VKontakte group plugin for WordPress. VKontakte API for WordPress plugin and VKontakte cross-posting

Those who have a website on Wordpress were faced with the need to post on social networks, but this had to be done manually, which of course took a lot of time.

In order not to have to manually post posts on social networks every time from a website to WordPress, a special plugin VKontakte API for WordPress was invented, which helps us automate the process of posting our posts on social networks immediately after publishing them on your website.

The plugin will help you post on the two largest social networks VKontakte and Facebook. Moreover, you can choose to post in a group or on public page. But you won’t be able to post to your account page.

How to use?

First, you need to download the cross-posting plugin VKontakte API for WordPress from the official WordPress website.

Then you will need to install the plugin on the site. This is done as usual. But after that you will need to configure it... I’ll tell you about that now.

You need to go to the plugin settings, where you will see the VKontakte tab at the very top. So you only need the first two fields to get started.

Since you most likely do not have an application, you need to create one. This is done very simply. Let's move on to this link and let's create it!

Be sure to include the name!!! select a website and enter its address and base domain as indicated in the example. The address is with http, but the base domain is without. And click connect site.

In the picture I erased them because this is only for my site. This is done for security reasons.

Next, we need to go down in the plugin settings and enter the ID of your group or public page where you want to post messages and a token for authorization through your VKontakte account, and you can set the rest of the settings as I did.

Hello, dear readers! Friends, today I will show you how to install (to plug) VKontakte comments to a WordPress website or blog. The social network VKontakte is the most visited resource in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. More than 59 million people visit the site every day. And the site’s audience is over 130 million users. Everyone left through VKontakte comments widget on the WordPress website, it can automatically appear on the commenter’s page, and also ends up in the news for his friends. Such a comment always contains a link to the original article. As a result, the commentator's friends will know about the comment and the existence of the article, and they will be able to join the discussion. Their friends, in turn, will be notified about their comments - and so on. Further information can spread like an avalanche. And this is called virality .

Select "Comments" from the list:

Select "Comments" from the list

The next step is setting up VKontakte comments. Fill out the form below:

Comment script in header file

Update the file. We need to insert the second script into the “Comments” file (comments.php), in the place where you want the VKontakte comment form to be displayed. In my example, I inserted after the title:

VKontakte comments widget on the WordPress website

How to hide VKontakte comments with spam (delete)

The site administrator who installs the widget code has the opportunity to moderate the discussion directly from the pages of his resource, removing unwanted comments. There is an “administration” item for this, see the screenshot above. Click it and please delete unnecessary comments, and blacklist the worst spammers:

That seems to be all. In the next tutorial I will show you how to install comments on a website. I hope friends, the post was useful to you. Good luck and see you again.

(function(w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function() ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -292864-4", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-292864-4", async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script"); s .type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this , this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

VKontakte message widget for your website. You need to log into your VKontakte community/group. P.S: You must have administrator rights to manage the community. Let's go to « Community Management «

Setting up the message form. Fill in the selected fields (In the “Allowed domains” section, indicate Domain name my site, I have 2 sites, therefore 2 domains):

Next, check the box "Reveal immediately", If you want to. On my website, for example, this widget opens immediately, on the website http://ayti-kazan.rf it is simply displayed at the bottom right and opens when you click on it. Copy the embed code to the site.

Go to the admin panel of your site. Appearance— widgets.

Add a text field and paste the copied code there. You can do the same this code insert not into widgets, but into the “Footer” (footer) of your site (highlighted in yellow in the screenshot, depends on WordPress themes). In the footer of the site this is more correct, but I didn’t bother. See what is more convenient. I felt more comfortable using widgets. The result was the same. Tested it on 2 of my sites. Save.

Here's what we ended up with:

Let's watch, rejoice, celebrate success!!!

Group/community widget for a website with CMS WordPress. How to add a VK group/community widget to a website.

Widget for communities

The community widget will closely link your site to the relevant group or official page In contact with. The widget allows you to subscribe to community news without leaving the page.

The widget can display photos of friends user and other community members. Demographic statistics on participants are available via the “Subscribed..” link.

Instead of photos, they may also be displayed community news. In this case, at the bottom of the widget there will be a small block with a photo of the user’s closest friend from among those who have subscribed and a list of other friends in the community. When scrolling down a block automatically loaded older entries.

Connecting a widget to your site

To add a widget to your site, simply copy the embed code onto the page where you want to place the widget.

Everything is very simple here.

Guests came to our rented Thai apartment; it’s so great to see fellow countrymen when you’re away from home.

Today I want to tell you about the main VKontakte widgets that you can implement on your blog. Widgets are small programs, each of which performs one specific function on the site, on mobile device, in the browser, etc. This could be a button, window, menu, tooltip, etc.
You can place a widget on your website using html code. Social widgets occupy a separate niche. And since today one of the most popular social networks on the RuNet is VKontakte, let’s find out which of its tools we can use on our blogs.

VKontakte Widgets for WordPress

The code for all available VKontakte widgets is in the “Developers” section. You can get into it via the link vk.com/dev/sites. There are nine types of widgets in total:

  • "Comments"
  • "Writing on the Wall"
  • "Communities"
  • "I like"
  • "Recommendations"
  • "Polls"
  • "Authorization"
  • "Publishing links"
  • “Subscribe to the author.”

