How to restore the BIOS of a computer and laptop if it has crashed. Instructions for returning a laptop to factory settings Flash the BIOS The laptop won’t turn on

He will carry out repairs and solve your problems within a few minutes.

Update software computer (installing programs, installing an operating system) requires certain knowledge and skills. They are especially necessary when updating the BIOS, and not always having certain knowledge and acting strictly according to the instructions, the firmware is installed successfully. After a seemingly successful firmware update, the laptop may simply not start or may freeze on the manufacturer's splash screen. This article discusses one of the methods for restoring the Pheonix BIOS.

1) A working computer with an Internet connection is required
2) Download the BIOS for your laptop model from the manufacturer’s website
3) Download the Bios Recovery utility, unpack it to the desktop, in the folder there are different versions, try with the newest one, if it doesn’t work, try older versions!
4) The BIOS is supplied by the manufacturer in a self-extracting or simple archive; you also need to unpack it to your desktop and find the file with the .wph extension, no matter what it is called, rename it bios.wph and copy it to the folder with the BIOS recovery utility.
5) To restore you will need a flash drive with a capacity of no more than 4GB, insert it into USB port.
6) Now run the file wincris.exe
The program window will open, click START

A warning will appear, click OK

If everything went well you will receive a message like this

If something went wrong, then this,

you need to restart the program and repeat all steps

If you did everything correctly, this window will appear, click no

That's it, the flash drive with the BIOS recovery dump has been created!
7) Now turn off the laptop and remove the battery, the flash drive remains inserted into the USB port
8) Without inserting the battery, hold down the Fn+R keys and press the power button, insert the power cable and hold the keys pressed for a while (10 seconds)
9) That’s it, we leave the laptop and wait, I’ll tell you right away that you won’t see any actions on the laptop screen. The BIOS should recover automatically within 2-5 minutes. If this does not happen, try repeating all the steps again.

BIOS recovery on Lenovo S10-2(verified)

1. On a clean flash drive formatted in FAT16 or FAT32 format, write the file KIUN0113.ROM, renaming it KIUN0IA32.FD
2. Turn off the power to the netbook and remove the battery
3. Press and hold the Fn+B keys
4. Connect the power supply and press the power button ( hold the keys)
5. After 5-7 seconds, release Fn+B
6. The recovery procedure should begin
7. The computer will beep every 2 seconds - the process is in progress BIOS firmware Lenovo
8. The computer will turn off automatically when the firmware is completed

For lenovo laptop y550p

I spent a lot of time on the above method - every time the same thing
- the cooler starts up to maximum, 30 seconds pass, one long beep is heard (read the flash drive), three short beeps (did not find the required file).
The solution has been found!
1. download from the office. website BIOS version (1ECN33WW(V5.07x64).exe)
2. right click on the file - WinRAR - Extract files!
3. find the file NIWBA507.fd and rename it to NIWBAx64.fd
4. We throw this file onto the formatted flash drive.
5. Next we turn it on by pressing fn+r, without battery.
6. will start beeping every 2 seconds.

You can ask all questions about this news on the forum.

Unfortunately, no OS is immune from a sudden crash; when this does happen, users are interested in how to restore a laptop via BIOS on their own? Those who have already walked this path and know what the essence of all the difficulties are, feel simply omnipotent.
If the user is thinking about this issue, it means that his affairs are very bad and the usual recovery is out of the question, since the OS does not load at all.

Most often, when such a problem arises, not only a beginner, but also an expert simply reinstall the OS. Of course, this is the easiest way out of this situation, but why spend a lot of time reinstalling if there is a faster option.

How to restore a laptop via BIOS,
using DOS?

It is worth understanding that DOS is a relatively small OS, which is most often stored on a regular disk or flash drive. After startup, this system receives full access to manage all hard drives and access the BIOS menu. Using a DOS system allows you to revive the operating system with minimal losses. Thanks to the possibility of low-level control, it is possible to make the necessary settings and correct surgical punctures with pinpoint accuracy.

Common recovery methods:

1. Initially, you can use a disk image or flash drive as an assistant. You must act in the following sequence:

  • Take the disc with the OS that was installed on the laptop and insert it into the drive.
  • You need to restart your laptop.
  • With a frequency of 1 click per second, you need to press one of the buttons: “Delete”, “F8” or “F2”, which serve as an entrance to the BIOS menu.
  • Once in the menu, you need to go to the “Boot” section (in different versions microsystems, this menu may have different names).
  • Using the arrows, you need to install a disk drive or flash drive as a bootloader.
  • Save all changes.

When the laptop reboots, just select “System Restore” and proceed to recovery.

