MMS is sent from iPhone 4. How to enable the MMS function on iPhone? Via the Messages app

It happens that from time to time iPhone owners have to get out of the warm “Apple” world and face harsh reality. This only happens if there are some rare breakdowns or problems with iOS. One of these problems is the disabled MMS function.

Multimedia messages may not be sent due to various circumstances. It usually happens that the network data on the iPhone is simply incorrectly configured or is not configured at all. And how, in this case, can you enable the MMS sending function? The problem can be solved very simply - you should reset parameters and enter the correct ones into the menu of your iPhone.

Also, such questions may well arise due to lack of access to the Internet. One way to check access is to disable the Wi-Fi network. After it is disabled, you should open any search engine and check internet access. Setting up MMS can be a bit difficult, especially given the confusing interface. Iphone 6 does not have the usual “Create MMS” section. But you can still enable this function.

Here are a few ways to set up MMS:

Once you've done everything above, the multimedia messaging feature should work. But, if it still does not turn on, then you should check the correctness of the network data.

Checking the correct operation of the mms function

To check the correctness of the entered data, you should open the multimedia messaging service in your iPhone.

  1. From the interface, go to “Settings”, then to the “Basic” and “Cellular Data” sections;
  2. In the "Cellular Data" section, select " Cellular network data transmission";
  3. In this list you can find the activation of the mms function.

During the first registration, the device itself will determine the operator(Beeline, MTS and others) and send the necessary data. If the device is unable to send data for registration on the network itself, you should check the correctness of the specified data. It happens that even with the correct data entered, the function to send and receive mms does not work. But in any case, you need to fill in all the empty fields.

If MMS still doesn’t work, then the first thing you need to do is network parameters request. To do this, you need to go to the operator’s official website and get the operator’s service number. All settings can be received via SMS messages.

How to enable the MMS function on an iPhone with the MTS operator?

Setting up sending multimedia messages for MTS is not very difficult. The first step is to specify the parameters for successful MMS operation in the “Cellular Data Network” section:

  • proxy -;
  • username and password - mts;
  • APN -

To activate the MMS function, you must send SMS to number 8890. iPhone settings for other operators cellular communications will be similar.

Setting up for a new iPhone

The MMS function is not always enabled on a new device. During registration, the user usually receives an SMS message with necessary settings to receive and send multimedia messages.

It happens that the device cannot apply the settings automatically, and then you have to figure it out yourself. All network data can be found on the official website of the mobile operator.

When all the many hours of work on connecting multimedia messages has finally been done, all that remains is a small matter - just send an MMS message. To do this, go to the “Messages” section and call up the empty field by clicking on the icon on the right side of the screen. In fact, this empty field allows you to send any messages, and in order to add a picture you can simply click on the camera icon, which is located to the left of the text entry field. In the menu that opens, you should select a photo from the gallery or take a photo with the camera.

Once you've selected an image, all you need to do is select the recipient. It's not difficult - you just need to click on the plus sign and select from the contact list. All that remains after this is simply specify a subject and send a message. You can also send multimedia messages to a group of people.

iPhone allows you to enable MMS and send a message directly in the camera menu. To do this, just click on the image of the new photo in the camera menu. It will immediately appear on the entire screen, and at the bottom you will see an icon with an arrow. By clicking on it, you will see a menu where you can select a recipient and send the image.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in setting up the function of sending multimedia messages on iPhone 6. You just need to be patient and know that if something doesn’t work out right away, it will definitely work out later.

Hi all! MMS messages for iPhone owners... are not needed. After all, there are iMessage, WhatsApp, Viber and other messengers! This is exactly what I thought exactly until the moment when I needed to send a multimedia message to a lucky person who does not have all these “newfangled programs”. Well, okay, the iPhone can send mms, right? He can! So there shouldn't be any problems. We'll send it now!

I unlock the phone, open the messages, add a photo there, and with a practiced movement, press the button to send the message. And... the result is negative - nothing was sent. I try a few more times - the effect is exactly the same as from any smartphone on operating system Android. It can be done - there is no point.

Why did this happen? Now let's figure it out, let's go!