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

VKontakte comments widget for the site

Fill out the form: enter the name and address of the site (the main domain will be entered automatically); select the topic of the blog, the number of comments that will be displayed. If the number of comments exceeds the one you specified, all of them can be seen by clicking on the “Previous Entries” button.

In the “Media” item you can choose what users can attach to their comments. For example, with settings like the one below, users will be able to write text comments, attaching graffiti and links to them:

The described widget will allow you to receive comments from real living people. You will also be able to delete what you see fit, add users to the blacklist and assign this work to other people - appoint moderators.

The writing is on the wall

This widget was created so that you can quote the words of another person that he wrote in a VKontakte post. If you insert a quote through this widget, your readers will be assured that the information is from the original source.

How to install a VKontakte group widget

You can add a VKontakte group to your website using a special widget. Insert a link to a group or public page of your website; select what will be displayed - thumbnails of participants’ avatars, last news or just the name of the community. Set the width and height of the widget in pixels, configure the VKontakte community widget to match the design of your site and add the resulting code to the site.

The group widget in Contact will allow visitors to quickly find your community, join it and learn about new blog articles.

This widget will not work without a “Like” button because it shows your visitors the articles that have received the most likes. It will allow you to understand which articles your audience likes most, and users will be able to read the most interesting texts included in the “Popular” block.

To add this VKontakte widget to your site, fill out the first part of the form in the same way as with comments. Select the number of top posts the widget will show, specify the update frequency, and choose the wording.

The code for this widget also has two parts, just like comments. Add the first of them to the header.php file, and the second to the location you need on the site.

The survey widget allows you to ask your visitors anything you want. For example, if you changed the design, you better ask users what they think about it. Maybe they like the old one better? It's worth offering them this option - it can help reduce the bounce rate.

Fill out the first part of the form by analogy with previous widgets.

Ask a question and answer options. You can add new ones using “add” (located under “Answer options”).

The code for this widget also has two parts separated by HTML comments.

Often users do not want to spend time registering. This widget will allow you to add authorization to your website via your VKontakte account. The user will not have to register: he will simply access the site through his VKontakte profile. Regarding authorization, VKontakte has good instructions at the link vk.com/dev/Auth.

This widget will allow users to share your content on their VKontakte wall. They will be able to easily and conveniently save links to their favorite articles on the social network, and you will receive new visitors from their friends and subscribers.

Choose a widget style (based on the site design), edit the text on the button as you wish. Specify exactly what users will share, select the VKontakte logo option and copy the code.

VKontakte widget for WordPress

General rules for inserting a VKontakte widget onto a website:

  • The code must be inserted into the part of the theme where you want the widget to appear. This could be a header.php, single.php, sidebar.php, etc. file. depending on the widget's function and your site's design. Read more about these files in the article about . If the code is divided into two parts, the first part needs to be added before the closing tag in the header.php file.
  • In addition, if you like some VKontakte widget, you can add it in the blog admin area (“Widgets”).
  • If you decide to add several widgets to your site at once, please note that many of them contain a line of code

    You just need to insert it once, no need to duplicate it.

If you still have questions about working with VKontakte widgets, watch the video:

P.S. Our old friends came to visit us in Rayong. Next they will have a long journey through half of Thailand and Laos by hitchhiking with overnight stays in couchsurfing and in Buddhist monasteries. I am fascinated by budget travel, but it requires a lot of effort and energy.

Social networks in the world today occupy a huge part of the lives of the population of our planet. Runet is no exception; the most popular social network. Our network now is VKontakte. This is exactly how to make a VKontakte group widget on a WordPress site or blog that will be discussed.

So, first of all, what to do? VKontakte group widget WordPress you must have this very group, I think everything is clear with this. , has been studied previously. What will the group give us? social network on our page? Well, firstly, it will give life to your page, secondly, it is useful when promoting your site, and finally, it will bring you additional traffic to your resource on the Internet.

How to install a VKontakte community widget?

In order not to burden you with the VKontakte resource and not describe where to find this very widget code, we’ll make it simpler, go to the search and type into the search bar: “VKontakte community widget”

After reading this writing, we come to the conclusion that this widget will be useful to us, so we will continue to consider the settings themselves. Let's divide the form into several points and analyze each of them separately.

VKontakte community widget settings:

  1. The link you came up with earlier is individual for each group; when you go to your community, the link can be easily copied from the address bar of the browser, and we enter it in field No. 1.
  2. What will be displayed on your website in the group widget. Preferably, these will be people subscribed to it, but it’s up to you to decide.
  3. The size of the widget frame displayed on your website, the width should be selected depending on the width of your website bar or the location of the code.
  4. Color settings, by default, are the settings inherent in the VKontakte social network, but you can experiment with them yourself.
  5. As you edit each of the fields listed above, the embed code will be automatically adjusted to suit your needs.
  6. The exact image that will appear on your website after inserting the group widget code.

After playing around with the settings a little, you will choose the one that suits you.

How to insert a VKontakte group widget in WordPress

Having decided on the design of your widget, we proceed directly to inserting the code into the pages of your site.

Go to the “Appearance” tab, then “Widgets” and select the block in which our group should be displayed, then drag a widget of the “Text” type there and add the code we edited earlier, for example it will look like this:
