Why android heats up. Legacy Software

The owner of a smartphone sooner or later notices that the phone is heating up. This can happen when talking, actively surfing the Internet, when charging the battery. There is nothing terrible in this, this is a regular operation of the device. But it happens. that the temperature rise of the device occurs for no apparent reason, for example, it is blocked, but the case is hot. Today we will try to figure out why your phone heats up during inactivity, while in standby mode.

Users know that even in a locked state, a lot of calculations, graphics processing, communication with cellular network repeaters and a bunch of other obscure procedures take place in a smartphone. These processes are an integral part of the system, but there are software and hardware failures, then the device heats up and quickly discharges for no apparent reason. Let's analyze the main symptoms by which you can understand that something is wrong with the gadget.

  • The case of an iPhone or Samsung is hot, and this is clearly felt.
  • The system is buggy, for example, artifacts on the screen or applications themselves start and collapse.
  • There is a general inhibition of the system, slow reactions to pressing, or their complete disregard.
  • The smartphone battery lasts for 2-3 hours after 100% charge.

The reasons

There are a lot of reasons that the iphone 5s is heating up, we will analyze the most basic of them, perhaps you will immediately understand what is the reason for the breakdown of your device. The instruction is applicable not only to Apple technology, but also to Android devices, since the components are similar in functionality, and sometimes even manufactured at the same factory.

Accumulator charging

This is the first thing that comes to mind when they say that the phone is very hot. When charging, it is not surprising that the phone's battery heats up, this is the normal behavior of the battery when energy begins to flow into it. If the case temperature does not reach the limit values ​​and the device can be held in hands, it is not worth raising the alarm. But when the hand cannot tolerate heat, in this case it is worth looking for a problem and solving it. First of all, make sure that you are using the original charger, in the next chapter we will analyze in detail how to act when the battery in the phone is very hot.

Why the battery overheats, we disassembled a little higher, now we need to understand how to properly cool the phone without damaging it. There are several main ways, we list them:

  • Turn off the device, after 30 minutes you will get a completely cold smartphone, you can turn it on and actively use it.
  • Put the gadget in the freezer, after wrapping it in a cloth or putting it in a plastic container. After 10 minutes, the body of the device will become cold.
  • Place the device under a working air conditioner, all the issue is resolved.

A modern smartphone, be it iPhone, Samsung, HTC, is a real computer, the processor of which consists of several cores that process information in a fraction of a second. It is not surprising that in the process of working with several processor cores, a decent amount of heat can be generated. There is no place to take it away, mobile devices do not have cooling systems, as in PCs or laptops, so they have to take it to the case. This can lead to strong heating of the case.

If you play a dynamic 3D shooter for an hour, you will notice how the phone heats up. The battery will begin to drain noticeably, giving energy to the processor to render the complex graphics of the game. A similar picture can be observed with prolonged surfing on the Internet, the reasons will be similar.

Active use of the cellular network

By analogy with heating under heavy load on the processor, the device can warm up when constantly searching for a network or actively surfing the Internet. But there may be a situation where the phone heats up and sits down at the most inopportune moment due to poor signal reception. The device is trying to maintain a stable connection with the cellular repeater, actively exchanging information with it, so it is not surprising that the batteries in such conditions will last for a couple of hours.

Let's look at another situation - why the phone (iPhone or Samsung, does not play a role) heats up when using 3G or during a long conversation. The situations are similar, the exchange of information is very active, it is because of this that the battery is discharged, just charged to 100%.


Now he will answer the question why the iPhone heats up (the instruction is also suitable for Android devices) in detail, we will analyze the main points and tell you how to cool the device case.

Use original chargers

Why does the battery in a cell phone get hot when using a non-original charger? When charging the battery, use the original charger or a high-quality analogue, it is strongly not recommended to use cheap Chinese ones. They not only do not fully charge the battery, but also power surges created by a poor-quality power source can destroy an expensive smartphone by removing the power controller or battery from standing. The replacement of which is very expensive, from 2000 to 5000 rubles. Whether saving 500 rubles on a good power adapter is worth it is up to you.

We optimize the operation of the iOS or Android operating system

In order to get rid of the situation when the phone heats up and discharges very quickly, let's try to put the device software in order. To do this, we will remove unnecessary applications from the system that use processor and memory resources in the background.

