How to make a VKontakte survey and design it beautifully. How to make a VKontakte poll and design it beautifully Ideas for VKontakte polls

The ability to create polls is one of the many great features social network In contact with. With its help, you can survey your friends or group subscribers on any topic that worries you. If you don’t yet know how such things are done, then this article will certainly be useful to you.

If you often add various entries to your VK wall or make reposts, then I recommend reading the article, then your survey will always be located at the top of the page.

How to create a poll on the wall of your VKontakte page

There is nothing complicated here. We need a field to create posts on our wall. Place the mouse cursor on it and click on the “Attach” link in the lower right corner. Select “Other” from the drop-down list.

We have more than full list, from which we select the “Survey” item:

In the window that opens, enter the topic and answer options. There are no special restrictions on the number of options. If you check the box next to the “Anonymous voting” item, then the people who will take part in your survey will remain unknown.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Submit” button:

As a result, a poll will be created on your wall. I noticed some flaw in this matter. In addition to the title of the topic, we also duplicate the same text as an entry. It doesn't look very nice. We have the opportunity to correct this “dirty thing.” Move the mouse to the upper right corner and click on the “pencil”, which symbolizes the “Edit” button.

Delete or change the duplicated phrase and click on the “Save” button.

How to create a poll in a VK group

On the group wall

This is done in exactly the same way as on the wall of the page. In the same way, you place the cursor on the add entry field and attach a survey there. Once again it makes no sense to duplicate the procedure:

Add to group discussion

In addition to the fact that we can add polls to the group wall, VKontakte has the ability to insert them into new discussions or into existing ones.

Inserting into a new discussion

To do this, click on the “Add discussion” button

In the window that opens in the lower right corner, click on the “Attach” button and select “Poll” from the drop-down menu

We have additional fields in which we can enter a topic and answer options:

Insert into existing discussion

Click on discussion. In the “View Topic” tab on the right top corner Click on the “Edit” button and select “Attach survey”.

Creation in the VKontakte mobile application for Android

Click on the “New Post” link on the wall:

And that's all for today. Survey your followers and friends.

When promoting, managers are often faced with the need make a poll in a group on VK.

Polls are used to find out the opinions of group members on an issue.

There are two types of community surveys:

  • Poll on the group wall;
  • Poll in group discussion;

Creating a survey in a group is very simple and now we will look at how to do it in detail.

How to make a poll in a group on VK

On the group wall, click the “More” tab and select “Poll”.

Now we write the topic of the survey and answer options(you can choose a beautiful background, or upload your own).

If you tick the value "Anonymous voting", then group members will not be able to see the names of those who voted.

If necessary, you can add several answer options or time limit(then the survey will end at the selected time and all voters will receive push notifications with the results).

Poll in the VKontakte group

After this, you can see the poll in the group header.

2. Now we will look at the most convenient way to place a poll, namely, placing the poll in discussions.

After installing the survey, you can see it immediately after the group description.

First you need to make sure that you have . To do this, go to "Community Management" and in the “Sections” tab we make open/restricted discussions.

The next step is to create a topic with a poll. Click on the button"Add discussion" And Attaching a survey.

Now click on the button "Edit topic" and put a tick next to the value "Pin the survey to the main page."

That's it, now you can see the survey immediately under the group description. IN survey settings it can be removed from the main page or deleted at any time.

Don't forget to conduct surveys from time to time. They have always had a positive influence on the promotion of groups.

P.S. Boosting a survey is currently not effective, the best option is . Then you will get live participants who will be happy to take part in surveys.

Today’s article will be written for beginners who are just starting to master the functionality of VKontakte.

This article is devoted to the question of how to make a poll in a VKontakte group, many people know, but many don’t, how to do this, let’s look at it in more detail.

The survey will be posted on the wall in the group. So, let's begin. The first thing you need to do is go to any browser, enter in the search bar, after which you will go to your page. Immediately after this, go to the group section and go to your group, where you are the administrator or editor of the group. After that, you need to click on the what's new field.

