What to study to become a programmer. How to learn to program from scratch at home

From Google

Nowadays, more and more people are learning programming, and many take on this difficult task on their own, without any plan of action, which significantly reduces the productivity of learning. Google has compiled a list of what you need to know to become a good programmer, as well as resources where you can improve your knowledge in the required areas. All of the following recommendations do not guarantee you a job at Google.

Take a course in Computer Science

Learn an object-oriented programming language

Object-oriented programming is now the standard in industrial programming, so you are guaranteed a good salary. Examples of such languages ​​are C++, Java, Python. Courses for beginners can be found, and, and for continuing education and. Several useful collections of links and books to study, .

Explore other paradigms and languages

Expand your programming horizons, do not limit yourself to one OOP, master other paradigms, learn other languages try yourself in different areas. For example, if you want to develop web applications, then you should definitely pay attention to CSS, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby. Do you want exotic? Devote some time to Haskell, Clojure, Prolog. Courses for getting new ones can be found and. Separately, we advise you to pay attention to the Codecademy resource. Take a look at our selection.

Test your code

Develop logical thinking, learn discrete mathematics

if you want to do something more interesting in your life than writing websites for the rest of your days, then you cannot do without it. Courses: from MIT, on logic, graphics models, game theory. If you still doubt whether a programmer needs mathematics at work, then read about it.

Know algorithms and data structures

Understand how operating systems work

Any program interacts with the OS, so develop an understanding of how operating systems work, at least for basic level. Great on YouTube.

Learn UX Design

if you want your application to be convenient to use, and therefore to be bought. Course from Udacity.

Learn about machine learning???

Understand how compilers work

Many programmers write code and do not even think about how it will be converted into instructions that a computer can understand. If you are interested, then learn how compilers work. You can do it in this course. There are books about compilers on our website.

Work on your project

Practice is vital for anyone who wants to be a programmer, so work on your project in your spare time: For example, create or maintain a website or build a robot.

Participate in open source projects

this will help you develop skills in working with other people's code, and in the end you will simply be of benefit to humanity. GitHub is the ideal place for open source activities.

Work on projects with other programmers

This will help you learn how to work in a team, which is an essential skill in modern world and you can learn something new from them.

Participate in programming competitions

Find yourself a student

in an area in which you are well versed. Oddly enough, but teaching someone a subject helps to deepen knowledge in this subject, and also develops good communication skills.

Hello! Today we will look at what it takes to become a programmer from scratch. You won't be able to do this in a couple of months. You need to know too much to be a good specialist.

I am familiar with programming first hand. C, Pascal, JavaScript, HTML, CSS - this is just an incomplete list of programming languages ​​that I had to work with to create small algorithms and, of course, websites. In different directions, success is different, but this is not about me.

I will return to the main topic and consider 5 stages from preparation to employment of a programmer. In fact, it turned out to be a short plan of the format “from scratch to result”.

How to become a programmer and choose profitable jobs to your liking?

Specialists in this field are different. Some write accounting programs, others write websites, others program microprocessors. There are hundreds of examples. You can't master everything unless you're a genius.

At the initial stage, it is important to decide on the specific types of work that you plan to do.

The first can be potentially profitable, the second - just like it (the case is "to your liking"). In my experience, I can say that the maximum return can be achieved with a combination of both.

To help everyone who decides to become a good and sought-after programmer from scratch, I will give a few of my observations on profitable areas of employment. They are programming and maintenance:

To begin with, we choose one of the proposed or another direction of future employment and master it “from and to”. The phrase “I can do this, but I don’t know this” is not professional at all.

Of course, it is impossible to know everything. However, a good and sought-after specialist should be able to independently and quickly find and study information that he does not know, and apply new knowledge in practice.

Selection of significant programming languages ​​for learning from scratch

Based on the choice made at the last stage, the programming languages ​​that should be studied are selected. How to do it? Elementary - search on the Internet. Ultimately, a good professional should be able to find, compose, study and analyze new data even if it is scattered across multiple sources.