MMS doesn’t “go away” - or maybe it’s not all about the iPhone?

First of all, you need to “sweep away” common problems related to sending multimedia SMS. Please note:

How to exclude and check all these points at the same time? It is enough to perform one simple action - you need to put another SIM card in the iPhone and try to send a multimedia message. Did not work out? Let's move on.

We check the iPhone settings - are MMS enabled there?

There won't be much to check:

Have you opened it and see empty lines? This means you will have to enter the data manually. In order not to search for a long time, here are the MMS settings in iPhone for different operators cellular communications.

The Big Three - MTS, Megafon, Beeline

MMS proxy192.168.192.192:8080
Max. size512000 512000 512000
URLMMS UAProfWe do not fill inMMS UAProf

Yota and Tele2

UsernameWe do not fill inWe do not fill in
PasswordWe do not fill inWe do not fill in
MMS proxy10.10.10.10:8080
Max. sizeWe do not fill inWe do not fill in
URLWe do not fill inWe do not fill in

After entering and saving all the parameters, do not forget to restart the iPhone.

Error: “iMessage must be enabled to send MMS”

This is exactly the problem I encountered. When I tried to send an MMS, a warning sign popped up:

Cannot send message. To send this message, you must turn on iMessage.

It would seem, what could be simpler?! Open “Settings – Messages” and turn it on.

The only catch was that I already had iMessage turned on. But the error message still popped up. What to do in this case?

  1. Check mms settings (listed in the previous subheading).

All! After that, the message with the photo finally went away - the problem was solved. I wish the same for you :)

P.S. Do you want to solve all problems with mms with one click? Like and click on the buttons social networks(below the article) and immediately write your question in the comments. Although... it’s possible without “likes” :) Write - I’ll try to help everyone!

Apple confidently occupies a leading position among developers of modern equipment. Laptops, tablets, smartphones - any position from this company deserves only praise and respect. iOS OS, which is responsible for the operation of iPhones, provides its users with a convenient, accessible and simple interface that everyone can understand. However, when you pick up a newfangled gadget for the first time, you can quickly get confused in the various options. How to deal with this and correctly configure the MMS function on the iPhone? Let's look into it in more detail!

On modern devices sending MMS not much different from regular SMS messages

On any iPhone you can set up a convenient and useful function for sending MMS messages. The only peculiarity is that here it is called completely differently than on regular phones, and the setting order is also different. Depending on the model (6s, 5s), parameters may differ.

For example, for iPhone 4/5 the procedure looks like this:

  • go to “Settings”;
  • select "Cellular";
  • turn on the “Cellular Data” option (just move the floating button to the right);
  • Log in to Cellular Data Network.

Here you need to enter the information provided by the operator whose services you use. You can find such settings at official resource companies. The equipment usually detects the operator in automatically, after which it “pulls up” the necessary fields for MMS and the Internet in the settings.

If MMS are not sent with the automatically provided parameters, try entering everything manually.

For YOTA operator:

  • APN - mms.yota;
  • MMSC - mmsc:8002;
  • image size - medium;
  • The username and password fields are not required.

If you use the services of MTS Moscow, we recommend entering the following:

  • username - mts;
  • apn -;
  • proxy - 9201;
  • mmsc - https://mmsc;
  • image size - medium;
  • password - mts.

We advise everyone who uses a SIM card from Megafon on their iPhone 5s to enter “mms” in the APN field, and opposite proxy. It is better to leave the size of the picture medium, and not fill out the password and login fields at all.

Beeline Moscow cardholders can install the following instructions:

  • username/password - beeline/beeline;
  • proxy -;
  • picture size - medium;
  • APN -

This completes the configuration, check that the entered data is correct and go ahead to work!

Submission Methods

If you managed to enable MMS on iPhone 5s, try sending this message. There are several ways to do this, let's look at each of them in more detail.

First method:

  1. Open the Messages folder on the product desktop.
  2. Click on the icon of a piece of paper and a pen/pencil.
  3. Select the recipient in the message creation menu, click on the icon that shows the camera.
  4. Select the required file in the “Media Library” section.
  5. Click on "Take a photo or video" if you want to save something in real time.
  6. Sign if required.
  7. Click on "Submit".