If this does not help and the phone is still very hot, then you can try resetting it to factory settings. Such a measure in 90% of cases will help get rid of problems with overheating of the device.

  1. How to do this for the iPhone is described in this article.
  2. For Android devices, factory reset is scheduled.

We reduce the load on the battery while constantly searching for a network

To do this, it is enough to put the device into power saving mode or the so-called "airplane mode". Requests to the cellular repeater will not go through, since the wireless interfaces will be disabled, but you can use the phone, excluding the Internet and voice communications. This will allow you to save battery power until you find yourself in an area with good signal reception, after that turn off power-saving modes and use your smartphone as usual.


In this article, we found the answer to the question of why a smartphone is heating up. If the phone heats up when charging, this is normal, you should not worry about this, you should start to worry when the device heats up while lying in the locked state. But this is also solvable, read the article carefully and watch the video.


Call. You try to take the phone, but immediately pull your hand away: the device is hot, like an iron! This is not a plot for a horror movie, just a slight exaggeration. Modern mobile technology sometimes heats up, and quite strongly. Of course, you won’t get a burn, but holding a hot gadget in your hands and applying it to your ear, you see, is unpleasant. In addition, too much heating of the phone gives reason to worry: has something happened to your favorite device and is it not time to prepare a round sum for repairs.

The phone can get warm for various reasons. Most often this is a variant of the norm, but in some cases, which will be discussed below, heating indicates a malfunction.

Which heating is considered normal, and which is a malfunction

A working smartphone may become hotter than usual in the following cases:

  • The screen stays on for a long time, especially at high brightness levels. For example, while watching a movie or surfing the net.
  • A resource-intensive application is launched - a game, a graphics editor, etc.
  • The device is near a heat source or exposed to sunlight.
  • The device is searching for a network of a mobile operator or in an unstable connection.
  • The metal back cover of the phone serves as a heatsink - it removes heat from the processor. At the same time, the processor cools normally, but the hot cover causes the user to experience a subjective feeling of overheating.

Normally, the phone heats up almost evenly. Heat is concentrated in the processor area and distributed over the screen and back cover. At the same time, it functions as usual, with a significant load - with small lags. When you stop using your phone and remove it from heat sources, it cools down to room temperature or stays slightly warm.

There is an opinion that the more productive the smartphone, the more it heats up during operation. This is not so: there are very powerful devices that remain relatively cold under any load, and there are weak ones that “burn red hot” only when talking on mobile communications. It's all about a successful or unsuccessful design solution, as well as the use of microcircuits with high or low heat production in the device platform.

By the way, sometimes overheating of a mobile gadget cannot be determined by touch. It is indicated only by indirect signs - freezes and reboots when running resource-intensive applications, messages about high processor temperature from monitoring tools (if installed), and other problems.

The following symptoms indicate an abnormal state of the device:

  • The gadget continues to warm up in standby mode or even after turning it off. Battery discharge is accelerated.
  • Heat is concentrated in atypical places - near the camera, the power socket, in one part of the screen (not in the projection of the processor), especially if the screen does not respond well to touch or otherwise behaves incorrectly in this area.
  • When heated, the device slows down, freezes, turns off or reboots. Individual functions may drop out (for example, wheezing appears in the speakers, the microphone stops working, part of the screen) or artifacts appear on the screen.
  • The strongest heating is observed while charging the phone. The charger is also noticeably hot.
  • The battery gets hot during charging. The battery capacity is significantly reduced compared to the original. The back cover of the phone is raised or curved, there is a pressure stain on the screen from the inside (the battery is swollen).

Phone gets hot in standby mode

The culprits for increasing the temperature of a mobile gadget in standby mode are:

  • Crashed, poorly debugged applications that consume CPU resources even after closing.
  • mobile viruses.
  • Failure of system components.
  • Incorrect firmware installation or Android update.

By the way, these same factors can prevent the device from turning off. It looks like this: when you press the power button, the screen goes blank, but the system does not shut down. Some functions, such as reading data from memory or recording conversations through a microphone, remain active.

To determine whether third-party applications and malware are the culprits, booting the device in safe mode will help. If the phone stops heating up, the reason most likely lies in them, since viruses and user programs do not run in safe mode (third-party antivirus works on some devices in this mode, but this is an exception).

