How to check whether you are listening or not. Mobile phone - your assistant in the search for wiretapping

The modern telephone is a high-tech device that is available to almost everyone. The power and capabilities of the electronic filling, located in a small case, even surpass the parameters of some computers. When we talk, there is a feeling that no one hears the dialogue. But it is erroneous, so when transferring confidential information, you should remember that third parties can eavesdrop on you. In this regard, the question arises: "How to check the phone for wiretapping?"

Quite often today you can meet people who resort to this method of tracking. These are jealous spouses, and parents who care about the safety of their child, and bosses who are interested in the situation in the team.

Battery temperature

Absolutely any application consumes battery power. Therefore, when no applications are running in the device, the battery is in economy mode. It is one of the likely indicators of listening. Only when the device is in use can the battery temperature be high. It should be controlled after half an hour since the last conversation. Feel the phone while it is idle. If it turns out to be heated, then this is the first sign that someone is eavesdropping on you. Here it is necessary to remember that even the remote use of a mobile phone leads to heating of the battery.

Battery level

There is also another way to check the phone for wiretapping. Pay attention to as well as the charging time. A sign of a potential threat may be the sign that the mobile phone is discharged more often than usual. During the time that you use this device, you can roughly figure out how fast the charge is consumed. If your battery is draining much faster than usual, you have reason to be concerned. Even if the gadget looks lying around, it can be constantly in the room without your knowledge. Therefore, the battery loses its charge faster. But some applications, such as Battery LED or BatteryLife LX, can track the speed of this process. But remember that over time, these devices lose their maximum charge level. Therefore, after a year of use, the battery capacity will steadily decrease, but how much depends on the intensity of use.

Turn off delay

Another alarming factor is the delay in dropping the call and turning off the mobile phone. This is because eavesdropping programs, when wedged into the conversation, require some amount of time to do so. As soon as you notice that the end of the call does not occur immediately, and the shutdown process began to occur late, this serves as a reason for diagnosing the software and hardware of the device. If everything is in order, then you need to check the wiretapping of the phone. Pay attention to his unusual behavior.

Independent activity

This feature needs to be checked immediately. If various applications are installed without your participation, the backlight suddenly lights up, a call is made on its own - this is evidence that someone else has access to the mobile phone besides you. Also, such actions by the device can be performed due to interference that occurs during data transmission. All this serves as an occasion to check the wiretapping of the phone.

You should also pay attention to the funds in your account. This is necessary because all listening programs use the World Wide Web to send recorded information. As a result, the traffic becomes larger, but you can notice this only if you do not have an unlimited tariff connected.

Acoustic noise

If during a conversation you constantly hear some kind of electrical discharges, clicks, crackles, then this also serves as a reason for the immediate diagnosis of the device. But keep in mind that such interference may be caused by the environment of your interlocutor or connection failures. But a serious problem can be pulsating noise during the inactivity of the device. Here it is worth considering the question: “How to check the phone for wiretapping?”

Electronic devices

In the vicinity of the TV, the GSM module may create sound interference, such as howling, crackling, loud clicks. But you should be wary when these noises do not occur during telephone conversations.

However, all these signs cannot unambiguously indicate that the phone is being wiretapped. How to determine its presence, you will be prompted at the service center. Maybe it's just a network self-refresh, or the device checks for email, signal strength, or messages on its own.


Many modern people ask themselves the question: “How to find out if the phone is tapped or not?” If such suspicions crept into your head, then you can try to bring the person to clean water. Try to misinform him by giving personal "secret" information to a person you trust in a telephone conversation. You will receive an affirmative answer to this question when you realize that the information has spread.

Oddities when searching for a network

When using the Operator Select function, a new and unknown operator appears in the list on the display of the machine in the form of a set of numbers. Thus, without special equipment, you can establish the fact of tracking you. Once it was discovered by accident on the iPhone. At the same time, it absolutely does not matter, because the more modern it is, the easier it is to install malware on it.

How to protect yourself from telephone wiretapping

The first thing to do is to exclude or at least minimize the transfer of confidential information over the phone, such as card numbers, passwords, financial matters.

Mobile devices should not be used for conducting important tasks. Preference should be given to specially prepared telephones or spatial noise systems.

It is very difficult to intercept a conversation from a moving vehicle as the distance increases and the signal becomes weaker.

