Direct summary report. Guide to analytics of advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct

It happens that you launch an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct - a day passes, another, a week - and still no applications. This often happens in niches with long trades or low demand. How to understand whether an advertising campaign is ineffective or the site is not selling? Stop advertising or try to improve it?

Checking the “low impressions” status in groups

If an ad group in Direct has almost no chance of being shown, Yandex assigns it the “low impressions” status. This happens when the targeting settings are too narrow or the total frequency of a group of keys is less than 10 over the last month.

A group with the “low impressions” status does not participate in the auction. Yandex stops displaying ads for all keywords included in it. If an advertiser does not monitor group statuses, he loses precious low-frequency traffic.

It’s convenient for me to check the status of groups through Direct.Commander. Procedure:

  • get campaigns;
  • filter search engines;
  • get ad groups;
  • sort groups by “Few impressions” status.

What to do with the “few impressions” status?

If you have seasonal demand and you get “few impressions”, relax. The time will come, demand will increase, and the status will disappear.

For everyone else, they have come up with many ways to get rid of the “low impressions” status - from the banal “raise the bid higher” to exotic ones like “use parameters in the link” or “add a high-frequency key with a minimum bid to each group.”

I will only tell you about the methods that I use myself. They are simple, minimally reduce relevance and do not provoke competition between groups.

First, check your keywords for negative keywords that are blocking impressions. Make sure you don't use unnecessary special operators or too narrow a match type - they can severely limit your coverage.

To avoid losing relevance, use templates in your ad title. In this case, instead of the default title, Yandex will substitute the user's key query. There is a blog on Yandex - I advise you to read it.

If grouping keys doesn’t help, try working your magic at the group and campaign level:

  • combine groups of ads that are similar in meaning - for example, with the keys “price” and “cost”. To maintain relevance, use templates;
  • expand the display region for the group. For example, instead of targeting a city, enable targeting by region, or instead of one region, set up impressions for two or three;
  • soften or completely remove bid adjustments: by time, device, audience;
  • if all else fails, try raising your bid - perhaps your bid is not high enough to participate in the auction.

We evaluate reach, cost per click and CTR

When requests and sales come from contextual advertising, it is easy to calculate the cost of a lead and a client. But what conclusions can be drawn if there are no orders and sales yet? In such cases, for analysis, I compare the intermediate results of advertising campaigns with their predicted and acceptable values. I fill out a kind of “Expectations - Reality” table.

I take the reach, clicks and CTR for the “Expectations” column from the advertising campaign budget forecast. I calculate the maximum permissible price for a visitor. The desired position is the average place in the search results, which I expected to occupy taking into account the bet and strategy. For example, if I applied for first place in the special accommodation block, I will indicate the number 1 in the line.

In the “reality” column I enter the statistics of the advertising campaign. To get the necessary data, in the “Report Wizard” I select the columns:

  • shows;
  • clicks;
  • average display position;
  • middle click position;
  • average cost per click.

Make such a table and you will understand the real state of affairs - what part of the traffic you are not receiving and how adequate your bid and strategy are.

Analyze the data received and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and the changes you can make.

Don't take the data you receive too harshly. You took information on the predicted values ​​of impressions, clicks and CTR from the Yandex budget forecast - and this is far from the most advanced tool for drawing up an advertising campaign plan. Sometimes he can make mistakes too.

To view statistics on the main page of Yandex.Direct, immediately under the name of the advertising campaign there will be a quick link “Statistics”; if it is missing, it means there have not been any impressions for this advertising campaign yet.

After the transition you will see the following tabs:

  • Statistics by day– a report with the ability to group data into weeks or months and see the number of goals achieved for each type of site
  • General statistics - a simple report, and if you check “Detailed statistics on ads”, you can view active and separately deleted phrases for each ad
  • Phrases by day– a detailed report on each ad in days and which phrase worked (not the search query) for display with the ability to change the cost per click for a specific active phrase
  • Statistics by region– convenient for assessing which regions show interest and, with a configured goal in the metric, understand where the requests are coming from
  • Statistics by site– even if display on thematic platforms is disabled, here you can still see that ads are shown on others search engines and if desired, the sites can be disabled
  • Report Wizard– create your own report with advanced filtering options

In each method, you can specify the period for displaying statistics, take into account VAT and include detailed statistics for each ad.

How can I find out how my ads are performing compared to the previous period?

