Dubinsky Sergey Nikolaevich big log. Suspects in the destruction of MH17 began to be called by name

This is what I read in the electronic press this morning - and not in the most bluish edition, brothers and sisters!

Upon closer examination, it turned out that a foreign Internet agency called something with the letter “b” self-appointed the role of an international expert in downing Boeing based on open information on the Internet, which, as I understand it, they themselves posted.

The principle of operation is clear, let's figure out the motives: really authoritative experts cannot give an exact answer, how the Malaysian Boeing was shot down, but the upcoming billions of dollars in compensation to the unfortunate relatives of those killed in the plane crash are rushing lawyers.

There is no doubt: the victims deserve much more, if not to be completely honest - no money will return the mothers of dead children.

But the very fact of speculating on their feelings is disgusting, like a glamorous poetess who wishes the great Russian writer a painful death for his ability to personally correspond to the scale of his own work. In general, hell is hell!

At the next turn of this “carousel”, a foreign fake agency-“whistleblower” pulled out the biography of General Khmuriy from the network - he was allegedly involved in the death of Boeing.

Sergey Dubinsky with the call sign Khmury is a respected Russian military man who honestly devoted his whole life to serving the Fatherland, even when the Fatherland, during the period of social discord in the mid-90s, used to entrust him with meaningless and disastrous tasks.

He had already retired, but he was once again unlucky: a coup d'etat took place in his native Ukraine - and, as a soldier, he could not help but stand up for the Constitution and joined the militia of Slavyansk, under the flag of Strelkov.

Plus, of course, Khmuriy's ancestors fought against fascism, and he did it with pleasure.

My father also fought against the Nazis, and therefore, when Donbass was engulfed in a bloody confrontation, I considered it my civic duty to somehow support the nascent republic.

I brought a chalice for the Divine Liturgy and my new film Priest-San to the Donetsk Cathedral. In fact, it was the first show. It cost me the refusal of most distributors to show this film, but ... money splashes!

My wife was with me, and she took care of all the administrative work, which allowed me to get to know Khmuriy's personality in detail.

As head of counterintelligence, Khmury coordinated the arrival of all guests. Prior to that, he received Mikhail Porechenkov, and later Mikhail gave the most positive feedback about the general.

“Boeing was shot down by Okhlobystin, Porechenkov, and there was another man,” they later wrote on the net. One man is Gloomy.

I can testify to the high moral level of General Gloomy. He is a Russian soldier! It can't be that he gave the order to shoot at a passenger plane. He would rather shoot himself.

Of course, like any person, Gloomy has his weaknesses. But this does not apply to Christian morality and fanatical loyalty to this oath.

Someone can reproach me for the grandiloquent syllable. But, excuse me, I have such a presentiment that now the Ukrainian special services will make every effort to kill Khmuriy and blame everything on the Russian ones. For the agency with the letter "b", this will be an indirect confirmation of Russia's involvement in the tragedy.

So in my characterization of Khmuriy subconsciously there are elements of an obituary.

Although I really hope that the general's current colleagues will ensure his safety.

Something like this.

It is, of course, gloomy, but so be it. Recently, we have almost forgotten how to praise. Hate - as much as you like. We have been corrupted by social media. The possibility of remote, unpunished rudeness.

And about the “revelations” of a fake international agency.

Firstly, the armed forces of the republic are perfectly disciplined, combat officers with vast experience participated in their foundation, and I can’t imagine that such serious equipment as the Buk was transported openly, and even on free radio they talked about it conversations.

Secondly, this tragedy only harmed the republic, but Ukraine was very helpful, given the inglorious death of part of its army in two boilers. The tragedy attracted the attention of the world community, and the Republican army became uncomfortable with excessive rigidity. Although the opposite side didn’t do anything with people: they crushed them with armored personnel carriers and burned them alive.

Thirdly, I have already said that the highest moral and moral level of both General Khmuriy and every true warrior of Novorossia does not allow them to shoot at civilians. In addition, in Novorossiya it is punishable under the laws of war.

The head of the Donetsk People's Republic and my good friend Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko says this about it: we will build a just, law-based state, even if it costs us our lives! Otherwise there is no point!

I believe him, as a Russian to a Russian, as a Christian to a Christian, as a citizen to a citizen of the Republic of Novorossiya, and with it the entire Russian world!

We haven't finished with "Gloomy" yet. Analysis of phone calls proving that Dubinsky was the key organizer of the Buk 332 transportation. #bellingcat

Editorial note . We are already talking about a war criminal - a militant of the "DPR" with the call sign "Khmury" (GRU officer of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Sergey Dubinsky) and his involvement in the downing of a Malaysian Airlines airliner in eastern Ukraine. The material that we bring to your attention contains more than detailed information about the participation of "Khmury" in the organization of that plane crash.

Now that the identity of Dubinsky-“Khmury” has been unequivocally established by his posts and confirmation from his friend Ivan Okhlobystin, it is possible to conduct additional analysis of Dubinsky’s role in the transportation of Buk 332 on July 17, 2014 through eastern Ukraine. In this analysis, we will show that Dubinsky was key organizer of the transport of Buk 332 from Donetsk to a field south of Snizhne on the day of the tragedy. In addition, this analysis confirms the authenticity of the intercepted telephone conversations involving Dubinsky, published by the SBU on 18 July 2014. Some details of these wiretaps were previously incomprehensible or questioned - for example, the mention of downed planes and "Carnations" in a conversation between Dubinsky and "Boatswain". However, a more thorough analysis allows us to confirm through open sources even the smallest details of these calls.

The following sections provide short description and a detailed analysis of five calls involving Sergei “Khmuriy” Dubinsky published by the SBU and the International Investigation Team, as well as additional comments on some details contained in a slightly more complete version of one of the calls published by the investigation.

