full. The service provision period is not extended for the period of disconnection from the communication network.
  • Connection/deactivation of the service is performed via USSD *141*3*3# call, in personal account.
Tariff plans WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16, WEB Tankers
  • Subscribers of tariff plans have the opportunity to purchase one-time packages of additional Internet traffic with a volume of 500 MB or 1 GB. Features of providing one-time packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
  • The following services are not provided on the tariff plans: "Pause", SMS-roaming.
  • It is not possible to change the WEB 4 tariff plan to the “In your rhythm” tariff plan.

Tariff plans WEB 900, WEB 1800, WEB 3600, WEB 2.5, WEB 4.5 Non-stop, Non-stop 2.0, Non-stop 7.5

  • The cost of the tariff plan is deducted at a time in full upon connection, change of the tariff plan and in the future - every 30 days.
  • If at the time of the next write-off of the cost of the tariff plan, the subscriber is disconnected from outgoing and incoming communications due to untimely payment for the company's services, the cost of the tariff plan will be written off after the restoration of service in a single amount in full. The traffic will be provided in full within 24 hours and is available until the end of the tariff plan provision period. The period of provision of the tariff plan is not extended for the period of disconnection from the communication network.
  • The tariff plan subscribers are not provided with the “Pause” service, the ability to connect packages of the “Mobile Internet” service.
  • Traffic of tariff plans Non-stop, Non-stop 2.0, Non-stop 7.5 is provided:
  1. daytime - from 09:30:00 to 00:29:59;
  2. night - from 00:30:00 to 09:29:59.
  • Internet traffic of Non-stop, Non-stop 2.0, Non-stop 7.5 tariff plans is displayed in the details of subscriber calls depending on the time of day as "Non-stop day" / "Non-stop night".

Tariff plans WEB 250, WEB 500

  • Disabling / connecting the voice service is made by access code / passport data when contacting the reference and information service, or upon application at the company's sales and service centers or at official A1 attorneys.

Tariff plans "Corporate 5", "Corporate 15", "Corporate 30", "Corporate 50"

  • ZAG is provided to subscribers subject to servicing at least 5 subscribers under corporate tariff plans;
  • If the number of subscribers on the client's contract is less than that provided for by the corporate tariff plan, the company reserves the right to change the tariff plans of subscribers to one of the tariff plans of the "Business Plan" line at the choice of the company.
  • Minutes of voice traffic within the A1 network, included in the subscription fee of tariff plans of the Corporate line, are spent, among other things, for calls to the “favorite” number and are not spent for calls to ZAG.

Tariff plans of the “Employee” line

  • Minutes of voice traffic to all networks included in the subscription fee of tariff plans are spent, including for calls to "favorite" numbers, and are not spent for calls to ZAG.

Tariff plans of the "Manager" line

  • Subscribers of the "Manager+" tariff plan can use the "Director's package" service packages - "Intranet" and "National".
  • The "Intranet" package includes 1000 minutes of outgoing calls within the A1 network (hereinafter referred to as traffic) and a 10% discount on international calls(except for international roaming).
  • The National package includes 1000 minutes of outgoing calls within the A1 network, 200 minutes of outgoing calls to other networks of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as traffic), except for international roaming, international calls and calls to special numbers, as well as a 10% discount on international calls.
  • Connection / disconnection / change of the package within the framework of the service is carried out within 24 hours from the moment of the formation of the application via USSD *141*6# (individuals), in the personal account (individuals and legal entities (Administrator)), in the company's CPS (individuals and legal faces).
  • Outgoing calls in excess of those included in the "Director's Package" service are charged according to the subscriber's current tariff plan. The subscriber can connect and use at the same time only one of the two packages of the "Director's Package" service. It is impossible to connect the same package within one calendar month. If the package is changed, the package that was not used by the subscriber in the current month will be available for selection. When you change the tariff plan "Manager+" to any other - the possibility of using the traffic and the discount is canceled.
  • Minutes of voice traffic within the A1 network, included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan and the "Director's Package" service, are not spent on calls to the ZAG.

Tariff plans of the Corporate Smart line

  • Minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of Corporate Smart Premiere, Corporate Smart 3 tariff plans are spent when making calls to "favorite" numbers.
  • Minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of tariff plans are not spent on calls to ZAG.

