Ethereum Classic. Overview of ETC cryptocurrency

Greetings dear readers of the blog. Today we will talk with you about cryptocurrency Ethereum Classic, which is actually the original . Vitalik Buterin was able to found a truly revolutionary project that brought together not only traders and miners, but also a large layer of developers who began to actively create various decentralized applications, smart contracts, and so on. Serious investors noticed the full potential that Ethereum brought to the masses and wanted to take advantage of it. An autonomous investment fund was created on the Ethereum platform The Dao, it had its own tokens, and its governance model was labeled as fully decentralized. At one point, one of the users accidentally managed to find a vulnerability in the smart contract code that allowed them to receive ethers in their account in almost unlimited quantities. When the news about the theft of tens of millions of dollars from the fund came out, there was a strong panic on the exchanges, the rate of The Dao token and Ethereum itself literally collapsed. At the same time, the attacker’s wallet with the money of the decentralized fund was frozen, and in order to return the funds to investors, a very controversial decision was made to make a hard fork, that is, to create a copy of the entire network, but with corrected errors.

With this decision, Buterin instantly crossed out all his statements about the complete decentralization of his network, because the network had to function autonomously, all contracts had to be implicitly and independently executed without serious interference from the developers. Vitalik Buterin and his team had to make a difficult choice between stealing five tens of millions of dollars and maintaining the myth of the decentralization of their offspring. In this case, it was decided to make hard changes to the code to correct the situation. A serious part of the community supported this initiative, while the rest insisted on not changing anything and leaving the money to the hacker, who actually did not hack anything, but only took advantage of the found bug in the smart contract. That is, it can be argued that this is not his fault, and the fault lies entirely with the developers who made this mistake, trying to hastily launch their project and make money as soon as possible.

In general, be that as it may, it was decided to return the money to investors, a hard fork was made and Ethereum Classic was born, that is, the original Ethereum without any interference. On the exchanges, it was assigned the ticker ETC, and the former name flowed away to a new fork, which Vitalik Buterin's team continued to develop. The new cryptocurrency was actively supported by both large cryptocurrency exchanges and speculators, who started a serious pump, as a result of which its capitalization reached a quarter of a billion dollars. Especially well earned then those who exchanged their ETH for ETC and just waited, they managed to at least double their deposits.

ETC developers adhere to the “Code is the law” ideology, which lies in the inviolability of blockchain decentralization, because only this can resist censorship and provide equal rights and opportunities for all network participants, and not serve the interests of any user group. Smart contracts must be executed without any outside interference, without the ability to roll back any changes, the results of their implementation, rewind time back and replay everything. Only such forks should take place here that will actually eliminate the shortcomings of the network and improve it, and not correct the results of erroneous contracts, even if they were fatal for someone.

Prospects for Ethereum Classic

Many predicted a vague future for ETC, that the price would collapse after the stolen ethers flowed onto the exchange and would never recover, however, as we can see, everything is far from being so bad. Together with the pump, ETH and its counterpart also increased significantly in price, but still not enough in my opinion. ETC developers will be able to easily copy the main ideas and innovations from Buterin to their network, and do it selectively. This leaves good wiggle room. You can read the main documents and plans of the developers on the official website of the cryptocurrency.

Now, in the fall of 2017, when all these events seem already infinitely distant in the rapidly flying forward cryptocurrency world, a very interesting question remains: what will happen to Ethereum Classic next? Personally, my opinion is that it has room to grow, given the preservation of the idea of ​​the original ethereum. I think it could well be equal in price to the same, without much effort. A number of large investors have already made it clear that they take the project seriously and will bet on its development. So the pump may well be just around the corner. It remains only to understand when. The project does not have any high-profile news, it is developing quietly and calmly. However, you need to understand that when the pamp time comes, the news will appear and the activity will begin. So let's wait.