It is desirable to use mobile communication systems in which data is transmitted with automatic frequent frequency changes throughout the conversation.

If you want to keep your location a secret, you need to completely turn off the device and remove the battery. But when you feel that there is wiretapping of phones, how to check this fact? You can just leave the office or car for an important meeting without him.

Do not repair your device in suspicious, unverified workshops. You can also contact the police. They have special equipment that allows you to determine the wiretapping of the phone. But this possibility of verification should be used only as a last resort, if you are sure that you are "under the hood".

Programs for tracking telephone conversations

Conversations are recorded in the phone's memory in the form of *.mp3 files, and then they are transferred to a computer for study. To do this, a special program is secretly installed on the phone of the subscriber of interest. In the same way, you can control messages and others. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of device that you want to listen to, its operating system, the availability of access to the global network and Bluetooth, and the amount of memory. As for modern devices, there are several such programs for them that listen to the device, transmit data and are able to locate the controlled subscriber. At the same time, surveillance data will be transmitted at the expense of debiting funds from the “affected” subscriber, which will significantly affect costs. Phones based on LOS JAVA Symbian do not have direct access to such wiretapping programs, but if you search carefully, you can probably find them. This method is the most accessible to the common man.

There is also a method of so-called conference calls. Since it gives a less successful result, this method is used extremely rarely for the purpose of eavesdropping, and besides, it is very imperfect.

But it is worth emphasizing that wiretapping is a rather rare occurrence, and the likelihood of surveillance is very small. If you still want to feel protected, then lock your device with a password and keep it with you at all times. And at a time when you are not using it, it is worth removing the battery from the compartment. After these simple steps, you will not be tormented by the question of how to check the phone for wiretapping. Naturally, you simply do not give attackers a chance.

Phone tapping - how to determine?

Absolutely any phone can be listened to if desired. Moreover, this can be done even if the device is in an inactive state, because the microphone can be turned on forcibly. This will allow you to eavesdrop on all conversations near the device. Digital models of the DECT standard have similar capabilities.

Unlike analog lines, where it is quite easy to establish organized interference, it is practically impossible to detect it in mobile devices without special equipment, since the technical principles of these networks exclude such a possibility.

How to find out the wiretapping of the phone? You cannot do this on your own, you can find out this fact only at the service center, because no additional icons will appear on the display, and this will not affect the quality of communication in any way.

It is important to understand one thing here: it is simply impossible to organize total surveillance, since there are neither human nor technical resources for this. In addition, the special services do not have such a need.

With the advent of smartphones, listening to phone calls has become much easier.

If earlier it was necessary to use special equipment or full-fledged complexes for this (they are still relevant), now it is enough to write spyware. It can enter the device along with downloaded files or through an unsecured access point, after which it will begin to transfer the user's personal information to scammers.

It should be noted that "spyware" is aimed at obtaining benefits, so it is used to steal credit card details and passwords from all kinds of services (electronic wallets, mobile banking, email, social networks). If there is reason to believe that the phone is being tapped, this should be indicated by unhealthy behavior of the device or strange noises in the background. We talk about the main signs of wiretapping smartphones.

The main signs of wiretapping phones

You need to make a reservation right away that if your number is tapped through the operator's base (which only special services can be allowed to do), then nothing can be determined. But virus software or special equipment in the “van under the window” will easily make itself felt. The main signs of wiretapping:

  • After being infected with spyware, your smartphone may experience unreasonably high consumption of Internet traffic. This is easy to determine when using mobile Internet, when megabytes of traffic are consumed several times faster. Of course, this can also happen for other reasons.
  • Continuing the topic of viruses, the load on the central processor in real time. As a result, the device starts to heat up and slow down, and battery consumption increases.
  • The unstable operation of the screen and attempts by the smartphone to install unknown software complete the picture.

When telephone conversations are monitored using special equipment, there is a chance to detect:

  • Any contact with another subscriber through the mobile network is accompanied by noise in the background. It is expressed in clicks, crackling or hissing (subject to a working speaker).
  • There is a noticeable delay in connecting the call, which is accompanied by strange sounds.

Any of these signs can be easily attributed to a hardware malfunction of the gadget, but for prevention purposes, we recommend a few tips to secure telephone conversations.

How to protect yourself from wiretapping?