Tariff plans of the "Big Plans" line

  • Tariff plan subscription fee Plan A includes additional services: "VPN", "Package Plus voice mail».
  • Tariff plan subscription fee Plan B includes additional services: "VPN", "Voice mail package Plus", "Caller ID", "Antivirus", "Subscriber re-registration", "SIM replacement", all kinds of details. The "Voicemail Package Plus" service is activated by default.
  • Tariff plan subscription fee Plan C includes additional services: "VPN", "Voice mail package Plus", "Caller ID", "Antivirus", "Subscriber re-registration", "SIM replacement", "Twin-card", all kinds of details. The "Voicemail Package Plus" service is activated by default.
  • The service "Choosing another number" is provided free of charge.
  • Minutes of voice traffic, SMS and MMS, included in the subscription fee of tariff plans, are not spent in ZAG.

Tariff plans "Light+", "Comfort+", "Comfort 2+", "Comfort 4+", "Comfort 8+":

  • Minutes of voice traffic to all networks from the 2G network included in the subscription fee of the Light + tariff plan are not consumed when calling to other networks from the 3G A1 network.
  • Subscribers of the tariff plan "Light+" have access to a one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day" for connection. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
  • Subscribers of tariff plans "Comfort+", "Comfort 2+", "Comfort 4+", "Comfort 8+" can connect a one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day", as well as a package with automatic renewal "Unlimited Internet". The conditions for the provision of packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

Tariff plans "Comfort", "Comfort 2", "Comfort 4", "Comfort 8", "Comfort 16"

  • The subscription fee of the "Comfort 16" tariff plan includes a subscription to a limited number of channels of the voka TV package. The voka service is provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of the voka service.

Tariff plan Corporate unlim 3G

  • Minutes of voice traffic within the network included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan are not used for calls within the network from the 3G network and to ZAG.

Tariff plans "Light+ for business", "Comfort+ for business", "Comfort 2+ for business", "Comfort 4+ for business", "Comfort 8+ for business", "Comfort 16+ for business"

  • For subscribers of tariff plans, a one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day" is available for connection. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
  • The Company has the right to unilaterally change this Procedure by publishing the changes on the official website of the company
  • The company has the right to suspend the provision of services on a personal account by disconnecting the subscriber from the company's communication network, as well as unilaterally refuse to execute the contract if the use of the SIM card in the gateway or in devices equivalent to it is detected.
  • In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

Tariff plans Super WEB 5, Super WEB 10, Super WEB 30

  • The subscription fee is charged daily in equal installments depending on the number of calendar days in a month.
  • Traffic is provided in full on the 1st day of each month.
  • For subscribers of tariff plans, a one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day" is available for connection. The conditions for providing the package are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
  • Tariff plans do not provide the “Pause” service.

Tariff plan WEB 10+voka

  • The cost of the tariff plan is debited at a time in full, and the traffic is provided in full upon connection, change of the tariff plan, and in the future - every 30 days.
  • The price of the tariff plan includes a subscription to a limited number of channels of the voka TV service. The voka service is provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of the voka service.
  • The included traffic of the tariff plan is reset:
    • 23:59 of the last day of the current tariff plan provision period;
    • when changing the tariff plan.
  • WEB 10+voka tariff plan subscribers have the opportunity to purchase one-time additional traffic packages of 500 MB or 1 GB. Features of providing packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
  • The following services are not provided on the WEB 10+voka tariff plan: "Pause", SMS-roaming.

Tariff plan lemon

1. The tariff plan is available for clients - individuals.

2. The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes a subscription to a limited number of channels of the voka TV package. The voka service is provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of the voka service.

3. The subscription fee of the tariff plan is charged daily in equal installments.

4. After connecting/changing to a tariff plan and then on the 1st day of each month, Internet traffic is provided in full, voice traffic is provided in proportion to the time remaining until the end of the calendar month.

5.1. Unlimited Internet traffic for using Viber (official mobile app, including for PC), VKontakte (version for PC, mobile version, official mobile app), Instagram (PC version, mobile version, official mobile app), unlimited World games of Tank Blitz.

5.2. 4 GB of Internet traffic for access to resources not specified in clause 5.1.

  • when downloading or updating applications from Google Play, App Store or Windows Store;
  • when switching to third-party resources;
  • when watching video and listening to audio from third-party resources;
  • when using sites through proxy browsers: Opera Mini, Internet Explorer Mobile, UCWeb Browser, etc., as well as with proxy settings in your phone or browser;
  • when using a VPN;
  • when using sites on Blackberry smartphones;
  • during direct data exchange between the company's subscribers, using the functionality of calls in VKontakte;
  • some application resources loaded from third-party servers (for example, live video, Instagram maps).

7. In case of problems affecting the recognition of Internet traffic, access to the resources specified in clause 5.1 can be carried out with the consumption of traffic from that specified in clause 6.

8. It is allowed to transfer a SIM card to close relatives from 8 to 26 years old. To do this, the client-owner of the number and the subscriber for whose use the SIM card will be transferred must contact the sales and service center of the company to carry out the appropriate registration with the following documents: client passport and subscriber passport. If it is impossible to establish a close relationship according to the passport, the company has the right to demand a document confirming the close relationship. No more than one SIM-card can be transferred to one subscriber for use.