Ethereum Classic price chart

At the moment, the price of an ETC coin is about $17, and the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency is $1.7 billion and is quite stable. Here is the Ethereum Classic cryptocurrency chart:

How to buy Ethereum Classic cryptocurrency

1. To buy, go to the official website of the exchange at this link >>

2. Enter your e-mail and complete the registration:

3. We confirm your account by clicking on the link that will come to your e-mail:

4. After logging into our personal account, we need to replenish the account in the "Wallet" section using various payment systems. Such popular payment systems are available as: Payeer(), PerfectMoney(), AdvCash(). Be sure to read on the blog, where I considered the possibility of profitable account replenishment with a commission of 1%, if all of a sudden the exchange will charge wild commissions (sometimes they can reach extremely indecent 8-10%).

5. After replenishing the account, go to the desired trading pair. If you replenished the account with rubles, then with ETC / RUB, if with dollars then with ETC / USD, if with hryvnias, then we first buy bitcoins right there on the exchange, and then for a pair of ETC / BTC. For the dollar option, it would look like this:

Let's look at the cryptocurrency chart:

Next, we are given the opportunity to evaluate the cryptocurrency movement chart and make a purchase. We place a limit order for the purchase, where we prescribe the desired number of ETC coins, the desired price and click the "Buy" button. We also have the opportunity to buy on the market, that is, to buy, it will be enough for us to drive in the number of coins. and the system will redeem the corresponding number of sell orders for you.

After the execution of the order in the chat window, you will see information about the completed transaction, and the coins themselves will appear in your "Wallet" section, where you can store them or withdraw them at any time. If you plan to store cryptocurrency directly on the exchange, which is undoubtedly convenient and allows you to make transactions at any time and also avoid the need to pay additional commissions for input / output, then do not forget to enable two-factor authentication in the settings for security.

Ethereum, the brainchild of Russian-born Canadian programmer Vitalik Buterin, quickly became one of the dominant cryptocurrencies. In addition to the original code, it is worth noting the wide marketing promotion of the project, which attracted the attention of large investors, including Microsoft Corporation, the real hegemon of the operating system market, and Santander Bank, which invested solid capital.

Today, ETH is the main competitor of Bitcoin, if not in terms of quotes, then in terms of the educated potential of this cryptocurrency. Many experts believe that it is Ether that is able to get as close as possible to the flagship of the industry. The other side of the opinion agrees with the potential of Ethereum, but stops at the forecast that Ethereum will not catch up with BTC, but will only be able to repeat its path, reaching the same heights in terms of relation to the dollar.

Internal showdown

However, even in such a fabulous environment, there were certain negative circumstances. And they developed around the Ethereum hard work, which, in fact, called into question the absolute decentralization of the network. Given the ideology of cryptocurrency as a tool that does not have a single center, many enthusiasts have abandoned the idea of ​​​​supporting Ethereum. Another group, more active, set about developing a new cryptocurrency based on established algorithms, which should return Ether to the origins of the idea and make it a full-fledged tool of the community.

On such grounds, the development of Ethereum Classic, or ETC, was laid as a market shorthand indicator. The main task here is precisely ideological - to separate the users of the main Ethereum under a similar network, but with decentralization.

Some enthusiasts noticed a funny fact: ETC is one of the directories of Linux operating systems, for example, etc \ shadow is responsible for storing user passwords, while Linux's main competitor, Microsoft, has become one of the key investors in ETH.

Excursion and growth

The new project, originally called The Dao, quickly acquired capital and a support group in the face of crypto-anarchist investors. But here the first troubles awaited the new project. Due to the serious vulnerability of the contract scheme, coins totaling about $50 million were stolen from users' wallets.

Such a vulnerability framed the Tao, and after some time the contract was fixed, and a new cryptocurrency was announced to the world community - Ethereum Classic, which in essence did not become something fundamentally new, but managed to implement decentralization in itself, without interference from outside, and hardwork.

The new crypt began to conquer the market even more actively, and one of the largest Western exchanges, Polonix, helped it in this. Poloniex practically immediately added ETC to the list of assets traded on its platform. Thus, having just formed, ETC began to actively attract the capital of new users, increasing its own capitalization and, as a result, its place in the market. After some time, the stock exchange also connected the auction, which gave a new impetus to the growth of quotations.