Let's start with the obvious - if there is a suspicion of malware, the device must be checked with an antivirus. Any well-known program that can be found in the app store will do: Kaspersky, Avast, Malwarebytes. We also recommend checking your smartphone for viruses.

With wiretapping through the equipment is a little more complicated. In order not to become paranoid, enter the combination * # * # 4636 # * # * and view information about the phone and points of connection to the mobile network. If the smartphone constantly remains in place, then it has 4-5 towers. Write down their numbers and periodically check for new ones.


The subscriber's phone can be monitored only if he has important information. In other cases, smartphones are attacked by spyware whose main task is to steal card details and passwords from web services.

Increasingly, in the history of search queries, there is a question of how to check an android for wiretapping and is it possible to notice by indirect signs that third parties are participating in a conversation without an invitation? We answer: it is possible, and today's material is about this.

The general group of listening devices is conventionally divided into two large subgroups.

  • Conversations are recorded by a special program that is installed on the phone. The recording is quickly compressed, stored in memory, and as soon as the moment appears, it is sent via the Internet to the “customer”.
  • An uninvited guest joins the conversation right in the process and becomes an invisible listener. Such wiretapping is less popular today and more expensive.

An important point: It is illegal to violate the framework of someone else's personal life (even with good intentions). Criminal liability is applied to the violator under articles 137-138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a specialist detects listening software or "bugs", the injured party has the right to file an application and a lawsuit in court.

What can alert you in the first case, when the conversation is written by a program installed on the phone:

  1. the battery heats up too much during calls, and the charge is not enough for the usual time, although the gadget is used in the same mode;
  2. the phone screen lights up spontaneously when the gadget is in standby mode, no programs are running on it;
  3. the phone turns on and off longer than usual: this is due to downloads of information from background third-party programs;
  4. During a conversation, the backlight lights up, something is downloaded, the Internet turns on, messages come in and then disappear.

The conclusion suggests itself: on Android, a wiretap or a virus (it also happens that both at the same time). One of the above or several factors at the same time should alert the owner.

How can the eavesdropper give himself away in the second case? The gadget will tell you. Someone else has joined your conversation if:

  • suddenly there is background noise, even a barely perceptible hiss that appears unexpectedly;
  • the smartphone starts to “flash” if you pass speakers or equipment during a conversation, although this effect has not been observed before;
  • during a conversation, the screen suddenly lights up;
  • during a call, the battery is hotter than usual;
  • connection and disconnection during a conversation is longer.

Each alarming moment is an occasion to turn to a specialist. He will fix the fact of wiretapping, tell you how to proceed further in order to fix the problem. But what if there is no specialist nearby?

Android phone wiretapping: how to find

For starters, you need to find the ill-fated icon among hundreds of others. If an application for wiretapping or recording conversations is installed on the phone, it is quite difficult to detect it. Programs are hidden deep in system files, and most likely renamed. You need to know the system files well in order to identify a spy "by eye".

Antivirus does not often help in this case (although we recommend scanning the phone), because this type of application is not considered malicious. For example, the full package of Kaspersky can help, but the light versions are powerless.

Refer to the "Settings" menu item. Find the sub-item "Applications" and the tab "active now" or "Running". This tab lists all currently active programs (also look under "System Applications").

How to check for wiretapping?

  1. During a call, use headphones to pick up extraneous sounds and at the same time monitor the screen.
  2. As soon as something seems suspicious to you, check active applications.
  3. If an attacker uses a program to copy or eavesdrop on calls, it will appear in the device's task manager.

If the call is listened to without programs, an extract from the mobile operator may help. Compare with the actual cost of calls, traffic consumption, the number of group calls.

How to protect Android from wiretapping

Only a service center specialist can fully protect your gadget from all viruses, wiretapping and bugs. Another option is to reset all settings to factory settings. Downloaded files, media, contacts and other information will be deleted (make a backup copy).

You can manually track the consumption of energy and memory, remove strange programs and clean the phone well from dubious files, then run the entire phone through a good antivirus. Google and Yandex search will help to distinguish “good” applications from “bad” ones.

Google Play offers to download and use special applications for the device that detect and block attempts to listen and monitor your gadget.

