How to improve wifi reception on samsung tv. We distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from LG TV

Every year there are more and more various gadgets that have access to the Internet. Almost every apartment has a laptop, smartphone, tablet or TV, and maybe even a refrigerator with a Wi-Fi module. At the same time, users often face the problem that it is not possible to “catch” a connection with the Internet everywhere. The reason for this may be too much distance from the router to the device. The coverage radius of the router is about 30 meters, and sometimes more. However, there are a number of other factors that can affect the signal level.

Interference can be created by:

There are software and hardware methods by which you can solve this problem. The following tips will help boost your Wi-Fi and make your Internet experience more enjoyable.

Software amplification

The most common mistake when using wireless access points is that owners pay too little attention to network settings. Often, users set a security key and change the SSID. This is where all the scams end. However, there are still a lot of parameters that remain by default. Their adjustment will help increase the coverage area. Let's consider the main methods of software signal amplification.

Video: Strengthen WiFi signal

Correct location

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the router in the apartment. It is recommended to place the router closest to the device from which the Internet is accessed. If it is difficult to calculate such a place, and the connection is made from different rooms in the house, then it would be best to install a router in the central part of the apartment.

Photo: location of the router in the apartment

Thus, as much space as possible will fall into the radius of action.

If the apartment or house has two levels, then the router must be placed on the ground floor at the highest point, it can be a mezzanine or closet. Do not litter with various objects (including metal) the place where the router is located. This will allow the signal to propagate unhindered.

Device Frequency Matching

In multi-apartment buildings, up to 20, or even more, wireless networks can be within reach. This is not very good for the operation of one particular device. All available networks tend to intersect and use the same frequency channel. As a result, the level of network supply deteriorates even at a relatively close distance.

In this case, amplifying the Wi-Fi signal is very simple and easy, even the most inexperienced user can figure it out. To begin with, you should install a special program on your laptop, with the help of which a free channel is determined. The most commonly used is inSSIDer. After launching the program, the screen will display a list of all available wireless networks and the frequency channels they occupy. You must select a free channel. To do this, perform the following steps:

If all channels are already used by other people's routers, you should choose the least loaded one. In order for the settings to take effect, you need to click "Save / Change".

Modern Wi-Fi protocol - 802.11n

To date, the 802.11n standard is the newest. In addition, it is also the fastest due to the increased coverage radius. If all devices in the apartment from which the Internet is accessed support this standard, then a transition to 802.11n is possible.

In order to switch to the 802.11n standard operation mode, you must:

Low transmitter power

Many router models are equipped with a Wi-Fi signal strength control function. You need to make the appropriate changes in the router settings:

Transition to 5 GHz

Most routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band. However, more expensive router models can provide a signal in the 5 GHz band. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to this range, since it is practically free and not occupied by other devices. In this case, the coverage will spread over a large area.

Switching to the 5 GHz band is possible if the connected devices can operate in this band.

Hardware Wi-Fi Reception Gain

If all the above steps have been taken, and access to the network is interfered with, do not despair. Perhaps not all is lost. There are several tricks that can help solve this problem. To do this, you need to upgrade your wireless device. You can increase the coverage radius using a second router. To do this, you need to set up a wireless bridge between the two devices using the Wireless Distribution System technology. It will allow you to increase the coverage area by combining several routers into one network.

You can also do some fiddling with antennas. Most routers are equipped with external detachable antennas. Often they are underpowered by about 2 dBi, sometimes 5 dBi. They can be easily replaced with stronger ones. For this, it is worth unscrewing the old ones and placing new ones with a large coefficient in their place. In addition, you can purchase an antenna with a cable and a special stand. It connects to the router. At the same time, it can be moved around the apartment, thus providing coverage without changing the position of the router.

If the device has more than two antennas, then it will be too expensive to replace them. It will be cheaper to buy a repeater. It is also called a repeater. In other words, a repeater.

Using a repeater

Users often face the problem that in large apartments, the range of the router's signal is not enough to provide coverage in all areas. To solve this problem, aids will be useful. A repeater can be used as a device to amplify the signal. This device connects to an existing network as a client. It expands the coverage area. It must be installed between the router and the working computer.

The repeater has a compact size and is relatively inexpensive. The repeater looks like a small power supply and is powered by the mains. There are many options for such devices on the market.

Improving the adapter on the computer

On the client device, you can also enhance the reception of the distributed signal. A similar tip is useful for those users whose computers are connected to adapters via a USB port. However, this option will be useless for owners of tablets, smartphones and laptops, since the antennas in such devices are built-in. If you use a USB adapter to access the Internet, you should not connect it directly to your computer. To get started, you can use an extension cord,

and connect the device through it. A long cord will allow you to move the modem around the house, looking for a network.

You can also purchase a USB adapter amplifier. It is able to provide network access in areas with a weak signal. A modem is connected to this device and placed in a place with Wi-Fi coverage.

Rebooting the Router

Weak signal and interference may occur due to outdated router firmware or if the installed drivers require updating.

There is no financial cost to update drivers. They can be downloaded for free on the official website of the router manufacturer. Installed them on the computer, the level and quality of the signal will increase.