Our site has been told before.

If suspicion falls on an unknown application, uninstall everything that was installed shortly before you noticed that the phone started to warm up.

Firmware problems are not always easy to solve. At best, resetting the system to factory settings will help, at worst, only a flashing.

The phone heats up in unusual places

A noticeable heating in the area of ​​​​the charging socket usually indicates incorrect operation of the charger (usually non-original and low-quality), poor contact between the “plug” of the cable and the phone connector, or the destruction of the solder connection between the connector and the board. This situation cannot be ignored, as it portends a complete failure of the charge system in the near future.

Due to a soldering defect in the socket, the power controller and other components of the motherboard are sometimes damaged. And this already threatens with significant expenses for repairs.

Very strong heating of the cable plug in the charging socket often leads to the melting of plastic elements and the deposition of plastic on the inner walls of the socket, including contacts. Such a socket will have to be changed, since the frozen plastic inside it will not allow you to connect the cable to the phone.

Heating in the area of ​​the camera, a separate area of ​​the screen and other nodes, which is combined with the incorrect operation of these nodes, indicates a hardware malfunction of an electrical nature (the more current flows through the element, the more it heats up). If this occurs only with intensive use of the smartphone and disappears without a trace with a decrease in load, the reason is most likely poor heat dissipation. Sometimes it is caused by an unsuccessful design solution of the platform (close placement of hot elements to each other, saving on radiators), sometimes by a tight cover and other external factors affecting the device.

When heated, the phone turns off, reboots, freezes or glitches

Overheating, due to which the device spontaneously turns off or restarts, can be caused by two reasons:

  • Very poor CPU cooling (shutdown works as protection against thermal damage).
  • Electrical malfunctions.

Freezes are both a consequence and a cause of overheating. Both software and hardware failures can cause them. You can deal with the former on your own by deleting recently installed applications, making a hard reset or flashing the device, while the latter will have to be contacted by the service. The main difficulty is to distinguish a software problem from a hardware one.

Various glitches and dysfunctions can be the consequences of overheating or have a common origin with it. For example, a malware that infects a device disables some buttons in the menu, blocks receiving calls, and along the way creates an excessive load on the processor, causing it to heat up more than usual.

Overheating in combination with artifacts on the screen is always associated with a malfunction in the hardware.

The phone heats up when charging, especially around the battery area.

While charging, the phone should be at the same temperature as when not connected to the mains, or become slightly warm. The reason for its excessive heating is often a faulty or poorly compatible charger, usually bought to replace a native one. Cheap, low-quality chargers are not able to maintain the level of voltage and current that the gadget needs, which causes rapid wear and tear of the battery, and high-capacity batteries are most susceptible to it, such as, for example, on Samsung devices.

Heating the battery both during charging and outside it is a sure sign of its malfunction, especially if combined with swelling. It is strictly forbidden to use and charge such a battery, as this can lead to its ignition and even explosion. As soon as you notice one of these signs, change the battery immediately and charge it only with an original or high-quality compatible charger.

This question was asked by every owner of a smartphone. It becomes more relevant when the heating becomes very strong, so much so that the gadget is simply uncomfortable to hold in your hands. Let's see why the phone heats up, and whether this is a normal phenomenon at all.

Heating is normal

How does the CPU work in general? It passes a current through the semiconductors with a huge frequency, resulting in a strong heating of the crystal (processor shell). Therefore, any phone cannot but heat up during operation. Technologies in which the processing of a large amount of data would occur without heat generation have not yet been invented. Therefore, if your phone is heating up, then this is quite normal. This phenomenon is explained by the use of modern hardware, which is able to calculate large amounts of data.

Also, do not be surprised why the phone of one manufacturer heats up, while another model remains cold at all. This is also possible, since different devices have different cooling systems, different processors, batteries. And the operating temperatures of smartphones are different. But if the gadget heats up to a temperature at which it is uncomfortable to hold in your hands or which is felt even through the fabric of jeans, then this is not normal. In this case, it is advisable to take it to a service center - let the masters figure out why the phone is heating up.