As an example, let's say sites are selected as future works. Then from scratch you will need to master at least HTML, CSS, JavaScript and work with related software. I think it is clear that the ability to work on a computer and use popular programs is the default.

Independent and vocational training

How to become a programmer from scratch on your own? The first steps have been taken, we have decided on the goals. There are four main options for learning:

  1. vocational education in educational institutions;
  2. additional education in educational institutions (courses);
  3. e-courses from masters of their craft;
  4. remote training programs with theory, practice and technical support professionals.

If you don’t have a diploma yet and you have a lot to learn in life, then the first two options are suitable. I do not consider them, the situation is standard.

For me personally, of particular interest are paid versions third and fourth options. Do you know why?

Only achieving a good result brings pleasure. Only demonstrating excellent results brings good money. And with the help of these options, this can really be achieved.

Yes, you can try to learn everything on your own and for free. Didn’t they think that in 5-10 years a simple realization could come - “if I didn’t save on my education and immediately learned from a professional, then ...”? Think about it.

By the way, just look at what chic courses and training programs you can find in electronic format. Examples:

  • JAVASCRIPT and JQUARE for beginners;
  • Modern PHP;
  • Turnkey online store;
  • Joomla 3 - professional website in one day;
  • School of bloggers with practical training via the Internet.

How do you like the examples? Honestly, I just don’t know how many not even months, but years it takes to acquire this knowledge on my own from ordinary textbooks without any help.

Preparing for a job or starting a business

So, let's say the training is just completed. It's time to get down to business.

What results are you ready to show immediately after training, so that you will be given a well-paid job in a highly competitive labor market?

Look, examples of work appear during the training. Successful ones should be collected in a classic portfolio. This alone may not be enough.

We still live in a modern world where many people use the Internet. For an individual professional programmer, it is desirable to create your own website, preferably a blog. If you thought about how to do it, then above I gave a link to a good school for bloggers. So, on the site, among other things, you can place your electronic portfolio with illustrative examples of work.

Such a site will have two major advantages:

  • it can be shown to employers as proof of your qualifications for employment in Good work;
  • with its help, you can attract customers when it comes to your own business.

This I have not yet said that a good blog can generate advertising revenue. In general, there are actually many advantages.

If you are applying for various vacancies where you need to provide a resume, I also recommend that you think about filling it out correctly. Previously told to stand out from among all applicants for the position.

Employment and first orders

If the four stages described above are completed correctly, then now you have the necessary knowledge and skills, a good portfolio, resume and personal website. Do you think that now many employers will be able to refuse such a specialist after an interview?

In parallel with the search for classic vacancies or instead of them, you can start looking for customers using your blog or on special remote job exchanges. For starters, you can pay attention to.

This concludes the article. If you have free time, you can scroll through the materials of this blog. It has a lot of interesting things about programming and making money on sites and without them.

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This article will discuss how to become a programmer from scratch. In a crisis, a huge number of people are thinking about additional earnings. Money is always needed, so different ideas come to mind, including programming. Surely one of your friends or you yourself said that today there are very necessary programmers, it is they who earn those same millions and have great prospects. Indeed, this is the very area where today a professional can fully realize himself and reach great heights. All because programmers high level small enough, which means that the competition is not very serious and you can set yourself bold goals. If you work in the IT field, then sooner or later you will think about programming and try to become a professional in this business.

And so, how to become a programmer from scratch, on your own? Where to start your education?

Self-learning to program from scratch is not an easy job and can take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand what kind of programmer to become and what you will do in the future. You can develop new applications on mobile devices, you can write full-fledged desktop programs, you can become a web programmer, etc. The choice is large enough, so initially you need to make a choice and work purposefully for the result. Do not be afraid at this stage, if you become a good programmer in one direction, then you can then retrain and go into another area of ​​programming.

After you have chosen a narrow scope, you need to choose a programming language. It's not so easy, here you need to delve into the field of programming, learn everything available languages and choose the best option for you. Someone prefers more plain language, which can be learned in a few years and be a professional, someone chooses a more difficult path, preferring a language with great opportunities and prospects.

After that, you must choose for yourself a way to get on the path of programming. You can study on your own, read literature, use a variety of services and the help of professionals. You can go to university and take a few years of study, then get a specialist diploma and start working in this industry. Both options have the right to life and you simply need to set your priorities.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-study (at home)

You know how to become a programmer, you understand that for this you need to study and spend a huge amount of your time on business. At the same time, you decided to do everything on your own, without universities and auxiliary companies. This is very commendable and always pays off expectations if you work in this direction. But at the same time, such a choice is very difficult.

Today there is a huge amount of information on the Internet, it is possible to use productive equipment for programming, it is possible to practice your skills. Detailed Instructions on the Internet allow you to start the path to professional programming, special exchanges will even provide you with work for a fee.

Benefits of self-study:

1. A huge amount of practical knowledge.

2. Opportunity to earn money for beginners.

3. Forward-looking and more responsible learning.

4. Cheap way to become a programmer.

Disadvantages of independent study:

1. It is very difficult to become a professional in a short time.

2. Difficulties in learning, as there is no one to prompt.

3. A lot of time is spent searching for information and analyzing it.

Vocational training at the university

Wondering how to become a programmer from scratch, a large number of people will think about university. There are professional teachers there who can pass on some of their knowledge and experience to those who wish to learn this business. After training, you get a diploma, so you can work in large companies as a programmer and build your own career. Some private clients will be more serious about working with a graduate.

The benefits of such training are very large. You work with a professional teacher, you quickly understand certain nuances, spend less time searching for information and analyzing it. You already ask the teacher questions about how to become a web programmer, and he tells you from a professional point of view, offers proven literature, gives practical tasks and helps you understand them. Professionals develop a certain teaching methodology, so in a few years you become a real specialist who can count on a highly paid job.

The disadvantages of this choice are also obvious and lie on the surface. You will have to pay tuition, depending on the university, the cost of education can be quite high. You will have to study for several years, you will not always be able to combine study with work. Not everyone can leave the university as professionals, someone will simply be lazy and these years of study will be in vain. It's one thing to force yourself to study and do it on your own, gradually becoming courageous, and it's another thing to attend lectures at a university where no one is forcing you to study.

Which programming language to choose for a beginner

More and more people want to become programmers. This is due to the fact that many people think that programmers do nothing and get a lot of money. Of course, this is not the case, the work of a programmer is very difficult, and large salaries should be expected only after a long period of time. However, if there is a desire to become programmers and you do not know which programming language you should start learning as the first, then this article is for you.

So, you want to become a programmer and are wondering which programming language you should learn first. I want to say right away that you should not look at the side of Pascal, who is so fond of teaching at school, and BASIC, which still remains from the times of the USSR. Of course, you can study them for the basics in order to understand how everything works in general, but this is a waste of time. For example, if you take the Python language, then it is light, like Pascal, but at the same time powerful. In general, where Python is used. This language is often used in the development of sites, namely: the server side of the site. And in general, not only sites. Take just the Instagram app, or game World of Tanks, it also uses Python! Of course, not much is written about this language, so it has not yet received such popularity. Beginners, after all, think that the more popular the language, the better it is. In fact, not so, because in programming everything depends on the goals. For example, you have a goal: to create a game for mobile platforms. In this case, of course, it is better to start learning Java, but this language is complex, and it is worth starting with something simple, such as Python. Python is a scripting language, and you should always have a scripting language in your arsenal, as it will come in handy everywhere! It is worth noting that the popularity of this language is growing every year. Many sites are moving from PHP to Python. Since Python has a nicer syntax and is easier to work with than PHP. Such giants as: Yandex, Vkontakte, Google - have long since switched to Python. Python will soon take the place of PHP as the most popular language for web development. PHP only survives because many projects are too lazy to rewrite a ton of code from one language to another.