Dubinsky in wiretapped phone calls published by the SBU

Intercepts of telephone conversations released by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) contain important details of Dubinsky's role in transporting Buk 332 on 17 July 2014. On the day after the downing of the airliner, the SBU identified “Khmuriy” as “Petrovsky Sergey Nikolaevich, born in 1964, officer of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Igor Girkin’s deputy for intelligence, was in Donetsk at the time of the interception.” We now know that some details of this identification are incorrect or inaccurate - for example, the year of birth (1962, not 1964) and surname (Dubinsky, not "Petrovsky" - his pseudonym in the "DPR"). In addition, in the description of one of the interceptions, the SBU erroneously duplicated information from a previous conversation (see “content of the fifth call”). In addition, the SBU published the number of the intercepted phone: +38 063 121 3401. The published interceptions are available on the SBU channel with comments on Ukrainian and English languages. Dubinsky's voice on the video is present on the marks 1:33 — 3:52 , 4:15 — 5:22 .

During the first call, Dubinsky talks to Buryatik, a separatist whose identity has never been established. “Buryatik” asks Dubinsky (“Khmury”) where to load the Buk-M1 installation (“Buryatik” calls her “beauty”, “Buk”, “B” and “M”), which he brought from an unidentified place to Donetsk . Asking where to unload and hide the Buk, which arrived on a trawl, Buryatik confirms to Dubinsky that the Buk arrived with a crew. Dubinsky replies to "Buryatik" that the installation does not need to be unloaded and hidden, because it should go "there" now.


  • The time of this call (9:08 am) is given in English version of the SBU video, as well as in the MSG video of March 30, 2015.
  • It is not known whether the "crew" of the installation came from Russia or was a separatist militant group or a combined Russian-separatist crew.
  • The destination mentioned by Dubinsky is apparently a field south of Snezhnoye or another place from where this area is supposed to be covered by air defense. The use of air defense in this area would be quite logical, since Ukrainian aircraft constantly launched strikes in the area of ​​Snizhne. The most notorious was the 15 July airstrike, which killed 12 civilians. In addition, a Su-25 aircraft is visible on the satellite image dated July 16, 2014 (coordinates 47.857925, 38.79837).
  • On the video posted March 30, 2015 International Investigation Team, there are still a few seconds of this call (for more details, see the end of this article).

In the second phone call, which starts at 2:12 in the embedded video above, Dubinsky is talking to "Buryatik" again. He asks if Buryatik brought one or two Buk launchers. "Buryatik" explains that during the transfer of the installations "a misunderstanding arose", since the second vehicle for transporting the "Buk" was not found. “They” unloaded the Buk from the trawl on which it was brought, after which the Buk crossed the “strip” (that is, the border) on its own, and then was loaded onto another trawl and taken to Donetsk. Dubinsky then tells Buryatik that the Buk will go to its destination with the tanks of the Vostok battalion.


  • The call time (9:22 a.m.) is given in English version of the SBU video.
  • Dubinsky expected that he would be given another car - it is not entirely clear which one. It can be concluded with certainty that Dubinsky helped coordinate the transfer and use of the Buk, since he had an idea of ​​​​what exactly would be delivered, and Buryatik knew that for instructions on where to transport or hide the Buk, one should turn to Dubinsky.
  • It is not entirely clear what situation "Buryatik" describes with the words "they had a misunderstanding there." It is possible that he was expecting another transport vehicle to pick up another Buk, or that "they" would do some of the transport themselves.
  • It is not entirely clear who exactly is meant by “them” who brought the Buk to the border from the Russian side. “Buryatik” does not give details, but we know that “they” were in contact with the separatists, “they” could have included crew members (see analysis of previous negotiations) and “they” transported the Buk to the border.
  • It is not known exactly where the Buk crossed the “strip”, as well as where the trailer was parked on the Ukrainian side of the border. The most likely point seems to be the point of illegal border crossing between the settlement. Northern (Ukraine) and Donetsk (Russia) - coordinates 48.352967, 39.942758. See Bellingcat's Buk report for more details. Assemblage point” and pp. 11-13 of the Bellingcat report “Russia on the Warpath”.
  • In an interview with the now-defunct separatist media outlet icorpus, given in Anatoly “El-Murid” Nesmiyan’s blog, Dubinsky mentions that shortly before the downing of the Boeing 777 flying MH17, he received permission to take 3-4 tanks from the Vostok battalion: “ ... when I was going to Stepanovka, before the crash Boeing , Khodakovsky called me, for some reason not Igor Ivanovich [Girkin-Strelkov], but me, and said: "If you need, you can take 3-4 tanks from me." And I took it because I needed it"» .
  • The movement of the Buk and the Vostok tanks did not proceed exactly as Dubinsky had envisioned. Arnold Greydanus and blogger [email protected](see also) carefully analyzed the movement of the Vostok convoy along the same route as the Buk, but at a different time. Here are two videos of the Vostok column.

During the third call (from 2:43 in the video above), Dubinsky is talking to another interlocutor - “Sanych”. The SBU introduced him as a fighter of the "DPR", deputy of "Khmury". In a conversation, Dubinsky informs Sanych that "my Buk-M will go with yours," which is on the trawl. He asks "Sanych": "Where to fit it in order to put it in a column?" Sanych says that the column is being formed "beyond the Motel ring".


  • The call time (9:23 am) is given in English version of the SBU video.
  • The Buk 332 was parked at the Motelevsky ring for a while (as seen in this video from a passing car) and then headed east through Makiivka ( video), Zugres ( video), Torez (photo) and Snezhnoye ( video).
  • Interestingly, Dubinsky refers to the Buk installation as “mine”, which again indicates that he was the key organizer in obtaining and transporting the installation from Russia.
  • A key fragment of the intercepted communications: they show that various separatists had different instructions. Here, Dubinsky does not know where the Buk 332 should be transported in order to “put it in a convoy,” but he knows its destination and that it should go with the Vostok tanks.

Dubinsky is talking to another unidentified person, presented solely as a "DNR terrorist". Dubinsky tells the interlocutor to call a person with the call sign "Librarian" and indicates that the interlocutor will find "you know what" behind the Motel ring. An unidentified person confirms that he knows what is meant by "you know what." Then Dubinsky orders him to take “... there only from those who returned, how much you need for escort. Leave the rest here." Further, Dubinsky says to go to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Pervomayskoye, which he suggests finding on the map. After arriving in the Pervomaisky area, an unidentified militant must take up a position and bring there “their own who are left with you.” His task is to reserve and protect the Buk installation. Dubinsky ends the conversation by mentioning that a person with the call sign “Gyurza” will also arrive at the position.