  1. Tab "Statistics by day"
  2. Specify period
  3. Select “group by weeks/months”

In any case, the CTR should be higher than 0.5%, otherwise Yandex will impose karma on your site and all advertised ads for your site may be 4 times more expensive than usual.

  • If your campaign is set up for search, a CTR greater than 2% is usually a good metric.
  • If the campaign is set up for YAN, then usually the CTR is greater than 0.51%.

You can increase the CTR value by writing 1 ad = 1 keyword with the exact occurrence of the phrase in the ad, and also increasing the cost per click to raise ads closer to the position where ads are clicked on more often.

There are niches where a high CTR is not necessary and may even mean wasting your budget, since they will reach you and it is not necessary to occupy expensive positions. In such niches, customers take months to make a decision and are usually “cold” to purchase. Buying a car or apartment, a wedding, or legal services may be suitable here. Often in such niches high price, it is difficult to buy on emotions, you need to be mature before the purchase, the transaction itself can last for months.

How can I find out which phrases have been changed or removed from ads and are no longer shown?

  1. General Statistics Tab
  2. Specify period
  3. Check the box “Detailed statistics on ads”

The status “Active” and “Deleted” will be indicated under the ad.

In this way, it is convenient to analyze which version of phrases to leave, for example, a wide version of phrases or an exact one in quotation marks.

How to sort data by the “Impressions” column?

These methods are suitable for sorting by any column

First way:

  1. When viewing statistics on the table, click on the underlined inscription “Impressions”
  2. An arrow “↓” will appear next to the inscription from largest to smallest, if it is necessary the other way around, then click again

Second way:

  1. When viewing long statistics, a yellow panel with column names pops up at the top, click on the desired column
  2. The sorting actions are similar to “↓” in descending order and “” in ascending order.

Sorting by the “Impressions” column, if there are more than 300 of them, then pay attention to the “CTR”, it should be more than 0.5%, otherwise you need to fix the problem.

How to recognize and remove ineffective thematic platforms?

  1. Tab “By sites”
  2. Specify period
  3. Sort data by the “Impressions” column
  4. Mark sites where Clicks>300 and CTR to orders is less than 0.5%
  5. Select the “deny impressions” action and the “apply” button

Even if the campaign is configured for search, the advertisement is shown not only on Yandex search, but also in other search engines

It should also be taken into account that you can only ban no more than 1000 sites per campaign.

How to find out which real search word was used to click on an ad?

This is only possible in Yandex.Metrica

In the statistics, “Phrases by day” displays which phrases worked for display, and not the actual phrase that the person clicked on from the search. To find out the real search query, you need to install Yandex.Metrica and link it to Yandex.Direct.

  1. At the bottom of the page, active campaigns will be collapsed into a tree; clicking on the plus will open the list

Each collapsed list is the next level (Campaign, Ad, Selection Condition, Search Phrase), where reaching the very bottom you will reach the search phrase.

How can I help the website team create a list of negative keywords and remove non-target transitions?

Any Directologist, even the most professional one, often knows your field of activity and the specifics of providing services less well (otherwise he would not work as a Directologist, but sit in your place) and needs to be constantly checked.

  1. Open home page statistics for your site in Yandex.Metrica
  2. Go to the menu “Reports – Standard reports – Sources – Direct summary”
  3. Specify the date range when phrase checking has not yet been carried out
  4. Export the data to an XLSX table and open the file in Excel
  5. In the “Search phrase (Direct)” column, fill the cell with yellow for those queries that you consider non-target
  6. Save and send us the file by mail

If you are an advanced Excel user, you can also set a filter by campaign or sort by search phrase to avoid viewing ads where the phrase is not defined.

Attention: you cannot add an entire phrase to stop words, only individual words. Therefore, when adding, we check whether it is possible to indicate these words so that they do not accidentally affect your target audience.

How to work with UTM tags from a website?

Our UTM tags provide more information than similar tags that are customized in most cases by other directologists.

UTM tags will be useful if you use additional analytics services or send tags along with a letter through the application form.

How to view UTM tags in Yandex.Metrica?

