computer filter. PC Air Filters Chassis Dust Filters

I have already suggested my mounting option and now I would like to try to find out which material is preferable to use in filters. In preparation for writing the article, I came across various options for filter materials. But some of the most popular are tights and faux chiffon. Another frequently used material is synthetic winterizer, but its testing will remain outside the scope of this review, because it deals with materials that can primarily be used with magnetic vinyl, and with synthetic winterizer this mounting option is very difficult to implement.

First, I decided to clarify the question: how much can filters reduce air flow and how this affects the temperature of the cooled components. To clarify this, it was decided to use a specially purchased case of the "medium tower" form factor. This miracle of Chinese engineering is nothing remarkable, except for a seat for a 120 mm fan on the side wall.


A Scythe GentleTyphoon fan (D1225C12B5AP-15) was placed on it. Its maximum rotation speed is 1850 rpm, while it is capable of pumping 57.68 CFM (cubic feet per minute). The inside of the case was covered with masking tape to cover all the ventilation holes and eliminate the possible influence of supplemented air flows on the result.

Inside, right in front of the fan, I placed HDD, and on its board I glued a thermocouple from the Lamptron FC5V2 fan controller with electrical tape. The Winchester worked without load, and the testing methodology itself was as follows: the computer turned on with a filter on the fan, then the maximum temperature was fixed, after which the system unit turned off for 30-40 minutes, allowing the hard drive to cool, then a new filter was tried. Each time, warming up to the maximum temperature was achieved in about 20 minutes. Now let's look at the objects of verification themselves.

Three types of filters were used for it: from artificial chiffon, from black nylon tights, with a density of 40 den, and a factory-made Lamptron UV Sensitive Fan filter.


The filter produced by Lamptron is a metal mesh on a plastic frame, with a mesh size of about 1 mm. Comes with a set of bolts for mounting.

It can be bought in Moscow, so, in my opinion, it will good example for comparison with homemade options. Almost from the beginning I was sure that each of the filters would have a slight negative impact on the airflow, since they are made of sufficiently durable materials that, for their main purpose, should not interfere with the passage of air, which was confirmed by testing. For ease of perception, the results obtained are presented in the form of a diagram:

For comparison, I checked the temperature hard drive in the mode of complete absence of airflow, in a completely closed system unit.

As you can see, among the filters tested, the Lamptron product is the least obstructive to airflow, but this is not surprising, because the mesh size in the mesh is much larger than that of chiffon or tights. The pantyhose filters had the worst effect on the temperature, but the difference was only 0.4 degrees Celsius when compared with the mode without filters, which, in my opinion, is completely uncritical.

But, on the one hand, the test on the simulator is good, but on the other hand, it is somewhat far from reality. Therefore, the role of the guinea pig tried on the main system unit in the house.

test stand

  • Motherboard: ASUS Rampage IV Formula;
  • Processor: i7-3930K;
  • Cooling system: CBO;
  • RAM: 8 GB DDR-III 1333 MHz Samsung, @2133 9-10-10-24-1T;
  • Storage: OCZ Vertex 2 60 GB;
  • Power supply: SeaSonic X-850, 850 W;
  • Case: Cooler Master HAF 932.

Test Methodology

Air circulation in the case is provided by four Noiseblocker Multiframe S-Series MF12-S2 fans - three on the CBO radiator and one front. I turned off the fans on the radiator, and put a filter on the front fan and fixed the maximum temperature of the processor and video card. In theory, this was supposed to show how the installation of dust filters would affect the real system unit.

Test results

But the result was again disappointing. When installing any of the dust filters, the temperature changed as you like. It even happened that after their removal it increased, which is completely illogical. Several reasons have been found for this:

  • Various load on computer components (although I did not touch the PC at that time, but, for example, the antivirus could be updated, after which the processor temperature immediately increased by a degree).
  • The influence of external air currents that enter the case through many ventilation holes, it is impossible to predict their impact.

After tormenting myself with tests for two evenings, I decided that the lack of a result was also a result. The processor temperatures in full passive were around 60-61 degrees, and the video card heated up to 48-49 degrees with any of the filters. This makes it possible to conclude that the effect of filters with a thin filter cloth has such a negligible effect on the air flow that it can be safely ignored.

Another important parameter of dust filters is the actual dust protection. Therefore, I tried to find out which of the presented materials is best suited for this.

But here an ambush awaited me. The fact is that there is no testing of dust filters for a computer on the network! Only industrial options or automotive, but in any case, the tools and methods were unattainable for me. You can't just hang a filter on a working system unit, because it's impossible to keep the same conditions throughout the testing.