In concluding, I would like to say that the best language for a beginner is Python. These are great prospects and ease of learning. Python can be mastered in a couple of weeks, the basics, of course. In general, now even in schools they want to replace Pascal with Python. But still, the final choice is before you, because there are people who do not like Python syntax.

Everyone chooses the profession of "programmer" for their own specific reason. One decided to simply change his specialty, the second is forced to learn another profession, the third does not understand himself without codes, and someone goes into the profession just out of curiosity.

One way or another, everyone starts from scratch. And before you start from this very scratch, ask yourself, do you really need this profession?

The essence of the work of a programmer - the main specializations, the pros and cons of work

The essence of the work of a programmer depends on the specialization and the company.

However, sometimes a programmer is both “a Swiss, a reaper, and a player on the pipe.” But this, as a rule, is in small firms, whose bosses save on specialists.

The main categories into which all programmers can conditionally be divided in accordance with their activities:

  • Applied Specialists. Tasks: development of software for games, editors, accounting / programs, instant messengers, etc.; development of software for audio / video surveillance systems, alarm systems, etc.; adaptation of programs for someone's specific needs.
  • System specialists. Tasks: development operating systems, creating interfaces to databases, managing a computer system, working with networks, controlling the work of created systems, etc. These specialists earn more than anyone else in their field, due to the rarity and specificity of the profession.
  • Web specialists. Tasks: working with the Internet, creating sites and web pages, developing web interfaces.

The advantages of the profession include the following advantages:

  1. A very decent salary.
  2. High demand for good specialists.
  3. The possibility of obtaining a prestigious job without education.
  4. The ability to earn remotely, sitting at home on the couch.
  5. Opportunity to work remotely for foreign companies.
  6. Creative profession (although often creativity depends on the wishes of the customer).
  7. Comfortable conditions that large companies provide to their specialists (free drinks / buns, special places for recreation and sports, etc.).
  8. The possibility of obtaining an "option". That is, a block of shares of the company. True, only after working out a certain period in the company.
  9. Expanding horizons. As you develop yourself in the profession, you have to get acquainted with various areas of life and delve into a variety of systems - from office work and accounting to so on.


  • Working "day and night" is a common thing for this profession.
  • This work for many people will be boring and monotonous.
  • The interests of the specialist and the customer do not always coincide, and what is obvious to the programmer, as a rule, cannot be explained to the client at all. This leads to conflict and stress.
  • Not uncommon - emergency modes of operation.
  • The need to constantly develop, learn new things, have time to evolve after the IT-sphere. In just a few years, programs become obsolete, and new ones have to be written.

Video: How to become a programmer?

Necessary personal and business qualities, professional skills and abilities to work as a programmer - what do you need to know and be able to do?

The main qualities of a good programmer

A good programmer should...

  1. Love your job. And not just love - hurt her.
  2. Love to learn and teach from scratch.
  3. Be very hardworking, diligent and patient.
  4. Be ready for constant routine work.
  5. Be able to work in a team.

What knowledge does a future programmer need?

Start by studying...

  • Of English language.
  • Computer devices and physics of all processes.
  • programming languages.
  • Software development methodology.
  • Software testing methodology.
  • Version control systems.

Programming language - where to start?

You will also need to study…

  • Java. More popular than Python and a good choice for a beginner. But more complex than Python.
  • PHP. Sharpened for the "web", but will be useful to any beginner.
  • C and C#. Very complex languages, you can leave them for later.
  • ruby. A good option for the second language.
  • Django. He will teach you how to program correctly. Similar in complexity to Python.

Much depends on the chosen direction.

For example…

  1. A web programmer will benefit from knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. For a desktop programmer - API and frameworks.
  3. For a mobile application developer - Android, iOS or Windows Phone.

Where to study as a programmer from scratch - educational institutions in Russia, courses, distance learning, online learning?