  • Call time (9:54 am) is given in English version of the SBU video.
  • No one has been able to unequivocally establish the identity of the "Librarian". Many have researched this question, but no one has given a sure answer to it. Some suggested that he was a Russian military man, possibly an intelligence officer, but no one indicated a specific person. Others pointed to Fyodor Berezin, a former Soviet air defense officer who was called "Russian Tom Clancy" by The New Yorker for his sci-fi and military books. In 2014, Berezin was the Deputy Minister of Defense of the DPR. However, it is not known whether Berezin was in Donetsk at that time. Judging by the posts in his LiveJournal, he could be in Lugansk. At the same time, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the "Librarian" is associated with books or is an educated person. For example, "The Librarian" is the name of a monster from the popular book and game universe "Metro 2033", from where the "Sparta" battalion of Arseniy "Motorola" Pavlov took his emblem. The identification of the "Librarian" will provide an opportunity to resolve many of the most important issues associated with the downing of the Boeing 777 flight MH17.
  • It is not known who exactly Dubinsky means by "those who returned", but it is possible that we are talking about Girkin's militants who left Slavyansk after a months-long siege less than two weeks before the downing of the airliner. These people, apparently, had more combat experience than those who were in Donetsk and adjacent cities.
  • The people that Dubinsky is talking about are probably those who accompanied the Buk 332 from Donetsk to Snizhne. However, by the time they arrived in Snezhnoye, not all of their cars remained in the convoy. For example, on video filmed in Makiivka around 11:00, the installation is accompanied by a black Peugeot 3008, a UAZ-469 jeep, a gray 2010 Toyota RAV4 with a modified spoiler, and a dark blue Volkswagen minibus. On the video from snowy, filmed a few hours before the downing, the Buk is escorted by only one vehicle.
  • Near the area where the Buk 332 launched the missile that shot down the Boeing 777, there are two settlements with a name similar to Pervomayskoye. Closer to the launch site is the village of Pervomaisky, and just one field to the north of it is the village of Pervomaiskoye. It is not known which of them Dubinsky is talking about, however, between the village of Pervomaisky and the launch site there was a separatist checkpoint, which indicates that he had in mind this particular settlement.
  • It is difficult to reliably establish the identity of Gyurza, since this is a fairly common call sign. He was probably Dubinsky's deputy in the "intelligence of the DNR". In 2015, Novaya Gazeta wrote that Gyurza had previously served in the French Foreign Legion, but this claim could not be independently verified.

The fifth and final conversation took place at the end of the day on 17 July 2014 and took place between Dubinsky and Boatswain, whom the SBU refers to as a Russian GRU officer. Dubinsky tells the "Botswain" that he is "on the Marinovka" and that he "is not doing very well." He explains that they are constantly under fire from Grads, and also recently shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft. And he mentions that his forces received a Buk-M in the morning, as a result of which "it became easier." Dubinsky adds that Ukrainian fighters are trying to withdraw from Zelenopolye, but for this they need to break through Dubinsky's militants. He also mentions that "yesterday" (July 16) they shot down two Su-25s, and today another one. At the end of the conversation, Dubinsky says that "in two hours" he is going to Donetsk, where three "Carnations" are waiting for him. He is going to transport them "here", that is, to the area of ​​​​Marinovka.


  • The time of the call is given as 9:08 am, and Dubinsky, according to the description, is in Donetsk. Obviously, neither of these is true. The SBU almost certainly copied the explanation for the first call, only replacing "Buryatik" with "Boatswain". Dubinsky clearly indicates in this call that he is in Marinovka. The conversation takes place after the Buk shot down the plane. Exact time The call is unclear, but the conversation must have taken place in the late afternoon or early evening shortly after the downing of the Boeing 777, before it was widely known that a passenger airliner had been shot down.

  • The identity of the "Boatswain" has not yet been established. At the same time, in a post on Glav.su dated September 13, 2015, Dubinsky mentions several people with this call sign. He mentions “Botsman”, a former deputy of Bezler, another, a former deputy commander of the 3rd brigade from Gorlovka, and a third, who served in the Viking battalion of the DPR. Of these three, the first is the most likely participant in the intercepted conversation.
  • Shortly before the downing of the Boeing 777 flight MH17, heavy fighting was indeed going on in the Marinovka area. On July 16, the day before the downing, a video surfaced showing Igor "Strelkov" Girkin and Aleksandr Borodai in a field northwest of Stepanovka, talking about fighting in the Marinovka area. The video shows the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system. Separatist forces entered Marinovka on the afternoon of 17 July. It was reported that they captured part of the village on July 16th.

  • It is possible to partially establish which downed (or damaged) aircraft Dubinsky is talking about. He mentions that on the day before the call they shot down two "dryers" (Su-25). On July 16, around 13:00, two Su-25s were really hit, but only one of them was actually shot down. indicate that these Su-25s were striking in the Saur-Mogila area, that is, just a few kilometers from the launch site of the fatal Buk missile, the village of Marinovka and the place where Strelkov gave an interview against the backdrop of an anti-aircraft missile system. Dubinsky was wrong when he said that on the day of the call, another "dryer" was shot down. The only plane shot down that day was a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777.
  • We were able to establish which three Gvozdikas Dubinsky is talking about: these are three self-propelled guns 2S1 Gvozdika without identification marks and numbers, which proceeded from Lugansk to Donetsk on July 15, 2014. The convoy that included these three Gvozdikas has been repeatedly photographed and videoed (see related Bellingcat investigation). These three "Carnations" were seen on July 15 around 19:00 in the center of Donetsk. The Carnation convoy was escorted by the same vehicles (UAZ-469, Toyota RAV4 2010 and dark blue Volkswagen minibus) that escorted the Buk 332 on 17 July. In the evening of the same day (judging by the mention of the downing of the "drying", after the crash of the airliner), Dubinsky probably left Marinovka for Donetsk. That same night, three "Carnations" set off from Donetsk to Marinovka. Judging by the reports of witnesses, three Gvozdikas drove east from Donetsk on the night of July 17-18.