Market Characteristics

Today (mid-November 2017), exchanges give 18 US dollars for 1 ETC coin. Considering the capitalization of 1.7 billion dollars, we can responsibly state that such quotes are far from the limit. The exchange rate against the ruble, respectively, is 1000 - 1100 rubles per coin.

Perhaps the best achievement is $ 22 in early September of the same 2017. At the beginning of the same year, the network carried out an update that delayed the emergence of the increasing complexity of crypto mining, and the hardwork scheduled for the end of the year should completely transfer the ETC to a limited emission similar to Bitcoin.

The volatility of this crypto makes it a good tool for short-term speculation, but still, the level of increasing capitalization gives the right to predict the future growth of the currency, which means that a long-term strategy will thank its adherents here too.

It is worth noting that many novice users, not understanding the main differences between the two "grades of Ethereum", invest in ETC, planning to initially invest in ETH. But this situation also makes a reverse turn, when any negative news from the camp of the older brother hits the formally independent younger brother with quotes.

Benefits and ideas

Among the noted positive moments, experts pay attention first of all to the background proximity of the ETS with the main Ether. This gives reason to believe that such close ties will favorably influence the promotion of both coins.

The second point is the ideology introduced into the main goal of the ETS. Thus, a very active community of not only traders, but also miners, who, as you know, are the main driving force for the new coin, is quickly forming around the crypt.

Cryptocurrency is becoming more and more popular. And today they are talking about it at the state level. At the same time, the technology is constantly evolving, new “coins”, new mining methods, wallets and so on appear. Many play at an unstable exchange rate, receiving a fairly high income, others buy video cards and collect farms for mining.

In this article, we will talk about what the Ethereum Classic (ETC) cryptocurrency is, as well as analyze how to mine it, try to give some predictions for its future and find out if it is worth messing with it.

Details about the hard fork

Ethereum Classic is a blockchain crypto platform that is essential for developing decentralized applications based on smart contracts. The Ether coins that are paid for the calculations performed are called GaS (in the common people Gas). At the same time, they serve not only to pay for the ongoing calculations, but to combat DDOS attacks. The exact release date of the classic is July 2016. Since that day, the network has grown significantly. But first things first.

Despite the fact that Ethereum Classic was developed by the same group of developers that created the original Ethereum, many people call this network a fork of the very original Ethereum, but this is still an incorrect statement. Yes, the same developers worked on the coin, but this is a separate new project, and not an update of the old one. The bottom line is that some of the developers refused to carry out a hard fork, because of personal beliefs.

The new platform is constantly increasing its independence, and the community is growing every day, new investors are appearing. Thanks to this, it was possible to create our own concept of a hard fork. However, let's go back to the roots and find out where this currency originates from. It all started in the not so distant 2015, when the well-known Russian developer and programmer Vitalik Buterin created the Ethereum decentralized platform.

ETC features include:

  • The system does not use the principle of PoS mining.
  • Network resistance to hacker attacks.
  • High liquidity of the currency on the main cryptocurrency exchanges.

This is the history of the emergence of this network, which is currently in demand.

Benefits of a fork

Like any other crypto, ETC has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be studied first. The advantages that this coin has include:

    Maintaining the principles of decentralization. This is the main reason why there was a split in the original Ethereum group, as a result of which a new cryptocurrency was created.

    High level of protection and resistance to attacks. This is also an important factor that Ether Classic has. It is worth noting that during its existence, the network was repeatedly attacked, but each time the attacks were repulsed and the system continued its activities.

    Excellent liquidity is one of the most important indicators for users. At the same time, ETC has repeatedly surpassed its progenitor in terms of trading volumes.

    Attracting large investors who are ready to take part in the development of the crypt.

It is important to note that at the beginning of its journey, the network experienced some difficulties in attracting investors. However, this is in the past and now there are no such problems. However, there is also a downside to the coin, namely the disadvantages of the network:

    The first and most important drawback concerns miners more, as it lies in the mining method. The whole problem is that initially, cryptocurrency mining requires quite powerful equipment that will be able to carry out complex computational operations.