2. “Almighty” command line. Sometimes, this method is rightfully considered a real salvation. The command line allows you to correct basic errors in the operation of the hard drive so that the system comes to life.
We reboot the laptop and press the BIOS entry button several times, after which we perform the following steps:

  • You need to select the line " Safe mode with command line";
  • When you are transferred to the operating system environment, you must enter “rstrui.exe” into the command line and click “Next”;
  • All you have to do is choose the right one backup copy.

This procedure allows you to roll back to a working state of the system.

3. Restore laptop BIOS through safe mode. When restarting the laptop, you need to press the “F8” key. From the list that opens, select the “Safe Mode” line. Depending on the operating system version, this item may have a different name. It is designed to run the system with only the most necessary functions.

When the system boots, you must:

  • Go to the control panel via “Start”;
  • In the list you need to find the line “Recovery”;
  • In the window that opens, select “Run system recovery”;
  • From the list provided, you need to select a working backup copy and wait for the restoration to complete.

This recovery method is suitable for absolutely all versions of the OS, but with some features in Windows8. This version of the OS may simply not enable “Safe Mode”, since there is often resistance from programs. But even in this case there is a simple way out:

  • Install a boot disk/flash drive;
  • Select “System Restore” in the lower corner;
  • Go to the “Diagnostics” area;
  • Select “Advanced options”;
  • And we get to the desired “ Command line» setting (bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true);
  • Now, you need to exit the menu and select “Continue”.

This method is considered very universal for Win10, and is also a real godsend for those whose laptop is equipped with an SSD drive.

4. A life-saving option for those whose laptop does not have a restore point, but has an operating system installation distribution.

  • At the first stage, you need to repeat the same steps as in point 1;
  • Select “System Restore”;
  • At the next stage, we carry out all the steps from the instructions, which help to make the right choice during the entire installation process;

Upon completion, everything will be restored, but with the exception of previously installed programs. Unfortunately, they will have to be installed again.

Deserves special attention new feature Refresh Your PC for Windows8. This function is simply a lifesaver and a real find for beginners, who will need a minimum of action during the recovery process. When critical error, The OS itself opens the recovery menu. By clicking on “Diagnostics” and “Restore”, the system will return to a fully working state.

The system can also be restored from an archived image. Thanks to the built-in recimg utility, which very quickly creates an OS image and remembers its storage location. Next time, the system will be restored from this archive.

As a result, we can draw a simple conclusion that even old operating systems can restore their functionality. And it is not at all necessary to go to extremes - spending your time on a lengthy reinstallation.

As a result unsuccessful firmware The laptop may become completely inoperable.
- When turned on, the screen is black, the fan is humming, some indicators may be on. And then nothing happens. Turning it off with a button probably won’t work either.
- When turned on, some messages appear on the screen, but the laptop freezes or turns off at the very beginning of POST (self-test).
Restoring functionality at a service center will cost 1...3 thousand rubles. In addition, this case is usually not considered a warranty.

Firmware is a set of programs and data that are necessary for initializing, testing and organizing the coordinated operation of computer components at the initial stage, until it is loaded operating system, and perhaps further. Usually the motherboard developer writes it into the chip EEPROM(electrically reprogrammable read-only memory).

BIOS- basic (main) input/output system. The main (but not the only) part of the firmware. Since the main one, in Russian, BIOS and firmware are one and the same.

UEFI (EFI)- further development of firmware towards expanding BIOS capabilities. You can read more here:

Why change the firmware?
When developing any complex equipment, it is not possible to take into account all the nuances. When it becomes necessary to make changes, the manufacturer releases new firmware. Unfortunately, when recording new firmware there is a danger that it will not work. Reasons for Mongo: poor-quality firmware, failure during the recording process, chip damage EEPROM and etc.

In the firmware of almost all modern motherboards There is a small program that allows you to read firmware from a USB flash drive (previously from a floppy disk, sometimes from a CD/DVD) and flash (write) it to the chip EEPROM. It is located in boot block-e - a change-protected area of ​​the chip EEPROM. You can also overwrite it, but to do this you must first unlock the recording. This is done so that if there is a failure while writing the firmware, it can be restored.

Let's discard cases when the laptop is impossible to operate due to hardware malfunctions or chip failure EEPROM.

Let's consider the sequence of actions to resuscitate a laptop ASUS M60J . Options are possible for other manufacturers' models, but general scheme is the same.

Patient: ASUS M60J
Firmware: APTIO (AMI UEFI)
Symptoms: The firmware process was completed successfully. After which the laptop, as expected, automatically turned off.
Black screen when turned on. The fan is humming. There is no sound in the speaker. The multimedia panel flashes. After about 5-7 seconds it goes out, only the volume scale remains, then after 3-5 seconds it goes out. The laptop doesn't respond to anything. You can turn it off only by holding the button for a long time or by unplugging the power cord from the outlet and removing the battery.