Now that the identity of Dubinsky-“Khmury” has been unequivocally established by his posts and confirmation from his friend Ivan Okhlobystin, it is possible to conduct additional analysis of Dubinsky’s role in the transportation of Buk 332 on July 17, 2014 through eastern Ukraine. In this analysis, we will show that Dubinsky was key organizer of the transport of Buk 332 from Donetsk to a field south of Snizhne on the day of the tragedy. In addition, this analysis confirms the authenticity of the intercepted telephone conversations involving Dubinsky, published by the SBU on 18 July 2014. Some of the details of these wiretaps were previously incomprehensible or questioned - for example, the mention of downed planes and "Carnations" in a conversation between Dubinsky and Boatswain. However, a more thorough analysis allows us to confirm through open sources even the smallest details of these calls.

The following sections provide a summary and detailed analysis of five calls involving Sergei “Khmuriy” Dubinsky published by the SBU and the International Investigation Team, as well as additional comments on some of the details contained in a slightly more complete version of one of the calls published by the investigation.

Dubinsky in wiretapped phone calls published by the SBU

Intercepts of telephone conversations released by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) contain important details of Dubinsky's role in transporting Buk 332 on 17 July 2014. On the day after the downing, the SBU identified Khmuriy as “Petrovsky Sergey Nikolaevich, born in 1964, GRU officer of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Igor Girkin’s deputy for intelligence, was in Donetsk at the time of the interception.” We now know that some details of this identification are incorrect or inaccurate - for example, the year of birth (1962, not 1964) and surname (Dubinsky, not "Petrovsky" - his pseudonym in the "DNR"). In addition, in the description of one of the interceptions, the SBU erroneously duplicated information from a previous conversation (see “content of the fifth call”). In addition, the SBU published the number of the intercepted phone: +38 063 121 3401. The published interceptions are available on the SBU channel with comments on Ukrainian and English languages. Dubinsky's voice on the video is present on the marks 1:33 - 3:52 , 4:15 - 5:22 .

The content of the first call (9:08):

During the first call, Dubinsky is talking to Buryatik, a separatist whose identity has never been established. “Buryatik” asks Dubinsky (“Khmury”) where to load the Buk-M1 installation (“Buryatik” calls her “beauty”, “Buk”, “B” and “M”), which he brought from an unidentified place to Donetsk . Asking where to unload and hide the Buk, which arrived on a trawl, Buryatik confirms to Dubinsky that the Buk arrived with a crew. Dubinsky replies to "Buryatik" that the installation does not need to be unloaded and hidden, because it should go "there" now.


  • The time of this call (9:08 am) is given in English version of the SBU video, as well as in the MSG video of March 30, 2015.
  • It is not known whether the “crew” of the installation came from Russia or was a group of separatist fighters or a combined Russian-separatist crew.
  • The destination mentioned by Dubinsky is apparently a field south of Snezhnoye or another place from where this area is supposed to be covered by air defense. The use of air defense in this area would be quite logical, since Ukrainian aircraft constantly launched strikes in the area of ​​Snizhne. The most notorious was the 15 July airstrike, which killed 12 civilians. In addition, a Su-25 aircraft (coordinates 47.857925, 38.79837) is visible on the satellite image from July 16, 2014.
  • On the video posted March 30, 2015 International Investigation Team, there are still a few seconds of this call (see details at the end of this article).

The content of the second call (9:22):

In the second phone call, which starts at 2:12 in the embedded video above, Dubinsky is talking to "Buryatik" again. He asks whether Buryatik has brought one or two Buk launchers. "Buryatik" explains that during the transfer of the installations "a misunderstanding arose", since the second vehicle for transporting the "Buk" was not found. “They” unloaded the Buk from the trawl, on which it was brought, after which the Buk crossed the “strip” (i.e. the border) under its own power, and then was loaded onto another trawl and taken to Donetsk. Dubinsky then tells Buryatik that the Buk will go to its destination with the tanks of the Vostok battalion.


  • The call time (9:22 a.m.) is given in English version of the SBU video.
  • Dubinsky expected to be given another car - it is not entirely clear which one. It can be concluded with certainty that Dubinsky helped coordinate the transfer and use of the Buk, since he had an idea of ​​​​what exactly would be delivered, and Buryatik knew that for instructions on where to transport or hide the Buk, one should turn to Dubinsky.
  • It is not entirely clear what situation "Buryatik" describes with the words "they had a misunderstanding there." It is possible that he was expecting another transport vehicle to pick up another Buk, or that "they" would do some of the transport themselves.
  • It is not entirely clear who exactly is meant by "them" who brought the Buk to the border from the Russian side. “Buryatik” does not give details, but we know that “they” were in contact with the separatists, “they” could have included crew members (see analysis of previous negotiations) and “they” transported the Buk to the border.
  • It is not known exactly where the Buk crossed the “strip”, and also where the trailer was parked on the Ukrainian side of the border. The most likely point seems to be the point of illegal border crossing between the settlement. Northern (Ukraine) and Donetsk (Russia) at coordinates 48.352967, 39.942758. For more details, see the Bellingcat report “Buk. Assemblage point” and pp. 11-13 of the Bellingcat report “Russia on the Warpath”.
  • In an interview with the now-defunct separatist media outlet icorpus, given in Anatoly “El-Murid” Nesmiyan’s blog, Dubinsky mentions that shortly before the death of MH17, he received permission to take 3-4 tanks from the Vostok battalion: “ ... when I was going to Stepanovka, before the Boeing crash, Khodakovsky called me, for some reason not Igor Ivanovich [Girkin-Strelkov], but me, and said: “If you need, you can take 3-4 tanks from me ".And I took it because I needed it» .
  • The movement of the Buk and the Vostok tanks did not proceed exactly as Dubinsky had envisioned. Arnold Greydanus and blogger [email protected](see also) carefully analyzed the movement of the Vostok convoy along the same route as the Buk, but at a different time. Below are two videos of the Vostok column:

The content of the third call (9:23):

During the third call (from 2:43 in the video above), Dubinsky is talking to another interlocutor - "Sanych". The SBU introduced him as a DPR fighter, Khmuriy's deputy. In a conversation, Dubinsky informs Sanych that "My Buk-M will go with yours," which is on the trawl. He asks "Sanych", "... where to fit it in order to put it in a column?" Sanych says that the column is being formed "beyond the Motel ring".