    The second drawback that Ether Classic owns is that the “coin” is completely unsupported and not backed by anything. This significantly complicates the ability to predict fluctuations in the exchange rate of this crypto in the digital asset market.

    In pursuit of a high degree of protection, the opposite effect appeared. And it lies in the fact that if the password from the wallet is lost or the account is hacked, then access to the currency in the wallet will be closed forever without the possibility of recovery. And this despite the fact that it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of hacking and protect the network from hacker attacks.

In addition to all of the above, there is always a risk of not getting the expected profit or going into the red, both in the mining process and when trying to play on the exchanges. However, all these shortcomings are inherent in almost any cryptocurrency.

What is the difference between Ethereum classic and Ethereum

People who start learning Ethereum are faced with such a question, what is the difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. The fact is that these networks were created by almost the same developers, have a very similar structure and practically copy each other. However, they still have certain differences.

    First of all, it is worth noting that the value of ETC depends on the market of speculators. The currency is not backed by anything and therefore everything depends on the exchanges and the support of the "coin" by users.

    The original Ethereum is more like a software company that is looking to grow and has released one fork (ETZ) to date. At the same time, the leaders of this network are more open and public, and the value of this crypt depends on several factors:

    • market speculation.
    • Community support.
    • Using case scenarios.
  • The Ethereum community consists of large and world-famous companies, including Microsoft, which significantly increases the credibility of the network, unlike Ethereum Classic.

    In turn, Ethereum Classic initially struggled with investors and support groups. However, today this situation remains in the past. Already today, many, albeit not so large, investors have shown a desire to support this network.

This is the difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. Otherwise, these networks practically copy each other. It is also worth noting that the Ethereum Classic block explorer is also accessible and easy to read. This means that you can easily access some pretty important information that displays network statistics.

Storage Wallet Classic

Any information related to this network is contained in official sources:

How to get ETC

Like any other cryptocurrency, Classic can be earned in three ways:

    Mining is the extraction of tokens by processing blocks in groups (so-called pools) or independently (solo). Of course, this will require quite powerful equipment, because, as mentioned above, one of the disadvantages is the initial complexity of block processing.

    Exchanges - today, many exchanges support working with this "coin". Therefore, many are trying to make money on fluctuations in the cryptocurrency rate.

    Faucets are resources that offer to get coins for minimal actions.

Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, let's take a quick look at ETC mining options.


What is mining, you probably already know. The essence of this process is to carry out transaction calculations. That is, your farm, in fact, simply processes information about all transactions on the network. The network pays for these actions with intranet currency (so-called tokens) ETC. And everything seems to be quite simple. But, there are subtleties. Firstly, there is the possibility of mining in a group and solo. Of course, in a group, one block is revealed much faster, since the total capacity of the farms of several users is used (the number can reach hundreds, and sometimes thousands of people in one pool). Each pool has its own block explorer. That is, at any time you can find out which block was revealed, which hashrate was spent, and what reward was received. In addition, there is a general block explorer on the official website.


The algorithm for earning "coins" on the exchanges is to predict the exchange rate. When the rate drops (falls) significantly, you buy coins. When the rate rises to its peak value, the coins must be sold. And the whole difficulty lies precisely in predicting the further development of events, understanding when and how the rate will fluctuate, guessing the moment of selling and buying crypto at the most favorable rate.


Faucets are some sites (services) that charge a small amount of tokens to the subscriber's account for free or for certain actions (in this case, we will talk about Ethereum). The bottom line is that many of these cranes do not fulfill their obligations (just throw people). Others allow you to withdraw earned funds only to certain exchanges or services. Therefore, it is worth carefully studying the selected crane before proceeding to work with it.

Forecasts for the future

In order to make some predictions for the future, you first need to find out what is the emission of this cryptocurrency. Emission is the release of money into circulation. In our case, this is the number of coins that are provided by the Ethereum Classic network. According to some reports, the emission of ETC will be 210-230 million tokens. This is the total number of "coins" that will be issued by the given network. This has had a significant effect on .

