How to track your wife's phone. How to track a person's location

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to track a subscriber using a smartphone. Trust in your wife/husband is lost, you need control over an employee, a small child or an elderly relative. With the advent latest technologies you can solve this problem through mobile device.

Cell phone wiretapping

You can download it on the Internet special application, which makes it possible to track the conversations of the subscriber you are interested in. How to track a person via phone? To activate the program, you do not need to have a conference call on the mobile that will be monitored, open root rights or other requirements. The only rule is that data transfer must be turned on. Wiretapping program mobile phone opens up the following possibilities:

  • The wiretapping will be recorded and transmitted to your computer, smartphone or iPhone;
  • the subscriber's call log will be uploaded to your folder, where you can view them;
  • All SMS messages from phone number recipient along with text, date and time;
  • the ability to intercept all is activated emails with Email and Gmail clients;
  • Location determination is also present in such programs.

How to find out where a subscriber is located

You can track the location of the person you are interested in by his mobile number. Cellular operators now offer geolocation services. The systems can determine the subscriber’s coordinates with very high accuracy – up to ten meters. Geolocation is an alternative satellite positioning. How to find out where the subscriber is? If a mobile device operates in the service area of ​​its network, then searching for a person’s location is based on tracking the smartphone using an electronic map, because the gadget constantly sends its data to the operator.

The geolocation service is paid. To activate it, make a request via SMS, operator call or USSD. Information about the location of the desired user will be sent to your Android in the form of SMS. If you want to receive data in graphical form or maps with markers, then for this you need to additionally download and install the necessary software from the provider’s website.

How to track a person by phone number via computer

On the Internet it is easy to find programs (not free!) that offer such a service as tracking a phone number via a computer. To monitor an Android via a PC, you need to register on the service, then install the utility on the smartphone that will be monitored. All these actions will not take even a few minutes. How to track a person's location by phone number?

After installing the necessary utility, information about the location of the person of interest will be sent to your computer. You will be able to view his messages, listen to conversations, hear surrounding sounds and even watch the picture from the camera. Phone tracking is a great option to keep track of your teen's movements, especially if they don't share much about their life.

Phone tracking software

Sometimes spying on a loved one's phone carries not mistrust, but a desire to protect him. For these purposes, there is a special application from Google that works with your account. Phone spy software (TrackView or WardenCam) not only allows you to spy on another person, but also gives you full control over your mobile device. For example, if you leave your smartphone in a car and it gets stolen, it won’t be difficult to find out about the car’s movement. Tracking by phone number with spyware can be carried out from any device that has a web camera.

How to track a phone using GPS via computer

You can find out the location of a person by turning on GPS search on the Android you are interested in. They monitor mobile phones by collecting information from providers who provide such services. How to track a phone using GPS through a computer? You need to install any application, of which there are a huge number on the Internet, for example, GPS Tracking Pro, on the smartphone of the person you want to check. The program works unnoticed by the user, and you regularly receive data in your personal account on the service provider’s website.

Can they be monitored through a phone camera?

Espionage without surveillance cannot be complete. Nowadays the question of whether people can be monitored through a phone camera is no longer relevant. Many programs offer such a service as video surveillance of an object of interest through its smartphone. For example, the WebOfCam application offers such a service. The purpose of the program is that on one mobile device you can see what another is filming.

You can watch the video on your computer or laptop. The application has the ability to encrypt - if you click on “Blank Screen”, the display turns black - a sure sign that the mobile device is turned off. It's so easy to spy on a babysitter watching your baby or a cat stealing sausage from the table. There can be a lot of situations for surveillance.

Video: spying on a person via phone

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Of course, such constant control is a problem. Ideally, it is better to do this so that your children have no idea that they are being controlled. There is such a way to track calls from your child’s smartphone. There are quite a few companies that produce such spyware. Among them are mSpy, WebWatcher and others.

Obviously, shelling out thirty dollars for an app like this isn't something everyone can afford, but we found a free spy app that can run on up to five phones at once, helping you track calls, internet activity, and the location of your kids or grandkids.

The application is called Phone Tracker from the developers of Spy Phone Labs and it will give you all the information from the phone or tablet on which it will be installed. It uses GPS to track the phone owner's location, offers a full log of outgoing and incoming calls, shows text messages and all web activity.

This information is available on the site after creating a free account. Not bad for free application, which is not that difficult to install. To install it on your smartphone or tablet, first, you need to access it. After that go to Google Play, find Phone Tracker and click “Install”. After installation, you will need to open the application, set the name account and password, give the smartphone a name and that’s it.

To control several gadgets from one account, simply install the application on several devices, specifying the same login and password that was entered during the first installation. After this, you will need to wait about 30 minutes, and after that you will be able to monitor all devices with the installed application on the website.

Please note that the site has a somewhat confusing architecture. The button you need to log into the site is the blue button labeled “Login”. After entering your username and password, click the gray button labeled “Log in.” At the bottom of the site, you can see answers to the most frequently asked questions, that is, FAQ.