Second method

This method is not used very often. In this case, the message is sent during the process of taking a picture from the camera. So:

  • take a photo;
  • click on the photo you were able to take;
  • When expanded to full screen, you can see an arrow at the bottom. By clicking on this arrow, you can immediately send the image to another recipient.

Third method

In this case, MMS can be sent directly from the gallery. To do this, it is important to be in the “Photos” folder and select a video or picture to send (check the boxes for the files). Next, click on the icon below and select “Message”. At the last stage, the text and the recipient are added, after which the sending is carried out.

Interestingly, a number of operators set the maximum possible file size for sending, which is no more than 1 megabyte. Often, it is not possible to send an image larger than 1–2 megabytes the first time; we advise you to try again.

Note that sometimes, after changing the settings, you should reboot the device.

Many iPhone users sometimes get lost when sending MMS, since there is no regular line for sending. So how to set up and send MMS?


Everyone knows that iOS has a simple and intuitive interface. As practice has shown, even a child can easily cope with it. But beginners still often have difficulty working in programs or device functions, as well as when handling data that later turns out to be simple.

Sending MMS from iPhone is also in the category of such options. The main difficulty is the lack of a regular line for sending MMS, which is known to almost all users of simple phones. This can be confusing for a newbie when trying to send an MMS to a friend.

Let's figure out how the MMS function on the iPhone is connected, as well as how to send them.

To successfully use the feature, first obtain the settings from your operator and save them.

Setting up the MMS function

  1. Go to settings and go to cellular management menu
  2. A window will open where you need to move the slider to the “On” position
  3. Scroll down the page to the line “Cellular data network” and go to this section
  4. A page will open where you need to check the correctness of the information provided.
  5. If there is nothing in the fields, then they must be filled in manually
  6. Data to be entered for each cellular company is located on the official website. Or you can find this data on the Internet. But, as a rule, the iPhone itself detects the cellular connection you are using and fills out all the fields itself

This was one of the most difficult parts of the instructions, now it’s worth talking about enabling the function and using it. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1. Sending through a standard application

  1. Access the Messages app from your desktop
  2. At the top right, click on the pencils piece of paper
  3. In the section for creating a new message, after selecting the recipient, click on the camera icon
  4. Select required file to send
  5. Add text and send MMS

Method 2: Submit via gallery

  1. Go to your photos folder
  2. Select the pictures you want
  3. Click on the icon at the bottom left and select "Message"
  4. Enter the recipient's number, add a signature and send

Method 3. Send from camera

  1. Take a photo first
  2. Select the resulting photo at the bottom left to open it full screen
  3. You will see an arrow at the bottom. Click on it and you can immediately send an image via MMS

That's all! Sending MMS from iPhone is not that difficult.

Video: Internet and MMS settings for iPhone

On the latest generations of Apple phones, the IMessage service is available, which allows you to send messages and media files to other users. But this function has its drawbacks, since it can only be used IPhone owners, and requires a stable internet connection to work. Therefore, many people prefer to use the old and proven method - communicating via SMS and MMS. It is easy to enable and configure the MMS function using the device menu; you can send a message using standard application on iPhone.

After you bought and inserted a SIM card into your phone, having previously selected and paid for the appropriate tariff, you can start
send SMS and MMS to any numbers. The advantage of this function is that you can use it wherever you have cell phone reception.
communication, and this is a much larger area than where there is access to the Internet. Second positive side
is that you can send a photo, video or just a message to any subscriber, regardless
on the model and brand of his phone. The only negative, but for some it may be a plus, is the use of SMM and MMS
is that you pay for each message sent and the file attached to it separately. That is,
When texting and sending media files, carefully monitor how much money was withdrawn from you and how much is left
on account. The cost of one SMM and MMS will be indicated in tariff plan, which can be found in personal account
on the official website of your operator.

