How to update browser on android samsung. How to update the browser on your phone for free - a description of the different ways

In the usual case, updating Yandex.Browser on your phone and computer is not required (if you own at least a relatively new version).

The developers of the application foresaw problems with the update and decided to save their customers from wasting time on it by introducing automatic updates to Yandex functions.

How does it work? Every time there is a new version, your application is automatically updated (the same is true for the Chrome browser) when you turn it on. It takes very little time.

So why do you need to update if the application auto-updates when new versions appear? It happens that the phone blocks this function. It is even possible that you just haven't closed Yandex.Browser for a long time.

And the update happens at the next start. In this case, you just need to turn off and on the browser again (but if new versions are available, the system will immediately let you know).

Is it difficult to manually update Yandex?

If you're new to the app, don't worry. The update takes a few minutes. But it is necessary to carry it out, since updated versions of the browser:

With all the new viruses and types of attacks, Yandex developers offer new versions to protect their customers as much as possible from danger on the Internet (all viruses get on phones and computers through browser applications).

How to update Yandex.Browser in Android devices?

First you need to find out if there is a new version of the application:

  • Get to the quick menu (three horizontal parallel stripes or dots). If they are not on the screen of the mobile device, press the menu on the phone case.
  • After pressing the menu, a list will appear. From it you need to select "About Yandex.Browser".
  • You will be taken to a new page.

If you have an outdated version in use, you will be notified about it. You will need to confirm the update and that's it. There will be a free update. After that, you need to restart your browser.

If you are using the new version of Yandex, a message will be displayed: "You are using the current version of Yandex.Browser."

Every browser needs an update. New functions, interface, performance become available to users only in updated versions of the software. Internet users spend most of their time in browsers, for comfortable operation it is recommended to monitor and install updates from developers in a timely manner.

Browser update instructions

Developers offer many browsers. They differ in interface, performance, additional features. The update methods also differ.

Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge

Internet Explorer is preinstalled on all Windows operating systems. It is rarely used for its intended purpose, but the browser is necessary for the correct operation of many programs. Microsoft Edge is used on corporate computers and is updated in a similar way.

To update Internet Explorer, you must go to the official download page. You can do this through any convenient browser. This page contains the latest version of IE.

The system will automatically start installing the update after downloading. When the installer completes, you will need to restart your computer.


The Opera browser supports automatic updates. If for some reason auto-update does not start, you can do it manually. Manual update is carried out after the program is launched. In the upper right corner, you need to call the menu by clicking the corresponding button. Then go to the "About" section.

Find the "Version Information" section. The current version of Opera is displayed here. The program will report the presence of uninstalled updates, if any.

By clicking on the update button, the user will start downloading and installing the necessary files. You will need to restart Opera upon completion of the procedure.

Mozilla Firefox

This browser is also updated automatically, but there is a manual update option. You need to call the Mozilla Firefox settings menu. It is located in the upper right corner, looks like 3 horizontal lines. In this menu, you need to select the item "Help" and "About Firefox". The user will be directed to the information page.

If there are uninstalled updates, the information page will have a "Restart Mozilla Firefox to update" button. By clicking on it, the user activates the download and installation of files.

After restarting Mozilla Firefox, the program will be completely updated.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome provides notification of new updates. A bright indicator appears in the upper right corner. If the user does not refresh the browser for a long time, the color of the indicator changes.

To update, you need to call the context menu in the upper right corner. Hover your mouse over the Help section. An additional context menu will appear, where you need to select the item "About the Google Chrome browser".

The information window will warn you that you are using an outdated version and offer you to update Google Chrome. By clicking on this menu, the user will refresh the browser. In a fully updated state, Google Chrome indicates "The latest version is already installed."


This browser works on operating systems from Apple. If an update is released, the device displays the message "This version of Safari is no longer supported" when trying to enable the program. You need to open the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the screen, select the software update section.

The user is automatically redirected to a page that offers a list of all available updates for installed programs. You can download and install the new version of Safari by clicking on the confirmation button.

After restarting, the Safari browser will no longer issue a reminder of the outdated version and will be updated.


Designed for Linux operating systems - Chromium, almost a complete copy of Google Chrome. Chromium does not auto-update. The user needs to execute several commands:

sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree-install

If there are new versions of Chromium. They will be established. In the browser itself, you can only see the current version.

Yandex browser

Software from Yandex is updated as standard through the settings menu. You can call the menu by clicking the button in the upper right part of the screen.

In this menu, additional settings and the “About Yandex” item are selected.

The window that opens will display information about available updates and the version of software from Yandex. If there is an "Update" button, you need to click on it and wait for the complete download and installation of updates. After restarting the program, the changes will take effect.


The Amigo browser is very similar to Google Chrome and Yandex. Updated according to a similar system. You need to call the settings menu in the upper right corner. Hover your mouse pointer over the "Advanced" tab, select "Help".

A window with information about Amigo will open. If updates are available, you must click on the download and install button, restart the program.

Developers with enviable constancy roll out updates for their projects, as it is necessary to maintain a stable interest of the audience, attract new ones and expand the sphere of influence. In addition, any software product is not protected from lags and bugs, which the team is engaged in searching for and eliminating. So today we are going to talk about how to update google chrome on android, also in the process of narration, we will consider the easiest way to achieve what you want.

Will not be distracted and immediately begin to talk on the topic. There are several ways to update the body for Android OS. The first one is:

  1. Finding information about the current version of the product you are using.
  2. Surfing the Internet to find a newer distribution, downloading it from pirate sites.
  3. Installation on your smartphone.