If you don’t have friends who can teach you the profession of a programmer from scratch, then you have several training options:

  • Self-education. The most difficult path to programming, which lies through the study of sites, applications, books, and so on.
  • University. If you just graduated from high school and dream of getting a prestigious profession as a programmer, enter the appropriate faculty. You will still receive basic knowledge through self-education, but the “crust” will help you get closer to your cherished goal faster. Choose technical universities by studying the training programs in advance.
  • Personal teacher . If you can find a mentor among programmers, self-learning will be faster and more effective. Look for mentors on online forums, IT parties, thematic conferences, and so on.
  • Courses. They will be able to teach you one or another programming language in simple courses that can be found even in small towns. For example, " Educational IT portal GeekBrains, « Specialist" at MSTU Bauman, « STEP Computer Academy», MASPK.

You can get a higher education in the specialty of a programmer in ...

  1. MEPhI.
  2. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
  3. Moscow State Construction University.
  4. MSTU Bauman.
  5. State University of Management.

Video: 7 mistakes of novice programmers

Helpful Online Resources and Books for Learning to Be a Programmer

  • habrahabr.ru (articles on IT topics, information on a variety of topics). This resource is known to every programmer.
  • rsdn.org (books, topical issues, a useful forum, filling gaps in knowledge, materials in Russian).
  • sql.ru (an excellent convenient forum, useful literature and even job offers).
  • theregister.co.uk (IT news).
  • opennet.ru (news, useful articles, forum, etc.). Resource for professionals.
  • driver.ru (library of drivers). Useful site for beginners.

Resources for learning:

  1. ocw.mit.edu/courses (over 2000 courses on various topics).
  2. coursera.org (more than 200 courses, free).
  3. thecodeplayer.com step by step guides for newbies).
  4. eloquentjavascript.net (a resource for an introduction to JavaScript).
  5. rubykoans.com (for anyone learning Ruby).
  6. learncodethehardway.org (learning Python, Ruby, C, and more).
  7. udemy.com (paid and free courses).
  8. teamtreehouse.com (over 600 lessons).
  9. webref.ru/layout/learn-html-css (for mastering HTML and CSS).
  10. getbootstrap.com (exploring Bootstrap features).
  11. learn.javascript.ru (learning frontend and Javascript).
  12. backbonejs.org (for front-end developers).
  13. itman.in/uroki-django (for learning Django).

Free learning sites to help beginners:

  • en.hexlet.io (8 free courses in C and PHP, JavaScript and Bash).
  • htmlacademy.ru (18 free courses for typesetters).
  • codecademy.com (popular courses on languages, tools, and more).
  • codeschool.com (over 60 courses (13 free) on HTML/CSS and JavaScript, Ruby and Python, iOS and Git, etc.).
  • checkio.org (for learning Python and JavaScript).
  • codingame.com (learning through video games, 23 programming languages).
  • codecombat.com (learning JavaScript, Python, etc.). Educational game, available for those who do not yet speak English.
  • codehunt.com (learning how to find bugs in code).
  • codefights.com (a training platform through tournaments where you can “rattle” for an interview at a decent IT company).
  • bloc.io/ruby-warrior# (learning Ruby and arts/intelligence).
  • theaigames.com (development of programming skills - an exciting online game simulator for a programmer).
  • codewars.com (a collection of educational interactive tasks for those with a minimum of knowledge).

Usually it takes from six months to 12 months to independently study the basics of programming.

How to quickly find a job as a programmer and start making money - experienced tips

Naturally, you simply cannot get a job in a normal company without work experience.

That's why…

  1. Read books, study websites and educate yourself, but now start writing your very first lines of code.
  2. Create and complicate tasks for yourself based on the material you have covered.
  3. Look for your first projects, even if for "ridiculous money", write it down in your "resume".
  4. Look for work on Russian-language freelance exchanges (ru) and on English-language exchanges (upwork.com) too - there are more chances to get it.
  5. Start with small projects that you can handle.
  6. Don't miss out on the open source option as well (there are never enough people on such projects).
  7. Help "for a pretty penny" (or even for free, for experience) familiar programmers. Let them give you easy tasks.