Antenna upgrade

This method will help upgrade the device using a reflector. To make it, you need foil and thick paper or cardboard.

A parabola with two holes for the antenna is cut out of paper and attached to a rectangle made of foil. The resulting device must be fixed on the antenna. Thus, the signal will become directional. You can also use a beverage can as a reflector by cutting it lengthwise, cutting off the bottom, and placing it behind the router. The reflector is directed to the side where coverage is to be provided.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly increase the Wi-Fi signal on your laptop. For this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of new devices. You just have to take a little time to study the settings of the router, or use the tools at hand and upgrade the device with your own hands.

Hello! We continue to explore the possibilities of modern TVs. And today I will write about how to turn your LG TV into a Wi-Fi router and distribute the Internet to other devices with it.

Most likely, all modern LG TVs that have the Smart TV function have this feature.(and have a built-in or external Wi-Fi receiver). I will show by example LG 32LN575U. How things are with other manufacturers, such as Samsung, Philips, SONY, I do not know yet. I would be grateful if you share the information!

We have already turned a laptop into a router, even in two ways, you can read:

It's TV time :), let's make it distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi!

Sometimes, this is very convenient. Of course, it will not replace a regular router, which I advise you to install. But still, this function works very well.

What is necessary?

  • Our TV must have a built-in Wi-Fi module (perhaps an external one will do, did not check).
  • And the TV must be connected to the internet with a network cable. How to do this is written here.

In principle, everything is logical. You have cable Internet, you connect it to the TV and distribute it to other devices.


  • Can connect up to four devices at the same time (at least on my LG 32LN575U).
  • The TV distributes Wi-Fi only when it is turned on (well, that's understandable).

Setting up the distribution of Wi-Fi from the TV

Go to TV settings. This can be done with a special button SETTINGS on the remote.

Go to tab Net and choose an item wifi hotspot (when you hover over it, information about this function will appear).

Another window will appear. Hover over the Wi-Fi hotspot again and press the button right or left. What would the status be On (when I turned it on, the menu hung for a couple of seconds).

In fact, everything, the TV is already distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi. But we still need a password to connect to our network. The password is indicated in the same window, opposite security key.

You can change it, just click on the button Change and enter a new one.

Now, this window can be closed and the necessary devices can be connected to the Internet. The TV will distribute Wi-Fi not only in Smart TV mode, but also when watching TV channels. Also, immediately after turning it off / on, the network will start automatically until you turn off the function. “wifi hotspot” in settings.

Connecting the device to a wireless network

Any device can be connected to the wireless network broadcast by our TV: phones, tablets, laptops, etc.

The process itself is no different from connecting to a regular network that a router creates. For example, you can read about connecting devices that work on Android.

I will show by the example of connecting an HTC phone.

Simply, turn on Wi-Fi on your phone and select our network. You will recognize it immediately, there will be the name of your TV.

Click on it, enter the password (which we saw when starting the hotspot on the TV) and press To plug.

Low wifi internet speed on a laptop is a problem that can get on your nerves. Of course, if this is provided by the provider itself under the contract, then it will not be possible to increase it (except for connecting a more “high-speed” tariff).

But if you suspect that there are still unused resources - in this case, you can achieve some improvement.

How to improve wifi reception on laptop?

We note right away that almost all wifi signal amplification options relate to network settings, router or external devices. On the laptop itself, in order to improve wifi reception, you should make settings in the “Power Options” mode, namely:

  • - Depending on the installed operating system, open "Control Panel" (for XP/7) then "Power Options" and set the mode to "High Performance".
  • - Next, open the "Setting up a power plan" - "Change advanced power settings" section. In the list, find the line " Wireless network adapter settings"And in the line" Power saving mode "set the value" Maximum performance"when running on both "battery" and "mains".

In addition, do not forget about the importance of updating the wireless adapter driver and maintaining the most up-to-date and working version.

The laptop does not receive a wifi signal well: what to do?

Now about the main thing: why does the laptop catch wifi badly, and how to strengthen the reception of the wireless network signal?

  1. 1. A huge impact on the quality and stability of the signal has a relatively connected devices. It is logical that the greater the distance and the number of "obstacles" between the router and the device using the resources of the wireless network, the lower will be the level of the signal received by the laptop and, accordingly, the speed of the Internet connection.

The ideal location of the router is in the center of the network, at the same distance from all devices connected to it (or closer to those devices that consume more traffic).

Ways to increase the coverage radius of a WI-FI network

  • Installing a second router for distribution in an area not covered by the main emitter. Often this option allows you to solve the problem with minimal cost. The figure explains the principle of distribution using a repeater:
  • You can purchase a high-quality router, for which three or four floors in a panel house are a normal service area. This is the most reliable, but also the most expensive option;
  • You can significantly increase the service area by replacing the standard antenna of the router with a more powerful one. As a rule, large antennas have higher gain;

  • Good results can be achieved by installing a simple signal reflector near the antenna (the design of one of the options is discussed below);
  • If it is not possible to amplify the signal of the router, then you can try to find a place in the apartment from where the distribution will be carried out with minimal losses. This is a simple but very effective method.