  1. Open the main statistics page for your site in Yandex.Metrica
  2. Go to the menu “Reports – Standard reports – Sources – UTM tags»
  3. Specify the required period “Today”, “Yesterday”, “Week”, etc. or "date range"
  4. At the bottom of the page, the caught UTM tags will be collapsed into a tree; clicking on the plus will open the list

Level 5 - UTM Term (key)

325562801: Liquidation of enterprises Kislovodsk– Key ID 325562801 for the API and a key request in the form of a phrase. Works the same for YAN,(position)&utm_term=(phrase_id):(keyword)&utm_banner=( banner_id)&utm_phrase=(phrase_id)&type=(source_type)&cm_id=(campaign_id)_(gbid)_(banner_id)_(phrase_id)_(retargeting_id)_(source)_(source_type)_(campaign_type)_(addphrases)_ (device_type)_(position_type)_(region_id) (lpurl)?utm_source=adwords:(ifsearch:search)(ifcontent:context)&utm_medium=cpc:(ifmobile:mobile)(ifnotmobile:desktop)&utm_campaign=(campaignid)&utm_content= (creative):(adposition)&utm_term=(targetid):(keyword)&cm_id=(campaignid)_(adgroupid)_(creative)_(targetid)_(device)_(adposition)_(network)_(placement)

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We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

Let's create a report. In the metrics, select “Achieving goals” – “The goal for which you have set the conversion.” This is usually a “Thank you for your purchase” page.

As a result, we will receive data on how many purchases there were for each Republic of Kazakhstan and how much was spent on attracting users who made them. Divide the number of conversions by the cost of clicks to get the cost of one lead. If you have it set up, you can add a “Revenue” column to estimate the profit received.

Segments for retargeting and bid adjustments: a new level of relationship with potential buyers

In this section, we will create and save Yandex.Metrics and define adjustments to use when setting up campaigns in Direct.

Remember to set the time period so that the sample is representative. It is necessary that the data be built on the basis of the behavior of a large group of visitors.

Gender and age – adjustment

After creating this report, we will be able to see who buys better from our site, men or women, and what is the age of such buyers. After this, nothing will prevent us from adjusting the rates for this segment.

Select: “Reports” – “Visitors” – “Gender” (1).

As a result, we make adjustments for women. At the same time, the data obtained helped us see that representatives of the stronger sex also spend time on our website. You need to work with this information. For example, write relevant advertisements.

Time and clock - adjustment

Your visitors may have different activities during the day or week, so at this point we will identify the most converting days and hours for your resource, after which you can set time adjustments in Direct.

“Reports” – “Visitors” – “Attendance by time of day”.

In the groupings we add: Behavior: date and time – “Date/time fragments” – “Day of week of visit” (2). Select a goal and sort by conversion. We receive a report that shows on what day and at what time the conversion is maximum.


“Reports” – “Visitors” – “Geography”.

The report will help sites identify regions that are selling better than others. Typically, for many niches, the lion's share of sales comes from Moscow or St. Petersburg and their regions. Therefore, the bulk of advertisers divide their Republic of Kazakhstan into federal cities and the rest of Russia.

The geography report will help you find a course for further fragmentation of campaigns in Direct or identify regional advertising campaigns with weak returns.

Segment “Forgotten cart”

We create: “Reports” – “Visitors” – “Time since first visit”.

For goals, we will select a macro goal - purchase, appointment for a consultation in the office, etc. We sort by conversion. Select the first 2 lines to plot the graph. As a result, we will get information about how much time our customers spend thinking about their purchasing decision. In addition, we will be able to use data in the Direct interface to avoid showing advertising to those who no longer need our offer.

From the report we see that the goal is mainly achieved on the day of the visit, but throughout the month users return and convert.

Now the segment itself. We will create it for those who left the item in the cart but never purchased it.

Let’s go to the already familiar “Sources” – “Summary” report, leave a checkmark only in the “Advertising conversions” column, click + and select from the menu: “Behavior” – “Achieving goals” – “Goal: added to cart” (javascript goal must be set to "Add to Cart" buttons). We save and name the segment, now go to Direct.

We find the ad that we want to show to this segment, click on “Audience selection conditions”, then on “Add condition”.

Reports for website analysis: study and improve


Its data will help us identify the site’s weaknesses and understand what difficulties users encounter.

Let's look at the Webvisor segments for visits in which our macro goal was achieved.

Let's take a sample and see how users achieved it. Perhaps we will understand behavioral patterns of our customers that we were not aware of. What if, before submitting an order, most of them looked at a photo album or interacted with interactive elements on the site, and perhaps spent a long time on reviews? Such data will help you decide how to correctly position and design blocks on the site.