  • The call time (9:23 am) is given in English version of the SBU video.
  • The Buk 332 was parked at the Motelevsky ring for a while (as seen in this video from a passing car) and then headed east through Makiivka ( video), Zugres ( video), Torez (photo) and Snezhnoye ( video).
  • Interestingly, Dubinsky refers to the Buk installation as “mine”, which again indicates that he was the key organizer in obtaining and transporting the installation from Russia.
  • A key fragment of the intercepted communications: they show that different separatists had different instructions. Here, Dubinsky does not know where the Buk 332 should be transported in order to “put it in a convoy,” but he knows its destination and that it should go with the Vostok tanks.

The content of the fourth call (09:54):

Dubinsky is talking to another unidentified person, presented solely as a "DNR terrorist". Dubinsky tells the interlocutor to call a person with the call sign "Librarian" and indicates that the interlocutor will find "you know what" behind the Motel ring. An unidentified person confirms that he knows what is meant by "you know what." Then Dubinsky orders him to take “... there only from those who returned, how much you need for escort. Leave the rest here." Further, Dubinsky says to go to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement Pervomayskoye, which he suggests finding on the map. After arriving in the area of ​​​​Pervomaisky, an unidentified fighter must take a position and bring there "their own who you have left." His task is to reserve and protect the Buk installation. Dubinsky ends the conversation by mentioning that a person with the call sign “Gyurza” will also arrive at the position.


  • Call time (9:54 am) is given in English version of the SBU video.
  • No one has been able to unequivocally establish the identity of the "Librarian". Many have researched this question, but no one has given a sure answer to it. Some suggested that he was a Russian military man, possibly an intelligence officer, but no one indicated a specific person. Others pointed to Fyodor Berezin, a former Soviet air defense officer whom The New Yorker called "the Russian Tom Clancy" for his sci-fi and military books. In 2014, Berezin was the Deputy Minister of Defense of the "DNR". However, it is not known whether Berezin was in Donetsk at that time. Judging by the posts in his LiveJournal, he could be in Lugansk. At the same time, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the "Librarian" is associated with books or is an educated person. For example, "librarian" is the name of a monster from the popular book and game universe "Metro 2033", from where the "Sparta" battalion of Arseniy "Motorola" Pavlov took his emblem. Determining the identity of the Librarian will resolve many of the critical issues surrounding the downing of MH17.
  • It is not known who exactly Dubinsky means by “those who returned,” but it is possible that they are Girkin’s fighters who left Slovyansk after a months-long siege less than two weeks before the downing of MH17. These people, apparently, had more combat experience than those who were in Donetsk and adjacent cities.
  • The people that Dubinsky is talking about are probably those who accompanied the Buk 332 from Donetsk to Snizhne. However, by the time they arrived in Snezhnoye, not all of their cars remained in the convoy. For example, on a video filmed in Makiivka around 11 am, the installation is accompanied by a black Peugeot 3008, a UAZ-469 jeep, a gray 2010 Toyota RAV4 with a modified spoiler, and a dark blue Volkswagen minibus. On the video from snowy, filmed a few hours before the downing, the Buk is escorted by only one vehicle.
  • Near the area where the Buk 332 launched the missile that downed MH17 are two settlements with a name similar to Pervomaiskoye. Closer to the launch site is the village of Pervomaisky, and just one field to the north of it is the village of Pervomaiskoye. It is not known which of them Dubinsky is talking about, however, there was a separatist checkpoint between the village of Pervomaisky and the launch site, which suggests that he had in mind this particular settlement.
  • It is difficult to reliably establish the identity of Gyurza, since this is a fairly common call sign. He was probably Dubinsky's deputy in the "intelligence of the DNR". In 2015, Novaya Gazeta wrote that Gyurza had previously served in the French Foreign Legion, but this claim could not be independently verified.

The fifth and final conversation took place at the end of the day on 17 July 2014 and took place between Dubinsky and Boatswain, whom the SBU refers to as a Russian GRU officer. Dubinsky tells Boatswain that he is "on the Marinovka" and that he "is not doing very well." He explains that they are constantly under fire from "Gradov", and also recently shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft. He mentions that his forces received a Buk-M in the morning, which made it "lighter". Dubinsky adds that Ukrainian fighters are trying to withdraw from Zelenopolye, but for this they need to break through Dubinsky's fighters. He also mentions that "yesterday" (July 16) they shot down two Su-25s and today another one. At the end of the conversation, Dubinsky says that "in two hours" he is going to Donetsk, where three "Carnations" are waiting for him. He is going to transport them "here", that is, to the area of ​​​​Marinovka.


  • The time of the call is given as 9:08 am, and Dubinsky, according to the description, is in Donetsk. Obviously, neither of these is true. The SBU almost certainly copied the explanation for the first call, only replacing "Buryatik" with "Boatswain". Dubinsky clearly indicates in this call that he is in Marinovka. The conversation takes place after the Buk shot down the plane. The exact time of the call is unclear, but it likely occurred in the late afternoon or early evening shortly after the downing of MH17, before it was widely known that a passenger jet had been shot down.
  • The identity of the "Boatswain" has not yet been established. At the same time, in a post on Glav.su dated September 13, 2015, Dubinsky mentions several people with this call sign. He mentions “Botsman”, a former deputy of Bezler, another, a former deputy commander of the 3rd brigade from Gorlovka, and a third, who served in the Viking battalion of the DPR. Of these three, the first is the most likely participant in the intercepted conversation.
  • Shortly before the downing of MH17, there was indeed heavy fighting in the Marinovka area. On July 16, the day before the downing, a video surfaced showing Igor "Strelkov" Girkin and Aleksandr Borodai in a field northwest of Stepanovka, talking about fighting in the Marinovka area. The video shows the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system. Separatist forces entered Marinovka on the afternoon of 17 July. It was reported that they captured part of the village on 16 July.