In addition, when trying to predict, one should take into account the hashrate that is required to calculate blocks and mine cryptocurrency. This parameter is constantly changing, so it needs to be monitored in a timely manner. The current hashrate is displayed on all mining pools.

Ethereum Classic is a project that brought together members of the community who did not want to hold a Hard Fork due to their personal beliefs, presented in the platform's Declaration of Independence. Designed as an expression of dissatisfaction with the hard fork, the platform is now gaining more and more independence. The community of the new project is growing every day, its own concept of Hard Fork has been created, and besides, unlike Ethereum, the system is not going to use the PoS mining principle yet. It is also worth noting the high resistance of the network to attacks and the excellent liquidity of coins on the main digital currency exchanges.

The history of the emergence of the Ethereum Classic cryptocurrency dates back to 2015, when the open decentralized platform Ethereum saw the light. Created by the famous Russian programmer Vitaly Buterin, it was a platform for the development of all kinds of online services based on blockchain technology and working with the Smart Contract electronic algorithm. The concept quickly gained considerable popularity among users, gathering a huge community around it. Moreover, it interested not only ordinary users, but also the largest investors in the world of digital currency.

Such success was the reason for the creation of The DAO - a kind of investment project that operates on the basis of Ethereum, however, has its own internal tokens and supposedly adheres to the principles of complete decentralization. Almost immediately after the launch, the fund was hacked. Thanks to a vulnerability in the system code, millions of dollars were stolen. This immediately affected the cost of The DAO tokens, and, accordingly, the price of the cryptocurrency itself. The developers froze the hacker's account, and a little later decided to start a hard fork, which means, in simple terms, a complete rejection of the original network and the creation of its exact copy with the defect fixed.

The decision was very negatively received by almost half of the entire community, since the idea of ​​decentralization implies a completely autonomous system of work, where no outside interference is possible. The creators of Ethereum, by their actions, violated the main principles of the cryptocurrency, which caused the quite expected dissatisfaction of users.

The network community is divided into 2 camps. Representatives of the first considered hard fork a necessary measure to stabilize the system, and in addition, they advocated the withdrawal of funds stolen by a hacker. The second claimed that he did not hack anything, but only used the possibilities of the contract, honestly receiving funds. And only the developers who opened an absolutely raw project for the sake of quick earnings bear responsibility for this.

However, a significant amount eventually outweighed the bright idea of ​​decentralization and the hard fork was carried out. Against the backdrop of what happened, dissatisfied people are developing their own Ethereum Classic system. Free from external influences, it retained all the features of the original network. After some time, it is put up for auction by one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, Poloniex. And a little later, Kraken and Bittrex added it, which once again demonstrated the highest degree of recognition.


Ethereum Classic boasts a whole range of advantages, including:

  1. Immutability. The main objective of the project is to preserve the principles of decentralization and free choice of the market. Something that was violated by the developers of Ethereum due to selfish intent, as well as the whim of the fund's investors.
  2. Sustainability. The system guarantees a significant level of protection. Throughout its existence, it has been attacked more than once, but each time it continued to function. This resilience demonstrates its real strength, as the more attacks the network fights off, the stronger the market will be.
  3. High liquidity. Ethereum Classic has repeatedly outperformed its progenitor in trading volumes since its inception. Liquidity is the most important indicator for determining the state of an asset in the market.

In addition, it is worth noting that although the system once experienced certain problems with financing, now there are quite large investors who are ready to take part in its further development.


Among the disadvantages of Ethereum Classic are the following:

  1. One of the main disadvantages is in the method of earning, since effective mining requires a fairly powerful technique capable of performing complex calculations. Hence the need for spending on the purchase of the necessary equipment and payment for electricity. At the same time, of course, there is no guarantee that the efforts will give a significant result or even pay off the costs.
  2. Cryptocurrency is completely unsecured, and therefore it is very difficult to predict its fluctuations in the digital asset market.
  3. Even the highest degree of protection cannot completely eliminate the risk of losing investment as a result of a hacker attack. You should also not forget that if the wallet password is lost or the account is simply hacked, access to electronic cash will be closed forever.
  4. There is a chance that you won't make a significant profit.