The second segment is users who spent enough time on our website to make a purchase, but never made it. Analyzing such visits will provide insight into the main challenges faced by visitors.

Scrolling/click maps

A scroll map will help you understand which screen your visitors spend more time on. Perhaps some necessary information, which will help make a purchasing decision, is in the “cold zone” and needs to be moved to another location. For example, a client is advertised only for requests indicating a metro station, and a map with an address and directions is located at the bottom of the page.

The result is a high percentage of refusals, because the location of the organization’s office is important to clients who come with such requests.

The more users who click on an ad buy a product or order a service, the greater the profit for your business. Therefore, it is important to understand what actions of site visitors lead to a purchase, and make ads in Direct work for these actions.

Why Metrica is important for advertising in Direct

How to start collecting statistics

Step 1. Create a Metrica counter and install it on the site

Metrica counter is a code included in the content of site pages. and install it on all pages of the site as close to the top of the page as possible - then it will collect the most complete data.

In Metrica Help.

Step 2: Create Goals for the Counter

As goals, indicate those actions of visitors in which you are interested. We recommend creating several goals that correspond to different levels of visitor engagement, for example:

    For an online store - “Viewed 2 or more products”, “Put item in cart”, "Place your order".

    For a site offering services - “Viewed 3 or more pages”, “Visited the service catalog”, "Pressed the button "Back call"» , “Completed an online application”.

In Metrica Help.

Step 3. Link Metrica to Direct

If you create many campaigns with the same set of counters, you can specify their numbers on the user settings page in the field Metrics counter for new campaigns.

Make sure the option is enabled in your campaign settings Mark up links for Metrica, and your site correctly opens links with tags. When an ad is clicked, the Metrica counter on your site will track the tag and associate the visit with a specific click.

How link markup works


If you don't have technical feasibility configure the site to work with marked up links, fill in the field in the campaign parameters Metrics counters and disable the option Mark up links for Metrica.

How to analyze statistics

Explore. The report provides visit statistics for ads, key phrases and search queries, and the report provides cost statistics for them.

For example, if in the Direct report, you see a lot of failures After clicking on one of the ads, users may not find the product from the ad on the transition page. Bounces can be prevented by changing the ad or landing page.

In any of the reports, you can select a goal and see conversion statistics for it. In the Direct report, summary, you can find out which ad clicks most often lead to achieving the goal, and in the Direct report, expenses - how much you spend on these clicks. Reallocate your budget towards more effective ads and phrases to get more conversions.

Note. Data for Metrica Direct reports gets to Metrica within a few hours.

It’s not enough to set up an advertising campaign well; you need to optimize it. In this article you will learn how to analyze Yandex.Direct advertising, where to look in the Direct interface itself and in Yandex.Metrica. For dessert - Top 9 most popular reports.

Link between Metrica and Direct

For RK analytics, Yandex.Metrica and Yandex.Direct accounts must be linked. To do this, indicate the counter number in the Direct interface for each advertising campaign. If there are several counters, then indicate each one separated by a comma or space.

Section “Parameters” -> scroll down -> Metrics counters, click “set”, enter the number.

Below, check the “Link markup for Metrica” checkbox. Check that your site will support the yclid tag and will not throw out on a 404 page. IN otherwise contact technical support your site.

Statistics in Yandex.Direct

Go to the statistics section in Yandex.Direct. It is located at the bottom, after the list of all campaigns.

At the top of the panel: All, Search queries, Additional phrases, Report Wizard.

All- shows general data by site and time period. Here you can see the period, number of impressions, clicks, CTR, expense, average cost per click and average expense per day. If the account is linked to Metrica (how to link and why will be below), then also the viewing depth, number of conversions, % of conversion and Goal Price.

All this is needed to track overall dynamics.

Let's go through the indicators.

  • Impressions are a guideline for audience coverage. The higher the score, the more the ad is shown.
  • Clicks - shows the number of clicks that were made. The bigger, the better.
  • CTR is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions, measured as a percentage. The CTR rate on search ranges from 8 to 11%. If it’s higher, it’s class; if it’s lower, it’s worth thinking about the attractiveness of the ad. Most likely it needs to be redone.
  • Expense (total) shows how much was spent during the period.
  • Wed. cost per click - how much a click costs. Less is better.
  • Wed. daily consumption - shows how much is spent in 1 day. Important, it only takes into account those days on which there was advertising.
  • Depth - shows how many pages on the site an average user views after clicking.
  • Conversion is the number of targeted visits to the site.
  • Conversion (%) - percentage of targeted visits to clicks. The higher the score, the better.
  • Target price - shows how much the target visit costs.
  • Venues: total - shows average or general meaning for search or YAN. Search - isolated search data. YAN - isolated data on YAN.