The solution came unexpectedly: use flour as a dust simulator! Immediately I stocked up on a bag of first-class flour and a sifter. Since it was necessary to check the filter in conditions as close as possible to combat, it was decided to use the housing already described above.

But it was not there! If the case is in the normal position, then the fan power is not enough to capture the flour. I decided to put it on its side and pour flour in even small portions, but after a short period of time it simply clogged all the holes in the filter and no longer got inside the case. You had to either shake the filter or rub the flour with your fingers. But in this case, it was possible to find out only one thing: which material is best suited as a sieve, but not a dust filter. Inside, an even spot of flour did not work out, it settled evenly over the entire body and removing it from all corners and crevices was a big problem. This is a failure.

I again thought about how to win all this. In the end, thinking that the perforation on the side wall interfered with the airflow, it was decided to use another test stand, without a case, but with a fan. The black velvet fabric that came with the Seasonic power supply now acted as a marker.

The testing methodology has undergone some changes. Now I poured the most even layer of a tablespoon of flour on the filter, and then turned on the fan for exactly 10 minutes. And photographed the resulting spot.


Only in this way did I get adequate results that could be used.

The first test was a filter with artificial chiffon.

The second on the list was a filter made of nylon tights, with a density of 40 den.


The result compared to chiffon, although slightly different, is still noticeable. Let's see how the lamptron metal mesh filter performs.

You can immediately see the difference between its result and the indicators of previous filters - strong traces of flour along the rotation of the fan blades. I must say that it was problematic to make an even layer with this filter - the flour just immediately began to fall down.

From all the results, we can conclude that the pantyhose filter provides the best protection against dust, but at the same time, this material reduces the airflow the most, which will directly affect the temperature of the components inside. system block.


The second most reliable filter is made of artificial chiffon - this is such a middle peasant, the golden mean: it passes air better, but dust also penetrates with it.

And the Lamptron filter showed the worst results, which, by the way, is not surprising - a metal mesh is suitable for stopping only larger dust particles such as fabric lint or pet hair.


And now it's time to sum up. In this article, it was considered universal way dust filter mounts that can be used with most cases. In addition, based on the results of the testing, I tried to find out which material would be best for use as dust protection.

In my opinion, many readers will be interested in the question of the cost of making homemade filters. Since various stationery can be found in everyone, the most expensive investment will be the purchase of magnetic vinyl. A square meter of vinyl, 1.5 mm thick, costs about 500 rubles in Moscow. This sheet is enough to make several filter options for all the vents in the computer case, so the price can be called acceptable. The final price tag may also be affected by the need to purchase filter material, but here everything already depends on the personal preferences of each. By the way, the Lamptron filter costs no more than 100 rubles in Moscow retail.


There are several obvious advantages to homemade filters:

A significant disadvantage is possible problems with the purchase of a small sheet of magnetic vinyl.

Ultimately, it's up to the reader to choose. There are only two options here: either, with some effort, make effective home-made filters on your own, or simply buy ready-made ones.

Maxine Roman aka Zebralet


I give special thanks to:
  • serj for their invaluable contribution to the article.

Price: $9.18 + $4.08 + $4.08 + $4.08

In any system unit, even without a fan, sooner or later dust accumulates. To protect against dust in the system unit, I ordered anti dust filters.

The case of my system unit provides for the installation of four 92x92 mm fans. and one 120x120 mm. Initially, I was going to buy dust filters with a metal mesh and a frame, but the price for one was a little high, and I had to buy five pieces.


During the search, all possible options were considered. Filters consisting of a plastic frame and a foam filter, I immediately ruled out. I have several of these and at low fan speeds, the value of such a filter tends to zero. The metal mesh filters were all good, but they cost more than I was willing to pay for them. In the end, I chose PVC dust filters. The diameter of the holes seemed a little too big to me, but, as practice has shown, the filters do their job perfectly.

I have purchased:

  1. Filters 140x140 mm. - 5 pieces. for 4.08$
  2. Filters 120x120 mm. - 5 pieces. for 4.08$
  3. Filters 90x90 mm. - 5 pieces. for 4.08$
  4. Roll 295x150 mm. - 1 PC. for 9.18$

The total cost is $19.42.

In general, the following sizes of such filters are sold on Ali:

Sellers also offer to cut the filter of any size under the order. There is a small, but important, nuance with a size of 90x90 mm., But I will write about it later. The plastic is flexible but brittle.