While it's nice that Phone Tracker is free, it does have its drawbacks. For example, it only works on smartphones and tablets with versions 2.3 and 4. Versions 3 and 5 are not supported by the program.

If you want to use a similar application for iPhone or iPad, then we couldn’t find any free spyware here, so you’ll have to use the paid Spy Phone application.

Additional advice for owners of iOS 8 devices: They can continuously send their location information to another iPhone, iPad or Mac. To set up this function, you need to go to your Contacts - Your contact - Send a message. On the right top corner click "More details". Under Location, the Send Current Location feature will only forward it once. But if you select “Share my location,” then your phone will regularly send such data to your other Apple gadget. To see the location, for example, of your child on your iPhone, you should go to the “Contacts” section - “Your child’s contact” - “Send a message” - “Information”. Then you can see the location of your child on the map. But keep in mind that your offspring can turn off this function at any time without your knowledge. So it’s better to talk to him in advance and explain what this function is for and why it cannot be disabled.

To avoid problems with the law Phone app Tracker displays a message on the main screen once every 12 hours that the smartphone is under monitoring.

In any case, the application is useful, but it is worth remembering that children are very resourceful. If they know they are being followed, they may find a way around the app. So, either tell them up front that you will be keeping an eye on them, or use paid apps that are completely hidden.

Of course, few people would dare to deny the fact that most representatives of the stronger sex have such a quality as jealousy. Men are especially alarmed by the situation when their spouses go into another room to talk on a mobile phone or hang up the call in their presence. What could this behavior mean? In this case, the question of how to tap your wife’s phone suggests itself. Do not hire a private detective, since this pleasure is not cheap. How to listen to your wife's phone for free and is it possible?

Weigh the pros and cons

Before we begin to consider these issues, it is necessary to warn jealous people, because there is a secrecy of telephone conversations, therefore the fact of access to them is illegal.

You could end up facing criminal charges. In addition, the moral aspect of this matter cannot be discounted. Will you be able to calmly look into your wife's eyes when she finds out that you know about the contents of all her telephone conversations? It is very likely that your marriage will crack after this, since your missus will believe that you do not trust her at all.

However, if the moral aspect of the problem is secondary for you, and the question of how to tap your wife’s phone is the main one, then it makes no sense to stop your intentions. Unfortunately, when experiencing jealousy, a person is ready for any reckless actions.


So, what are the ways to solve the question of how to wiretap your wife’s cell phone? There are several of them.


The first of them is for informational purposes only, as it belongs to the official category. It involves direct contact with the cellular operator.

However, such a service is provided exclusively to representatives of law enforcement agencies, provided that they have permission from the relevant authorities. In this case, the operator must provide all statistics on outgoing and incoming calls, as well as the contents of all sent SMS messages. Let us emphasize once again that ordinary citizens cannot use this method.


Don't know how to tap your wife's phone? You can use the illegal method if you are not afraid of the consequences outlined above. The point of wiretapping in this case is to intercept the signal that comes from the mobile phone to base station operator and back. It must be taken into account that from a financial point of view this method is considered quite expensive, since it will be necessary to purchase special equipment. And yet, in deciding how to wiretap a phone, a huge number of people use it. Why?

Firstly, there is no direct contact with mobile operator, and secondly, the likelihood that the wife will find out that she is being tested using such a sophisticated method is minimized.

However, it is necessary to mention the disadvantages of the above method. The fact is that its range is limited - only 300 meters from the phone being tapped. In addition, it must be taken into account that mobile operator can change the encoding of the transmitted signals, in which case the efficiency of your eavesdropping equipment will be zero.


However, there is another solution to the question of wives. To do this, you will need so-called “spyware” software, which is installed discreetly into the cellular device. This know-how works on the principle of conference calling. During conversations, it quietly involves a third party in the communication process and duplicates it to another number, which is specified in advance.

The disadvantages of this wiretapping method include the fact that an individual program algorithm must be created for each model of mobile device. Moreover, it is imperative to establish direct contact with the listening device.

Internet to help

Today, many are interested in how you can listen to your wife’s phone without paying a penny. Unfortunately, free cheese can only be in a mousetrap. At the same time, you can find free version spyware, but be prepared for the fact that it will have functional limitations. How to tap your wife's phone? Everything is very simple. Use the Internet.

The World Wide Web is currently simply loaded with programs that are able to function incognito on an eavesdropped phone, transmit and save the contents of telephone conversations and SMS messages, as well as determine the geographic location of an object and even photograph it with a built-in camera. Certain software allows the device to operate like a “bug”: you make a call and hear everything that happens on the “other end of the line.”

How to determine if your phone is being tapped

So, we have decided how to listen to my wife’s phone.

It would also be useful to consider the signs that may indicate that your conversations are being monitored.

The battery in your mobile device runs out quickly

If you begin to notice that your battery cell phone is always in a hot state and sits down quickly, it is possible that you are being bugged. Be sure to check this fact with specialists.


When your phone does not respond promptly to shutdown mode or reboots chaotically, this may also indicate that the contents of your conversations are becoming known to third parties.

