How to add photos to Odnoklassniki. Uploading photos to Odnoklassniki from an Android smartphone and iPhone

Hello, dear site visitors! Today we will learn how to add pictures to social network Classmates. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. But if you recently registered or before that someone constantly helped you post them, then it’s logical that this question arose.

If the photo is stored on your computer and you need to upload it to Odnoklassniki, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and, in Feed view mode, under your avatar, select the “Photo” section.
  1. If you have already downloaded something before, then albums with pictures will be shown here. To add new photos, click on the “Upload Photos” button.
  1. A window will open Windows Explorer. Use it to find the folder where the images are stored, select them and click “Open”.

You can upload several pictures to Odnoklassniki at once. To do this, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and select them with the mouse.

  1. The window shown below will open, in which you need to wait for the download to finish (if there are a lot of pictures). What information can you find out from it:
    1 - the pictures are uploaded to the “Personal Photos” album and, in my case, there are 2 of them;
    2- you can interrupt the download (but this can only be done if there are a lot of pictures and not all of them have loaded yet - then the button disappears);
    3 — upload more pictures;
    4 — select photos;
    5 — create a note with them;
    6 — buttons for working with the image itself.
    If you are satisfied with the album, you are not going to add a description and want to leave everything like that, then just go to any other section, since, in principle, everything is already loaded. But let's take a closer look at what else you can do with photographs.

If you do not want the photos to remain in the “Personal...” album, you can move them to another one. Select them all (1), or select only some by marking the ones you need with a green checkmark (2). Next, from the drop-down list, we determine the album: you can select any of the existing ones or create a new one. When finished, click "Transfer".

You can create a note with images. It will be added to the appropriate section on your page and all your friends will see it in your Feed. To do this, click on the “Write a note” field. You can pin a post to the top of your profile by setting it to status.

Now let's look at the buttons for working with the image. The circle at the top (2) is for selecting a photo, and the cross is for deleting it (2). At the bottom there are buttons to open in a separate window (3), rotate (4) and tag friends (5). You can also “Add a description” to the frames (6), explaining what is captured on them.

From your phone or tablet

  1. Open the side menu and select the desired section from it.
  1. Then click on the plus sign on the right top corner, or go to the Downloads tab.
  1. Personally, I liked the “Downloads” tab better. Here you can: and select some photos from the device Gallery (1); and download all pictures taken on a certain date (2); and select one of the albums created on your phone (3).
    For example, let’s take the first option and add it to the Odnoklassniki page, only certain pictures. To do this, opposite the inscription “Upload these photos”, click “All”.
  1. Scroll through the Gallery and mark the photos you want by clicking on them. Next, at the bottom left, decide on the album. By default, the images will be added to the “Mobile Album”, but you can select any of the previously created ones or add a new one. Then click "Download".

Note! If you click on the photo itself, it will open in full-screen mode, and you will be able to add a description to it and edit it (write text on top, apply a filter, add a sticker, adjust brightness, contrast, rotation, etc.). By scrolling left and right, you can view photos in this mode and, if you want to add them to the downloaded ones, mark the ones you want with a tick (1). When you have selected everything, click the “Download” button at the bottom.

  1. Wait until the download completes. Everything that was selected will be added to the specified album in Odnoklassniki.

Adding a photo to your Feed

If you need to add photos to your Feed so that other users can see them, then simply uploading photos to your profile (which was described in the first two paragraphs) will do. Because, as a result, an entry will appear in the Feed: “Such and such a person added so many photos.”

You can do everything another way: by adding a note and attaching a photo to it. In addition, you can set it as the status of your page.

Let's briefly tell you what needs to be done. To get started, click on the “Feed” button and click on the “Write a note” field.

Why do you need photos on a social network? So that you can show yourself and look at others. In a word, the function is necessary. Unfortunately, lately, posting your own photos has turned into something like a disease - some people want to get an 5+ rating so much that they are even ready to show themselves naked. However, each person has his own view of the world and it is not our plan to blame anyone.

Today we will teach you how to upload a photo to Odnoklassniki. This can be done as easily as possible, but in two slightly different ways.

First. You go to your page, hover your mouse over your avatar and click on the “Change photo” link, after which a download window opens in front of you, in which you need to select the desired photo.

In fact, you can upload several photos at once - to do this you need to hold down CTRL key(this is shown in the screenshot), and then click on the “Save” button:

After the photos are uploaded, you can edit their name, tag friends, or do nothing with them at all.

And now the second method. It is no different from the first, except that all pictures are placed in a specific album. To do this, click on the “Photo” item, which is located immediately below your name:

Here you need to click on the picture that says “Create an album” and a window will open in front of you in which you can name the album, and also make it open to a certain category of people, for example, only to your friends, relatives and colleagues. Save it, and then upload the pictures exactly as we indicated above.

However, you don’t have to create an album at all. you can simply click on the “Add Photo” button:

Just don’t forget such an important detail that in this case you will not be able to hide the photo from strangers and all people who get to your page will be able to see it. After adding a photo, you can make it the main one. To do this, click on it, then click on the “More” button and select “make main”.