9. Unused Internet traffic included in the subscription fee, as well as additionally connected packages, is accumulated and transferred to the next month in the amount of up to 10 GB.

10. Subscribers of the lemon tariff plan have the opportunity to purchase a one-time package of additional traffic of 1 GB for use on Internet resources except for Viber, VKontakte, Instagram, World of Tanks Blitz. Features of providing packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

11. Access to the Internet (except for the resources specified in clause 5.1) is provided only if there is included traffic of the tariff plan or additional Internet packages.

3. The company has the right to unilaterally change this Procedure by publishing the changes on the official website of the company

4. In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

Tariff plan Unlim L

1. The subscription fee is charged daily in equal installments.

2. Tariff plans do not provide the “Pause” service.

3. The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes a subscription to a limited number of channels of the VOKA TV package. The VOKA service is provided in accordance with the Procedure for the provision of the VOKA service.

4. After the end of the traffic of the Unlim L tariff plan, mobile Internet will be provided at a speed of up to 1 Mbps until the end of the month.

5. Subscribers of the tariff plan can connect the packages "Unlimited on Youtube", "Unlimited Internet at a speed of 2 Mbps", "Night unlimited".

6. The conditions for providing the package "Unlimited Internet at a speed of 2 Mbps" are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.

7. During the operation of unlimited Internet with a speed limit included in the tariff plan or as part of additional packages, the possibility of data transfer via the bittorrent protocol is excluded.

8. Conditions for providing packages:

Packages are managed by subscribers independently:

By USSD *135*7#call;

In the Personal Account.

The cost of the packages "Unlimited on Youtube", "Unlimited Internet at a speed of 2 Mbps", "Night unlimited" is deducted at a time in full from the balance of the client's personal account upon connection and on the 1st day of each month.

Archived tariff plans- these are tariff plans, connection to which is not performed.
List of archival tariff plans.

1. General Provisions:
1. The included traffic of tariff plans is provided in accordance with the "Procedure for providing traffic" in the presence of the corresponding connected services.
2. The conditions for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service are regulated by the "Procedure for the provision of the Mobile Internet service".
3. Appointment / change of "favorite" numbers is made in accordance with the "Procedure for the provision of the "Favorite number" service.
4. Connection and change to archival tariff plans is not performed.
5.Smena to the current tariff plans is made in accordance with the "Procedure for changing tariff plans".
6. The included voice traffic of tariff plans is charged per minute.

2. Features of the provision of services on some tariff plans:

Tariff plan "About everything at once"

Tariff plans "Smart Premiere", Smart 1, Smart 2, Smart 3
Minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan are spent when calling to "favorite" numbers.

The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes SMS2E-MAIL/E-MAIL2SMS service. The tariff plan provides for special tariffs for additional services: Caller ID, Fax Transmission, Data Transmission, for international calls in all directions, for incoming roaming calls in the networks of individual roaming partner operators, for the service "International Internet roaming. Without charging one-time fees, SMS-roaming service is provided, all types of detailing.
When servicing individual customers, a negative balance of up to 8.00 rubles (credit limit) is allowed, however, in case of disconnection of communication services due to partial or complete blocking, communication services are restored on a general basis.

Tariff plan BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum
The subscription fee of the tariff plan includes the following additional services: "Caller ID", "Antivirus", connection of a Twin-card; re-registration of a subscriber, replacement of a SIM-card, all kinds of details.
The BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum tariff plan provides for special tariffs for international calls in all directions, for incoming roaming calls in the networks of individual roaming partner operators, as well as for the "International Internet roaming" service.
BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum tariff plan subscribers are not provided with velcom international 100 and velcom international 250 services.
When servicing individual customers under the BUSINESS.PRO.Platinum tariff plan, a negative balance of up to 20.00 rubles (credit limit) is allowed, however, in case of disconnection of communication services due to partial or complete blocking, communication services are restored on a general basis.
The Company reserves the right to refuse the client the possibility of obtaining a credit limit and reserves the right not to inform the client of the reasons for the refusal.
Minutes of voice traffic within the velcom network, included in the tariff plan subscription fee, are spent on calls to ZAG.

Tariff plan "Annual subscription"
The tariff plan is provided without a subscription fee, without traffic included in the subscription fee.
Connection is available until December 31, 2016.