It is known that in any smartphone there are three main elements that are heat sources: processor, battery, display. Each of these components generates heat during operation. More than others, it is the central processor that heats up.


The processor is the "heart" of any smartphone, since it is he who processes the entire amount of information and passes the data stream through him. The chip in a desktop computer or laptop, for example, has a small size, but at the same time a large heatsink (an aluminum plate with fins) is installed on it, and a fan is installed on the heatsink. This cooling system is necessary in order to remove heat, which is sure to be released during the operation of the CPU. There, the problem of heat removal is easier to solve because of the larger space inside the case. However, in compact and thin phones, it is not possible to install a large radiator or fan to remove heat, so you should not be surprised why the phone heats up.

In addition, modern smartphones (in particular, flagships) use powerful 8-core chips operating at a high frequency. Thanks to new processors, new features in phones, high speed and performance become available to users. However, with all this, a strong heating of the central processor is possible. And although modern chips are energy-saving and efficient, have a high efficiency (that is, less energy is spent on heating each time), heat is still generated.

When to start worrying?

There is nothing to worry about if the phone gets warm after 15-20 minutes of playing - this is completely normal. The temperature may rise even when watching high-definition videos or surfing the Internet. Of course, it is desirable to give the phone a little rest and cool down, but there is nothing wrong with the fact of heating.

However, if the gadget has heated up to such an extent that it is even unpleasant to hold it in your hands, then something is clearly wrong with it. Phones shouldn't get that hot. When developing, the manufacturer always calculates the maximum allowable heating rates, and they do not go beyond the temperature at which it is comfortable for a person to hold a smartphone. If excessive heating occurs, then the phone must be turned off, let it cool down a bit. In some cases, it is necessary to close "heavy" programs that are currently running. If after that the phone has cooled down, it means that the problem was precisely in the heavy load. We can assume that this is normal, since the heating of the processor is natural. Another thing is when the phone's battery gets very hot. Why is this happening? More on this later.


Can a phone overheat due to poor quality software? Quite. And although the iOS, Android, Windows Mobile operating systems are of high quality and well optimized, users can install third-party antivirus programs or other applications. These utilities can run background processes that load the system. This can easily lead to overheating. For example, if an antivirus constantly scans the system for viruses, and a third-party application downloads an update via 3G or 4G Internet at this time, then this will definitely lead to processor heating, since heavy loads are placed on it at that moment. In this case, it is quite obvious why the phone heats up quickly. So you need to monitor the software status of your smartphone and not install programs that you are not completely sure about the use or purpose of.


Modern smartphone displays have huge resolutions. Even large 42-inch TVs often have a lower resolution than a small 6-inch smartphone screen. This is especially true for flagships.

But the higher the resolution of the display, the more resources the GPU (the GPU is most often part of the main central chip) has to spend on playing content that matches its resolution. Therefore, more intense heating also takes place. However, not only the chip can heat up, but also the display itself. True, rarely the temperature of the screens rises significantly. Due to the large area, the displays lose heat (it is dissipated in the air) more intensely than they receive it. Therefore, a hot display is a rare occurrence. If its temperature has really increased significantly, then there is clearly a sign of a malfunction. It is advisable to take the phone to a service center.


The last component that can be the reason why the phone heats up and discharges quickly is the battery. As with the processor, it is normal for the battery to heat up as long as the temperature does not exceed the limit. And in general, you need to be vigilant with batteries, because not so long ago there was a scandal with Samsung Galaxy smartphones, in which the batteries overheated and simply exploded.

Phones usually get warm when charging. If a powerful charger with a current of 2A is used or the smartphone processor supports Quick Charge technology, then the heating will be more intense. There is no need to worry too much here. But if the phone in the locked mode (without charging) heats up or does not cool down for a long time, then there is clearly a problem. In this case, it is desirable to take it in for repair.

Non-original battery

Also, the cause of the heating may be a non-original battery. If the "native" battery no longer holds a charge, then buying a cheap non-original analogue is not the best solution. It may well be ineffective or even unsafe. Do not be surprised at the heating of a smartphone with non-original spare parts.


Every smartphone owner has always wondered why the phone is heating up. The phenomenon of heating the gadget is considered quite normal. However, there are certain temperature limits when normal heating develops into abnormal. Let's try to figure out why the phone is heating up and whether it is dangerous.