Dust filters. Some promotional photos:

I use Noctua fans, I have:

  • Left side panel: 2 x NF-B9 PWM (92x92x25mm 4-pin PWM, 1600/1300rpm max.)
  • Right side panel: 2 x NF-B9 (92x92x25mm 3-pin, 1600/1300/1000rpm)
  • Rear: 1 x NF-F12 PWM (120x120x25mm 4-pin PWM, 1500/1200rpm max.
    Focused Flow™ System)

Housing Chieftec CH-01B-B-B. All fans run at reduced speed. The fans are controlled by an Aerocool Touch 2000 touch reobass and two small reobasses BDN022 with a conventional regulator. The left and right pairs are set to 1200 rpm in summer and 900 in winter. The fan on the rear panel constantly runs at 2000 rpm. Thanks to this, the noise of the system unit at a distance of one and a half meters is practically inaudible.

I ran into two problems during installation. First: when installing the filter on the side wall, the fan wings clung to the filter. The problem was solved with silicone anti-vibration pads bought offline.

The second problem: as I wrote above, the size of the fans I have installed is 92x92 mm. And the filter size is 90x90 mm. I did not think that the difference of two millimeters could affect anything, but it turned out that I was wrong:

The plastic on the corners broke during installation.

It doesn't affect anything, but it's just annoying...

Anti-dust filter 90x90 mm.
Without a filter
With installed filter and fan
Left panel, inside view. Reobasy installed
Basket on the right side of the case. It is installed behind hard drives and works on blowing. Fitting
Dust filters installed

I have been putting homemade air filters in computer cooling systems for a long time. In this article, I decided to summarize my experience and show some mods.

Why air filters in a PC?

First of all, to simplify further maintenance. Cleaning a couple of filters with a vacuum cleaner takes much less time than dismantling the cooling system, opening the power supply, cleaning radiators, fans and other pieces of iron from dust.
Well, the aesthetics are increasing, to the delight of fans of computer feng shui.

Why not buy ready-made filters in the store?

Air filters are rarely found in computer stores, more often in electronics stores like chip-and-dip. However, there is little choice. Making a filter at home from improvised materials is cheaper and takes less time than running around the shops. Well, it brings more pleasure, yes.

Well, now the slides

Socket 370. A female nylon stocking, a steel wire shackle and 4 ties were used. The shackle is needed to increase the filter area and to prevent the filter from being sucked into the fan. Before cleaning, a two-year layer of dust is visible.

In the PSU in front of a 12cm fan. A medical mask was used (only the inner layer), reinforced tape. The dust has just been removed with a vacuum cleaner, but a strip of dust is visible below, where the vacuum cleaner could not get through.

In a vertical PSU on the blower. Used medical gauze, stationery tape. All holes and cracks are sealed with transparent tape to prevent air from blowing past the filter. Before cleaning, a two-year layer of dust is visible.

  • Do not use materials that are too thick, such as vacuum cleaner bags. Before using any material, try to breathe through it yourself.
  • The design of the filter must prevent matter from getting into the fan blades and stopping it. Blocking the fan can lead to sad consequences.
  • Reduce fan speed to a reasonable minimum. The less air is pumped, the less dust settles.
  • Perhaps the reduction in airflow will have to be somehow compensated. For example, put better thermal paste.
  • Fans of aggressive modding may be interested in zero filters in car dealerships.

Dust is one of the main enemies of computers and laptops. It is she who clogs the fan, settles on important "insides", including on the processor, preventing them from cooling down, which is common cause breakdowns. You can deal with this by periodically cleaning the system unit, "stuffing" the laptop from dust. However, this is a very dreary process: you need to disassemble the device, blow it out with a vacuum cleaner from the inside, and clean some parts manually. Therefore, many turn to another way out of the situation - a dust filter for the computer. We will discuss with you both purchased options and those that you can do yourself.

Why is dust dangerous?

As we have already mentioned, the accumulation of dust inside to overheat the elements of the system. And this is fraught with the following:

  • The fan speed is increased. And this is not only extra noise, but also the reason for its imminent breakdown - the mechanism starts to work at the limit.
  • The capacitors fail motherboard, power supply, video card.
  • In an attempt to protect the processor from overheating, the system activates a mechanism that reduces its performance. This leads to annoying "hanging". And in emergency cases, when the processor reaches a critical stage, the computer turns off altogether.
  • Dust can cause a short circuit, static breakdown to the microcircuit.

All of the above requires serious repairs, which will be clearly more expensive than a dust filter for a computer, even a purchased one. Why is it so useful, we will consider further.