  • It is possible to partially establish what kind of downed (or damaged) aircraft Dubinsky is talking about. He mentions that on the day before the call they shot down two Sushki (Su-25s). On July 16, around 13:00, two Su-25s were really hit, but only one of them was actually shot down. indicate that these Su-25s were striking in the Saur-Mogila area, that is, just a few kilometers from the launch site of the fatal Buk missile, the village of Marinovka and the place where Strelkov gave an interview against the backdrop of an anti-aircraft missile system. Dubinsky was wrong when he said that on the day of the call, another Sushka was shot down. The only plane shot down that day was a Malaysian Airlines Boeing MH17.
  • We managed to establish which three Gvozdikas Dubinsky is talking about: these are three self-propelled guns 2S1 Gvozdika without identification marks and numbers, which proceeded from Luhansk to Donetsk on July 15, 2014. The convoy that included these three Gvozdikas was repeatedly photographed and videoed (see related Bellingcat investigation). These three "Carnations" were seen on July 15 around 19:00 in the center of Donetsk. The Carnation convoy was escorted by the same vehicles (UAZ-469, 2010 Toyota RAV4 and dark blue Volkswagen minibus) that escorted the Buk 332 on 17 July. On the evening of the same day (judging by the mention of the downing of Sushka, after the death of MH17), Dubinsky probably left Marinovka for Donetsk. That same night, three "Carnations" set off from Donetsk to Marinovka. Judging by the reports of witnesses, three Gvozdikas drove east from Donetsk on the night of July 17-18.





Radio station "Echo of Moscow"



This article was co-authored and written by the Bellingcat MH17 downing research team.

On July 18, 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published several interceptions of telephone conversations related to the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) on 17 July. Most of these conversations, recorded on the day of the downing, took place between an officer identified as "Khmury" and other separatist fighters in the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic." The SBU identified Khmuriy as Sergei Nikolaevich Petrovsky, a Russian GRU officer. However, neither Western nor Russian-language media paid close attention to his personality for a long time.

On April 1, 2015, the Dutch media NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about "Gloomy" after the International Investigation Team (ITG) published video, in which intercepts of telephone conversations were present, and the identification of the identities of the participants in the conversation was cut out. However, on September 18, 2014, the Russian-language Internet media PolitRussia published with a photo and video about an officer of the "DPR" named Sergei Petrovsky with the call sign "Khmury". This post was based on video dated June 27, 2014, which presents an interview with a fighter of the so-called "People's Militia of Donbass" with the call sign "Khmury". However, Khmury's name is not on this video. Further in our article, we will show that the person who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave a video interview is obviously not the “Khmury” who is present in the intercepted phone call. On one more video titled "Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky (call sign Hmuriy, Bad Soldier)", uploaded on October 2, 2014, features an address from a masked man - according to the title of the video, Sergei Petrovsky. This video was uploaded before June 12, 2014, under the name "Spetsnaz Strelkov". It does not appear to be the same person as the one interviewed in the June 27 video, as their voices are significantly different.

Left: Screenshot of an SBU video dated July 18, 2014, showing the call sign “Khmury” and the full name “Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky”. Center: A September 18, 2014 PolitRussia publication featuring a bearded man purported to be Sergei Petrovsky. Right: The masked man in the October 2, 2014 video titled "Sergei Nikolayevich Petrovsky (call sign Khmuriy, Bad Soldier)".

On November 30, 2014, an interview with General Sergei Nikolaevich Petrovsky was published on the Russian news site Politikus. The interview indicated that at that time he was head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the "Donetsk People's Republic", and that his military career began in the Soviet army in 1984, when he went to fight in Afghanistan. In the 90s, he took part in the wars in South Ossetia and Chechnya, where he met Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, who in 2014 was the "Minister of Defense of the DPR". In another interview, published on December 25, 2014 on the Russian ultranational-patriotic news site Zavtra, he calls himself "Major General Sergei Petrovsky" and mentions that he was born in 1962 in the Donetsk region. It is unclear whether he received the rank of major general in Russian Federation, in the self-proclaimed DPR or both there and there. It is also mentioned that he served in the Soviet and Russian armies for more than 30 years. An earlier interview with Khmury, then a colonel, was published in 2003 on the Russian news resource Izvestia. This interview is featured in a Globalized blog post from 2016. In the same post, as well as in another post (dated November 28, 2014), it is indicated that a user who called himself "Bad Soldier", with an avatar with the inscription "Gloomy", often posted on the forum of the site Antikvariat, dedicated to history, military relics and other topics. Igor "Strelkov" Girkin also often published reports on the war in Ukraine on this forum. On this forum, "Khmury" wrote on July 19, 2014, that he is Colonel Sergei Nikolayevich Petrovsky, Deputy Minister of Defense of the "Donetsk People's Republic" for intelligence of the guard.

The real identity of "Sergey Petrovsky" (this name turned out to be a pseudonym) was revealed through the hacking of Igor Girkin's email in May 2014. Several letters from Girkin's mail were published, including one sent on April 28, 2014 by Sergey Dubinsky from the address [email protected] The letter read: "Hi, Igor, have you forgotten the Bison yet?" This name and email address point to a social media page that shows Dubinsky was born on August 9, 1962 and lived in Donetsk, Ukraine. It should be noted that the date of birth (1962) differs from the one declared by the SBU (1964). By e-mail you can find the forum site of the 181st motorized rifle regiment of the 108th motorized rifle division, which participated in the war in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. At the forum, after the list of soldiers and years of service on July 18, 2010, the guest introduces himself as "Karakhan" and Sergey Dubinsky, who served from 1985 to 1987 and lives in Donetsk. In 2011, he registered under the nickname "Karakhan", indicating that his name is Sergei Dubinsky and that he was born on August 9, 1962, and attached a photo of himself in a colonel's military uniform. Shortly thereafter, another of his brother-soldiers also posted several of his photos, and in 2016, another former fellow-soldier posted a larger photo of Sergei Dubinsky in uniform, signing it "Petrovsky, Dvorkovsky, Khmuriy, Bison, Bizon and our Karakhan", as well as "" Hmury" in the DNR". These posts have now been removed. On the video on the forum and on YouTube there is the same photograph of Sergei Dubinsky in military uniform.

