Courses on html and css. What will you learn from the course?

After completing this course, you will gain knowledge with which you will be able to create HTML pages yourself. Moreover, by the end of the course we will even make a website and publish it on the Internet!

Online course on studying HTML language for beginners, this is an opportunity to independently take the first step towards mastering the specialty of a web developer.

Course program

Level 1: Introduction and HTML Basics

Level 2. HTML Document Structure

Level 3: Text Markup

Level 4. Links

Level 5. Pictures

Level 6. Tables

Level 7. Forms

Level 8. Creating a website and putting it on the Internet

Level 9. Summing up

The online course on HTML for beginners is a series of lessons combined into several sections and accompanied by graphic and video materials. At the end of each topic, the user is asked to complete homework, which will allow them to consolidate what they have learned.

Lessons are accompanied by homework. We strongly advise you to carry them out, since it is the practice of applying the acquired knowledge that contributes to its maximum assimilation. In addition, I recommend studying the topics exactly in the order in which they are located on the site. This ensures compliance with the “from simple to complex” approach.

Our HTML courses can be taken at any time convenient for you. However, you should not take too long breaks between lessons. Distribute your resources wisely and without compromising the learning process.

The benefits of learning HTML from scratch

HyperText Markup Language is the basic programming language for the web. Without knowing the basics of HTML layout, it is impossible to move on to studying more complex material. Not by chance free course on mastering it is the first among web development lessons.

Hypertext markup language is easy to learn; even a beginner who has not previously encountered web development can learn its basics. We offer accessible and understandable online HTML courses, which you can access from anywhere you have Internet access. HTML lessons written in simple language and are aimed at people with different levels of knowledge in this area.

The undoubted advantage of the free HTML course from WebShake is the individual approach to conducting classes. You master the material at any convenient time, returning to previously covered topics if necessary. This guarantees the continuity of the learning process, the absence of “blank spots” and gaps in knowledge that would invariably arise in the case of group classes.

A beautifully designed website attracts the attention of the target audience and increases the number of visitors. It is knowledge of HTML that will make it possible to give an Internet resource structure and logic, making it easy to understand. After completing all the HTML lessons for beginners from scratch, you will master website layout skills and be able to put them into practice and start earning your first money in the field of web development.

After completing this course, you will gain knowledge with which you will be able to create HTML pages yourself. Moreover, by the end of the course we will even make a website and publish it on the Internet!

An online course on learning HTML for beginners is an opportunity to independently take the first step towards mastering the specialty of a web developer.

Course program

Level 1: Introduction and HTML Basics

Level 2. HTML Document Structure

Level 3: Text Markup

Level 4. Links

Level 5. Pictures

Level 6. Tables

Level 7. Forms

Level 8. Creating a website and putting it on the Internet

Level 9. Summing up

The online course on HTML for beginners is a series of lessons combined into several sections and accompanied by graphic and video materials. At the end of each topic, the user is asked to complete homework, which will allow them to consolidate what they have learned.

Lessons are accompanied by homework. We strongly advise you to carry them out, since it is the practice of applying the acquired knowledge that contributes to its maximum assimilation. In addition, I recommend studying the topics exactly in the order in which they are located on the site. This ensures compliance with the “from simple to complex” approach.

Our HTML courses can be taken at any time convenient for you. However, you should not take too long breaks between lessons. Distribute your resources wisely and without compromising the learning process.

The benefits of learning HTML from scratch

HyperText Markup Language is the basic programming language for the web. Without knowing the basics of HTML layout, it is impossible to move on to studying more complex material. It is no coincidence that a free course on how to master it is the first among web development lessons.

Hypertext markup language is easy to learn; even a beginner who has not previously encountered web development can learn its basics. We offer accessible and understandable online HTML courses, which you can access from anywhere you have Internet access. HTML lessons are written in simple language and are aimed at people with varying levels of knowledge in this area.

The undoubted advantage of the free HTML course from WebShake is the individual approach to conducting classes. You master the material at any convenient time, returning to previously covered topics if necessary. This guarantees the continuity of the learning process, the absence of “blank spots” and gaps in knowledge that would invariably arise in the case of group classes.