  • Be sure to write: your work experience, a list of languages ​​and technologies that you speak, education and contacts.
  • We do not cram the entire list of our qualities and talents into the resume. Even if you play the button accordion virtuoso, you should not write about it in your resume.
  • Design your resume with creativity in mind, but relevant.
  • Do not fill in items like “your goals and ambitions” or “where do I see myself in 5 years”. It is enough to write what you did before and what you would like to do now.
  • Do not write about languages ​​and technologies that you know only by name. In the resume, you should write only those in which you swim like a fish in water. For everything else, there is a magic phrase - "had a little experience."
  • If you are professionally proficient in Delphi, do not forget to mention that you also know C #, jave or another language, because nobody really needs a “Delphi programmer” (Delphi is the basics that every graduate is familiar with).
  • Do not mention work that was not in the specialty. This is of no interest to anyone. Also no one cares if you have a driver's license or a car. You are not going to work as a courier.

Programmer career prospects and programmer salary

The average salary of a programmer in major cities of the country is from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles.

For Russia as a whole - from 35 thousand to 120000.

The profession is included in the list of the most demanded - and the most solidly paid. Even a modest specialist is able to earn money for a sandwich with caviar, but already a professional will definitely not need money.

From an intern to the head of the IT department, the path is not so long, and the salary at the very top can reach up to $4,000 per month. Well, then you can move to the leaders of a large project (note - software development), and here the salary already exceeds $ 5,000.

Today it is difficult to imagine our life without such everyday things as laptops and personal computers, smartphones and consoles, terminals in supermarkets, automated banking systems, etc. This list can be continued for a long time, but they all have one thing in common - it is the programmers who insert the “brains” into these modern smart devices.

But, before choosing this profession, you need to clearly understand for yourself where to start in order to achieve success in this difficult field.

Anyone who has basic skills, knowledge and a great desire can become a programmer. In addition, you need to decide in which direction of programming you would like to work the most. In this case, there are three main directions.

1. Web programmers are the simplest line of work. Includes:

  • A layout designer who creates templates (website design);
  • A server programmer who creates a website script.

2. Software Programmers (medium level of complexity) are divided into:

  • software developer;
  • System software developer.

3. Programmers who develop PC games, mobile phones, consoles - the most difficult area of ​​​​work.

How much do you need to study?

It all depends on the desire and intensity of obtaining theoretical knowledge and practical skills. However, there is an unwritten rule that everything can be learned in one year. The main thing is to have the desire to learn and constantly acquire new skills. As for the age at which one can master this profession, there is also a question of purposefulness. Some at the age of 18-20 do not have desire and vitality, while others, being at retirement age, easily achieve their goals.

What knowledge and qualities are needed?

Young people who wish to connect their lives with programming at school age should understand that the education they receive sitting at their desks will greatly facilitate their task of mastering this profession.

From the school curriculum, special attention should be paid to the following subjects:

  1. Higher Mathematics. In addition to the ability to perform ordinary calculations, this is one of the few school subjects that makes you think, analyze, develop abstract thinking and build personal conclusions. These are the skills a person should have;
  2. English language. In this case, at least an "intermediate level with a dictionary" is required. Ideally, these are good knowledge of the language of a technical orientation and the ability to translate texts by specialization. Indeed, for the most part, you will have to study and use the documentation, acquire various software, as well as negotiate with foreign contractors precisely knowing English confidently;
  3. Informatics (programming theory). It is necessary to have an understanding of data types and the basics of working with databases, basic operators and programming languages ​​(in school curriculum these are Pascal and C++), as well as the basics of object-oriented programming;
  4. Physics. Many people believe that knowledge of this subject is absolutely useless for mastering the profession of a programmer. But this opinion can be called erroneous. After all, this area of ​​work can be closely related to physics. For example, creating a simulator of a space or sea ship, as well as computer games as close to reality as possible. It may become necessary to know about the incidence and refraction of light, the creation of real movement and skidding of a car under various weather conditions, the realistic display of water, smoke or fire, etc.