How to enable, configure and send MMS to
iPhone 4, 5, 6 (s): instructions for MTS, TELE2, Megafon

After you
Selected the tariff for the SIM card and inserted it into the phone, you need to activate the function of using MMS through the settings

  • Open the Settings application. Open settings
  • Go to the “Cellular Communications” section. Go to the “Cellular Communications” section
  • Make sure that the “Cellular Data” option is activated. Enable the Cellular Data feature
  • We return to the general settings and go to the “Messages” section. Go to the “Messages” section
  • In the SMM/MMS subsection, move the slider opposite “MMS messages” so that it turns green
    color. Turn on the slider opposite
    "MMS messages"
  • Just in case, you need to check whether the operator information is entered correctly. Return to the general list of settings and
    go to the "Basic" section.
  • Go to the Network section. Go to the “Network” section
  • Click on the “Cellular Data Network” button. Go to the “Cellular Data Network” section
  • We enter data that depends on which operator’s SIM card you use. Fields " Maximum size
    MMS", "MMS UA Prof URL" are left blank in any case. Entering data
  • Now go to the main menu and open the “SMS/MMS” application. Launch the SMS/MMS application
  • Enter the required data and message. If you click on the camera icon and attach any media file,
    The message is automatically converted to MMS. Enter the message, number and attach the file
  • Click the "Submit" button. Click the “Send” button
  • You can view received MMS and SMS in the same SMS/MMS application.
  • IN latest versions IPhone has an analogue to regular messages - IMessage. Its difference is that SMM and MMS
    are sent only when there is an Internet connection. Appearance differs in that standard sent
    messages are displayed green, and messages sent via IMessage are blue.
    You can view received messages in
    SMS/MMS application
  • Video tutorial: how to set up MMS on

    Why not on iPhone?
    MMS is sent: let's understand the reasons

    If you do not send or do not
    messages arrive, and you are sure that there is money on your SIM card, follow these steps:

  • Check if your cellular service and MMS messages are turned on. Checking if cellular data is turned on
  • Check if your phone has cellular reception. The strength of the signal is indicated by the number of black dots in the left
    top corner screen. In the left
    black dots in the upper corner
  • Reboot your phone. The process responsible for cellular operations will restart and will most likely begin
    perform all required tasks.
    Reboot the device by holding down the Home and Power buttons
  • Remove and reinsert the SIM card.
    Removing and reinserting the SIM card
  • Resetting network settings

    If none of the previous
    methods did not help, then you should reset the network settings. This will also erase saved Wi-Fi networks, passwords to
    It also includes VPN and APN settings.

  • Open the Settings app. Open settings
  • Go to the "Basic" section. Go to the “Basic” section
  • Go to the Reset section. Go to the “Reset” section
  • Click the "Reset network settings" button and confirm the action. Click the "Reset Network Settings" button
  • Support

    In the event that after
    After completing all the previous steps, the problem was not solved, there is only one thing left to do - contact support, but to
    First you need to find out which one. Remove the SIM card and try using it in another device. If she's there too
    gives an error or does not perform any assigned tasks, then go to the official website of your operator. On
    home page you will see a button “Help Desk”, “Ask a question” or “Problems when using a SIM card”.
    Click on it and fill out the required fields, detailing and clearly describing the situation that happened and the methods that were not
    helped her

    Click the “Support” button to contact support

    If the SIM card works in another phone, then the problem lies in the IPhone. IN
    In this case, you should contact official support Apple (

  • After going to the website, click the “Contact Support” button.
    Click the “Contact Support Services” button
  • In the “Contact Us” block, click the “Help” button.
    Click the “Help” button
  • Select the device on which your SIM card does not work.
    Select the desired device
  • Go to the "Cellular and Wi-Fi" section.
    Select the “Cellular and Wi-Fi” section
  • Next, select the case that is closest to you and follow the instructions on the website.
    Choosing the most suitable type of problem
  • Modern iPhone models have the IMessage service, which allows you to exchange messages and media files between owners of Apple equipment. But if for some reason you don’t want to use it, you can turn on cellular communications and MMS through your phone settings and start using them. If you have any problems sending or receiving SMS or MMS, check the signal strength, reboot the device and reinsert the SIM card. If this does not help, you will have to reset your cellular settings. If resetting does not help, contact support. mobile operator or Apple, depending on what is causing the problem.