It seems like a pretty tedious task, doesn't it? Let's see how the above procedure can be greatly simplified, saving billions of seconds of your time. You can also use the official website of the development team, but this is also not an indicator of efficiency.

To make your plan a reality, you will need:

For convenience, you can set up a notification system from the Play Market so that you always know when and what update packages the developers of a particular product have rolled out.

Summing up

There are several ways to update Google Chrome and each user chooses an acceptable one for himself. However, why waste your time on inventing a bicycle, if everything has already been invented, automated and works stably?

The web industry is developing so rapidly that it is sometimes very difficult to keep in mind all the novelties offered by web specialists. It is even more difficult for a person who is far from the Internet industry to navigate the issue, it will be better for an Android-based tablet. The owners of tablets on iOS are in the same bewilderment.

Of course, you can make the right decision yourself by trying a sufficient number of different browsers, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages in a practical way. However, in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time, and sometimes pat the nervous system if a terrible option comes across. To save your nerves and save time, we recommend that you first read the practical advice of experienced users on which browser is better to download and install for your tablet.

Choosing a browser for a tablet.

You can list all the browsers that can be installed on Android or iOS, but you will only get tired of this, your attention will dull, and the risk of missing out on valuable information will increase several times. It is for this reason that we are forced to list only those options that can legitimately claim the status of “best browser” for a tablet. The main purpose of a browser is to open web pages. The best option is the one that provides a quick opening of the necessary web resource, and is also endowed with additional useful features. Based on the opinion of the majority of users, there are several browsers that are popular among the general public of Internet users, so they can be considered the best. Among them:

Most of the undoubted leader browsers have one thing in common. All of them are built on the Chromium engine. By the way, many people immediately notice a slight coincidence in the name of this engine and the Chrome browser, believing that this is essentially the same thing. In fact, it's not like that. It is not necessary and stupid to confuse the engine with the browser. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of top browsers, and after that, each web surfer will be able to independently choose the best browser for himself.

Ten years ago, there were not so many browsers. Basically, Internet Explorer was used to access the network. The main and almost the only competitor for Internet Explorer at that time was Opera. Developers to win the hearts of web surfers by providing faster connection speeds. Currently, Opera also holds the position of the undeniably fast browser for tablets. High speed is ensured by fast processing of special code on the intermediate server. At the same time, for fast processing, increased processor power is not required.

It is also important to know that Opera Mobile/Mini can turn off the 3/4G connection on its own in cases where it can detect an available Wi-Fi access point.

Not surprisingly, a significant number of Android tablet owners prefer the Opera Mobile/Mini browser. Developers also did not deprive owners of tablets on iOS. Especially for iOS, the next version of Opera, Opera Coast, was developed. Tablet owners are satisfied with the fact that the browser makes it easy to operate with bookmarks, create and take out shortcuts.

However, Opera deserves not only laudatory odes. She was not without flaws. In particular, many users are not satisfied with the interface, which is characterized by excessive bulkiness. It is also depressing that there is no way to provide full access to individual web resources.

If you, as tablet owners, are interested in the Opera browser, you need to visit Google Play, where you can easily download the version of the browser for Android tablets. If you are looking to download the Opera browser for iOS tablets, then you need to visit the AppStore. Both on the first and on the second resource you will be offered a free version for downloading.

Chrome is a surfers dream. This browser provides full compatibility with Google products. Using it, you can surprisingly quickly and easily.

When conducting a survey regarding the best browser on Windows 10, Android, iOS, the Chrome browser always shows impressive results. Tablet owners are pleased that Chrome provides the ability to use the built-in translator, incognito mode, and successfully control traffic.

Dolphin Browser is an excellent browser that has managed to quickly attract the attention of many users. It beat even Chrome when it comes to understanding old web technologies. In addition, Dolphin Browser is endowed with an interface that is very easy to understand. If you want to get a bunch of useful plugins, you can easily download them from the Play Market. By the way, many web users are led to Dolphin Browser because of the external resemblance to the familiar Chrome. Many people like Dolphin because on any tablet, regardless of the display characteristics, you can display any web page in full mode. Other web browsers provide this feature only on ten-inch displays. Dolphin Browser is suitable for both Android and iOS tablets.

Another web browser, FireFox, previously successfully competed with Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, in recent years, he has lost ground a little, but nevertheless he still has a sufficient number of fans at the moment. The developers of FireFox succeeded in:

  • improve the Java Script engine;
  • provide with HTML 5 full optimization.

Unfortunately, this browser also has some drawbacks:

  • there is no possibility to make relative to the size of the window;
  • Page loading is slow;
  • sometimes error messages pop up.

  • clear the cache automatically;
  • work in full screen mode;
  • launch for proxy local port;
  • creating shortcuts on the desktop.

If we study the download statistics of various browsers, we can conclude that UC Browser is one of the most popular browsers, since the number of those who have already downloaded it has exceeded 400 million. UC Browser is actively used by residents of 150 countries. No wonder it was recognized as the best web browser for Android. UC Browser is equipped with a good download manager. Welcome and such an opportunity as watching videos offline. The browser operates on a specially developed U3 engine.

UC Browser in 2010 was also adapted for iOS tablets. Users instantly appreciated the compression algorithm implemented by the developers, as well as the successful speed optimization.

So, if you do not want to use a weak browser, you can give preference to one of the listed web browsers, the advantages and disadvantages of which will suit you as a user.