Top left: Khmury's avatar on the Antikvariat forum; bottom left: photo of Sergei Dubinsky in Afghanistan from his My World page; right: photo of Sergei Dubinsky in a colonel's uniform, uploaded in 2011.

The photograph of Sergei Dubinsky in uniform has apparently been edited (for example, a fragment of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland is missing). At the same time, the number of medals is quite typical for a colonel who has been leading a military career since 1984. However, most of the medals on his uniform date back to the Soviet era, such as "Order of the Red Star", "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR", the medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR", three medals "For Impeccable Service", as well as a commemorative medal " 70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR. The medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was given only to people who served in the Armed Forces of the USSR for at least 25 years, and the medals "For Impeccable Service" were given to those who served in the Armed Forces of the USSR for 10, 15 and 20 years. Thus, a person who served since 1984 could not receive these medals, since the USSR ceased to exist in 1991. Two medals on the bottom right were issued to veterans of the Afghan war: the badge " Internationalist Fighters" and the medal "From the grateful Afghan people". Only two "Orders of Courage" at the top left, apparently, were received in the course of service in the Russian army. The medal at the top right is, apparently, the commemorative medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", which in 1993 was awarded, according to, only veterans of the 2nd World War, as well as former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps. Since Dubinsky was born in 1962, he cannot fit into these categories.

His photo appeared in articles about the “DPR” on August 10, 2015, September 14, 2015 and November 12, 2015, but it was not until November 19, 2016 that a connection to MH17 was indicated on a website dedicated to Donetsk. These photographs of Sergey Dubinsky were published on the scandalous website "Peacemaker", which collects personal data (mainly about open sources) of Russians, separatists and alleged collaborators related to the war in Donbass. On February 7, 2017, the InformNapalm open source research team published Additional information about Sergey Dubinsky, indicating his current place of residence: Russia, Rostov Region, Bolshoi Log, Molodezhnaya street 4B.

Bellingcat found another page Sergei Nikolaevich Dubinsky. It indicates that the user was born on August 9, 1962, and lived in Donetsk (Ukraine), as well as in Rostov-on-Don. Judging by the photos on the page, in the summer of 2010 Dubinsky and his family lived in Russia, or at least visited Russia, but in the summer of 2011 they lived in Ukraine. According to the open database of the traffic police of Rostov-on-Don, Sergei Nikolaevich Dubinsky, who was born on August 9, 1962, lived in Stepnoy on an unknown street in the house at number 1, apt. 117. From 1998 to 2004, 3 cars were registered in his name. Stepnoy is a military town in the Rostov Region, where the 22nd Separate Special Purpose Brigade is based, or military unit 11659 (link). This brigade belongs to the Main Intelligence Directorate - "GRU".

Photos in Dubinsky's album prove that he was in Donetsk (Ukraine) in autumn and December 2014. A photo taken in the fall of 2014 shows Dubinsky with Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov visiting Donetsk October 30, 2014. A photograph taken in December 2014 of Dubinsky with Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, who is banned from entering Ukraine due to support for pro-Russian separatists, and Okhlobystin's wife Oksana Arbuzova. Okhlobystin visited Donbas at the end of November 2014, and Donetsk - November 30, 2014. Okhlobystin met with Igor "Strelkov" Girkin and claimed that he received a watch for Christmas from "Khmury" - Major General Sergei Nikolayevich Petrovsky.

Sergei Dubinsky with Mikhail Porechenkov in Donetsk in autumn 2014 (photo uploaded October 15, 2016).

Sergei Dubinsky with Ivan Okhlobystin and his wife in Donetsk in December 2014 (photo uploaded October 15, 2016). Left: Ivan Okhlobystin, Right: Ivan's wife Oksana Arbuzova.

In a photograph taken in December 2014, Dubinsky is wearing the Russian uniform of a major general. It can be compared, for example, with the uniform of the speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov. On Dubinsky, apparently, there is a stripe "Special Forces GRU". In this case, the emblem of the Russian Ground Forces is clearly visible on the patch, although Dubinsky allegedly resigned in April 2014, having gone to serve in the “DPR”.

Apparently, Dubinsky left Donetsk in early 2015; at the same time, he was allegedly banned from entering the “DPR” for extorting money from businessmen. According to the decision of the Aksai District Court of the Rostov Region dated April 17, 2015 (archived copy), funds were recovered from Dubinsky. It is also mentioned that he received a pension for his service in various military units. The first of them is military unit No. 61019. Apparently, this unit was formed quite a long time ago - there is no information about it on the Internet. The second of the units mentioned is the military unit No. 11659 already mentioned above - the 22nd Special Forces Brigade, and the third - military unit No. 51019 - the 116th Separate Special Purpose Radio Center, also located in Stepnoy.

Photos published in the summer of 2016 show Dubinsky's new home, which was successfully geolocate at the same address as indicated in the InformNapalm article: Rostov Region, Bolshoy Log, Molodezhnaya Street. Only the house number could not be verified because the google maps and Yandex numbers are not all houses on this street. However, it is likely that the house number is 4a and not 4b. The background of the photo matches Google Streetview. In another photo, Dubinsky is seen riding a Canadian-made Can-Am Commander XT. A new ATV of this model costs almost $15,000.

The new house of Sergei Dubinsky, where he (and his family) have probably lived since 2015. Photo uploaded August 8, 2016.

Sergey Dubinsky in the Can-Am Commander XT, probably in front of his house. Photo uploaded August 4, 2016.