Search queries

Shown here search queries, which caused the ad to be displayed. If previously information about the queries for which your ad was shown could only be viewed in Metrica after clicking on it, now you can view the query in the Direct interface. Moreover, you can see queries for which there were no clicks.

Slices are on the left, columns are on the right. The slices show which parameter we will analyze (or a combination of them). The columns show by what indicators we will do this. Let's add the columns:

  • Wed. display position - the average position where your advertisement is displayed (1-3 - special placement (the number indicates the position), 4-7 impressions are guaranteed).
  • Wed. click position - shows what position the ad is in when it is clicked.
  • Bounces - taken from the metric and shows how many users were on the site and viewed 1 page in less than 15 seconds. The lower the better.
  • Profitability - very similar to ROMI (return on investment on advertising spend). Calculated as (profit - expenses) / expenses * 100%.
  • Works only when e-commerce is configured. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to properly calculate what and how this indicator is actually calculated in Direct.
  • Income - shows the amount of sales in monetary terms. Works only when e-commerce is configured.

Thanks to the report, you can highlight conversion queries and keywords, search for negative keywords and much more. It is very convenient to search for negative keywords that were not taken into account during setup, in conjunction with refusals and sorting by them.

Additional phrases

The report shows the phrases that led to impressions thanks to the “Impressions for additional relevant phrases” setting. If the setting is disabled, the report will be empty. Impressions for additional relevant phrases include:

  • Synonyms ( mobile phonecellular telephone);
  • Key phrases with typos or errors (boiler room - boiler room);
  • Negative words (iphone 5s -copy -install -ringtone);
  • Original key phrases using other parts of speech (dental office - dentist's office);
  • Different options for recording models (Kenwood 250 - Kenwood bread maker);
  • Transliterated and translated key phrases (Ritz Carlton - Ritz Carlton);
  • Phrases that are similar in meaning (cleaning of premises - cleaning company).

The option is effective in the retail sector and very popular topics. In the service sector, B2B and industrial equipment, it leads to untargeted traffic. This is almost always a drain on the budget. But if you have a budget, I advise you to test it. You may have missed something important.

Report Wizard

As you can see, there is a lot to analyze here. Slices:

  • Campaign type - text-graphic, advertising mobile applications, dynamic or Smart banners.
  • Campaigns - the name of the campaign.
  • Tags are groups of ads united by certain tags.
  • Groups - the name of the ad group.
  • Display condition - what caused the display - keyword or name of the retargeting audience.
  • Selection conditions - adjustments that were applied when the ad was displayed.
  • Site type - search or YAN.
  • External networks - whether the display location belongs to Yandex and YAN or are these thematic platforms that are not part of the Yandex network.
  • Targeting region - the location where the advertisement is shown.
  • Location region - the region where the click occurred.
  • Position - special placement or other (this includes a guarantee and displays in YAN).
  • Click location - title, display link, quick links or business card.
  • Images - whether an ad with an image was clicked or not.
  • Device type - desktop, smartphone or tablet.
  • Connection type - WiFi or mobile connection. Wifi includes all clicks via wired Internet on a PC.
  • Advertisement No., image size, type operating system, gender, age need no introduction.
  • In addition, in Report Wizard 2.0 you can set a filter for all slices and columns, which greatly simplifies working with analytics and makes it more detailed.
  • For convenience, we saved the report and exported it to Excel (for example, for plotting graphs).

Using all these parameters, you can adjust your campaigns to achieve better results. For example, you can see how many failures there were in campaigns for users with mobile devices, and how attractive the ad itself is to them.

Comparison of periods

You can compare different periods to see changes in various metrics. This is a convenient tool because all the necessary information is collected in one place and highlighted with different markers.

Just choose periods, slices and metrics and enjoy.

The metrics show quantitative data for both periods, quantitative difference and % difference. Red font indicates deterioration in performance, green font indicates improvement.

For example, the screenshot shows that for the SEARCH_Services campaign the number of clicks in October was 8 more, which is a percentage of 25%, and impressions in YAN_Home fell by more than 2 times.