Which anti-wire is safe and effective:

  • OpenGsm Pro-X - a program that monitors all manipulations with the phone;
  • GSM Spy Finder is an application created specifically to control third-party implementations in the phone system;
  • EAGLE Security - multi-level protection of conversations;
  • Kaspersky for mobile - comprehensive and multi-level protection.

Combinations of numbers to check wiretapping

Useful commands for checking the phone that will help fix excessive third-party activity (by simple typing on the main screen):

  1. *#21#call - call forwarding list, messages, etc.;
  2. ##002#call - deletes all numbers for call forwarding;
  3. *#33#call - services for your mobile;
  4. *#06#call - unique IMEI number of the phone.

These commands are safe for your phone. They allow you to check from time to time whether there are any changes that the anti-wire for Android, antivirus and other programs missed.

What commands are used to check the wiretapping of the phone? According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any person has the right to confidentiality of telephone conversations. But this does not stop intruders, and phone owners have a risk that their mobile devices are tapped. The most interesting persons for wiretapping are: Persons working in special services and possessing classified information. Wives of jealous husbands […]

What commands are used to check the wiretapping of the phone?

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any person has the right to confidentiality of telephone conversations. But this does not stop intruders, and phone owners have a risk that their mobile devices are tapped.

The most interesting people to listen to are:

  • Persons working in special services and possessing classified information.
  • Spouses of jealous husbands and wives.
  • Businessmen and other persons in possession of important trade secrets.

Having a wiretap is not a sentence. It can always be found, both independently and by ordering for a certain price from the specialists of the Search Agency, who are competent in this area.

"Saving" codes and key combinations

One way to detect that you are "under surveillance" is to check for wiretapping of the phone using a key combination. There is a simple set of symbols and numbers that will allow you to always be on the alert.

Dial the combination *33*55 on your mobile phone. Instead of the numbers 55, other numbers can be used. There are two possible outcomes of this action:

  • If the combination is typed completely and unchanged, you can not worry - you are not being tapped.
  • If the combination is typed in the form *33*—, then there is cause for concern: someone = is interested in your person and you are being tapped.

But! Professionals doubt that checking the wiretapping of a mobile phone with such a combination is 100% effective. They recommend combining it with additional wiretap detection methods, which will be discussed below.

Sometimes information about calls from the phone can get to third parties during forwarding. If you dial the combination *#21# on the device, you can find out which phone your calls are forwarded to and whether call forwarding is enabled.

Other ways to check wiretapping of your smartphone

There are a number of indirect signs that may indicate that the information that you convey to the interlocutor is heard by an outsider. If during a conversation you regularly hear uncharacteristic sounds (echoes, clicking, gurgling, hum, pops), then you may be listening.

How to check if these sounds are the result of wiretapping? Use a special transducer that is set to a low frequency. If during a conversation the arrow regularly goes off scale, then your fears are not in vain. The combination of using a sound sensor and a combination of numbers to test wiretapping of a mobile phone will provide a more reliable result.

Did your phone start to malfunction? There is a place to listen…

Regular involuntary reboot, fast battery discharge and strong heating even in sleep mode are signs of wiretapping. Also, the connection of unauthorized persons is also indicated by a too long connection when calling, a long shutdown.

These signs are not necessarily the result of wiretapping. To verify this, you should use the verification methods that have long and effectively been used in practice.

  • Method number 1 - approach household appliances during a conversation. On the TV, the radio will hear interference, not from the phone, but from the eavesdropping device that is embedded in it.
  • Method number 2 - the use of special applications. Along with eavesdropping combinations, they are widely used by mobile phone owners. They are applicable to devices running on the Android and iOS operating systems.
  • Method number 3 - contacting a mobile operator. Using the necessary technical connections, the telecom operator's employees will be able to check the condition of the line.
  • Method number 4 - contacting companies that offer phone checking services for wiretapping, for example, detective agencies. Their specialists, using a whole range of tools, will be able to quickly determine whether there is a wiretapping and effectively eliminate it.

Attackers are finding ever more sophisticated ways to wiretap...

Every smartphone owner (no matter what manufacturer) should know how to check an iPhone for wiretapping using a combination of numbers or where to turn to find a listening device. This is due to the fact that every year attackers come up with more and more sophisticated ways to find out valuable information for them.