However, the shortfalls listed above can be equally attributed to almost any digital currency.

Current rate analysis

To date, the Ethereum Classic rate is characterized by a large-scale upward movement. Following the April strengthening at $2.6, the cryptocurrency made an upward reversal. The scenario was exactly repeated at the peak of the increase to $3, which allowed the currency to update its last year's price record.

At the beginning of May, Ethereum Classic was able to overcome a new milestone. The leading role in this, undoubtedly, was played by the launch of the Barry Silbert investment fund, which will simplify access to this currency for buyers. Thanks to what happened, the price of Ethereum Classic rose to the level of $4.

How to create a wallet?

Technically, Ethereum Classic is implemented similarly to the original system. This makes it possible to easily and quickly create wallets by adapting open source software previously written for Ethereum accounts.

You should not install wallets of both platforms on the same operating system. You must use a computer that has not previously used the original network software. For proper configuration, you need to do a number of simple steps:

  1. First of all, download the release of the Ethereum Classic wallet for the required version of the operating system. Supported by Windows, OSX, Linux.
  2. Then carry out the installation according to the attached instructions.
  3. After initialization, the application will ask if it is necessary to start the hard fork process. You have to press no.
  4. Then the system will synchronize for some time, after which you can safely use the wallet in normal mode.

Note! Do not forget that using identical addresses on two different platforms will not work. If you need to work with the wallets of both systems, you need to install them on different computers. In addition, if there is ether from pre-fork times left, it must first be divided and only then used.

The subtleties of mining

Users wishing to work with Ethereum Classic need only continue mining with the current version of the software, without any upgrades prior to the release triggering the hard fork. At the moment, you can freely download and install the unmodified version.

The mining process itself is similar to that of other cryptocurrencies. Full-fledged mining will require either one or several powerful computers capable of decrypting a 64-digit key. However, you can use a cloud server that allows you to distribute the load among several miners.

Forecast of further development of Ethereum Classic

The prospects for the further development of Ethereum Classic depend on several factors. The main one to date is the hacker's unfrozen funds left with him, since the platform community has recognized that there was no violation. He can start getting rid of his currency, thereby significantly lowering the exchange rate of the coins, or he can pre-pump them well, since at the current price it is not very smart to sell everything at once. In other words, various frauds are quite possible, which are very difficult to predict.

The next factor is the lack of significant announcements within Ethereum Classic, which makes the system look like a forked Ethereum since its first appearance. However, a similar factor can be attributed to the advantages of the site. After all, this will allow the network to avoid all sorts of errors and vulnerabilities that the original Ethereum was exposed to. Thus, lagging behind, ETC is one step ahead.

User opinion

Most users are very positive about this platform, considering it quite promising. The main advantage is called staying true to the principles of decentralization and the free market. Among other advantages, they note good liquidity indicators, as well as high resistance to attacks. Among the shortcomings, there is a lack of serious projects based on ETC. Each user must make the final decision for himself.

The classical type of Ethereum from the moment of its appearance fell into the traditional system of unity and struggle of opposing opinions, known since the triumph of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, as dialectics. At the same time, the traditional followers of the main currency present the Ethereum Classic (ETC) as the exact opposite of the ordinary Ethereum (ETH), which has correction functions in the process.

As for the supporters of the "classics", they advocate that the finished system cannot be changed during its operation, with the exception of eliminating obvious bugs. All this is reminiscent of a discussion of representatives of one religion, when some are in favor of introducing innovations and are renovationists, while others are categorically against it, and they are conformists.

By the way, we will pay attention to the fact that both followers of numerous cryptocurrencies and supporters of no less numerous religions are united by one feature, namely, faith, which is not backed by anything material.

However, we will not dive deep into the philosophy of the discussion of believers in one of the variants of the two-faced Ethereum in order to figure out which of them is right and who is wrong. This will take quite a lot of time. But this is not the purpose of this publication - our task is to give an objective description of the Ethereum Classic tokens. They can be briefly described as tokens without hardworking capabilities, although their very appearance is a hardfork of Ethereum.