A beautifully designed website attracts the attention of the target audience and increases the number of visitors. It is knowledge of HTML that will make it possible to give an Internet resource structure and logic, making it easy to understand. After completing all the HTML lessons for beginners from scratch, you will master website layout skills and be able to put them into practice and start earning your first money in the field of web development.

HTML and CSS. Level 1. Creation of sites in HTML 5 and CSS 3

Are you planning to make web technology your profession? Do you want to create websites? Work as a layout designerweb-a designer, or maybe an internet marketer? Do you have an online project that you promote yourself? In any case, you cannot do without knowledge HTMLAndCSS– markup languages ​​for web pages and their appearance.

Hypertext language HTML markup Using tags and other elements, it conveys information about how the text is structured and how it should be displayed on the screen. The CSS cascading table language allows you to design a web page by specifying the necessary colors, fonts and other style elements.

During the training you will gain basic skills in HTML and CSS, and also learn how to use interactive features latest versions– HTML 5 and CSS 3.

The course includes Project work“Creation of a website. Filling the site with text, images and videos.”

You will learn the basics of the HTML markup language, how to applying CSS and the basics of website construction. You can create pages yourself, design a navigation menu and other website elements. Learn to correctly place images and text blocks on the page. You will be able to independently work with CSS styles, use frames and meta information. You will also receive practical advice, how to choose hosting and technical support for the site.

And during your training you will learn what is more important – design or a clear structure? And how to design a website in such a way that it will be successfully promoted in the future?

The course program meets the requirements of the professional standard.

The course is recommended by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications "RAEK". Successfully completing it will help you systematize and consolidate your existing knowledge. This is a powerful basis for further study. The course is necessary for everyone who plans to master a prestigious profession.

Hello my friend!

I will talk about them in this article.

First, about free courses, because I know how much you don’t want to spend extra money. And then about paid trainings and programs.

So. Without further ado... Let's fly!

Free courses on HTML and CSS layout - TOP 30 best

No. 1. HTML/CSS by Beonmax

Who conducts: Beonmax.


How long does it last: 31 video lessons = 5 hours.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. What programs and tools should be used for layout.
  2. What HTML tags exist.
  3. CSS syntax basics.
  4. How to create a menu, header, footer, sidebar and much more.

No. 2. Interactive course on creating HTML and CSS websites from scratch (with certificate of completion)

Who conducts: Fruitcode.

Format: video lessons + interactive exercises + homework.

How long does it last: 6 hours.

Price: Part of the course is free, the other part is available after purchasing an inexpensive subscription.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How to use html tags div, span, p, ul, li and others.
  2. What is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for?
  3. How to use margin css properties, position, padding, color, background and others.
  4. What is adaptive layout.
  5. How to make a website layout.
  6. How to use the developer tools in Google browser Chrome.
  7. What is a viewport and how to use it.
  8. How to create a comments section on a website.
  9. How to embed a video in an html page.
  10. How to change the layout of a website in a browser.
  11. How to link html pages to each other.
  12. How to design a menu on a website.

No. 3. HTML and CSS Basics

Who conducts: online university of internet professions “Netology”.

Format: online webinars 2 times a week.

How long does it last: 2 weeks.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How to make changes to the HTML code of a page and layout text blocks.
  2. How to change the design and style of website elements.
  3. How professional layout designers work on projects.

No. 4. Courses from HTML Academy

I remember taking these courses myself. For a whole week I sat for 3-4 hours a day free lessons from instructor Kex.

Who conducts: HTML Academy, in my opinion, its website is the best place to learn the basics of layout.

Format: interactive lessons with practical tasks.

How long does it last: depends on your speed and

Price: most of the courses are free.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. HTML Basics 5.
  2. Basic understanding of CSS3.
  3. JavaScript Basics.
  4. PHP Basics.

No. 5. Courses on Udemy

Who conducts: different teachers from all over the world.

Format: video lessons + practical tasks + tests.

How long does it last: depends on the course and training program compiled by the author.

Price: There are free courses and there are paid ones.

No. 6. Courses on CodeAcademy

Who conducts: different teachers (mostly on, so if you have a hard time with him, it’s better to read on).

Format: interactive lessons, the result is immediately visible right in the browser.

How long does it last: depending on your abilities and availability of free time.

No. 7. Free course by Evgeny Popov on HTML for beginners

There are very contradictory rumors about him. Some say that Eugene teaches people outdated knowledge. Others think that it will do for familiarization.