After this it will be like this:

Now, to create a poll in the VKontakte group, click on the “More” button, after you have done this, a frame with the proposed functions is displayed:

Accordingly, we need to select the survey button, after you click the survey button, the survey topic and answer options appear.

The topic of the survey can be on any topic, cars, age, assessment of a site, wishes, and much more. There can be a maximum of ten possible answers.

Also, you can do an anonymous vote, and then you won’t see which person chose one of the answer options, and if you do this poll with open voting, then you can even see who voted for which answer. Everything is very simple and clear how to create a poll in a VKontakte group.

How to make a poll in a group on VK from your phone

First, we need to go to the official VKontakte application on the phone, after we log in, we immediately go to the groups and go to our group.

After that, click on the record button, it will open what we are doing new entry.

After this it will be:

We also enter the topic of the survey and possible answers to it, the maximum number of answers is no more than ten. The survey can also be made anonymous or open. And we publish the recording. After voting, we immediately see the survey results.

In conclusion, I want to say that polls on the VKontakte social network are a very cool function of the social network. With its help, you can make your choice, find out the opinions of other users of the VKontakte social network, or take part in the survey yourself and help another VKontakte user. So, do it, create, publish polls in VK groups.

If you need to know the opinions of other users, then you can create a VKontakte poll. Quite a common feature.

Now I'll show you how to make a poll on VK.

What is a survey

It looks like this.

How to create a poll on VK

We need to create a new entry. Either on your page or on the group wall (see). Go to the form and hover over the “More” link. Select "Poll" from the drop-down menu.

A form will open in which you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Name of the survey;
  • Choices;
  • Specify whether voting will be anonymous.

When you fill everything out, click the “Submit” button.

Video lesson: how to make a poll on VK

Changes to the survey interface

A few words about updating the survey interface. This tool was expanded in 2018. Now you can customize the look by choosing a color scheme. And also add a couple of additional parameters. Let's figure it out.

Open the survey creation form. Now there is a section with a choice of color design for the post. Check the appropriate option.

When all parameters have been selected, click on the “Submit” button to publish the survey. Appearance with current changes, you can see in the picture below.

Often, in order to diversify their stay on the VKontakte social network, users create various kinds of surveys on their page. Friends visit the page, answer the survey, and a discussion ensues.

But not everyone knows how to create such a survey, although in fact, there is nothing complicated about it.

Creating a poll on a VKontakte page

If you want to create a poll, you need to open your page wall. Without notes and comments, the wall looks like this:

Let's move on to creating a survey. On your page you will see a “what’s new” field.

To get started, click the “Attach” button; from the pull-out list, select “Other”; at the end of the new list there will be “Poll”.

After you click on the “Survey” button, you will be given several fields that you will need to fill out.

For example, you want to create a poll “Who is better: cats or dogs?”, in which your friends will participate. To do this, you need to enter the name of the survey in the “Survey Subject” field, and in the “Answer Options” field you will need to enter two answers: cats and dogs.

If you want to create a more voluminous survey with 3, 5 or 10 answer options, you will need to click the “add” button. Here's what the newly created survey looks like:

When your friends begin to participate in the survey, the number of votes and their percentage will appear next to the answers. If a survey raises thought-provoking philosophical questions, there will likely be a lot of comments and discussion about the survey. This way you can find out what your friends are thinking.

Creating a poll in a VKontakte group

The second, no less important question that arises among users of this social network is creating a survey in a group.

This task is a little more difficult. To create a poll, you need to create a discussion topic. For example, you have a “Music” group and you want to create a survey: “What style of music do you like” to find out what kind of music is best to download. To do this, you need to create a topic, for example, called “Music”. After this, the “Edit” button will appear in the upper right corner. By clicking on it, a list will appear, among which there is the “Attach survey” item.

After clicking the button, a window for creating a survey will appear.