The social network Odnoklassniki is gaining more and more popularity every year. Almost 300,000 people already use its services. Mostly they send each other text messages, photographs, videos and audio recordings. Every time you upload a photo on this social network, it is published in the news feed, and your friends can view and rate the new image, give them “classes” and ratings. Therefore, be careful when choosing downloadable content.

Adding photos to OK from your computer

There are three ways to place an image in your feed from your computer. To perform this action, you must meet two main conditions: you must be registered and authorized on the site, and the pictures must not violate the regulations of the social network.

First method

The easiest way is to upload pictures through the main page. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Log in to the site.
  1. Go to the "Feed" menu.
  2. On the right, find the “Download” button.
  3. A window for selecting a picture will appear - select the desired picture and click “Open”.
  4. Important! If you need to post two or more images, you can do it at the same time. To do this, select all necessary files in the selection window by holding down the Ctrl key.

    Second method

    There is another method for adding a photo to your feed in Odnoklassniki. Using it, you will get a similar result. To do this, click on the “Photo” link.

    Go to the "Photo" tab, which is located in the main menu.

    In the center of the screen there will be a button called “Add Photo” - click on it.

    An additional window will open in which you can select and place on the Internet any files with pictures located on the device.

    Third method

    This method can be used in cases where you need a previously downloaded picture to be published in the news. To do this, follow the algorithm described below:

    Keep in mind that using this technique, you will simultaneously change your avatar.

    This operation can also be performed from any mobile devices such as smartphones or tablet computers. For ease of downloading files, it is recommended to install original applications available for most operating systems.

    How to post a photo on social networks using a smartphone?

    Then you need to select the album in which the photo will be placed after uploading. In a similar way, you can send any pictures from your smartphone gallery to the site.

Before you start working on a social network, no matter what you are going to do on Odnoklassniki, you must first log into your account. For this it is necessary to home page site, enter your credentials - login or password - or save a link to your personal page in your browser bookmarks. In this case, you will only need to click on the “Odnoklassniki” sign to open your account. After this, you can safely add photos to your page. Depending on where you plan to place your images, your steps will be slightly different.

Photo for ava

If you are going to add a personal photo, then under the main image - the avatar, located on the left side of the page, find the corresponding inscription - “Add photo”. Click on the link and in the new window that opens, indicate the location of the desired image and select the picture. Click on it and click the “Open” button. Wait until the image loads, after which you can add the necessary signature or comment to it. To do this, enter required text in the “Add description” line.

If there are several people in the photo, you can tag them. To do this, under the downloaded image, click the question icon and in the window that opens, click on the words “Who is this” or “Tag friends” and select the users you need from the drop-down window that opens. After adding the appropriate tag, your friend will receive a notification that they are tagged in the photo. If a person is not on your friends list, simply write their name in the “Tag Friends” field.

If you want to continue uploading images, simply click the “Add Photo” button - it is located to the left of the uploaded image - and repeat the process.

The added images go to the personal photos section, where you can select one of the pictures and transfer it to one of the albums. To do this, you need to mark the “Move” option on the photo and select one of the photo albums available on your page in the drop-down window. You can also make an uploaded image, for which you just need to click on the link with the corresponding inscription, which opens when you hover the cursor over the photo.

The procedure can be significantly simplified. To do this, hover over the main photo and click the “Change Photo” link. Then in a new window, select one of your personal photos or add an image from your computer, flash drive or phone. The principle of operation is similar to that described above.

Photos in albums and statuses

It’s just as easy to add photos to existing photo albums on the page or to existing ones.

To add photos from an event, you must proceed as follows:

If Odnoklassniki is used through the official application, the procedure will be as follows:

If you need to change the main profile photo, just open it, click on the image and select “Select photo”. Further actions are similar to adding pictures to the album.

Problems uploading photos

In some cases, problems occur when uploading images to Odnoklassniki. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • Clogged cache. While using the site, temporary files are collected in the computer's memory. A large accumulation of them can cause malfunctions in the browser, and as a result, the social network itself. The solution is to clear cookies: press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del, mark the corresponding lines and delete the data. After completing the operation, you will need to re-enter Odnoklassniki.
  • Failure in work Adobe Flash Player. The player is used to display multimedia data and can influence the uploading of photos to the social network. The problem can be resolved by reinstalling it: visit the official website, download the installation package, run it on your computer and follow the instructions. At the end of the process, the browser should be restarted.
  • Low connection speed or unstable Internet connection. This problem most often occurs when using mobile internet– in places with poor coverage, the unloading speed will not be enough, which will lead to interruption of the process. As a result, you will have to repeat the download again or make it in a place with a better signal.
  • Browser crash. The problem can be resolved by restarting the browser or reinstalling it.
  • Browser add-on conflict. Various extensions, such as Ad Block, may conflict with each other or with the Odnoklassniki website. You should disable the most questionable ones and try again.

The recommendations presented in this article will help you understand the process of uploading photos to a social network. You can carry out your plans both from a computer and mobile phone. Most problems that arise can be resolved by restarting the program or reinstalling it.