Format: 33 video lessons.

How long does it last:

What will you learn from the course:

  1. The concept of a tag.
  2. How to create a page frame.
  3. How to create paragraphs and headings.
  4. How to create lists.
  5. How to create attributes.
  6. How to put links.
  7. How to make beautiful tables.
  8. How to format text beautifully.
  9. How to create form fields, radio buttons and checkboxes.
  10. And so on.

No. 8. Free course by Evgeny Popov on CSS

Format: 45 video lessons.

How long does it last: it all depends on your strength and speed.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How CSS works.
  2. How to connect 3 basic selectors.
  3. What are group selectors?
  4. What are descendant selectors?
  5. What are pseudo link selectors?
  6. What font families are there?
  7. How to align text.
  8. How to set line height.
  9. How to make an abbreviated entry.
  10. How to make frames.
  11. How to work with lists.
  12. What is inheritance?
  13. Cascading and priority.
  14. Block model, margin and padding.
  15. Block width and height, alignment.
  16. Field conflicts.
  17. Block and inline elements.
  18. Background color and image.
  19. Repeat background image.
  20. Positioning the background image.
  21. Fixing the background.
  22. A short summary of background properties.
  23. How to make tables.
  24. How to create a simple float based frame.
  25. What is fairing cleaning?
  26. Columns are the same height.
  27. Positioning.
  28. Absolute positioning.
  29. Relative positioning.
  30. Fixed positioning.
  31. Z-indexes.
  32. Visibility of elements.
  33. Maximum and minimum site width.
  34. Two ways to connect styles
  35. What is inheritance of non-inheritable properties.

No. 9. HTML Course for Beginners

Who conducts: Artyom Ivashkevich, programmer at Lamoda.

Format: step-by-step article-lessons.

How long does it last: 55 lessons.

What lessons are in the course:

  1. Let's create our first HTML page.
  2. Tags are the basis of an HTML page.
  3. doctype tag: indicate the HTML version.
  4. What should any HTML page consist of?
  5. Title of the HTML page.
  6. HTML page encoding.
  7. Keywords (keywords).
  8. Description tag: short description pages.
  9. Comments in HTML.
  10. Connecting CSS styles to HTML.
  11. Connecting JavaScript scripts to HTML.
  12. Summary of the second level of the HTML course.
  13. Text markup.
  14. Making paragraphs in HTML.
  15. Making headers in HTML.
  16. Bulleted lists in HTML.
  17. Numbered list in HTML: ol tag.
  18. Making a nested list in HTML.
  19. We highlight important things in bold.
  20. Italics in HTML: em and i tags.
  21. Hyphenations and delimiters in HTML: br and hr tags.
  22. Using quotes in HTML.
  23. Superscripts and subscripts: formatting formulas.
  24. We display the text as is: pre tag.
  25. Learning to make links in HTML.
  26. What are absolute and relative links.
  27. We make a link to the file.
  28. Link with anchor.
  29. Tooltip for links.
  30. How to insert images into HTML.
  31. We make the picture a link.
  32. Description of the image in HTML.
  33. Create a table in HTML: table tag.
  34. Making borders for a table in HTML.
  35. Horizontal and vertical borders in an HTML table.
  36. Indentations in tables.
  37. Table title in HTML.
  38. Header cells in an HTML table.
  39. Merging cells in tables.
  40. Aligning text in an HTML table.
  41. Ways to center a table in HTML.
  42. Learning to change table color in HTML.
  43. Resizing a table in HTML.
  44. Learning to create forms in HTML.
  45. How to set a default value for a field on a form.
  46. How to properly make captions for input fields.
  47. Create an authorization form in HTML.
  48. Multiline input field: textarea tag.
  49. Checkbox in HTML.
  50. A radio button field in an HTML form.
  51. Making a dropdown list in HTML.
  52. Form for uploading files.
  53. We use a hidden field in the form.
  54. Tabular layout of HTML pages. Website prototype.
  55. How to put a website on the Internet: simple instructions.

No. 10. HTML and CSS course - website layout for beginners

Who conducts: PHP-School.

Format: articles-lessons + homework.

How many lessons: 11.

Duration: 20 o'clock.