You will need:
1. Flash drive (USB flash drive) with a volume of no more than 2GB, formatted in FAT16 (or simply FAT). A larger flash drive formatted like a hard drive with a partition up to 2GB is not suitable. There is no need to write bootloaders and operating systems onto it. All you need is the firmware file.

By the way, I tried to put the firmware on the card microSD 2GB inserted into a micro card reader (slightly larger than the card itself, sold as a kit). This is what I mean by Windows this combination is defined as a card in a card reader, and not as a regular flash drive. Therefore, jambs are possible when it is not the operating system that is working, but a stub in boot block-e. However, it worked. Although there is one drawback - the card reader does not have an activity indicator, and it turned out to be very necessary for blind experiments.
Perhaps a mobile phone or MP3 player with a memory of the appropriate size and support for the mode will do UMSD, but I haven't checked.

2. Firmware file downloaded from the manufacturer/developer website.
3. A work computer for preparing a flash drive.

On a working computer, extract the firmware file from the archive. I downloaded M60JAS.210.
Rename it to M60J.BIN.

How did you come up with the file name?
Connected the hard drive to the working device. I accidentally found it in the root of the system partition hidden file M60J.BIN and the size suspiciously matches the firmware (2,228,224 bytes). I don't know where it came from. Either Windows pulled it out of the chip, or WinFlash I duplicated it during the firmware...
For other models, the file name will most likely be different, corresponding to the model name.
BootBlock earlier models understood only standard names: AMIBOOT.ROM, AMIBOOT.BIN

We write the file to the flash drive. (It is first recommended to clean the flash drive from extra files or format)
Turn off the power to the laptop (unplug the power supply from the network).
We remove the battery from the laptop.
Insert the flash drive into the USB port. It doesn't matter which one. (According to rumors, in other models you need to find correct port)
Press and hold the keys + .

IN different models and at different developers Other key options are possible. Usually found:

Turn on the power (from the mains, plug the power supply into the outlet).
Press and release the button .
- All indicators on the multimedia panel lit up
- The indicator on the flash drive blinked
- The multimedia panel indicators have gone out. Only left to burn And (two locks)
- The flash drive is constantly on fire
Release the buttons + .
- The hard drive activity indicator blinked
- Flash drive blinked
- After a few seconds, the laptop rebooted itself.
- A branded screensaver has appeared.
- Started automatically Easy Flash(built-in flasher). We sit, don’t touch anything, and watch the firmware process. It will take a minute, maybe even five. If it slows down at times, don’t worry and don’t rush to poke the buttons.
- When the firmware was finished, the laptop, as expected, turned itself off.
All. Now it's ready to go.
You can put the battery back. Or try turning it on directly from the mains power supply.

In conclusion, I note that different laptop models have different sets of indicators. To decide what and how to do, you need to carefully monitor their condition. In any case, you can see from the flash drive indicator whether information is being read from it or not.
In case of ASUS M60J I tried different key combinations. The flash drive didn't light up at all. And the multimedia panel, when turned on, all flashed and went out after 5-10 seconds. After that, he no longer reacted to anything.
When I selected the correct key combination, but had not yet figured out what to name the firmware file, the panel went out, but remained on And . The hard drive and flash drive activity indicator flashed 2-3 times. After this, the flash drive remained lit with an even light, and the laptop no longer responded to anything.

If you did everything as written in the article, but the firmware from the flash drive still does not load, write the firmware file to CD, and then follow the text.
In principle it is logical. Working with built-in CD/DVD/BR is not based on the simplest access to ports. And with USB devices - much more difficult.

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Hello dear readers.

Any computer is a complex system. Sometimes during operation of the device, some problems may appear related to the correct performance of its functions in an area such as the BIOS. There are several ways to solve this problem – it all depends on the type of error. Later in the article I will tell you how to restore the BIOS on a laptop, depending on the type of problem.

Restore to factory settings

If suddenly the device stops functioning normally, and you suspect that the reason for this is incorrect settings, the area mentioned above, you can try to return them to factory settings:

In most cases, this procedure helps. True, sometimes you can encounter a simple error that does not allow the OS to start normally. The fix is ​​simple:

If you have a password

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where someone or they themselves previously set a password for the area we need, and conveniently forgot it. As a result of several incorrect attempts, the device will simply stop functioning.

Then you need to open it yourself mobile computer. By the way, this method will help if it does not turn on:

Important! Before we go any further, there are a few basic points to clarify. So, in some laptops, for example, Acer Aspire, there are not two, but three contacts. In this case, you need to set the jumper to a different position and wait a few minutes.

In addition, sometimes you can find a special small button that performs the same functions. You just need to press it with a pencil for a few seconds.

Another solution is to remove the battery that maintains all important data in memory. If you remove it, everything will be reset.

Recovery after flashing

If problems arise as a result of unsuccessful installation new version Software for the corresponding component, you need to perform a series of movements.