Required qualities for work:

  1. Possession of extraordinary and logical thinking;
  2. Mathematical thinking;
  3. Ability to manage time (not forgetting about constant self-learning);
  4. The ability to divide one large task into subtasks;
  5. The ability to choose the right goal for yourself and have the desire to achieve it;
  6. Ability to work in a large team. Large projects alone cannot be handled, and small projects are not particularly in demand. It is necessary to discuss unclear issues with more experienced colleagues and fill gaps in knowledge;
  7. Ability to learn quickly. Technology does not stand still. Therefore, in addition to the existing work on your projects, you need to constantly monitor and be aware of recent changes in the field of information technology.

Minimum knowledge and skills

According to engineers and programmers Google, every self-respecting specialist in the field of programming must have a number of minimum knowledge and skills in order to become a professional in the future. And so, what you need to know to become a high-level specialist:

  • Learn the basics of computer literacy with the help of distance courses "Coursera" or "Udacity";
  • Gain knowledge in programming in at least one language (Python, C++, Java);
  • Learn other languages ​​(PHP, Java Script, HTML, CSS);
  • Learn to test code
  • Learn to understand algorithms and data structures;
  • Gain knowledge of discrete mathematics;
  • To study the features of the operation of operating systems;
  • Get knowledge about artificial intelligence;
  • Learn how to create compilers;
  • Gain knowledge of cryptography and parallel programming.

Getting Started practical work, the aforementioned experts advise:

  • Create your own website, server or robot;
  • Carry out the development of a part of a large system, understand the documentation and codes, debug the program;
  • Start working on a big project as a team. This will allow you to learn faster and get used to team interaction;
  • Constantly improve your knowledge and skills;
  • Start teaching others.

Where to get the necessary knowledge?

You can get the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of programming yourself in several ways:

  1. Learning from books and magazines. This option can be called standard and proven for many years. However, in order to save on the purchase of "paper media", you can download the most relevant information on programming issues from Internet resources. Many practitioners argue that the perception of the material being studied is better from paper sources. And the need to manually prescribe many different codes will allow you to gain some self-confidence and get rid of the passive way of writing program codes like “copy-paste”;
  2. Educational video courses. They are a good alternative to books and magazines. Books, for the most part, are written boring and not always plain language, without the opportunity to ask a question of interest to its author. In the case of watching video tutorials, everything is much easier. The main thing that is necessary is to repeat all the actions that are shown on the monitor. And in case of difficulties and incomprehensible moments, on the forum you can always ask your question to the author. Another positive moment such training is the independent implementation of a series of actions described in the lesson. Yes, this happens in the form of a clear repetition of the operations carried out in the video. But it is this procedure that gradually develops the ability to independently create scripts, applications and programs.

Having received a sufficient level of knowledge, it will be possible to evaluate your strengths and compete on various specialized sites for programmers. In addition, in order to obtain a new and useful information, as well as communication with "colleagues in the shop", it is recommended to visit Internet forums.


Changes in IT technologies and, in particular, in programming languages ​​occur all the time. It is necessary to try to keep up with the times, to study various literature devoted to a particular area of ​​work. The constant search for different ways of solving problems will help to increase professional knowledge. Communication with colleagues or just people related to programming will allow you to quickly find right ways fulfillment of the assigned tasks.

There is nothing shameful in the constant use of reference books on programming languages, because you can’t keep everything in your head, and there are things that you don’t have to keep. Approaching the solution of any problems (even at first glance the simplest ones) is worth thoroughly and slowly. At the first time of applying the received theoretical knowledge in practice, it is necessary to learn how to develop your own solution algorithm. It is necessary to take on small problems in the field of programming as often as possible and gradually hone your skills. Later, with the experience gained, the programmer will be able to afford, in addition to the main work, to conduct additional paid seminars and consultations, as well as recruit students. I hope you are not afraid of such difficulties, and you will continue to move towards your goal.