Bellingcat draws the following conclusion: a person whose phone was tapped by the Security Service of Ukraine on July 17, 2014 (if the SBU correctly identified his voice and / or knew that the tapped phone belonged to him and, accordingly, was related to the transportation of the Buk that shot down in the same day of MH17) is Sergey Nikolaevich Dubinsky with the callsign "Khmury". Dubinsky is a Russian combat veteran who held the rank of colonel in July 2014, fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and subsequently served in the 22nd brigade of the GRU Spetsnaz. This, apparently, is not the same person as the bearded “Khmury” in the interview, who probably used the same call sign: on July 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote on the Antikvariata forum that he was confused with another person. However, Dubinsky may have been the masked man in the video uploaded in October 2014 under the title "Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky (call sign Khmuriy, Bad Soldier), previously uploaded on June 12, 2014 under the title Strelkov's Special Forces." In the same post on the Antikvariat forum dated July 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote that he does not appear in the media, with one exception: he reads the text in the June 12, 2014 video.

Sergei Dubinsky was promoted to "Major General of the DNR" in August 2014, shortly after the downing of MH17, and subsequently returned to Russia after being expelled from Donetsk for financial crimes. Now Dubinsky lives, by Russian standards, quite luxuriously - he has a house in a quiet village, where he lives with his family and rides an expensive all-terrain vehicle.

This article was co-authored and written by the Bellingcat MH17 downing research team.

On July 18, 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published several interceptions of telephone conversations related to the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) on 17 July. Most of these conversations, recorded on the day of the downing, took place between an officer identified as "Khmury" and other separatist fighters in the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic." The SBU identified Khmuroogo as Sergei Nikolaevich Petrovsky, a Russian GRU officer. However, neither Western nor Russian-language media paid close attention to his personality for a long time.

On April 1, 2015, the Dutch media NRC, NOS and De Telegraaf wrote about "Gloomy" after the International Investigation Team (ITG) published video, in which intercepts of telephone conversations were present, and the identification of the identities of the participants in the conversation was cut out. However, on September 18, 2014, the Russian-language Internet media PolitRussia published with a photo and video about an officer of the "DPR" named Sergei Petrovsky with the call sign "Khmury".

This post was based on video dated June 27, 2014, which presents an interview with a fighter of the so-called "People's Militia of Donbass" with the call sign "Khmury". However, Khmury's name is not on this video. Further in our article, we will show that the person who came to Slovyansk from Moscow and gave a video interview is obviously not the “Khmury” who is present in the intercepted phone call.

The medal "Veteran of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was given only to people who served in the Armed Forces of the USSR for at least 25 years, and the medals "For Impeccable Service" were given to those who served in the Armed Forces of the USSR for 10, 15 and 20 years. Thus, a person who served since 1984 could not receive these medals, since the USSR ceased to exist in 1991. Two medals on the bottom right were issued to veterans of the Afghan war: the badge " Internationalist Fighters" and the medal "From the grateful Afghan people".

Photos in Dubinsky's album prove that he was in Donetsk (Ukraine) in autumn and December 2014. A photo taken in the fall of 2014 shows Dubinsky with Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov visiting Donetsk October 30, 2014.

A photograph taken in December 2014 of Dubinsky with Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, who is banned from entering Ukraine due to support for pro-Russian separatists, and Okhlobystin's wife Oksana Arbuzova. Okhlobystin visited Donbas at the end of November 2014, and Donetsk - November 30, 2014. Okhlobystin met with Igor "Strelkov" Girkin and claimed that he received a watch for Christmas from "Khmury" - Major General Sergei Nikolaevich Petrovsky.

Sergei Dubinsky with Mikhail Porechenkov in Donetsk in autumn 2014 (photo uploaded October 15, 2016).

Sergei Dubinsky with Ivan Okhlobystin and his wife in Donetsk in December 2014 (photo uploaded October 15, 2016). Left: Ivan Okhlobystin, Right: Ivan's wife Oksana Arbuzova.

In a photograph taken in December 2014, Dubinsky is wearing the Russian uniform of a major general. It can be compared, for example, with the uniform of the speaker of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General No. 51019 - the 116th separate radio center for special purposes, also located in Stepnoy.

Photos published in the summer of 2016 show Dubinsky's new home, which was successfully geolocate at the same address as indicated in the InformNapalm article: Rostov Region, Bolshoy Log, Molodezhnaya Street. It was not possible to confirm only the house number, since the numbers of not all houses on this street are indicated on Google and Yandex maps. However, it is likely that the house number is 4a and not 4b. The background of the photo matches Google Streetview. In another photo, Dubinsky is seen riding a Canadian-made Can-Am Commander XT. A new ATV of this model costs almost $15,000.

The new house of Sergei Dubinsky, where he (and his family) have probably lived since 2015. Photo uploaded August 8, 2016.

Sergey Dubinsky in the Can-Am Commander XT, probably in front of his house. Photo uploaded August 4, 2016.

Bellingcat draws the following conclusion: a person whose phone was tapped by the Security Service of Ukraine on July 17, 2014 (if the SBU correctly identified his voice and / or knew that the tapped phone belonged to him and, accordingly, was related to the transportation of the Buk that shot down in the same day of MH17) is Sergei Nikolaevich Dubinsky with the callsign “Khmury”. Dubinsky is a Russian combat veteran who held the rank of colonel in July 2014, fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and subsequently served in the 22nd brigade of the GRU Spetsnaz.

This, apparently, is not the same person as the bearded “Khmury” in the interview, who probably used the same call sign: on July 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote on the Antikvariata forum that he was confused with another person. However, Dubinsky could have been the masked man in the video uploaded in October 2014 under the title "Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky (callsign Khmury), previously uploaded on 12 June 2014 under the title Strelkov's Special Forces." In the same post on the Antikvariat forum dated July 2, 2014, Dubinsky wrote that he does not appear in the media, with one exception: he reads the text in the June 12, 2014 video.

Sergei Dubinsky was promoted to "Major General of the DNR" in August 2014, shortly after the downing of MH17, and subsequently returned to Russia after being expelled from Donetsk for financial crimes. Now Dubinsky lives, by Russian standards, quite luxuriously - he has a house in a quiet village, where he lives with his family and rides an expensive all-terrain vehicle.