At the moment there are several types of wiretapping. One of them is of an official nature and is used by special services, for example, in the investigation of criminal acts. Other methods are illegal and violate the human right to privacy of telephone conversations:

  • Installing special devices (bugs, for example) in a smartphone or landline phone. They transmit a signal to the equipment of the persons who mounted it).
  • Installing malware. Its capabilities are enormous: from recording conversations to a memory card to transferring the necessary data to third-party equipment, from accessing social networks to controlling communication through instant messengers.
  • Signal interception. The rarest method, as it requires the use of expensive equipment.
  • Various paid online services.

The listed method of checking for wiretapping will always remain on the alert and will not let you use the information in your favor. If once you have already detected a wiretap and eliminate it, this does not mean that the situation will not happen again. As the practice of specialists shows, if the information of a person is of interest to intruders, then they will make more attempts to install the necessary software or listening devices. In these situations, it is important to observe the frequency of inspection. Of course, there is no point in additional checks when it was revealed that a jealous wife or husband is wiretapping. Once they are caught, they are unlikely to want to repeat such attempts.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

- not just an accessory of an active, business person. Owners trust this device for personal and work conversations, sms-correspondence and communication using various instant messengers. Pictures, videos and other files that are not intended for prying eyes are stored in the device's memory and on a flash card. Therefore, it is important to take care not only not to lose your smartphone or steal it, but also to protect the data on it.

How spies steal information, what malfunctions to pay attention to and how to check the phone for wiretapping?

How is wiretapping of mobile phones?

To check if is listening, you need to know how attackers can connect to it. There are three ways:

1. Fraudsters will install malicious software on the phone. Thanks to wireless communications and special programs for hacking, a user of almost any level can use this method. Using certain types of viruses, criminals can steal and destroy the personal data of the smartphone owner and other information that is stored on the phone. So, the encryption system can be changed by hackers or completely disabled. Such software can get on the gadget:

  • via MMS messages;
  • via mobile internet;
  • via Bluetooth;
  • via Wi-Fi connection;
  • when the owner connects the smartphone to the computer.

Hacker programs can turn on a microphone and the criminal will receive information while being within a radius of 100 meters from the owner of the phone.

2. Wiretapping of phones using special mobile devices. Such systems usually consist of a computer or two phones with special modifications. It seems to some that such equipment is easy to operate and available to almost any user. This is not true. Only a professional signalman can operate such equipment. You will have to pay up to several hundred thousand dollars for the system.

3. This method is the most expensive. For wiretapping, special complexes are used, the price of which starts from several hundred thousand dollars. Such equipment is sold semi-legally. Only signalmen with professional education and experience can serve it. This method is used to listen to other people's conversations in real time.

Phone tapping metrics

To determine wiretapping, you need to pay attention to the following 7 details:

1. The smartphone seems to “gurgle” at the moments when it is next to electronics -,. Interference is natural if you are using the device at this moment. But when the phone is idle, there is reason to think.

2. The gadget "independently" turns on and off, re-registers in the Network. If the user inattentively installed and configured unverified applications and programs, this situation is normal. Otherwise, the device can be controlled without the knowledge of the owner.

3. The battery should not get hot if the phone has not been used for a while. Hidden running programs can overheat the battery. It is possible that spyware.

4. Wiretapping is evidenced by the screen of the mobile, which does not turn off when the device is turned off. Or the phone itself can’t turn off for an unusually long time. But such failures can be the result of installing software without a license and other software errors.

5. The battery is running out faster than usual. A gradual decrease in battery capacity after a year of using the device is the norm. Troubles of this kind with the new phone speak of the included microphone and continuous recording of conversations.

6. In a smartphone that supports two SIM cards, an unknown operator appears, signed with several numbers.

7. Echo or crackle in the speaker during a conversation confirms the fact of eavesdropping.

How to know if the phone is being tapped?

If anxiety about possible wiretapping causes discomfort, you can seek help from a service operator. The telephone company most likely owns the equipment to test the line. You should go to the police if there is evidence of espionage activity.

There are also programs for smartphones that help to find out if the current conversation is encrypted or available to intruders:

1. Checking the phone for wiretapping using EAGLE Security FREE. The program analyzes the location and identifies stations. A useful feature is the study of applications that covertly use the camera and microphone, and the ability to block access to .

2. Using Darshak, you can detect programs and applications that send text messages without the user's knowledge.