General information

Any smartphone running Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, etc. must get warm. This is quite normal and natural. This phenomenon is explained by the use of modern hardware and the constant use of a smartphone. If you read forums where such issues are actively discussed, you can find out that Samsung phones are especially hot. Why is this happening? It's just that the company uses its own components and software, which can have an excellent working principle.

In addition, you need to understand that for one smartphone, the operating temperature may be high, for another - low. All phones are different, so one model can get very hot during operation, the other is weak. However, in any case, the gadget can warm up to a temperature that can be called comfortable. If it has become so hot that it is uncomfortable to hold in your hands or it is felt through the thick fabric of jeans, then the problem is clearly there. In this case, it must be turned off and taken to a service center - let them figure out why the phone is very hot.

So, the phone has three main elements that can get warm: processor, battery, screen.


It is this component that takes on the entire bulk of the work. Mobile chips in smartphones are very different from the processors used in laptops and even more so in desktop computers. They are very small, and it is simply impossible to implement an effective cooling system in a confined space. In addition, modern mobile processors can be quite powerful. Often they have 8 cores running at a high frequency. Of course, with such chips, the phone will work very quickly. Yes, and the user gets the opportunity to play modern mobile games, watch movies (or other videos) in high quality and resolution, comfortably use Internet browsers, and they are known to be very demanding on hardware. Naturally, all these tasks are assigned to the central processor, which consumes battery power. As a result, both elements heat up.

Is it normal?

You don’t need to bother too much and think about why the phone is heating up. It is normal for the phone to heat up more than usual after 20-30 minutes of playing or watching high-quality videos. Of course, it is desirable to give him a little rest, but there is nothing wrong with heating itself as such.

But if the phone is so hot that it is impossible to hold it in your hands, then this is already strange. It can be assumed that the manufacturer allowed the design of the phone, in which it began to heat up so much, but the likelihood of this is small. If, after closing "heavy" programs, the phone cooled down and returned to normal, then in the future it is worth avoiding such loads. However, in those rare cases when the phone remains hot even without significant loads, it must be taken to a service center where they can figure out exactly why the phone is heating up.

Software problem?

By the way, it may well turn out that the phone is hot in standby mode due to "crooked" software or if there are third-party programs installed that constantly download something from the Internet. Some low-quality and free antiviruses can randomly scan the system from time to time, which will surely lead to a strong heating of the smartphone even in locked mode. A constant stream of data on a Wi-Fi, 3g or 4g network can also cause the phone to heat up quickly, so it is advisable to turn off the wireless data modules when they are not needed. This will save battery power, and in some cases even prevent overheating.

hot display

The higher the resolution of the display, the more power it consumes and the hotter it gets. Manufacturers make modern displays incredibly cool. In flagships, the resolution can reach 2960×1440 (WQHD+). Naturally, the energy consumption of such a screen will be high, as well as heating. High brightness, picture detail and quality are pleasing to the eye, but to support such screens, the processor (video chip) has to work at full capacity, which leads to increased heating.

Some flagships have a function to reduce the screen resolution, which will reduce the load on the processor and battery, and this will also reduce heat. If you notice that the display has become too hot, then it is advisable to allow it to cool down or activate a gentle mode, in which the brightness value is reduced. And although the display itself does not heat up much, playing videos or playing games in high resolution requires a large resource of the CPU and GPU, and they generate a lot of heat during operation.


The battery is the third element in a smartphone that can get very hot. Many users are wondering why the phone heats up when charging. Meanwhile, moderate heating is a completely natural phenomenon. Smartphones with Quick Charge technology (quick charging) should heat up more, which can heat up from zero to 50% in about 20-30 minutes. Also, active temperature rise is possible when using charging with a current of 2 A (most chargers operate at a current of 1 A). In this case, the charging itself, the cable and, of course, the phone will heat up. But again it should be noted that the temperature can rise to reasonable limits. If the phone is so hot that it is even uncomfortable to take it in your hands, then it is advisable to completely turn it off and take it in for repair.

Non-original parts

In some cases, users buy non-original batteries for their phones, which can also get very hot when charging. Underground production never complies with safety requirements, so do not be surprised that heating occurs when using non-original batteries.