Uncharacteristic sounds in the device

If during communication with your interlocutor you hear extraneous sounds noises or unfamiliar voices, this could be a sign that your device has spyware.


The likelihood of wiretapping may be high when you notice that a mobile device located near the “non-working” speakers is creating interference.

This is a clear sign that the spyware has become active and is broadcasting the conversation to third parties.

The connection with the interlocutor takes too long to establish

Sometimes cases arise when, having clicked on the call, you have to wait a long time for the connection to occur with the interlocutor, and the disconnection period is also excessively prolonged. The above signs may also confirm the fact of illegal access to telephone conversations. In this case software it takes a certain period of time to transmit the contents of a telephone conversation.

What to do if you are being bugged

If you are sure that the contents of your telephone conversations are becoming known to third parties, this is a reason to contact law enforcement agencies. The police will use special equipment to check your suspicions.

In general, if you are not sure that your other half is faithful to you, then you should resort to wiretapping her telephone conversations as a last resort. It's better to sort things out face to face. Also try not to leave your cell phone unattended for a long time and use different passwords when unlocking it.

Installing spyware on a smartphone is not a problem if you have at least short-term access to it. After such an event, you track all movements using a map in your personal account on the service website. But what to do if you don’t have access to a smartphone, but want to track it? And then you come across such a concept as tracking a subscriber by phone number...And that's why you ended up here.

We have to disappoint you - of course there is such a concept, but it is not available to you. First of all, we recommend reading this: . In short, the link describes several opportunities to collect information from a monitored subscriber without installing spyware on him. Most often, this is done by employees of authorized bodies to search for and listen to criminal elements. But there are certain differences between listening and location tracking, which will be discussed further.

The essence of phone tracking by subscriber number

Tracking by phone number without the consent of the subscriber is remote geolocation - tracking movements (or tracking) using data from cellular operators. Operators always know in the coverage area of ​​which base network towers their SIM cards are located, but they see this approximately. This information can be obtained by security specialists upon official request. Those. These specialists are able to guide any person. A global tracking system, so to speak. In this case, the accuracy of determining the coordinates will be the same as if you use navigation in your smartphone with GPS turned off. Those. very exemplary.

It is important to understand that you can turn on the GPS module yourself, but the operator cellular network does not have this ability to control your phone. Nor will he be able to use information from your GPS to his advantage.

It is clear that operators do not provide access to information to everyone.

The difference between surveillance and eavesdropping

So, access to operator data mobile communications is the prerogative of the intelligence services. This geolocation is very approximate. On the other hand, if you looked at the material in the link above, then you saw that there is a way to get technical information after decoding it. This technology can still be used to listen to conversations, but to spy on a phone number without the subscriber’s consent, it is completely devoid of common sense. The question is about reading information from the subscriber at a level that is acceptably close to him. Those. you a priori must be nearby, but you will only get an approximate location after carrying out a complex procedure for decoding the signal. This makes no sense.

GPS GSM tracking beacons

Specific devices designed specifically for geolocation are all kinds of trackers. They are built on the basis of a combination of two modules - a module for determining current coordinates (GPS) and a module for transmitting coordinates along a given route (GSM), for example, to a server on the Internet. It is clear that to connect the tracker to the cellular network, it requires a SIM card with a separate number. Therefore, we can say that receiving information from a tracker is also, to some extent, tracking by phone number.

Moreover, the tracking function itself can be implemented in hardware as part of more universal devices, such as children's watches with GPS. Or it can be implemented programmatically on smartphones by installing programs parental controls or mobile spies.

And all this is tracked using SIM cards installed inside the gadgets.


The question of how to set up phone surveillance without installing a special spy program should have disappeared by itself - with the program on your smartphone, all this can be done simply and quickly. You can even communicate with a subscriber in real time from your smartphone from a nearby car, or from a nearby street. What is not professional espionage and investigative activity...

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In fact, private life has not been like that for a long time. Spying on a person through his personal mobile device is becoming more accessible every day. Today, users are presented with a wide selection of spy applications that work with all operating systems.

As a rule, they have the following functionality:

  • organization of video surveillance;
  • the ability to track the means of communication;
  • receiving data from the camera;
  • microphone control.

Phone surveillance is an excellent method to control your husband, wife, children, and subordinates. Applications released by trusted developers are simple and easy to manage. They have an intuitive interface designed for inexperienced “pioneers”. In addition, there are no difficulties with installing and activating the product.

A special application is installed on the smartphone that is subject to control. It will determine the location coordinates and send them to virtual server. Satellite signals will help determine the location of the device. Observation will be carried out from your personal account on the service website.

Great way to have information

The program will track the location of your family and friends. In addition, you will acquire information about the activities of your subordinates. In addition, you can access the movement history of the device at any time.

If there was a replacement on the smartphone SIM cards, thanks to our technologies it will be possible to detect the phone. Very convenient, especially when the mobile device was stolen without the owner’s knowledge.

Complete confidentiality

Developers value the confidentiality of their clients' information. Therefore, no personal data is stored on the server.

Registration is required before downloading the phone spying program. The company guarantees that the personal information of the registered user will not end up in the wrong hands.