Practical options for amplifying the signal of a wifi router

The old truth that the antenna is the best high-frequency amplifier has not been canceled. Here is an example of a simple but very effective Wi-Fi band antenna providing two to four times the signal gain:

If the manufacture of this antenna is difficult or there are no necessary skills, then a reflective screen can be installed near the standard antenna:

Despite the elementary nature of the design, the effect of its use is simply amazing, it is not in vain that they say that simple solutions are the most efficient. In fact, the installation of the screen does not affect the radiation power of the WI-FI router.

But by directing all the energy into a limited space for the user, this is tantamount to doubling the radiated power.

A similar effect is achieved in a flashlight or table lamp due to a reflector that directs light in a given direction.

Antenna modification

Among craftsmen, this method of improving the reception quality of router antennas is most widespread. Its essence lies in the fact that the working element of the antenna is additionally equipped with metal elements such as cans or pieces of foil. According to this scheme, you can strengthen the antenna of the router without harm to the device itself. So it makes sense to experiment a little with different designs. Many users emphasize that when using such developments, it is quite possible to achieve a good effect. However, serious results from such devices should not be expected. This method of solving the problem loses to replacing the antenna with a more powerful modification. However, it is possible to increase the coverage area of ​​the antenna when using various metal add-ons.

Using a repeater

To directly amplify the signal strength, you can use a Wi-Fi repeater. The principle of operation of this device is that it is connected to the network as a regular client. In the future, the repeater plays the role of a distributor of the received signal. The coverage area will be expanded in accordance with the capabilities of the antenna itself. The repeater is identical in size to the power supply, so it does not take up much space. Its acquisition is also quite beneficial in terms of maintenance. With the help of a repeater, mono amplify the signal, as well as expand the coverage area using WDS technology. Thus, the device makes it possible to combine different access points without the need for wired contacts. On average, the cost of budget models of repeaters varies from 700 to 1000 rubles. Devices with higher performance can cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

Adapter extensions

To get rid of the problems associated with receiving a Wi-Fi signal, it is recommended to purchase powerful adapters with an external antenna. Receiver models that are integrated in laptops and tablets are less effective from this point of view. However, for such devices, a special extension cord can be provided. Using an extension cable, you can move the modem in search of the optimal place for reception. If you have a question about strengthening the Wi-Fi antenna on a laptop, this option will be advantageous, since the mobility of the device expands the possibilities for finding the best location. It is worth saying that the cable length for USB devices can be up to 3 meters.


Quite rarely, it turns out to significantly increase the quality of Wi-Fi signal reception by using one of the above methods. The thing is that the implementation of the above recommendations may not bring any effect if the minimum power value is selected in the device settings. The opposite situation is possible: all program parameters are focused on the optimal mode of operation of the device. In this case, even an interior partition can spoil the high quality of reception.

It is possible to strengthen the Wi-Fi antenna only through the use of a set of measures. It is worth analyzing the settings used and assessing the location of the device. Practice shows that the most effective solution to increase the reception power is to purchase more technologically advanced modern equipment. The latest models open up wide possibilities of operation in new frequency ranges, while ensuring stable data transmission.

Hi all!
I doubted whether it was worth writing this review at all, because everything is indecently simple, but nevertheless I decided. Perhaps the information will be useful for someone. I just decided to show how easy and cheap it is to improve the reception of a wi-fi signal. Under the cut, a small overview of two antennas and the result of installing them on a TV box.

with from my past reviews, as planned, went to the parents. And they have a huge number of networks in the 2.4 GHz range in their house.

The router is located in the corridor, and the box is next to the TV in the far corner of the hall. In addition to the polluted ether, signal attenuation is also added, it turns out that the equipment is removed almost to the maximum possible distance in a 3-room apartment, almost diagonally across the entire apartment.

The internal film antenna of the box could not boast of outstanding results anyway, at my house the speed was about 35 Mbps.
And for parents in such difficult conditions, it completely fell by 2 times.

However, even in this case, everything continued to work normally, IPTV and online movies can be watched quite comfortably, without brakes. And all these experiments with antennas are actually not such a necessity. Rather, my desire is more to just try what will happen.

Let's look at a cheaper antenna first. It costs and the kit already has an SMA connector.
Claimed gain is 3DBI.

Now it's time to pick up a soldering iron. We cut off the unnecessary connector, prepare the cable.

Next, in a suitable place in the case, you need to make a hole for the connector. Then unsolder the native antenna, and instead of it, solder the prepared tail of the cable. After that, insert the connector into place, tighten the nut and assemble the housing.

It looks like this.

And the result.

The increase in speed is already noticeable.

It is collapsible and looks better than the first one.

But he did not use it, because. already soldered the connector from the first antenna, and this one fit perfectly.

And, as expected, this antenna showed the best result.

I did not test it in the 5GHz range, because. parents' router does not know how to work in it, it supports only 2.4 GHz ((

By the way, the prefix is ​​​​really good, after the review, the firmware was still updated automatically, and there were no glitches and problems during the operation. There's a promotion going on in the store right now.