By the way, this applies not only to the battery, but also to other modules that can be replaced with non-original ones.


Now you know why the phone is heating up. "Android" is used on it or some other operating system - it doesn't matter. Temperature increase is possible with any software, as it is not a software feature, but a hardware one. However, a poorly optimized "OS" can also contribute to a very hot gadget, so you need to install all the updates offered by the manufacturer in a timely manner. Important flaws can be corrected there, including excessive temperature rise.

Finally, we note that excessive heating of any component can harm the phone and even melt parts of the case or internal elements. Therefore, if you feel a very high heating temperature, which, as you think, is not normal, it is advisable to take the gadget to a service center. Diagnostics will be paid, but in any case it will be cheaper than replacing burned-out components with new ones. And in general, excessive heating is dangerous. The recent story of exploding Samsung smartphones is proof of that.

Hello! Today we will talk about why the phone heats up and the battery runs out? This situation is quite common. Sometimes, 1 month after purchase, the smartphone may become hot, and the battery begins to weakly hold a charge.

Reasons why this is happening?

  1. Active smartphone use. Hours of gaming, surfing the Internet, watching videos. Such operation quickly leads to wear and tear of the phone.
  2. Damage to the device after a fall. The nodes responsible for temperature control could be damaged. So he started heating up. You should take the gadget to the master.
  3. Using the device while charging. This is due to the fact that the battery immediately receives energy and immediately gives it away. Such an action causes additional load and greatly harms the device.
  4. Increased brightness, turned on geolocation, GPS networks, WI-FI, Bluetooth, all this causes a strong drain on the battery. Set up your device properly and turn off the excess.
  5. Poor quality and battery. Replacing the original battery with an analog one can cause heating. A bad charger also leads to these consequences.
  6. Worn out battery. Such a phenomenon exists. The battery has a certain number of charge/discharge cycles. This limits its service life. The battery capacity will decrease and it will not work very well.
  7. Viruses.
  8. heavy applications.
  9. Unstable operation of the platform, for example, android.
  10. Firmware not working properly. If it's old it should be updated.
  11. Ingress of water. High humidity.
  12. Lots of background programs are running.
  13. Long conversations.
  14. Phone engineering flaw.
  15. Poor quality connection. Due to poor coverage, the signal will constantly jump from 3G to 4G and back. This causes a decrease in charge and heating.
  16. Too powerful iron.

The normal temperature is considered to be up to 45 degrees Celsius. Critical more than 50. But for each gadget it has its own. Therefore, find out the norm. To control the heating of the phone, it is worth installing an application like CPU-Z.

Tips for using so that the phone does not heat up and the battery does not run out quickly

  • Do not store your phone in a very hot place.
  • Avoid its exposure to sunlight.
  • Do not cover your smartphone with a tight case. He needs air and cooling. Otherwise, the battery may swell.
  • Before going to bed, do not leave the device plugged in. No one knows how he will behave while you sleep.
  • The temperature of the phone should be monitored. For example, after 1 hour of playing, the smartphone may become very hot. Let him rest, let him cool down.
  • If you use a bad battery or charger, replace them.
  • If the problem is in the operating system, try updating it.

Is overheating dangerous?

Such a phenomenon can cause damage to the smartphone and its ignition. In the worst cases, the device may explode. Therefore, do not bring to strong heat.

In addition, elevated temperatures will shorten battery life. Most often, the battery and processor are heated. If everything is in order with the battery, then the matter is in the “pebble”! Why is he heating up? Its temperature rises due to load.

That is, after starting the application, the processor starts to work in enhanced mode. Too powerful programs can load it heavily and cause heat. Therefore, if you have a phone with a weak processor, you should not run heavily loading applications and games on it.

What to do if the phone gets hot and the battery runs out?

  1. The first step is to remove the battery from the device. If the smartphone is not collapsible, then turn it off. Let it cool down and do not use it for about 30-60 minutes. Then analyze why this happened. There may have been many programs running or a long game in progress. Try not to over heat next time.
  2. One type of connection should be used.
  3. Try lowering the processor frequency.
  4. Close all applications and see what happens to the temperature.

Thus, if the phone heats up and the battery runs out, use the tips above. Well, if all else fails, contact a specialist in a service center.