What makes a computer dust filter stand out?

What you will find in stores is a canvas made of special breathable material with some options for attaching to the case of the system unit, laptop. Manufacturers of dust filters for a computer in Minsk, and many other cities, promise potential buyers the following:

  • Long service life of the product.
  • Nearly 90% air filtration quality.
  • Little air resistance.
  • Adjustable size and shape. In most cases, a large roll of canvas is sold, from which you yourself can cut a dust filter for a computer 120 mm x 170 mm or other sizes you need.
  • Easy installation - basically the back of the material is adhesive, so it is quite easy to install it on the system unit.
  • Additional noise reduction.
  • Protection against ingress of insects into the device.

What does a protective sheet provide?

In general, all dust filters for PCs and laptops must provide the following:

  • Reliable protection of the "stuffing" of the body from dust.
  • Stable low temperature of the processor (and it heats up not so much from high performance, how much from the dust settled on it).
  • Long-term operation of components, provided by almost ideal conditions inside the case.

What are dust filters?

It turns out that protective sheets also differ in their main function. Consider their varieties using the example of dust filters for the Samokleykin computer, according to the manufacturer, developed on the basis of a patented technology. There are three types here:

  • Fine cleaning. Material - polyurethane foam with open cells. Filtration efficiency up to 90% - the canvas is able to retain dust up to 5 microns in size. This allows you to achieve perfect cleanliness inside the "sistemnik".
  • Long service. Material - non-woven fibrous polyester. It provides both excellent filtration and good dust holding capacity. Such a canvas helps the computer for a long time goes without maintenance.
  • Low resistance. Material - woven polyester mesh. It passes air better than others, which helps it to minimally affect the temperature of the processor case. A few more features of the filter: insect protection, the ability to install on a laptop, netbook, between the fan and the case.

Installation options

It is allowed to install two filters at once: long service and fine cleaning. The first will capture large dust, the second - fine. Due to the large capacity of the long life web, the fine barrier will concentrate on collecting fine particles while minimizing fouling.

Filter cleaning

It goes without saying that the cleaning cloth will become clogged with dust and soil over time. Of course, you can remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. But it's easy to clean it up:

  • The easiest and most gentle way is to vacuum it without removing it from the computer. So you do not damage the adhesive layer.
  • A more serious cleaning is eating and washing in warm water. Next - natural drying. Somewhere the adhesive layer will withstand such a test, somewhere you will have to install a new one. Not all filters are machine washable, with powder or soap. The dust is perfectly washed out by simple rinsing in water.

And now we will come close to how to make dust filters for your computer with your own hands.

Homemade protective barrier

It is unreasonable to overpay for something that you can easily and quickly find and make yourself from improvised materials. In addition, dust filters for a computer are not available in every office equipment store - you will have to spend time ordering, go around a lot of points in their search.

We will present you the most reliable and uncomplicated options:

  • Mounted on the fan itself, cooling the processor, inside the case. More precisely, first a wire shackle is installed on the mechanism - so that a piece of a woman's stocking does not get sucked into the blades. The canvas itself is attached with plastic ties.
  • The inner layer of a medical mask (for the power supply housing). It is fastened with a wide adhesive tape (it is best to use reinforced tape) over the fan grille - you just need to cut out a canvas that is suitable in size.
  • Medical gauze. It is best used for a vertical blown power supply. You can fix the material with ordinary stationery tape. It is also important to cover all the cracks and holes with adhesive tape so that dust does not pass through them bypassing the filter.

Such improvised means protect both the fans and the “stuffing” of the system unit from dust getting inside no worse than purchased means. Can also be used for additional protection synthetic winterizer, but no more than three layers - a denser concentration will impede air exchange.

Before you make a dust filter for your computer and install it, check out these helpful tips:

  • Do not use materials that are too thick in the hope that they will definitely keep dust out of the computer. So you will aggravate the situation more: air exchange will decrease, which will contribute to overheating. Before using this or that canvas, conduct a small effective test - try to breathe through it yourself. If it's easy, then the material is fine.
  • Consider installing the filter so that it cannot get into the fan blades and block its operation. This may damage the device and replace it.
  • If possible, reduce the speed of the cooler. But to a reasonable extent. Everything is simple here: the less air it drives, the less dust settles.
  • Reduced air flow can be compensated. For example, installing improved thermal paste.
  • As a material for a protective barrier, zero filters from car dealerships will fit.

Protecting the "stuffing" of the computer from dust - warranty long work devices. Special dust filters will help in this, which you can either buy in stores or make yourself from improvised materials.