Statistics in Yandex.Metrica

The most significant difference is that clicks do not equal visits. A click means a click on an ad, a visit means a visit to a website. So, if a user clicked on your ad, did not wait for the page to load and closed it, then there will be a click, but no visit.

Systems calculate bounce rates, conversions, and many other things differently. Therefore, everything related to advertising (Impressions, clicks, CTR, cost per click, position, etc.) is better viewed in the Direct interface, and everything related to behavior and the site (bounces, depth, time) is best viewed in Metrica.

Remember how we linked Metrica and Direct at the beginning of the article? So, you can also look at information in Metrica. There are even several specialized reports for this purpose.

Direct - summary: provides details on campaigns, groups, keywords, and ads. You can choose almost any parameters you want. A specific goal and look at the indicators against it.

Direct - platforms

Shows on which sites the clicks occurred.

Direct - expenses

Shows the cost per click and the average cost per click. As usual, you can use the slices to select Campaigns, Ad Group, Ads, Keyword, Search Phrase, Site Type and Site Name. The cost per click, cost and number of clicks is pulled from Direct.

Please note that the cost of a click and their cost may differ from the Direct data. When calculating the cost of clicks, VAT is taken into account, and the cost itself is displayed in the currency used in the Direct account settings. A very convenient way to see what goal costs how much.

In order for this report to work, you must have access to both your Direct account and Metrica.

Yandex.Metrica segments

In Metrica, you can create segments that allow you to more accurately identify your audience and analyze their behavior and statistics in isolation from others.

For example, you can select visits whose last source is an advertising system.

We choose the advertising systems Yandex: Direct and Yandex: Not defined. The last source includes conversion data from contextual advertising, but due to some errors it cannot be accurately determined in Yandex Direct. But the fact that these are transitions from Yandex.Direct is 100%.

We segment, go into any report, for example, Conversions, and see how many and what conversions were made directly after clicks from the advertisement. You can segment in even more detail by selecting Sources -> Direct.

We can view any information in any reports in the context of the created segment. How many people log in from android? Report Standard reports -> Technologies -> Operating systems.

What are visitors interested in? Yes, it’s easy: Standard reports -> Visitors -> Long-term interests.

Gender, age, browsers are not a problem. Any report is at your disposal.

Moreover, in Metrica you can compare segments: which campaign brought more conversions, which had a lower bounce rate. Do A/B tests and compare different periods.

Not all conversions occur after the first visit to the site. Users in most cases require several visits, sometimes they enter through different sources.

TOP Yandex.Metrica reports

1) Keyword report: Display condition; clicks, CTR, expense, average cost per click, bounces, conversions, conversion (%), Goal price.

Find out which keywords have the most bounces, how many conversions, at what cost, and which ones are too expensive.

2) Report on YAN sites: Site name; clicks, CTR, expense, average cost per click, bounces, conversions, conversion (%), Goal price.

Find out which sites have the most bounces, how many conversions, at what cost, and which ones are too expensive.

3) Report on positions and impressions: campaigns; average cost per click, impression position, and click position.

Find out in which positions the ad is shown more often and in which positions the ad is clicked more often.

4) Report by device: Impressions, clicks, CTR, average cost per click, conversion.

Find out on which devices the ad is shown more often, where they click more often, and where more conversions come from.

5) Geography report: Region of location; impressions, clicks, CTR, Conversions (%), Rejections.

Find out which regions have the most conversions and bounces.

6) Report in Metrica Direct - summary. Yandex.Direct campaign, Ad display condition, Search phrase (Direct); Visits, visitors, refusals, viewing depth, time on the site, conversion for any goal, achieving any goal.

Find out which keys are better/worse based on behavioral characteristics.

7) Metrica report on conversions with the visit segment: Sources -> last significant source -> Advertising system -> Yandex: Direct.

8) Report in Metrica on conversions with a segment of people: Sources -> first source of traffic -> Advertising system -> Yandex: Direct.

9) Report in Metrica on conversions with a segment of people: Sources -> one of the traffic sources -> Advertising system -> Yandex: Direct.

Find out how many conversions the advertising campaign contributed to.


You can analyze and adjust an advertising campaign ad infinitum, but do not forget that analytics for the sake of analytics is not the best option. We need a goal that needs to be solved with the help of analytics and further adjustments. For example, reduce the conversion price, reduce the number of failures, etc.