Our goal is to tell if this conformist cryptocurrency is promising, to identify its growth drivers, if any, and to make a forecast for 2018.

Ethereum Classic course and trading features

At the time of writing the forecast, this cryptocurrency has a positive trend equal to +8.23 percent with the minimum and maximum daily trading rates of $34.10 and $42.14, respectively, and with a total volume of all trades of $722 million 221 thousand during the day.

If we analyze a larger graph of the growth and correlation of the rate, then approximately, starting from December 5, the formation of the so-called 5th wave of growth of this digital coin is observed, if applied.

At the same time, the correlation period is clearly visible in the triangle figure that has formed on the chart, which means at least two scenarios for the development of further events:

  1. If the price continues to grow, and the triangle figure continues to move up and forward, then to enter the auction, you must choose a moment no later than $43-44 to the predicted target of $46-47. At the same time, the stop loss mark is most likely at $45;
  2. In the event that the triangle begins to turn downwards, then in order to enter short-term trading, you need to be at $34-33 before the forecast price decline to $31-30, then stop loss should be set at $32.

With the help of a triangle, it is very convenient and efficient to navigate the trades, especially for those who use Ethereum Classic for a long-term order, especially since we can secretly say that good prospects await this cryptocurrency. However, more on that later.

Key Principles of the ETC in the Declaration of Dissenters

In order to find out the prospects of this cryptocurrency, one should refer to the Declaration, which was published by the Ethereum Classic development group, which consists of seven points, but we will pay attention to only three of its aspects:

  1. Aspect of morality. The developers of Ethereum Classic urged their followers to pay attention to the negative consequences of hardworks, including in the moral sphere, because in addition to technical flaws, as a rule, there are elements of fraud in the works. Therefore, they call not to completely abandon the usual Ethereum, which becomes a tool for scammers, but to join a separate community with its own set of moral values;
  2. Strategic aspect. Competition within Ethereum supporters leads to profit opportunities, just as one and the second camp of supporters, as they say, “vote” with money, which leads to an increase in the capitalization of both ordinary and classic Ethereum. Here there is competition not to suppress the opponent, but to support the project of one's own choice. In other words, paraphrasing Vysotsky's song, you can sing like this, they say, let my fellow chorister not slaughter at the common table;
  3. Aspect of the value of loss. The fact is that every new day is a lost opportunity. In this case, in the words of Peter Todd, who is a member of the team of Satoshi Nakamodo, one of the developers of bitcoin, that he greatly regrets that he did not buy Ethereum Classic tokens in his time, and this loss became an additional line in the list of lost opportunities of his life.

The classic of the genre for 2018 is the emission of the Ethereum Classic token

The growth rate for 2018 is based on containment emission. What does it mean to use a system of artificial growth in value due to a deliberate shortage of tokens, that is, the creation of a situation where demand exceeds supply. It is noticed that the price of cryptocurrency is growing after the next issue of Ethereum Classic is announced. For example, there were cases when the price rose by 65% ​​during the day.

On the one hand, this indicates the degree of high volatility of tokens, and on the other hand, that there are not enough of them on the market. And here it is not known how it is sung in a popular song, who is lucky. Investors in this case need to have a certain reserve in order to use such situations to get profitable deals, while it is more profitable for them to deal with long-term deals.

As for the bifurcation points of Ethereum Classic in 2018, most likely at the beginning of the year it will be $50, towards the middle it will most likely be $70, and by the end, you see, the first $100 will looming. It will not be a straight line, but a very contradictory wave ascent with huge gains and terrible losses for traders.

Ethereum Classic Forecast - Buy or Sell?

So our recommendation is to be patient. Emissions of tokens add new volumes, which means that volatility will decrease, which means that the cost will be less subject to correlation, which stabilizes the movement of the rate in the minimum ranges of the low and high channel.

And who can doubt that this is Ethereum Classic's claim to success in 2018, with investor support as well as continued interest from unique users? This is exactly the same "explosive" mixture that will allow you to declare Ether Classic at the top of your voice.