Tariff plan "Semi-annual subscription"
The subscribers of the tariff plan can connect the one-time package "Unlimited Internet for a day", as well as the service "3G unlimited to all networks".
The tariff plan does not provide: package "250 minutes in velcom 3G network", Internet packages 250, 350, 750, 1000, 1500, 3000, 3000 + voka TV, 5000 + voka TV and package "Easy". It is not possible to connect / disconnect mobile Internet.
Connection is available until January 2, 2018.

Tariff plans WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16
The cost of the tariff plan is debited at a time in full, and the traffic is provided in full upon connection, change of the tariff plan, and in the future - every 30 days.
Subscribers of tariff plans have the opportunity to purchase one-time packages of additional Internet traffic with a volume of 500 MB or 1 GB. Features of providing one-time packages are described in the Procedure for the provision of the "Mobile Internet" service.
The following services are not provided on the tariff plans: "Pause", SMS-roaming.
It is not possible to change the WEB 4 tariff plan to the “In your rhythm” tariff plan.

Tariff plans WEB 900, WEB 1800, WEB 3600, WEB 2.5, WEB 4.5 Non-stop, Non-stop 2.0, Non-stop 7.5
The cost of the tariff plan is deducted at a time in full upon connection, change of the tariff plan and in the future - every 30 days.
If at the time of the next write-off of the cost of the tariff plan, the subscriber is disconnected from outgoing and incoming communications due to untimely payment for the company's services, the cost of the tariff plan will be written off after the restoration of service in a single amount in full. The traffic will be provided in full within 24 hours and is available until the end of the tariff plan provision period. The period of provision of the tariff plan is not extended for the period of disconnection from the communication network.
The tariff plan subscribers are not provided with the “Pause” service, the ability to connect packages of the “Mobile Internet” service.

Traffic of tariff plans Non-stop, Non-stop 2.0, Non-stop 7.5 is provided:
◾daytime - from 09:30:00 to 00:29:59;
◾night - from 00:30:00 to 09:29:59.
Internet traffic of Non-stop, Non-stop 2.0, Non-stop 7.5 tariff plans is displayed in the details of subscriber calls depending on the time of day as "Non-stop day" / "Non-stop night".

Tariff plans WEB 250, WEB 500
The voice service is disconnected/connected using the access code/passport data when contacting the reference and information service, or upon application at the company's sales and service centers or at official velcom attorneys.

Tariff plans "Corporate 5", "Corporate 15", "Corporate 30", "Corporate 50"
ZAG is provided to subscribers subject to servicing at least 5 subscribers under corporate tariff plans;
If less than 5 subscribers remain on the client's contract, the company reserves the right to cancel the status of a corporate client, disband the CAG and the client's "Team", change the tariff plan of subscribers to "Word for Word".
Minutes of voice traffic within the velcom network, included in the subscription fee of tariff plans of the Corporate line, are spent, among other things, for calls to the “favorite” number and are not spent for calls to ZAG.

Tariff plans of the “Employee” line
Minutes of voice traffic to all networks included in the subscription fee of tariff plans are spent, including for calls to "favorite" numbers, and are not spent for calls to ZAG.

Tariff plans of the "Manager" line
Subscribers of the "Manager+" tariff plan can use the "Director's package" service packages - "Intranet" and "National".
The "Intranet" package includes 1000 minutes of outgoing calls within the velcom network (hereinafter referred to as traffic) and a 10% discount on international calls (except for international roaming).
The National package includes 1000 minutes of outgoing calls within velcom network, 200 minutes of outgoing calls to other networks of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as traffic), except for international roaming, international calls and calls to special numbers, as well as a 10% discount on international calls.
Connection / disconnection / change of the package within the framework of the service is carried out within 24 hours from the moment of the formation of the application via USSD *141*6# (individuals), in the personal account (individuals and legal entities (Administrator)), in the company's CPS (individuals and legal faces).
Outgoing calls in excess of those included in the "Director's Package" service are charged according to the subscriber's current tariff plan. The subscriber can connect and use at the same time only one of the two packages of the "Director's Package" service. It is impossible to connect the same package within one calendar month. If the package is changed, the package that was not used by the subscriber in the current month will be available for selection. When you change the tariff plan "Manager+" to any other - the possibility of using the traffic and the discount is canceled.
Minutes of voice traffic within the velcom network, included in the subscription fee of the tariff plan and the "Director's Package" service, are not spent on calls to the ZAG.

Tariff plans of the Corporate Smart line
Minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of Corporate Smart Premiere, Corporate Smart 3 tariff plans are spent when making calls to "favorite" numbers.
Minutes of voice traffic included in the subscription fee of tariff plans are not spent on calls to ZAG.

3. The company has the right to unilaterally change this Procedure by publishing the changes on the official website of the company.

4. In everything else not regulated by this Procedure, the client and the company are guided by the provisions of the agreement concluded between the client and the company.

A computer