No. 11. Free HTML and CSS tutorial

Who conducts: Jeremy Thomas is an American front-end developer and freelancer working with companies such as Microsoft and Sony.

Format: text lessons (in English).

How many lessons: 50 lessons.

Duration: depends on you.

What you will learn on the course:

  1. HTML syntax.
  2. Its semantic elements.
  3. All about link building.
  4. Basics of text formatting.
  5. How to position elements in CSS.
  6. How to change fonts.
  7. How to make a background on a website.
  8. And much more.

No. 12. HTML Courses from HTML Dog

Who conducts: English-language site for learning programming.

Format: text lessons.

How many lessons: 3 courses (for beginners, intermediates and pros) of approximately 10 lessons each.

Duration: depends on you.

No. 13. CSS Courses from HTML Dog

Who conducts: HTML Dog.

Format: articles-lessons.

How many lessons: also 3 courses 8-15 lessons.

Duration: depends on you.

No. 14. Learn HTML in 1 Hour! #From a Professional

No. 15. How to learn HTML & CSS? The most ahu##### way!

No. 16. Website layout from scratch for beginners | HTML, CSS

No. 17. HTML website layout

No. 18. HTML5 lessons for beginners from Gosha Dudar

No. 19. HTML & CSS course with homework

No. 20. HTML for Beginners by Loftblog

No. 21. Learn HTML in 35 minutes for beginners from 10 years (Basics) + Motivation for developers

No. 22. Is the profession of HTML layout designer dead? Are HTML developers needed in 2020?

No. 23. HTML5 for dummies | INTRODUCTION - web programming from scratch

No. 24. Layout HTML + CSS in 2 Hours. From PSD. From scratch. Full Record

No. 25. HTML Tutorial for Beginners

No. 26. HTML5 Tutorial

No. 27. HTML and CSS tutorial from Dmitry Trepachev

No. 28. HTML tutorial

No. 29. CSS Tutorial

No. 30. Profession web developer from Yandex.Practicum

Other courses and materials on HTML and CSS:

  • HTMLBook is a huge reference book on HTML.
  • HTML5 and CSS3 with examples - a book from Webref.
  • Web development for beginners on Stepik - free course on html and css.
  • Dive into HTML5 - translation of Mark Pilgrim's book.
  • HTML Tutorial - reference book on HTML (in English).
  • HTML | MDN - documentation from Mozilla.
  • CSS-Tricks - English-language resource.
  • WPSchool- useful resource on WordPress (lessons, training, articles).

Paid courses on HTML and CSS layout - TOP 9 best

No. 1. I am a Web Developer - PRO

Who conducts: Daniil Pilipenko, director of the SymbioWay personnel center, former head of the software development department at the Vokrug Sveta publishing house. As well as other teachers from the online school of Internet professions Skillbox.

Format: webinars + video tutorials + homework + real meetings + excursions to TOP companies + participation in web developer forums + guaranteed employment with a salary of 100,000 rubles.

How long does it last: 2 years of training (6 months free - that is, you can pay from the first orders).

Price: 6,900 rubles per month (tutor in English in Moscow it even costs more).

What will you learn from the course:

  1. How to design websites.
  2. How to create interfaces using JavaScript.
  3. How to work with PHP.
  4. How to make beautiful design.
  5. How to work with 1C-Bitrix.
  6. And much more.

№2. Frontend developer from scratch

Yes, a layout designer is also called a Frontend developer.

Who conducts: University of Internet Professions Netology.

Format: webinars + video lessons + practical projects for portfolio + homework + personal discussions with teachers.

How long does it last: 10 months.

Price: 6,600 rubles per month.

What you will receive during the course:

  1. Comprehensive knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSX, React, VirtualDOM, Flexbox and React Router.
  2. A diploma from a well-known online university that your employers will definitely like.
  3. A ready-made, professionally designed portfolio.
  4. Employment with a salary starting from 85,000 rubles per month.

No. 3. How to create a website yourself

Who conducts: the largest Russian Internet marketing agency TexTerra.

Format: 13 lectures of 1.5 hours + homework and feedback.

How long does it last: 2 months.

Price: 10,000 rubles.

What will you learn from the course:

  1. What types of sites exist.
  2. What is usability and how to improve it.
  3. How to prototype websites.
  4. How to layout using HTML and CSS.
  5. How to develop websites on WordPress.
